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7491620 No.7491620 [Reply] [Original]

>Recent beers
>What are you drinking currently?

>> No.7491624

>receiving stolen property

no thanks. i'll take lawfully-produced beer, thanks.

>> No.7491643

Certainly not shit tier pale ales of any sort.

>> No.7491646

i live on the edge anon the hops in my beers are stolen and just drinking them knowing they are made from stolen ingredients adds to the buzz

its a buzz you will never feel living in your safe space

>> No.7491657
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Just chilling with an American classic

>> No.7491673
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Currently drinking an okanagan pale ale that a friend gave me. It's nothing special. Drinkable I suppose. A beer i seriously recommend if you can find it is Cherry chocolate porter from Red Arrow brewing in duncan british columbia. One of the smoothest beers I've ever had, reminded me of drinking a cherry cola.
pic kind of related.

>> No.7491675

>Australian beer
>American Pale Ale
It's like your manufacturers are shitposting in reality. A fine national tradition you have there, OP.

>> No.7491676

>high life

Clever girl

>> No.7491685

Where'd you find it?

>> No.7491753

/Whiskey/ General


if you interested

>> No.7491757

My James Squire boy at it again. Just had my 21st and my mates know I love craft beer so I've gotten an amazing selection. Will pick a few when I get back from my gf's tonight and give some reviews with you OP

>> No.7491773

Pbr, got a few days on the homebrew

>> No.7491782


not sure if retarded

>> No.7491787
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>when yuropeens try to shitpost

>> No.7491835
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Saw it at my local supermarket and wanted to give it a try. It's okay I guess, very bland.

>> No.7491890
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Is there a beer that tastes like Dr. Pepper

>> No.7491892

>drinking beer for the taste

tell me more lores onii-chan

>> No.7491952

I used to drink this stuff a lot. It's just easy going down

>> No.7491968

I found this nice 10% beer by accident a while ago, but it was a limited run, and now I don't know what to do really. I'm pretty cheap, and I don't really drink much, but I think hard liquor is kind of awful. Is "gimme your highest alcohol beer" a weird thing to ask the clerks?

>> No.7491969

If you want high abv beer for a decent price, get lagunitas

>> No.7491984

I tried doing that, looking up beers and checking stock, but beer's really regional apparently. We don't seem to import a lot either.

Like that one, I found the Cappunino Stout, but only in 22oz, and not even in a local store.

>> No.7492016

Just have a browse breh, then again I work in a liquor store and people ask me that all the time. Maybe it's just me but I literally couldn't care less

>> No.7492024

Try looking for barley wines, strong trappist ales, or malt liquors if you want it cheap

>> No.7492027

Any recommendations for hefeweizen?

>> No.7492039


is american pale ale really that bad? i find it has a great flavor, not as hoppy as IPAs but still has a little kick so more tasteful than a lager

>> No.7492075

It's not. More and more European breweries are starting to make their own even because of the demand.

>> No.7492078

if you're in US, Harpoon makes a deece hefe for cheap. good daily drinker.

>> No.7492087

Sierra Nevada Beer Camp because I'm memeing like it's $currentyear

The spoiler is that it's actually not bad.


This is so much better when getting it from the tap. Bought the bottles because I was so impressed at a local pub and was massively disappointed when it was as "blah" as it was once bottled.

>> No.7492108
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>> No.7492559
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>> No.7493568

First time homebrewing, thought I fucked up or killed my yeast, but I brought it to a warmer room and turned on a space heater, swished it a bit and it finally started up. I don't even like beer that much, but it's pretty fun.

>> No.7493590
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>> No.7493598


That's not a hefeweizen, it's a fucking American Pale Wheat Ale.

German hefeweizens: Banana and clove esters

American Pale Wheat Ales: Citrus esters

Get it right.

Sierra Nevada and Live Oak make some of the only true Bavarian style hefeweizens in the US.

The best Bavarian hefes are made by Weihenstephan, Schneider, Ayinger, Andechs, and Paulaner.

>> No.7493605

anyone else love fuller's 1854

>> No.7493613

I wish I could get Fuller beer here in the US

>> No.7493668

Had that at the Monks cafe in Philly. It was pretty good.

>> No.7493674

Franziskaner is probably the best. Paulaner comes in second. Sierra Nevada makes a surprisingly good one too.

>> No.7493680
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Someone hasn't had Weihenstephaner or Schneider.

>> No.7493943

I can get it at just about any liquor store in texas.

>> No.7494093

>Sierra Nevada Beer Camp because I'm memeing like it's $currentyear
"dankest" IPA I've ever smelled

>> No.7494135

I had Beer Camp a couple weeks back

Very pedestrian, not sure if it was the beer itself or the fact I haven't enjoyed a beer or alcohol for a few months

>> No.7494175

If you had Tropical IPA within a few days of its release it smelled like cannabis. "Literally" like cannabis, it was uncanny and very notable. Taste was only OK. That smell though, dank as fuck.

>> No.7494189
File: 341 KB, 1979x1438, SNPA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, the smell us unreal on that beer but it is one of their weaker IPAs

ATM I'd rank SN IPAs as such:

1. Topedo
2. Celebration
3. Hop Hunter
4. Ruthless
5. Beer Camp
6. Five-Hop Experimental

I really just wish they made SNPA but in IPA form - same exact hops, but more, and same malts but at 7%.

>> No.7494206

Honestly I am not a fan of most of their IPAs.

The only ones I buy from them are their quarterly harvest IPAs and their estate IPA.

Love their german style beers though. Pilsners, kolsch, kellerweiss, and recently otra vez gose (even though US gose are barely "german style" in anyway nowadays).

>> No.7494219
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SN's Gose is more like goses from Goslar than any other American Gose

They've become my hero for all of these great German beers.

>> No.7494228

>SN's Gose is more like goses from Goslar than any other American Gose
Aside from the cactus I guess.

>> No.7494234

i just finished a Founders Imperial Stout because winter's over when I say it's over, and I sort of forgot how good it is.

on a similar note, i tried Fuzzy Knuckles from Defiance Brewing out of Kansas on a whim, and it was a fairly pleasant surprise. apparently, 10% imperial stouts brewed with coffee and chocolate from Kansan microbreweries is a thing now.

>> No.7494236
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Of course, I get the grapefruit a lot more than any cactus, that's for sure.

To be fair, some places historically in the region around Goslar put fruit in it. I personally just wish I could get one without any flavorings or fruit shit in it, in the US. Off Colored has one but it's not a true Gose at all, more like a weird Berliner Weiss.

Defiance sucks dick IMHO, as does every Kansas brewery besides Free State or Tallgrass, or maybe Central Standard from here in Wichishit.

>> No.7494243

Have you tried Westbrook, Anderson Valley, or Lost Nation for gose? They make good stuff.

>> No.7494252

I don't doubt that in general, since this is the only beer I've had from them, it's one of their better-rated, and I'd consider it more good than anything mind-blowing.

Tallgrass is great, though. 8-Bit made me like beer in the first place.

>> No.7494256

There's a lot of them you just can't get in Kansas, but I've heard many of those really don't fit the style.

>> No.7494262
File: 40 KB, 418x799, Sq9Hn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you live? Boulevard Wheat is what got me into craft beer. Free State was a five minute walk from me for 8 years. I miss that place so much :(

>> No.7494263

Why do so many people drink alcohol?

>> No.7494265
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Tastes good and is fucking fun

Sorry you are a loser ;)

>> No.7494270

Somewhere a bit east of KCMO. the KC metro has sort of had its beer scene (I hate that phrasing) explode in the past few years. even Raytown has a fuckin' well-received brewery now, and that's a place that doesn't even matter.

>> No.7494274
File: 122 KB, 960x960, Lucid-Goslar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a super regional beer, but really the best traditional gose I've had. I doubt you live in minnesota though

>> No.7494276

Raytown is worse than doesn't matter and you know it

Indeed KC has had a huge explosion, Missouri also always gets beers years before Kansas does, then Kansas gets Missouri's old stock :(

>> No.7494281

To be perfectly honest with you, I have absolutely no idea what a "real/authentic" gose should taste like. However, as far as the US interpretation is concerned, and just judging beer by how it tastes regardless of it's "trueness" or "authenticity" in regards to a certain style is concerned, the beers I mentioned are very, very good.

I probably could ahve worded this better but I am drunk and about to pass out.

My point still stands, however. One of the things I drank tonight was a briny melon gose, and it was good.

>> No.7494318
File: 118 KB, 1200x1600, Nw Glarus Dancing Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sierra Nevada and Live Oak make some of the only true Bavarian style hefeweizens in the US.
Not true at all

>> No.7494331

There's 325 million people in the US who don't live in the area where that's on the market.

I've heard great things about it though, really about all of their brews.

>> No.7494345

Does Live Oak have wide distro?
I mean hefeweizen isn't the most popular style, but you make it sound as though it is quite hard to find

>> No.7494361

It's hard to find how it's meant to be enjoyed - fresh.

If it is kept cool, you're at most getting 6 weeks of it at its prime.

4-5 months of it tasting like it should at all.

After that, only the larger versions that Schneider makes really stand up to time.

Most American hefeweizens aren't even actual hefes, they're Pale Wheat Ales and thus have lemony esters, not banana/clove.

Many that do have the right flavors are typically so weak, that you can only drink them fresh if you want to be satisfied.

Then, there are the lite few that can rough and tumble with the Bavarian hefeweizens - Sierra Nevada, Live Oak, and I've heard New Glarus can as well.

Live Oak distros in the Austin area, so I guess it's not better than New Glarus, but it's more widely known I suppose. It's also the highest rated American made Bavarian style hefeweizen by far, and has been for years.

>> No.7494370

I feel like in the summer they are pretty easy to find, not so much in the winter though

>> No.7494375
File: 76 KB, 620x413, schneider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah and most are APWAs

If you live in the Great Lakes region it's totally different. There are a few more good bavarian style hefes up there, but not for the rest of the country.

>> No.7494377
File: 124 KB, 1200x1600, Imperial weizen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who knows when they will make it again, but if you are into more flavorful hefe's definitely try to find New Glarus's double strength hefe

>> No.7494382
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Again, that's only in Wisconsin and I don't live in WI. matter of fact, I'm moving to California this summer, land of fucking far too many IPAs :(

I'd love to drink that beer, that looks fantastic. Weizenbocks are wonderful.

>> No.7494385

i'm just spoiled in the upper midweest getting top tier hefe and top tier american style ones like Gumballhead

>> No.7494388


American Pale Wheat Ale

>> No.7494390

um, yeah, thats what I was saying

>> No.7494391

Live Oak recently started showing up in cans at Houston area HEBs

>> No.7494407
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Yep, I've already traded for some. This shit is amazing, definitely deserved to be mentioned in the same sentence as the german ones

You said hefe though, APWAs aren't hefes at all

>> No.7494666

Why is it so important to drink Heady Topper from the can? I don't understand what advantages a can has over a simply glass.

>> No.7494686

I hate banana and clove in my beer, so I'm fine with that. Makes me gag. Just like overpowering dark fruit flavors.

I don't really care if you think my tastes are bad. I can't control what flavors in my beer I like.

>> No.7495328
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That's fine, but be accurate with what you call them.

I like APWAs too, that lemony zing is fucking nice.

>> No.7495550

Name 1 good elysian beer. I have tried so many of them and they are always shit.

>> No.7496392
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i found this novelty pumpkin beer i must have bought last fall. is it still safe to drink?

there's no expiration date, or I can't find one.

>> No.7496534

Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier is one of my favorite beers, but for 14 dollars a six pack, 5.4%, 11.2 fl oz bottles, and no fucking date on the bottle, it's a ripoff.

>> No.7496541

Beer doesn't go bad.

>> No.7496543

The bottle should have a code

It's 4 digits

first is the day, second two are the week of the year, last is the last digit of the year

so 2465 would be 2nd day of the 46th week of 2015

But agree, it's often mistreated and the prices on German imports has skyrocketed to the point where they are ever worth buying

>> No.7496556

Yeah, they do have a code, but why can't it be the date instead of a code?

You're right about the European imports. One bottle of Rochefort 10 costs 8 dollars here (Richmond, Virginia). One Canadian anon told me a bottle is 2.50 USD up there.

>> No.7496569
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I can't wait for this beer bubble to burst. Too many shitty craft breweries pushing prices higher and higher in the US. You'd think more choice would mean lower prices, but the good places know they can charge more and people will stay pay at the moment.

Hell, some idiots continue to pay 15 bucks for Rogue or Ballast Point.

BLUE MOON IS 8 BUCKS A 6 PACK and I live in the cheapest places to live in the lower 48.

Fucking stupid!

>> No.7496578

Bell's and Ballast Point are the main offenders. Bell's loves to charge 19 dollars a six pack for anything with a higher ABV than Two Hearted. Ballast Point isn't even good, in fact, they're kinda shitty. I've had one Sculpin that was incredible. Every single other time I've tried it, fresh every time, it's been trash (relatively). The Commodore is pretty good, but it's still too expensive. Don't get me started on Pineapple Sculpin and Watermelon Dorado.

>> No.7496585

Blue Moon isn't craft.

>> No.7496587

I love beer and I feel like an idiot every single time I drink beer that's not PBR. It's just 3 times as cheap, no ifs or buts. PBR is completely tolerable and refreshing to me. After 2 drinks I don't care one bit whether I'm drinking Abt 12 or PBR.

>> No.7496591

It's decent though. My best beer drinking memory is with Blue Moon. One of the first times I ever got drunk I drank like 8 from noon to 4pm while playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution on my PS3. Good times.

>> No.7496611

are you me?

>> No.7496620

The point is that the craft meme is driving up prices for beer, even basic shit like Blue Moon.

>> No.7496701


>> No.7496710

a pleb? yea

>> No.7496881

I've never really liked IPAs before, what's a really good one to get to give them another shot. I typically drink stouts and lagers.

>> No.7496893

They all taste basically the same. Just avoid any of the overtly meme ones that say they're a key lime pie or honeysuckle and kumquat IPA or whatever.

>> No.7497004

what state?
>They all taste basically the same
Not true at all, West coast IPAs often end up all tasting the same, but citra/mosaic type IPAs are way better and don't taste that much like West Coast style IPA

>> No.7497024

There is no beer bubble. There are still fewer breweries than wineries in america even though people like beer way more and consume more of it. There is a fucking lot of room for the number of craft brewers to continue to expand. Shitty adjunct lagers and terrible euro imports still make up like 75% of the market

>> No.7497139

Craft production has quintupled in the time since I've been drinking craft beer, and the industry just got over one bubble bursting maybe 12 years ago or so.

>> No.7497197

>and the industry just got over one bubble bursting maybe 12 years ago or so.
The industry say a tiny regression in the late 90s, but hardly any of the 90s boom failed, so its not fair to refer to it as a bubble as there was no burst, only a hold in the growth for about 5 years before taking off faster than ever. The fact that terrible beer still has such a huge marketshare suggests there is a lot of room for sustainable growth left.
Especially when you consider the huge difference in beer choice between millennials and old people. Macro beer's best demo by far is people who grew up when good beer wasn't available, people currently in their twenties are used to good beer and drink a fucking lot of it, and as these people age they will surely continue to drink craft beer (and probably will spend more on it as most people become more affluent as they age), and there is little reason to suggest the next generation of people coming of age won't shun macro beer even more

>> No.7497217

I'm not saying it's going to fall apart, just that there are a LOT of shitty breweries out there now and I hope that they get shafted.

>> No.7497222

i don't really see a problem with shitty breweries, maybe its a regional thing, but all of the new ones by me I have tried are at least ok. All way better than the best selling brands in the country so I think there is plenty of room for them

>> No.7497231

Lucky, that isn't the situation in most of the nation. I travel quite a bit and that just isn't happening in the last 2-3 years.

>> No.7497393

>they all taste basically the same

the fuck???

>> No.7497475

I wonder, will someone make a shitpost in the next 24 hours on this board talking about belgian ales) because of terrorism and pol


>> No.7497479

do you think when the muslims take over they will shut down the Trappist monasteries? Seems that it combines two things they hate, alcohol and christianity

>> No.7497486
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>ywn you could totally see this being a headline in the near future which is shaping up to be that miserable.

>> No.7497516

That's interesting because I've had so many beers as of late where one beer in the pack was phenomenal or good but then the rest are dogshit

Or even one 6 pack one day is good, next time it's shit

Very annoying for me and my wallet

>> No.7497585

Blue Moon is absolutely vile.

>> No.7497605
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has anyone been to the brewery? would love to get a tour of that place. I talked to a spokesman at a craft beer festival who showed tons of enthusiasm for the craft in making Sierra nevada.
Hefeweizen and pale wheat ale are the same thing buddy. Nobody calls it a god damn pale wheat ale except for beer snobs who get all hooked on definitions. I'll stick with american hefeweizen.

Check out these mad pouring skills.

>> No.7497622
File: 139 KB, 1200x675, 1826054484-paula-Mo7p0qBccef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to the SN brewery this summer as soon as I move out to Cali.

on hefeweizens, you're so fucking wrong.

BJCP, Beer Advocate, Ratebeer, Untappd, Homebrewer's Association of America, German Brewers Guild - aka FUCKING EVERYBODY agrees with me, not you.

There is no such thing as an American hefeweizen style.

There are Bavarian Hefeweizens, which have banana and clove esters. They're made with at least 50% malted wheat, never hoppy, and fermented fast.

There are American Pale Wheat Ales, which don't use Bavarian yeasts. They use cleaner fermenting yeasts that produce (in some versions) citrusy esters ( like Boulevard Wheat or Odell Easy Street Wheat). Some are quite hoppy, up to 60 IBUS but 30 is more typical. They typically only use 20-30% malted wheat, and some may even use a mix of unmalted and malted wheat, but never 50% or more like Bavarian Hefeweizens.

Bavarian Hefeweizens: Weihenstephaner, Paulaner, Schneider, Ayinger, Spaten-Franziskaner, Andech, Hofbrau Munchen

Bavarian Hefeweizens made in the US: Sierra Nevada Kellerweis, New Glarus Dancing Man Wheat, Live Oak Hefeweizen

American Pale Wheat Ales: Boulevard Unfiltered Wheat, 3 Floyd's Gumballhead, Lagunitas Sumpin Sumpin, Widmer Hefeweizen, Odell Easy Street Wheat

These beer styles are so different, any pleb could tell them apart in a blind taste test. The only things they have in common are the use of malted wheat, and that's it.

>> No.7497660
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>on hefeweizens, you're so fucking wrong. BJCP, Beer Advocate, Ratebeer, Untappd, Homebrewer's Association of America, German Brewers Guild - aka FUCKING EVERYBODY agrees with me, not you.

You're correct but read what you just said without laughing

>> No.7497679
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Anyone in the beer general go to bottle releases and such?

went to pic related this last weekend. Ended up getting my allotment for a collab with Prairie they did. Went to a bunch of other places too. Was a lot of fun.

>kind of blog post but still beer related

>> No.7497715

>his best beer memory is playing a game, presumably alone, and having a blue moon

I'm not mad im just sad

>> No.7497967
File: 623 KB, 1104x1077, hopslam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit gets up to 30 bux for a sixer as demand ovetakes supply, and i live in michigan.

>> No.7497969
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>Anyone in the beer general go to bottle releases and such?
i want craftards to leave

>> No.7497971 [DELETED] 

>Hopslam Ale
>Made with imported water

>> No.7497983

A lot of that is the store selling it jacking up the price, not bells. One year when Surly Darkness was released, a store in the cities sold bottles for 40$. That's twice the going rate. Surly stopped distributing to them entirely after that which is kind of rad. 20$ for a bottle is already pushing it.

>> No.7498005

oh look, another super fruity craft beer with too much hops

>> No.7498149


>> No.7498255

Why are you in this thread if you don't like beer?

>> No.7498261
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I'm completely new to beer and alcohol in general. I've only had a handful of beers, mostly generic shit like heineken and bud light. hated it. Tried some IPA2 shit my sister got me. I couldn't stand a single sip of it without my body going into a convulsion.

any recommendations?

>> No.7498266

Bud Light is completely tasteless, so if you're already retching after a sip of that then there's no helping you.

Heineken is genuinely disgusting though.

>> No.7498268

Had this really good beer last night
It was called three philosophers or somthing like that.
I bought it cause a liter and a half bottle was 10 bucks and it was 10% alcohol. It was a quadruple ale mixed with a cherry ale it was really nice.
It was a darker more malty beer and could maintain a nice head which smelled and tasted vaguely of cherry. Otherwise he beer was a nice balance between being bitter and sweet.
I drank the whole thing and got pretty drunk it was great

>> No.7498271

>any recommendations?
Don't drink beer if you don't enjoy it?

>> No.7498277
File: 259 KB, 626x750, motivioFUL6080510043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My go to six pack (with alternate options for each slot) for complete newbs to beer:

1. Schlitz or PBR

2. Allagash White/Sierra Nevada Kellerweis/Boulevard Wheat/Blue Moon

3. Sierra Nevada Pale Ale

4. New Belgium Fat Tire

5. Deschutes Black Butte Porter/Sierra Nevada Porter/Odell Cutthroat Porter

6. Samuel Adams Boston Lager

>> No.7498282

Acclimatise yourself to raw alcohol in the form of cheap vodka. Just hold it in your mouth, no need to swallow, though swallowing will help you lose the cough reflex.

Then try a sip of beer. Pair it with something sour, like pickles, sauerkraut, or strong block cheddar.

IPA tastes like cough medicine to me.

>> No.7498294
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thanks senpaitachi I will look into doing/trying those

I may have mistyped, I could handle the Bud Light and Heinikek I just didn't really enjoy them at all. So I'm looking for something I can try to enjoy.

pic related is the IPA that fucked my shit up

>> No.7498303
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Is reddit down?

>> No.7498305
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New people to beer should never be given IPAs.

>> No.7498316

An IPA is a terrible place to start with.

Because you're totally new to alcohol maybe you could try something like shock top or hard cider. They'll be much fruiter and easier to drink.
Seasonal beers could also be a good if they incorporate flavors you like normally, so keep an eye out for those.

>> No.7498346

IPAs are where a lot of people I know started. The flavor is so different from what most people know as beer that it sparks their interest usually.

>> No.7498348

More like it turns them off of beer forever.

>> No.7498350

Me and every single one of my good friends who got into craft beer got into it after having Dogfish Head 60 and 90 minutes.

>> No.7498356

I've been running in craft beer circles for years. Most people who drink craft beers are ok with IPAs, it's a smaller group that likes them a lot and an even smaller group that started out with them.

Then again, I've lived most of that time in Kansas City, where everyone's first beer at all just about is Boulevard Wheat.

>> No.7498361

I'm sure your sample size of three is an excellent representation of the population at large.

>> No.7498363

i like beer
i hate beer culture, hipsters and other people in general

>> No.7498367
File: 61 KB, 849x527, kuvaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to hate people like you, but I'm getting so sick of most craft beer drinkers

* le put everything into spirit barrels meme, and if you don't' like them, you are a pleb because these are objectively good

* the "Everyone should drink IPAs all the time" meme

* We need 10000 breweries in the US meme because we don't have enough shitty local breweries already

* Let's throw fruit into every fucking beer and pretend we're wine drinkers

* Let's hop the shit out of every beer style and make it "American"

>> No.7498379


Sorry you feel that way. I work at a store with one of the biggest craft beer selections and one of the best craft beer focused bars in the the county and the neighboring ones. The people who are actively involved in the craft scene are typically really cool, nice people who don't fit whatever stereotype you are imagining.

I know /ck/ likes to invent this fake image in their minds of these super hipster 20 somethings being all obnoxious about craft beer but those people don't really exist except on places like beeradvocate forums.

In real life people who are into craft beer can't just be lumped into one group. There are people, men and women, from all different age groups and backgrounds int craft beer now. A lot of the brewer are cool guys too.

You can keep hating the fake beer culture full of people who don't exist that you tricked yourself into believing is real but I am going to continue enjoying beer with other people who also do.

Hell, tonight I am going to a Sam Calagione meet and greet featuring a whole bunch of Dogfish Head on tap with some coworkers, it'll be great. You are missing out on stuff like this

>> No.7498395

It's fine that it worked out for you, but I remember trying an IPA when I was starting out and hated it. Most of the people I know used to not like it or still don't and the ones who like it not only do after drinking other beers for a while.

>> No.7498396
File: 40 KB, 480x480, women-drinking-beer-13937232178gnk4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>In real life people who are into craft beer can't just be lumped into one group

That's pretty true, it depends on the area you are in.

I should have said I'm getting sick of most enthusiasts, not most drinkers.

The stupid shit isn't popular with most drinkers, but it is among enthusiasts.

>You can keep hating the fake beer culture full of people who don't exist that you tricked yourself into believing is real but I am going to continue enjoying beer with other people who also do.

Lol you know these people exist, they may be a minority, but they definitely exist.

>You are missing out on stuff like this

Nah. I've done plenty of tours of the years. I would love to go tour the breweries and meet the brewers in Germany, that's something I've not done yet.

>> No.7498418
File: 96 KB, 960x766, sotn.schells.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best American made berliner weisse I've had. Happy to hear they're expanding their sour production soon

>> No.7498421

Schells? I wish they'd just distribute outside of their area.

>> No.7498423

Barrosa valley brewing double IPA

God like hop level

>> No.7498430

not the guy you're arguing with, but you sound like a pretty big douche. for everyone's sake, please stop posting.

>> No.7498434
File: 56 KB, 517x572, 1458673262107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm complaining about elitist craft beer "enthusiasts" that think everyone has to like they like, and that makes me the douche?

That's stupid.

>> No.7498444

you done yet?

>> No.7498445

They dont? I don't leave mn often but I assumed they distributed to neighboring states

>> No.7498485

Are you? What are you upset about this time, Mr. Princess?

>> No.7498490

Fuck, their Torpedo is so good, never found a place with it on tap though, but I'm in Australia so I'd have to get lucky as shit anyway

>> No.7498530
File: 5 KB, 70x276, 2016-03-23-16-17-43-1546802549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this. Pic related.

Franziskaner is okay tier but is kinda completely mass produced garbage. The same company make Spaten and Spaten Oktoberfestbier. You compare that to the Hofbrauhaus equivalents and you realise the quality difference.

>> No.7498535
File: 1.74 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had this the other day. For those of you that enjoy the sour side of things, this is a must. Perfect balance of sweet and sour.

>> No.7498603

he's taking it personally because he's emotionally invested in fucking 4chan posts, of all things.

dude probably isn't even a beer enthusiast. he's probably a state uni freshman that desperately wants to be like the douchey beer hipsters we've been bagging on and we upset his imaginary coolguy persona he was concocting in his head.

>> No.7498674

Non-American here. Your last point is the only one that actually truly annoys me. American craft pilsner is somewhat refreshing but hell no it's no pilsner. But I have no problem with fruit-containing beer if they traditionally have done so like for example lambics.

>> No.7498681

Spaten is the best shitty german lager by a country mile

>> No.7498683

Why can't you just drink what you like and ignore shit you don't?

I do this with everything in life. I smoke weed pretty regularly but fuck weed culture, just ignore it.

>> No.7498699
File: 341 KB, 497x388, put me in a coma til August.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help/advice.

For over 10 years, I drank nothing but Iron City (Pittsburgh beer, similar to Budweiser). Occasionally I'd "treat" myself and get some Molson Golden or Lebatts. On a whim about 4 years ago, I tried some pumpkin beer. Over the past 4 years, I got hooked on Pumpkin/Christmas beers, there's just something about them. I've become addicted to them. I bought so much of them that I've just now (in late March) exhausted my supply of them from 2015 (in case anyone was wondering they started to taste watered down).

Seriously, what should I drink for the next 4.5 months? I can't go back to Iron City/Bud type brews, they just taste awful to me now (despite drinking them for 10 years straight). Mind you I think all fruity beers are disgusting, like summer shandys. Also I can't stand white ales or wheat ales.

>> No.7498714

Helles lagers

>> No.7498731

try some belgians, some belgian dark ales. Or just get hooked on good yuro lagers/pilsners

>> No.7498754

Keystone Light, cuz why pay moar for domestic light trash.

Coors banquet beer, cuz its actually the best domestic lager still owned by Americans.

Guineas draught. What can say, I like it.

West Sixth IPA. Had to include in of these for the hipsters.

To be fair, would be easier for me to name the 2, I said two, beers I don't like. Blue Moon, they can keep their coriander loss water and duck the Belgians. Shock Top, what the hell, it tastes like fickinh Skittles .. the candy.

>> No.7498769
File: 135 KB, 600x450, la_goule_black_prince.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yuro here

Anyone else had this, it's costy but i love it,it's not a stout or a porter but damn does it's chocolate and malt taste good.

>> No.7499438


>> No.7499450

Recently tried Catskill Brewery's black lager and was pretty impressed. Nice dark malt taste, not over hopped, not too heavy and finished clean. Good stuff.

>> No.7499483
File: 65 KB, 500x652, 1440989035477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right, let's have a thread talking about the intricacies of non-craft, which includes trappist and various European and beyond breweries, macro lagers

>> No.7499513

Just brew you own pumpkin beer. You can make it exactly how you like it and a standard brewing kit makes 5 gallons (50 bottles) each.

>> No.7499522
File: 1.24 MB, 2340x3183, 20160323_145528~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like micheladas, bloody beers or shandys and shit? I made this with home made tomato juice and worcestershire and garage temperature pabst. I've never liked shandys much, because they're too sweet for me.

>> No.7499535

Micheladas are delicious and a good way to get rid of excess swill in your fridge

>> No.7499571
File: 216 KB, 618x408, westvleteren-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7499637

Had this tonight. Really good, some nice citrus flavours. Have liked most of the Evil Twin I've tried so far.

>> No.7499641
File: 396 KB, 1520x2688, IMAG0578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK pic didn't upload for some reason

>> No.7499660

PBR good because it's the cheapest??

>> No.7499685

>$14 for 24 pack
Mmmmmm, it's delicious!

>> No.7499703

i only go cheap if i just want something to drink with a quick meal or if i'm going to pound beers, in which case i go Busch Light. it's the best out of the widely available light American macros.

Busch Light > Miller Lite > Budweiser Select >>> Coors Light > Miller High Life Light > Natty Light >>>>>>>>>Miller 64 > Budweiser Select 55 > Bud Light > Keystone Light

>> No.7499707


How's high school going

>> No.7499715

sorry, i'm not going to drink 7-8 porters in one sitting, m8.

>> No.7499725

Maybe if you didn't drink three or four sitting's worth of beer in one sitting you'd be able to actually taste what you're drinking

>> No.7499740
File: 352 KB, 468x974, Grainbelt_16_oz0711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking a few of these to get prepped for NXT. Also enjoying the snow storm

>> No.7499761

what do you drink at parties or watching sports with your bros?

>> No.7499767


>> No.7499773

How're your brackets?

>> No.7499790

Why would your bros drink shitty beer?

>> No.7499845

Because sometimes people drink shitty beer

>> No.7499850

funny that you say that. i've had the bottles and cans and all i taste is prickly pear cactus. not even a hint of grapefruit.

>> No.7500001

"beginner" here. Been trying some import/craft/micro brews and related gay shit (you probably havent heard of it wink wink). Now I finally got around to trying guinness draught and nitro IPA, and I'm wondering if its supposed to be so flat. tastes (or uhh, should I say mouthfeel) like a beer your mate left in the fridge overnight after opening. Is that normal? desirable to some maybe?

came in a can with this thing called a widget inside. this stuff must taste better on tap, right?

>> No.7500023

>supposed to be so flat
yeah, it uses a nitrogen gas as opposed to CO2 so it's not going to feel like a typical carbonated beer. this is what it gives it that very smooth texture.

>> No.7500033

You're supposed to turn the can directly over and let the beer aggressively pour straight to the bottom of the glass to agitate the nitrogen widget and simulate the experience of draft pouring.

They're both gross in my opinion, poured right or not.

>> No.7500043
File: 1.50 MB, 2448x3264, 1458782007604-1889416399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This beer is surprisingly good.

>> No.7500180
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No bias, but the brewery I work at makes a better than decent IPA. Betty IPA has been my shit for the last couple of months since I started working there.

Pic related, I got this after work. M-Muh two free pints, it honestly is fruity and piney. Pretty middle of the road, solid 8/10.

>> No.7500195

Had a bunch of Dogfish Head beers tonight and met Sam. I got drunk early because I had to drive 40 minutes home so I now feel like crap but I had a good time. The beers I had were

120 Minute
2012 World Wide Stout (the last keg in NY)
Higher Math
Immort Ale
Squall IPA

Pretyy sure I had some other stuff but those were the highlights.

>> No.7500208

Oh I also had Raison D'extra and Bitches Brew too.

>> No.7500233

That raison is perfect after a nice dinner.

>> No.7500293
File: 1.97 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finishing up a growler from work the girlfriend.

120 Minute is like gone perfect hybrid of barleywine and doh me IPA. It's delicious. Shame those kegs won't be out here for a while.

>> No.7500946

so cloudy... i brew my own that looks better than that.

>> No.7501432

>something you take pride in serving and are too close to see the faults in
>no bias
I'm sure there's good flavor, but the the head looks like shit and that's unbelievably murky. I hope this is bait tbqhwy senpai

>> No.7501468

Do people really care about how cloudy a beer is? I just had a local pale ale that looked like lake water with a head. I don't care it tasted great.

>> No.7501473

Presentation is a big part of eating and drinking.

That's why they don't make green ketchup anymore.

>> No.7501480

I think cloudy beers can be aesthetic. Especially ipas. There is a cut off point though.

>> No.7501485
File: 1.76 MB, 2448x3264, 14588256784091139518721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really care about cloudy beer, I'm a homebrewer though and I just like to keep things natural.

Drinking this one right now, pacific summer ale.

>> No.7501494

Absolutely. Personally I care more about a nice head and color. But the one>>7500180 posted looks like a fucking smoothie.

>> No.7501505

Which is what I like about it. It makes you think of the fruit flavors ipas can give off. Makes it look very full. Just to clarify, I'm not the guy who posted that pic.

>> No.7501523

If you think clarity and white foamy head is what makes a good beer, makes me think you're one of those people that think Heineken and Stella are premium.

>> No.7501535

>there's no beer in existence named "Hop Chef"

My genius is not meant for this world bros

>> No.7501551
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>> No.7501651

Drinking pic related. It tastes like your basic budweiser/molson but costs the same as pbr or lucky. Not a bad way to spend a Thursday morning.

>> No.7501652

Is this beer, chilli sauce and ice with a salt rim?

It sounds horrible but it's actually the bomb on a hot day. I use Valentina sauce.

>> No.7501653
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>> No.7501660

Try the hofbrau version. I wasn't impressed by spaten in the slightest. You're right, it's overpriced puss. I used to like Oktoberfest until I tried the hb version. It's the lick.

>> No.7501665
File: 7 KB, 186x271, 2016-03-24-16-07-51-1546802549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried this the other day. It's very good.

>> No.7503073

Picked up a koffee kolsch from huss brewery in Tempe, AZ.

I'm currently on a kona IPA kick.

Going to try my hand at my third batch of personal brewing soon, thinking a cream ale of some sort.

>> No.7503246

>super fruity
hardly, but nobody is forcing you to buy it anyway

>> No.7503248
File: 239 KB, 670x571, LoneStar_6pack_bottle2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Jerseyan here, just got pic related for $6.99. Never seen this up here before, what am I in for Texasfags?

>> No.7503370
File: 783 B, 150x300, hoppy blonde.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty balanced, strong hop aroma. Breddy good

>> No.7503377

Why don't more companies sell their beers in 12 packs? I would be way more inclined to buy 12 beers for 20-25 bucks than 24 beers for 44-50 bucks.

>> No.7503378
File: 14 KB, 328x154, hoppy blonde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7503418

is that a picture for asians?

>> No.7503447

Pretty standard cheap beer. It's $8.25 a twelve pack I'm San Antonio.

>> No.7503476
File: 175 KB, 450x450, gingerale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know anyone is going to count this as a beer or not.

But I picked it up when I was at the store last out of curiosity. Shit's really sweet. Sort of comparable to 7up or Sierra Mist

>> No.7503774

wait, what?
Most breweries near you sell in 24 pack primarily?

>> No.7504106

hard sodas are meme shit for girls and tasteless plebs

>> No.7504131

I like the root beer.

>> No.7504349

Just mix normal ginger ale with gin instead

>> No.7504430

hard ginger ale? Why not just ginger beer?

>> No.7504458

No french/kraut/belgian fag itt?

>> No.7504620

I don't think there's a more refreshing style desu senpai

>> No.7504624

They're starting to. Two hearted and Oberon are in twelves now. Same with some founders stuff and Oscar blues. A lot of local places near me are doing it too and it makes me happy.

>> No.7504637
File: 219 KB, 833x881, labimg_870_2016-02-01-16.07.35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pataskala is pretty good.

>> No.7504755


Not breweries but those "beer and soda" stores. I usually go to those because I dont have a brewery super close and they have a lot of stuff. I love seeing 12-bottle cases because they're the perfect quantity and price point. 20 bucks or so for 12 beers is a really sweet deal IMO. And yet most most of the best beers are still sold in 24s.

>> No.7504799

Where do you live? I'm not even familiar with the concept of a 'beer and soda' store. I'd think in most places 6 and 12 packs are way more common than cases for good beer

>> No.7504853


I live in PA where the alcohol laws are pretty strict. Most grocery stores don't sell beer unless they take a lot of steps.

A "beer and soda" store is basically just a sort of warehouse full of cases of...beer and soda. Theres definitely more of a focus on the beer though, but people always go there to buy tons of bud light and stuff. Still they carry a lot of good craft stuff so thats where I go. They dont sell six packs.

But Im much more likely to buy a 12 pack, its nice buying a 12 of say, Sierra Nevada or whatever.

>> No.7504861

Its fucking ridiculous that your politicians don't fix that and just allow grocery stores (and liquor stores and gas stations, and walgreens etc) to sell beer in whatever quantities they like as in pretty much every other state. Politicians getting involved in things and creating utterly ridiculous regulations is the worst

>> No.7505008

ginger beer isnt alcoholic

>> No.7505069

MN here. We just passed a law allowing growler sales on sundays. Still no liquor stores open on Sundays though, and if a grocery store has a liquor store it has to be a totally separate thing. It's weird.

>> No.7506293
File: 222 KB, 1000x563, Summit-30-DIPA13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking pic related. Really good DIPA. Nothing mind blowing, but worth picking up if you see it near you

>> No.7506444

Are there any beers that taste better from the can?

>> No.7506481


I think its good...

>> No.7506490
File: 64 KB, 420x1024, Rye PA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is about to go away for summer so I got another 6 pack.

>> No.7506532

is it weird if i dont like to pour beer into a glass, because you lose some of the beer when it gets foamy?

>> No.7506539
File: 215 KB, 1088x1104, ElHefe[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is somewhere between a Hefe like Live Oak and what one would consider a regular American Pale Wheat Beer. I really dig it.

>> No.7506614

What? You don't lose any of the beer.

>> No.7506625

Mmmm dang son. Had the most recent best by and damn it was tasty. Now I'm sipping on unicorn vs ninja to continue the tasty ipa train. So darn good. Best by was less malty, very fresh hoppy flavour. Flowery, light (despite the 9.something abv) and incredibly bubbly and refreshing. Ninja vs Unicorn is great as well. It's not the same as the old bombers, I miss those. But! It is still a full bodied ipa with great flowery flavour. I love earl grey tea and this just tickles my taste buds in a similar way. Love well made fresh IPAs.

>> No.7506657
File: 36 KB, 450x450, dsc_1029_v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

atm I think it's the best beer i ever tasted

>> No.7506773
File: 110 KB, 176x527, ommegang gnomegang bottle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My weekend spread is pic related and Brooklyn's Black Chocolate Stout, 4 pack of each. Both are amazing.

>> No.7506804
File: 114 KB, 1252x1252, I8QlqUVh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw they stopped making nugget nectar for the year

Shit is so good. Why do they only make it for like 2 months?

>> No.7506808


Are you serious? Go ahead and pour a can or bottle of beer, straight into a glass. Depending on how you do it, almost half of it will just be foam.

>> No.7506833

Just pour slowly with the glass at an angle, and don't be a retard, and you don't lose shit. You'll barely get any head at it will generally dissipate.

>> No.7507130

I'm drinking this shit says New Belgium Ranger on the bottle. I don't know if it's good or not because I don't usually drink beer. My friend just gave me some and was like "lol drink this it tastes like weed." It kinda does have a dank taste.

>> No.7507146
File: 133 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My current favorite "low cost" beer. It's delicious.

>> No.7507303

>not liking the foam
having ~1" of head on a beer looks great and is great to drink

>> No.7507338
File: 137 KB, 734x872, shocktop-twisted-pretzel-wheat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite being an AB brand, I hate to admit that for a novelty beer I really liked it.

Same with Coney Island's Hard Orange Cream Ale. Way better than hard root beers.

>> No.7507342

Though I don't live there anymore (And was blown away seeing how beer was fucking everywhere in other states), it's the beer distributor lobbies. There are so many of them and they make so much money. Probably the same with the state stores that sell wines and liquors. (Beers/Wines/Liquors never in the same store).

It'll eventually change probably,j but not for a long time.

>> No.7507350

Bros, should I pick La Trappe Double or Triple?

>> No.7507657

What do you think happens with the foam? That it just disappears into the air? It settles back into the beer

>> No.7507659

48 minutes until stores serve alcohol


>> No.7507660


>> No.7508548

>not buying beer for tomorrow on your way home from work

>> No.7508563

>falling for the ipa meme

>> No.7508570

Currently drinking bud light. The store down the road had 12 pks on sale for 7.50

>> No.7508730
File: 442 KB, 972x1728, Budweiser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just had to pick a can up for fun!

>> No.7509715
File: 3.05 MB, 2236x2236, 20160326_200550-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am currently drinking this. I would not recommend it

>> No.7509723
File: 2.88 MB, 2236x2236, 20160326_200641-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad I got this too. Outdoor pack, even though I'll be enjoying it indoors this time around

>> No.7509726


theres a reason why americans like IPAs so much. growing up we're only exposed to shitty, tasteless beer like bud, or coors, or whatever. so when we try an IPA its like an explosion of flavor, its like a revelation. we didnt get a chance to properly develop a taste for fine lagers and stuff.

>> No.7509731

I enjoy getting the 8 pack of those. It's the perfect amount when I'm knocking back a few cold ones at home.

>> No.7509732

Interesting. Normally Odell has some decent beer. What's wrong with it?

>> No.7509738


>drinking 8 beers in one night

Shit son are you an alcoholic? And fat?

>> No.7509746
File: 522 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-03-26-21-13-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last 5. Enjoyed the hell out of them. Hop juju is ridiculously overrated though

>> No.7509751

On Friday nights I like to get a buzz. I didn't say I pound a bottle of rum. 8 beers really isn't a crazy amount of alcohol.

>> No.7509772

Homebrews mainly for me, as its pretty cheap to make good beer. I get pbr when i lag on brewing quicly enough, cause its cheap. Occasionally craft beer 6 pacl or bomber.

>> No.7509814

I agree about Odell. I bought it because i liked all of the other Odell beers that i have tried. This one isn't bad, just boring. All roasted malt, no hops. I was expecting more of a balance. I don't know, I'm kind of a craft beer noob

>> No.7509904
File: 124 KB, 410x410, Sierra-Nevada-Pale-Ale-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brit here....Is this shit really considered great American beer? I'm traveling in the States and I've been told this is among the "definite" American beers, and yet it tastes pretty damn foul to me.

>> No.7509915

That shit tastes like lychees.

>> No.7509950

what do you usually drink?

>> No.7509960

>Is this shit really considered great American beer
No, it is considered decent and pretty cheap and widely available

>> No.7509998

Not really.

Cheap American beers tend to be well below the standards of commonly available beers in Europe. But the craft beer scene is pretty nuts.

Go to a beer dispensary and pick up some craft beers. Some restaurants carry a bunch too. Some decent, commonly available breweries include Founders, Dogfish Head, Brooklyn, Ballast Point, and a few others.

Harder to find but GOAT ones include breweries like Great Divide, North Coast Brewing, AleSmith, and honestly, countless others. As a guy who lived in Chelsea for a while I'll say IPA's will be hard to get into, but the USA's Stout game is pretty on point, and most of those labels do a great job at them.

>> No.7510016

>Muh microbreweries

>> No.7510027

pretty much all of the best beer in the world is made by an american craft brewery with a small handful from Trappist monasteries

>> No.7510033
File: 312 KB, 1600x1202, 22 NO FEE Paulaner Oktoberfest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're forgetting Bavaria, who brews the best beer without adding a bunch of faggot shit to it.

>> No.7510036

The sad thing is that there really are Americans who believe this. It's amazing how powerful the brainwashing in America is. Just make kids pray to the flag in school every day for a few years and they will believe America colonised Europe and invented the language.

>> No.7510038

Bavaria makes some decent beer, but nothing that worthwhile

Also, please keep in mind that reinheitsgebot was designed to keep the price of bread cheap, it had literally nothing to do with the quality of beer, and obviously severely harmed it

>> No.7510040

I try different beers from all over the place constantly, nothing else is even remotely close to America.

You can go to some random fucking super market in the midwest and have a better selection of beer available than anywhere in Europe

>> No.7510051


um, it honestly kind of is...the recommended amount is 2-3 beers at most,...

>> No.7510057

Are you seriously saying you do not occasionally consume more than 3 beers in a day?
There is nothing wrong with occasionally having a bunch of beer. Evidence suggest the average male should consume 7-21 beers per week

>> No.7510066

No, it had a lot to do with beer quality as well. You can hear the heir of the Bavarian throne talk about the problems back then on Michael Jackson's Beer Hunter. People were trying to add all kinds of weird additives to beer back in the 1500s, many of it poisonous.

However, I don't think Bavaria has succeeded because of that. I think they just love beer so much and drink so much of it that it was inevtiable they'd brew great beer.

I'll take hefeweizens, dopplebocks, maibocks, helles, weizenbock over IPAs any day.

>> No.7510073

>I'll take hefeweizens, dopplebocks, maibocks, helles, weizenbock
You can get great examples of all of these easily in america, plus plenty of great IPA and stout

>> No.7510074

Here is your (you).

>> No.7510077

>You can go to some random fucking super market in the midwest and have a better selection of beer available than anywhere in Europe

Midwest here, selection might be great but the beer isn't fresh, and most of the selection comes from Granite City tier micro breweries who all brew the same 3 beer styles rather poorly

Not very many of them at all, and even less of them that touch the quality. It's to be expected, they're not popular styles here, so there's not going to be many made. I've literally only had 2-3 hefeweizens made stateside that are worth a shit.

>> No.7510083

>Midwest here, selection might be great but the beer isn't fresh, and most of the selection comes from Granite City tier micro breweries who all brew the same 3 beer styles rather poorly
This is not my experience at all. The midwest has a huge portion of America's best breweries like Bells, Toppling Goliath, New Glarus, Three Floyds, Founders, and Surly

Maybe if you live in some super rural area you might find a problem with freshness, but for the vast majority of the population thats not an issue

>> No.7510090

>I've literally only had 2-3 hefeweizens made stateside that are worth a shit.
and how many German ones have you had that are significantly better?

>> No.7510092

I'm in Kansas, other side of the midwest - you know, the part that would be more relevant to selection being available in an unpopulated area.

Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio all have urban areas greater than the population of my state.

We don't even get any of those breweries you mentioned here.

>> No.7510099
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If I agressively poured a beer straight into a glass...So imagine the head is massive....if i waited long enough, would it eventually turn into a "full" beer?

>> No.7510101

I always think of the great lake states when I think midwest. I think of Kansas as more of a plains state

>> No.7510105

Good American made hefeweizens: SN Kellerweis, Live Oak Hefeweizen, New Glarus Dancing Man Wheat I've heard is authentic and rates well

Good Bavarian hefeweizens (Bavaria is only 12 million people): Weihenstephaner, Paulaner, Schneider, Ayinger, Erdinger, Andechs, Augustiner, Spaten-Franziskaner - and those are just the ones I've had.

Those others styles are literally so rare you really only find them from local or very small regional breweries in the rust belt of the US. They don't rate as well as the German ones for the most part.

>> No.7510106

um... yes, is that a serious question? What else do you possibly think could happen to it?

>> No.7510111

Yeah we really don't have much in common with the classical midwest states. We have far more in common with Nebraska, South Dakota, Oklahoma.

>> No.7510133

Do west coast breweries really not make any german style beers? Aroun here, german, belgian and american style beers are all quite easy to find. Even if only some 10% of breweries make a given style, there are so many breweries now that it is super easy to track down whatever you want

>> No.7510138

I'm moving to California in July and I've been looking. They don't. It's awful. I'm just going to homebrew :( which I wanted to do anyways, but now I have to if I want anything other than hi-priced imports.

Paying 14+ bucks for a 6 pack isn't going to cut it.

Sure, you can find "german styles" in California but they're also gonna be stale

>> No.7510154

>but they're also gonna be stale
those less hoppy styles typically have a pretty nice shelf life. I've really never run into a problem with any non IPA/APA being stale

>> No.7510198
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Not true for hefeweizens, their shelf life is fucking shit, even under optimal circumstances ( always kept cold from the brewery to the store, etc.)

up to 6 weeks is their prime, 4-5 months and after is bad. They've lost the fruity esters that make them what they are.

We sometimes will get in Sierra Nevada Kellerweis and it's already 3 months old, and the stores around here might keep 2-3 6 packs in the fridge, meaning those that are let to set on the shelf go bad at 4 months.

Those other styles last a lot longer, hell, even Helles keeps for longer than that.

>> No.7510394

Okay, so I was >>7509998 and imma say, there's some incredibly amazing beers in Europe. I'd buy way more Trappist beers if it wasn't so damn pricey, and haven't had the luck to try any Westvleteren yet.

That said >>7510016 is a faggot. Anyone who thinks any of the American microbreweries put out anything other than cheap shit is just a twat.

I don't agree with this. A good amount of amazing beers are put out by microbreweries in the US, but there's still some great shit coming out of the UK, Belgium, and Germany. There just tends to be a bit less variety (that we have access to/can see - they can arguably say the same) over there.

There's definitely some meme beers here in the US that are uh... strange. But I actually enjoy trying the new and different things. Just within reason. There seems to be more crazy shit going on here because the breweries are younger and trying to figure stuff out. Others have arguably GOAT beers. See: North Coast's Old Rasputin. There's few stouts I love more than that.

And you're just doing the same exact thing that he is. Try to have an open mind and not be biased as fuck. Nice try at bringing generally incorrect /pol/ shit into here too.

>Bavaria makes some decent beer, but nothing that worthwhile
This is wrong.

>Not very many of them at all, and even less of them that touch the quality. It's to be expected, they're not popular styles here
This is pretty true. They definitely don't have the same popularity here. That being said, there's definitely some pretty good ones, that while, not the best in the world, could at least be seen as pretty high-tier.

I've generally found the US to arguably have the best stout game though. Not a huge fan of IPAs, but I guess we win there because nobody else seems to like them.

It's pretty hard to not get Bells or Founders anywhere in the US. They're everywhere here in NE.

>> No.7510398

macrobreweries i mean rip

>> No.7510464

Not everyone lives in the Northeast.

>> No.7510514


My point was that it generally shouldn't be hard to find beer from a brewery based out of MI in the Midwest.

I guess if you're in the utter boons then it's hard to find anything in general though.

>> No.7510515

was meant for >>7510464

>> No.7510928


>> No.7510961

Falling for the meme markerting, though the glass is fun, the story behind is not genuine.

Sure you do, there there it is okay not to be #1 in everything

Had Emelisse smoked rye IPA and de Molen's Ball and Chain yesterday, both were spot on and had a bit different smokiness.

>> No.7510973

German beer is indeed next level

>> No.7510979

This guy gets it

>> No.7511098

German beer is great, but plays it very safe. I'm not some dick head yelling about that purity law thing, but I never see a German beer that I think, huh, that sounds worth a try. It's more like, wow a doppelbock sounds good. I'll just grab this brand. It's just good beer. Not very interesting or ballsy like American or belgian beer can be.

>> No.7511435

Germany has a lot of good beer, but little great beer, and pretty much everyone there drinks the same mediocre lagers, even with some breweries making good stuff of better styles, they have a tiny marketshare

>> No.7511467
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>Hasn't had starkbiers, weizenbocks, edelweizens, hopfenweizens

Seriously, you don't get their "adventurous" beers in the US hardly ever.

>> No.7511468

Not true, weizenbier along has like 25% market share in Bavaria.

Keep in mind all the good beer in Germany is made in Bavaria, and Koln-Dussedorf. The rest of the country is indeed PIlsner land.

>> No.7511473

>has to have super hoppy and super sour flavors to enjoy beer

>> No.7511474

I would genuinely be interested to see what the beer selection at a typical grocery store in Bavaria looks like

>> No.7511479
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when your country cannot into hoppy, stouty or sour beers, its pretty tough to declare them a leader in top tier beer production

There are a lot of mediocre IPAs/APAs in america, especially on the west coast, but when done right the style it is fucking amazing. I seriously doubt I would find a beer in all of Germany that tastes as good as this

>> No.7511485

Personally I'd jizz myself. Fresh wheat beer from like 100+ wheat beer breweries, beer from 800+ breweries in the staat within 2 hours drive in any direction...

What you have to realize is that the beer countries in Europe don't have these amazing selections you're used to in the US either

Belgium doesn't carry US or German beer really, etc.

Not everyone likes IPAs, you blundering idiot. Not everyone who likes them considers them the best.

I've never had an IPA that I'd consider a truly great beer. They're all lazy with the malt backbone, lazy with the yeast flavors, and focus only on hopping the shit out of the beer. The beers that are inventive with hopping are delicious, but I'd never consider them hard to make, world class, etc.

>> No.7511489

>He thinks American craft beer is the epitome of beer brewing

America is a fucking baby when it comes to brewing, kiddo.

>> No.7511492
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I agree with you but you're about to be responded to with a picture of a guy wearing a fedora.

>> No.7511498

>I've never had an IPA that I'd consider a truly great beer. They're all lazy with the malt backbone, lazy with the yeast flavors, and focus only on hopping the shit out of the beer.
then you are really fucking bad at picking which IPAs to buy

If this were easy to make everyone would be making a PseudoSue or Zombie Dust tier APA, also its not like wheat beers are fucking hard to make

>> No.7511502

pretty much everyone who likes beer does. There is literally no dissent on this subject outside of 4chan memers

>> No.7511503

Hefeweizens are pretty delicate to make, if you fuck up the fermentation temp, fuck up the fermentation in any way it's not a hefe. It just is some bland boring wheat beer. All of the flavor comes from the yeast - that's the hallmark of German, some English, and many Belgian beers. You've got to make the fermentation right.

Also, many German beers use very complicated decoction and step infusion mashing - something that not even most German style brewers in the US ever bother to use.

Old Mecklenburg and Live Oak are the only breweries I know of that use German style mashing.

>> No.7511510

IPAs are only 30% market share in the US, and next to none elsewhere in the world.

There's a significant amount of craft beer drinkers who never touch the stuff. Most normal craft beer drinkers don't.

You clearly don't visit other beer forums, there are many enthusiasts who don't think they're special.

They're also responsible for driving up beer prices so much, because they've caused hop prices to surge about $20 a pound. They have to charge more for IPAs, so they're then able to charge a lot more for other beers that don't use as many hops.

There are groups of people who think stouts are the end all be all, people who think no one makes better beer than the Belgians ( I like this people a lot, IPAs and stouts are super overrated) and those that think the Bavarians are the best.

I don't even care that I'm in the minority, but to think IPAs represent the best beers ever brewed by humanity is laughable.

I don't give a fuck about your dank Pliny or fruit juice Trillium.

>> No.7511534
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There are beer styles like:

Pilsners - 45+ IBUs

Kolsch - 40+ IBUS

Altbier - same as Kolsch, but darker

Edelweizen - a hoppier hefeweizen, only about 35-40 IBUs, focuses more on aroma of noble hops

Hopfenweizen- a huge weizen beer with a dose of noble hops

> Stouty

Stouts are pathetic compared to these:

Doppelbock - 9% dark lager with fig, raisin, coffee, and chocolate notes. Brewed since the 900s

Schwarzbier - 5-6% roasty lager, very strong malt backbone. Deep coffee roasted notes, without adding coffee.

Munich Dunkel - dark lager, no roasty notes but a solid drinking lager

Dunkel Weizenbock - roasty notes, lots of chocolate, banana, intense clove spiciness

Weizen Eisbock - 13% Wheat beer, same as above but freeze distilled to get to 13%. All flavors are amplified, of course.

Rauchbier - there are beers near Bamburg that smoke their malts, so they have an intense smoky flavor and aroma to the beer.

> Sour

Berliner Weiss - super sour low alcohol wheat beer, uses lacto for sour flavor

Hefeweizen - many hefeweizens in Bayern have no sour notes, but some do because these breweries still use open fermentation. Schneider is a notable example

Gosler - Similar to Berliner Weiss, but adds salt to the beer

So yeah, you don't know what you're talking about - probably because these beer styles are really rare in the US, and some are fairly regional in Deutschland.

>> No.7511550

>IPAs are only 30% market share in the US
Exactly, even if you exclude all IPA, America still by far makes the best beer in the world

>> No.7511552

>They're also responsible for driving up beer prices so much
Good beer is still extremely affordable. This is not a real issue

>> No.7511556

I can buy pretty much all of those styles at my local super market and have tried them all

>> No.7511562

You are describing those styles as though they are things an american who drinks a lot of good beer would be unfamiliar with. Why are you doing this?

I would definitely take a top tier stout like KBS over any of those styles though
Also it is laughable that you consider Kolsch and Pilsner to be 'hoppy'

>> No.7511568

Good beer has gone from $6 a six pack in 2010 to now $9 in 2016

That's a huge fucking jump, despite the number of breweries jumping by 300% or so

>> No.7511571

What, so it has to have huge danky or fruity flavors to be considered hoppy?

I doubt you've ever had a fresh Kolsch or decent Pilsner that would even still have hop character

>> No.7511573

More like $7.50-$9.00 in that time, harddly more than inflation

Still its cheap as shit for what you get, its not like wine where the good stuff is ridiculously expensive, pretty much anyone can afford a few $9 six packs a week

>> No.7511575
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Some, but not all of the best.

Beer is too wide of a category to try to make these claims

There are too many flavors in beer to package people into narrow categories, preferences, etc.

>> No.7511576

>What, so it has to have huge danky or fruity flavors to be considered hoppy?
It has to have a lot of hop flavor to be considered hoppy, not just slightly more than cheap shit lagers

>> No.7511579

I definitely was not saying America makes all of the best beer, just a large majority of it. Definitely a few Belgian ones up there and maybe one or two german ones

>> No.7511581

Not where I live, I used to be able to buy Boulevard Wheat for $6 a sixer when I turned 21 in 2009

Now it's 8.99-9.49 in the same city

Same thing for other breweries, prices have increased about 50% for craft beer in the last 5-6 years

Cheap shit lagers are like at 3 IBUs you turd

Most IPAs are only like at 60-70 IBUs

Point is you can't criticize a country that didn't have aromatic hops for not using them

The aromatic hop varieties we have in the US were native hop species, they didn't exist in the old world

You can't exactly expect them to use hops that don't even grow well in their climates

>> No.7511584

>I doubt you've ever had a fresh Kolsch or decent Pilsner
Fucking Leinies makes a Kolsch, this is not an obscure style, and Pilsners are even more common

>> No.7511585

You've not drank enough beer dude, plus, how can you possible judge beer that's meant to be consumed fresh if you don't drink it at the source?

Most German beer is meant to be consumed as fast as possible after it's done with secondary fermentation. That's the German belief for most of their styles - even the darker, larger beers.

>> No.7511587

Dude, just dude... most beer in the US doesn't even come close to representing how the Germans make it. It's clear you've never had a fresh Fruh, Reissdorf, etc Kolsch. The only way you can judge them in the US is if you get a fresh keg. I don't trust the bottles that come over here for Kolsch.

>> No.7511589

regardless of any increase, its very hard to argue they are not reasonably priced
>Point is you can't criticize a country that didn't have aromatic hops for not using them

Farmers will grow whatever varieties their customers want. This is hardly an excuse, they may be slightly harder to source but any brewer can buy almost any kind of hop. The problem is that most german brewers are averse to experimentation so most do not use any varieties or techniques that have become available in the last 50 years. This is probably more the fault of the German consumer and their outdated purchasing strategies than it is the brewers themselves though

>> No.7511592

Also there are plenty of Pilsners in the US, but few come close to how the great PIlsners in Germany taste.

Their malt character in Germany is really something else, because of their complicated methods of mashing. Even if they don't decoct, they use a lot more complicated step infusion mashing that produces a far higher quality of malt character.

There are tons of good beers in the US, but most breweries here are nothing more than glorified plastic bucket homebrewers. Tons of micros still use extract for fuck's sake.

I don't want to talk shit on the US, we really do have some great beer here, but the quality you see far more widespread in Germany is rare in the US.

Give us 100 years, and that will change. We've got a lot of growing, and American beer drinkers have really low standards for craft right now. Far too many shitty breweries are allowed to stay open.

>> No.7511595

I'm at ~600 beers on untappd in the last 2 years, including a trip to europe. I try new beer all the time and specifically try to find styles I am not previously aware of from places I don't usually drink beer from

>> No.7511600

there are plenty of Kolsch made in america, including many of the best ones http://www.beeradvocate.com/lists/style/85/

>> No.7511601

>Farmers will grow whatever varieties their customers want.

No, not all hop strains can grow everywhere.

There's a global hop shortage right now, and has been for years.

The US can't even grow all the hops we need, we have to import from all over the world just to satiate demand.

Neomexicanus, pubescens, and lupuloides just don't grow well elsewhere.

>50 years.

More like 25-30, beer was in a bad state up until 1990

The American craft beer movement likely wouldn't have happened the way it did without the USDA creating the Cascade hop variety, and I don't think that was until 1980

>> No.7511605

Most beer advocate members are from the US, it's not exactly a good site to try to compare German styles made in the US to the German styles

Just go visit the German board on BA and ask who makes the best Kolsch.

Hint: No one is going to say the American versions, not even Americans like myself.

There are close ones, and they'll do, and often they're better than getting the German ones due to freshness, but no one in the US is going to brew a better Kolsch than someone in Koln. They define the style. It's fucking named for the people of their city. That's all they fucking drink.

>> No.7511606

This is laughable

Fair enough, that's pretty fucking good. Can we just agree that we have different tastes?

>> No.7511608

I've tried 3 of those 4 varieties. Starkbier is a broad term.

>> No.7511610

You realize that the vast majority of brewers buy dried hops that can be sourced from all over the world. A lot of American breweries are experimenting with Australian and New Zealand grown hops in the last few years for instance. German Brewers have access to whatever kind of hops they want, the problem is they are content to make the same few tired beers they always have quite unlike the American scene where brewers are very focused on experimentation and trying new things.

This is largely because most German consumers are bound with brand loyalty and do not try new things (much like America was in the 70s and 80s), while most Americans who drink craft beer have very little brand loyalty and are constantly trying new things, this incentivized brewers to often release new things, th interesting and good ones stick, the bad and boring ones quickly disappear

>> No.7511614

German brewers and beer drinkers don't really think of beer styles that way that the American craft movement does as well

Hell, Michael Jackson invented the idea of beer styles in the 80s

>> No.7511628

>You realize that the vast majority of brewers buy dried hops that can be sourced from all over the world.

Not in commercial quantities necessarily

>the problem is they are content to make the same few tired beers they always have

German beer changes more than you realize, you just don't get their rarer, seasonal, or one off beers in the US very much. Also, why would they stop brewing the beer their consumers want? Their beer is fucking delicious, it's not like they have a bud light problem.

> where brewers are very focused on experimentation and trying new things

True, although it's happening more over there but they're not going to start sticking fruit and spices in their beer - not that most American breweries do that. I think you'll see more sours, more hops, and going back to using their traditional wooden barrels/foeders in Germany.

Keep in mind, part of Germany's problem also is the whole WWII thing. I've heard from some German friends of mine that many styles and rare styles were lost then and in the years after the war due to economic hard times.

>much like America was in the 70s and 80s

more like America since the early 1900s when state prohibitions were hitting

America had a rich history of beer making before then, see this page:


> while most Americans who drink craft beer have very little brand loyalty

This is beginning to change, because some people realize that most new breweries are fucking awful (in the last year or two, at least) and will start to purchase mostly from a select few breweries

Of course that's both a good and bad thing - support better beer, but gives newer people who might be good or turn into something good a chance

I think right now so many people are new to craft beer and just have low standards for it

>> No.7511758

There really sin't anything more annoying than people who ca>>7511534
Wowwwww what obscure beer genres!!! I have never heard of these over in the good ol US of Freedom A!!! We only have IPAS and more IPAS hahahahah!!!!

I wish I was Germna like you !!!!!! jahahahahaha
Do you honestly think you are presenting any sort of information that everybody who is into craft beer in america doesn't know? We we brew all of those styles too, and I can go and buy any single one of those styles either imported or domestic.

>> No.7511763

I love beer and you guys are making me hate beer threads. Germany makes the best German styles. Belgium makes the best Belgian styles. America makes the best American styles. There's world class beers from each of those countries. If you dismiss all German beer because you prefer IPA's, you're close minded, just as much as if you dismiss all American beer because you prefer hefeweizens.

Last thread it was all muh microbreweries vs muh macro breweries, and this one is just America vs Germany. You guys just decide you have to respond to whoever has a contrasting opinion (this time it's the fedora as fuck German avatarfag) and it just makes it seem like you all hate beer.

I personally prefer American craft to any other beer in the world, but I'd still put Schneider Aventinus, Hofbrau Dunkel Lager, Rochefort 10, and Duchesse de Bourgogne in my top 10 beers of all time.

tl;dr: stop whining about other people's opinions and just talk about beer you like

>> No.7511805

It is mainly just this one guy who REALLY REALLY wishes he was German, see
And maybe one actual German although chances are he is probably the same American pretending

Everybody else is just reacting to his shitposting and delusional insanity the best they can.

>> No.7511828
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>> No.7511838

Seriously this.

The memers screaming American IPAs are the be all end all or that only German beer is good need to fuck right off. Different places generally do different styles, and to varying degrees of quality. People trying to discredit German/Belgian beers or American beers literally have no idea what they're talking about. Both have good ones. That simple.

For the record, am an Amerifat who generally doesn't care too much for IPAs. I absolutely love American stouts. I don't think many other countries can compete with the variety of high quality ones we can do. But there's still great ones being put out over the pond, and they certainly beat us out in terms of things like abbey ales.

I guess a lot of the bias comes from pricing and lack of availibility too. Chimay Bleue is one of my favorite beers, but it's price label, like a lot of the better EU beers, is painful in comparison to stuff from here - and that's if you can even find it. I'm sure it's the same over there. That's not even considering the fact that people just have different taste.

More Americans need to learn to appreciate the high quality beer of traditional styles in German/Belgium, and more Europeans need to learn to not be pretentious cunts and admit that there's actually staggering variety and good beers in the US. It goes both ways.

>> No.7511941

>The memers screaming American IPAs are the be all end all or that only German beer is good need to fuck right off.
Literally no one said that

The conversation usually someone goes:
>america makes the best beer of a very great number of styles, no one else has even close to such a wide variety of excellent beer
other guy goes
>but muh pilsner, fuck IPA, America is only IPA

also, American craft beer people fucking love Belgian beer, we probably overrate that stuff far more than we overrate any american beer, but they probably underrate German beer a little

>> No.7512281

>Literally no one said that

Quite a few did though.

>I seriously doubt I would find a beer in all of Germany that tastes as good as this

You're forgetting Bavaria, who brews the best beer without adding a bunch of faggot shit to it.

Just a few stand outs.

Don't know what thread you read, but this one is full of Americans and Germans trashing on each others beers. It's a far more hostile thread than we usually get about this issue.

You're right in terms of how the more reasonable people approach the issue though. I'd agree that American beer drinkers tend to appreciate Belgian and German beer (the latter to a lesser extent, like you said) more than they appreciate ours.

>> No.7512283

>You're forgetting Bavaria, who brews the best beer without adding a bunch of faggot shit to it.

>> No.7512288

most American drinkers do, but we still have our own grouping of beer nationalists who think we're #1 across every style. the ipa enthusiast snobs are also literally cancer.

>> No.7512518
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Drinking some of this today. Sam Adams is one of the better everywhere beers, Cold Snap isn't a bad white. Not great, but not bad.

>> No.7513587

With all this American/German epeen measuring going on...

Who else here loves Ommegang and Allagash? Both breweries do great Belgians and Abbey style
beers. Drinking a Ommegsng dubbel right now and it's great.

That said, I'd love to try more imported stuff if it was cheaper. The good stuff tends to be like ~24$+ a 4 pack, and fuck that. I can pay like 1/2 that for a domestic brew. Maybe one day I'll be able to travel overseas and try it over there...