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File: 668 KB, 2000x1237, Map-of-AB-InBev-Acquisitions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7193353 No.7193353 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Breweries to never buy from

>> No.7193360

>he thinks his fedoras will stop the InBev juggernaut

>> No.7193374
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>american beer

>> No.7193376

Not "craft" enough for you?
Just make your own then faggot.

>> No.7193378 [DELETED] 
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Who cares?

>> No.7193426


You really should look at AB's wiki page to see how diverse their brewery portfolio actually is... it's staggering.


>> No.7193432 [DELETED] 
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Laugh it up Adolf, but the U.S. has the largest number of breweries, the widest selection of beers and (I'd say) the best beers on the planet.

Besides, Islam mandates that alcohol is haram and will soon be banned in Eurorabia anyways...

>> No.7193434



>> No.7193436



>> No.7193437

I only drink bud light so idgaf

>> No.7193439




Germanfag here, those are my 2 favourite beers.

>> No.7193441 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7193444

They haven't changed the fucking recipe, Hans.
Also, Heineken > Becks.

>> No.7193453

Funny thing is

Becks in the US is made in the US, it's not even an import

Also, they have changed the Becks recipe

>> No.7193455


1000x this.

Becks in the USA tastes like garbage compared to the german one, but the german one is being made by Turks hired by americans in my country... GOD MOTHERFUCKING DAMNIT REEEEEEEEEE

>> No.7193468



They're basically all property of the Inbev mega-corporation in one way, shape or form.

>> No.7193493
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mfw InBev owns all the beer in the world and cease and desists craft brewers.
Then they can use fedora tears to brew with.

>> No.7195345
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>> No.7195375

>the first clinton is president

>> No.7195424


Have you considered not having awful taste?

>> No.7195443

Have you considered not being an insufferable hipster snowflake beersnob faggot?

>> No.7195595

becks is fürn arsch, das sagt dir jede echte bremer.

>> No.7195618

Beck's is by far the shittiest Pils. Even the other shitlord big brands here in Germany are better.
God damn even Oettinger is the exakt same piss as Beck's.

Try having a good taste.

>> No.7195624

it is oiterally impossible to find any traces of hops in Becks in chem labs.

junge ab_inbev steht auf der flasche drauf

>> No.7195629

ProTip Breweries are not regulated by the FDA

>> No.7195630

ich wette dir ist auch nicht bekannt, dass fast die hälfte allen dutschen Bieres von Dr.Oettker kommt, oder?

>> No.7195991

A friend of mine works for InBev, they are going to dominate the craft beer segment and you're going to like it. I support these brands that got taken over because they have just as much selection as the indies but better quality control and distribution (which translates to freshness and therefore quality)

>> No.7196004

what do we think about firestone/lagunitas/ballast point?

>> No.7196048

>Hurricane comes in cans
Why do I only see it in 40s?
That shits actually good all things considered.

>> No.7196072

Why do you care? Why does anyone care if ABInBev owns a "craft" brewery?
I'm genuinely curious since this keeps happening and the quality of the beer stays the same.

>> No.7196078

Wait until inBev buys all the fedora factories and watch their heads explode.

>> No.7196089

>bashes and campaigns against craft brew
>desperately seeks to own as many craft breweries as they can

>AB logic

>> No.7196103

I get how it sounds funny, but it's a really brilliant move on their part.

>> No.7196237

There was the option of "do it or don't", 50/50, yes/no. A group at a table agreed "yes".

Hardly "brilliant".

>> No.7196255

Your analogy is nonsense.
The marketing is to make people that despise "craft" beer buy more AB InBev since it makes them feel like they're winning.
Then the other side of drinkers will buy "craft" beer (which is also owned by InBev) to spite their opponents.

How is that not brilliant?

>> No.7196330

>anheuser-busch is a german company now you stupid fucking krauts

german beer officially shit

>> No.7196581

> live in San Diego
> Everywhere has craft beer
> usually only 1-2 taps devoted towards inbev piss
> even dive bars have good beer

Life is good

>> No.7196598

>spic everywhere

>> No.7196654

> not being on a first name basis with the Hispanic woman who makes god tier carne asada

Who can see race when tears of tasty joy are flowing?

>> No.7196660

the vatos sneaking up behind you for your wallet can

>> No.7196666

AB was founded by Germans in the United States so it makes them American not German
Also inbev which acquired AB in 2008 is a Belgian company

>> No.7196686

This what degenerates believe.

>> No.7196693

Washington here.

Elysian is popular, but there are so many better breweries in Seattle. Holy Mountain brewery is GOAT for anyone in the area looking for beer.

>> No.7197483
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Stay c u c k e d, non-Shiner fags.

>> No.7197492

ITT: OPs from whom to never learn proper sentence syntax

>> No.7197510


>Four Peaks

Fuck, hopefully KiltLifter remains good, that's my main goto when I get dragged to generic bars.

>> No.7197547

How does this affect my own homebrewing?

>> No.7197626
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InBev is going to buy you out and then kuck you.

>> No.7197715


>> No.7197739
File: 1.50 MB, 4128x3096, shiner brewery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Their commercials fucking rock.

Also, I have made the Texan Pilgrimage.

>> No.7198018

shiner's pretty fuckin nice

their black lager was off for me though

>> No.7198022

Somebody explain the problem to me.
Is it because they're monopolizing?

>> No.7198028

Regular Shiner, White Wing and Ruby Red are the only good variants, the rest always taste weird.

>> No.7198054

Only outside of the U.S

The U.S would never allow Bud to become a juggernaut and monopoly

Funny thing is, for how socialist and left the EU is, they allow such a big monopoly

>> No.7198058
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I-I just want to make enough money to be able to get drunk on expensive beers.

>> No.7198084

Actual brewer here. I wish AB Inbev would buy me out. I'm getting bored catering to a market of bearded cunts who know fuck ball about anything, let alone beer

>> No.7198088

How many kiwi and peanut butter flavoured porters do you have on your beer roster?

>> No.7198097
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>from whom

>> No.7198104

>Actual brewer

No you're not. You're just some aspie that gets butthurt about beer

>> No.7198121

reach for the stars, son.

>> No.7198124


Well people pay me to brew beer so I guess that makes me a brewer, but you're right and I'm wrong.


Fortunately not kiwi and peanut butter but the need to get creative with different/new flavours is becoming more necessary due to massive hop shortage and management's inability to contract for them properly. I'm going to do some small experimental batches in the new year and see what can be achieved. I should probably clarify that I'm from the UK and, as far as I know, peanut butter nitro chocolate stout/porter hasn't caught on in a big way just yet, but I'm sure it will. A load of my contemporaries are still busy trying to find a way to make sour beer somewhere near palatable

>> No.7198143

>I'm from the UK
I try to avoid the achingly trendy Bermondsey/Shoreditch "craft" wanker scene but from my limited exposure to it I gather that saison is the hot (literally) new thing now.

Also, try using elderflower petals in place of/addition to a late hop addition at 15-20g/l.

>> No.7198171


Saison has become a code word for "beer we fucked up but still want to sell". That's not to say there aren't any good saisons, but there's vast amounts of nasty ones. Im from up norf so our craft darlings at the moment are Magic Rock, Northern Monk, Vocation, Cloudwater etc. I'm going to trial lemongrass as a quasi substitute for the nice lemon-ish flavours of cascade and centennial and maybe have a play with grapefruit zest and flesh in the conditioning tank.

>> No.7198175

>Saison has become a code word for "beer we fucked up but still want to sell"

Yes, I don't quite understand how we went from "refreshing low-alcohol summer beverage for farm labourers" to "ferment at 30 degrees and aim for an abv of at least 7%".

>lemongrass and grapefruit
Sounds good. I assume you've tried St Peters grapefruit beer which to me was disappointingly watery and bland.

I wish someone would pay me to dick about with beer.

>> No.7198195


I haven't tried it. You only see St Peters in bottles up here and even then I generally overlook them. I was in California a couple of months ago and drank a bit too much Ballast Point Grapefruit Sculpin. Tried a Magic Rock grapefruit beer the other week which was pleasant but nothing amazing.

If only it were just dicking about with beer. I've got to sell it and deliver it as well. Today's brew is featuring Azacca as it's a hop I've never used before so I thought I'd give myself a Christmas treat

>> No.7198255
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Beer has a low barrier of entry, outside of pub contracts. I don't fear a monopoly. As long as it tastes good and the price is right I'm drinking it.

>> No.7199119

bevmo here.
inbev a shit

>> No.7200768

The problem is as follows (at least for me):

AB over the last several years has marketed that they are proud to be a macro brewer and that they aren't concerned with beer in the same way that someone who might like craft beer is. They did this to distance themselves from those that many consider to be "beer snobs" and to take a position where they make themselves out to be better than craft breweries. There is absolutely nothing at all wrong with that if that was all they were doing; it's bog standard marketing.

However, AB is also quietly buying up small craft breweries, telling them not to make any real announcements about it, and to not change their products (Funny story about that. Elysian Brewing Company has a beer called "Corporate Beer Still Sucks" and they will continue making it even though they're owned by a corporate beer company.).

AB is trying to suck up to it's fans that dislike craft beer, and who think anyone that doesn't drink a lite lager is some kind of beer snob; while also owning several craft breweries and profiting off the people who like craft beers. I personally consider it a dishonest business practice as it's straight up lying to your customers about your company and brand. I, personally, am not willing pay for one of their beers as I don't wish to support a company that intentionally deceives it's customers and kicks down a small minority of people and then tries to make money off the people it's kicking down.