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7610551 No.7610551 [Reply] [Original]

What countries have the best beer?

1. Belgium
2. Canada
3. USA
4. Germany
5. ? England

Seems to be a pretty strong drop off.

>> No.7610563


>> No.7610573

Canadian major-label beers are much more drinkable than US ones imo, plus our craft beer industry is in excellent shape.

>> No.7610583
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Unibroue has a legitimate claim at being the best brewery in the world

>> No.7610594

goat beer, that is

>> No.7610613

>implying that Canada doesn't have great macro and micro breweries

>> No.7610615


They make some great beers, but not enough to put Canada at second best in the world.

>> No.7610620

You know, US got all the medals at an universal beer contest, here, in Brussels. So maybe, you should reconsider your thought. (I know it is painful to admit but still)

>> No.7610624

The US has many fine craft breweries but their terrible macrobrews ought to bring down their rating.

>> No.7610647

I'm from the US and love US craft brews, but they're trendy as fuck. There are only a few classic mainstays, the rest are just memes

>> No.7610677

Don't bother.
USA being the best will always cause buttblasted hipsters to say otherwise. It causes them literal anguish to know the USA has the most diverse and well rounded craft brews

>> No.7610709
File: 33 KB, 960x428, tipping-hipster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>most diverse and well rounded craft brews

you're throwing the word hipster out there, then you dribble out this shit? Are you that bereft of self-awareness?

>> No.7610769

Hahaaha, you raging faggot
Onviously there is only one correct answer
1. Belgium
2. germany
3. the rest of the world

if you don't limit yourself to 1. and 2. you should an hero. Today.

>> No.7610772

Like what?


>> No.7610902

Belgium, Czech Republic, Poland, Germany
No particular order

>> No.7610906

Belgium = USA > Germany

>> No.7610908

Depends on what type of beer you prefer, obviously. If you're into wheat beers or lagers, Germany is probably #1. If you prefer amber ales or (God forbid) lambics, it's Belgium. If you prefer dark ales, it's hard to beat Britain..

>> No.7610910

>inb4 Ausfags shitpost the thread up with their toilet lagers.

>> No.7610916


The presumptions that:

A) that's all we produce
B) you want to be drinking some IIPA hop-bomb on a 40°C day
C) anyone cares about your opinion

makes me presume you're a deadshit shut-in whose Worldview extends as far as the local dirt farm.

>> No.7610919

>Implying Ausfailia produces anything but toilet lager

Oh sorry yeah I forgot, there's VB. Which is what you flush the toilet out with after you've poured the lager down it.

>> No.7610920

Post delicious Australian beer, pls.

>> No.7610923

Im an Ausfag and after time abroad, even I admit most of our beer is shit.
Less common brews seem to be the way to go.
I think too many Aussies get hurt feelings because foreigners dislike our beer and thus form allegiance to companies they know rather than enjoy.
Take Bundaberg Rum for example.
Tastes like ass but the people that love it most will never call it Bundaberg Rum.

>> No.7610928


Vale Ale
Wheatsheaf Brewing Corp
Pirate Life
Lobethal Bierhaus
Prancing Pony
Smiling Samoyed

off the top of my head within a 50km radius of me, these range of Macros to less than 100L runs.

>> No.7610929

Have you tried any Matilda Bay products?

>> No.7610933


Plenty, nothing to write home about, owned by SAB MIller; haven't been a craft brewery in over 20 years.

>> No.7610935

Duly noted. Cheers beer anon.

>> No.7610940

Dutchfag here.

1. Czech Republic
2. Belgium
3. Netherlands
4. Germany
5. Great Britain (I rarely drink ales)

>> No.7610951

>Name in French is "The end of the world"
>It's in Quebec

Seems about right.

>> No.7610964

i'd swap netherlands and GB, but thats cos i'm very partial to a nice ale

>> No.7611065

#1 is USA
Sure there's a lot of IPAs but it's the most popular style so what do you expect.
Innovation>Making the same beer for hundreds of years. Sorry guys.

>> No.7611070

Adelaide, nice.

>> No.7611072

Why are you trying to get involved with something you obviously know nothing about? Do you lack friends or attention?

>> No.7611086


>no Czech Republic

OP thinks his ass is an elbow

>> No.7611097


>uses generic buzz words to describe the beer output of a country of 300 million people
>claims someone else doesn't know what they're talking about.

I think the anon may have a point fampai.

>> No.7611105

1. Belgium
2. Germany
3. USA
4. Czech
5. England

>> No.7611106

>local dirt farm
What the fuck?

>> No.7611181

1. Ohio
2. The rest of the USA
3. Canada
4. Belgium
5. UK

Germany is meme tier
>muh reinheitsgebot
An excuse for bland styles that Americans do better than them. Goses, Schwarzbiers, Hefeweizens, everything.

>> No.7611188

1. USA Belgium tie
2. Germany
3. Czech
4. no one cares. If you're not drinking the above you aren't doing it right

>> No.7611198

Cats piss

>> No.7611199

Wisconsin ( altho the rest of the U.S. is beginning to micro-brew/craft-brew too and will catch up to us )

>> No.7611205

>altho the rest of the U.S. is beginning to micro-brew/craft-brew
I can't even imagine how small your world is.

>> No.7611207

>Best Beer


I'm inclined to say Canada for patriotic reasons but I'm smart enough to know that Germany definitely has the best.


And the US only makes that list because of the sheer volume. Make enough, something has to be good.

>> No.7611208

I can't figure out why Canada keeps showing up on lists. I'm pretty close to the border and I havnt heard shit about these amazing Canadian beers

>> No.7611215

American here, I second this. That being said US is producing goat micros. Euro domination is no longer a reality.

>> No.7611238


>> No.7611274

Belgian and Czech beers are the best, only one that comes remotely close is usa, but that's thanks to sheer amount of microbrewing going on.

get fucked UK and Germany, your beer is pisswater i wouldn't even feed my dog

>> No.7611303

everyone else

-an American

>> No.7611316


Scotland and the USA personally.

Not a fan of German / Belgian / Czech stuff at all.

>> No.7611345

>Not a fan of German / Belgian / Czech stuff at all
bitch beer countries

>> No.7611410
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>> No.7611498
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2. England
3. Germany
4.Czech Rep.

No USA or Canada . . .here are my reasons, American beer is rubbish, no doubt about it . . .but what about Muh Micro Breweries? . . To be honest you could say the same about ANY countries independent brewers, America does not have the monopoly on those.

Canadian . . .I have never tried any, so I can't comment.

I do drink a variety of Beers, so I'm not going to limit myself to those countries that product good Lagers (Germany and Czech Rep) so I have marked them lower.

Belgium does a good range of Beers, hence the top spot and Britain next purely because they brew great Bitters and Ales but don't produce any Lagers.

>> No.7611526

Everyone is forgetting France...

>> No.7611532

Listen here, we can't even get real beer in America, just watery nearbeer

>> No.7611540

France do a few good beers, mainly Lagers though, I didn't forget them but I don't think they had enough variation.

They have pride in other produce, Wines, Ciders and food in general.

>> No.7611547

They've really gone down the shitter the last year or two, also, you're wrong. They've never been as good as the original trappist monasteries.

In terms of quality beer, it's:

* Belgium
* Germany

* US, Nederland, and England

* Some other rando first world countries

* everyone else

You get medals if you submit your beer enough times, beer medals don't mean fucking shit.

>> No.7611551


>> No.7611566

Most micro breweries are trash.

99% of micro don't know how to brew beer the proper way. They're still just using homebrewing techniques. Most don't use loq oxygen brewing, spunding ( fermentation under pressure), flotation tanks, step mashing, etc. They do single step infusion mashing in a fashion so lazy that their beer lacks character unless they dry hop the shit out of it.

>> No.7611568

Rather a harsh critique anon.

>> No.7611571

It's the truth.

>> No.7611753

"craft brews"

>> No.7611849

>Canada #2
>Canada anywhere near the top 5
Apex lel. Canada makes some solid beer but suggesting it belongs near the top of the world rankings is just ridiculous.

>muh Unibroue
Inferior Trappist knockoff garbage. Belgian breweries outclass Unibroue in every regard. Just like American craft breweries outclass Canadian ones.

>> No.7611860

This. People buy it because it has hipster cred (you had the latest beer from -brewery-? You probably never heard of it, it's brewed in some guy's shed and only sold to people he knows, and he only makes 8 bottles a year) or because it has the latest meme flavor (here bro you gotta try this quintuple hopped bourbon barrel aged sriracha bacon imperial stout)

>> No.7611866

canadafag here, i really don't think they belong on that list, let alone #2.

>> No.7612187

Do they measure the % differently in Canada than the UK? Because that seems awfully potent for that volume.

>> No.7612201


laughing out loud.

>> No.7612206

I thought spunding was a carbonation technique? That said, pressure from even cylindroconicals is detrimental to ferment characteristics in ale yeasts.

I also thought that flotation was generally done with compressed air and so wouldn't necessarily be compatible with low oxygen brewing. Kettle finings also do a good job of removing cold break.

As for step mashing, that is something that shows up the difference between continental lagers and those from elsewhere, though there are speciality malts available that mitigate this. I don't think it has relevance to ale brewing using well modified pale ale malts as a base. Single infusion is by no means a home brewing method, but the British method. I think this is all adding up to a fairly one-eyed Germanic opinion on the right way to brew beer.

>> No.7612330

Make #2 Germany and #3 the Netherlands and you might be alright. Scrap Canada alltogether and make #4 Czech Republic

>> No.7612348

Does UK use abv or abw?

>> No.7612425

I think it's by volume.

>> No.7613102

USA and Belgium being one and two in that order is pretty much indisputable at this point. UK is probably three but there is a huge gap after Belgium

>> No.7613336

That size isn't meant as a single serving but yes, it's twice as strong as a typical beer.

>> No.7613408


Twice as strong by alcohol measurement, but in my experience will put you on your arse about 4 times faster. Even going from 4.5% to 6% is a hefty, noticeable jump boozewise.

>> No.7613502

Not from there but - San diego is the best beer city in the world

>> No.7613509

Beer taste like piss...I imagine

What gets better about it?

>> No.7613615

Nothing can get better if you haven't started. Why even ask? Taste is subjective and beers come in a wide variety.

>> No.7613819

everyone look at this loser. LOOK AT HIM.

>> No.7613825

1. Ireland
2. Belgium
3. Germany
4. UK
5. Poland
6. USA

>> No.7613851


Why reply twice? He's right and this is a legitimate and startlingly obvious same-fag.

>> No.7613870

>The Wheaty
Fuck ye cunt, most people just base their knowledge of our beer off VB, XXXX and Carlton Draught. Arguable the three worst beers in the country.

>> No.7613873

Also Coopers Sparkling Ale is one of the best beers in existence

>> No.7613895

Bacon culture needs to die, fucking hipsters and their bacon are almost as bad as hipsters and their beards. A desperate attempt at some nebulous view of manhood inspired mainly by Ron Swanson.

>> No.7613901

I'm a long time /ck/ poster and a longer time "channer", I'm going to be honest with you. I find bacon revolting. I used to love it, used to put it on everything, used to post about it on /b/, those were the days.

Then we noticed other people liked it too. It had to stop. Those faggots on Epic Meal Time were the final straw, though they were kinda funny before they got noticed by everyone else. Now I see bacon and I am DISGUSTED. I think of Gaia I think of Reddit, tumblr, youtuber egofaggots, all those disgusting people that probably get in a big circlejerk and pretend to love bacon because it's so cool now. I'm not sure because I NEVER go to reddit or any of those other places (the thought of them liking bacon makes me retch) but I'm certain that's what is going on.

I pick it out of salads, I pick it out of burgers, I fuck it off from anything. Bacon is for poser gaia shitters. Bacon is dead.

>> No.7614097

Didn't think I'd see anyone blame gaia for shit again.

>> No.7614122



>> No.7614129

Yeah the gaia hate makes me like 90% sure he's sarcastically parodying the use of hipster as a vapid buzzword.

>> No.7614394 [DELETED] 

Alright you fucking dumbass the US is so much better than belgium it isn't even close. Belgium has cantillon, 3F, and westy. That's literally it. The US probably has 200 breweries that are better than the rest if the world. And canada? You've got to be fucking kidding me

>> No.7614404

Move Canada to five and bump everything up.

Also, Denmark is in contention.

>> No.7614408

No it doesn't.

This. Having somewhat-better-than-awful macro isn't all it takes to be the best.

>> No.7614411


>> No.7614414

>classic mainstays
What does that mean, and why do I care?

>> No.7614416

Germany is no.1 for copying other nation's beer styles.
USA no.1 for faddish beers no one will be drinking in 10 years.

>> No.7614417

I actually think this is the correct answer.

>> No.7614420

Friendly reminder, to everyone forgetting the Netherlands on their lists, that the following breweries are in the Netherlands:
La Trappe
De Molen
't IJ

>> No.7614425


how about all the trappist breweries

>> No.7614427
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>leads the way in craft beer
>other states may catch up!

My sides.

>> No.7614432

When Germany can figure out how to make a real stout, sour, or abbey-style, I'll put them first.

>> No.7614443

German beer = bok, white, pills bok, white, pills bok, white, pills.

About as diverse as a nsdap rally.

>> No.7614444

Berliner Wiesse is sour f a m

>> No.7614448


>> No.7614449

Almost everything you just said is centered around lager brewing.

Since ales are almost completely superior, not sure of the relevance.

>> No.7614459

It's a tripel. Of course it's strong.

Are you unfamiliar with belgian-style beer? You're missing out.

>> No.7614463


I meant the Netherlands. Not sure what I was on.

>> No.7614464

That's fair, I retract the sour statement.

>> No.7614466

1. Belgium
2. Netherlands
3. Germany
4. Czech
5. UK
6. US
7. China

>> No.7614496

Top 10? Maybe yeah, but definitely not top 5.

>> No.7614542
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When you guys talk about Belgian/German beer are you talking about this sort of shit? Because as far as I'm concerned its practically undrinkable.

As far as ale goes the best I've had are all English, but I do live in England so English beer is obviously more available to me. and to be honest I struggle to deviate into other areas.

I can understand that the US has better beers because its a much larger country and brewing is fashionable for them right now. Saying that German/Belgian beers are better is completely subjective as from what I've tried their idea of beer is something completely different.

Its all far too subjective.

>> No.7614572

These threads are pretty much pointless on a number of levels. I say this as a new worlder myself, almost invariably they are started by parochial new worlders who think that "they get the best of European beer here anyway". Canada at number two is so absurd that it seems likely to me to have been put there in order to keep the thread bumping.

Sheer brute force volume of breweries is almost always brought up in the US' favor, but then a hell of a lot have very limited distribution and a lot of consumers elsewhere in the country would be lucky to see them. BeerAdvocate and other rating sites get brought up, but they are heavily skewed towards an American userbase who have only recently come to craft beer, as evidenced by the skew towards huge beers with bold flavors in the ratings.

Basically I think that it's hard to compare nations at the top of their game, for example ranking Belgium at no. 1 is entirely subjective based on the styles of their output, and that all too often people claim objectivity in their opinions in these threads. Comparing two similar style breweries on an individual basis, what would make Pretty Things or the Kernel better than the other? The tier style ranking system is better, but still all too prone to cheap shitposting.

>> No.7614578

Undrinkable? I can maybe see how a strong Belgian ale like Chimay blue might be polarizing, but a nice German Hefeweizen? That shit is made to be 10000% drinkable.

>> No.7614601

>7. China

Nigga u High.

>> No.7614616

1. US

9001. Belgium

Infinity. Everyone else

this isn't a joke, it's an objective fact and if you don't realize that you need to do some fucking research

>> No.7614630

Here are the top 35 breweries by average rating on untappd, which is by far the most reliable beer site. these are not popularity contests, purely based on average rating of all of the breweries beers. 3 from belgium, 1 from canada, and 31 from the US

>> No.7614638


>> No.7614647
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Europe BTFO

>> No.7614651


What the actual fuck?

>> No.7614655

Swapping to the top rated individual beers tab reveals a similar story to what I outlined here: >>7614572

>> No.7614657

But I'm sure over 90% of the users are American?

>> No.7614666

I love English beer. Hobgoblin and Young's Double Chocolate are two of my favourites.

Based on what I've tried I would say

1. England
2. Belgium
3. Germany
4. Netherlands
5. Denmark

>> No.7614678

Hard mode: Give two examples of good beers from the countries you pick.

>> No.7614690
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one word


>> No.7614740
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Or, if making an appointment at a monestary in Belgium is a massive fucking inconvenience....St Bernie.

>> No.7614801

Are there any Canadian or American beer styles that aren't derivative?

>> No.7614808

California Common and Pumpkin Ale.

>> No.7614818



The two year old """"""Social Media""""""" """""community"""""" created in the USA and with <0.0001% of the World's population think the USA has the best beer!

>> No.7614946
File: 463 KB, 1000x1415, Bierkarte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you faggots know about German beer except for the internatianally marketed pisswater macros? Fuck Beck's basically brew with you guys in mind now.
True German beer can only be had locally. Americas recent trend to microbrews? THAT is basically the core of German beer since forever.
Pic related. Franconia is scaled up for a reason. Every 50 people village has like 3 breweries there.
And just because most burgers only know Pils, Bocks and Weizen does not mean that's all.
> What is Schwarzbier, Helles, Märzen, Rauchbier, Roggen, Landbier, Kellerbier, Festbier, etc.?
And they all have dozens of subcategories as well.

No reason to shit on England or Ireland. They make great beer. But completely different though, so its easy to see why someone might dislike German beer if he likes English beer and vice versa.
(I'd love to have some brown ales easily available here)

American microbrew-scene is great, too.
Its a good thing there is someone going for innovation and tries new things noone else does. And that's usually something Americans do very well.
But other countries do well without, we already have "our" beers figured out.

Finally, there is a very good reason Czech and Belgium are known for great beer, period.

tl:dr; It's easy to shit on some other countries beer if you only know their pisswater. Remember: The shit beer the rest of the world laughs about America? 99% of the beers you get from "us" is our equivalent to your macro pisswater!

>> No.7614963

>They make great beer.
I would specify ale and stout. The lager there is pretty grim.

>> No.7615106
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Why are people saying Canada? What good beer comes from Canada?

>> No.7615154

1. Bavaria
a good german beer is a bavarian beer
>USA & Canada
that's gross, who made that list

>> No.7615211

The US doesn't even make beer, what the fuck are you on.

>> No.7615222

>having America in this list instead of Denmark

>> No.7615241
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>that many breweries just to make bock pills and white

>> No.7615244

That's insane.

>> No.7615379

I think it's pretty hard to list them without breaking it down by style. Certain countries just do certain styles the best, even if the others have their own commendable beers of the same style.

I'd but in general I'd say
1. Belgium
2. US
3. Germany

Canada puts out a couple of good beers, but not enough to make top 5 imo.

If we're talking macro brews then I'd rank the US much lower too, but I'm assuming we're not.

>> No.7615384

You must not be from the US because the beer industry here right now is huge and growing like a motherfucker.

>> No.7615405

how in the fuck does anyone consider chimay undrinkable

>> No.7615677


Too strong, I can only drink about half a bottle before feeling ill. I'd be convinced its just some /ck/ meme beer if it weren't so readily available.

>> No.7615703

Britain is top on my list, but only because I enjoy stouts and dark ales far more than lager or IPA's.

>> No.7616510


Some people honestly can't handle higher ABV beers, no matter how good they are.

>> No.7616512

>only because I enjoy stouts and dark ales
I hate to break it to you, but the US's stout game beats the UK's these days.

>> No.7616543

The ABV doesn't bother me, rather the beer itself is too much.
It's like two meals in a glass, shit's only good in moderation.

>> No.7616558


Ohhhh ok so you're just a massive vagina then.

>> No.7616650
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>All these faggots in this thread thinking Anheuser-Busch = American Beer

>> No.7616707

USA is clearly #1, so strongly it's unfair. More reasonable to rank states against countries

1) California
2) Michigan
3) Colorado
4) Canada
5) North Carolina
6) Delaware

40) Denmark (Mikkeller)
41) Germany
42) Belgium
43) Utah