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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7733343 No.7733343 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck picky eaters. Every time I hear somebody say "I can't do ___", I'm fucking triggered.

"I can't do mushrooms! The texture is icky!" "I don't like lamb. I had bad lamb one time and so therefore I cannot eat lamb." "Tomatoes? Ew." "Bell peppers are gross. It's OK, anon, I'll eat around them."

I've heard all of these statements and they baffle me. It is the height of close-mindedness, self-importance, and privilege to be a picky eater.

Here come all of the faggots who are going to try to give arguments about how onions are bad. Fuck you.

Share your stories of picky eaters.

>> No.7733384

>eat it or leave it
why you gotta get so autistic about it?

>> No.7733430

I was traumatised by kindergarten semolina porridge so hard I would gag up just looking at it up until I entered highschool.

>> No.7733436

I can't do a lot of fruit. What sucks is i actually love fruit. But most of it makes me feel like I'm going to vomit after I eat it.

>> No.7733446

I hate onions and I will spend 30-45 MI utes picking each one out, regardless of how miniscule the size is, before I eat.
Fuck onions.
Fuck this thread.
Fuck you.

>> No.7733450

I fucking hate celery, raddish and am mildly disgusted by pickle (e.g. Branston pickle). How does that make you feel, OP? Is it still picky if there's only a very small number of hated things?

>> No.7733453

You're grounded

>> No.7733461

I know someone who will claim to be "allergic" to something when they don't want to try it. like, the food will come out at a restaurant, she will look at it, decide she doesn't want to eat something on the plate and tell the waiter "I'm allergic to rice" or whatever, then ask them to bring a different side. the best part is that I am anaphylactic allergic to nuts and always tell the waiter when I order.

her father does some similar shit. every single time he eats out he modifies his order somehow. for example, at a chinese restaurant he always wants "extra spicy and put some more broccoli on there, can you fry up some tofu and throw that in as well?" or he will order one dish but with the side from another dish on the menu.

another friend of mine used to work at an italian restaurant where people would try to order chicken parm without the chicken. they just wanted the breading part with the sauce and cheese on top.

>> No.7733462
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I will not eat anything with...
>sour creme
Fuck you OP

>> No.7733467

only fruit that grosses me out is papaya, what fruit you speak of?

>> No.7733475

dont come to america.

>> No.7733477
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i live in america

>> No.7733478

Only idiots don't hate celery

>> No.7733484

On a side note to this, I've been dieting/changing my diet for the last year, and stuff I used to try to like but hated tastes wonderful. I can't get enough of coffee, oats, and yogurt, and while I could stand green beans, I was never find of them, now they are delicious.

>> No.7733487

I'm allergic to a lot of things, does that count?
Also I can't eat bell peppers since I found a bug building a nest in one of mine around a month ago. Hopefully I get over that.

>> No.7733489

you just listed four of the six most common condiments in america. you don't belong here if you don't like our condiments.

>> No.7733504

Sorry for all the faggots ITT OP, here's a story for ya:

>on normie social media following a few different ppl
>one of them says they want to be less wasteful with their lives like with leftovers and stuff
>within the same hour as that was posted, someone else I followed was apparently out getting a hotdog and the vendor put condiments on it when they asked not to
>they then proceeded to bitch about the ketchup and mustard online, then added "I'm not going to eat it but I'm not going to ask for another either, what a waste of money"

I felt the irony.

>> No.7733511

You can't call yourself a cook if you're a picky eater. That is, if you completely rule out onions celery mushrooms mustard olives etc. you will never be a good cook. People who are truly devoted to food and cooking feel like there aren't enough ingredients in this world.

You should view the ingredients you don't like as a challenge: take them and turn them into something you can enjoy.

>> No.7733516

Do you know how many nutrients there still are in a big wet clump of human shit? Work that into your repertoire, Anon.

>> No.7733524

>implying that anybody would construe shit as an ingredient

Nice argument. I thought the whole "hurr you eat shit" thing was contained to /v/ and /g/, but here we are.

>> No.7733528

Everything you eat is just proto-shit.

Besides, people do it. Probably better for you than 99% of American food anyway.


>> No.7733548

>It's all gonna end up in the same place!

Fuck off.

By the way, we can tell that your argument is running out of steam when you randomly pull the American card.

>> No.7733688
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Do vegans count as picky eaters?

Btw that's supposed to be pesto on macaroni but it looks like a child's vomit.

>> No.7733741

>claims to be allergic

I bet it works everytime. I actually am allergic to shrimp, and when I go get sushi I usually get the dinner combo that sometimes comes with a piece of shrimp. I've noticed a lot of sushi places say "NO SUBSTITUTION" for the combos on the menu, but when I mention I'm allergic to shrimp they're always happy to give me an extra piece of salmon instead, usually for no extra charge.

>> No.7733744
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>the phrase "I just don't eat/do ______"

>be with gf trying to figure out where to go to eat
>don't want to go to Applebee's again because last time it sucked and i have a hunch they cooked my burger in a shitty toaster, as it was rare on one end and leather on the other
>endless stream of "i dont eat/do ______" in response to every suggestion
end up getting checkers because i hadn't gone in a while and NO OTHER DECISION CAN BE REACHED

>> No.7733821

hungry dawg eat anything, i always say

but ya know, spicy food hurts my stomach. like a lot. I really dont prefer it

>> No.7733830

Depends. I think a lot of them just find the idea of eating any animal as "icky." I've known a very few who legitimately had issues with the way the meat industry works in this country, and were perfectly happy to try meat that they considered to be responsibly raised. Given the costs involved, however, these types typically stick to their veganism and save the meat for special occasions. I have respect for this latter type, although I find it more than a bit silly that, with all the problems we have in this world, this is the hill they want to die on.

>> No.7733836

>not wanting to eat a child's vomit
Found the picky eater.

>> No.7733842

I went to high school with this one bitch in my group of friends.

She bragged so hard about being a picky eater. When she actually just ate like a fucking two year old. She bragged about never touching a hamburger or french fries or being grossed out by fast food.

Her regular diet consisted of cheerios for breakfast, cheerios for lunch, and bacon or plain pasta for dinner.

We went to a restaurant together one day.

Here's what she ordered
>a plate full of bacon
>croutons and ranch

Watching her rip off a piece of bacon, dip the crouton in ranch, and then placing it atop the piece of bacon then shoving it in her pie hole was the most disgusting thing I'd ever seen. Literally hell among earth.

She'd order this at every fucking restaurant that had it, and if they did not have this, she'd not eat and complain the whole time.


>> No.7733864

>with all the problems we have in this world

Most of that isn't feasible, requires effort, or money. Vegetarianism is something anyone could easily do. It barely requires thought.

>> No.7733895

> I had bad lamb one time and so therefore I cannot eat lamb.
this is legitimate, a survival instinct we share with most mammals, and you should feel bad for dissing it
if you ate X and it made you sick, well, the safest thing to do is to never eat X again

>> No.7733923

Actually I'm with you, fuck picky eaters. I've been patient enough. Fuck you too OP.

>> No.7733926

Piccalilli, mustard and horseradish are the only things I won't eat. I can deal with mustard as an ingredient in a glaze or something, but on its own it's horrific.

>> No.7733939
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>> No.7733953

Oh, so you're a picky eater?

Well I hope you don't mind eating A BULLET! -(ò,,ó)-

>> No.7733960

Sorry, I can't do bullets.

>> No.7733977
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Never heard of this in my life, but my local place caries it and now I want to try it. What are you supposed to put it on? Anything you'd put normal relish on I guess?

>> No.7734035

Wow certain people dont like/have no interest in certain things, thats summing up childish elitism on every board on 4chan and every aspect of life in general

>> No.7734062

This anon gets it.

I don't under 90% of posters in /ck/ in general, they never cook, only talk about fast food, and are picky eaters

>> No.7734066

>forced to eat food you don't like until you vomit as a child
>surprised that she has food issues growing up
if she just ate smaller portions she would be fine, not the healthiest but better than others

>> No.7734091
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>tfw used to get hit in the face when I refused to eat something
>one time I puked it up and was slapped in the face and forced to eat the vomit covered food

>> No.7734134

I know one picky eater who didn't eat seafood until he was 26. Among some of the other things he refused to eat before then were nuts (including peanuts), olives, tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, cheese other than processed american cheese, identifiable cuts of meat, american chinese food.
It was some of the most annoying shit since he would try and prevent our group of friends from going out to places that didn't serve the most bland shit. When cooking at home, he'd make boxed macaroni and cheese with every meal. Some of his "original" food creations were like gas station cuisine nightmare fuel.
Also, according to him, everything he didn't like "smelled like feet."

>> No.7734135
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I feel like I'm the only person of my generation who will eat anything. Only think I don't like is raw tomatoes but I'll eat them, just not prepare them for myself.

>> No.7734144

fuck off. she only eats potatoes and cheese. cry baby fat whore. she eats 8 pounds of potatoes a fuckin day with cheese.

>> No.7734146

My mother says she likes my pasta dishes, but refuses to eat the pasta itself, she served my bolognese sauce on top of her chips because she doesn't like spaghetti. But she has never tried spaghetti, at least not in my life time. I offered to replace it with another type of pasta and she refused that as well. What drives this kind of thinking?

>> No.7734147

eat it with a ploughman's lunch, or just plain on some crusty bread.

>> No.7734162

Girlfriend is from Kazakhstan.

Whines about how you can't buy a whole sheeps head to eat in this country.

Will eat anything, even post it notes I leave out to annoy her.

Fucking steeple warriors.

>> No.7734173


>everyone is a picky eater but me
>eww, get those icky tomatoes away from me!

>> No.7734175



Damn do I love it every year when the foreign workers are shipped in and I can pretend to the kids from Kazakstan that I didn't know it was a real country and ask questions about borat

>> No.7734180
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>> No.7734200
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I don't get being picky. There's nothing I dislike.

Naturally some things I like more than others, but all food is interesting to me. All the different flavours, textures, consistencies... I don't think I would ever willingly rule something out of my diet permanently.

>> No.7734242

>ate something they didn't like as a kid
>refuses to ever try it again well into adulthood
I want to hogtie these people and force feed them mushrooms but that would only reinforce the negative association they've made in their minds.

>> No.7734251

If it really bothers you, you actually care that this person likes X food, and you aren't a cheap bastard. . . offer them $20 to eat it without making a fuss.
One disgusted look, one "ewwww," one forced/fake gag. . . no money.
This is how my uncle turned me on to saurkraut and mushrooms, and it's worked successfully on many others whom I've used it on.

>> No.7734275


Get ready, here's one thats going to blow your mind

I don't like chocolate. Never have, never will. Light, dark, european, white, none of it. It literally makes me gag and I need water and the nasty oil sticks in my mouth and makes me sick for hours.

Some people literally just don't like foods, and there's no reason for you to obsess over it being "wrong" you fucking autist

>> No.7734289
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>Exposure, plain and simple. Scientists tell us that aversions fade away when we eat moderate doses of the hated foods at moderate intervals, especially if the food is complex and new to us. (Don't try this with allergies, but don't cheat either: few of us have genuine food allergies.) Exposure works by overcoming our innate neophobia, the omnivore's fear of new foods that balances the biological urge to explore for them. Did you know that babies who are breast-fed will later have less trouble with novel foods than those who are given formula? The variety of flavors that make their way into breast milk from the mother's diet prepares the infant for the culinary surprises that lie ahead. Most parents give up trying novel foods on their weanlings after two or three attempts and then complain to the pediatrician; this may be the most common cause of fussy eaters and finicky adults--of omnivores manqués. Most babies will accept nearly anything after eight or ten tries.

>> No.7734301

That actually looks fucking good. Dont be picky now.

>> No.7734370

Is it the texture of chocolate that you don't like, then?

>> No.7734372
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I don't consider myself a picky eater but I just can't do raw onions. It completely overpowers everything.

Pic related, I was just thinking to myself how the green onion bits were actually stronger flavored than the sardines.

>> No.7734397

>youngest of six children
>all of us were breastfed
>none of us is a picky eater
Seems to pan out. I don't like passionfruit and ripe papaya. Even then, I may still eat them in certain things. I think that's about it, really.

>> No.7734426

Picky eaters, not people who simply dislike certain food, exist because they have their readily available autism fuel whenever they want: chicken strips and saltines in abundance. But variety in regional cuisine and delicacy were birthed from necessity. They should rightfully starve to death.

>> No.7734451

I think 99% of not being a picky eater is not having shit parents lmao

>> No.7734461


This. My dad had the philosophy that he would NEVER force me or my siblings to eat anything we didn't want to, since his parents forced him to eat nasty shit and he hated it. None of us are picky eaters and we're all pretty good cooks.

>> No.7734470

A lot of people seem to have trouble distinguishing between a picky eater and someone who doesn't like a couple things. Almost everyone has a couple things they don't like. They just don't make a big fuss about it.

>> No.7734471
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You can have preferences for food. Raw carrots suck, but cooked carrots are gr8

>be me
>Christmas dinner
>parents ask me to make beef wellington
>step family comes to dinner
>grandmother hates "bloody meat"
>step brother hates mushrooms

>> No.7734478
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Even George Zimmerman hates walnuts.

>> No.7734487

>"bloody meat"
When will this meme die.

>> No.7734489


I know, she's old and hates the Chinese.

>> No.7734490


Having preferences =/= throwing a hissyfit when confronted with a common food and outright refusing to eat it, even convincing yourself that you're going to throw up if you put it in your mouth.

>> No.7734493

I rest my case. Even Zimmermanberg doesn't like something. He'll still try it though.

>> No.7734502


Stepbrother kept whining and the grandmother microwaved her wellington.

>> No.7734511

fuck applebees though

>> No.7734524

You're a weak bitch.

>> No.7735140

I'd rather not spend a good amount of time on the toilet after eating some mushrooms.