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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7239433 No.7239433 [Reply] [Original]

have you ever been kicked out of a buffet for eating too much?

Do you think it's unfair for buffet staff to kick out customers for 'eating too much' ?

>> No.7239438

Only places like that here that are good are Indo-chinese wok restaurants, and they don't care as long as you finish your plate.

>> No.7239448

Frequently. I have posted pictures hear of my meals, I know people saved them because I've seen them reposted

I actually go to buffets where that exact situation is my end goal, I want them to lose money on serving me.
It's funny to be sitting there with a full plate and have them come overy and place the bill on the table okeyyy sankyouuu

>> No.7239449

how can people eat so much I'm too full after 3 plates.

>> No.7239466

How much do you weigh?

>> No.7239471

i am buffet's favorite kind of customer

the bounty actually makes me lose my appetite a little bit

>> No.7239472

How to buffet
Stay away from the starches lIke rice and noodles, they are a trick to keep you away from high ticket items
Cleanse your palate regularly, after two plates of hot food get yourself a nice fruit plate or something. Dont be afraid to have some dessert in the middle of your meal
Change up hot and cold options between plates, sweet and savory
Most importantly of all, tell them to leave the pitcher of water. It's another common tactic to keep your glass empty to slowdown your consumption, don't let them do that to you
Switch between

>> No.7239478

235, but I was able to eat more before I got fat.
The belt of fat theory is true, man

>> No.7239489


don't forget to take a shit

>> No.7239495

that's not how your digestive system works

>> No.7239499

No. I don't know what you would have to do to get kicked out. I once ate like six plates of chicken curry at some Indian buffet and nobody cared. How much are you guys eating to get kicked out?

>> No.7239501

I could see them kicking you out for going back for multiple plates and only taking a bite off each, but no buffet should kick anyone out for eating more than a normal portion.

Buffets take into account that some people are going to gorge themselves, while most others are only going to eat a couple plates, and probably not get their full money's worth.

It might be different if a team of competitive eaters took over the restaurant.

>> No.7239510

Why not just go to the buffet and eat, like, a normal amount of food?

>> No.7239549

because you can do that at a real restaurant

>> No.7239576

Wow that's the competitive way to ruin a buffet

>> No.7239583

eat until you're full, then eat 2 more plates after that

this is how you eat at a buffet

>> No.7239618

No, you take a shit beforehand to decrease the feeling of fullness and to prevent the trigger of an urge to defecate.

>> No.7239635

My buffet method:
If salad is available, start there.
Next, survey. Grab a big plate and get the lay of the land. Take a little bit of everything that catches my eye
Plate three is larger portions of the things I liked from plate two
Now dessert, usually ice cream or the most chocolaty thing around
Finally, fresh fruit to round it all out. Pleasantly full, not bursting. Perfect method every time

>> No.7239639

It's never usually a case of eating too much, it's when people just knowingly waste food. If you purposely waste food, you should be stopped from going back.

>> No.7239649

>Tfw I've never been so fat I developed strategies to ruin a buffet
Feels good

>> No.7239650


you don't consider overeating to be a waste of food?

>> No.7239651

>Most importantly of all, tell them to leave the pitcher of water. It's another common tactic to keep your glass empty to slowdown your consumption
Absolutely wrong. Any Chinese place will have the workers falling over themselves to refill your water as often as possible to fill you up faster. The counter to this is to get a soda you like. Their counter to that is that the soda is incredibly expensive, nearing $5 at times.
Just pace yourself on water consumption, avoid dry and salty foods. Which is tough because they salt the fuck out of their foods to make you drink more.

>> No.7239664


why the fuck would you waste stomach space on salad

>> No.7239673


Because it's not a fucking race to see how much food you can cram into your already bloated abdomen. It's a meal. Go for variety not bulk.

>> No.7239674

I'm actually smiling so much at these strategy's you guys have made to ruin buffets.
Golden threads like this 4chan neva change x

>> No.7239675

Salad is good for you, anon.

>> No.7239682

I like salad

>> No.7239685 [DELETED] 


Yes as a child my brother and I emptied out a KFC buffet somewhere in rural Virginia on the way to North Carolina.

We were probably about 13 or 14, only about 6 or 7 trays worth of food, mostly chicken tenders, popcorn chicken and fries. Shit like that. After we ate everything they had out and asked for more we were asked to leave. My parents demanded a refund stating that we were "growing boys that needed to eat", looking back it was kind of petty for them to do that.

Growth spurt over we went back to eating normal again until the next one came along. Neither of us were or have ever been overweight, we just ate a lot.

>> No.7239688

>fast food
pick one

>> No.7239694 [DELETED] 
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Why would I lie...

>> No.7239699

>have you ever been kicked out of a buffet for eating too much?
No . . .because I am not a greedy Lard-arsed American.

>> No.7239700

sorry dude
i live in mystical far east, never heard of fast-food buffet

>> No.7239702

Holy shit some KFCs have that kind of stuff? Lucky. The KFC buffet in my town has original, extra crispy, grilled, and barbecue pieces, but always the less desirable parts and never EVER barbecue. They just leave it empty then every hour or so refill it and everyone races to get to it first. There's usually a race for legs too.
Fucking grilled chicken is near unedible for some reason.

>> No.7239704


Do you live in Augusta GA by any chance

>> No.7239707 [DELETED] 
File: 157 KB, 700x320, Obesity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks to your altruism and love of Northern Africans your obesity percentages are going to SKYROCKET considering you don't breed and they have 10 children a piece.

Ahhhh ignorance is bliss. Also, many places in Europe have an explosive obesity epidemic on their hands, especially Ireland, Wales, England, Scotland and Germany to name the most prominent.

>> No.7239713


haha! very funny, especially the spaces in the ellipsis. liked and subscribed :^)

do you have a blog?

>> No.7239717 [DELETED] 


I live in Ireland, holidays to visit family in New York then drove down to see the rest in Wilmington North Carolina. My parents always stated that the vastness of the USA was mind boggling and being able to see such a beautiful and large place was a "once in a lifetime experience" looking back I am happy we drove around the states so much and experienced what we did.


Yea I suppose. Only one we ever saw.


Nope, Ireland.

>> No.7239723

We used to go to this Indian mid-day buffet when I was in college in Providence. It was something like $15 a head, but my friend whose family was from India said that the food was as authentic as she'd ever had. They served some milky type curry, that was lamb IIRC that was the perfect mix of sweet and spicy and all around amazing. One day I went back and had 3-4 bowls of it, before I was told that 3 servings of it was the max per customer. I wasn't that offended, I just made sure to throw out a couple plates of perfectly decent food.

>> No.7239726 [DELETED] 
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>never heard of a fast food buffet


>> No.7239736

Ireland was the most white trash shithole I have ever had the misfortune of experiencing. I've literally been to couch burning parties that had more class than the entirety of Dublin.

>> No.7239737

Nice damage control but you have still failed.
Maybe try another half-dozen countries and you could be warm. Sorry to upset you fatties but I hoped you tipped them well . . . .ja ja ja ja

>> No.7239741 [DELETED] 
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Doesn't change the FACT that you're all obese...or nearly all obese.

>> No.7239746 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7239747

The ones I've been to charge on a per plate basis. I'm guessing that's why some of the plates in your pic have red rims to denote a higher price per plate.

>> No.7239800

I refuse to dine with the riff-raff that frequents buffet / all you can eat restaurants.

Those places are for teenagers, lard asses, and ghetto people.

>> No.7239818

I spent over 2 years in The UK, these figures are garbage unless 6 out of 10 Brits were hiding, 4 years in the USA was more than enough to prove that Americans are the fattest.

>> No.7239834

I think Mexico is actually the fastest. Probably not by much though

>> No.7239838

Depending on every you're don't you can get this impression.

Dublin is by far the scummiest part of Ireland. Hands down.

Step outside of Dublin and there's some cool stuff to see.

Sadly though the island is populated with a huge amount of ignorant, pig headed culchies.

>> No.7239842

I'm not obese by any means (5'11 160 lbs) and I'm sorry that Muhammads anal excursions have left you this fanny flustered. Stay mad potato nigger.

>> No.7239843

... Fucking phone.

"Depending on where you go.... "

>> No.7239926
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>I spent over 2 years in The UK, these figures are garbage...

Sure they are fatty.


>> No.7239939

it depends. if you sit around waiting until you're able to eat more after you've had your fill, they should be able to kick you out. if you're just a tall or physically active person who is able to eat a lot, then no.

>i'm fat
>how can i lose weight?
>i'll get a dog!
you don't even need to exercise to lose weight

>> No.7239941

>you don't even need to exercise to lose weight
It's fucking stupid to not though.

>> No.7239950

yeah i know, but it just makes people think "oh if i exercise for 15 minutes i can eat half a pizza with ranch dressing, no vegetables, and a soda"

>> No.7240064

UK obesity figures continue to grow and threaten to surpass US, while US figures are largely starting to stagnate.

This is fact, read the numbers.

>> No.7240069

Because of my cousin, the local Chinese buffet had to implement a time restriction. He would show up when dinner started (this was AFTER he was asked to leave for staying from lunch until closing) and just sit on the crab legs. Even the Chinese families that would go specifically for that would look at him with disgust.

>> No.7240247

It's an indian place.
They took all that food you left on the plate and served it again, don't kid yourself.

>> No.7240440

I see somebody made the mistake of eating the starches. You're only getting full from water because you ate the fried rice like a fool and now it's absorbing and growing. I'm full of nothing but meat and shrimp

>> No.7240497


That's not what makes me lose my appetite at buffets.

I was in one nice Chinese restaurant with a buffet one night when I saw a kid, maybe 6 years old, take his plate back to the buffet, scrape the food that was left back onto the buffet, and then fill it with other food.

My nephew also told me of another occasion at another Chinese buffet in a different state. When he and his coworkers were eating, they saw the manager take a plate off of one table after the people at that table left and scrape it onto the buffet.

For some reason, I've pretty much lost all interest in eating at buffets.

>> No.7240528
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Hey look guys, the USA landwhales are gathering, prepare the harpoons!

>> No.7240557

>o you think it's unfair for buffet staff to kick out customers for 'eating too much' ?
Absolutely. They run a buffet because it makes a profit. Just because a customer beats the system shouldn't mean they get to kick that person out. What? You lost a few dollars from one person but made a thousand more from the rest?

If this happened I would literally wait until the manager went to their car after work and follow them home.
And I don't even go to buffets more than once a year, for my dads birthday. It's not as if I have some personal vendetta. That's just the most horrific thing I can imagine. God damn.

>> No.7240606

Once upon a time there was a restaurant that had lobster night on mondays, and whole lobsters were half off.
Then a big fat man brought his big fat family and they ate over 20 lobsters. When they were told they were cut off he threatened to sue

And that was the last time there was a lobster night

>> No.7240614

You are retarded if you think cooked rice is absorbing water in your stomach.

>> No.7240648

It is, put rice in a cup of water and watch the water disappear

>> No.7240651 [DELETED] 


>2 years in Englamabad


>> No.7240656

only kfc buffet near me has you ask for chicken at the counter, can get any chicken though. best value is wings cause they're always delicious and perfectly cooked. I enjoy biscuits and the odd CFS once in a while

>> No.7240661 [DELETED] 


Muslims don't come to the part of Ireland I live in, we keep capsizing ferries and such. Farmers have started shooting the ones wandering around on their lands, been a few years since the last beard sighting here.

It's funny, your capitol is overrun with Muslims and foxes that knock over your trashbins and wreck every yard with feces and their putrid urine but you have opinions about the rest of the world.

Sort yourself out.

>> No.7240665 [DELETED] 
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Notice how all the working class people in their country like the Irish, poles, russians and arabs stay relatively thin in comparison to the indigenous population.

It's genetic, must be a germanic thing.

>> No.7240667

I feel like Indian Buffets would do a lot better than Chinese buffets because they have more sauce/curry based stuff, instead of just meat and vegetables, which would be hard to eat without rice

If they had small bowls, then maybe I'd try to break the system

>> No.7240670

Indian casino in tulsa, OK has lobster buffet every year, $45 and all you can eat whole lobster, last time I went I had to stand in line for 90 minutes.

>> No.7240677 [DELETED] 
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Leave water out in a cup for a couple of days, watch it disappear.

>> No.7240757

rice literally absorbs water though
boiling/steaming food is just making food absorb hot water to cook it

>> No.7240823 [DELETED] 


air literally reabsorbs h20 once it's turned back into vapor form via evaporation though...

>> No.7240841

Explain how this discounts the assertion that rice absorbs water in your stomach. Are you saying that water evaporation occurs in the stomach at the same rate that rice absorbs water?

>> No.7240860

...in the empty water pitcher. You deserve a fresh pitcher of water.

>> No.7240866 [DELETED] 
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No... humans breathe moisture out, as an adult you should know this is a form of urination.

Rice settles into the gastric juices and is quickly broken down into a gelatinous mass before it can "absorb" water, which is absorbed into the human body via the large intestines and spends almost NO TIME in the stomach.

Why do you keep insinuating I know nothing about human biology when YOU'RE the one lacking basic comprehension of how your body works?


>> No.7240873

>a form of urination.
There is only one form of urination.

>> No.7240877 [DELETED] 


Sweating is also urination.

>> No.7240892

No it's perspiration

>> No.7240898 [DELETED] 


Which is a form of urination.

>> No.7240906

Why not just not be a massive 400 lb fatass?

>> No.7240911

no it's not
urination is the act of releasing urine, which is bile created by the kidney and stored in the bladder

>> No.7240917 [DELETED] 


Bile is used to digest solid waste, not liquid.

Why don't you know how your own body works?

>> No.7240926

I have, twice, though in both cases I don't believe I broke any rules, spirit or letter. I'm biggish but not giant (5'11", 200lbs), and ate about 5 plates of Chinese buffet (different places on each occasion) and didn't "buffet hack" - I got some noodles and rice and veg each time. Mostly just got what looked appealing to me. Eventually me and my friend who acted similarly got chased out by the staff, who were yelling "you have too much, you leave" despite there not being a time limit and others being there before us and not being chased out.

Wasn't a big deal obviously but for some reason this bothers me, but I think about it sometimes. I'm still curious to know what they think I did wrong.

>> No.7240927

says the guy who thinks sweating is a type of peeing

>> No.7240935

yes. they were so abrupt about it too that I forgot my rainbow dash plushie, and they wouldn't let me back in to get it :(

>> No.7240938

please tell me there's a video like this.

>> No.7240939

Never been kicked out myself
but I've seen it happened 3 time.

One time when someone came when they were still doing lunch but was about to transition to dinner, they paid for the lunch buffet but demanded they get to eat the dinner buffet items as well
another time when someone just was wasting food
and the third time was when someone was just bitching and moaning about how they wanted hot fresh food and demanded the kitchen cook up some fresh food for them to eat

>> No.7240941

No, but I was once kicked out for being at one for more than half an hour.

To be fair, there was a notice at the front desk announcing a half hour limit. I hadn't read it. It was a little embarrassing.

>> No.7240948

Are you the one that originally asserted that drinking water is a bad idea because it fills you up? Because you are contradicting that

And also if you don't think food can take on liquid and further expand in your gut you're being silly

>> No.7240949
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>yfw you realize your body is literally built around being a tube

>> No.7241067

>Holy shit some KFCs have that kind of stuff? Lucky.

I unconsciously read that in THE most obese-fat-cheeked, sauce-stained-shirt, jealous-fat-boy, failed-science-class, Santa-is-real voice I possibly could.

>> No.7241119

Going to a buffet tomorrow, so that should give me enough time to prepare. What/when/how much should I eat in advance?

>> No.7241121

ehh.. sorry for the shit tier buffets in your life..

i saw a kid try and use a dirty plate once but staff picked up on it quicker than anyone else

>> No.7241123

if you starve yourself you won't be able to eat as much

have some protein to keep you satiated and some roughage to help you digest

>> No.7241127 [DELETED] 


It is.

>> No.7241129 [DELETED] 



>> No.7241135

This is exactly why I hate this model of food business.

>buy in bulk
>cook in bulk
>up charge food

>pay flat rate
>free range
>over indulge/over consume

>get out you ruin my business
>fuck you I paid I eat

>Greed all around makes the world go 'round.

Just ask/expect to pay a flat rate every time. Why is that so hard?

>> No.7241142 [DELETED] 
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Why don't you know how your body works either?

>> No.7241148

Reminds me of when I went to a chinese buffet with some friends once. There was a table of 6 or 8 fat, loud, obnoxious black women a couple of tables over from where we were sitting. They were constantly watching the buffet table and as soon as someone came out of the kitchen with a fresh tray of crab legs they would all swarm the buffet line and hover around the poor guy putting down the crab legs and proceed to clean out the entire tray before anyone else could get any.

They did that probably 3 or 4 times while we were there and completely flipped out when the manager came over and nicely asked them to stop taking all the crab legs and leave some for the rest of the customers.

>> No.7241150
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>Anon gives facts cribbed from health agencies
>"But muh anecdotal evidence! Murica still fattest!"

Get megarekt, faggot

>> No.7241160
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>> No.7241162


The one that the kid took his plate back and dumped food back into the buffet was regarded to be one of the very best Chinese restaurants in that city.

At the second restaurant where the manager was scraping food off plates back into the buffet, I used to eat there often (trying to be sociable -- I hated the place). On many occasions I saw people bring their dirty plates back to the buffet and I made them get a fresh plate. I complained to the management many times about them not having a sign up telling people to use a clean plate each time (which I think is required by law) and they always refused to put up the sign.

By the way, you didn't avoid the buffet at that place by ordering from the menu. Anything that you ordered that was on the buffet was filled from the buffet.

I'm not sure that it is still open. It's been a while since I saw any cars parked outside that "restaurant".

The worst Chinese restaurant I've ever eaten at had a buffet that was only somewhat below average, but if you ordered anything from menu it was pathetic. I found out that the husband of the couple who founded the restaurant and who was a good cook had passed away (not sure if natural causes) and his wife's brother replaced him as the cook. The wife's brother learned only how to cook what was on the buffet. He didn't have a clue of how to cook anything else.

>> No.7241165

Now the worst part here is you are agreeing with me but still arguing

Drink as much water as you want, water doesn't fill you up and sit in your stomach, that's literally what the discussion was about

>> No.7241167

What's wrong with reusing a dirty plate? I do that at buffets. I pick up the food using the tongs or spoon and place it on my plate without the tongs even touching the plate. It's perfectly hygienic.

>> No.7241172

What type of nanny state would legally require a clean plate each time you return to a buffet? What would the point be?

>> No.7241173


Skip breakfast and the day's previous dinner if possible. Annihilate buffet line.

>> No.7241181

I know this is false. I have personally on multiple occasions eaten a large meal, felt fine, maybe up for some dessert later on, drunk a few glasses of water, and immediately felt too bloated to eat anything else.

>> No.7241182


Somebody should take a team of competitive eaters to a Golden Corral to test this hypothesis.

>> No.7241185
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They kind of knew what they were asking for.

Buffets are stupid.

>> No.7241200

Negative. You drink a ton of milk in order to stretch your stomach out. Basic strategy for competitive eaters.

>> No.7241207
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eh.. i know what you're saying
i should care, but i do not
if i'm going to sick it's likely going to be my own fault

>i have fucking farm animals roaming free in my apartment
>my dog is more incontinent now than he was a month ago
>i just vomited into my hand and wiped it into some toilet paper

>> No.7241225

I don't know how people eat more than one plate! My wife and I usually split half a plate and still feel like fatasses :(

>> No.7241228

at a buffet?


>> No.7241248

I remember a local buffet kicked out a patron for stockpiling on nothing but crab legs during his meal. Long story short, the patron sued and won. Can't advertise what you're not willing to back up, i.e. "All You Can Eat"

>> No.7241580

There's a buffet in the Mexican restaurant next to my office.

When I go over there, I get my food to go and bring it back to the office to eat.

One day my food carton was full and so I asked if they could put some refried beans in something else for me. They put so many refried beans in a togo carton designed for deserts that I had had more than enough beans for that meal and enough left over that I made bean burritos for supper that night and could barely finish them off.

Two hefty meals for the price of one plus the cost of flour tortillas, onions, and hot sauce for the burritos.

>> No.7241595

>I'm full of nothing but meat and shrimp
Implying I'm not. But do you take the breading off the shrimp anon? That's how they get you.

>> No.7241810

Only at Chinese buffets after two plates and it wasent alot of food

>> No.7242903

why is it always Chinese or non-America buffets that have issues with overeaters?

when we see staff kicking out customers at an American food buffet, they do it because the customer is being disruptive or getting physically violent

>> No.7242941

>at buffet
>hamplanet is putting gobs of chicken salad on his plate
>I ask him if he's really gonna eat all that
>he says, "Yeah, I love tuna salad"
>tell him that's chicken salad
>he is visibly upset and dumps his plate in the garbage
>there was easily 2 lbs of chicken salad on that plate

>> No.7242947

Because American-style buffets either cost more or are just full of shit cheap food that they don't even have to cook.

>> No.7243030

You were cutting into their profits. They need it to keep paying the Yakuza for smuggling them into the country

>> No.7243037

You'd pretty much have to kick me into a buffet. Not a fan of serve yourself food that's just sitting out.

>> No.7243250


On the rare occasion where I go to a buffet, I try to do so while they are busy so that the food that is on the buffet has presumably not sat there too long.

There's one buffet in a nearby town that is open all day. Between 1 pm and 5:30 pm there are very few vehicles in the parking lot. I can't imagine going in there between those times because that food may have been sitting there for hours.

>> No.7243377

because you aren't paying for normal food, you're paying for poor cuts of meat/cheap dishes made in large batches hours in advance.

so you eat your money's worth...which is quantity.

>> No.7244531

if you're capable of eating a lot at a buffet, then okay, but make sure your portions are small so that staff don't think you're going to waste a lot of food

>> No.7245178


>> No.7245215

Yeah that's the anon that was saying "refilling your water is a trick they use to fill you up". He started contradicting himself after starting to argue with that other anon.

>> No.7245249

Last summer I was on a frozen pizza & noodles + canned tomatoe sauce binge, I ate next to zero proper fruitsband vegetables for around three weeks. I noticed I was getting tiered all the time and didn't have a lot of strength, so I went with a friend to a Chinese buffet where I maxed out on fruit and salad. I ate so much spinach and blueberries goddamn.

>> No.7245256

>bitter tastes increase appetite
>chewy greens get you salivating, increasing appetite
>fiber helps keep the meal you're about to eat from getting stuck inside you, you fat fucking faggot
>water doesn't take up that much space

fat piece of shit

>> No.7245281

It is; sweat contains urea you fucking wastrel.

>> No.7245343

no but i should've been desu cause when i go i feast like 3 kings and take like 3 puke breaks lol

>> No.7245379


I've not heard of this. There will be any conditions stated somewhere in the restaurant though.

What I HAVE heard of is a time limit though, it's fairly common in Australia (where there isn't really buffets anyway).

>> No.7245976


>buffet lists conditions
>gets less customers cause "muh freedom"

it's either you say 'all you can eat' buffet or you get no customers. no one wants to deal with a 3 hour time limit or penalty for wasted food or an overcharge for excessive dishes .

'all you can eat' and leave me alone or you don't get my money

>> No.7245996

exercise has a negative effect on weight loss.

>> No.7246005

KFC buffet?

We don't even have a KFC. We have a taco bell that sells chicken. I think the next town over has a pizza hut that sells kfc too.

>> No.7246015

>exercise has a negative effect on weight loss
It will stop you looking like an empty sack of shit once you've lost the excess weight.

>> No.7246018

once saw a guy eat so much at a buffet he shat his pants at the table. dripped everywhere so the staffed kicked him out and banned him from the establishment

>> No.7246020 [DELETED] 


If you burn more calories than you take in, you will lose weight guaranteed.

>> No.7246033

our bodies are not furnaces. We do not burn food. Calories are a stupid measure for weight.

Exercise causes the body to retain proteins. Increasing weight. These retained proteins are used to increase the size of muscle cells. These increased muscle cells then have more space to retain carbohydrates. Exercise can cause you to store more food than is used by the exercise in the first place.

Additionally exercise increases hunger. Making it much more difficult to eat a fat reduction diet. Also it is nearly impossible to make multiple lifestyle changes at once, and to then stick with the changes. This is why AA lets members smoke at meeting. And why you should diet for at least 60 days before you begin exercising.

>> No.7246054
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>> No.7246060 [DELETED] 
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I never said water occupies stomach space, I said it's diverted into the large intestines directly after consumption. You're arguing with yourself, 2 days after the fact.

>> No.7246066

>implying a calories isn't a unit of required energy.

>> No.7246068 [DELETED] 


>back peddling this hard
>making this many excused for obesity

Obesity is the largest preventable form of premature death on the planet besides smoking.

If you are active and restrict your caloric intake you will lose weight.

>> No.7246071
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That's exactly what you stated.
>damage control

>> No.7246072 [DELETED] 


I'm not the same person, so you're talking to yourself. Water occupies no space in the stomach.

>> No.7246077


>> No.7246079 [DELETED] 


>you're the only person on this image board besides me

Nope, everyone thinks you're an idiot. I am simply reminding you.

>> No.7246086

>you're the only person on this image board besides me
which is funny because you are the one replying to multiple people thinking they are the same

lets reset here

drink as much water as you want, make the servers leave the pitcher of water so you can drink continuously and dont get dried out.

do not eat the starchy foods that will cling to water an absorb juices in your stomach, that will make you full faster

those are two objective facts, all who argue are wrong and should leave.

>> No.7246094

calorie is a unit of heat energy, our bodies are not powered by heat.

No backpeddling
Exercise has negative impact on weight loss. Most studies agree, it is better to not exercise when trying to lose weight.

>> No.7246113 [DELETED] 


I'm responding to you. The novel you wrote in response to me reminding you how our bodies process water was entertaining. Thanks for your efforts.

>> No.7246114

Can you faggots please fucking learn English already?

>> No.7246118

bodies are not powered by heat huh? fuck i guess that's why people don't burn up when their homeostasis gets fucked up......
exercise only doesn't burn fat if you're heavy lifting only, cardio reduces fat drastically by helping your metabolism

>> No.7246125 [DELETED] 


A reduction of calories paired with a raised level of physical activity will ensure weight loss.

I suggest you start here:


>> No.7246129 [DELETED] 


Does your post make obesity any more healthy?

>> No.7246140

No backpedaling, original statement stands.
While it is true that exercise can effect metabolism, your 1980s explanation of heavy lifting vs cardio is very outdated. There are two effects on metabolism. The first is muscle mass, more muscles require more upkeep. Heavy lifting wins out here. Secondly is an improved insulin response. This is generally caused by longer workout sessions which lower blood glucose levels further. Heavy lifting can be just as effective for removing glycogen stores, as cardio. It really comes down to intensity and time.
Eating less by itself will result in just as much if not more weight loss.

>> No.7246150 [DELETED] 
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You're still making excuses to not be physically active. What's your excuse for it really?

>> No.7246159

I am physically active. I just don't encourage overweight people to exercise as a means of losing weight. Changing one's diet is the most important factor in weight loss. Exercise will make weight loss more difficult. Once a person is eating healthily they can then choose to start exercising.

>> No.7246173 [DELETED] 


Why would they start if it'll make things more difficult?

Why are you encouraging weight loss through starvation. That causes atrophy of muscle tissue as mass is lost.

You're copy/pasting the wrong things. Take your mindless drivel to /fit/. You'll get 300+ posts per thread 100% of the time.

Stop spreading disinformation you slovenly neckbeard. Hit the gym.

>> No.7246181

Noot him but to be fair, the /fit/ sticky is really good.
/ck/ needs a sticky.

>> No.7246185

>Exercise will make weight loss more difficult.

u wot m7?

If calories out are greater than calories in, you will lose weight. You can either increase burn more calories, or reduce how many calories you consume, or both. No matter which you chose, you lose weight.

>> No.7246210

The American presents his grotesque mindset, ladies and gentleman.

>> No.7246255

based mexicans

>> No.7246308

this is the 3rd time I have posted you retard

go away, nobody agrees with you

>> No.7246320


>> No.7246323 [DELETED] 


Every doctor in the world does, water doesn't fill up the stomach it diverts directly to the large intestine.

I don't even need to insult you, the fact you keep stamping your feet it lulzy enough.

>> No.7246338


Because some fucktard is gonna touch everything on their plate with their tongs.

Bonus points if they threw up on the plate previously.

>> No.7246468

how were you "chased out" by small chinamen?

>> No.7246526

hamplanets can only be female, same with landwhales

>> No.7246882

Yes. Once when I was 15 I went out in the morning and smoked a fat doobie with a bro of mine. A family friend came over that evening and we wet to a Chinese buffet place. By this time I had the munchies real bad and I was on my eighth plate when they told me to stop eating. I swear I was demolishing those sweet and sour chicken balls faster than they were putting them out lol

>> No.7246896

no never but ive seen the staff give me daggers when i munched out on like my 7th portion buffets + weed=happiness

>> No.7246949

You forgot wrestling-is-real

>> No.7247642

I've seen fatties get kicked out of buffets before if that counts. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's justice. Sometimes it gets me rock fucking hard if she looks good enough

>> No.7247688

>water doesn't fill up the stomach it diverts directly to the large intestine
you are so fucking stupid
stop agreeing with me but pretending you are somehow right and I'm wrong.

one more time, here we go, just like I said in my original post which you had a problem with for some reason
do: drink as much water as you want
dont: eat foods that will absorb water in the stomach

I actually think I hate you

>> No.7247697

always chinese places. They're so fucking cheap and not ashamed of it

>> No.7247701 [DELETED] 


Water doesn't spend enough time in the stomach to be absorbed by foods.

Why can't you grasp how your body works?

>> No.7247708

one time these slants got all uppity after I pulled the pay for lunch and stay for dinner trick but I just wore my ear buds and ignored their half opened eye hate looks, incomprehensible high pitched ranting to scooter back to the feeder.

>> No.7247713


>people actually develop tactics to more effectively cram food into their gaping maws

>> No.7247714

I've never been able to eat more than 3 or 4 plates. The only rule I've seen at the only buffet I really go to is "Take only six crab legs max" and I've never broken that rule.

>> No.7247719

>tfw skeleton mode and taking mental notes of this

>> No.7247725

>"Take only six crab legs max"
Good thing my name isn't Max.

>> No.7247758


watch out for the Hong Kong shuffle, a truly patient man will just wait it out when they try to replace high ticket items with fillers to detract the punters from getting their moneys worth but if you want to scam the system. You need to find troughs that are almost empty or the least full and just take it all (rule number one at the buffet is no feeders shall be left empty). Don’t even fuck around eating that old ass shit. You need to do a few dry heaves and look disgusted. Take you plate strait to the trash while maintaining eye contact with any employee behind the snot screen. Eventually they’ll have to come back out with the good stuff.

>> No.7247911



>> No.7247921

if you pour water on rice, and the water has to sift around the rice to get to the intestine, the rice is going to absorb some of the water
it's a very simple concept

liquid absorption by cooked rice is an instantaneous process

>> No.7247938


are you fucking retarded, the body naturally seperates solids from liquids and sends them down two different pipes like your boyfriends.

>> No.7247954

tell me about all these mysterious pipes? are you now trying to imply water goes to a different stomach than rice?

>> No.7247962


you dumb fucking cunt, there is a large and small intestinal track, that serve specific purposes of which your fat ass stomach has very little to do with.

>> No.7247971

yes or no, when you have a meal do both liquids and solids pass through the stomach?

stop trying to find a way to make yourself look right, its embarrassing

>> No.7247972 [DELETED] 


Water passes through the stomach almost immediately into the intestinal tract. You've already Google'd it and are now arguing with nearly everyone ITT about your retarded "im not gonna budge" stance on shit you've been BTFO about.

Shut up, go away. Stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.7247974 [DELETED] 


More than one person thinks you're a fucking retard.

>> No.7247981

>Water passes through the stomach almost immediately into the intestinal tract
listen you dense motherfucker, I am the one who originally said that
HOWEVER if you are eating foods that absorb water, some of that water will get slurped up into them and take up space in the stomach. this is a very simple concept and I'm not quite sure why you morons can't grasp it.

>> No.7247982


why don't we just do a test run with you deep throating a belly cam and my manhood repeatidly until we can film my boys going where ever they may go?

>> No.7247985

>implying your dick is big enough to make it to the throat

>> No.7247989 [DELETED] 


No, you didn't say that. I did.

Why would you ride the coat tails of an anonymous person on a board that discusses the finer points between fast food burgers.

You're that pathetic are you... nice.

Food doesn't absorb water in the stomach, it doesn't expand, it doesn't do anything at all. You're not a seagull, or Goose. Your body is engineered to process those foods in an entirely different manner than the "old wive's tales" you're crying about.

Stop posting. Who even eats rice, are you a nip?

>> No.7247990 [DELETED] 


>taking the time out of your Friday evening to think about another man's cock in your throat and the measurements necessary to make you gag.


>> No.7247991


Because you gigantic shit for brains, the function your stomach serves is to grind and seperate solids and liquids alone with inside jizz.

>> No.7248000
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>That pic
Fatasses just can't stand for anything to not end as a laughable failure, just like in their daytime reality shows.

Life is a joke for them, and everyone around them is the punchline.

>> No.7248008

no, you started arguing with the idiot that replied to my original post saying water takes up space so you shouldn't drink anything when eating

>Food doesn't absorb water in the stomach
and apparently you think physics stops once something enters your body
things that absorb liquid on contact will continue to absorb liquid on contact until they are broken down. rice doesn't instantly disappear, bread doesn't instantly disappear. if you fill up on that shit it takes time to digest, and any liquid you drink will get soaked up into it until it gets broken down

digestion takes hours, not seconds

>> No.7248009


after many years of experience with low priced hookers, I can confirm making it to the throat doesn't matter.

>> No.7248017

wtf are you the devil??

>> No.7248023 [DELETED] 


Water passes through the stomach into the intestinal tract for absorption. It's not absorbed from the foods that you eat. You'd die if you depended solely on the moisture from inside the food you ate.

I am not speaking to anyone other than you. Water doesn't occupy space in the stomach. No idea why you're even talking still if not for (you's). Does it make you feel good to get a response?

I will continue to crush your disinformation because it's the right thing to do.

>> No.7248025


I live in America, how did I not know about this

>> No.7248030
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>> No.7248039

>It's not absorbed from the foods that you eat
yes, some of it is
obviously if you guzzle down a big glass of water most of it will get through, and some of it will be absorbed by any absorbent material in your stomach

ready for an experiment? tie a sponge to a string and swallow it
then drink a glass of water
when you pull that sponge back up will it be totally dry or will it have picked up some of that water and come out wet?

>> No.7248042 [DELETED] 


Do you have a lot of experience with tricking your gag reflex? That's the second deep-throat reference you've made in the past 10 minutes.

You're either female or a massive faggot.

>> No.7248048


listen fuck for logic, rice is not a sponge...there is a reason why you have to use heat and 20 min to get it to absorbe fucking moisture. Of which your GD stomach has neither the time nor the necessary heat.

>> No.7248058

I've been kicked out of a buffet for this reason (ate crab legs for almost two hours)

The other time I got kicked out of a buffet was because I ate for three hours and they told me to pay for the dinner buffet as well, or leave.... it was in Texas though, doubt I could sue those shitty money laundering ops any ways...

>> No.7248061

>rice is not a sponge
its a soft porous object with lots of surface area, they are perfectly acceptable analogues
and once the rice is cooked it can absorb liquid pretty much as well as a sponge can

ever hear that whole thing about how you shouldn't dunk sushi rice side down into soy sauce? know why that is? because the rice absorbs way too much of the COLD sauce fucking INSTANTLY

>> No.7248065 [DELETED] 
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>implying everyone can gag down a sponge on a string like you

>> No.7248079 [DELETED] 
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This entire thread.

>> No.7248081

>absorbs way too much of the COLD sauce

the fuck it does idiot. it coats the outside of the grains and produces an overpowering flavor. jeebus, this faggot can't even weeb right.

>> No.7248094

you mean the grain absorbs too much of the liquid

listen, if you're going to sit here and just lie at this point then we are clearly done. you lost this argument. anyone who has ever eating a dish with rice knows it absorbs liquid very quickly, dont give me this oh its just coating the outside! bullshit

>> No.7248121

People still go to all-you-can eat buffets?

>> No.7248123


take your ass to fucking /sci/ right god damn now and ask them for a measurement of soy on rice from a dunk and the absorption rate of mother fucking rice.

(spoiler) it’s just coating (spoiler)

>> No.7248236

The plumbing costs would be prohibitive

>> No.7248291

>this thread

>> No.7248313
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Wow, I just wanted to look him up see what he's done lately, turns out he fuckin died. Now I'm a little sad. I liked him.

>> No.7248371

Anybody ever work at a Buffet? God there must be horror stories surrounding that.

>> No.7248422
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My local Chinese place always has a whole side of baked salmon on their buffet. It's farm raised no doubt, but it's really good.

I always follow the advice from whatshisname??? and get only meat. fish, shrimp, beef, chicken, pork ribs. SOOOOOO YUMMY!!!
Of course I'm in the south so every Chinese buffet has a 'southern' section lol.

>> No.7248432
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I remember Jim Norton got news of his death live on the Opie and Anthony show. He told a story where Pinette was being heckled in a comedy club and Pinette countered the heckling by looking the mother fucker dead in the eye and giving him the 'Sicilian' speech from True Romance. It apparently chilled the room a little lol. Hilarious.

>> No.7248495


Everyone is gross and disregards proper hygiene and food safety. It doesn't matter if it's a high end place or not. There's always people who don't wash their hands or cough on the food.

>> No.7248514

>He started contradicting himself after starting to argue with that other anon.
Probably because that wasn't me, idiot.
Arguments aside and based purely on my anecdotal evidence, I eat about 2 and 1/2 plates more if I pace myself on the water than if I guzzle it down, which the salty food definitely makes you want to do. I don't know the science or reasoning behind it, seems fairly obvious that there's only so much your body can take at once.

>> No.7248521

>sitting there with a full plate
I hate people like you.

>> No.7248536

What's your opinion on what to do about a particular bad item at an otherwise good buffet?
>I got it, so I have to eat it or it's wasteful
>fuck that, I didn't pay for this slop. They want me to eat it, they'll cook it right.

>> No.7248544

>drink water
>switch kinds of food
>don't fill up on cheap stuff
I have done this for years.

>> No.7248545


This is stupid.

Everytime I go to a buffet, I always make an attempt to sample everything there.

I will go around take maybe a mouthful of a certain dish when it comes out fresh so that I can try everything there.

IF I find something that I like, then I go back and take that.

The best drink to have at a buffet is water because soda and alcohol will make you feel fuller by signalling a certain a hormone or something to your brain to tell you that you're full.

>> No.7250566

what's the point of suing a buffet for not allowing you to gorge yourself? If you shut down that place, everyone is going to be mad at you.

>> No.7250580

Soda doesn't signal that you're full. That's one of the problems with it. All those calories, no indication that you're consuming them.

I don't know about alcohol.