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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7509885 No.7509885 [Reply] [Original]

Why do vegans always comment on how delicious their food is every time they eat something?

I mean I don't say how fucking delicious my food is everytime, is it because they actually taste like shit and they are trying to hide it?

>> No.7509935
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vegans are total fag lords

>> No.7509948
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They certainly are

>> No.7509953

>vegan protein bars were on sale for 99 cents each
>99 cents for a protein bar, worth a shot
>raspberry dark chocolate, smelled pretty nice
>took a bite and it was like eating clay

shit was the worst. It was a personal hell.
The more I chewed, the harder it got and kept getting stuck to my teeth

>> No.7510096
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Was it gluten free?

>> No.7510107

Because they're lying to themselves, almost like one of the gays or even a feminist.

>> No.7510114

I've eaten lots of vegan food that was delicious. I suspect those who comment excessively on its quality feel insecure about their vegan choice and want to prove to others that their choice is just as valid.

>> No.7510122

I've had vegan cupcakes before, I think from PCC. They were delicious.

>> No.7510144

>Why do vegans always comment on how delicious their food is every time they eat something?

Most vegan food is ok if you add some bacon to it.

>> No.7510152

vegans are the worst kind of people
>having a bbq
>uh, do you have anything that isn't meat?
>points at the bag of damp hotdog buns sitting next to the cooler
nigga don't come over my house and then complain about how the FREE food I'm providing doesn't meet your self imposed dietary restrictions

I've simply just stopped hanging out with them. chances are if you're vegan I probably don't want to be friends with you, because eating is one of my main social activities and I doubt your company is worth the inconvenience trying to hang out with you causes.

>> No.7510171

not sure, but it the taste and texture was awful

>> No.7510177
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>> No.7510197

I live with some vegetarians who complained the other day about somebody using their sponge to wash dishes because they don't eat meat or fish. Like what the fuck? You aren't allergic to it. It's not going to contaminate your food with evil.

I don't use other people's shit out of respect but I'm going to go out of my way to use theirs now. If they had just said they don't want other people getting their sponge dirty then fine.

>> No.7510200

Validation. Deep down they know the food is disgusting, they just won't admit it to themselves.

>> No.7510206

That's incredibly petty of you.

>> No.7510210


Vegan baked goods tend to be legit. Eggs and butter make a difference in texture but it's not a huge one. Gluten free baked goods, on the other hand, are vile and disgusting abominations.

>> No.7510219

And not of them?

>> No.7510230
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sounds like a pretty crap bbq if you don't make some salads, grilled veges and other stuff, all to cut the fat and facilitate eating more meat, but vegans can abuse it for their bullshit too i guess.

>> No.7510231

>Like what the fuck? You aren't allergic to it.

Not from a sponge, no, but if you spend a long enough time not eating meat then you lose the bacteria/enzymes you need to digest meat without getting sick. You'll regain them quickly if you start eating meat again, of course, but you'll probably be frequently sick while doing so.

>> No.7510234

>It was a personal hell.

it was a protein bar calm the fuck down

>> No.7510240

>not from the sponge
Which is why it's stupid. We share the same sink to wash in. Heaven forbid we breath the same air.

>> No.7510242

If they didn't tell you about the sponge beforehand, and they got mad at you for using it, that's unfair.

That said, they have their own sponge, and rules about sponges are now in place, so don't use their sponge.

It doesn't matter if their reasons are dumb. If it doesn't inconvenience you, respect others' boundaries.

>> No.7510264

I don't know who used it, but I just can't respect that level of stupidity. I don't like the idea of vegetarianism anyway, and the idea that they would be annoyed about the meat contaminating their morals just infuriates me. I'm just spiteful about that sort of thing.

>> No.7510294


Because: >>7509935

Like women they need constant validation or they they'll hide in their room, binge watch Netflix and eat that disgusting, ridiculously named 'Smart Food'.

Cat and Ben/Jerry stocks are going to skyrocket at the epitome of the oncoming gender/culture(religious) war.

>> No.7510301

It shouldn't make you mad at all. It's just somebody doing a weird thing. It's not a dispute where anybody has to make any compromises, so your feelings regarding anything at all don't come into it.

Be an adult, accept that people are different and move on with your life. This "haha I'm gonna be a jackass and use their sponge" shit is absolutely not worth your time at all.

>> No.7510308

>vegans are sooo arrogant

>this thread

it's like you guys don't even understand how hypocritical you are

>> No.7510309
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>> No.7510311

It's totally worth my time. It relievesnthe tension their stupidity burdens me with. It really isn't that uncommon for people to be annoyed at others behaving irrationally, especially on this board. Half the threads are about it.

>> No.7510317

>op says nothing about vegans being arrogant
>this anal pain from this post
Vegan detected.

>> No.7510321


I specifically mentioned the thread in it's entirety, not the OP. Improve your reading comprehension

>> No.7510351

Be a little introspective. Why does it annoy you? Why does it make you spiteful? Is that a rational reaction? Believe it or not this is a YOU problem, and you should work on it.

"But other people are doing it" doesn't make it okay. You know it's not okay.

>> No.7510354

>vegans are sooo arrogant
more like
>vegans are delusional

>> No.7510359

I desire for people to act rationally because that makes the world a nicer place for everyone. When people unironically fart in the face of rationality, I feel as though I must exact some consequence.

>> No.7510369


How is veganism delusional?

>> No.7510373

theres a cookies n creme protein bar thats really nice if youre looking for something better. cant recall the name of the brand though

>> No.7510374

I'm vegan and have found so many amazing recipes. Maybe we comment on how amazing our food is because we have more flavors than meat and dairy. Most people think it's a struggle to be vegan because they've always experienced omnivore meals with the meat removed, leaving the reminisce of a meal reselmbing Clay and old lettuce. For example last night o had tempeh burgers with roasted tomatoes, sauerkraut, carmalized onions, and wheat buns.

I'll eat meat out of a dumpster or if a friend kills it, buy I'm not going to act like funding factory farming is an ethical thing

>> No.7510376

You know, I'm not vegan but my girlfriend is which makes me cook vegan if I want to get it in.
Honestly, if you're decent in the kitchen you can make anything taste good. Vegetable soup with beans and tofu, a vegan chilli, curried tofu and mushrooms, we've made it all. It was all delicious too. It's not like vegan dishes are inherently awful, you just need to know how to cook them

>> No.7510381

Ever hear how many vegans that say humans are not omnivorous by nature?

>> No.7510395

He's not forcing you to make anything. He's kindly asking you if there is something you didn't make that didn't involve clogging your fat holes with meat you fat fucking slob

>> No.7510399

Nature can change

It's called evolution

>> No.7510402

It's still a terrible argument for anything at all.

>> No.7510405

Are vegan girls allowed to swallow jizz?

>> No.7510417


That is a delusional argument, but a delusional argument does not make veganism itself delusional.

You need to explain your reasoning, not post strawman arguments

>> No.7510427
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seriously nigga?
the teeth on humans clearly indicate an omnivorous eating style

delusional vegan as usual

>> No.7510434

Because you live in an imaginary world and post about trends that don't exist.

>> No.7510439

I didn't say otherwise, dummy. Learn to read.

Sharp teeth can break through vegetables too, shocking right?

Anatomically and functionally we are still overwhelmingly more herbivorous than carnivorous or even omnivorous

>> No.7510459
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>> No.7510462

You're literally delusional if you think otherwise

Reminder that I'm not actually saying humans can't be omnivores

Then again you're probably just being a retard troll that gets triggered by green stuff because it reminds you of how much a fat sack of shit you really are

>> No.7510496

There's no degrees of anything when it comes to that, humans can process both meat and plants equally. We are omnivorous.

>> No.7510604
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>> No.7510638


Oddly, I have to take the vegans position on this one.

He simply said they put down sponge rules, and even if you don't agree, it's their property and their decision.

The reason why I say that is because we occasionally give our dog our leftovers. When I first married my wife she set a plate on the floor for the dog to lap up. I told her gross, please don't let our dog eat off our dinner plates.

She argued "but I always wash them, sometimes I even use bleach".

She has a valid argument... But I dunno I just don't fucking like it. She stopped doing it because it's 1 of the few things I went full sperg on her about.

>> No.7510691

You're literal retards. Please learn the slightest thing about human physiology

It's amazing how vegans are classified as fedora tipping Bernie liberals while carnists literally are incapable of making arguments or statements that don't reflect the line of logic those retards follow

>> No.7510716
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>> No.7510717
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>> No.7510720

Yeah. It's cool. You have a phone and a computer. I get it

>> No.7510722
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Butthurt is butthurt

>> No.7510724

You're fooling literally no one. Stop samefagging you weirdo.

>> No.7510729
File: 218 KB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Told you vegans are delusional

>> No.7510732

You alright, sport?

>> No.7510734
File: 72 KB, 1129x453, fuck (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can change scripts, too. This doesn't change the fact you're a samefagging weirdo that doesn't understand basic human physiology or nutrition.

It also means you should probably put a bullet through your skull

>> No.7510737

Stop. You're embarrassing yourself even more than you already were.

>> No.7510742

Its okay, champ :)

>> No.7510744

It's not. You're a schizophrenic carnist autist that doesn't understand basic biology.

>> No.7510746

Fuck me how low can you go just to validate yourself

>> No.7510748
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>> No.7510750

Not as low as samefagging multiple times on multiple occasions apparently

I mean there's nothing even to argue here. Apparently wolves aren't carnivores because they can digest certain berries. Apparently humans and dogs have similar digestive tracts

>> No.7510763
File: 131 KB, 500x374, 1448490368495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha holy shit, this vegan is projecting so hard.

By the way, I am just one of the posters.

We aren't samefagging, its okay junior.

>> No.7510767

Vegans are not fucking delusional, human teeth are DESIGNED to be herbivores its intheir genes, fucking animal

>> No.7510768


>25 posts, 65 replies

He's probably right. There is some samefagging going on.

I thought about samefagging once to bump a post I made. Then I thought how lonely one would have to be to reply to themselve on a Cambodian Finger Puppet website.

>> No.7510772

No one cares you fucking schizo aspie

Go kill yourself already

>> No.7510773
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>> No.7510774

We know that you can edit a script you fucking weirdo

>> No.7510776


Never said you were the samefagger.

Just know someone is trolling OP cuz hes pretty pissed.

Proof accepted.

>> No.7510777


>> No.7510782

>there's no degrees to bodily function among different species


>humans can process both meat and plants equally

Which is why doctors always tell us to lay off our vegetables when dealing with high blood pressure

>> No.7510791

I have a vegan friend who cooks pretty often. His food is pretty good and he doesn't say that shit very often. At least, not about his own food. He's always complimentary of others though. And of course I bounce it right back. It's honest and polite.

He makes this vegan General Tso's that's fuckin' nice though. That fake meat was actually pretty tasty, albeit different.

>> No.7510800

Thats pretty nice.

I don't care when people go vegan, I mean good for them for trying something different and enjoying it.

I just hate it when they get preachy, constantly reminding people of it, or having to announce that every meal they have is the best. It just gives a negative response.

I've heard meat substitutes are pretty okay, but apparently fake chicken tastes like dog.

>> No.7510812

Considering that less than 1/5 of the average American's diet consisted of meat, eggs, and nuts in 2008, what's your point? You're acting like the average person eats nothing but meat.

I don't think comparing people with health defects to their diets is a really fair. Doctors also sure as shit tell you to lay off the grains when you're diabetic.

>> No.7510817

I've only seen that in a few of my friends, honestly. I usually find out that they're vegan/vegetarian in some off way, like overhearing them order a burrito or something.

It's nice when people don't construct their entire identity about their food or sexual preferences. Maybe I'm just meeting the right people though. I don't know.

>> No.7510818

Type 1 Diabetic here

They actually tell you to eat multigrain bread.
But also lean meats, mild cheese and a balanced diet that also consists of low glycemic carbs.

>> No.7510820

Op here

Maybe I just encounter the shitty vegans, your friend sounds chill, yo.

>> No.7510823

right on that
but if you have problems with sugar you need to lay off some fruit and vegetables
just eating to much from the same thing ain't good
is that so hard to understand?

>> No.7510828

You act as if meat is completely harmless and it isn't processed differently and that humans don't have different digestive functions and structures than actual omnivores and carnivores

>I don't think comparing people with health defects to their diets is really fair

What predominantly causes that defect? Don't you find it the least bit interesting that if we can supposedly digest meat the same as vegetables (inherently false to begin with), that we can't treat high blood pressure with meat? That meat can significantly contribute to high blood pressure?

>doctors also sure as shit tell you to lay off the grains

Probably stuff like Wonderbread which is virtually nutritionally worthless. Even then i wouldn't be surprised if it was healthier than meat when it comes to diabetes.

>> No.7510830

>you need to lay off vegetables if you have problems with sugar

That is utterly absurd

>> No.7510834

while I am not the guy you are responding to,
Vegetables do have levels of carbohydrates aswell

>> No.7510835

He said some. Mostly roots.

>> No.7510836

You know, man, I just kind of get the vibe that a lot of people are trying to scrabble for their identities and feel belonging, so they have to seek out likeminded people because they need some sort of hivemind like that.

It's like I have a friend who is gay. But he announces it to everyone, all the time. I introduce him to someone else and he's like "Oh hey I'm Alex. I'm gay."

And he's a good friend and everything. But that's his thing. That's his interest. His primary identifying factor. I have friends who like to play games, or SCUBA dive. I do shitloads of organization for games like fugitive, CTF, Sardines, 2 rooms and a boom, etc.

But he's like "the gay guy" because that's what he leads with. That's all he talks about. He's kind of socially retarded due to the level that he brings it up. I mean, I know there's more to him because he's like a brother to me and I've known him forever. But every time I introduce him to other people they're not so hot on him because it's such an exclusive ideology. Like, if you're not gay then there's no way to connect. And because he doesn't bring up his other interests, a lot of people just immediately discount him. It's really sad.

Any way, I'm rambling. I feel like my friend is kind of like these vegans you've been meeting. Socially retarded to an extent, or they're trying to construct their entire identity out of their eating preferences.

Take care anon. Hope you eat something good real soon.

>> No.7510837

Don't change what I say cause you want to hear what you wanne hear
I said some not all,
the amount of sugar (fructose) in those things is rather a lot

>> No.7510844

Cheers mate.

I have a friend who is "gender neutral"
And that's the only thing she talks about, and lgbtq(?) shit. You can't have a conversation that doesn't somehow end up talking about that.

It's pretty aggravating.

Probably going to cut ties soon.

>> No.7510845


I like how this lame fucker gets backed into a corner and does nothing but posts pics as a response.

>> No.7510847

Man. I'm a biologist. I know for a fact that our stomachs and intestines contain specific enzymes to process protein. The human digestive tract has a remarkable amount of malleability in regard to what you can digest.

So, quite honestly, I don't think that there is a problem with having a balanced diet that includes meat. You keep mentioning high blood pressure, but not everyone has that. My blood pressure is low and I probably eat more meat than most people do. Granted, that's anecdotal evidence, but you can't just make generalizations about everything in this way. A lot of factors lead to increased blood pressure including salt, water consumption, and physical activity. Pinning all of that strictly on the consumption of meat (and this is considering that there are a LOT of different types of meat) is kind of silly.

As this anon mentioned >>7510818
A lot of it has to do with the glycemic index of the food you're eating. Refined sugars and all that. I think that eating too much refined sugar is just as bad for you as consuming too much meat, or even too much of a specific vegetable high in a chemical that may lead to problems due to overexposure.

I don't want to fight with your or anything, but I feel like stating that cutting out all meat from your diet is a very extreme stance to take considering the evolutionary, cultural, and culinary values that meat has.

>> No.7510852

To clarify, protein digestion mostly occurs in the stomach when pepsin is cleaved to pepsinogen. I may have mis-spoke when I said it also occurred in the intestines. That's where the bile salts help with fat absorption. Might also interact with protein there as well in some way, but my physiology is a bit rusty.

>> No.7510861

>but you can't just make generalizations


I think it's a bit extreme to make an assumption that meat is something even benign. Using "cultural, culinary" values is pretty absurd when you really think about it

>specific vegetable high in a chemical that may lead to problems due to overexposure

I'm not telling anyone to ditch medication or ignore everything their doctor says but there is substantial evidence of the detrimental effects of meat

>> No.7510910

I enjoy when girls tell me that my cooking tastes good.

>> No.7510921

So I read academic journals pretty frequently. Let's see what you've got here.

This includes endurance exercise and therefore disqualifies this as a reliable source for your diet.
So this study supposes that LDL is associated with saturated fat. I'll address this later. For now, I'm going to refer to this point as (1).
This really needs to have a control group in addition to the vegetarians being studied. Without a control you can't draw reliable conclusions. Also it's 250g. And that is of beef. This isn't really applicable, champ. It's also from 1981. Find something newer maybe.
See (1)
See (1)
This one is actually interesting because I'm in Japan right now and I just had a guest speaker about this topic. White rice has a very high glycemic index (89) when compared to that of pure glucose (100). This doesn't surprise me. Also there are a lot of genetic factors in play here. There's a reason why they could only publish this in PLOS One. Also, your "vegetarians" are also eating animal meat in this study, friend.
This is actually a good study. It shows a link between obesity and a non-vegetarian diet. And I'll give you this one. They have a really nice sample size and it shows what is effectively double the chance of acquiring diabetes.
I've never heard of this journal and their impact factor is 3. It might be good, but I'm not going to spend the time to look at it. Typically you only publish in a low impact journal if your research is incredibly flawed or questionable.

Part 2 incoming.

>> No.7510922


Why do non-vegans always comment on what vegans are thinking and doing?

>> No.7510938
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So a lot of what you linked there is based on LDL levels implicating saturated fats in animal product. Well, the good news is that a meta-analysis was carried out involving a lot of different studies on the effects of saturated fat intake and it seems as if the answer is not as clear-cut as you think it is. This study involves over 350,000 participants, which is incredibly large. In addition to this, Harvard Medical School also questions whether saturated fats are good or bad in the context of heart disease. Source below.

Now your one source did seem to point out a link between diabetes and a normal diet. That being said, it might be that the statistics are skewed because it's from a church population that might not take in the entirety of the population. Maybe it does. We can't know for certain. But what we do know is that physical exercise and smoking are much larger risk factors for diabetes onset.

To sum my argument, although your linked study has demonstrated a probable link between type 2 diabetes and an omnivorous diet, I am skeptical about the study application and believe that the paltry risk that *I* take is worth the benefits I receive socially, culturally, and from a culinary point of view.

Vegan diets especially have also been associated with mental disorders.

Haven't evaluated the study or anything so I don't know if it's credible, but it's something to think on.

All choices that we make have tradeoffs, friend. It's not as clear-cut as you're making it out to be.

>> No.7510940

>Anatomically and functionally we are still overwhelmingly more herbivorous than carnivorous or even omnivorous
>Can eat and digest both animal and plant proteins with relative proficiencies
>more herbivorous than omnivorous

>> No.7510951

>guys I'm super good at reading studies

> Importantly, we found no evidence for a causal role of vegetarian diet in the etiology of mental disorders. Rather, our results are more consistent with the view that the experience of a mental disorder increases the probability of choosing a vegetarian diet, or that psychological factors influence both the probability of choosing a vegetarian diet and the probability of developing a mental disorder.

>> No.7510964
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>eating vegan is troll.


>> No.7510968

Work on your reading comprehension. I literally said "Haven't evaluated the study..."

>> No.7510970

Same reason homosexuals throw pride parades. Countercultural behavior creates feels of insecurity that may be balanced out by affirmation. NB4 op said something hateful let's doxxe him; this was matter-of -fact and objective.

>> No.7510972
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In fact. I only said "associated" in my sentence. You really are full retard, son. go back to class, kiddo.

>> No.7510985
File: 41 KB, 475x662, Facts on Fats - Dietary Fats and Health (EUFIC).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, the good news is that a meta-analysis was carried out involving a lot of different studies on the effects of saturated fat intake and it seems as if the answer is not as clear-cut as you think it is.
Your understanding of the scientific process is so flawed that you should just shut the fuck up. You know there's a reason every scientific and medical body on the planet tells you to limit saturated fats? If you think you're smarter than all of them because you know how to link to a study on nih.gov, you are NaturalNews tier.

>> No.7510986


well why post it at all

not to mention the fact that all it would have taken is a glance at the abstract

you did say that, but then you also went on to say
>All choices that we make have tradeoffs
as if to imply that that might be a tradeoff for making the choice to be vegan

look, you can get mad at me if you want, but you're the asshole posting specious as fuck shit without even reading

>> No.7510988

Because they're literally starving

>> No.7511004
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You do realize that you need to limit just about anything going into your body, right? That's one of the fundamental principals of biology.

The point that you're failing to understand in the figure that you just linked is that they recommend to keep your total saturated fat calories below 10% of your total calories. Since Americans, who consume the most meat out of virtually all people in the world get less than 20% of their total caloric content from meats, eggs, and nuts, that means that they would have to be eating something like 60% fatty meat in every meal in order to surpass the statistic they cite, IN THE FIGURE YOU JUST POSTED. Look under the SFA column, knuckledragger.

I think it's really cute that you just fucking served yourself and showed everyone in this thread what a fucking retard you are while trying to discredit me.

Great job. It's good to see that you've decided to accept the scientific method into your heart and evaluate what I've told you objectively instead of acting like a child.

Protip: when we link figures in the scientific world, we also attach the figure legend because that is where a great deal of information about a figure is given.

You really should feel embarrassed though. Why don't you scurry off and refrain from posting anymore, alright?

>> No.7511010

You don't think that being a member of a tight-knit community with a higher level of mental illness isn't a tradeoff?

>> No.7511011

You're wasting your time, veganism is a religion and you're trying to challenge his doctrine. You can't tell him anything because he already knows everything. Try having a discussion with a devout Muslim about the benefits of alcohol consumption in moderation and see how that conversation goes.

>> No.7511012

How can you unironically say you have "more flavours" when you categorically have fewer ingredients to work with?

Do vegans get access to some magical secret cupboard with extra spices and vegetables or are you just deluded?

>> No.7511016

That's hilarious you bring up this "might not take into account" nonsense when the Harvard Study did a "random effect" regression

Whatever the hell that could possibly mean while the studies I published almost all actually took into account lifestyle habits and what not, including different variations of the vegetaian diet

>I am skeptical about the study application

But not about literally anything else that could say that meat is good or has little effect on health? Okay, bud.

>I receive socially, culturally, and from a culinary point of view

So in other words, it's pompous self-absorbed bullshit that doesn't even benefit you in any way and you're not even taking into account environmental effects and that plain and simple, eating animals is cruel and unusual

>vegan diets especially have also been associated with mental disorders

They found no causal link, they in fact said that people with psychological troubles may look to a healthier diet to ease remedy that. I'm not sure how much that could sway it. But in short, there was no valid causal link.

>all the choices we make have cutoffs

And its quite clear that meat is making the biggest cutoff. It's quite clear cut and your evidence in return and excuses really only prove that

>> No.7511019

The assblast in this post is delicious. I liked the part where you implied the average American takes in less than 15-20g of SFA per day, toppest kek. A couple slices cheese will get you there alone. Have you ever actually looked at the nutritional composition of any food item?

>> No.7511022

>with relative proficiency

That's a cool way of saying we do not digest meat as efficiently

>> No.7511023

>durrrrr everything is bad in excess

Well meat has a much lower threshold and in general is just not good. Why put it into your body if it's not going to have much benefit? Cultural, culinary, and social values? Give me a fucking break

Your post reeks of desperation after being BTFO.

You've gone from sketpic, to reluctant skeptic, to full retard because you were proven wrong

It's a common tactic of fucking retards that probably actually have a mental disorder

Go fucking kill yourself, please.

>> No.7511029

Veganism/Vegetarianism is a mental illness. Always keep this in mind when interacting with those who declare some foods unethical or unhealthy.

>> No.7511033

Reread my post once again, more slowly. Maybe it will make more sense to you. It's a function of your total caloric intake. Not the absolute amount.

The average American eats 26g of saturated fat per day. That's 234 calories. When you factor in the average caloric intake was 2674 in 2008. That's less than 10% of your total calories, or within the limits specified in the figure that you posted.

Do you understand now? Are you going to continue going full retard on me?

>> No.7511035

Someone's upset they're a sociopath

>> No.7511037

Jesus christ. You are like a pack of retarded dogs.

You don't even stop to evaluate the information you've been presented with.

I guess you guys win this one though. It's my own fault for opening this thread in the first place. Arguing with fanatics never ends well.

>> No.7511040

Last note. You're on a cooking board. You think that meat has no culinary value?

Give me a fucking break. Good riddance. Do us all favor. Put some stones into your pockets and jump into the nearest river.

>> No.7511042
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Eating animals is sociopathic now?

Begone, Lyin' Gan

>> No.7511045

Life feeds on life. This. Is. NECESSARY.

>> No.7511048

You didn't even realize that more than one person was arguing with you until now. That's no one's fault but your own for realizing it then again pinning everyone as the same person?

You're tripping over your own autism at this point

>You don't even stop to evaluate the info you've been presented with


>veganism is linked with mental disorders guys!!!!!!!1 but I won't even read it to see if it's causal!!!

>literally rejects every bit of evidence thrown his way in favor a bullshit study

>pretends to be some middle man then goes on to be a typical retard that just dismisses any vegan opposition

>> No.7511052

>you think that meat has no culinary value

It's a stupid fucking excuse to eat meat you fucking aspie. Is that so hard to comprehend? Apparently.

>> No.7511061

>So I read academic journals pretty frequently

The rest of your post puts that credibility into question, severely

>therefore disqualifies this as a reliable source for your diet

That's not how this works. You cannot ignore every piece of information because of that

>see (1)

You need to actually explain what's wrong with these before stupidly dismissing them in place of making an actual argument, champ.

>your "vegetarians" are also eating animal meat

Yet again, your 3rd grade reading comprehension fails you here. Please actually read through the studies rather than slobbering your fat face all over your burger and getting grease over the screen

>I'm going to dismiss this last one because I'm an ignorant retard


This is pretty typical of some teenager that reads Joe Rogan's Twitter and thinks he knows scientific studies and knows the answers to life

You don't.

>> No.7511064
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You mean you don't say OISHIII~~~ every time you eat something?

>> No.7511088

Apparently another side effect of being carnist is that you become an incoherent aspie that runs away from debate when you realize you're not even believing your own retarded shit emanating from your fat fucking head

>> No.7511096

>Same reason homosexuals throw pride parades. Countercultural behavior creates feels of insecurity that may be balanced out by affirmation.

Just wondering if this got noticed.

>> No.7511123

Vegans are literally insane. You are vegan because of a mental disorder. I sure as hell hope you berry fucker don't live in the city because you're probably going to get cancer if you do.

>> No.7511125

You're going to need to cite those figures and redo your math

>> No.7511135

He obviously meant in regards to meat you total spastic. The enjoyment I get from everything to do with meat is worth the negligible health effects. Nobody treats their body perfectly and veganism is one of the more stupid lifestyles to adopt because of health.

>> No.7511162

Based on what?

>> No.7512006

holy shit this.

This nigger is the example of those weirdo vegans who are delusional

>> No.7512054

being vegan doesn't necessarily mean you eat a smaller variety of foods. when you work with what seems to be less ingredients, you get creative and can make up for it with actual food and real herbs and spices.
"regular" food all tastes the same because it's all pumped with the same chemicals and "flavoring agents".

also before you completely gloss over everything i just said and attack my character, you should know i'm not vegan.

>> No.7512075

found the vegan, fuck off ingrid newkirk

seriously I've long since given up on trying to explain to these mcdonalds-loving idiots that vegans might not eat just iceberg lettuce and mushroom salad. around these parts if you have passing knowledge of food that isn't hamburgers and chicken tenders, it's vegan propaganda, just like how if you're familiar with food types that are not restricted to the selection at the food court at a 1990s mall in the midwest, you're being anti-american and you've probably never even set foot in the USA USA #1

>> No.7512083
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>actual food
holy kek
>This unwarranted superiority

>> No.7512084

ya i really don't know why i keep coming here haha. thanks for reminding me that not everyone is an idiot tho.

>> No.7512094

It's literally a religion complete with apocalyptic fortunes

>> No.7512225
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>my bacon blue cheese potato salad isn't even as dense as you.

>> No.7512296
File: 1.04 MB, 1080x1077, sick moves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be omnivore
>grill fiend has a crowd of vegan friends
>they often throw parties at their house
>huge vegan buffet with hummus, salads, bread, and a ton of other good shit
>contribute by baking some bread, buying drinks or some snacks
>eat 5 lbs of great food

>> No.7512322

Not the other guy you were talking to; but you reminded me of somebody. His name is Tyler and he was on senate with me while we both were in college. He was some ultra libertarian-conservative fag who got off on playing semantics. The man actually argued against time/motion sensitive lighting in certain campus areas - mind you, areas that were due for an update and needn't have constant light anyways - because, and in his words: it was his constitutional rights to leave lights on if he so pleased.

The man was a raging idiot. Nobody - wait, let me say that again: NOBODY liked him. He was such a cock. I almost felt bad except he was suspected of raping a girl known to harass several others.

Yeah, that's what your posts make me think about.

>> No.7512416


If she wants me to pay for her salad, yes.

>> No.7512451

>suspected of raping a girl
Which normally means there was no rape and the girl belatedly decided she was a special princess.

>> No.7512646

Why you so mad?
Maybe you should eat some meat. The lack of protein and b12 is really starting to show its effects

>> No.7512684
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A bunch of my friends ganged up on me on normie book for saying that fewer calories, not veganism that helped the girl in this picture. They really are delusional.

>> No.7512698

>McDonald's almost daily
No wonder she lost weight afterwards.
Your friends are retarded, pal.

>> No.7512729
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>Your friends are retarded, pal.
I know, that's why I'm trying to replace them.

>> No.7512745

After I became vegan (i am not anymore) everything i ate was fantastic! I tried a lot of new recipes and they turned out great! The novelty of it probably made it taste better too. I've also heard dairy dulls your sense of smell and taste, and that could have something to do with it.

>> No.7512748

You just described my housemate to a fucking tee.

>> No.7512751

Oh, here's a few good quotes from the morons I'm hoping never to see again.
>not fewer calories- quality of what she was eating!! I reposted because this little girl deserves some credit for her hard work. Vegan diet can reverse many health issues just like being gluten free. It's not a n opinion its a fact. Quit trolling on my page
>Processed foods ARE bad for you! And yes eating healthy will make you healthy! Go read up on your nutrition before putting crap on my wall.
>By the way, most white flour is bromated, that shuts down your thyroid so being gluten free can be considered healthier fow everyone.
>You do not understand nutritional values and thats the point of all of this.
>By your exact post your stating cutting calories is a cure for diabetes when it's not. If you still in take mass amounts of sugar you are still prone to be pre diabetic. Just like you can be skinny and have high blood pressure and cholesterol.
>Just by stating processed foods aren't bad for you (literal common knowledge it is) you show how little knowledge you have on the subject. Comparatively look at yourself, who doesn't take care of themselves and to the two vegans you know who do. Clearly there's a major difference in knowledge here.

>> No.7512757

It's willful ignorance. They don't want you to discourage a little girl who has made something of herself.

>> No.7512759

>It was a personal hell
That must have been one hell of a bar.

>> No.7512766

>They don't want you to discourage a little girl who has made something of herself.
None of us know this girl. A friend of mine shared it from a facebook page she follows.

>> No.7512779

I dont even get this shit. I am gluten free because of celiac and I can't imagine why you'd do this willingly. All the gluten free flours are like double the calories of wheat flour and have like half or less the vitamin content.

>> No.7512813

And I know for a fact that she doesn't even have celiac disease.

>> No.7512890

Like homosexuals, they base their entire identity around that one single facet of their lives.
They constantly remind people of how vegan they because they literally have nothing else to say, nothing else that resembles a personality or hobbies.

>> No.7512893


Confirmation bias.

You only know homosexuals are homosexual because they tell you they are.

>> No.7512894



>> No.7512896


its literally this. a contrarian meme like lesbianism.

>> No.7512921

Yo man just wanted to thank. Nice posts and shit.

>> No.7512953

>the person you are arguing with is killing themselves with meat
>this should make you happy
>you are not happy
> your unhappiness makes me happy


>> No.7512974

Kill yourself

>> No.7513004

You didn't take into account whether someone is sedentary, active, or highly active


>In a 2,000-calorie diet, 20 to 35 percent of calories from fat means eating approximately 44 to 77 grams of fat a day. Of that, keep saturated fat consumption to fewer than 22 grams a day.


Your study that you didn't even reference, from 2008 which is not relevant to the graphic posted. And it admitted many discrepancies involving accuracy of caloric and fat intake and the fact many are eating much more of both than they should

>> No.7513005

Nu-uh I personally know every single homosexual and vegan in the world and they are all like that.

>> No.7514190

Not all vegans are the same.
That said, vegan food is just like any other food.
It can vary between delicious to disgusting.
It's silly to think that food needs meat or dairy or eggs or whatever just to taste good.
If someone is going on and on about how delicious their food is they are either
1) telling the truth
2) Being spiteful to get back at other people who are also obnoxious about how good their non-vegan food is.

To me, anyone who can't stop going "MMMMMMMMMMM AWWWWW YEAAAAAAAAAH THIS IS SO GOOD OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" when they eat, regardless of whatever it is, pisses me off.

>> No.7514220

The oposite of vegan is "normal".

>> No.7514229

Why are all greeks so ripped.

>> No.7514238

Most of them were in the army at some point, working out was the norm for men. Most philosophers were pretty ripped.

>> No.7514438
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>> No.7514449

Should vegans be put to death?

>their food takes up disproportionate space in the supermarket
>ignorant to the environment
>zero culinary appreciation

they literally are subhumans

>> No.7514501

I'm not a vegan, I'm a vegetarian...but I will say this. There is a weird level of compensation that goes along with both styles that I can't figure out...largely, it's the same junk food except without meat. Both vegan and vegetarian lifestyles are billed as being more health-conscious...but when you're eating a "double smoked vegan bean burrito served over triple infused slamma-jamma sauce with a side of deep fried beets" who gives a fuck, really? You might as well eat the actual slop and be done with it...or else just eat healthy and be done with it...

>> No.7514954

For vegetarians and pescatarians bbqs aren't so bad, you could make grilled peppers and stuff them with cheese, make some grilled sandwiches, fish etc.

>> No.7514984 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 640x360, 1414628838807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you keep extra food in your pantry for disaster scenarios? Storms or what have you , or just in case you are broke for a few weeks? What do you keep or have a stash of? Show me your pantries bb.

>> No.7515010

What I really don't understand is why people don't just eat meat like 2 or 3 times a week and that's that.

Balance is everything.