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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 108 KB, 960x960, cowbrah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7129194 No.7129194 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7129200

and every one of them was delicious.

>> No.7129205

but don't you think you'll live longer and happier if you avoided killing and consuming living creatures?

>> No.7129216

No, what kind of retard logic is that?

>> No.7129223

I plan on killing myself the day I turn 50. Why the fuck would I want to be old?

>> No.7129231

I just calculated it for myself and if I continue to eat meat the way I've always eaten meat and we assume that the only meat I eat is chicken (which it is not), if I lived to be 99 years old, I would have eaten fewer than 3540.

If we put larger animals in there, like hogs and cattle, as well as the fact that I seldom eat meat on days that I eat beans, the number would drop significantly, likely fewer than 2000 animals.

And since it's unlikely I'll live to that age, I'm sure the number would be far, far fewer than that.
So... yeah.

>> No.7129242

Humans live longer than apes. Predators have a longer lifespans than herbivores. Turtles eat mice and they can live up to 700,000 years

>> No.7129243
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you've probably inhaled more than that in the past 10 seconds. Probably billions times more if you've ever had an ale or a slice of proper bread. Please don't tell me microorganisms don't count you fucking monster.

I would also guesstimate that I've eaten about 2,000 prawns alone, this number is way off.

>> No.7129250
File: 236 KB, 500x375, crawfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PROTIP: you can beat the average by frequently attending clambakes, crawfish boils and oyster bars.

>> No.7129251

Hey, at least they aren't going to waste, instead of the little ones that get caught in a combines blades, or starve to death due to overpopulation and the destruction of their habitats for your vegetable fields.

>> No.7129256

Snakes on a muthafuckin' plane that looks good.

>> No.7129276

But every single thing you eat is made out of living creatures or their products. Don't you think you'll live long and happier if you ate rocks?

>> No.7129280

7,000 animals over say 80 years isn't that bad. Roughly 88 animals a year. Most people could easily raise that many a year.

>> No.7129281

Only 7000?!
Guess i'll have to eat more to reach 9001

>> No.7129285

so basically you're saying it's better to eat whales than oysters.

>> No.7129309


Drinking a glass of tap water is killing billions of microbes.


>> No.7129329

mine died after 5 years. rip sheriff ill never forget you

>> No.7129336
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>> No.7129393


>> No.7129417

I just ate senpai, you just making me hungry again

>> No.7129424

Got to step up my game. I think my animal-murder rate is slightly below average.

>> No.7129425

i hope your stomach notices me...

>> No.7129430

99% of statistics are bullshit. Thank you for contributing

>> No.7129436
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>> No.7129468

>get paid while playing videogames and getting high all day
>still act like the world owes you something

Sounds pretty good to me.

>> No.7129471

but you don't even turn old until at least 65

unless you're shit

>> No.7129488
File: 107 KB, 500x394, this nigga serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fail to see your point. Shellfish really are animals.

>> No.7129499

You're old the minute you dislike most of the popular music of the time and find the fashions silly or downright strange. By that standard, I've been old since 1997.

>> No.7129511

Half animal half shell tbph

>> No.7129514

does your dumb ass know that plants are living? You don't think fly traps are dead do you? wake up clown, vegetables and plants are living creatures.

>> No.7129521

They don't walk, they don't make any sound, they don't have limbs, they don't have eyes. Therefore, they are not animals.

>> No.7129539
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So you're saying terri schiavo was a shellfish?

>> No.7129562
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>> No.7129583

That many huh?

Maybe if animals weren't so tasty.

I love me some shellfish.

>> No.7129588

but murdering plants is better right?

Plants are objectively higher forms of life than lower animals such as birds and fish

>> No.7129598


>> No.7129604
File: 59 KB, 640x480, coleus_blumei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about them being higher forms of life since they basically just sit there getting cut/eaten/mutilated by animals and/or vegans but they do look pretty.

>> No.7129608



>> No.7129702

Does a man stop to think how many pieces of bread he has eaten in a lifetime

>> No.7129719
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>> No.7129788

>don't you think you'll live longer and happier if you avoided killing and consuming living creatures?


>> No.7129829

I love vegans that don't consider the toll their own diet takes on the environment. Thousands of small mammals and birds killed with farm equipment, nitrogen fertilizers polluting streams and ponds with algae, suffocating all life within them, and the trickle effect it has on the entire ecosystem.

My diet kills plenty of animals, too, but at least I eat them and don't pretend to have some kind of moral high ground because of what my shit is made out of.

The only way you could have any ground to stand on is if you personally grew and ate 100% of your food in a super environmentally conscious way, and odds are very good that isn't the case.

>> No.7129855

It's pretty much impossible to avoid hypocrisy completely in this society. However, unlike most people, I'm not gonna let that be an excuse for me to not try to avoid it when I can.

Yeah, there's gonna be some collateral damage to animals in agriculture when you have to feed as many people as we do, but it's still better than mass-scale animal farming by a fuckin' long-shot. I mean, think of how much of our grown food and clean water goes in to feeding future corpses for our consumption, it's truly insane.

>> No.7129915

99% of what animals are fed isn't fit for human consumption. Quit being a fart sniffing twat.

>> No.7129925

I'm not a vegan, or even a vegetarian, but the first line of your argument is really dumb.

In order to raise animals on an industrial scale, you need a lot of farm land to grow the stuff that the animals eat. This is much less efficient than growing stuff just for people to directly eat, and, therefore, all those mice and birds that you were going to kill either way are compounded with the actual animals that get killed and directly eaten.

What your argument basically amounts to is "you can't not have an impact, so you might as well have the most massive impact possible, that will show 'em"

>> No.7129930
File: 188 KB, 1024x752, Banquet-Cheesy-Smothered-Meat-Patty-Box-1024x752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of what flyovers eat isn't fit for human consumption either, but if you say that to them they'll have a hissy fit and say you're an elitist.

>> No.7129935

So we're spending vast amounts of resources and land to produce things not fit for human consumption, so that it can be used to feed animals that are only fit for human consumption if you see diabetes, heart disease as dementia as part of a "normal" diet

>> No.7129942


Life is an abattoir and I have no problem with animals being born to die for us. Of course I don't like to see animals die in front of me which many vegetarians/vegans triumphantly hold up as as evidence of why we should all have a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle. However regardless of it's content no one like's to see a slop barrel at the end of a night, that doesn't mean we should stop eating.

>> No.7129953

>Life is an abattoir
Edgy as fuck

>> No.7129959

What does being in the centre of the country have to do with poor diet?

>> No.7129965

Intellectually, you and most people know that it's wrong, you just fail to make an empathetic connection with what's going on for one reason or another. I'm not going to outright say this is a character flaw because I don't know you, but for me, it was something that at least gave me pause. You have to use your higher functioning brain to realize that just because you're spared the sight of any particular suffering, it doesn't make it less real, or not worth trying to minimize when you can.

>> No.7129971

Assuming roughly 50-100 cows go into one burger, thats like 100 burgers to contribute to 7,000 animal deaths.

I eat that shit in about half a year.


>> No.7129974
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I guess probably low population density and general lack of culture means you need a lot of preserved, cheap foods catering to the lowest common denominator, but I'm not an anthropologist.

>> No.7129979

I cannot be happy unless I've contributed to the death of at least on animal a day. I've tried it. I would hate a life free of killing.

>> No.7129996
File: 682 KB, 2048x1536, 14-commodity-blend-pellets[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

undoubtedly food
here's an example of "not food"

>> No.7130011

Not really sure what your point is. Those pellets are food. Food for cows. They contain stuff that was grown on land that could, in an alternate reality, have been used to grow plants that become food for people.

>> No.7130023

I'm surprised the number is so low
like think about when you go out and get wings, say you eat 12 wings that's at least two chickens right there

>> No.7130024


I've actually switched out all the protein in my diet for crickets and mealworms. I'm going for the record.

>> No.7130030


Not edgy, more of an ennui when I realized how much death happens everyday and has happened over all of history. Everything that is born dies and frankly the world doesn't care about our moral outrage.


That's the point, it is all about empathy. Your position and of those similar to you is that proximity is irrelevant to what we should identify with an empathize with. It's an attempt to define morality and reality into absolute terms to understand and thus establish control. Once we feel we understand reality we can create straightforward rules we can follow which means we can stop thinking about it.

>> No.7130035

Here's the thing though.
We don't have a shortage of food in the U.S.

One farmer can feed over 200 people, compared to a farmer in 1915 who could only feed 8 people.

We've got tons of wide open space to do it in, too.

Regardless, those useless pellets still become people food as it is, with only a small variation in total calories.

>> No.7130040
File: 90 KB, 605x640, sheeple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more of an ennui when I realized how much death happens everyday and has happened over all of history. Everything that is born dies

>> No.7130044

The argument you brought up was about the body count, this is now, officially, "moving the goalposts"

Now you can use "straw man" and accuse me of being a vegan shill.

>> No.7130050


What is the ratio of farmers to other people in 1915 to in 2015? Even though farmers are more productive now if a larger ratio of workers are in non-agricultural fields than in 1915, we have decreased agricultural production per capita.

>> No.7130063

I think you've got me confused with someone else.
I hopped in about the point where you called frozen food "not food" didn't even read what you were replying to.
I'm actually interested in this, I did a quick check and can't seem to find any numbers, but if someone else wants to find them that'd be great.

>> No.7130068

Yeah I thought you were "lol vegans r dum because mice die in the salad fields" guy.

My bad.

>> No.7130077


We're a blip in history and near the top of the food chain. Regardless of our actions with millions of livestock a year, an uncountable number of animals die every day. Just in insects with life cycles of less than a month or animals that spawn hundreds of young to have a few survive to breed we have exponentially more death that we just happen to not be aware of or involved with.

>> No.7130085

I don't have any bone to pick with any of that food chain stuff, but the way your post was worded sounded exactly like an angsty teenager who thinks he's the first person in the human race to recognize harsh realities.

>> No.7130095


A quick Google shows a little more than 2 million farmers in the US and a population of 318 million. using your 'one farmer can feed 200 people' number this would indicate that we should have a surplus of production. However for example only 10% of corn production is used for human consumption. About 1/3 is for ethanol production, about 1/3 for livestock feed and the remainder for plastics, other types of food products, etc.

>> No.7130107
File: 125 KB, 1300x1188, 16599295-Portrait-of-a-thoughtful-man-having-doubts-Stock-Photo-confused-advice-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a vegan dog/cat owner

This is the one that gets me

>> No.7130109

And yet I can get corn year-round at any supermarket

>> No.7130111

Maybe it's time for you to accept that people are complicated and can have different reasons for doing things than you might have assumed.

I'm that guy who isn't a vegan, or a vegetarian, but is ok with them.

>> No.7130113


It's not a new idea but every person still needs to make the realization in order for them to internalize it. I don't like seeing animals die but I think we humans elevate it to high tragedy because we think our outrage or beliefs make it so. I think it says more about us and our fear of death than anything else.

>> No.7130119


Yes, thank you Captain Patronising, perhaps you could point out where in the 12 words and one contraction I said I have a problem with people's diets?

>> No.7130129


Yeah, because demand isn't so high that we have real problems with scarcity and demand is steady enough and supply chains are optimized enough that we don't experience short-term shortages.

There have been instances of corn shortages though. In the mid 2000s when the US began shifting to 10% ethanol fuel we created a corn shortage in Mexico. Corn of course is the staple food crop of the Mexican diet and is in nearly every part of their cuisine. However with globalization Mexico doesn't produce very much corn domestically anymore so the sudden surge in US demand for corn created price spikes and Mexico was no longer able to afford to import US corn, thus corn shortage.

>> No.7130142

Do you expect another ethanol boom, or what would cause short term demand for corn to rise?

>> No.7130158


An ethanol boom could result from a sudden economic or political policy shift in the Middle East or with Russia or China. This could also drive a spike in the demand for corn as investors speculate or hedge their bets. A major environmental or natural disaster could cause prices in oil to spike which could drive corn prices in turn. An economic disaster from automated trading algorithms or a new corn bubble could severely screw with corn prices.

>> No.7130170

Well shit, I guess we'd just have to eat lettuce.

>> No.7130200


Well since most use of corn is industrial rather than culinary, a sudden spike in corn demand could spike prices and cause shortages across the board. It a sense with the way it affects us we could think of it like oil to help understand how the price of this one commodity affects us.

>> No.7131045

>animal life
>worth outside of biodiversity
"What is a food chain"

>> No.7131051
File: 1.04 MB, 648x831, 1428844580267.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no regrets.

>> No.7131057

Humans are omnivores.
Just because some hippy decided not to harm the cute animals by not eating them (which other animals will gladly do for him) does not mean we all should.

After all, having a free will makes us human.

>> No.7131249

My choice to host an army of dead creatures inside my gut is my decision alone. Feat on the flesh and blood of the once living to sate my growling gut. Gnashing of teeth and tearing of meat before falling into my nutrition pit, Desolve and absorbed within me. *Death metal growls and shredding guitar solo*

>> No.7131267 [DELETED] 
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Now fuck off faggot

>> No.7132881

Actually, it's very easy to avoid hypocrisy. The first step is not being judgmental of others when you are not perfect yourself. I personally do let the fact that I'm not a perfect human being excuse me from judging others. The rest is pretty easy.

>> No.7132888


>7,000 animals
>not going for the high score


>> No.7132895

>consuming living creatures?
I make sure they're quite dead before I consume them

>> No.7132902


Uh, that map is fucking wrong. I can tell right now from some of the counties highlighted in my own state.

>> No.7132929

What's the difference between a neet and a retiree?

>> No.7133463

>700,000 years

>> No.7133695

One of them isn't wearing diapers when he shits himself.

>> No.7133811

retiree doesn't pee in a jar

>> No.7133869

the neet can fap to anime vidya without taking a pill

>> No.7133877

But trees eat sunlight and the oldest known one is 80,000+ years old.

We should learn become photovores.

>> No.7133904

Holy shit, that's pretty neat.

We originally died before we turned 50 even earlier. Modern medicine is wonderful.Why do you want to live to be older than 70? You'll be a burden to people, you can't move by yourself, your senses are dulled to shit. Unless my brain can be put in a robot or something I'm fine dying before "what's natural"

>> No.7133929 [DELETED] 

>live up to 700,000 years
Who the fuck would want live that long? I'm only 12 and already I've seen some shit.

>> No.7133937


People have always lived as long as we generally do now, it was just infant mortality rates throwing off averages. If a man in medieval times lived to see 20 he could expect to live past 60 barring an accident.

>> No.7134086
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>Half animal half shell tbph

>> No.7134143

And? How many do you a pack of wolves eat in their life time?

>> No.7134146


>> No.7134157

Welp, you're stupid as shit.

>> No.7134351
File: 22 KB, 300x300, mcnugget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this isn't already at least 150 animals

>> No.7134358



>> No.7134360

But feasting on delicious and savory meat IS happiness, hippie-kun.

>> No.7134369

Why don't vegans give a shit about eukaryotes like yeast? They die a horrible death when you put your dough in the oven or sterilize your homebrew.

>> No.7134456

>being a nucleaist

prokaryotes deserve the right to life

>> No.7134525

>Don't eat organisms
>longer and happier
Breatharians: a self solving problem

>> No.7134560

Retiree's have actually contributed to society.

>> No.7134573

No, faggot.

>> No.7134576


>and they can live up to 700,000 years

Not if I eat them before that.

>> No.7134632

No, he's a vegetable.

>> No.7134640

It's a woman, how old are you?

>> No.7134834

I couldn't give any less of a shit

>> No.7134840
File: 1.37 MB, 3659x2439, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humans are omnivores. We eat plants and animals.

Fuck off hippy

>> No.7134846

Other than the burned egg, that looks perfect.

>> No.7134849

The only high score worth pursuing. I'm going for a quarter million animals or more before my arteries are totally hardened.

>> No.7134868
File: 26 KB, 735x250, shitlake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with eating meat but the huge demand and consumption completely shits on the environment with the scale we're used to. The sheer waste and contamination produced by farming on a huge scale, both for animals and for crops, is going to destroy everything in a relatively short amount of time.

Same with power consumption if we don't go nuclear soon.

>mfw zion in my captcha

>> No.7134888

You could always go easy mode and eat the Chinese/SE Asian animals like crickets and other bugs.

>> No.7134901

There's probably a quarter million individual mosquitos in one of those African mosquito burgers.

>> No.7134930

I appreciate the protips, friends. Time to step up my goals. A quarter million is not nearly enough.

>> No.7135972
File: 26 KB, 236x354, African Cannibal Tribesman Dindu Nuffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humans and other animals evolved from the same algae that plants evolved from so biologically speaking there's really no difference between animals and plants. For example, we photosynthesize vitamin D from the sun, much like plants do, so eating plants is like eating humans. Therefor vegans who eat plants (aka green humans) are really just cannibals. Except that the flesh they're eating is green instead of red. Like eating a frog.
Pic related. A vegan.


>> No.7136056 [DELETED] 
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Well shIt on a Diiiickk and make it quick

>> No.7136070


My only regret is that I didn't get to kill more of them personally.

>> No.7136097

if it bleeds it feeds

>> No.7136639

>Turtles eat mice and they can live up to 700,000 years

Then why the fuck are our lifespans so short in comparison when we eat meat too? Or are we only going to live that long eating nothing but mice?

...is turtle soup any good? I've never had.

>> No.7136654

Dear vegetarians and vegans

Please tell me why it's moral to let animals exist in the wild where they live awful lives and die horrible deaths, but not okay to farm and eat animals, even if you give them a pleasant life and a swift death.

"B-but you're KILLING them!" works only if you pretend that animals humans don't intervene with live forever in harmony.

>> No.7136767

Convince a lion to do the same and I'll fucking consider it

>> No.7136793

>masturbatory drivel: the post

>> No.7136812

i'm trying to cut down how much meat I eat, but it's just so much cheaper than an all veggie and all fruit diet. Here it is at least. Plus, I live pretty poorly, and i want to enjoy my food.

I try my hardest not to buy cruelty products though. I only want humanely killed animals. After all, if ayylmaos came down and needed to eat me, I'd want the same thing.

>> No.7136821

>tfw hippie
>tfw everybody assumes I'm vegan or vegetarian
>tfw omnivorous, as nature designed us to be

>> No.7136827

It's so nice to pull averages.

An average macrobiotic diet person will eat 200 animals (insects) in one meal on the average. That number quickly balloons to some 16 million per lifetime.

So about 2300 vegans plus one macrobiotic diet guy average out at 7000 animals per lifetime per person.

>> No.7136830

>1 industrial hamburger includes on average about 100 different cows

I'm glad I live in a farming community where I can look the calf in the eye when choosing which one to have killed to fill my freezer.

>> No.7136831

There's a funny thing about meat that is labeled to be from my country. Wild game can't get the label because they don't live with the standards the label requires

>> No.7136938

Now how many does the average carnivorous animal eat?

>> No.7136942

Insects aren't animals.

>> No.7136956

So are they plants, fungi or minerals?

Because that's what remains.

>> No.7136962

Stuff I got in March was breddy fuggin good. I'd say it's almost like a beef vegetable soup, except with an extra "bite" to the meat I cannot really put into words. God damnit, now I'm hungry for some more.

>> No.7136968
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>> No.7137079

This is an awful argument on its own. A better version would point out that carnivorous animals, as well as various other factors that act to kill wild animals, exist and make the lives of wild animals fairly stressful and miserable, herbivore and carnivore alike. Even those people who want to kill all the lions miss the point somewhat - though perhaps less so than the kind of vegetarian who thinks meat eating is so obviously wrong because you're LITERALLY KILLING ANIMALS and no further reasoning is needed. Lions are no bigger a problem than disease or exposure or starvation. The problem is that wild animals do not have the capability to make their lives comfortable. Either wild animals exist and live miserable lives, or we prevent wild animals from existing and they don't.

But.... The resources we would expend on making wild animals' lives better, either by wiping them out and making land uninhabitable or by keeping them all in captivity, could be spent elsewhere. Is the best use of these resources from a utility perspective to do this? I don't know that it is, because I'm not convinced that the lives of wild animals are THAT bad. I expect that one extra wild animal existing probably increases rather than decreases aggregate utility. And so we will probably quickly hit the point at which keeping the marginal animal safe has less benefit than than doing something else with that money. The upshot is that even a world run by some impartial, emotionless, perfectly wise utilitarian would still almost certainly contain wild animals. After all, if, as I say, wild animals probably do have net positive utility, all you have to do to get that utility is do nothing. Animals will exist and live on their own unless you make efforts to stop them.

>> No.7137081


this isn't taxonomy faggot.

>> No.7138046

Longer? Debatable. Happier? Not even close

>> No.7138057

you are literally retarded.
Insects ARE animals.
your parents should have aborted you.

>> No.7138062

>22 people killed by cows a year in the US alone

I'm just getting them before they get me.

>> No.7138463

Smart and pro-active

>> No.7138498

Karl Pilkington?

>> No.7138502


yeah, I mean you are right and all, but why u so mad tho?

>> No.7138528

Insects are animals like mosquitoes are helicopters.

>> No.7139157

You're a huge faggot if you've ever liked any popular music of any time period. And people have dressed like shit 80% of the time forever.
Fucking plebs oh my god

>> No.7140031
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>> No.7140098
File: 11 KB, 257x196, chicken-hearts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone wants to set the record, here you go.

too bad i've had them and they taste awful

>> No.7140112

Pretty sure these are meant as treats for your dog. I've never met anyone who would go out of their way to eat the heart unless it was provided with the chicken.

>> No.7140117

>7000 animals
You probably kill more than that one harvesting a single peach tree.

>> No.7140122

To be fair, if some dribbling retard came upto me and started doing retarded shit near me, it would piss me off too.