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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 96 KB, 801x600, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7137053 No.7137053 [Reply] [Original]

This is what a man's breakfast looks like, queers.

>> No.7137055

How's minimum wage treating you.

>> No.7137061

Why is your toast such shit? Maybe put some butter on it or something. Toast sucks without something on it.

>> No.7137062


Do they not sell real beer in your state?

>> No.7137063

do americans really eat this?

>> No.7137064
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calm down yurop. it's ok if you don't have steaks in your hovels, but stay obsessed anyways

>> No.7137065

toast is for sopping yolks

>> No.7137066

>queer breakfast
yup you definitely are one....dot forget to pull that dildo out of your ass before work...wouldn't want the fellas to know you're into that sort of thing now would we...

>> No.7137069
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>> No.7137075

Looks alright but your toast is raw

>> No.7137077

Could use some more pepper.

>> No.7137078

You type like you have a mouth full of jizz, DESU

>> No.7137087

The thing is, op is trying to shitpost and make a joke, but actually steak and eggs (not scrambled) and a beer is the pinnacle alpha male breakfast. And not alpha male like those mma war machine faggots.

>> No.7137098

>being gay

>> No.7137146

looks like someone splattered shit all over the side of the plate lol

>> No.7137152

I had 5 slices of bacon, 2 scrambled eggs, 1 buttered toast and some Coffee.

Then later I am making Chicken and Chorizo Sausage rice Paella with saffron and veggies.

Served with buttered flatbread, And a glass of Shiraz

>> No.7137154

>A1 sauce
>Coors light
>Stupid looking toast
>Stupid ass premise
>Wrong assumptions on manlyness
>Ad hominem attacks towards anonymous posters calling them queers

If you are serious OP you are mentally retarded.
If this is bait it's weak (I replied but I aint mad)

>> No.7137158

There is nothing wrong with drinking alcohol at all hours. What the fuck do you think people drank for hundreds of years? It wasn't fucking water.

>> No.7137160

Most of the alcohol until very recently was extremely weak.

>> No.7137161

>a sjw calling anyone else mentally retarded

>> No.7137163

haha thats my excuse

>> No.7137164

>no taters
>bread not toasted
>steak sauce
>light beer

>> No.7137167

An sjw wouldn't call anyone retarded, disable the label, remember?

>> No.7137173

>claims its a "real man's" breakfast
>drinking Coors light
What's the matter OP? Can't handle the taste of hops?

>> No.7137179

If only drunk driving wasn't an issue, I would be drinking all day as well.

>> No.7137180

OP let me tell you how to enjoy a steak.

Get yourself a prime NY or high grade choice steak.

Then bring it home and put it in a bag. Take that bag and throw it in a pot in your sink and turn on the tap so it runs at 130 degree.

This is called sous vide cooking.

Dont go over 130 F. its med rare and that is how you eat steak.

It needs to be in the bath for 1 hour.

As its finishing heat up your grill to super super hot and then sear the steak on it as fast as you can.

I also use a torch to caramelize the fat and meat while i sear it on my grill.

After you sear it you will have a perfectly cooked by the water bath steak and then the sear gives it all the crusty caramelzation and grill marks that you need.

The milliard reaction is what makes the steak taste good and we are doing that last.

Then take the steak inside.

Just serve it with butter and Salt.

But I like to have a herb and garlic compound butter that I eat with my steaks and salt.

>> No.7137182
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>this is what a man's breakfast looks like

>> No.7137184

Fuck off back to bongland with your boiled steak, faggot

>> No.7137185

>eating fruit
>being a man
one pic, pls

>> No.7137191


>being a picky eater
>anything other than a child

>> No.7137193

>130 F
You're a fucking idiot, son.

>> No.7137199

Its called reverse seared.

The steak is cooked to a perfect med rare and then you do the searing at a really high temp.

Its the sous vide method of cooking and it makes a better steak.

>> No.7137202

>says the faggot that cooks steak in water
I can do this all day, hack

>> No.7137205

>souis vide in the sink
What kind of trolling is this?

>> No.7137207

>Light beer
Gotta watch those calories lol.

>> No.7137212


Its a simple DIY setup you can do with no money.

I have a sous vide temp controller and a vac sealer that I use for my cooking.

But I just explained a way to do it if you dont have the equipment.

All you need is a thermometer and your tap will get it hot enough, you just have to play with the flow of the water to get the 130 F

>> No.7137216

>Wanting to be a fat shit

>> No.7137217

I know what it is. It's for people who can't cook.

>> No.7137222
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Naw man you have it all wrong, its the superior way to cook. They do this in restaurants.

It makes a better steak with less of an overcooked done zone.

>> No.7137261

don't they do this at Peter Luger's?

>> No.7137266

>I'm a professional troll.

>> No.7137276

Projecting kinda hard there aren't ya? He never said anything about not being able to eat fruit, just that it's not something a man does.

Just because I don't gobble up cock by the truckload like you doesn't mean I am picky.

>> No.7137281

I heard the steak tastes better if you use distilled water, how do you make your tap water distilled?

>> No.7137283

>Not cultivating mass to go from a tiny twink to a muscle bound freak

>> No.7137285


A man eats whatever the fuck he wants.

Only a man-child drinks dirty dish water like coors light.

>> No.7137287

Distilling water isn't difficult, anon.

>> No.7137294

Calm your fedora, bro

>> No.7137310

Shut the fuck up asshole.

>> No.7137311

Yeah, but your method is using water out of the sink. How do i get the water to come out distilled?

>> No.7137320

no u Tbh

>> No.7137324

You aren't even cool and you think you're so big and bad.

>> No.7137327

You need Google in your life, anon.
(And a brain)

>> No.7137348

This is what google says
>Turn on stove until water in pot comes to boil, then let it simmer; do not allow water in glass bowl to come to a bowl; if it does, lower the temperature. Keep adding water, ice, or icepacks on the lid when it turns warm/hot, until you've collected your amount of distilled water.

How can i do that with tap water? It doesn't come out boiling.
I never heard of a brain, is that something you attach to your sink like a brita filter to make the water distilled?

>> No.7137354

That's expecting way too much from most 4channers.

>> No.7137375

That steak looks like it was boiled.
Don't ask me how I can tell, but it also looks like it's USDA select or lower.

>> No.7137384

lol nigga wtf

>> No.7137408


I dont see how it would matter.

The steak does not touch the water at all.

>> No.7137413
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Sous Vide Masterace.

>> No.7137423

Steak and eggs? Yeah sometimes.

>> No.7137428
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>trying to prove your masculinity through food

Are Americans really unironically this insecure?

>> No.7137431

sure, people had strong alcoholic beverages at times, but most people were probably drinking "near beer", something that was lightly fermented

>> No.7137433
File: 34 KB, 500x750, vwa4zEK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for YOU

>> No.7137438
File: 1.11 MB, 5312x2988, _IMG_000000_000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God tier man breakfast of tomato soup, grilled cheese, and chocolate milk

>> No.7137447
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>> No.7137456

good thread

>> No.7137461

>man breakfast
>chocolate milk

Twelve year old Detected.

Take your American Cheese and GTFO

>> No.7137466

You don't like chocolate milk?

>> No.7137481

I do and I have a 12 inch cock

>> No.7137485


>> No.7137505

comfy af tbqh famicom

>> No.7137539

>anything light
I see the only eggs in that situation are on the plate.

>> No.7137585

I still don't get how some people can get so mad over a cartoon

I think it's either autism or a very low IQ

>> No.7137737

Sharp cheddar is based man shut the fuck up.
You gotta be just mindlessly throwing out insults if you don't like chocolate milk.
It was very

>> No.7137765

go to bed as if you had a job, and then you will wake up in time to order an actual breakfast

>> No.7137936

I don't think a "real man" would drink light beer nor put sweet fruity sauce on his steak.

You tried.

>> No.7137948

A1 put hair on my chest, m8

>> No.7137951

No one likes a hairy chested female.

>> No.7137952

Do your boobs look good hairy?

>> No.7138040

>steak sauce
>coors light
>no butter on toast

Looks pretty good. Replace coors light with Miller Highlife or Budweiser (or tea and whisky). Butter your toast, and get rid of the A1.

Would eat as is though. Assuming the steak is medium-rare.

>> No.7138050

nigga what

>> No.7138747

I guess you would know.

>> No.7138861

I don't know why I laughed out loud. Sexual orientation mockery was so unnecessary.

>> No.7138872
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Enjoy your high body fat and cirrhosis of the liver.

>> No.7138886

whats an sjw?

>> No.7138902

le new age everything is unhealthy meme

>> No.7138905

Social Justice Warrior

In other words, a blinded, ignorant, cunt feminist

>> No.7138919

>Coors light
Ok princess come back when you stop drinking piss water.

>> No.7138927

Masculinity is so fragile holy shit

>> No.7138931

Social justice is common sense
Therefore SJW is only an insult if you lack common sense
It's no surprise that a bunch of unemployable NEETs on 4chan and Reddit have collectively decided that's somehow a bad thing

>> No.7139547

Talks about a man's breakfast, drinks light shit.
Fucking faggott

>> No.7139564

>minimum wage
Please, I don't like A1 or Coors but don't act like you're not a poor faggot either

Seriously though what the hell dude that toast is like 1.5% toast - this is the real issue

>> No.7139575

Brief reminder that labelling things manly is a post-modern invention resulting from a loss of connection to the virtues of manhood and the metaphorical castration of the father.

>> No.7139578

> coors light
> non toasted toast

>> No.7139584

>coors light
>not coors gold
i bet you only have that can there to practice deepthroating something that size you queer

>> No.7139888

motherfucker i'm american and i still agree with those fools. Enjoy your empty tasteless carbs

>> No.7139899

Great thread, laddies

>> No.7139900

>no potatoes
>inadequately done toast
>overdone steak
>steak sauce
>light beer
Is this nigga serious

>> No.7139902
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>being illiterate

>> No.7139913

Looks good except for the beer. Good job drinking poison for breakfast.

>> No.7139934

That is literally the breakfast of a queer trying desperately to pass as a man.

>> No.7139945

Is that NY strip steak aaa signature breakfast in Vegas NY strip with eggs lots hotels offer it free

>> No.7140043

>beer with breakfast

What are you running away from?

>> No.7140054
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>watery lite "beer"
>vinegar and shit based sauce
>dry wholemeal "toast", barely toasted
>angle of the shadows suggests sunset
> sitting at the very edge of the table, being literally pushed to the side because insufferale autist

Fucking Amerilards

>> No.7140059

I want you to know that I see what you did there.

>> No.7140067


not even kidding

inb4 go back to reddit or tumble

eat wat yu want

>> No.7140448

Fair play to you but I'm not too keen on coors light. Coors banquet is cheaper and stronger.

>> No.7140782

>using A1
other than that it looks good

>> No.7141372

I know western Europeans prefer muslim cock, but come on.

>> No.7141396

For breakfast I make a bowl with home fries on the bottom after that I put scrambled eggs and finally salsa with a little bit of shredded cheese now that is a mans breakfast

>> No.7141399

My favorite breakfast is a tofu scramble with potatoes :^)

>> No.7141802

>eating breakfast

>> No.7141835

>drinking beer for breakfast

hows your first year at university treating you?

>> No.7141886

>manlet detected

>> No.7141889


> coors light

>> No.7141935


>> No.7141973

Only problem here is pleb choice in beer.

>> No.7142439

How can you tell it's sunset from the angle of the shadow?

>> No.7142632

Get rid of the steak sauce and the beer. Replace with a glass of water and im in

>> No.7142721

>being straight

>> No.7142724


And the untoasted bread with no butter.

>> No.7142726

Shadow is on the right. If it was sunrise it would be on the left.

>> No.7142821
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>> No.7142834
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You're wrong m8

>> No.7142845

>This is what a redneck's breakfast looks like

>> No.7142851

are you retarded

>> No.7144458
File: 2.56 MB, 320x240, Fred-sanford-heart-attack-o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah and this
this is what a mans heart attack looks like

>> No.7145818

>orange table
>no lights, it looks like you're in a cabin on top of a mountain at sunrise
>dollar-store plate
>coors, or beer, or alcohol in general for breakfast
>steak sauce
>that weak-ass toast
>sunny side up

Weak. 4/10

Change this to

>normal table
>actual lighting
>white china
>milk or coffee or orange juice or two of those three
>english muffin
>over-easy eggs

Fucking manly/10, easy

>> No.7145826

>fat lady across table
>everything in the meal is greasy

>> No.7145834

>not dipping your toast in the yolks
Faggot detected

>> No.7145844

>This is what a man's breakfast looks like, queers.
>This is what the breakfast of a man who's given up on life looks like.

>> No.7145845

Thanks for the laugh anon.

>> No.7145931

That's a NEET's breakfast.

>> No.7146543

You forgot the fruit loops with AT LEAST 3 tablespoons of sugar :/

>> No.7146576
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full scottish breakfast

>> No.7146586

>Meme side up eggs

>> No.7146594

>bread untoasted
>steak looks well done
>pepper everywhere
>Camel Piss Light

>> No.7146755

Take your moms dildo out of your ass, bro. Maybe you'll stop being so butthurt

>> No.7146821
File: 345 KB, 1838x459, Breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's breakfast is 25% less fat SPAM, certified organic Trú Roots quinoa, and 7-11 mango-pineapple-grapes.

For refreshments, tapwater premium Stash green tea.

>> No.7146832

it's just not the same without a gun in the frame

>> No.7146836

>replace that shitty toast with oats or at least actual bread
>drink beer instead of water
>learn how to make steak so you don't have to drown it in your meme sauce
that's more like it
also needs more eggs

>> No.7146886

How is that a meme?

>> No.7146901

Everything is a meme on /ck/.

>> No.7147023


Only according to cross board shitposters.

>> No.7147106
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Don't even get me started on cross-board meta-memeing