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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7154201 No.7154201 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw Dutch people eat sprinkles on their bread

>> No.7154217
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>yfw Dutch people put memes on their chips

>> No.7154233


Isn't that originally an Australian thing?

>> No.7154236

No idea, but I do know it's retarded

>> No.7154240

Dankerneger xD

>> No.7154241

that's Danish

>> No.7154342
File: 120 KB, 603x932, KlUVgrI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

murikan here.

fugen need this where 2 buy pls

can send paypals

>> No.7154380

fairy bread fuck yes cunt

>> No.7154386
File: 25 KB, 384x384, images (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Aussies only talk like this to fit in

>> No.7154392

soft cunt detected

gagf (go and get fucked)

>> No.7154404

isn't that basically a pop tart?

dunno about this shit though because i'm german, i don't eat any of this shit.

>> No.7154414

Steve irwin got owned by a stingray
(Get fucked and go)

>> No.7154430

pop tarts have filling

>> No.7154445
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Wrong. Poptart has gooy tasteness in the middle of the breading and on both sides.

>> No.7154640

And he was a cunt for slapping the shit out of dangerous animals, he was gonna get bit eventually...

Where arr you from ya fucking cunt, i fucking bet some of your celebs/famous cunts died in bitch ass ways compared to getting stabbed in the chest by a stingray.

>> No.7154650

My dutch grandma gave me a box of these. It's still in my cabinet.

>> No.7154776

Because they're fags and it wont offend muslims.

>> No.7155388
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>Not eating the superior Danish chocolate on your bread

>> No.7155397
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All those plebs.

>> No.7155405

Chocolate sprinkles on your bread is the shit! Using peanut butter instead of butter is also delicious.
I don't understand where all the commotion or however you put it comes from. I know that it is considered part of a desert or something in other places. Is this why they think this is so strange?
Can the quality of the sprinkles also be a factor? The sprinkles here in the Netherlands are of reasonable quality (decent amount of cacao etc). I don't know if this also goes for other countries?

>> No.7155437

My danish buddy always stocks up on this when he goes home for the holidays and brings me back like 4 boxes. It's fantastic.

>> No.7155540

>don't have memes in their own fucking languages

>> No.7155592
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>> No.7155632
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>> No.7155654

LMAO someone already took a bite, do they ship this from America

>> No.7155658

they're just chocolate sprinkles. Not the candy ones you'd find on donuts, but closer to actual chocolate.

if you went to a store that specialized in desert and confectionary baking supplies, they'd probably be listed as chocolate shavings or something like that.

>> No.7155659

Fuck yes ß schnitten

>> No.7155678

>dank kek pujools hekeke durvtektnemorf dall penq

am i speaking danish yet?

>> No.7155681

I think he meant the meme chips

>> No.7155692

>Rubber chocolate

>> No.7155761

oh i'm dumb then

>> No.7155797

Dutch > the rest of the world

>> No.7155843

lol maybe at shitposting

>> No.7155844

At being neurotic and autistic? Sure.

>> No.7155853

Fairy bread has to be the most boring food ever made

>> No.7156470

Are those like Kraft singles but chocolate?

>> No.7156483

bald eagle confirmed as meme bird

>> No.7156736

can i connect w/someone on ck to purchase me a box of every variety of htese weird sprinkles?

I want them and I will pay u via paypal

>> No.7156788
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Hell yes. Eszet are fine, but they do not surpass Hagelslag. Ever. Best Breakfast: Hagelslag on fresh toast with some butter plus a yogurt with Hagelslag. Had this almost everday during my childhoold. Not even Dutch though.

>> No.7156805
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how about some 'za chips?

>> No.7156841

so thats why indonesians do that in every house breakfast

>> No.7156921


>> No.7158149

> mfw dutch pastries are the best pastries
> mfw I live in Dutch town with pastries

Feels good mang to have almond paste in 25% of the pastries sold here

>> No.7158379

I live in the Netherlands and I could provide you with some.

>> No.7158393

It's definitely weird how Australians on the internet want to sound like bogans. You'd never encounter real people talking like that in Australia outside of slums. Even the folk in rural areas have a more sophisticated vocabulary.

>> No.7158406

>Even the folk in rural areas have a more sophisticated vocabulary.



>> No.7158416

>move to Washington state
>try to make friends
>this one guy likes my gel pen
>we play star wars with gel pen light sabers in recess
>stay over at his house once
>breakfast time
>his mom asks if we want 'fairy bread'
>we do
>it's white toast with chocolate sprinkles on it
>we play ps1 Jedi Power Battles

The fuck is fairy bread for real? As if bread wasn't sugary enough.

>> No.7158497

Fairy bread is a leftover from a time when white bread and sugar were expensive.

>> No.7158520
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>> No.7159364

They actually put that on a chip bag?
What the fuck?

>> No.7159672


>> No.7159687
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There's more

>> No.7159701

lol at the hand pallet truck

>> No.7159708
File: 86 KB, 612x419, chocomel-verschiedene-sorten[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and they drink this stuff too.................nectar of the gods!!!
always grab armfuls of it when i visit

>> No.7159712

I feel like the artist thought the brief was ridiculous and took the piss out of it but management went ahead with it anyway

>> No.7159716

I want to try these meme chips.

>> No.7159727

eat it

>> No.7160112
File: 162 KB, 310x421, All_in_Much_chili_snack_chips_155g_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile in Mexico...

>> No.7160270

not dutch

>> No.7160278

we've got slabs too

>> No.7160363
File: 1.11 MB, 2500x2500, stroopwafels_01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do the Dutch have so much meme food?

>> No.7160381

>Never tried chocolate sprinkles
Why live? It's chocolate ON BREAD

>> No.7160436


You don't have chocolate milk?

>> No.7160538
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I like Dutch cheese.

>> No.7160546


>product of canada

Anon this is a subtle one

>> No.7160574

>28% in French, 43% in English.
Wut? I'm French and don't even get MF. Mg is fat (matières grasses).