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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7201909 No.7201909 [Reply] [Original]

A few days ago I saw the best cooking advice I've ever read on /ck/ and think it deserves a thread of its own
Here's what you're gonna do OP. Listen carefully because this is very important advice. Lots of people think cooking is all about complicated recipes, big cookbooks and arduous effort. Really it's more of an innate thing.

Learning to cook is much more simple, so pay close attention to what I'm going to say. Are you listening?

Fry an egg and experiment with various seasoning. This will give you an idea of what flavours go well together which is the most important quality in cooking. Fry an egg, cut it in quarter, season each quarter differently. Try one with cayenne and, I dunno, chives? Just experiment with lots of seasoning combinations.

Then fry another egg and repeat the process. Keep frying eggs and experimenting until you get a good idea of what works. You can eat 3-4 eggs in a day, heck you're from /fit/ so probably 6+. If you eat 6 eggs in a day, that's 24 egg quarters, 24 seasoning combinations in a day. You're talkng about 1000 seasoning combinations in just over a month.

At this stage you'll be a spicemaster and what/how you cook wont matter because you'll be better at seasoning than 99% of professional chefs, and this WILL make you a good cook.

>> No.7201949

What level spicemaster would you say the average american is at age 20

>> No.7201952

When will this meme end

>> No.7201962
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>> No.7201981

>What did you do over Christmas, anon?
>Posted epic spicemaster memes, senpai!

>> No.7202100

Meme aside how do I get proficient with different spices.

Where can I learn about characteristics (e.g. very bitter when added too early)?

>> No.7202122


try cooking an egg and quartering it, then adding different spice to each quarter.

can't you fucking read the thread

>> No.7202134

Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management

>> No.7202138
File: 1.71 MB, 500x500, 1434140854640.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I force this meme enough it'll be funny
Sage in all fields

>> No.7202150

experiment and read cook books anon. its really just something you get a feel for eventually. and honestly if you're making american food you dont need to be a faggot who adds stupid amounts of spices to everything. ooh my broccoli cheddar soup just needs a little oregano thyme and rosemary ~~~ fuck that shit nigger

if you're gonna make some indian or asian food then that shits different. try making some curries with recipes online. another good one is north african poached eggs, which are hard to fuck up but also hard to get just right.

tl;dr cook moar

>> No.7202152

>wasting eggs when prices are at their highest in decades

>> No.7202162

You can't post with sage in both the name and options field, newtard

>> No.7202181

Um... I just did??

>> No.7202210

Really forcing this shit huh, Senpoopy?

>> No.7202214

Just remember that spices are used to enhance, not cover shitty cooking technique.

Most food has enough flavor to without covering it in crap. A little salt and pepper does wonders. No need for saffron in your omelette.

Reserve your spicing for slow cooked meats, soups and stews. Anything where the cooking technique will give the spices a chance to flavor the entire dish.

Fresh herbs can be sprinkled on delicately flavored foods for color and a hint of flavor. Just be subtle.

>> No.7202234

>not putting noko in the email field
>thinking sage actually makes a difference

>> No.7202267

Yeah, you'll be the spicemaster, but only when it comes to spicing eggs.

>> No.7202269

Remind me to bring an alarm clock if I'm ever eating your cooking. I'd hate to forget to wake up after taking the first bite.

>> No.7202354

Oh shit, Grandpa bringing the bants!

>> No.7202361
File: 77 KB, 480x446, 1443715362677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you niggers are ice cold

>> No.7204088

this again

>> No.7204115


Wasn't this stolen from 4 hour chef?