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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 398 KB, 1000x718, logo1b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7568487 No.7568487 [Reply] [Original]

6th round of the 5th Annual /ck/ Top Master Iron Chef Ultimate Nightmare Kitchen Survivor Challenge!

This is the first of the elimation rounds! If you are not part of the contestants still in the running, feel free to post along, however I will not be tallying the scores. But the more entries the better!
Here's the list of those who made the top 12!
Reminder :
-Please timestamp your submission! Detailing the cooking process/posting a vertical is encouraged but not required. If posting multiple photos, you don't need to timestamp each one, as long as the final submission photo is timestamped.
-You MUST use a unique identifier; if you don't want to use a tripcode, you must have some other way to distinguish yourself from the other contestants, such as a cute bird or scary statue in your timestamped entry, as long as it's clearly visible and you use it consistently.

Voting will be carried out in this thread. Please read the voting guidelines below.

>> No.7568489


Voting follows an 'Iron Chef' style scoring system. This means you, the people of /ck/, will judge each entry individually instead of deciding on what you feel is the "best" dish.

Dishes are scored out of a total 20 points, based on 4 categories (worth a maximum of 5 points each); Presentation, Originality, Appeal and Challenge Goals. You may award 0's if you feel the contestant did not meet your expectations for a category.

-Presentation: The appearance of items on the plate; plating skills
-Originality: Creativity in composing the dish
-Appeal: How appetizing the food looks/whether or not the dish appeals to your personal taste as a voter
-Challenge Goals: How closely the entry followed the challenge goal(s)

The distinction between Presentation and Appeal: If someone submits an artfully arranged but burnt steak as an entry, it may score high in Presentation but low in Appeal.

For additional info and to see submissions from Previous years, check out the Challenge blog. (http://ckchallenge.blogspot.ca/))


Copypasta Scoring Format for Lazymodo

Presentation: /5
Originality: /5
Appeal: /5
Challenge Goals: /5
Total: /20

>> No.7568495 [DELETED] 


>> No.7568496

The theme of Round Six is...


Honestly because I've had way too much fun with the entries for this round last year. While you're perfectly welcome to make a large spread of food, please make sure there is clearly a "main dish" because that is what people will be voting on.

Two contestants will not be moving on to the next round.

>> No.7568504
File: 122 KB, 875x368, rd5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7568515

What? Eyepatch submitted a dish.

>> No.7568521


I wouldn't call that a serious entry...

>> No.7568523

It felt like a joke/what the fuck/flip a table kind of entry.

>> No.7568529

He had his identifier and a timestamp. Didn't Yellowmug present a "joke" entry in round 4?
I sense a little bit of bias. Please include his dish.

>> No.7568548

He's still in the running. I can go fetch his scores if he drops by and tells me it was meant as a real entry :-)

>> No.7568693

Eyepatch here. I at least deserve the 6s and 7s I received.

>> No.7568702

and yeah it was real. I just was low on time to put any effort into anything so I plated in a way to entertain myself. It would have looked shitty regardless.

>> No.7569230


>> No.7569236

Why don't you order them correctly?

>> No.7569273


How do you want them ordered?

>> No.7569287

By first to last place, or if they are somehow based on the elimination column then add another column indicating the actual score.

>> No.7569329

give it a sec, excelfag will probably take care of it.

>> No.7569415

Eyepatch should have waited for the "stuffed" round before he submitted a giant dong.

>> No.7569481
File: 244 KB, 910x681, ck challenge 2016 - End Round 5 Scores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At your request.

>> No.7569489

Eyepatch here. Please count my scores. It was a real entry, I just plated it in a funny way because it wasn't going to look good anyways. I still flambed the thing.

>> No.7569497

this is so much better. ty.

>> No.7569526


Sure thing bud, just need Bubble to give the clear. I don't want to personally make any modifications to the official scoreboard, I'm merely modifying the spreadsheet for a more detailed view.

Bubble, can you give a ruling on this please?

>> No.7569540
File: 71 KB, 400x276, question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any chance this event can be more than once a year? It provides a much needed thread to this board.

>> No.7569558

shiiittt expanding on this, mfw this competition starts going on 4 times a year, /ck/ starts producing the best chefs in the world. /ck/ gains 4chan millions in advertising. Moot is mad he left.

>> No.7569569


if this were to happen I'd like to see it hosted in a more controlled environment, but still linked to /ck/ in an official thread. maybe even a small buy in of $2-5 to go towards a prize.

>> No.7569577
File: 125 KB, 1024x768, 1448826660905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7569594


nobody ever said it needed to be fagddit, or a forum environment where namefagging is mandatory. it's not so hard to setup an environment to still keep everyone anonymous, but still have moderation where an IP address were visible to mods. itd be the same shit as on here but with less assholes degrading the competition.

>> No.7569615


bubble, whats your cummulative elimination statistic based upon?

>> No.7569654

Eyepatch here again. I just made another failed experiment. I'll be posting the pic here soon, but it isn't an official entry. It won't have a timestamp or identifier either so no one mistakes it for being my real entry. It was just a stoned idea I had that turned out way too ridiculous. I made a stuffed chicken breast sandwich with two calzones as the bread. Pics incoming. I have an idea to make something better tomorrow.

>> No.7569661


Looking forward to it

>> No.7569751
File: 687 KB, 1120x747, stuffed chicken calzone sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is. It just turned out way to big. I might take a backup pic with my timestamp and identifier just in case I decide to go with it. I'll probably make something else tomorrow though. I'm thinking of ideas right now.

>> No.7569765

I was considering starting a monthly or quarterly event.

>> No.7569807

I haven't participated in these yet mainly because 2016 is the first time I've heard of it; but I would definitely start competing in a monthly or quarterly event. A year is just too long. You could even have rounds in a monthly event that spanded 1 week or less. Might even bring more traffic to /ck/

>> No.7569808


I'd eat that, looks great. Crust could have used an egg wash to add some gold and brighten the presentation. What was the calzone filling, and what's it topped with?

>> No.7569813

would eat, kind of looks like the jaw / lips of a dead burnt man though at the angle you took the pic; If you don't look at it like that though looks nice.

>> No.7569818

I brushed the calzones with butter. The filling is just mozzarella and homemade marinara. I kept it simple since I was trying to make them thin, but they ended up being thicker than I wanted anyways. They are topped with homemade pesto. The chicken is filled cream cheese and more of the homemade pesto.

>> No.7570363

Will post updated scoreboard tonight.

>> No.7571118

If someone serves lobsters stuffed with tacos, they get an instant 20/20

>> No.7571141


Do choco tacos count?

>> No.7571206


You son of a bitch. A stuffed lobster tail was one of my ideas for this round. Now I need to go with one of my alternates.

>> No.7571240

I like the idea. A calzone with stuffed chicken inside would be cool too. The picture's contrast or white balance or something is messed up though.

Been tried in the past multiple times. It just never takes off.

>> No.7571273

I didn't even think of putting the chicken inside the calzone. That would have been more practical. Unfortunately I already bought ingredients for something else.

>> No.7571287


Stuffed chicken inside a stuffed calzone.

Oh man the stuffedness...

>> No.7571894

Surely somebody in this challenge is bound to pull off a doublestuff at least.

>> No.7571901

Why isn't the blog archiving the recipes?

>> No.7572349

I archive the results. Any verticals submitted gets uploaded at the end of the challenge on the booru with the /ck/ challenge tag (there's 338 of them currently)


>> No.7572370

And updated scorecard as promised.

>> No.7572374
File: 133 KB, 993x375, rd5-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the image...

>> No.7572375

what's the last column?

>> No.7572389

original ranking for when I made the first cut. Personal curiosity to see how people more around (I rank each round based on that round). Excelfag does a much prettier version of it.

>> No.7572431

oh ok, neat

>> No.7572706


Eyepatch: Updated mine to reflect your score, will be posted on end of next round unless requested otherwise.

Bubblecakes: Let me know if you're curious about anything else and I can run the numbers. I know you're a busy girl!

>> No.7573555

No, it's great, you're already doing an excellent job. Thank you, by the way!

>> No.7573779 [DELETED] 

Question, when Yellowcunt gives himself 20/20's all the way to first place this year, will he get a regular apron or a shiny golden one?

>> No.7573895

How do you guys feel about dumplings/ravioli?

I'm not entirely sure they fit in the theme since it's stuffed pasta, but at the same time, it doesn't ''feel'' like a stuffed dish...

>> No.7573908

they are stuffed imho
It's a shame when strong contenders step out, this year has been a shitstorm, I thought you gave up after last year, but that seems like a breeze after this year. Hope all is well.

>> No.7573988

Last year was at least mostly civil. The shitstorms this year have me a lot less active in the threads, which is probably detrimental to the whole thing (but I did -not- have spoons to deal with that crap in the last few weeks). Thank you for asking.

>> No.7574580 [DELETED] 

Just a shame you compromised the competition by counting the obvious troll/samefag scoring. Not naming names but mostly done for himself by one person. Sucks when people are spending money on this.

>> No.7574597

Dumplings or ravioli are both stuffed things. As are pierogi, manicotta, etc.

>> No.7574725

I can't speak for anyone else, but I personally don't go out of my way time or money wise to make anything. it's all been based on ingredients I already have and worked into my regular food prep day.

I did ravioli last year and I remember people liking the idea. my presentation was shit though so I did poorly for the round.

>> No.7574748
File: 690 KB, 1050x700, super calzone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eyepatch here. This is a calzone filled with stuffed meatballs, ravioli, marinara sauce, mozzarella, and Parmesan. It's topped with sauteed spinach and the leftover ravioli filling. The meatballs were stuffed with a mix of mozzarella, ricotta, and Parmesan. The ravioli filling consists of cream cheese, ricotta cheese, mozzarella, Parmesan, and egg. Everything is homemade except for the cheeses. I bought a pasta roller to make this, and I'm already in love with it. Timestamp and identifier incoming.

>> No.7574752
File: 555 KB, 1050x700, not cocaine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

timestamp and identifier

>> No.7574754


Presentation: 5/5
Originality: 5/5
Appeal: 5/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 20/20
Beautiful lasagna looks delicious

>> No.7574755
File: 805 KB, 1050x700, whole thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7574767

You seem like a italiaboo stoner.
420 mozzarell it

>> No.7574826


Looks pretty good, but the spinach on top sort of ruins it for me. It would have looked better on the inside.

You should have posted pics of your new pasta roller in action.

>> No.7574832

I meant to put the spinach inside, but I plumb forgot about it, and I didn't realize it until the calzone was already in the oven. I still have some dough to roll out, so maybe tonight after work I'll take some action pics. Or, if I'm too tired tonight, I'll just take them when I roll it out tomorrow.

>> No.7575186

Yellowmug, will you be making your samefagging more subtle this thread or just going for the usual 20/20's since the naive beta's in this thread let you get away with it?

>> No.7575271

>Presentation: 5/5
>Originality: 5/5
>Appeal: 5/5
>Challenge Goals: 10/5
>Total: 25/20
Quality post, you knocked it out of the park! Good work!

>> No.7575854

two gold stars

>> No.7575927

>Presentation: 5/5
>Originality: 5/5
>Appeal: 5/5
>Challenge Goals: 4/5
>Total: 19/20
Very nice post Yellowmug! You are rocking this competition!

>> No.7576312

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 14/20
I think meatballs in a calzone is a really nice concept but I think it would go better with some sauce. I don't really see the appeal of the ravioli and some stringy cheese would have been more of a fun choice. I'm also not sure about the spinach on top but well done, it does look good.

>> No.7576947
File: 1.12 MB, 2560x1920, 20160416_142648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barbecue pork buns - I've been craving char siu buns but also Western barbecue flavours so I made these.

The filling is done by rendering and frying pork belly, sweating leek in the fat, and mixing those with tomato paste, treacle, brown sugar, vinegar, soy sauce, paprika, chilli powder, and dijon mustard. I added enough water to cover, then stewed that for a couple of hours until the sauce reduced.

The dough is made with bread flour and tang zhong. I feel that the bread flour gives it a nice resilience while the tang zhong keeps it fluffy.

>> No.7576977

That legit looks good anon.

>> No.7576979

Thanks, buddy.

It was my first time using both baking powder as well as yeast in the dough and I'm pleased with the effect.

>> No.7577428


Post the fucking recipie.
I love siopao

>> No.7577437


>> No.7577487

I had those in Manhattan (non-US here). They were fucking delicious.

>> No.7577502

I kind of winged this one with a mish-mash of leftover ingredients, which is why I didn't do a vertical this time, but it was something like:


Tang zhong;
Bread flour, 25g
Water, 125ml

Rest of the dough:
Bread flour, 475g
Cornstarch, 25g
Sugar, 100g
Butter (cubed), 20g
Yeast, 1.5tsp
Baking powder, 1.5tsp
Water, 200ml + 50ml

Pork belly, 500g
Leek, small
Smoked paprika, 1tsp
Chilli powder, 1tsp
Tomato paste, 2tbsp
Dijon mustard, 1tbsp
Treacle, 2tbsp
Brown sugar, 50g (estimated)
Soy sauce, 50ml (estimated)
White wine vinegar, 100ml (estimated)
Salt and pepper


Tang zhong:

This can be done on the stove on medium heat (a double boiler should not be necessary but keep stirring to prevent it sticking) or in the microwave by heating for approximately half a minute, and then in five or ten second intervals.

1. Mix together the flour and water.
2. Stir and heat until it reaches 65c.
3. Let cool covered with a damp cloth or cling film to prevent the top drying.
4. When cooled, mix with the remaining dough ingredients excluding water.
5. Add the 200ml water and roughly mix, trying to get all the flour shaggy.
6. Add more water if necessary. Once there is no dry flour left, form a dough. This should take less than five minutes to knead.
7. Let rest until risen.

1. Render out the fat from the pork in a dry pan over medium heat.
2. Once browned, add the leek to sweat.
3. Add the remaining ingredients, mix, and add just enough water to cover.
4. Bring to a boil, then reduce and let stew to reduce the sauce for a couple of hours.
5. Let cool.

1. Knead out excess air from the dough
2. Separate the dough into golf-ball sized balls. This should make approximately 24.
3. Press out the balls into circles with your hands.
4. Wrap the pork into the buns
5. Let rest for fifteen minutes.
6. Steam for fifteen minutes.

>> No.7577512

Oh, I forgot to say that I also added a lid full of sherry. Maybe 20ml.

>> No.7577555

Thank you anon, I sug at cooking but I def wanna try this someday.

>> No.7577583

Thanks for your interest.

>> No.7578571

that looks super yummy!!!

Going get my ingredients tomorrow. I have a plan B because i doubt i'll be able to find one of the ingredients for plan A....fingers crossed!

>> No.7579503


>> No.7580249

week-end bump

>> No.7580605

yo niggaz where all da entries at?

>> No.7580708

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 5/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 15/20

>> No.7580887

Most people do their food shopping and cooking on the week-end.

>> No.7580893

Every time I scroll past this thread I see the OP image and think it's a picture of condoms hanging from strings. Delete it.

>> No.7581222


Cooking tomorrow afternoon.

Just be sure to come back on Tuesday to vote.

>> No.7581629
File: 69 KB, 634x476, 2016-04-17 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my submission

Imam Bayildi - stuffed eggplant

>> No.7581641

What's yeast and what does it do on the recipe? It's really something not common where I live

>> No.7581645
File: 107 KB, 634x476, 2016-04-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the eggplants are roasted, then cut open and stuffed with simmered tomatoes, red peppers, onions and garlic seasoned with paprika, black pepper and a bit of sugar

then back in the oven for an hour until everything is soft and melted together

>> No.7581658

Looks great anon, from which country is this meal from?

>> No.7581667


derka derka land

>> No.7581673

Oh. That looks good.

>> No.7581684

Yeast helps rise the dough. It's what makes most bread bread. When you see just 'yeast' in a dough, it usually refers to instant dry yeast in my experience.

>> No.7581690

>when you see just 'yeast' in a dough
Sorry, I mean 'recipe' not 'dough'.

>> No.7581767

I think it's a Turkish dish. Read about it a while ago.


>> No.7582439

What's the difference of that to say, baking soda powder?

>> No.7582477


>> No.7582558

was hoping to cook entry today, but stuff came up, so I won't be posting mine til tomorrow afternoon/evening. Hopefully voters stick around 'til tuesday! Bummed that I had to resort to plan b for my dish

>> No.7582671
File: 679 KB, 2000x1500, P4173722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my submission for this round:

Greek stuffed hamburgers
The patties are stuffed with chopped red onions, kalamata olives, tomatoes and feta cheese. I served the burgers with homemade tzatziki and a greek salad.

The flavor of the filling really changed the taste of the beef for the better, it was a great meal for what is pretty much the first spring day of the year!

Proof of stuffing will follow

>> No.7582678
File: 659 KB, 1500x2000, P4173715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7582682

>The patties are stuffed with chopped red onions, kalamata olives, tomatoes and feta cheese
Sounds fucking amazing

>> No.7582686

Shit, just noticed that these pictures aren't from the same burger... My gf didn't want tomatoes in hers.

If anyone requires proof that the second one was made by me, i'll go take a picture of one of the leftover patties.

>> No.7582697


The patty looks well done for my taste, but I appreciate a man who appreciates that thick of a slice of tomato on his sandwiches.

>> No.7582707

yep, that's a lie, going to need proof now m8y

>> No.7582728


Half of the contestants of women dummy, and probably a good handful are married.

>> No.7582791
File: 2.02 MB, 2936x3306, Italian stuffed artichoke accompanied by a gremolata ravioli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For this round I'm entering an Italian stuffed artichoke accompanied by a gremolata ravioli.

Prefer my artichokes roasted opposed to the traditional steamed because it adds a higher depth of flavor at the sake of appearance. Very tasty!

>> No.7582834

oh lord that looks amazing

>> No.7582846

ravioli ravioli give me the formuoli

>> No.7583106

where did you find that meteorite you plated with your ravioli?

>> No.7583187 [DELETED] 

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 12/20
Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 14/20
Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 3/5
ravioli look delicious, but not sure about the artichoke. Has nothing to do with the way it was cooked.
Challenge Goals: 4/5
sorry but it doesn't seem clear which one was the main dish like the rules say
Total: 14/20

>> No.7583210


>it doesn't seem clear which one was the main dish

While I sort of agree that a big stuffed artichoke with two little raviolis doesn't seem like a composed dish, the flavor profiles do go together, and (s)he did use stuffed in more than one way, so in my opinion it doesn't really make sense to take off points for challenge goals.

>> No.7583229

Alright fuck it, I'll change it then. I just feel that it's not clear which on is the main dish, and I wasn't sure which category to ding. It aint no thang to me though, so if people think it's unfair, I'll change it.

>> No.7583230

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 12/20
Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 14/20
Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 3/5
ravioli look delicious, but not sure about the artichoke. Has nothing to do with the way it was cooked.
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 14/20

>> No.7583233

fuck I didn't change the challenge goals. It should be a 15. Bubbles pls count it that way

>> No.7583409


Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 13/20

It's definitely stuffed, but it probably would have been nice to see that browned crust hidden by the spinach and extra sauce. Could probably use more marinara, as it looks a bit dry.


Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 5/5
Challenge Goals: 3/5

Pork buns should be banned from the competition, because they're an automatic 5/5 on appeal in my book. They look and sound pretty great, but the presentation could use some work.


Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 3/5
Total: 9/20

It looks pretty, but sounds kind of boring.


Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 4/5

It sounds delicious, if not anything original. But it's a pretty tall burger with what looks like unseasoned vegetables and an over cooked patty. The bun looks really good.


Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 13/20

I want to hate the slightly burnt artichoke, but I love artichoke so much I can't. Otherwise everything looks great as usual, and my only real complaint is the ratio of 2 small raviolis to an entire artichoke.

>> No.7583611

Looks good, but a calzone? Stretch of the term.
Also the dough looks dry. Use less flour/more water in the dough. You should be able to pinch it shut without eggwash/water/or milk.
Milk is a good brush for on top though.
But I would enjoy eating that. Thank you for posting.

I would love to eat that. Different spices than I would have used, but ...I would love to eat that. Thanks for making it.

Stuffed potatoes? Not a big fan of abourgine, but I would eat and enjoy this. Looks pretty dank. Meat eater here, but this sounds like it would be enough to fill my fat stomach. And make it happy. >>7581767
"Turkish spices"? Yeah, that would help make it feel more fulfilling. Stomachally wise.

I really appreciate the effort. Stuffed burgers are a bitch... and then you have to deal with the haters complaining about the well done burger.
Stacked a bit too high to fit in my mouth, but I bet it would taste GREAT squished down and ... yeah, the toppings are on point!

Gremolata means (to me) raw garlic, parsley, and lemon zest. That sounds like a ravioli that would be difficult to eat.
"Italian"-stuffed. I'm not sure what makes it Italian. Gremolata is 100% a garnish on a meat dish. It's meant to CUT through the heavy flavors of the meat. But that's okay, whatever.
The artichoke looks like it got a bit burned.
Lower temp or less time...
I don't get it really. Is the artichoke so heavy that I need to bite into the ravioli before taking a bite of the artichoke?

>> No.7583623


I think the calzone crust looks pretty good, but agree with you that it could have been sealed a little nicer/given a crimped edge.

I'm with you 100% on the gremolata. It looks like some kind of cheese mixed with green onions. Looks great, but I don't see anything resembling gremolata.

Also, there are no potatoes in Borneo's dish (not sure if typo).

>> No.7583837


Do you smell your own shit? Because your head is so far up your own ass with that post I'd be surprised if you didn't.

>> No.7584560


>> No.7584582
File: 388 KB, 320x180, tumblr_nvrj4aXHCD1ryurmdo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7584606


I'll post the ravioli recipe after work today

>> No.7584620

Thank you, Nack :) my work got rained out today so I'll be waiting over here on pins and needles.

>> No.7584638

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 13/20
The bright red looks lovely and I like the tomato wedge 'garnish'. It seems like a side dish to share or something though rather than something to eat whole with no other accompaniments.

It's the difference between cake and bread. If you've ever had soda bread, which is made with baking soda instead of yeast, you can get a good idea of the difference too.

Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 15/20
I like the idea and the combination of flavours sound good. The vegetables are sliced too thick for my liking though.

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 5/5
Appeal: 5/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 17/20
My score might seem a bit high to others but I just find this really interesting and I'd really like to find out what it tastes like. The ravioli are very pretty and I like how you've fried them but the artichoke is remarkably ugly - I kind of like that though.

>> No.7584659


I know the artichoke is ugly haha. Traditionally you would steam the artichoke in a bath of stock and white whine. It would retain its proper color, but I feel it doesn't taste as good as it would if it were roasted. So I sacrifice some appearance for flavor. Probably not the smartest idea when in a content based purely on looks, but I'm the one who ends up eating it in the end, so I'll take a few hits in points for a good meal!

>> No.7584891

>Probably not the smartest idea when in a content based purely on looks

I dunno, Yellowmugs pizza last round looked incredibly dried out and average but it got about 30 20/20's. Oh wait, he's a notorious samefag. Never mind.

>> No.7585312
File: 2.55 MB, 4032x3024, chocolate stuffed eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys, I present to you my soft-boiled eggs.

Oh no, I just made them look like that, after encountering something similar in a restaurant years ago. These are eggs stuffed with chocolate cream, topped of with whipped cream and a special Dutch liqueur called 'Advocaat', an egg-based type of brandy which contains about 14% vol.

They turned out to be a really nice dessert, and everyone loved them. The chocolate part can be seen in the vertical.

also: damnit asdf, I was planning on making those as well, but you beat me to it

>> No.7585314
File: 2.31 MB, 1000x3500, eggs vertical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7585329

recipe for stuffed artichoke too pls

>> No.7585333


They look really nice; really clean.

The cutting board covering the dirty wall that only you have complained about made me laugh.

>> No.7585443

Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 5/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 16/20
These are really cute, especially the advocaat in the middle. I think I would prefer a richer dessert considering their size, maybe all cream instead of cream and milk for instance.

>> No.7585468

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 5/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 15/20

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 13/20

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 1/5
Challenge Goals: 4/5
Total: 9/20

Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 3/5
Total: 10/20

Presentation: 1/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 1/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 10/20

Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 1/5
Challenge Goals: 2/5
Total: 8/20

>> No.7585509
File: 1.53 MB, 3072x2304, CK 6 Stuffed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My late night entry: Bacon wrapped black pudding skirlie chicken breasts.

Presentation is not my strongest suit. I have never even butterflied a chicken breast till tonight but I can say that this experimental meal was fucking delicious.

Infographic to follow, cheers everyone.

>> No.7585514
File: 1.36 MB, 3004x1888, CK 6 infog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7585517

I'm not contesting your rating, but can I ask why you didn't think my dish respected the challenge goals? What would it have taken to get a 5/5?
I'm interested in what I could have done better.

>> No.7585561
File: 104 KB, 500x630, sntb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my entry:
Surf 'n Turf Bombs with a Garlic Cream Sauce

Inside each biscuit is either shimp and cheese or steak and caramelized onion. I didn't realize until i finished that the whole dish is yellow...at least it tastes good.

>> No.7585570
File: 58 KB, 400x374, sntbinside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the insides of each. i'll be posting vertical later this afternoon

>> No.7585583

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 13/20
Sounds good! I sort of wonder if the skirlie would be too dry for stuffing a chicken breast and the chicken does look a bit overcooked. But I do like the different elements here.

>> No.7585592

this is so cool???

>> No.7585594

Hi, thanks for your feedback. Certainly when adding the skirlie mix inside the chicken, it's a struggle as the mixture is dry. But once it gets cooked the skirlie gets really moist and delicious.

Typically skirlie is used as the stuffing for a whole roast chicken. Since I made so much, looks like that's what I'll have to do this week

>> No.7585627

Is it??????

>> No.7585679

guess i asked for that.. sorry rei

my english isnt so good

>> No.7585722

this is amazing

>> No.7585757
File: 650 KB, 500x561, roundsix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

greek quinoa stuffed pepper with a balsamic reduction

vert incoming

>> No.7585761
File: 626 KB, 548x1120, vertsix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7585825
File: 918 KB, 1240x3348, sntbvertical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that wasnt me, guess trolls are out and about. thanks! i thought everyone would think its boring, so i'm glad i'm getting some positive feedback

vertical is here, i forgot to take pictures in the beginning, so it's not as detailed as usual

definitely would like to try! i almost went stuffed pepper, but my idea wasnt nearly as interesting!

>> No.7585852

It's not even close to boring Rei. You're a beautiful woman and you make beautiful food and don't let anybody ever tell you differently.

>> No.7585868

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 5/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 15/20
I really like the look of the shrimp one. This is quite a novel take on stuffed which I like but I'm not crazy about the crumb on your biscuits - it looks like it might be a bit dry. I think more cheese would have made a great money shot too.

Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 16/20
Your presentation has improved! It's not quite there yet but it looks really nice nonetheless. The line is a bit too squiggly so it might have been better to try something like a brush which is more forgiving, and the shish looks a bit tacked on. That said, the stuffed pepper itself sounds really good - particularly the baked chickpeas which I imagine gives a really nice texture. It's hard to make stuffed peppers look good so well done.

>> No.7585953


Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 4/5
Total: 11/20


Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 5/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 17/20
>your husband is a very lucky man


Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 1/5
Challenge Goals: 4/5
Total: 10/20

>> No.7585968
File: 1.96 MB, 1956x3628, quick vert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pasta dough:
1.5 cup semolina flour
0.5 tsp salt
2 eggs
2 tbsp water
2 tbsp olive oil
(mix well, knead 10 minutes, rest for 20 minutes refrigerated)
(when rolling your dough, flatten it a few times and folder it over. this helps shape the glutine making so it doesnt tear as easy)

Gremolata filling:
1 cup italian parsley, chopped
2 garlic clove, minced
1 lemon worth of zest
(these 3 ingredients together make the gremolata, or herb condiment often used on meats)
1/2 cup shredded asiago cheese
1/2 cup shredded parmesan cheese
3 tbsp mascarpone cheese
fresh oregano, chopped, to taste
fresh basil, torn, to taste
(I say torn, because it's sacrilege to take a blade to basil. Use your hands to tear it apart)

See image (quick lunch I just made 10 minutes ago after getting off work) for visual steps.


Stuffed artichoke:
1 artichoke (dressed; leaves cut, 3/4 inch cut off top, insides cleaned out)
3 cup bread crumbs
3 garlic cloves, chopped
1/2 cup grated parmesan
1 cup parsley, chopped
1/4 olives, chopped
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
1/3 tsp cayenne
1 lemon worth of juice (rubbed all over artichoke. if steaming instead of roasting, this prevents color change from oxidation)
1 cup stock (chicken, beef, vegetable)
1 cup white wine

Blend bread crumbs, garlic, parmesan, parsley, olives, salt, pepper and cayenne to make stuffing. Coat the artichoke in lemon juice to prevent oxidation. Pack the stuffing behind the leaves. Put the stock and white wine in a baking pan with the artichoke in the center. Cover tightly with tin foil. Place in oven at 375 for one hour. This is the steaming method. To roast leave out the stock and wine and cover with tin for 45 minutes, removing it for last 15 minutes of cooking. I went longer in my original because I enjoy the crisp which is why it's darker.

>> No.7585974


I forgot one thing. Add 1/3 cup olive oil to the artichoke stuffing. Sorry about that.

>> No.7585989
File: 706 KB, 1984x1488, Stuffed Pretzels 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stuffed Beer Pretzels Three Ways. The first is a Spinach and Artichoke dip pretzel, topped with pink Peruvian salt. The second is a beer cheese(burger) sauce pretzel, topped with Hawaiian Alaea salt. The third is a honey and plum pretzel, topped with Turbinado Sugar.

The pretzels were made with a smoked ale beer in the dough, and the idea is to have an appetizer, a main course, and dessert.

>> No.7585993


You're getting better at your garnish designs. Looks well done.

>> No.7585994
File: 704 KB, 1984x1488, Stuffed Pretels 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Image before they were cut in half.

>> No.7586001
File: 3.23 MB, 1000x3000, Pretzel Vertical.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.7586004


Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 16/20

>> No.7586006

Presentation: 1/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 1/5
Challenge Goals: 2/5

Total: 6/20

>> No.7586014


that seems quite harsh.

>> No.7586023

I've worked in the pretzel industry for 11 years, I know badly made ones when I see them. A very unappealing product.

>> No.7586050

fair enough

>> No.7586086


>fair enough

Wow, the /ck/ challenge is too easy to troll.

>> No.7586093


Primarily because the participants are grown ass adults who don't lie out their yellow underage dumb ass teeth.

>> No.7586118

There's literally nothing wrong with my pretzels.

>> No.7586130


not him, I thought your entry was decent

>> No.7586134

Well hopefully Bubbles doesn't take those scores into account when the dish is good. They tasted amazing.

>> No.7586150


poorly made pretzels =/= an unappealing product.

>> No.7586155

you =/= a moron

>> No.7586163



>> No.7586183

>be yellowmug
>samefag up the 20/20's
>want bubbles to disregard any low scores

Someone definitely didn't get praised enough as a child. It's been showing.

>> No.7586229

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 13/20
I would have preferred the spinach inside the calzone, instead it's on the outside with the top getting soggy. Also would have brushed it with eggwash or something for better presentation. A couple small changes would have net a higher score.

Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 5/5
Challenge Goals: 2/5
Total: 14/20
Great fusion, I'm sure it's delicious! Not very creative in terms of challenge goals though.

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 2/5
Total: 10/20
Never heard of this dish before, so you get some extra points in originality. I'm intrigued but it just seems like it would be bland.

Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 2/5
Total: 12/20
Your veggies look very fresh, and I bet it tastes amazing. Stuffed burgers aren't very original in my book though. The ingredients you used saved you from a 1 in originality. The burger looks overdone as well

Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 5/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 17/20
I love roasted/charred things, and I LOVE roasted artichoke, so I actually find the brownness appealing. I also like the clean and simple presentation. My favorite entry of this round so far, great job.

Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 5/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 3/5
Total: 14/20
Definitely the most creative entry, I honestly would assume those were soft boiled eggs at first glance. If you had somehow worked the eggs into the recipe (like a custard or something, idk) I would have bumped up the appeal/challenge goals. Good work on covering that back wall.

>> No.7586239

Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 3/5
Total: 15/20
Sounds delicious, only thing lacking in the appeal is your chicken looks a bit on the dry side. All of the color on your plate makes for a good, rustic presentation. I love the idea of stuffing chicken with black pudding, I will absolutely have to try this out some time!

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 4/5
Total: 14/20
This would be the ideal Guy Fieri entry. Not much color to the dish or any fresh ingredients/herbs, looks like a very carb and fat heavy dish that would leave me feeling bloated. I'd still eat the shit out of it though.

Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 5/5
Challenge Goals: 2/5
Total: 13/20
Cute presentation, looks yummy and you got just the right amount of browning on that pepper. I love fresh food, but this isn't very creative, apart from the presentation this is pretty much what I eat on a weekday for dinner.

Presentation: 5/5
Originality: 5/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 4/5
Total: 17/20
Love the presentation, also very original. It sounds delicious too, to be honest the ratio of stuffing to bread looks off, and I feel like I would be eating pretzel bread more than anything else.

>> No.7586250


I love this one studentfag, the presentation is great. I could definitely see this as a desert in a restaurant somewhere.

>> No.7586266
File: 50 KB, 464x254, Qasr_Al_Sarab_Desert_Resort_by_Anantara-suhail-67[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7586276

Thank you! I am going to make this soon :)

I've never roasted a stuffed artichoke and I cant wait to try it!

>> No.7586279

What's with the low challenge goals? The great majority of them can't really be more relevant.
For example, >>7576947 >>7582671 >>7581629 >>7585757 are all stuffed dishes.

I just don't see how you made the distinction between 5/5 and 2/5 when both dishes are equally stuffed.

>> No.7586302

the 5/5's had two different stuffed objects. The 2/5s completed the bare minimum of a stuffed entry (a thing inside of another thing). Anything in between made use of multiple kinds of stuffing, or had an interesting twist (stuffed eggshells for example).

I think the distinction is pretty clear.

>> No.7586305


Just watch your fingers, they're prickly little bastards.

>> No.7586307

Well I would never have judged like that, why would having two different items be relevant to anything? but whatever m8, it's your opinion.

>> No.7586321

How would you scale it then? In my opinion ravioli inside of a calzone fulfills the challenge goals more than a stuffed pepper (two random examples).

I'm not going to give them all 5/5, that defeats the purpose of the rating.

>> No.7586327

The example you gave is fine.

Giving >>7585561 and >>7576947 different scores when they are pretty much the same thing doesn't make sense.

>> No.7586329


I tend to agree with this.

On Iron Chef challenge goals are about how well you showcased the secret ingredient, and in how many different ways.

Yes the lobster is technically part of the dish, but the other contestant made it the focus. Yes your dish is technically stuffed, but the other contestant made something that shows off the challenge goals better by being stuffed inside of something that's stuffed inside of something else.

Definitely agree with this >>7586327 though. Scores should be consistent in each category.

>> No.7586344

I gave one a higher score because there was more than one filling.

>> No.7586349

imo that's fucking irrelevant at best

>> No.7586353

Alright, imo that's fucking subjective at best.

>> No.7586359

I really don't see how two different fillings mean a fucking 40% better score or how you can justify that.

>> No.7586385

2 points higher out of a scale of 5, for successfully making multiple uses out of a challenge goal.

I really don't find that ridiculous, and you shouldn't be this upset over another person's opinion. I'm sure my scoring system isn't perfect, but if you have a better idea how I could go about doing it then I'm all ears. So far you've offered no better alternative

>> No.7586398

how about not giving wildly different scores for very similar dishes? Is is THAT hard?

>> No.7586423

Great advice, I'll be sure and take that into consideration next time I vote.

>> No.7586458
File: 705 KB, 1984x1488, Boiling Pretzels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yellowmug here.

Neither of these are me.


In the future, if you see a post from me without an original image from the challenge you can assume it's someone pretending to be me.


Thanks for the score/feedback.

>the ratio of stuffing to bread looks off

I would have liked more stuffing, but I had to be able to seal them up so it didn't all come out when I boiled them. I actually had to take out some of the spin dip because I couldn't get it completely closed.

It was still a good amount - kind of like if you lightly dipped each bite of pretzel into a different sauce, and they all tasted completely different despite using the same dough.

>> No.7586660

Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 14/20
Presentation: 1/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 12/20
Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 15/20
Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 13/20
Presentation: 1/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 12/20

>> No.7586664

The spinach was supposed to be inside but I forgot about it until it was too late. I also used all my eggs to make everything else, so all I had to brush it with was EVOO.

>> No.7586730


Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 2/5
Total: 11/20

Looks really nice, and I do like cute things that look like other things. Still not really a fan of sweets, or eating out of egg shells. Points taken off for challenge goals because you could have just served them in regular bowls and nothing about it would have been considered stuffed.


Presentation: 1/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 3/5
Total: 9/20

I've never had skirlie before (and am not sure how I feel about it), but bacon wrapped stuffed chicken isn't the most original. The plating could definitely use work, as could the picture.


Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 4/5
Total: 15/20

Turned out beautiful (if a bit yellow). The money shot looks perfect though, and a spin on surf and turf was a good idea.


Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 3/5
Total: 11/20

I really like what you did with the plating, both with the balsamic smiley and the over stuffed skewer. Still, a stuffed pepper isn't very original, and those damn black olives really brought it down for me.


Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 5/5
Challenge Goals: 4/5
Total: 16/20

Looks really well made, if a little dry. Being able to see more of the filling would have been nice, and the garnish kind of overshadows the pretzels. Not sure how well all the flavors go together, but doing a three course meal was clever.

>> No.7586930
File: 16 KB, 200x264, 18e[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> slag room

>> No.7587012

thats fucking adorable, love your egg carton dish!

>> No.7587244

>In the future, if you see a post from me without an original image from the challenge you can assume it's someone pretending to be me.


>> No.7587381

Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 15/20

Presentation: 1/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 1/5
Challenge Goals: 2/5
Total: 6/20

>> No.7587927

His alternative is that he's a whiny bitch who won't stop complaining until you give his dish perfect scores. Ignore these people

>> No.7588262

Nigga im not even participating, stop projecting.
I just want scores to be self consistent.

>> No.7588377

No worries Yellowmug, I'm pretty sure most of us here are aware of the troll comments being tossed around.

I wonder if it would somehow be possible to get more stuffing into those pretzels, like if they were in a snail or braided shape?
I'd really like to try to make these, but I'd also want to figure out a way to get more filling in them.

>> No.7588406

Hehe, that's why I always make sure to have backup eggs! I'm sure it was delicious, and I think you did the best in terms of challenge goals this time - unfortunately so much of this competition is visual based (no smell-o-vision yet).

>> No.7588425

Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 4/5
Total: 14/20
Ooh! Firstly, presentation is much better and less clunky. The spring onion does look a bit messy but I like the floral touch and the sliced plum is very clean. The pretzels don't seem too pretzely or too stuffed though but i'm sure they taste good.

>> No.7589054


Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 13/20


Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 3/5


Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 3/5
Total: 9/20


Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 4/5
Total: 13/20


Presentation: 1/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 13/20


Presentation: 5/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 3/5
Total: 14/20


Presentation: 1/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 3/5
Total: 8/20


Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 17/20

Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 3/5
Total: 11/20


Presentation: 5/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 17/20

>> No.7589135


you forgot to mark


>> No.7589168


Sorry. The second from last score is for Fantastic.

>> No.7589207

Sounds good for a very domestic meal.

>> No.7589219


>> No.7589225

Jesus. With words that sounds amazing. I'm curious to have the tangible outcome...

>> No.7589237

Chicken in oven. 20 - 30 minutes... Heard...

>> No.7589396


Can I take garnish to the pass?

>> No.7589513

You forgot your traditional river rocks, and also the mini ice cream cones. You're slipping.

>> No.7589516

Blech, olives. You must roll a 20 for a save.

>> No.7589525

I'm late to the contest. Where's whatsername who won like the last three years? She always had great stuff. Not HeartsOnFire, but whatsername, can't think of it, my brain has melted.

>> No.7589612


>> No.7589721
File: 1.16 MB, 2560x1920, 2016-04-19 22.24.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just for you

>> No.7589949

T-10 Minutes until round close.
Get those last minute votes in.

>> No.7589989

Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 16/20

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 5/5
Challenge Goals: 4/5
Total: 14/20

Presentation: 1/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 3/5
Total: 10/20

Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 15/20

Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 5/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 16/20

Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 5/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 2/5
Total: 12/20