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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7124331 No.7124331 [Reply] [Original]

What is some really good food I could cook for a Japanese girl who is going to visit me soon? She is in Germany only for one week and I want her to come back because my food was so stunning. I thought about something very meaty as meat in Japan is pretty expensive. What do you think?

>> No.7124333

>I thought about something very meaty as meat in Japan is pretty expensive

It's not the fucking 70s anymore jesus fucking christ

>> No.7124336

feed her your meaty penis

>> No.7124337

depends on if you want to give her something "exciting" to eat or something comforting. Make comfort food if you don't want her to feel awkward and give her food that's new and she'll hate. Make exciting food if you want to play it off as a game and make it a cute taste testing date.

Both are good, but know how to play your cards right (and know your audience!)

>> No.7124338

holy shit, you can't possibly be this autistic, cook something japanese to impress her with how you are a true nihonjin

>> No.7124342
File: 95 KB, 480x320, yakiniku_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you been there before? I have lived two years in Japan and meat is fucking expensive.
>pic related: yakiniku

Thanks anon

>> No.7124349

yeah dude. Just remember that extravagancy may make her feel more awkward. I think if you cook her regular good food that you normally make for yourself that's the best, settle in with some drinks and show her what she could get every day, ya know? Practice how ya perform and all

>> No.7124359

Absolutely this. Plus, try to speak some of the language to her, learn some Japanese customs to show off how cultured you are. If you don't own a samurai sword, go out and buy one immediately and hang it over your fireplace. It's important she knows you're hip and up-to-date, so get a load of those vinyl figurines, they will make her feel at home (particularly the preteen ones). If you have a large room, why not partition it off with a large sheet of paper? These things will make you stand out from the other Virgin weebos who just jerk it to Japs online. You'll be knee deep in hairy Japanese cunt before you can shout 'banzaaaaiiii', which you absolutely must do.

>> No.7124366

Eißbein. Nuff said.

>> No.7124381
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My Oma is from Bremen, she lives in New York now but every time we would visit family "back home" she would always put a prime rib in her carry on and always get it through customs somehow. Post 9/11 can't do that shit anymore.

The reasoning behind this is because the quality of beef in Germany is shit-tier. You've got a lock on pork thoug . It's quite nice.

Being 31yo now it makes me remember the good times. Thanks for the good memories OP. That being said...Germany had the lowest indigenous birthrate on the planet followed by Japan. Don't throw your genes at an ice crotched slant. She's never going to fuck you, it's basically a part of their culture in the 21st century.

Find a nice German girl. I did and she is from New York like I am. Make your family proud and do your part for your people and countrymen. Make little German babies like we did. European people are beautiful, contribute in a meaningful way please.

>> No.7124402

Don't serve up a huge steak. Some asians find large, whole pieces of meat repulsive in a similar way to how white people find gristly things like chicken feet gross.

>> No.7124446

>tfw no large chicken feet

>> No.7124535
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Give her a dose of 4chen

>> No.7124545

Serving her chicken feet would mean that you consider her to be a nigger. Chicken feet is nigger food.

>> No.7124547


4chan is owned by Hiroyuki though, who got thrown out of his own business by the board of directors for being an incompetent faggot. 4chan is also hosted in Europe, not America. Outside of it being an English language dominant board it's not too "American".

>> No.7124549


Chinese people eat chicken feet a lot more than blacks do. It's also a food culture they adapted from the chinese.

>> No.7124550

What does that have to do with what I wrote? Also attributations for that.

You come across as an asshole with an axe to grind.

So at least attributations for your assertions.

>> No.7124553


>> No.7124558


2channel is massively popular in Japan to this day, meaning, that she will recognize it as a faux 2channel, label the OP as a degenerate NEET and leave.

He's trying to gravitate away from this shithole for a few days to try to convince a woman who's never seem a penis face to face to smack it around a little bit.

Might as well wear wooden shoes and a kimono is he's going to take your advice.

>> No.7124562

That's some scary shit, if not niggernese then it might be chinger.

>> No.7124565

Its really not. If you buy domestic its expensive, but if you buy imports from US, Australia, or Brazil the prices are slightly more expensive than the US but after a while you really don't even want such massive amounts of food anymore.

Anyway OP, if the girl is from Tokyo or anywhere in Kantou she's probably had better food than anything you could cook. Mexican food is pretty lacking in Tokyo as well as any kind of pizza that isn't Italian style. Chicago deep dish and fish tacos were what have impressed my Japanese friends the most.

>> No.7124566

>4chan is also hosted in Europe
So explain global rule 1.

>You will not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to anything that violates local or United States law.

>> No.7124568

Good times. It might be wise to remember that while pulling out the sword, the japs didn't win WW II.

>> No.7124569


Cubans have LOADS of Chinese immigrants, always have. Cubano-Chino cuisine is mind boggling. I worked with a Cuban woman doing Crisis Counseling after Hurricane Sandy happened, she told me all about her culture being mixed raced (white, black, chinese) and fed me very well.

Best working relationship of my life as she wasn't really exposed to too many "ethnic" European foods.

Goulash blew her mind, shame she didn't blow me.

>> No.7124572

OP here. Thanks for all the advices. As I already lived in Japan I do own lots of Japanese stuff. Wearing kimono is a good idea I guess.. I thought about that before. I thought I rather cook something you can't find in Japan but if you think it is better to cook Japanese then I might give it a try. Maybe not a bad idea giving her a bit a "home" feeling.

>> No.7124573


Moot, as former owner...was held responsible for the actions of his users. Hence his multiple appearances in federal court as a witness.

>Don't break US laws

That means= stop doing stupid shit I get in trouble for faggots.

>> No.7124576

Yeah, and what do they do? Pick cotton. Cotton is just tiny sheep, and how do you control sheep? Drive them with a sheep dog. And what do you get if you drive a dog? Car pet. And what happens to carpet? It gets laid.


>> No.7124580
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>wearing kimono is a good idea

>> No.7124581

Yes, but why specifically single out US law if the server is in Europe (as you claim). The site is subject to the laws of the location of it's server, not it's owner.

>> No.7124583

You need some music.

The Specials 30th Anniversary Tour(Full)


>> No.7124587
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Moot is American and was held responsible for our cumulative retardism.

>> No.7124590

Give proper examples or shut up and if you don't like the site nobody is forcing you to be here. Go back to a site with a bunch of uptight assholes like chowhound or dslreports or something like that.

>> No.7124595
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Speak for yourself faggot.

>> No.7124599
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I do like 4chan, why are you getting personally offended. Hive mentality? Is this the only place you've ever "fit in" so you need to have an emotional break down over someone challenging the idea of what you think 4chan is?

That's awful. You need some counseling to develop an emotional backbone.

>muh super sekret specul klubb ;^)


>> No.7124600

I understand that. But I was under the impression that the server was in the US and in his posession.

Nevermind. Maybe the laws have changed since I last administered a site back in the 90's. But maybe the new guy needs to rewrite the rules to cite Japanese laws instead of American laws.

>> No.7124602

Yeah, that's it, you hit the nail right on the head.
Now go protest for some fagget palistinians and arab scum.

>> No.7124604
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Why haven't I heard about this until just now?

Looks amazing.

>> No.7124605
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>> No.7124606


>rewrite the rules

That would shy people away from posting here, counterproductive.


>that projection

Your xenophobia has nothing to do with what we're talking about Schlomo. Reported.

>> No.7124609

truthfully the fact you even have this picture saved on your hard drive indicates you are a huge faggot who probably should not be here

>> No.7124611
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Hey nigger, reporting that you've reported is a ban offense.

>> No.7124612

Oh my glob, how had I not heard of this?

>> No.7124615
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Stopped reading there.

Wahhhhh more.

>> No.7124617

That fucker is a troll, he's had plenty of time to give proper examples and since he has none will resort to insults.

>> No.7124622

Because you're a special snowflake.

>> No.7124623



See: >>7124615

Wahhhhh more.

FYI: there was a sticky for months about Hiroyuki-san. I suggest you Google it and learn from it. Lurk more post less.

>> No.7124626

You made the assertion so post actual links, I shouldn't have to use a search engine. Let me guess you work for minimum wage and are angry at everyone 24/7 because of your own ineptitude?

>> No.7124629


You're not in debate club any more Dorothy.

>> No.7124631


>projection this hard

No idea what you're trying to compensate for. There is no "assertation" Moot no longer owns 4chan. Ironically the guy who bought it is the person Moot stole the base coding for 4chan from.

The circle of life is beautiful.

>> No.7124636
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>> No.7124639

Thanks Chad but you made the assertions so prove them out. What's preventing you from doing that? Did your pervy uncle touch you in the nay-nay?

>> No.7124642


Not the person you were talking to, more than one person think you're an autist.

>> No.7124645

No shit sherlock, he sold it. Whatever contract was signed was that, I don't really care, you're the one who brought it up.

>> No.7124646

kid you're meme-spouting on a board that entirely does not call for it.
stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.7124653

Make like a mathematician with constipation and work it out with a pencil on your own.

Also, not the guy you started arguing with. Just someone else laughing at you.

>> No.7124654
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*Wahhhhh intensifies*

>> No.7124656 [DELETED] 

I know you are so what am I?

>> No.7124659

I'm not constipated on a Monday after a holiday weekend, maybe you are because nobody wants to be around you.

>> No.7124664
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A hivemind autist with a /b/ tier trolling ability. Trolling is a banable offense here you know. Reported.


>> No.7124669
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>mfw he keeps going

>> No.7124671
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>> No.7124683
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>> No.7126238

>I thought about something very meaty
She'll be more likely to return if you give her a meaty dick.

>> No.7126243

>but after a while you really don't even want such massive amounts of food anymore
Bull fucking shit. I experienced this shit before and all I did was run around constantly hungry for two weeks.