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File: 251 KB, 594x1583, Weissenoher_Glocken_Hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7600736 No.7600736 [Reply] [Original]

On this day 500 years ago the Reinheitsgebot (beer purity law) was passed in Bavaria.
Ever since that day true german beer is only brewed with 4 ingredients: Water, Barley, Hops and Yeast.

Celebrating this ill be getting shitfaced drunk on beer today which means starting early (its 1 p.m. CEST). Ill be posting the Beers im drinking, while getting less descriptive over time.

Im Starting with "Glocken Hell" from "Weißenoher Klosterbrauerei" (Weißenau Monastary). pic related.

>> No.7600755

think you meant to post this on Facebook :)

>> No.7600770
File: 242 KB, 1009x1200, OSD79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice blog.

>pic related
>not true German beer

Reinheitsgebot was a an effective way to prevent shit lagers from festering in Germany, but doesn't mark a "true German beer", friend.

>> No.7600789
File: 289 KB, 249x768, Ungespundetes-Mahrs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

running low on beer. Im going beer shopping while drinking "Mahrs Bräu ungespundetes" (Mahrs Brewery unplugged, unfiltered) from Bamberg.

Good thing youre allowed to drink and drive in Germany.

>> No.7600839
File: 236 KB, 1671x2230, img_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not True German Beer™

Fuck off.

>> No.7600849
File: 6 KB, 194x259, schenkerla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7600850

im living in Bavaria, so Beer from the North is....well is it Beer if you put spices in it?!

>> No.7600853

Irish beer>German beer

>> No.7600857

Nobody actually drinks gose in Germany.
It's an american meme, just like Belgians are supposed to slam trippels and lambics.

>> No.7600911

>he fell for the reinheitsgebot meme

>> No.7600924

bumping for interest

>> No.7600952

>he thinks calling things a meme helps him put stuff down he doesn't understand

>> No.7601028

Please rememer that the law was never actually about purity and that was just marketing spin put on the law many years afterwards. It was always just about economics, primarily to artificially lower the cost of bread by preventing brewers from using wheat and rye and instead only barely which is not very suitable for bread. Later it became more of a protectionist law with the main purpose of preventing non-german brewers from being able to sell in germany

It literally never had anything to do with quality, and is the main reason german beer is so far behind Belgium and America when it comes to quality now

>> No.7601033

is this why german beers are so boring?

>> No.7601040



>> No.7601043


nailed it, bro

though something about Germany and purity always raises a flag

>> No.7601093
File: 17 KB, 250x375, wolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could say its boring i think of it as a challenge, making destinctly diffrent beer with a limited amount of ingredients is something else

thats true but i wouldnt say german beer is behind american ones, every american beer i drank tastes too much like water, but maybe i just drank the wrong american ones and you the wrong german ones. Belgian beer is great though, they sure know how to do it.

its not a meme, its cultural heirloom

Was at a friends place, had a Wolf Hell, a fine Beer, but not my favourite.

>> No.7601105

Yeah, sounds like you are just drinking the wrong american ones. The giant american brewers all make terrible beer, when it comes to the largest brewers Germany's are far better, but when it comes to the selection you can find in a typical grocery store or bar, America is amazing

>> No.7601116
File: 40 KB, 400x800, karmeliter_klostertrunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smaller American brewers are close to impossible to get here in Germany, only had stuff like Miller or Budweiser (which is indeed terrible). If you can recommend something i have an American Import store in town who might be able to get it (former American occupied part of Germany).
Small German brewers are better than the big ones too i think its like that almost everywhere.

Im now drinking "Karmeliter Klostertrunk" (another monastary brewed beer) from Franconia (as most of the Beer i drink), quite strong on malt for a non dark beer.

>> No.7601147

Most good american brewers don't even sell in every state so its hard to guess what you will be able to get, but amongst the easiest to find good breweries in america Founders, Ballast Point, Bells and Lagunitas are pretty good, three of those have recently sold stakes to larger international breweries so it might be easier to find.
Also I read something about Stone opening a new brewery in Germany, so you might be able to find their stuff, though I am not sure if it is operational yet. I am not a particular fan of them but they make some good stuff.

>> No.7601148


It was passed in Germany. Bavaria is a state of Germany who actually got an exemption so they could make Hefeweizen. Which is made with wheat.

>Since you obviously don't know what you're talking about

>> No.7601152

The law definitely originated in Bavaria, the city of Munich originally and not long after the entire state
Shit, I am american and think the law was bad and even I know this

>> No.7601157

joke's on them, you can make beer out of corn, wheat, or beets.

>> No.7601164


wow, I didn't know this but on some gut feeling bought a a sampling of German beers today. About six 500ml bottles. I have already drank all of them.

>> No.7601168
File: 184 KB, 278x285, adolfraving2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those Germans sure like their purity laws.

>> No.7601169

there was no germany in 1516 only the Holy Roman Empire. Bavaria was a Kingdom.

>> No.7601172

Feels good living in a country where every single brewery follows those laws.

No, not Germany.

>> No.7601191

Austria? Eastern Europe?

>> No.7601223

Why would this possibly feel good?
Wheat, rye, oats, fruit, coffee, even sugar and sometimes corn have useful places in beer

>> No.7601224

Because it stops being beer and turns into wine at that point.

Fruit has it's place in cider as well, it's not beer.

>> No.7601230

>wheat, rye, and oats are fruit


>> No.7601233

Are you just ignoring everything I said that isn't fruit?
What about grains like wheat, rye and oats? Why can't those be used in beer?

Also, its not wine unless you are using more fruit than grain. A lot of amazing beer is made from brewing a barley based beer and allowing it to wild ferment with the addition of fruit

>> No.7601238

Because it's not fucking barley. If you want to drink your pisswasser, by all means do so. It's still not proper beer.

>> No.7601247

because some small time fucking duke decreed so 500 years ago to keep the peasants happy by making their bread cheaper?

>> No.7601250

Go back to your wine cooler.

>> No.7601251

>hefeweizen and witbier is pisswater

Damn you really don't know anything do you.

>> No.7601256
File: 99 KB, 640x640, Cranbic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to your mass produced shit lager

Even though fruit beer makes up a pretty small portion of what I drink I am gonna go to the store and buy myself some cranberry lambic just for you

>> No.7601281

>not making your own beer from scratch

Step it up

>> No.7601285

Are you saying Belgians aren't slamming tripels or lambics? So you're saying they're actually retarded?

>> No.7601288

I do occasionally, but I usually don't want that much beer of one style at once unless I have some sort of event to bring it to

>> No.7601295
File: 233 KB, 600x600, 5460_0020_UrKrostitzer_0020_Pils.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats my Beer...yes

>> No.7601317


German beer is on par, quality-wise. You probably think all lagers are boring, yellow pisswater because years of trippels and IPAs have destroyed your ability to appreciate subtlety

>> No.7601322

Most lagers sold in germany are exactly that. There are plenty of great lagers, but they are generally not what most places in germany are selling, and most of the time better lagers are easier to find in american than anywhere else

>> No.7601359


there's more to German beer than helles and pilsener m8

what is bock?
what is altbier?

Some are more popular regionally, yes, but all are easy enough to get throughout Germany. Even outside Germany. German beer is just as good as any other. It's like measuring American beer's quality based on it's macro pisswater. Or Belgium on Stella or Jupiler (Belgiums best-selling beer).

>> No.7601480
File: 149 KB, 300x421, gruener-vollbier-hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


easy to find does not correspond with awesome. I think everyone can find a german beer they like. There are even more types of beer then mentioned like Export or dunkles Weizen and I'm not even talking about the plethora of Bockbier that's around.

I'm now drinking Grüner which is a Fürth local. It's one of my favourites, big part to being sold in the football stadium of my favourite Club.

>> No.7601572

>500 years ago
>people knew what yeast was

don't be a stupid fuck, it had water barley and hops.

Also you're forgetting bacteria. Jesus christ I hate german retards. Boast about their purity and history 24/7 while not even knowing the history

Anyway, the purist beer in america was being made in Rochester, NY in the late 1900s, large german population that wasn't being fucked by ww1/ww2

>> No.7601582

>buying IPAs that aren't fresh
there's a reason a lot of people think IPAs are just bad meme beers

>> No.7601626
File: 201 KB, 1044x1386, huppendorfer_vollbier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeast was added later to allow Bavarian Hefeweizen.

Now its Huppendorfer. Bamberg Region.

>> No.7601635

Well I was going to a barbecue today, unsure what beer to bring, that about seals the deal.

It will go with my german potato salad :^)

>wew lads

>> No.7601685

nice Reinheitsgebot we got there

Breweries literally add some shit and filter it out later on and the law allows for it. It's america-tier consumer-protection.

>> No.7601704

Keep an eye out for anything by Sierra Nevada, they seem to have a decent European logistics chain for an American craft brewer. Same goes for Anchor Brewing and Rogue. All of them much better than the macro adjunct piss.

>> No.7601714
File: 129 KB, 314x278, 1457692878274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeast was added later to allow Hefeweizen
>Since pilsners and bocks don't have yeast in them
>Hefeweizen still aren't allowed to use wheat


>> No.7601733

Yeast was added to the actual law later when people discovered what yeast was. Beer can't exist without yeast and never has, they just didn't know what it was or how it worked way back in 1516. You understand that just because hefes have a lot of yeast derived flavors and aren't filtered, they're not the only beers with yeast, don't you noko?

>> No.7601807

I like their Klostersud.