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7421150 No.7421150 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related is the next Sriracha. It's actually pretty good.

>> No.7421157
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What's the best BBQ sauce you've ever tasted?

>> No.7421162

this has been a thing for like a decade. proof that commiefornia is the leader of the free world

>> No.7421176

Estragon Vinegar is much better tho.

>> No.7421191
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All memes come from California

>> No.7421197

That stuff is disgusting. My mom used to drink it plain

>> No.7421210

Have some for cooking.
It smells like pure garbage.

>try a pulled pork sauce recipe
>calls for 2 cups of apple cider vinegar
>think "can't be that bad"
My house smelled sour for 24 hours.
Sauce wasn't half bad tho.

>> No.7421217

yea, trade off for a nasty smelling house is am unbeatable sauce

>> No.7421229

I drink it with carrot juice and club soda

>> No.7421240

i drink a tablespoon of that a few times a week

really helps you control your gut flora levels. seriously.

>> No.7421275

I drink a shot of it everyday with some horseradish, garlic, and a drop of ghost pepper sauce.

>> No.7421305

How is that? Any reason for doing so or are you avvin a laugh m8

>> No.7421315

It's called fire cider. It's good for the health. The hot sauce is for taste though.

>> No.7421366

Are the people who own this company autistic? Why does the entire label have to be smothered in words?

I'm not surprised that the label says that they're doctors because they put a whole fucking college thesis on the bottle.

>> No.7421369
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No they didn't, THIS is a thesis.
Fucking Bronner out here sticking an entire religious text on their bottles.

>> No.7421375

Fucking this.

>> No.7421381

That's not just a thesis, it's a fucking synthesis of religion. I have a more heightened discussion with my toothpaste tube every night than with my family.

>> No.7421415

>tl;dr - the product

>> No.7421421

Does it actually taste different to normal apple cider vinegar?

>> No.7421442
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Modern sensibilities can't into anything that isn't big logos and pictures.

How I long for those glorious days when advertising was actually informative like pic related. Back when people were still literate.

Now it's all just flashy colors because marketers have learnt how to manipulate emotions without the need to appeal to any facet of understanding.

>> No.7421457

yeah. its "hardier" whatever that means. it is unfiltered. its thicker. also tastes better. hard for me to describe.

>> No.7421474
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this gives me an idea.....if ya know what I mean,

>> No.7421643

Funny as shit

>> No.7421675

ya, they also didnt have the internet back then, if you wanted to inform people about your product you had to write an entire article on your add. now you just need to snag peoples attention and they will research it themselves if they are interested. plus, video ads are much more popular and contain the equivalent amount of information as something like the example you provided

>> No.7421690

americans love meat in their can

>> No.7421734

I'll put some meat in your can, if you know what I mean.

>> No.7421783

Clears the sinuses

>> No.7421793

This shit has been around forever lel

>> No.7421796

This is already popular, I used to take a shot of it every morning but stopped after realizing it can dissolve your tooth enamel kek

>> No.7421932
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But it's this anon

>> No.7422262

I drink some with water and lemon juice everyday. its good for a lot of things. It also dissolves/prevents kidney stones. The lemon juice cleans the liver.

>> No.7422264
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I always thought that it was way too strong to use, but apparently I should just finish it off by taking shots for the health benefits.

>> No.7422266

>with the 'mother'
gross, I don't want to accidentally chug that shit.

>> No.7422317

Gochujang wings are really good though. Much better than meme sriracha wings

>> No.7422455

I used to just take a swig right out of the bottle, but heard that's terrible for your tooth enamel.

Nowadays I usually put about a shot or two in a highball glass, some metamucil, and water. Tastes bretty good and keeps your shits like clockwork.

>> No.7423390

Damn. So many uses! I use it on my face and it keeps my skin pH balanced. It used to get flaky.

>> No.7423402

>He doesn't do a liver cleanse with apple cider vinegar

>> No.7423403

That stuff is good for getting rid of genital warts.

>> No.7423413

I used apple cider vinegar to treats my wife's daughters head lice. It worked great and was cheap as fuck

>> No.7423420

Cured my brother's AIDS and my Dad's constipation.

shit is the bomb!

>> No.7423426
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meat in the can

I saw what you did there

>> No.7423446

Some Dane I met introduced me to this. Was a very pleasant surprise how good it was.

>> No.7423557
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>Dad's Constipation
>Shit was the bomb!


>> No.7423624
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>chugging vinegar

>> No.7423635

you aren't lying about it regulating your shits, s swig of that will clean you out

>> No.7424604

Does anyone have a good salad dressing recipe with this?

>> No.7424652

>next meme

This shit has so many uses and it has been around d for decades

>> No.7424658

not versatile enough to become a meme food IMO

>> No.7424659


Mom would soak my foot warts in this and then cover them in duct tape. They would fall off after 2-3 weeks.

Now she uses it to clean the dog's ear infections.

>> No.7424666

That hippie shit? The health food crowd already knows about it, and I can't imagine anybody else caring that much. Balsamic vinegar was an easy sell to Peoria because the stuff is sweet. Bragg ain't sweet.

>> No.7425068
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Wrong again OP. The brown is in town; this whole operation was a mole hunt...

Noose trips loose

>> No.7425095

That shit has been around for like, 40 years. My mom used to buy it back in the 80s, at the single health food store in our little town in Texas, so no, it's not a meme. It's good stuff, though, it's the main vinegar I use.
And, speak of it's goodness, I have a book written in the 1940s called the "Vinegar and Honey Cure" that was written by some doctor in one of the Northeastern states (can't remember which one) that talked about all these people there who were living to really old ages (90 +) and took a glass of vinegar and honey every day. Point is, this shit isn't new.

>> No.7425215

But it's still a meme.

Abe Vigoda was old but he was still a meme.

>> No.7425227

Apparently after Patricia divorced Paul's son, he adopted her to keep the "family business"

>> No.7425228

>le meme meme

Is this all you have to contribute? Go fuck yourself.

>> No.7425388

>watch food network challenge show
>and i want a savory dish with chocolate >TODAY I WILL BE MAKING A DECONSTRUCTED MOLE

>> No.7425392

Apple cider vinegar isn't a meme. It's been around for fucking centuries. It's a huge part of American cuisine.

>> No.7425414

This. Fucking kill yourself, all of you.

>> No.7425423

Ive been seeing a lot of shitposting from cuckafornia. Are they the new Australians?

>> No.7425432
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You're just flyover and don't understand what decent food tastes like.

>> No.7425692

I made salad dressing with this, nutritional yeast, olive oil, and a lil salt n pepper before and it was pretty nice

>> No.7425716


>> No.7425721


hurry up and fall into the ocean

>> No.7425950


>> No.7425962

Have you read the Bronner bottles? It's just part of their theme. They are intentionally parodying snake oil salesman of the early 1800's.

>> No.7425966

Braggs apple cider vinegar saved my fucking life.
I drink it once a day with honey half a lemon juiced warm water.

This shit even helped me dissolve kidney stones

>> No.7425972

Regular apple cider vinegar tastes diluted in comparison

>> No.7425982

Yup. It's much better and substantive. It's got all the stuff. You can grow more cider vinegar with it because the cultura is still alive.

>> No.7425997

ITT: OP trying to bait and people coming out the woodwork to prove him wrong.

Feels good when its something i love too.

>> No.7426016

no they arent, and do not mock the product

>> No.7426793

It's not. The guy was actually nuts.

>> No.7426887

1 of the best condiments I ever had was at a bbq joint in Charleston
It was pepper vinegar which basically just tasted like they cooked down green peppers in white vinegar
It had a nice flavor & cut through the fat in the pulled pork

>> No.7427470

Probably didn't even cook it down. It's pretty standard to toss some peppers in a jar with vinegar in the south and even parts of the midwest, though the midwest tends to use milder peppers (and call them sport peppers) and don't really use the juice like they do in the south, just the "pickled" peppers.

>> No.7427476

Pepper vinegar is GOAT. It's simple, and it delivers just what a lot of dishes need.

>> No.7427715
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Mfw I do the exact to the T same thing

>> No.7428092

Just in case anyone is interested, here's the basic recipe for those Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar drinks they sell for like, $4 at most stores around here.

¼ cup 100% juice of your choice (I usually use either grape, apple, cranberry or pomegranate, depending on how much I want to spend on juice at the time)
3 Tablespoons Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar
12 ounces of filtered, cold water
A couple teaspoons of honey or maple syrup or 6-7 drops of liquid stevia or monkfruit extract (or more, if needed, or none if you like it tangy, which I usually do)
Combine all ingredients in a jar with a lid and shake to combine or stir in a large glass to combine. Taste and adjust if necessary. Serve chilled or over ice.

Nutrition Information
Serving size: 8 oz. Calories: 20 Fat: 0g Carbohydrates: 5g Sugar: 5g Fiber: 0g Protein: 0g

>> No.7428127

Flyover keeps on embarrassing itself.

>> No.7428132

You're supposed to dilute it in water, famalmadingdong.

>> No.7428246

I found a recipe for a drink called switchel when I was doing some research for my shitty fantasy story. It's diluted apple cider vinegar with maple syrup/honey/molasses and some ginger.


I haven't tried it but seems like it was very popular in its day, if anyone wants the historical take on the latest trend food.

>> No.7428253

Burnt Finger

>> No.7428326

I just use it for my hair

>> No.7428517

>They are intentionally parodying snake oil salesman of the early 1800's.

Emanuel Bronner was completely serious about his Moral ABCs:

>> No.7428606

I use it to make aquafaba mayo

>> No.7430248

The Chinese believe it helps with virility and cures cancer.

>> No.7430311

I keep wishing I had some juice and forgetting I have this stuff at home. My friend gave me a bottle of it after he used it to cure his yeasty cock disease. Now I can't see it without thinking about the chorizo between his legs. Oh well.

>> No.7430322

The Chinese also eat hundred year old eggs