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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7585351 No.7585351 [Reply] [Original]

Is the "raw food" diet trend legit?

Watched "Food Matters" in Netflix and it seems like a lot of mumbo jumbo. These scientists talk about studies that indicate the health benefits of vitamins and raw foods but fail to provide any sources.

>> No.7585371

Isn't the general consensus that the only reason humans evolved such big brains is because of cooking food and making the calories easier to digest. Which is why other animals spend all day eating and resting while they digest.

>> No.7585373

Friendly reminder that a raw vegan diet with too much fruits will give you candidosis

Lack of vitamins can give chronic affections, though.

>> No.7585376

Oh hey

That's a pretty useful pic, OP. Good job

>> No.7585379


A raw diet is fine as long as you're also juicing and watching calories/nutrients carefully like with any niche diet. I'm not sure of the benefits of a raw diet except that it cuts out a lot of sodium and sugar of a normal diet and all the crap you also get from processed food

>> No.7585415


You don't have to go "raw" to avoid sodium, sugar, and preservatives. You can simply prepare foods without them. Cooking a food does not magically create sodium, sugar, and preservatives out of thin air.

>> No.7585448

The one argument I've heard against cooking food is that it kills off the enzymes already living in the food. Seems silly to me tho desu, the enzymes are gonna get killed in the stomach acid anyways.

I could see eating raw to ensure you get the Mac amount of vitamins and nutrients but i don't but the whole enzyme thing.

>> No.7585477
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>enzymes ... living
American edu, desu.

>> No.7585486


>Isn't the general consensus that the only reason humans evolved such big brains is because of cooking food and making the calories easier to digest.


that's a relatively recent theory that was intended to replace the 'man the hunter' theory but is not yet prevailing

>> No.7585508

Not living. You know what I mean. They become nonfunctional under extreme ph

>> No.7585566

oh noes! but their what plants crave!

>> No.7585721

Wasted dubs

>> No.7585738

I think fruits and certain grains are probably better raw, but there is definitely benefits to cooking some foods.

Broccoli, for example, can be extracted of more nutrients if it's steamed, or at least broken down to a degree versus just eating it raw.

I don't see anything wrong with raw eating, but it's worth looking into which foods have more value after they've been cooked, and cooked to what DEGREE. It's also worth noting that your body doesn't always need as MUCH of the nutrients your trying to give it. There is a reason we get rid of certain vitamins (like vit C) through our waste (peeing it out).

>> No.7586473

>ham loaf

>> No.7586505

Certain foods have more benefits and some aspects and have more benefits in others whether or not they're raw or cooked to whatever temperature they no longer consider raw

Some people swear to raw, others don't. From my small understanding it's probably just best going with what works for you.

>> No.7586923

Every fad diet is bullshit. Why would you ever believe in the promises of a "miracle diet" by people who just want to make a quick buck selling you their books and videos? Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.7586961

Cooking is mostly an economic measure.

It kills parasites in meat, helps dry it out for preservation, breaks down resistant starch in root vegetables, sterilises vegetables of pathogens, etc.

It makes food softer and easier to swallow, especially for old people. How much raw potato could you eat versus roast potato? Not part of our ancestral diet, but a good example. Warming food also eases digestion.

This is why people like salads, fruit, sushi, and rare steaks. They're close to what our oldest ancestors ate, though with some minimal practical measures taken to avoid infection.

One problem about cooking away resistant starch is that our gut flora feed on it. We're hogging the food, and ironically getting less nutrition because of it. Roast potatoes give you more carbs than raw once the starch is broken down, but our undernourished gut bacteria produce less Vitamin K2, among other things. We also kill too many bacteria during the cooking process, leading to less variety in gut flora and fewer gut flora overall.

I steer a middle course. I like food that's nutritious as well as food that's easy to eat.

>> No.7586977

Yes. It's also why our jaws are not huge like apes because we lost it because our food is made mushy by cooking.

Shut up

>> No.7586979

Lack of witch vitamins. I get chronic infections that I eat garlic daily to clear up.

>> No.7586985

So our jaws predicted we would one day cook our food and evolved in anticipation? Interesting.

>> No.7586989

Shut up. God made us from clay on purpose. So shut up.

>> No.7587325

>implying cooking is the only way to tenderize food
Jaw shrinking: -1.9 10^9
Evidence of fire (according to different theories): -0.2, -0.4 and -1.7 10^9

>> No.7587339

Our jaws structurally outside of size are actually similar to an ape in many ways