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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 89 KB, 610x458, serious eats pan pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7682072 No.7682072 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best pizza-style in the United States, /ck/, and why? Which is the worst?

Wiki lists Californian, New Haven, Detroit, Quad Cities, Chicago, New York, and St Louis. Are there any more than co/ck/s might know of?

I'm not an American, so I can only compare New York to Chicago deep dish. New York was much better - the deep-dish was so heavy, over-topped, and the cheese was usually too cold.

New York, on the other had, was simplicity itself.

The pizza-styles I'd most like to try next would be Quad Cities (sounds interesting) and Detroit (sounds awesome). St Louis sounds dire.

What are your thoughts /ck/?

>> No.7682074

>What is the best pizza-style in the United States, /ck/, and why? Which is the worst?

Literally who gives a shit? Are you planning to tour the USA and try every single regional variation of pizza? Then you'll make your own mind up. If you're not planning to do that, why post this fucking thread the BILLIONTH FUCKING TIME you unimaginative fucking retard? At least put some fucking effort into your shitposting.

Go get fucked. Every post after this one is OP samefagging to bump his shitty thread.

>> No.7682085

Calm down

You are taking 4chan too seriously

>> No.7682087
File: 419 KB, 800x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the Chicago style, pic related

>> No.7682095

Ah, the Chicago-style deep-glass iced 'za

My favourite!

>> No.7682096

Ass-devastated Chicagoan detected

>> No.7682235


Do you need a hug? Because I WILL FUCKING HUG YOU MAN.

>> No.7682248
File: 28 KB, 380x253, larger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deep dish is not the real chicago style of pizza

pic related is the REAL chicago style, the kind that people in chicago actually eat, as opposed to what tourists eat

>> No.7682256

Neh Haven style is the objectively best style of pizza.

>> No.7682257
File: 28 KB, 348x348, 1463097003289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek that's Elio's, pic related is real chicago pizza

>> No.7682263
File: 43 KB, 493x337, pizzzzzza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he went to chicago as a tourist
>he ate tourist food
kek, I bet you went up the willis tour and walked on navy pier, too. tourists visiting chicago are the biggest turboplebs

>> No.7682270

Kek the Elio's looked better

>> No.7682278

I never posted Elios[sic]. My first picture was Aurelio's, which is a local pizza chain in the Chicago area.
Tell me more about how you walked around the loop and had a sandwich at Portillo's so you really "know" Chicago

>> No.7682279

Kek clearly an Elio's knockoff

>> No.7682289

Yes, you already told us that you've only ever eaten frozen pizza. You don't have to keep repeating it.

>> No.7682302
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>> No.7682303

Kek if my state was known for deep dish I'd probably try to claim Elio's too

>> No.7682304

takes a special kind of retard to pride himself in living in this shit city. how's it feel knowing half the city is inaccessible due to niggers, dumbass?

>> No.7682316
File: 420 KB, 1312x1067, new york style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new york style

>> No.7682317
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new york pizza has a distinct ashy taste to it

>> No.7682333

Good thing I have a high paying job and live in Lincoln Park

>> No.7682335

I've never heard of Elio's. Is it similar to Ellio's, those weird french bread pizza things? Because Chicago style pizza is round and cut into squares, whereas Ellios(two L's) is a rectangular pizza.

>> No.7682347

>tfw /ck/ will never know the glory of Old Forge Pizza

>> No.7682351

Eastern PA is best PA

>> No.7682354



>> No.7682357

I have a related question.

My dad just brought round a frozen pizza that him and my mom have had in the fridge for a week. So it hasn't been frozen all that time, just refridgerated. Is it okay to eat? The packaging says 24 hours but that's usually a really conservative estimation.

>> No.7682370
File: 25 KB, 560x315, good story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>i live in a corrupt shit hole
>some of the worst schools in the entire united states
>we breed the most ignorant violent niggers on earth
>i cant go to half my city or they will shoot me for being white
>at least i have money though

i hope you get stabbed to death faggot

>> No.7682382


Frozen pizzas are so incredibly high in sodium that you could probably let it sit on the kitchen counter for a week and still be fine to eat it.

>> No.7682383

>i live in a corrupt shit hole
You mean America?
>some of the worst schools in the entire united states
Good thing I'm not a filthy breeder
>we breed the most ignorant violent niggers on earth
They aren't in my part of town
>i cant go to half my city or they will shoot me for being white
Seeing as I don't smoke crack anymore, what reason would I even have to go into Nigville?
>at least i have money though
sounds like you have none
>i hope you get stabbed to death faggot
kek, the poorfag is upset

>> No.7682389

>tfw bacteria has a healthier diet than me

>> No.7682392
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>Seeing as I don't smoke crack anymore

>> No.7682396

Crack is the thinking man's drug. Because when you think about, why spend the extra money on coke when crack is the same high for less money?

>> No.7682416
File: 37 KB, 400x400, chicago deep dick peezer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got some chicago style pizza to go.

>> No.7682527

I think it's kind of weird that most of the pizza styles are grouped by city, and the there's "Californian". I've lived in NorCal for nearly 8 years now, and there's every fucking kind of pizza out here. There's even an NYC style place out here that has fucking WATER shipped in to make their crust with. In my area alone, there's like....4 Chicago style places, 5 NYC style places, 2 Detroit, and then a bunch of random places, including a bunch of the new trendy "fast fired" shit (that I don't care for) that's like Subway but with pizza. Plus all the usual chains (but I haven't eaten chain pizza in years).

>> No.7682535
File: 118 KB, 480x400, pizzachisty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, once you have a Chicago style pizza you will be hooked

>> No.7682540


>our water is so bad we have to ship it in from other states
>now listen to me tell you about how great we are

>> No.7682558
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>> No.7682565

samefag detected

>> No.7682589

kek, they deserved it, too. I hope they do it again.

this is now a thread dedicated to laughing at 9/11

>> No.7682636

enjoy your >$500 assessment to live in one of the low nigger population areas.

>> No.7682652

>Chicagoans are THIS assblasted about their shitty pizza

>> No.7682669
File: 529 KB, 220x227, 1187801712963.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wahh wahh sandniggers blew up our buildings
get over, faggots. you deserved it.

>> No.7682671

>assuming I'm from New York
Nah, just laughing at how pathetic Chicago is

>> No.7682673
File: 21 KB, 500x333, 9-11_Sideshow_Bob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>assuming I'm from Chicago
Nah, just laughing at how hilarious 9/11 was.

>> No.7682679

Are you some kind of idiot?
1. You don't know anything about NYC pizza, obviously.
2. There was nothing in that post that even refers to "look how great we are" in any way.

>> No.7682690
File: 31 KB, 484x324, pizzachistyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is the best pizza-style in the United States

Chicago style pizza is the best.
Easy to eat.
Easy to share.
A Chicago original, often imitated but never duplicated.

>> No.7682697

>Chicago style pizza
>not cut party style
kek, you don't know anything

>> No.7683768
File: 12 KB, 300x186, th (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>What is the best pizza-style in the United States, /ck/, and why? Which is the worst?
all pizza styles are equal except the jew yorkist of the jewyork pizza. I don't have anything against jews but their bread is flat and pizza is evolved frocasia, not cheese and meat on a slice of bread as thin as a paper plate.

>> No.7683821

had a sensational clam pie at Frank Pepe's recently, worth stopping off on the drive from Boston to NYC.

>> No.7683909

Texas style is the best. Texas style is just New York style but with lots of jalapeños. On Wednesday nights after church we have bare-knuckle fights at the caution lights. Then we have pizza.

>> No.7684538
File: 135 KB, 720x480, buddys-pizza-detroit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Detroit style Pizza is the only thing good that comes out of that shithole lately.

>> No.7684546

I like all kinds of pizza, but detroit style and similar pies have a special place in my heart because of how richly satisfying that those thick pieces of caramelized cheese are to a drunken palate after a few hours too many spent lazing about with friends.

>> No.7684573


that's bullshit. there's Detroid style, Brooklyn style, and Chicago deep dish. anything else is a meme started by shitty cities to try and make names for themselves.

>> No.7684579

hnnng that looks really good

>> No.7684642
File: 53 KB, 555x604, af8bdce474323111fbfb02b08d87a6db69e39741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone try Old Forge style pizza from the PA town of the same name? Supposed to be totally distinct; sauce is super oniony, cheese choices can be unconventional, served as cuts (slice) or a tray (whole rectangular pie).
Some folks claim it to be the best which is laughable. However there are reviews from folks who drove there from famous pizza cities to diss it but begrudgingly said it was tasty

>> No.7684652


that shit in the picture looks like the "cook" just got done microwaving it from frozen.

>> No.7684656
File: 26 KB, 500x292, 20110818-pizza-lab-greek-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently this New England style is called "Greek" pizza crust? Where the dough ends up sort of like focaccia. It's really simple to make and also delicious.

>> No.7684658

That's just St. Louis style pizza, the best kept pizza secret in the known world.

>> No.7684668
File: 73 KB, 640x480, qc style sausage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quad City Style

>> No.7684688
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anime pizza

>> No.7684693
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>> No.7684730


I didn't realize we were on /b/.

Anyways, Quad City style looks weird, but after reading about it, sounds pretty good. I'll have to agree with OP and say that St. Louis style does sound dire. Cracker crust? Come the fuck on.

>> No.7684736

St. Louis style pizza is shit. Nobody wants your stupid fucking provel cheese. Go eat some toasted ravioli and drink yourself to death with that shitty beer.

>> No.7684738

I've always wanted to try Detroit style. It's like a beefed up cross between Sicilian and Long Island 'Grandma' style pizzas. That pic looks dank famalam.

>> No.7684750

What the fuck is that?

>> No.7684754

Fucking delicious. You ever make it to the QC, drop by Harris pizza. The one in west end Davenport is great. Sausage is the classic, but there are other good ones.

>> No.7684764

Not sure if it's widespread, but Italian beef pizza is GOAT.

Braised, falling-apart shaved beef. PIckled peppers, carrots, and all those other goodies in the hot giardineria. All under a layer of mozarella, where the veg still remains its crunch under contrast to the soft cheese and crust, and tender beef.


>> No.7684937

What's the trick to making dough taste like it's real? Every home made pizza I've ever had, the dough is all wrong.

>> No.7685019

Where are you from, coward?

>> No.7685352

If someone served me whatever you just posted and tried to tell me it was pizza I would fucking kill them.

>> No.7685751

Ehhhh....carrots on pizza? Odd but I'd try it. What kind of pickled peppers? If it's jalapeños then that could be tasty; bell peppers a shit.

The rest of your description sounds good.

>> No.7685775

I like all of them but on my scale Californian is on the bottom. I'd still eat it though.

>> No.7685777

Use ciabatta.

>> No.7685784

not enough heat to make that real airy, crispy dough, probably

>> No.7685808

Overrated, but the sauce is really good.
Just have to make sure that they're not going to put fucking american cheese on it.

>> No.7685810

If crackheads were able to think then there would be no crackheads.
Morphine is the only white man drug, coke is for niggers and plebs.

>> No.7685814

alcohol is literally the white man's drug

>> No.7685993

California pizza is just a meme because the west coast is a fucking joke region full of faggots and shitters who have no taste.

Chicago pizza isn't even fucking pizza.

Everything else is great because it's actually pizza.

>> No.7686025

I come from Millbank, South Dakota and we have the best pizza in the entire USA.
I get double pepperoni and onion.

>> No.7686038
File: 2.54 MB, 485x300, Time for goy money.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7686422

Best: Chef Boyardee's Make-your-own pizza kit

Worst: Those frozen personal pan deep-dish pizzas that are 90% bread

>> No.7686920


It's so weird that I've heard this answer multiple times, even my mom says it was the best she ever had. I thought it was her being weird but no, not at all, apparently.

Best pizza I ever had was at Grimaldi's Las Vegas location. Pepperoni (best pepperoni I've ever tasted in my life) extra cheese extra sauce. Really the quality of the ingredients was outstanding.

>> No.7687186
File: 1.55 MB, 3264x1836, 20160507_105216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no DC Jumbo Slice

not surprised though, I'd never heard of it til I visited last week.
basically a personal pizza in the shape of a single slice, bit of a novelty but still kinda cool.

>> No.7687198

I live in North Dakota and our pizza sucks.

>> No.7687209

Fuck eastern pa and every single white trash cutterman who inhabits it

>> No.7687216

Just out of interest, what the fuck doesn't suck in North Dakota?

>> No.7687225

best - Brooklyn
worst - st. louis , cardboard with ketchup and melted kraft singles wtf

>> No.7687227

Kek, what is it with Chicagoans and their massive superiority complexes? I had a coworker who was exactly the same way.
>coworkers and I picking up Weinerschnitzel for lunch
>ask Chicago if she wants anything
>"I'm from Chicago!"
That was her entire response

>> No.7687237
File: 37 KB, 460x300, ie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of ya fellas enjoy a good Chicago slice?

>> No.7687260
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It looks so generic and trash but tastes so good

>> No.7687269

>Square pizza

So basically they're selling school cafeteria pizza? And you're buying it? Heh, good for them I guess.

>> No.7687295
File: 2.88 MB, 4000x3000, img_2747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone ever had colorado style pizza?

Ive driven by signs for it before when i was there, but i never bothered to stop and try it

>> No.7687299

>colorado style pizza

Looking at that picture I assume that means it's been covered in a gallon of oil before it's served?

>> No.7687302

>Reverse Chicago style

>> No.7687322

gotta replenish calories after shredding gnar on the slopes all day brah

>> No.7687366


None, because Pizza is a joke-tier meme food.

>> No.7687370


is there weed in it?

>> No.7687410

>hating on Navy Pier
Get wrecked faggot.

>> No.7687425
File: 2.77 MB, 3984x2988, 20160518_125318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cauliflower pizza crust with shitty mushrooms

>> No.7687441

The money

>> No.7687492

How is the cauliflower crust? How did you make it?

>> No.7687508

Detroit Pizza is where if people took the Chicago meme here, and made it real

>> No.7687529

That's a Digiorno m8

>> No.7687630

dawgs chill the fuck out and go to /cm/. Your suppressed rage needs an outlet.

>> No.7687648

who doesn't have to ship in water in that fucking desert?
>NYC water myth strikes again

>> No.7687679

They say NYC water is actually the secret to nyc style pizza.

>> No.7687690
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>> No.7687693

No, the secret is using ingredients that an average four year old would recognize. Not zirconium ammonium hexachlorophosphomethyl esther of brominated DDT or whatever the fuck they put in flyover pizza to make up for the fact that the frankenfood they have in flyover land naturally tastes like ass (if you disagree with me you hate America and want to destroy it)

>> No.7687695
File: 63 KB, 375x455, 1457284101948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ is so fucking salty that some people don't want to live on the coast. How many times a day do you pull out the flyover meme? Give me a break.

>> No.7687700

Today was the first time I used that phrase since like four or five days ago.

Sorry you got bullied for not having culture, anon

>> No.7687701

Any of you Chifags had Armand's? I visited some friends in Chi and they took me there and it was delicious.

>> No.7687704

Seriously, do they actively teach you to be ignorantly condescending growing up? Nothing would make our country better than a couple big earthquakes wiping out the coasts.

>> No.7687714

I live in Denver, literally only this one local chain has 'colorado style'

it's thicker but for some reason the bottom is rock hard, it's about a 4/10 in my book would rather have dominos

they do have some ca$h honey to drizzle on the crust though

>> No.7687717

No US city has culture. Quit pretending where you live is better than where he lives

>> No.7687724

No, the flyover/coastie conflict is something I learned from living in both coastal places and flyover places. They are different, and you guys are just as bad if not worse, with your "real America and real Americans" delusions. At least coastie insults don't make any assertions to which a chicken-fucking redneck would take offense. With our absence of God and our wicked big city ways , how would we pass judgment on chicken fucking, anyway?

>> No.7688434

What are you too good to say za like a normal person

>> No.7688505


This is the place I go to eat pizza.

I can't bring myself to eat anything else when I know I could be eating this.

>> No.7688513

Flyover thin crust.

>> No.7688532
File: 41 KB, 648x486, or.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are there any more than co/ck/s might know of?

There is an Oregon style that involves a bubbly, cracker crust. Sadly it has become endangered as local chains are displaced by national ones.

>> No.7688540

It's called "little brother syndrome". Pretty much every east coast and rust belt city that isn't New York suffers from it.

>> No.7688546

Too bad Lincoln park is a shit hole full of assholes.

>> No.7688551

Then meth would be the better choice. But if you have money why to buy the best alternative? Oh wait its because you're a poor faggot

>> No.7688581

It's really good actually!
Just steam some cauliflower, rice it with a food proceasor, wring it out with a cheese clothe get as much water out as possible. Alternatively I've heard you can rice the cauliflower and microwave it for 8 minutes but I haven't tried it yet. When you have about 2 cups of cauliflower mix it with an egg, some cheese mozzarella or some crumbly cheese works best, salt and what ever spice you want your pizza crust to taste like. These I did Garlic and oregano.

>> No.7688608

I lived in California all my life and never heard of Californian style pizza. The closest thing to it I can even think of on top of my head is Hawaiian pizza where they add pineapple which isn't bad. Anyway the only pizza I eat nowadays is from the Costco food court. Any halfway decent pizza place is over priced in my area. Southern California sucks in that sense but at least there are variety of restaurants to choose from.

>> No.7688660

>chimpcago style

don't you mean casserole?

>> No.7688830

>inside pica pica plaza

>> No.7688906

>hurr, how does it feel to be poor and live among the poor
>but I'm middle class and live among the middle class
>jerkface! you should be poor like me and live among the poor
Not even from shitcago but boy you sure did fuck up at life

>> No.7688944

There's a "New London" style of pizza which is different from the New Haven style, even though they're not very far apart. New London is basically the Greek-style pizza you get throughout New England. Moussaka pizza is particularly tasty. the actual Mystic Pizza serves this I believe.

>> No.7688974


>United States


t. an Italian

>> No.7689417

>t. an Italian
What is this new meme?