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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 43 KB, 306x288, shertburt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7100220 No.7100220 [Reply] [Original]

How come nobody eats sherburts anymore?

>> No.7100224

because they're mostly artificial and seeing a list of ingredients that could have been penned by james joyce intimidates people now

>> No.7100223

I'm not paying stupid amounts of money for water and sugar.

>> No.7100248

Because food has improved, grandpa

>> No.7100257


people still eat tons of processed foods.


i never thought of sherbet as costing a stupid amount of money. and you aren't paying for water and sugar, you're paying for sherbet.

>> No.7100271

This and chocolate is all I eat. I can't help but cringe whenever I see people eating meme cream like "rocky crocky berry dough watermelon waffle"

>> No.7100274

>it's not healthy!
As you droll over a burger

>> No.7100341

Because bitches ain't had my lychee ginger sherbet.

>> No.7100348

I don't eat it anymore because I saw the nutritional table

>> No.7100359

>high fructose corn syrup
>asperfuckwhateveraceidine or some shit
>blue lake
>red dye 40
>cum or some shit

Pretty much what >>7100223 said.

>> No.7100364

Frozen yogurt is my jam now

>> No.7100401

Every Christmas my grammy would make a punch that was a 2-liter of 7-up, lime sherbet, and a big can of pineapple juice. Shit was so cash

>> No.7100418

>I use my own ignorance to decide what food I eat
Enjoy being ripped off by Whole Foods and the rest of the multimillion dollar industry built on scientific illiteracy and the fact that you can't be bothered to Google what's in your food.

>> No.7100425

>meme cream


>> No.7100440

I've never been to a Whole Foods in my life, and shop very modestly 99% of the time. But come on man. Something this simple shouldn't have literally 40+ ingredients in it, just like most of the breads on the shelves. The idea of it is fine and tastes great, though.

>> No.7100441

Because gelato is better in every single way.

>> No.7100453

>Something this simple shouldn't have literally 40+ ingredients in it
You realize an ordinary apple has dozens, if not hundreds, of ingredients, right? Let me reiterate:
I use my own ignorance to decide what food I eat

>> No.7100458



>i don't eat anything i can't pronounce

then become literate you fucking paperweight.

>> No.7100476


>Something this simple shouldn't have literally 40+ ingredients in it, just like most of the breads on the shelves

yes it should. you should be able to get shit that's just made with fresh ingredients and shit that's made with refined ingredients made on an industrial scale. they both serve different purposes. if you stop eating something you like because the ingredients list is intimidating, you're lazy and paranoid.

>> No.7100659

Who was talking about burgers?

>> No.7100725

That legit looks like a bathbomb from lush.

>> No.7101467

>How come nobody eats sherburts anymore?

because it's shit and always was shit, i neve understood how people stomached it. Also fuck those 5 kids from elementry school that would always have sherbet instead of ice cream.

>> No.7101515

You do?

>> No.7101548

Sherbet and ginger ale is good.
fuck off tripfag. FILTERED.

>> No.7101558

i don't want to be bullied for eating colorful ice cream

>> No.7101559

we've moved on to sorbet

>> No.7101654

people do for soda all the time though

>> No.7101661
File: 483 KB, 1600x1060, 09-DSC_9612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

orange cream sherbet is the best, followed by lime and rainbow

>> No.7101677

Because you touch yourself at night and nobody wants your mushroom smelling semen shurburt.

>> No.7102116

I enjoy it with seltzer water every once in awhile

>> No.7102124
File: 681 KB, 600x800, 1441359494663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This and chocolate is all I eat.
>meme cream

>> No.7102358
File: 1.55 MB, 625x782, omg-sad-frogmouth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know
I thought that was a super moldy orange from the thumbnail

>> No.7102381


that's irrelevant because we dont label food ingredients by their separate chemical constituents

>> No.7102399


that's why it's relevant. a commercial food product like soda or ice cream is a cocktail of refined chemicals. an ingredient itself is a mixture of unrefined ones. neither is inherently better or worse than the other, but the former is more scrutinised.

>> No.7102411

>neither is inherently better or worse than the other, but the former is more scrutinised.

Technically yes, but the reason why the former is more scrutinized is because the intent of commercial food products is often to cut corners whereas that is rarely an issue with a natural ingredient.

>> No.7102424


what does 'cutting corners' mean? that's not an issue with a natural ingredient because natural ingredients are amoral and have no concern for your health outside of the evolutionary imperative to be themselves healthy and to reproduce - and it is for those very reasons that they are often poisonous. food companies have no interest in poisoning you. quite the opposite in fact

>> No.7102450

>what does 'cutting corners' mean?

Seriously bro? You're not familiar with that expression? It means doing the job half-assed. Incorrectly. Taking shortcuts for convenience instead of doing the job right.

For example, if I eat an apple that apple gets its flavor from a variety of naturally occuring compounds in that apple. If I eat a commercial product that's "apple flavored" it probably has only one "apple flavor" added, not the variety of flavors that a natural apple has.

>>food companies have no interest in poisoning you. quite the opposite in fact

Agreed 100%. I'm not accusing them of poisoning anyone or doing anything dangerous. I'm accusing them of (often times) making a product whose taste and texture is inferior to the natural version.

>> No.7102491


i know what cutting corners means, but i was under the impression that this was a discussion about health. obviously artificial products frequently will fail to replicate the flavour of natural ones, the actual quality judgement is subjective though.

>> No.7103872

I prefer sorbets.

>> No.7103874

Yeah, but only high quality stuff. Cheap sherbet tastes REALLY bad, worse than cheap ice cream.

>> No.7103908

>food companies have no interest in poisoning you. quite the opposite in fact

food companies (well the largest ones) are concerned about nothing but profits

let's not ignore the known toxic substances that these food companies willingly put in or have used in their products, like BVO or pretty much anything with bromine, rBGH, arsenic in chicken feed, a couple dyes but namely yellow 5 and red 3

or if these are just banned elsewhere because the EU is a bunch of pussies how about formerly legal substances that are now banned in some form by the fda, like trans fats, sulfites, red 1, 2, and 4, green 1 and 2

companies will gladly poison you if it saves them money and isn't acutely toxic enough to start killing people off (well except for like sulfited vegetables) directly

as long as the toxicity is mild and chronic enough to never be really blamable on one single product or ingredient, they dont give a shit

>> No.7103925

anyone in this thread talking shit about sherbet and how it's processed and shit needs to fucking make their own fucking sherbet.

when properly made, it has the intensity of flavor that a good sorbet has, but with the creaminess of ice cream

>> No.7105118

It's funny because it rhymes

>> No.7105164


Yellow 5 has not been proven to do anything to people that aren't sensitive to it you tinfoil hat wearing fuck.

And the whole bromine thing takes so much of it to affect you it's a wonder why anyone cares.

>> No.7105402

>"rocky crocky berry dough watermelon waffle"

god i don't know how anyone can eat that shit. so many fucking ingredients. just fucking make a your entire dinner for a month ice cream you fat fucks.