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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 52 KB, 500x500, Horizon-Organic-Milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7181523 No.7181523 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite brand of milk /ck/? Here's mine right here.

And no soy "milk" does not count as milk, it's soy juice.

>> No.7181528


I grew up Amish, left instead of joining the church. Raw milk is amazing.

>> No.7181530

uh well I'm not a kid anymore, so I don;t drink milk or juice or soda or those kinds of things

>> No.7181534

Don't buy that shit, buy local milk doesn't even have to be raw

>> No.7181537

can confirm dankest milk around

>> No.7181538


>raw milk


>> No.7181541

What do you drink?

>> No.7181544


The opposite of ultra-pasteurized

>> No.7181545


>> No.7181548

Up until now I didn't realise they had brands..

I get the one with the green top if that helps.

>> No.7181549


It's not pasteurized at all, also the top layer of cream is left in the milk. Raw milk is insanely thick and "milky" tasting. It's intended to feed baby cows, the caloric value is ridiculous. People probably shouldn't consume it daily but I grew up doing so...so I continue to do so.

>> No.7181551
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Milk that is fresh from a cow rather than commercially processed.

>> No.7181558
File: 16 KB, 162x152, 1342951041916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people that unironically drink almond "milk" and keep bragging about how drinking milk is "hurrrrr against nature"
>there are PEOPLE ON /CK/ RIGHT NOW that drink 0% fat milk

>> No.7181564

Water, tea, occasionally coffee or beer/wine with friends

>> No.7181569

Did you know people never used to drink skim milk until they started marketing it to housewives in the 50's.

>> No.7181570

How sophisticated of you, don't you ever put milk in your coffee or tea?

>> No.7181573

But cow's milk really is gross. Leaves a gross film in your mouth, makes your stomach feel like shit, and the lactic acid inhibits your body's ability to absorb calcium, not to mention all the fuckin hormones you're consuming.

Almond milk is refreshing and actually safe to drink.

>> No.7181575

Skim milk is better for you.

>> No.7181576

Nah, just a touch of sugar or honey

>> No.7181577


Lactic acid is in Mother's milk and is scientifically proven to be best for babies.

>> No.7181579
File: 117 KB, 830x656, milk drinkers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you also eschew aluminum cookware and protest against vaccinations for fear of autism

>> No.7181585

That's not fucking milk, that's juice. Stop calling things that aren't milk milk, coca-cola has just as much right to call itself milk as almond juice and soy juice do, it's not fucking milk.

Why the fuck would you want to drink unpasteurized milk, pasteurization gets rid of all the bacteria and semen.

Also what was it like growing up Amish? Is there any gay sex going on in the Amish community? Are you being shunned right now?

>> No.7181590

I can't get raw milk where I moved, so I drink milk in the raw instead.

>> No.7181592
File: 253 KB, 800x452, feces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unpasteurized milk has feces in it.

>> No.7181596

>Why the fuck would you want to drink unpasteurized milk

Because it's fucking delicious, that's why. Heating the milk up (pasteurization) harms the flavor.

>> No.7181597
File: 121 KB, 523x266, Jesus_Christ_America.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in the US, products are unironically labeled "Made with REAL milk" to differentiate them from products that are made with artificial milk

>> No.7181600

Yeah, mother's milk, from your mother, when you're a baby. Not milk from a cow as an adult. That's weird and unhealthy.

No, because the things I'm talking about right now are actually legitimate concerns. Cool red herring though.

Okay? I don't really care if you call it "milk" or "nut juice," these are just marketing terms and have nothing to do with how healthy it is lol

>> No.7181614
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>> No.7181617
File: 193 KB, 448x595, ツ シ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually legitimate concerns

>> No.7181620

>sugar or honey
Child detected. You've clearly got a lot of growing up to do.

>> No.7181621


Homosexuals are demons in Amish faith. A physical manifestation of pure evil, beings that exist explicitly to counter the laws/mandates passed down from God. That's the reason I left...I'm gay. That's how my family sees me, so...yea.

There's no semen in a cows udder though. The bacteria is a probiotic beneficial to calves, my body adjusted to it during my gestational period. Most Amish women drink raw milk in pregnancy to ensure their babies will be immune to said bacteria in case their own milk doesn't "come in". They also use wet nurses...very highly respected field in the Amish community.

It wasn't bad. I'm just gay...I couldn't marry a woman and pretend to love her, be attracted to her and then start a family with her. It would be harmful to everyone. It was best for me to leave. I took GED tests and passed without effort because of my own independent studies on the farm in my free time. Wrote a letter to the Culinary schools I wanted to matriculate at and got accepted into all of them due to being Amish (I guess) the CIA in New York gave me a full ride scholarship.

Sorry for the blog post.

>> No.7181623
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Pinnacle is a product of France...

>> No.7181633

Marshmallow and birthday cake flavor are only sold in the US though ;-))

>> No.7181640

It's such fucking bullshit that I cannot buy raw milk. FUCKING BULLSHIT.
I can buy raw carrots, raw potatoes, raw spinach, raw meat, raw fucking anything EXCEPT MILK.
Bacteria are so fucking important to your health and it's fucking illegal to sell a product that is packed full of probiotics? It's illegal to sell a product that, study after study has proven, is fucking healthy for you?
But I can sure as shit buy products that have been proven to cause cancer!
FUCK the Canadian government, those cuck mother FUCKS.

>> No.7181648

It might not be a concern for YOU, but it's not pseudo science like anti-vaccination shit is

>> No.7181650


lol, no milk is healthy for you, and raw milk has been proven to have an increased risk of making you ill.

I mean, I don't personally give a shit what you put in your body and think it's asinine that it's illegal, but yeah, def not "healthy" but any stretch of the imagination.

>> No.7181655
File: 983 KB, 1440x1411, comfy smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe you.

>> No.7181658

wouldnt care if you didn't, it's still true either way senpai :3

>> No.7181659
File: 1.30 MB, 830x770, 1448378565997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, how fucking brainwashed are you?

>> No.7181663
File: 134 KB, 340x340, 729.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course. No doubt you're quite content with the "truth" you and your little facebook hugbox preach.

>> No.7181665

How am I the brainwashed one? You're literally assuming that something is healthy because it's been spoon fed to you your entire life, with propaganda funded by the US government...this is just in reference to milk in general.

As for raw milk, there is literal cowshit in it. Name one proven health benefit from drinking raw milk that you can't get from another source? We wash vegetables, we pasteurize milk. The fact that most people don't get sick from it is literally just luck.

>> No.7181666

Could ask you the same thing, do you also think the government puts fluoride in the water to control your mind?

>> No.7181667

I mean, a 10 second google search would tell you that what I'm saying is factual...

>> No.7181674
File: 76 KB, 444x467, 1448379294048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As for raw milk, there is literal cowshit in it.

Maybe in India but not in a Western country.

>> No.7181675

nice get

Not the guy you're responding to, but I don't think they put it in the water to control our minds, but flouride is literally a neuro toxin and we should NOT be drinking it.

>> No.7181676
File: 151 KB, 455x370, 1441018145890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google alters its results to display things that will interest you, specifically, so forgive me if I don't trust your 10 second shoddy google searches.

>> No.7181677

Are you actually this stupid? Have you ever been to a dairy farm?

EVERYTHING is COVERED with cow shit. They are disgusting places.

>> No.7181681

Whatever then, keep memeing and drinking cow tit juice, nevermind that the countries with the highest dairy consumption also have the highest rates of osteoporosis and bone fractures

>> No.7181688

That's true if you lack a suitable percentage of Neanderthal DNA.

Given that the introduction of Neanderthal genes into the homo sapiens pool triggered human civilization, I wouldn't be so proud of that.

>> No.7181689

So what are the negative effects from drinking milk? I suppose it prevents you from believing in fairy tales.

>> No.7181695
File: 18 KB, 400x317, can't be helped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>correlation = causation
>random "facts" pulled out of your ass

>> No.7181700

Just take the time you normally spend searching through your massive anime folders to look this up instead, I'm not gonna spoon feed you shit you don't believe

You're likely too warped from decades of confirmation bias to have your mind changed anyways

>> No.7181702
File: 1.56 MB, 500x282, Choi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>milk is bad for you! what do you mean "burden of proof" i already googled it once

>> No.7181706

Literally none of your posts make sense. Show your so called "proof" or quit being a strange conspiracy theorist.

>> No.7181715

ITT: Nutritional pseudoscience gleaned from the web and snake oil salesmen presented as reproducible scientific knowledge. And the troll-feeders who engage its acolytes.

>> No.7181884
File: 262 KB, 809x608, 13388377399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>this post

Your family sucks

>> No.7181890


Fucking. Google. It.

I promise you'll find the information I'm talking about, like I said, I'm not gonna spoon feed it to you when you don't even give a shit. If you're actually concerned with what you're putting in your body, you'll do it yourself.

>> No.7181898

ok, I googled it.

First hit is a Wikipedia entry about a movie based on a Stephen King novel. Second hit is the Stephen King novel. Third hit is an IMDB entry about an miniseries based on the same novel. Fourth hit is the website of some IT company.

Nothing about milk, sorry.

>> No.7181923

Damn, tough luck. That means you're a faggot.

>> No.7181930

You might as well put a tub of crisco in the microwave and drink that out of a glass.

>> No.7181936

Oh my God will you be my boyfriend you sound awesome, with your background and interests.

I've always wanted to read a narrative from a gay person who has grown up Amish and what it was like and I've searched for books on the subject to no avail. Can an Amish man or woman choose to be celibate and not get married? Not suggesting that's what you should do, but how do they handle non-practicing homosexuals? You should write a book, also do you have skype?

>> No.7181949


Marriage and children are expected. You're making yourself a pariah more than anything, bringing shame upon your family... signifying they're bad stock...as well as you. People that don't "be fruitful and multiply" might as well be lepers.

Admitting you're gay= instant banishment/shunned for the duration of their lives. No one openly admits to being a homosexual in the gay community, they simply choose to stay away from the Church after Rumspringa. I don't want attention for being gay... someone brought up being an Amish faggot so I added my 2 cents to the conversation... no book would be written.

I had a great childhood, wasn't molested or anything. My siblings call me a few times a year from mobile phones I bought them. I don't know where they keep them in their homes, but I would assume it's a secret away from their husbands/wives respectively. Communication with me could get them shunned, but I doubt their spouses are THAT shitty. I don't know them... so I couldn't be sure lol.

I'm not looking to date anyone, but thanks for the offer. I concentrate on refining my craft first and foremost. My work is my one true love. I am a workaholic, I doubt anyone would have the patience to be second banana to a kitchen.

>> No.7181962
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>> No.7182260
File: 89 KB, 800x600, 17431_193_RMTPC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drank goat milk for the first time, couple of days ago.

it has a stronger and more bitter flavor, than cow milk.

i liked it, i'm going to drink it again sometimes.

>> No.7182268

A local dairy that delivers to a local natural foods store.

The initial purchase is a bit steep [over $5 a gallon], but you get a glass container that you can trade in and get a $2 gallon with.

>> No.7182305
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>> No.7182482

>people actually get mad about soy milk and almond milk

is this what autism is like?

>> No.7182521

GOAT post-workout

>> No.7182527
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>> No.7182594
File: 43 KB, 225x225, 7-76090-10103-2-milk-goat-3.25-1L_273ee0fcb7e64c1da32e6ce5e3b8c86c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$11.50 CAD for 4L

Worth every penny.

>> No.7182595

Oh fuck, you live in my direct vicinity.

>> No.7182614


you're a homotic or a heremo

>> No.7182623


wtf is ultra filtered milk

>> No.7182628

Tastes really smooth , the chocolate is oh so creamy.

>> No.7182644
File: 6 KB, 256x197, Beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite brand of milk is beer.

>> No.7182702


The Kawarthas are a pretty big region

>> No.7182947

Do you have skype, you sound like fun to talk to?

>> No.7182991
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 6706012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the shit right here.

>sweeter than regular milk
>better for your than regular milk
>can be stored out of the fridge so can be purchased in bulk
>sweeter than regular milk
it's sweet too.

>> No.7183024

nonpasteurized milk is the equivalent to anti-vaccine

>> No.7184644
File: 11 KB, 236x177, marg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wanted to date an Amish man, something about that wholesome country boy farmer exterior just revs my engine. I'm a country boy but I'm a bit more delicate, I have mannerisms and country like aspects to me like I enjoy four wheeling and drinking beer out by a fire and have the southern accent going on but I'm not rugged like the type that milks the cows and harvests the hay. What I would give to have a wholesome country boy raised on a farm like that with a gentle heart and the hands of a carpenter.

>> No.7184664

If I wanted my milk to be sweet, I'd make it into a milkshake.

Not at all. Completely different motivations and consequences.

>> No.7184891
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>> No.7184927
File: 77 KB, 450x550, organic_pastures_milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually you're sorely mitaken.

This is the best milk ever.

so basically you're a bitch who wants a hardworking man while you sit on the fucking couch eating bon bons so you can fuck tyrone the house boy when he's not around. Fuck off peggy bundy.

>> No.7184948

raw milk cows don't live in fucked up pen situations like that. They're usually allowed to graze and pasture feed.

this is why you fucking travel to the farm you're getting your milk from and find out the living conditions of your cows. Fuck how are people so retarded as to just trust the producers without seeing for themselves??

also, unless it's some fucked up mexican family farm, I have yet to see a dairy cow farm that DOESN'T regularly wash and moisturize the teats of their cows.

>> No.7184962

I'm a gay man, not a woman, and I'm not into black guys.

>> No.7184972

CT anon here. Where do you live? Raw Milk is illegal to sell here but I know a guy who knows a guy and I've been thinking about having him take me for some.

>> No.7184991


good one milk fag

>> No.7184996


california, but you have to watch it with raw milk. Don't buy more than a half gallon unless you drink milk every single day. it tends to go off pretty quickly even if you keep it in a cold fridge. usually about a week and you start to get a slightly off smell and a little bit of seperation of the milk fat from the whey. However, nothing tastes better and it's incredibly healthy for you. Also, in baking it's to die for.

>> No.7184997


oh, then please feel free to die in a fire like the faggot you are. No amish man will ever want you, and a guy like me, which is about as close to that as you'll get outside of that community, will find you totally repugnant.

>> No.7185003

It's cool that you have easy access to it. Raw milk cheese is as close as I can get atm.

Apparently it's legal in NH, but 3 hours is far to drive for raw milk

>> No.7185026

It's total bullshit that obama's government is trying so hard to crack down on free commerce in this country that they've jumped down farmers throats like that. Pretty soon it'll be like canada and you won't be able to sell home brewed liquor on site.

>> No.7185106

The general trend over the last 10 or so years has been lifting restrictions of selling raw milk. Also, it's decided at the state level and doesn't really have anything to do with the federal government anymore.

>> No.7185145


tell that to the FDA


>> No.7185176

Did you even read that article?
>the farm owner’s milk processing plant had not met standards to obtain a license to sell raw milk or raw milk products

It's also still illegal to sell or distribute across state lines. But each state makes their own laws on raw milk. In my horrible state it's only legal to sell it as pet food, but people eat it anyway.

>> No.7185177

>obama's government is trying so hard to crack down on free commerce

>there are people that unironically say things like this

>> No.7185209

>drinks ultra-pasteurized
>criticizes other peoples choice in milk

>> No.7185280
File: 52 KB, 540x540, 925597_1_1_detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink pic related, fresh and tasty. Has this type of packaging made it's way to the states yet?

>> No.7185282

>hemme milch
mein neger

>> No.7185283

I haven't seen milk in bags yet. Someday. . .

>> No.7185286

What is your issue with gays? There are gay amish men you idiot.

>> No.7185293

>the 'standards' they put in place get worse and worse every year in order to force hardworking farming families who won't 'toe the party line' out of the marketplace; effectively starving them out. it's pathetic. used to be you could just have a farm, sell the damn milk right out of the cows teat and make a nice little sum to feed your kids on. Nowadays you have to be a fucking molecular biologist in order to do anything in house by yourself "oh no there's 1ppm bacteria more than the 'allowed standard level'BURN THE FUCKING FARM TO THE GROUND'.

government run amok


or if you have the intelligence to have an attention span longer than 35 seconds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3nXvScRazg

>> No.7185295

The Amish don't produce gay people. They're like Iran.

>> No.7185297

It's a pretty ingenious packaging. Unlike those bags I've seen Canadians post, this bag stands upright without needing to put it in a pitcher. When you put the container upright after pouring it creates a vacuum which seals the opening at the top. Definitely not important, but still pretty cool.

>> No.7185299

>True Christian community
>'There are gay amish men'

>> No.7185530

Actually there are gay Christians. The verses that condemn it all come from stuff that is irrelevant to Christians now-a-days, no Christian follows Leviticus because Jesus brought about the New Covenant.

>> No.7185560
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, Protestanism is Apostasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>True Christian community
Protestants are not true Christians and the Amish are a form of Protestantism, therefore Amish and all forms of Protestantism are apostates, they removed scripture from the one true Bible because they didn't like it, they literally changed the word of God, by removing books and changing words. Protestants are heretics that are damned to hell. The Amish are no exception, they will be damned to hell as well in the after life if they don't abandon the Amish beliefs and accept the one true Bible and follow it as such. Even the most innocent people can be cunning and wicked underneath which is exactly what the Amish are, they try and keep their community isolated and ignorant of the fact that they like all Protestants are apostates of hell. And you anon, you too will be joining them in hell if you do not realize this and reject the apostates.

>> No.7185574

The Amish believe in this
>Evangelization: Most Christians see spreading the word of God as a central responsibility of their faith. Many Amish, on the other hand, feel no obligation to evangelize, preferring to let their faith show by the way they live. In fact, the Amish rarely accept converts.

That runs contrary to the word of God on so many levels, they are essentially a cult of apostates.

>> No.7185583

>hey guize I'm not a christian or anything, but lemme take carte blanche to remove justification from the only book of truth in this world, and cut and paste what I like and don't like. I mean I'm a fag but it's not like i have a pro homosexual agenda or anything!


also, that link includes new testiment scripture, just to counter your statement about 'old testiment blah blah.' however, even your disregarding of old testiment statutes is false because Jesus himself supports the old testament as still valid in all ways EXCEPT salvation:


read and learn son, read and learn

oh a bible scholar huh? care to educate me on what verses the protestant church omits?

citation needed: if it isn't from a text written by an actual amish person (and that means a book, not the internet) then your entire point is invalidated.

Your homosexual, sinful lifestyles are wrong, you can debate it all you want but it's not going to change anything.

>> No.7185585


>wife has to do as you say
>pussy when ever you want
>loads of free farm labor via offspring
>no taxes
>no mandatory schooling
>no media blitz turning your kids into swagyolo ape lovers
>preservation of heritage/culture and faith
>good hearty food every single meal
>simple living without extreme complications

Sign me up.

>> No.7185596


The Amish center their faith around the works of this man.


>> No.7185600

>No amish man will ever want you, and a guy like me, which is about as close to that as you'll get outside of that community, will find you totally repugnant.

Actually I've only ever dated country boys before, I've just never been with a man who has lived completely off the grid in the muck and the dirt.

>> No.7185610

into the trash your argument goes. as expected.
so you found a few fellow mentally ill faggots that put on fake country accents and lied to you. congrats you degenerate piece of human garbage.

>> No.7185614

It's not just verses they changed the wording of, they removed entire books such as the book of Sirach. Protestants also mostly allow divorce which Jesus said anyone who divorces and remarries is guilty of adultery. The protestants are adulterous apostates, and they're not going to Heaven, for rejecting the word of God, by omitting scripture and ignoring scripture. If you're among the Protestant apostates your state in the afterlife will be quite bleak as you shall dwell among the damned.

>> No.7185623

The only "man" you should center your faith around is Jesus Christ, another reason why the Amish will not be entering Heaven.

If I lived in Pennsylvania I would be actively handing out literature to any Amish I came across warning them of the hell fire that is to come in the afterlife if they don't abandon the wickedness that is the Amish lifestyle and beliefs.

>> No.7185636

>generalities about 'reworded verses'
again, provide specifics and the actual 'book of protestantism' you apparently are citing or your argument is just as garbage as mr wikipedia up there.

>insert heretical apocrypha book here
All of those 'books' weren't removed, they were never part of the bible at all. They contain numerous errors and outright contridictions that make them unfit for God's word...aka they're lies and propaganda. I doubt you even want to learn but if you actually want to educate yourself please see


>> No.7185638
File: 2.47 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_2177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best milk ever

>> No.7185669

I'm from the deep south you idiot all the men I've dated are also from the south, so it's not fake you presumptuous uneducated retard.

I've always found it so odd, the heterosexual men out there that get so angry and fiery over gays. One the more gay men the more women there are for you you self defeating idiot. Two the fuck do you care what people do in their bedrooms? Get a life dude, man it's just pathetic.

Usually the people who get anrgy about it are either
>highly uneducated
>are in denial about their own sexuality
>feel they need to put up this masculine facade because while they may not be gay they fear anything they associate with being feminine or unmasculine

Enjoy wallowing in your own ignorance you mentally deficient yokel.

>> No.7185675

>All of those 'books' weren't removed, they were never part of the bible at all. They contain numerous errors and outright contradictions that make them unfit for God's word...aka they're lies and propaganda. I doubt you even want to learn but if you actually want to educate yourself please see

Yes they were you moron, the protestants added it to the apocrypha, both Orthodox Christians and Catholics follow it as Gospel. I would know I come from a long line of Catholics and Orthodox Christians.

>> No.7185684

Scroll down to number seven for examples of the changing of words and passages by Protestant heretics.


>> No.7185687

are you joking or are you actually this much of an idiot? you seriously believe in heaven and hell? and base your life around some desert cult from thousands of years ago? wow what a fucking retard.

>> No.7185710


The fact that two churches, regardless of how popular they might be, are reading from heretical books doesn't make them written by inspiration of the holy spirit anon. Sorry to burst your bubble but read into it and learn, I can only hope that you'll finally see how wrong you are before their teachings pull you so far off the path of salvation it's too late to return.

ahh a favorite from the cultural marxist handbook. Totally original, never seen it before.

>"About Us

>We are a small group of traditional Catholics.."

Stopped right there. The catholic church has already been invaded by heresy to the point where they think heretical books are gospel. I'm sure there are many good people among the catholic church, but belief in anything but the death of christ on the cross leading to salvation in any way (including a 'priest' acting as a mediator to forgive your sins through 'pennance') is 100% heretical and mentioned no where in the bible. another one for the trash.

if you tip any harder you're going to shift the earth off it's polar axis.

>> No.7185723
File: 13 KB, 150x225, weigelsjug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weigel's Jug 'O Milk

rip in piece

>> No.7185725

>le fedora may may
basing your life around some old book chocked full of conflicting, irrational information is idiotic. and yet you have the nerve to call other people morons. have fun wasting your life in the service of something so stupid and false, and grunt whatever bullshit your two little braincells might come up with in response to this, I won't be reading it.

>> No.7185733

I'm not among that group, I was using them as a resource of examples from what has changed but if you don't like reading information that conflicts with your world view, then I suggest you find a hug box that will tell you it's okay to be a Protestant apostate. I don't agree with them on all points but I do agree that Protestants are heretics and aren't saved.

You asked for examples, I give some you just say

>stopped reading

How old are you honestly, if you just read one line and stop reading? You have the intellect and patients of a child. I'm done with you and your petulance.

>> No.7185736


riight, welp have fun in hell... i guess. you can say whatever you want about 'desert religion' or whatnot, but the worst that happens if I'm wrong is I didn't succumb to a life of degenerate living, sexually transmitted disease, moral destruction, andaddiction.

the worst that can happen if you're wrong is an eternity of pain, torment, lonleness, and madness.

good luck with that.

>> No.7185743

Can we stop talking about fucking religion and talk about fucking cooking. For a minute here I thought I was on the wrong board and was mistakenly on /pol/. All of you take your religious quarrels over to /pol/ or cram it, this is not the board for this nonsensical back and forth gibberish that only two or three people are partaking in and simultaneously derailing this thread. all of you go to hell.

>> No.7185748

>you asked for examples and I gave you some

From a source that's less reliable than wikipedia on the subject. Catholics saying prostestants are wrong is the same as muslims saying christians are wrong with the same amount of obviously fallacious reasons. not gonna waste my time on your propaganda son.

>waaah he's called me out on my obvious fallacy so I'm taking my ball and going home.

again I can only hope that God shows you the error of your ways before it's too late.

>> No.7185789

If I wanted to make a milkshake I'd use ice cream.

You're move.

>> No.7185832

You took your ball home already by refusing to even read what I gave you, if you're just going to ignore what I'm saying what's the point in engaging you in dialogue?

>hurr not gonna reead that hurr
>you're a child for leaving the discussion

Grow up. I pray God opens your eyes to the heresy that is Protestantism because you're destined to hell buddy. I've studied religion all my life and am a devout follower of Christ's and I can guarantee you I've read more translation than you ever will in your life. I know my onions. You've just been blinded because you live in an echo chamber and haven't read different sources and translations.

Sorry but you're destined for hell right now.

>> No.7185890

retards like you are dying off the planet for a reason.