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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7685961 No.7685961 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you have tried these? Also comes in Ranch and Chili Lime.

>> No.7685990

Hard shell tacos are ALWAYS bad.

>> No.7685995

never because I don't make pleb-tier meals.

>> No.7685997


Why do people buy this shit when it's super simple (and a lot cheaper) to simply buy corn tortillas and deep-fry them?

Is it because they don't know how to cook? Some irrational fear of the deep fryer?

>> No.7686007

I think a lot of people like to eat deep fried food, but the process of doing it themselves would force them to acknowledge how unhealthy it is so they avoid doing it themselves.

>> No.7686014


Are you out of your fucking mind?

>> No.7686027
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>super simple

>> No.7686043

>would force them to acknowledge how unhealthy it is

How so? I would suggest the opposite: Once you learn how to do it you realize that the concept of "fried = unhealthy" is bullshit. If you properly control the temperature of the oil then the food does not get soggy with oil.

I'll consider this answer as being an example of "irrational fear of the deep fryer"

...especially because they're still eating the same food that they are supposedly afraid of. It's the very definition of irrational.

>> No.7686052

ACTUALLY eating processed, preservative/additive filled trash instead of just putting some cheese on your shit.


>> No.7686063

Oh boy, you really showed 'em!

>> No.7686071

>Are you out of your fucking mind?

No, why? I honestly don't understand why anyone would pay several dollars for a box of those when they could fry up 50 cents worth of tortillas and have a better product.

Are you implying that deep frying is difficult or complicated and therefore it makes sense to buy them?

>> No.7686085

This kind of grandstanding is baffling to me. Who, exactly, are you trying to impress? Do you really think behaving like a faggot is going to change anyone's mind?

>> No.7686086

We get it, you deep fry.

>> No.7686088

Who the FUCK has a deep fryer in their kitchen?

If you're eating so much fried food that you feel the need to take up counter space with a deep fryer then you're eating too much fucking fried food.

>> No.7686143
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They're shit. Get the El Paso Stand N Stuff ranch and nacho shells instead. Kroger's shitty attempt at these flavored shells are way too brittle and crumble the minute you pick them up or put something in them. And they get extremely soggy from meat grease. El Paso's version is just simply god tier. Thank me later.

>> No.7686148

All hard shell tacos are disgusting

>> No.7686150

Haven't tried the Nacho cheese, but the ranch ones were good.

>> No.7686152


Your opinion. I don't mind hard or soft. Some days I even prefer one over the other.

>> No.7686153

nah but you can show me your leg stump when you have it removed

>> No.7686212

This is shit coming full circle in a bizarre way. Doritos were created by a guy walking around the Southwest wondering if he could make a corn chip taste like a taco. Now this is a taco that tastes like corn chips that taste like tacos.

That's just fucked up.

>> No.7686264

>Who the FUCK has a deep fryer in their kitchen?

I do. They're inexpensive and super useful.

>>counter space
I have plenty of that.

>Who, exactly, are you trying to impress?
Nobody. I'm trying to ask people why they find the idea of frying at home to be difficult or impractical. Once they tell me why then I hope to teach them how to circumvent that problem. But we aren't getting anywhere because nobody is explaining why they are unwilling to do their own deep frying.

>> No.7686322

I've tried the Old El Paso nacho cheese ones and I'd say it depends on the box. They can be dam good but they can also be terrible.

>> No.7686338

>why they are unwilling to do their own deep frying
I don't know why buying taco shells implies a person is unwilling to deep fry. Shitty correlation.

>> No.7686354


Assuming you were willing to fry them, why buy them? What would be the benefit to offset the increased price and lack of freshness?

>> No.7686381

Are you the same guy who is suggesting buying tortillas and deep frying them? Why would you buy tortillas when you could hire a personal cook to make them for you? If you don't have the disposable income to hire a personal cook, then I feel bad for you. You clearly don't have the drive and ability to be successful. Do you have an irrational fear of failure? Quit being so poor, you're disgusting me.

>> No.7686383

But store bought hard shell tacos are disgusting

>> No.7686387

kroger house brand is the shit

>> No.7686397
File: 438 KB, 937x603, screen shot 2016-03-03 at 4.32.16 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Thinking store bought tortillas are fresh
Makes me lol, if you aren't going to a tortilleria for tortillas, it's not fresh.

Thats why I recommend getting a flatev. It allows you to make FRESH tortillas at home in seconds without the need to seek out a local authentic tortilleria

>> No.7686400

...in your opinion. List some things you like. I'm sure someone will come along and tell you it's disgusting. I won't because I'm not a child.

>> No.7686409

Yea you're not a child, you're a beta male that's too scarred about offending someone so you dont voice your opinion and in return you bring nothing to the conversation except to flaunt how poltically correct you are

>> No.7686415

I'm in Canada. We have no Mexicans here. I can't get regular corn tortillas. I can get Old El Paso shells and flour tortillas of various sizes (which are sold as "wraps").

Canada is shit if you like Mexican food.

>> No.7686425

>Are you the same guy who is suggesting buying tortillas and deep frying them?

>Why would you buy tortillas when you could hire a personal cook to make them for you?
Because that would cost more money, and the goal here is saving money.

I run two sucessfull businesses. I could easily afford a personal cook if I wanted to, but I don't because I enjoy cooking. It's a pleasurable hobby. What does any of this "personal cook" stuff have to do with the fact that buying a pack of tortillas and frying them yourself results in taco shells that are both cheaper and tastier than getting pre-made ones? It seems like you're trying to derail the conversation with a strawman but somehow managed to miss the point entirely.

>> No.7686429

>Makes me lol, if you aren't going to a tortilleria for tortillas, it's not fresh.

My local supermarket chain (HEB) makes tortillas fresh in the store every day. I guess you'd say that they have a tortillaria in the store?

>> No.7686442

He runs not one, but TWO, successful businesses and spends his free time making posts on /ck/ about how deep frying store-bought tortillas is superior to buying hard tacos.

OK, OK, so it's a pleasurable hobby. Why aren't you making your own tortillas then? It's cheaper. It's masa and water. You can get a bag of masa for like $3 and it will make hundreds.

>> No.7686443

Do you go out and buy fresh tortillas every time you want to eat them?

Thats the antithesis of convenient,but with the flatev you get fresh tortillas at home

Take a look https://youtu.be/stTzLmoStsU

>> No.7686446

>Thats the antithesis of convenient
He has two successful businesses to run which gives him time to post on /ck/ and make extra runs to the store.

>> No.7686458

Her spanishing-up the word "tortilla" triggers me.

>> No.7686459


I stock these at Kroger. The boxes they ship I'm get thrown around and abused, so I wouldn't be surprised if half the shells get broken. Just do yourself a favor, buy soft tacos, homemade, or anywhere else besides the taco aisle at Kroger. Night crew stocks all dry goods and the main isles, and we tend to throw shit around a lot since no customers in store

>> No.7686462

>video doesn't show how the tortillas are removed from the machine
>it's just a fucking keurig for tortillas

What a gay load of shit, please leave shill

>> No.7686463

>not grinding homemade nixtamalized corn and making your own tortillas
>not growing the corn and producing Calcium Hydroxide from chalked mine in Northern Europe




>> No.7686468

>Do you go out and buy fresh tortillas every time you want to eat them?

Yes. The store is on the way home from work. It's no hassle at all to swing by and grab some.

Seems neat, but I don't support the idea of the pre-packed dough capsules. Too expensive, too much waste, and it doesn't let me fine-tune the dough. If I'm going to spend that kind of effort I'm going to do it the old-school way with a comal.

>time to post on /ck/
Well sure. When you're managing things properly you often have free time. I spent a few hours this morning checking in why my staff, calling back customers, etc. Now that I'm done with that I'm largely free unless a problem crops up or someone calls needing immediate assistance.

>>extra runs to the store
who said anything about extra runs to the store? All I'm recommending is frying your own tortillas to make taco shells. I said nothing about making extra store runs.

>Thats the antithesis of convenient,but with the flatev you get fresh tortillas at home

>> No.7686477

Why aren't you making your own fucking tortillas you shitlord? You are LITERALLY enabling ConAgra.

>> No.7688114

No Krogers where I live. But if its what I remember as a kid, it's trash.

>> No.7688275

As stated in the video, it cuts DOWN on food waste because you only make what you eat

>> No.7688289

The chili lime is GOAT

>> No.7688313

These never taste good, I would rather just eat a flaccid taco shell that resort to premade hard.

Also I am an obese and those premade shells can never hold the amount of filling I need to be satisfied without cracking.

>> No.7688322
File: 49 KB, 720x480, Hank-Hill-king-of-the-hill-10924090-720-480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$475 for this shit

>> No.7688333

kill yourself

>> No.7688459


Who the fuck is going to fry tortillas every time they want tacos? That would be like making your own puff pastry every time you need it.

>> No.7690582

>Too poor for oven fresh TORTILLAS

>> No.7690602

fucking this

>> No.7691170
File: 3 KB, 125x123, 1459235044723s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>muh authentic mexican

>> No.7691183
File: 5 KB, 250x187, 1450402068156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>fdesh tordtillas

Get fucked.

>> No.7691188


If it's so simple then what the fuck do I need that machine for?

>> No.7691201

Or you could just buy tortillas to have them around whenever you want to make tacos or enchiladas or whatever. They also freeze very well so you could just stick some in the freezer if you feel compelled to always have some on hand and don't use them regularly.

>> No.7691258

I'm sorry, but it sounds like you have never enjoyed the taste of a fresh, warm tortilla with your meals. If you have, you would understand the world of difference it makes experiencing Latino cuisine.

It might sound convenient to store them around for a long time, but do you wonder why they do not spoil quickly? It is because they are littered with harmful additives to make them last longer. This is a problem that does not plague the flatev and it's on demand flavored tortillas

>> No.7691285

I do enjoy fresh, warm tortillas. I always get mine fresh, I was just offering a solution for people who prefer not to make their own or think it's too hard to go to the store and get freshly made tortillas.

>> No.7693729
