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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 622 KB, 1784x824, Whatfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7455294 No.7455294 [Reply] [Original]

>Eating fish from the last two rows.

I really hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.7455299

Mercury is only bad for developing children. Adults will be fine.

>> No.7455305
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I like canned tuna and sardines a lot. Most of my fish are that and rainbow trout I catch.

>> No.7455306

fuuuuuck are you serious
tilefish is my family's favorite frying fish

>> No.7455307

>don't enjoy everything cause it is bad for your limited physical existence

>> No.7455311
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>not eating swordfish because of the quicksilver boogeyman

>> No.7455312

the fuck is buffalo fish? I want some

>> No.7455321

Where's rockfish? That and wild salmon are the fish I eat the most.

>> No.7455336

This is just a general guide. Obviously there are more fishes not listed in the picture. You'll have to check your particular fish yourself at the link above.

>> No.7455343

This is what you want, bruv


>> No.7455386

>ITT autism internet defense force

>> No.7455395

You mean like two posts out of ten?

>> No.7455409

i get enough selenium so sall good

>> No.7455420

>Eating seafood
I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.7455457

Rockfish are also called striped bass, spent a long day on a charter fishing trip waiting for a rocky looking fish before someone explained that...

>> No.7455462
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Whatever happened with the whole nuclear reactor explosion in japan tainting fish, or the huge oil spills there and in the gulf for that matter?

There was all this talk about the food supply and then radio silence right after.

>> No.7455465
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>waiting for a rocky-looking fish

holy shit lmfao

>> No.7455468

I want to fuck anime so bad.

>> No.7455479

fuck off health freaks.
Mercury from fish isn't even bad for you. It is like claiming that sugar from fruit is bad for you. Mercury naturally occurs in fish so it isn't harmful. Also if you look at the individual fish you will see how they don't have bad mercury

Swordfish are the fastest fish in the sea and can hit speeds of 70mph. Mercury cannot solidify at those speeds so it never really comes together within the fish.

Sharks mostly eat people, and people don't have mercury so it dilutes the sharks natural mercury

See swordfish

I don't know what these are, nobody eats them

None of these fish have mercury. I have been a professional fisherman for 20 years and never experienced any negative effects from Mercury. Sometimes I even stuff my swordfish with 'Mars' bars and eat them just to parody the reactionary nature of health freaks like the ones in this thread.

>> No.7455512
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>this entire post
Needed that laugh pham

>> No.7455603


Fucking christ. A real seamen finally. Thank you based seamen

>> No.7455718
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>> No.7455728
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What about monkfish?

>> No.7456454
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Not the sharks! Where will I get my shark steaks, shatk fillet, shark salad and canned shark?
Oh the humanity!

>> No.7456457

I eat what I want. Jesus died, and so will I.

>> No.7456493

Are they in this thread?

>> No.7456499

>tfw i eat a can of sardines every single day for breakfast and have for the past 2 years

am i going to dead?

>> No.7456504

Massive massive coverup by the Japanese government.

>> No.7456540

so bass without chili is healthier than bass with chili?

>> No.7456574

I don't care if carp are safe to eat. They eat mud and taste like mud.

>> No.7456583

Sardines are healthy and low in mercury though.

>> No.7456589


If you're talking Pacific then you are wrong.

>> No.7456648


>No snook
>No redfish

shit list.

>> No.7457053


>> No.7457072

hey /ck/, I eat groupers at least once a week. how fucked am I?

>> No.7457281

What's the mackerel they use in cans, the bigger or smaller one?

>> No.7457291
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>tfw herring in mustard sauce on some crackers

>> No.7457394

Eating thoses fishes is certainly not an everyday thing. But one would be at a loss to not enjoy them once in a while.
Stay paranoid cu/ck/

>> No.7457406
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>work as a fishmonger
>eat tuna steak or swordfish once every ten days or so

Eh. Haven't even seen tilefish for sale at the docks in ages.

>> No.7457498

Best post in the thread

>> No.7457507


>> No.7457565
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In my head the audio to that .gif is " Tyrone, you are NOT the father"

>> No.7457683

> eating fish
I really hope you guys don't contribute to the destruction of our oceans.

>> No.7457709
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Because all fish are in oceans right?

>> No.7457802

That depends, do you have symptoms similar to this Melrose Place actress?


>> No.7459318
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Maymays aside, how bad is mercury poisoning anyway? Dying is somewhat preferable to giving up tuna salad.

>> No.7459360

The only seafood I eat is Orange Ruffy... and I don't see it there.

>> No.7459395

Look again.

>> No.7459457

That is quite possibly one of the worst fish for the environment and terrible for mercury

>> No.7459463
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>not just eating whitefish salad

>> No.7459471

>Mercury is only bad for developing children
Clearly you've never tried mercury.

>> No.7459474

It's a heavy metal and can permanently fuck up your nervous system and give you cancer, so pretty bad.

It's on there, loaded with mercury and harvested by deep trawling that absolutely fucks its habitat.

Consider learning to like catfish.

>> No.7459485

Orange roughy is one of the tastiest fish I've ever had.
OP can go ahead and get fucked.

>> No.7459489

Ostro-vegan masterrace

>> No.7459520

I'm not a fucking jew.

>> No.7459627

The rock eats like 20 pounds of cod a week.

>> No.7459652
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>> No.7459706
File: 94 KB, 1000x680, tuna-sashimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather die of mercury complications than give this up.

>> No.7459837

sensible chuckle / 10

Where's red snapper on that chart? How about snook?

>> No.7459847

But Chilean sea bass is delicious, I don't give a shit and I'll still eat it

>> No.7459849

I use to be a seaman, but now I just rub it all over my wife's face.

>> No.7460247

>Tilapia is a cichlid

No wonder they taste like ass.

>> No.7460284
File: 23 KB, 500x501, get the fuck out .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tuna sashimi.jpeg

>> No.7460311

Don't laugh, shark is incredibly common in Southeast Australia, many families eat it weekly

>> No.7460316

> mercury natural occurs in fish
Yeah, if they eat the waste we dump into the ocean, then it does.

>> No.7460327


The fish I most commonly eat is Salmon. I live right on the West Coast of Canada so I always get wild salmon and it's just incredible. Sometimes I'll get a can of tuna in olive oil but besides that I don't eat a whole lot of seafood. Crab cakes occasionally.

>> No.7460361

>live in Europe
>don't have to deal with this shit
>eat fresh and healthy fish whenever I want and as much as I want
Sucks to be you USA.

>> No.7460424

Where are fish sticks on that chart? Its the only fish I eat.

>> No.7460445

I wouldn't be particularly concerned with eating ANY type of fish with regards to its mercury content.

The more important factor is the frequency of consumption of fish and particularly those with higher mercury content. Eating some swordfish won't kill you. Eating it every day for a year might.

You can't really look at the rate of consumption over the period of a small time because your body permanently stores any mercury that it ingests.

>> No.7460468

true anon

bio-magnification of heavy metals is something a group of people would rather you not know about

ocean fish high up on the chain routinely test over recommended safe limits of heavy metals, for he last ten years testing has been farcical
if they test one fish in a catch and it's over, they throw that individual fish out and presume the rest safe

>> No.7460478
File: 16 KB, 396x303, Contemplating potato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A question, how does the mercury effect the larger fish? They consume nothing but fish as predators so it must build up in them too right?

>> No.7460483

Thanks for your contribution to the thread, Muhammad.

>> No.7460620

The bigger the fish the bigger the content, percentage wise it is probably the same in small and big fishes. Just like water content in humans. Both children and adults have ~70% but children have less water compared to adults.
>Live in Croatia
>someone calls me Muhammad

>> No.7460623

Mad hatters disease, gonna fuck your nervous system and general mental health. Not from eating some fish every couple of days though, you're not being exposed to high enough doses.

>> No.7462193

Have any suggestions on how I'll get my quicksilver for my pistol then?

>> No.7462220

Do you seriously believe mercury is only a problem in American fish? Googling "mercury in Croatian fish" proves that that's not the case.

>> No.7462268

I fucking love tuna. I'd eat it every day if I could, but I stick with sardines for safety. If it weren't for sardines, I'd probably bleed mercury.

>> No.7462315

I ain't afraid of no ghosts

>> No.7462325
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>seafood watch
muh environmentally conscious nigga

>> No.7462339
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> percentage wise it is probably the same
> graph shows levels in parts per million

>> No.7462522

like most things the anti-nuke crowd gets huffed about it was pretty much nothing.

>> No.7462578
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>It just happens that the "last two rows" are the most prized,sort after fish. And therefor are the most over fished.

Mercury is a meme

>> No.7462604

pacific sardine stocks are collapsing from overfishing because you retards hyped up the mercury meme so hard

enjoy the cheap tinned fish while it lasts because it won't last for much longer b/c of you, fucking hipster faggots who ruin everything good on earth

yes i'm salty. you 'people' are a living cancer

>> No.7462606





fuck all of you

>> No.7462611
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>> No.7462618

ww3 can't start soon enough

>> No.7462623
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>> No.7462625

I think you're more of a faggot than salty.
I'm gonna eat all the rarest animals for as long as I can and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.7462627
File: 421 KB, 1295x647, Hippoglossus_hippoglossus1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only fish I like is Halibut because it doesn't taste like fish.

>> No.7462629

>implying you can afford the rarest animals

sit down, poorfag

>> No.7462645

I feel like I could eat nothing but sharks and swordfish and be completely fine.

>> No.7462668

Actually, gratification with no regard for future planning is the faggoty thing. That's why they're so into kitsch and things being "fabulous." Their instincts just don't care about anything but immediate sensations.

>> No.7462782

But I'm eating salmon.

>> No.7462789

I'm sorry, OP, but Grouper is too tasty to resist.

The slight chance of mild heavy metal poisoning is worth it.

>> No.7463108

>Further limiting your physical existence due to smug arrogance

>eating swordfish unironically

>> No.7463225

I fucked a shark right in the butthole

>> No.7463583
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Beware gout
Extremely painful
Eat tart cherries or drink their juice to prevent your bones from growing uric acid spikes that stab you from the inside every time you try to move.

Other than that sardines are GOAT

>> No.7464025

It is certainly not a problem in Croatia or neighboring countries. It is only a problem in polluted waters, such as the coastline in America, Japan, China. There have been cases of high mercury in fish from the Adriatic sea but not nearly as high often as in the USA.
Do you even know what ppm means ?
>This is a way of expressing very dilute concentrations of substances. Just as per cent means out of a hundred, so parts per million or ppm means out of a million. Usually describes the concentration of something in water or soil. One ppm is equivalent to 1 milligram of something per liter of water (mg/l) or 1 milligram of something per kilogram soil (mg/kg).

>> No.7464033

>eating animal products at all

What's it like knowing you're literally a murderer?

>> No.7464068


>> No.7464135

>My ocean is better than your ocean, they aren't all part of the same, massive system or anything. Stupid burgers.

>> No.7464144
File: 125 KB, 732x430, Screen Shot 2016-03-09 at 5.58.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does /ck/ feel about seafood sustainability?

>> No.7464168
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> when you see it

>> No.7464196

fishes smells like ass
shrimps are literally sea roaches
crabs? fuck me I aint eating spiders with shells
sea ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''foods'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' are all fucking joke.

>> No.7464204
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>> No.7464216

>caring about mercury when the sea are the dumping ground for a million other petrol based products and filled with a multitude of poisons

The fish you're eating are laden with poisonous chemicals. Sea food is no longer safe to eat and is probably worse than the CAFO "meat" in supermarkets.

>> No.7464223
File: 139 KB, 500x453, Shark-Steak-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm in my mid-30's. I'm pretty sure the mercury in my daily shark salads isn't going to be the thing that kills me.

>> No.7465114

My sea is better than your sea. It is a fact. Nobody was talking about oceans. If we compared them maybe 500-800 years ago they would be the same quality.
It just can't be done. The production and fishing is so vast that it is impossible to renew the system fast enough. That is why most fish caught in those industrial fishing areas taste like shit and small independent secluded seas are superior in everything except quantity.
My guess is that in our lifetime there would probably be a shortage of certain fish on the market.
>the air you're breathing is full with poisonous chemicals. Air is no longer safe to breathe and we should all stop breathing.

>> No.7465130

He quite clearly means the limited amounts of mercury in food, not eating straight up mercury you idiot. Use context.

>> No.7465390

You should read about the effects of mercury poisoning over a period of time. It is not so simple as you just keel over and die; you will be fucked up for a while. Not to mention that mercury is cumulative so any of it you have been exposed to since now is stored in your brain.

Not saying you WILL have any negative effects but it is not negligible.

>> No.7465504

>not liking mako shark

>> No.7465640

I dont understand why troll caught tuna is on that list. even if you use more difficult means to catch fish sustainably doesn't mean they wont be caught later, and the more people eat it, the more that will dissapear off of the market entirely. whats the difference between eating sustainable tuna when theres nothing stopping them from wandering over to the guys who aren't sustainable? wouldnt the thing to do be to eat as little as possible period?

>> No.7465691
File: 97 KB, 1152x764, F-18-Vapor-Cone-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any sort of mercury separator available? Can I vaporize my shark meat, remove the mercury, and then breathe the mercury-free shark meat vapor? Can it be flavored?

>> No.7465879

i know someone who got mercury poisoning from eating a can a day for some months. their hair started falling out and the doctor said it was mercury poisoning. i'm sure there's a bunch of retards ITT talking about how it's not an issue, and obviously eating a can a day for two months is just not healthy in general, but the facts are facts.

>> No.7465900
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All wrong

>> No.7465923 [DELETED] 

For the past two weeks I haven't been able to use my oven (normally I make a plate of Tyson chicken nuggets and fries twice a day to eat) because a big ass rat got inside of it and won't leave

I've been waiting for it to starve and die in there but it keeps eating the burnt shit at the bottom of the oven so instead of starving it's thriving

I really don't know what to do and when I called my mom and dad about it they just signed and told me not to bother them with "stupid crap like that". I tried to turn the heat up on it in there but last time I did that it started going berserk and slamming into the walls of the oven and the room started to smell like burnt rat hair, Im probably just going to move apartments

>> No.7465955
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>also west coast of Canada
>most supermarkets just carry farmed Atlantic salmon
>poor as fuck so I can't afford the good stuff or the smoked good stuff
>only get to eat salmon from cans
Fuck man, smoked sockeye salmon might as be our regional specialty alongside nanaimo bars.

>> No.7465967

>No Red Snapper
Shit list senpai

>> No.7466393

I'm fine with going crazy though.

>> No.7467108

>had a can of tuna every day from ages 10-15
Am I going to die?

>> No.7467113


>> No.7467122


either that or youll get essentially retarded.

>> No.7467124

>can of tuna everyday

You're already dead and still kickin' it on 4chan in the afterlife, super spoopy

>> No.7467534


heals you 16 hp and has decent experience rates for catching


>> No.7467566
File: 57 KB, 450x338, cool-mercury-experiments.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat canned tuna and have never found drops of mercury in the can

>> No.7467598


>> No.7467635

that feels so good I played with them so much when i was little. they're perfect gifts for kids

>> No.7467736

Are you actually retarded?

>> No.7468148

came here to post this

>> No.7468185

Your post is not funny in the least and you should feel ashamed of yourself.

>> No.7468214
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>> No.7468244


Nothing, because it wasn't important.

The planet is naturally radioactive anyway. Unless you are literally casting your rod down the road from the Fukushima plant any added radiation it made leak into the ocean is the radiation equivalent of walking out into the bright summer sunshine with a torch and your light phobic neighbor screaming about the light pollution you are causing.

And as an aside, the fukushima plant disaster could have been avoided if the people in charge of it had followed the safety advice they had literally been given a decade in advance (that a tsunami - that's a japanese word folks, giving a clue of their rarity or lack thereof in the area - happening nearby would totally fuck it over and cause the exact chain of events that happened).

The incompetence of the few ruins all our nice things. We invent something fucking amazing, then some idiot does it totally wrong, gets away with it and people jump up and say 'the nice thing is terrible! blame it!'.

I hope whoever was responsible for trying to put yet another nail into nuclear's coffin was taken aside and told to commit seppuku.

>> No.7468406

i only eat swordfish ironically

>> No.7468491

If "some idiot" can cause a disaster on such a large scale, then maybe we should reconsider our approach to "the nice thing", ever think of that?

Real life isn't a video game, we don't get to revert to the save point when things go horribly wrong.

>> No.7468516

On a work fishing trip we caught a massive marlin, I ate that shit for about a month straight, that was 3 years ago and I'm fine

>> No.7468872

Mercury exposure due to fish consumption takes longer than one big fish over three years moron. The point is not to make a habit of eating the high mercury fish. I still eat Ahi tuna bur I stick to oysters, salmon, catfish and trout most often.

>> No.7469134

I only eat sharks because they heal 20 lad

>> No.7469334

You can pry my bluefin tuna, marlin, and spanish mackeral from my cold, dead hands desu

>> No.7469371

>tfw can of tuna a day

>> No.7469399

>tfw only seafood I actually eat is clam
Good to know I'm safe

>> No.7469411

try skinless and boneless in olive oil from a company like king oscar. very tuna like.

>> No.7469893

And yet when oil companies poison entire fucking oceans out of similar laziness you don't see anybody saying "stop making all fossil fuels! Science has gone too far!"

One of the greatest oil spills in history was caused by one drunk asshole crashing his ship into some rocks.

>> No.7470006
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>> No.7470926

tilapia is goat you cretin

>> No.7472769

Of all the things that motivate me to keep living, smoked salmon is pretty high on that list.