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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 30 KB, 480x360, pizzaketchup02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7091039 No.7091039 [Reply] [Original]

I work with a lot of Mexicans - not Latinos who grew up outside of Mexico, but straight up Mexicans - and they put ketchup on their pizza. Why?

>> No.7091046

maybe they think the pizza needs more sauce.

>> No.7091047

As a mexican, I've never heard of other mexicans doing this.

>> No.7091058

My coworkers are from the Veracruz branch. Dunno if this makes a difference.

>> No.7091228 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 500x500, 1444354624068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to work overnight produce department with a bunch of straight wetback Mexicans. They ate greasy fast food cheeseburgers and french fries like any other average American overnight stocker. But after eating they all swarmed the produce wall and ate a few raw radishes like they were dessert or after dinner mints or something, I've never seen people do this. They said it was good and I tried it, it was good. It's just strange, I'd never seen anyone do it and since I quit I've never seen anyone eat a bunch of raw radishes after a meal.

>mfw I'm the random gringo watching a congregation of Mexicans straight up rape all our radishes

>> No.7091233

My cousin would put ketchup on his popcorn

>> No.7091238

I do that. Tastes good famille

>> No.7091273


Scandinavians put ketchup on pancakes (they make the thin, crepe kind only). Although I guess from the people who insists on making seafood inedible in various ways before eating it it's not that surprising (seriously, fucking pickled to shit or soaked in lye or fucking fermented or even buried underground, fucking off the hook). In fact, add what Scandis do to seafood to the list of gross shit other cultures do.

>> No.7091282

>they make the thin, crepe kind only
Yes, those are pancakes. Th things eaten by the Romans, the things mentioned in the Bible.

Only Americans act like special snowflakes and invent new words for things for no reason.

>> No.7091286
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Americans pour butter on popcorn. Fucking weird.

>> No.7091289

I just realized I have better hair, and a better beard, than riker. I always looked up to him growing up, and now this :(

I guess I should be happy but come on riker. I looked up to you

>> No.7091290

They as well as Japs also make "american spaghetti" which is absolutely foul. It's just butter and ketchup, it tastes disgusting.

>> No.7091294

Mexicans eating green chilies with fucking everything. Why?

>> No.7091295 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7091304

Butter without popcorn is weird. Fucking eurgoslavistans are weird.

I've seen white people eat nothing but white rice and steak with ketchup for dinner. Shit is fucking weird, like that's an acceptable dinner to make for your family.

>> No.7091307

Oh look here comes captain flyover here to defend America against the European aggressor.

Please stop, it's embarrassing.

>> No.7091313

You don't even know he is from a flyover state Ackbar. Go back working a shit job for your Polish overlords and migrate to England a few years later pleb.

>> No.7091316
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>mentioned in the bible

>> No.7091318

Why do people put ketchup on every fucking thing.

I work in a hospital and we had fried chicken catering one day. I swear at least 15 people put ketchup all over their fried chicken.

My pleb as fuck brother puts ketchup on baked potatoes and macaroni

>> No.7091320

Yet this, and every other, thread prove your image to be the wrong way around.

>> No.7091321

I live in the DF and alot of people i know do this.They also add hot suace

>> No.7091323

Did you just have a stroke while typing that post out?

>> No.7091327


I love to use ketchup as a dip tbqh, with anything fried or pan fried really.

Like, when I'm at McDonald's, I'll dip the fries in the dipping sauce and then dip the nuggets in ketchup.

>> No.7091334

usually drizzle sriracha on my pizza

>> No.7091341 [DELETED] 


You're fucking delusional if you think Americans pay more attention to Europeans.

You fucking cunts are obsessed over our dick. Seriously Europeans shouldn't even be on this board. Go to some .UK website and stay eternally fucked.

>> No.7091346

>t-this is an american website, g-get out
kek, every time

>> No.7091350

I love sweet and salty popcorn, shit's dope.

>> No.7091362


But it is, and you should go.

I don't goto to your shitty countries internet and make fun of the shitty people that inhabit that country.

>> No.7091381

>and you should go.
Literally why? How is the fucking board in any way country specific? If anything, it's international by nature since we're discussing cuisine from around the world and how to prepare it.

Your butthurt is showing, m8.

>> No.7091382

But I can assure you "he" (you) are, cletus.

Those of us who live in parts of America that actually matter, realize it doesn't need defending and can generally ignore stuff like that post you got outraged over, or respond in kind.

Those of us who live in chemical-soaked BT corn fields owned by Monsanto, where meth heads and oxycontin peddlers scurry about while indignantly denouncing the Dixie Chicks and Starbucks Holiday Cups, rightly have a sense that where we live has no value, hence getting inordinately defensive over healthy banter.

>> No.7091383

Not sure if any other pacific islanders do this.

>grandma from indonesia
>never refrigerates leftovers
>cooks enormous amount of food in large wok or skillet
>leaves it in the pan it was cooked in for days
>just heats the whole pan up on the stove when they want to eat again

She always says "In indonesia, we didn't have a refrigerator, we're alive. Eat it."

Also, growing up like this, I have honestly never gotten sick from anything at home.

>> No.7091395


>Ck food and cooking

Not even close. Only shitheads like you say it is because you're a pathetic foreignor who likes to make hurr durr Ameriblob XD posts. Fuck off faggot.

>> No.7091402

>being this assravaged

>> No.7091407


You must be Jewish or something because God damn that's pretentious af.

>> No.7091410


>posting without saying anything, the post


>> No.7091413

I live in Ny, Ny.

Go away, your opinion doesn't matter. I bet you live in Florida or some other equally shit state and have delusions of grandeur. Grow my oranges and fuck off.

>> No.7091420

Why say anything, your opinion is retarded and objectively wrong.

>> No.7091423
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That must be it. I'm a jew reptilian obama lover who has never set foot in what you erroneously consider the "real america" (sic)
Unlikely. Outer borough at best.

>> No.7091425


That is EXACTLY what I said to you.

Have you ever been tested for idiocy?

>> No.7091429

Again, I bet you like in some tiny shit city in an equally shit state and have imaginations of grandeur as though you're from anywhere better than what we literally consider the boonies.

>> No.7091435

Want to come fight me? I'm on 98th and riverside drive.

How long will it take you to hail a cab out there in Ozone Park?

>> No.7091437


I called you a Jew but I'm not even that other guy.

The only people I've seen that talk so pretentious is Jews. I was right kek.

>> No.7091453

My dad is from Veracruz, I just asked him if he heard of people doing this and he said no, that's weird/stupid.
And myself growing up in Queretaro, I never met anyone that did that either.
They probably picked it up here in the states, the only things any mexican person will put ketchup on is seafood and french fries, and maybe their eggs.

>> No.7091454
File: 383 KB, 300x169, vf5vpGK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at how mad this jew is getting. Yeah so you're standing right there in rain? Prove it.

>> No.7091467

Why the fuck would I be shitposting on 4chan if I was outside? I'm in my underwear sitting at my computer, bridge and tunnel bro.

>> No.7091470

But if /ck/ isn't international Americans would have no cuisine to talk about.

>> No.7091491
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>98th and riverside
So you're poor then.

>> No.7091500

Yeah and I'm sure you're shitposting from your penthouse at One57, Mr. Moneybags

>> No.7091509

That's not butter....that's some sort of oil with flavoring. Fucking yuck

>> No.7091523

I doubt that very much

>> No.7091537

Why the fuck do Phillipinos have hot dogs with almost everything? Boggles my mind.

>> No.7091538

Hahah put up or shutup lets see you queers throw down.

>> No.7091547

I'm from a massive flip family and I have never had hot dogs in any food that any of my family members have prepared. I don't think this is the kind of thing you can generalize.

My lola puts Chinese sausage in a lot of things though.

>> No.7091551

russians put sour cream on everything

>> No.7091569


nice try

>> No.7091571 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 460x588, tmp_7893-Eurofags_dbf0d5_220942-1071140336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in NY, i just like fucking with you europoors. You make it too easy

>> No.7091611

You're neighbors with people from New Jersey... Nothing more has to be said.

>> No.7091620


I'm whiter than white and radishes and salt are something all of us have eaten for all of creation.

this is totally a scando/german/slav/euro thing, not sure where your wetbacks picked it up but a bunch of radishes and a salt shaker are a common lunch

>> No.7091634

Netherlands here, lots of Indo's here since we used to own the place (coincidentally, my father's side is Indonesian) and I recognize it.
They put it in the refrigerator, but mostly because of bugs.
Honestly microwaved or oven-heated food to me too.

>> No.7091644

Yea, my grandparents are mixed dutch/indos too. They were refugees from the war.

We never really got any bugs, but they just covered the food with lids or fly covers for days.

>> No.7092878

Thai people put ketchup on pizza and on steak and on pasta and in fried rice and on noodles and bread.

Thai people also put corn in ice cream. That is actually really tasty though.

>> No.7093023

>I don't think this is the kind of thing you can generalize

Yeah it is, it's why we're here. I'm American, but you won't find me eating most of the processed bullshit that Americans supposedly eat. Stereotypes exist for a reason.

Every Flip I've known has fucking loved hot dogs.

>> No.7093030 [DELETED] 

I'm not exactly sure why but I cringed really hard reading this.

>> No.7093034

That stuff is not butter anon. It is some sort of oil flavored with diacetyl a by product of yeast.

>> No.7093044

And it's good as fuck.

>> No.7093045

I disagree with you. I do however respect your opinion. My preference is for real butter.

>> No.7093103

Real butter on popcorn quickly congeals into a wad of fat. Movie theaters use modified plant oils for a reason.

>> No.7093130

But it tastes better, and how much popcorn do you need that you don't eat it all when it's still hot?

>> No.7093144

Probably because you're already balding up top but you still can't grow a beard

>> No.7093152

>Ketchup on steak
That's the most retarded shit I've ever heard. How are you supposed to enjoy a steak if you're drowning out all the taste with ketchup?

>> No.7093176


>> No.7093186

Hay, maybe your fat ass scarfs it all down before the trailers are over, but I need that shit to last the entire movie

>> No.7093420

I'm from Poland and we put ketchup on pizza too
Just a seasoning desu

>> No.7093448

>I live in Ny, Ny.
must be from upstate or western new york state, certainly not NYC

>> No.7094426

The whole internet really belongs to America tb8ch

>> No.7094459

permanent curry smell in college library

febreze does nothing

>> No.7094485

Yeah they're fucking weird over there man, most Mexicans just put jalapeños on their shit

>> No.7095739

Fuck that, the math building at my alma mater was like that. Every fucking nook and cranny smelled like the terrible disgusting shit that all the Indians ate - since like 90% of all the grad students were Indians and hung out there all day.

>> No.7095828

How much fuckin popcorn do you need to last an entire movie? Sounds like you're the fatass. I generally have a cereal bowl full, thats about all I need. Popcorn is too annoying to eat a lot of since it gets in your teeth and gums like crazy.

>> No.7095871

fucking chemtrails

>> No.7095924

Not that anon, or an American actually
Up here in Canada we eat quite a bit of popcorn at the theaters. Like most people get a large bag or two between what ever group they're with.
And the bags are pretty big.

>> No.7096001

A lot of cultures do this.
Eating something raw or pickled in order to cleanse the tongue when eating something heavy/greasy.

Sort of like when one adds a bit of citrus or vinegar to a stew.

>> No.7096049

>Butter without popcorn is weird.
>butter without popcorn

Americans eat sticks of butter as a main dish!

>> No.7096064

Indians eat poop

>> No.7096071

Only homosexual Africans do that.


>> No.7096099
File: 40 KB, 680x848, 704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making vegan chili dogs
>ask mother if she wants want
>she comes out and puts it together
>puts ketchup on it and then chili

>> No.7096179

They're addicted to sugar. Ketchup's full of it.

>> No.7096187
File: 84 KB, 1200x800, Butter burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth is not too far off.

>> No.7096254

This. Its p disgusting to think about it as a sugar thing rather than a tomato thing, especially on French fries. Like, hmm what do I want on this pile of grease and salt ? O I know, frosting

>> No.7096258

Well, if you cook the shit out it, it will kill shit. Still, I don't think I'd make stroganov and then leave it there for two days and re-heat it to eat again.

>> No.7096259


You fucking savages need to learn about dipping. Of course pizza and ketchup are great together but who actually pours ketchup ONTO the pizza?

>> No.7096268 [DELETED] 

Cooking will kill bacteria, viruses and mold.

It will not denature spoilage toxins produced by said microorganisms, however, which is how you can get food poisoning from properly cooked spoiled food.

>> No.7096277

Cooking will kill bacteria, viruses and mold.

It will not denature spoilage toxins produced by said microorganisms, however, which is how you can get food poisoning from properly cooked spoiled food.

>> No.7096282

good fucking god

>> No.7098404
File: 1.47 MB, 2448x2448, IMG_6303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear to god the Dutch will fucking drown their fries in mayonnaise, it's disgusting.
I'm Dutch btw

>> No.7098409

mayo on fries is pretty good man
i mean, not that much, sure, but for dipping it's excellent

>> No.7098465

Here we eat them with tomato sauce and mayo, is delicious.

>> No.7098470

You mean fucking delicious
Degenerate Dutchie here

>> No.7098524

no, it's called napoleon pasta, you dumb fuck

>> No.7098525

my friends mom from TAIWAN does this, especially with her 牛肉紅焼

>> No.7098526


>nigger detected

>> No.7098897

what the fuck? where in the USA can you find this being served outside of a carnival?

>> No.7098915

and its good as fuck too

>> No.7098998
File: 137 KB, 293x282, 1344418033804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking you're special for knowing the name of the most disgusting poverty shit known to man

>> No.7099008


>> No.7099036

why didn't thish post say (YOU), but it was me who posted it (and this is from same computer)

>> No.7099040

Goddamn man, you're right. I just looked it up. Seems too rich - I doubt I could have more than 2-3 bites before I would need to stop.

>> No.7099044 [DELETED] 
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>>Rat Tacos are great in Tejana

>> No.7099081

That looks fucking delicious, though

>> No.7099092

>Scandinavians put ketchup on pancakes (they make the thin, crepe kind only).

Danefag here.
Have never seen or heard of people putting ketchup on pancakes.

Everybody has had pasta+ketchup though.

>> No.7099099
File: 152 KB, 1050x700, pizza-bucket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans buy buckets of pizza

>> No.7099109

It fucking stinks as well

Went to a cinema the one time I visited yank land. Could smell it for the duration of the whole film.

>> No.7099123

That's the same for Americans. Even a small bag of popcorn can be refilled multiple times.

And usually we pay a lot of money for even a small bag ($6). As a result, you want to fill it up again so that you can get better gain the actual worth of the popcorn.

That, or you sneak snacks in with you.

This is typically followed by a light dinner for me and my family. Or no snacks at all if it's after dinner. I think it depends a lot on the individual/family.

And good on you canadabro. We're not so different after all.

>> No.7099126

Three things.

1) Americans put sugar in tomato sauce. Ick.
2) Mexicans and I are the only group of people I ever see buying Sriracha-flavoured ketchup. I don't know what they put it on, but I like it on hot dogs and mashed beans.
3) Turks and non-Lebanese Levantines eat meatballs and pasta with soured milk and/or drink soured milk mixed with seltzer water/club soda.

>> No.7099133

>1) Americans put sugar in tomato sauce. Ick.

UK also. Well, actually, most people can't cook worth a shit so they buy Dolmio sauces, which literally have 6-7 spoons of sugar in each jar. Vile stuff

>> No.7099136

Now that I think about, almost every fast food branch here in Mexico gives you little ketchup packets with every order. Ever since I was born. So maybe that's because we do that. Even though I never liked my pizza with ketchup tho, dry chili powder is all I need mane.

>> No.7099145

>Italian-American food

Foul bastardisation of a great cuisine.

>> No.7099148

The only decent Americanized cuisine is Chinese-American

Authentic Chink food is subhuman tier

>> No.7099153

>MSG: The Food

>> No.7099224

Ketchup is not bad on pizza. I wouldn't put ketchup on a freshly made pizza but leftover pizza warmed up in the microwave it's okay. It's good for those shitty frozen pizzas like totinos and french bread pizza.

>> No.7099369

>soured milk mixed with seltzee water/club soda
It's called ayran and we love that shit!

>> No.7099480

Ketchup on eggs Benedict is so fucking good goddamn why

>> No.7099832

>Nothing but white rice and steak for dinner
>tfw youre poor but a friend gave you a fuck ton of steaks so after the gym you make eggs, rice and steak

>> No.7100153

My gf brhuehue does the same... it is really strange.

>> No.7100169

I went out to a breakfast place yesterday (America), and the girl at the table next to us was dipping her pancakes in ketchup. It actually made me lose my appetite.

>> No.7100183

mayo good. mayo + ketchup = fry sauce great

>> No.7100191

>not liking new york pizza
>not liking calzones
shit taste

>> No.7100207

>jew york pizza

You mean floppy triangles with no toppings?

>> No.7100850

I've had it before. Is it supposed to be salty?

>> No.7101090

We do that here on Argentina too, it tastes great imo, even tho i prefer ketchup on them

>> No.7101239


Mexicunt here. Ketchup, mayo, mustard & hot sauce on my fries all the way, yo.

Also: Toluca style tacos. Shit's awesome.

>> No.7101368

I second this

>> No.7101374

Mexican reporting. We put it on hotdogs, nothing odd. Siracha mayo is great too.

>> No.7101401

Ketchup on pasta is fucking disgusting. Dog food.

>> No.7101554

>1) Americans put sugar in tomato sauce. Ick.

I make my own sauce and I have to add a spoonful of brown sugar to combat the acidity of the tomatoes or else the sauce ends up tasting too sour.

>> No.7101624
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nothin better with fries than mayo you pervert!

>> No.7101634

it's not made with sour milk.

ayran is 2/3 10% fat yoghurt, 1/3 water and some salt

just mix it and cool, delicious when it's hot

>> No.7101768

The stuff I was talking about is literally soured milk mixed 1:1 with soda water. Like, they buy a carton of soured milk and a bottle of seltzer then mix the two together at home to drink. They also buy it premixed.

I can't remember the name because I don't really speak Arabic much at all. I don't know the Turkish name because I don't speak Turkish at all. I'm pretty sure it's called something other than 'Ayn Rand,' though.

>> No.7101773

Ancient Italian secret: try caramelising your aromatics with wine instead.

If you're not sure how, it's really simple: put your aromatics in the pan with some oil and set to high heat then, when fragrant, salt generously and watch for first signs of colour. Thereafter, add some wine and stir about, waiting for it to reduce out. Now, watch for first signs of browning then add a second bit of wine, stir about and allow it to reduce back out again. Finally, watch for first signs of caramelisation and add the last bit of wine, stir about and reduce out for the last time.

Build your sauce on this and it won't be nearly so tart.

>> No.7101787

I've seen people put mayoinaisse in potato mash.

It's not as bad as it sounds.

>> No.7101790

that is the whitest thing i have ever seen

>> No.7101801
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>> No.7101886

Whatever it is, it's awful. They also put corn, mayo, and tuna on their pizzas.

>> No.7101907
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>> No.7101909
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>I work with a lot of Mexicans

yo también

>> No.7101976

>Jim Bakker

This is literally apocalypse food

>> No.7101993

Make a run for the border!

>> No.7102289

swedfag reporting, never heard of ketchup on pancakes (frying pan or oven mode)

>> No.7102464

>they put ketchup on their pizza.
they like it and they don't care about what you think
you should apply this principle to more aspects of your life

also I'm italian and I sometimes put mayonnaise on pizza
what r you gonna do about it f4m?

>> No.7102791

It's easier to just add the spoonful of sugar.

>> No.7102796

>also I'm italian and I sometimes put mayonnaise on pizza
you're grandparents are from Italy, you're an abomination Amerikek

>> No.7102797

Caramelising the veg adds more than just sweetness: it also concentrates aromatic compounds and strengthens the base flavour of the sauce.
Sugar does none of that. It is a clearly inferior substitution, much like making a gravy with a cornstarch slurry rather than a proper roux. Both slurry and roux provide thickening, but roux provides additional flavour compounds slurry simply can't match.

>> No.7102825

What vegetables are you putting in it?

>> No.7102906

I'm sorry but I can't be terribly specific about which veg because that will vary heavily depending on the sort of sauce I'm making.
Suffice to say, cut the veg either into mince or fine dice and start from there.

>> No.7102961

I think you dropped your fedora over there, little buddy

>> No.7102971

Was it Doogh?


>> No.7103007

Isn't it like an evolutionary glitch to want that though?

>> No.7103010

How is that at all fedorable?

Just as different sandwiches use different ingredients (meats, spreads, toppings etc), different tomato sauces do, too.

>> No.7103011

In my experience a butter burger is just a regular burger but with buns buttered then toasted a bit? Ive never in my life seen a burger with this much fucking butter and I'm in midwest flyover hell

>> No.7103032

>different tomato sauces do, too.

That's the fedorable part. Ketchup should be the only "tomato sauce" you need.

>> No.7103038

Wut?! Are you sure youre mexican? Its either ketchup or chimichurri. At least the low class do it.

>> No.7103043

Different ketchups also have different ingredients. Your argument is invalid.

>> No.7103044

My dad does it all the time too. Claims we have the best radishes in the world. He's not talking about Mexican but from our little town.

>> No.7103361

Well the subject is tomato sauce, so what vegetables do you in it?

>> No.7103702

Depends on the tomato sauce. There are dozens of tomato sauces and each uses different ingredients.

>> No.7104130

it's usually for kids, when I was little I always had ketchup with steak during holidays or something because kids don't really appreciate the pure taste of it. Or in my case they don't care for the taste at all until they're older

I think a lot of parents just end up telling their kids that ketchup was only cause you were young, and thus we have grown men doing it

>> No.7104187


Da fuck? I live in goddamned Mexico and you never see chimichurri around. That shit's Argentinean.

>> No.7104219

Why are you being so difficult? Plain tomato sauce you put on spaghetti.

>> No.7104475

White Castle.jpg

>> No.7104481


Why do you Americans put ketchup on eggs?

We do that here, you do that there

deal with it.

>> No.7104508

>implying I'm American

>> No.7104509

this has always grossed me the fuck out, but I might try it.

>> No.7104958

Apparently Huezilians do this as well.
Well OP, it's a thing with colonials of every kind. Once you get outside of Europe you have a first ring of places you can tolerate (Those which where colonized by European powers), and the degree of tolerability in those places goes hand in hand with the number of whites left.
Then you have another ring of silly disgusting places where food practices go to the shitter.
East asians being the exception.

>> No.7105288

No one's being difficult. You're just very, very stupid and it's sad.

>> No.7105610


depends on what she cooks, but lots of cuisines came up with dishes that are good to eat for days or weeks with no refrigeration - indonesian rendang is a good example. If properly cooked it shouldn't spoil for days.

Polish bigos is basicaly a mix of leftovers from other dishes and it's even better after it just sits for a few days out in the open.

>> No.7105622

Me and my sisters childhood friend was black....she'd often stay over and watch movies with us, she would sprinkle Koolaid power on her portion of popcorn

This probably wouldn't be that bad if it wasn't already butter popcorn

>> No.7105734
File: 34 KB, 528x307, portuguese-olive-oil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I´ve heard Portuguese like to put olive oil in lots of their food.

>> No.7105753

only place where I have seen ppl doing this is in mexico city and guanajuato

>> No.7105767

bcuz is tasty my friend

>> No.7105780

people from the DF do it. I was horrified first, but turns out it tastes good

>> No.7105787

Those fucking lunatics.

>> No.7105935

Spoken like an absolute pleb

>> No.7105978

>East asians being the exception.

>> No.7106126

I'm just asking for your tomato sauce recipe that you seem very hesitant to give. What is it some family secret?

>> No.7106501

see >>7103702

>> No.7106509

My brother does this and we are white. My family moved to America from Germany.

>> No.7106527

I drown my steak in hot sauce.

>> No.7106532

My 14 year old cousin likes to eat sticks if butter and table sugar.

>> No.7106536


But fries and mahonnaise are great

>> No.7106537

My brother puts ketchup on everything, don't know why. I think it's gross. He does it on pizza too. I mean, I used to put fries on my pizza and ketchup on the fries, but just ketchup on pizza is ew. I've even seen my brother do ketchup on broccoli.

>> No.7106547

I like to dip my fries in a vanilla shake. Kinda the same thing. But yeah, pretty gross.

>> No.7106549


Its way better and healthy than palm oil

>> No.7106559

Speaking of which, I was in a famous buffet restaurant and a Mexican work crew was a few tables over. The one guy had corn on the cob: squirted ketchup all over it (3 of them in all.) Don't get me wrong, I like ketchup but wow.

>> No.7106566

Someone woke up on the wrong side of the jihad.

>> No.7106608

As a whitey, I love mayo. But that is just gross.

>> No.7106614

Jamaicans do that too.

>> No.7106619


Are they Afro-Mexicans?

>> No.7106631

Coconut oil is way better. Pop your popcorn in that, and it's gold.

>> No.7106772

And I've already said what it's for. Just basic sauce on pasta. This isn't a matter of national security, you can tell me what vegetables you add.

>> No.7106781

They're all eaten on pasta. See >>7103702

>> No.7106818
File: 1.53 MB, 3648x2048, fries malt vinegar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not dipping your fries into malt vinegar and then dipping them into mayo

sorry you're pleb

>> No.7106895

I use coconut oil, I just fucking hate the smell of it

>> No.7106902
File: 438 KB, 1346x1284, felix_ketchup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scandinavians don't do this. It's just a fucking marketing gimmick for ketchup, after someone said they put ketchup on everything but pancakes.

>> No.7106924

That's actually McDonalds sauce for the grilled chx sandwich. I work at one and mixed a tbs of mayo and maltV; about 5 shots; mixed liberally and it's literally the same taste/texture/color.

And yea, you could also mix it together to dip fries into. I'd rather pre-mix it that dip and dip.

>> No.7106935

Polish food in general.
Everything they have in jar looks like babyfood.

>> No.7106956

i don't really know who all does this but butter on pancakes, that's prolly the worst

>> No.7106959

finfag here, never heard of anyone (in either sweden or finland) putting ketchup on pancakes.

>> No.7107078

I don't get it

>> No.7107150

Of course you don't, you godless heathen.

>> No.7108270

I'm not mexican but I out it on my pizza because the ketchup gives the pizza a vinegar sting and sweetness that I enjoy.

>> No.7108308

>liquid butter
What the fuck? How does it stay in liquid form at room temperature? That can't be good for you.

That's definitely a deep south or Wisconsin thing, there's no way the majority of Americans eat popcorn with butter like that.

>> No.7108311
File: 21 KB, 400x300, iu[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turks: Yoghurt Soup feat. Meatballs

>> No.7108314

that's the best part of the movie

>> No.7108392

this, all you need is flavacol (and a good oil like coconut to actually cook it in)
adding more liquids just makes it worse, there's a reason why they don't add shit like that and why even in america it's some extra topping.

>> No.7108398

nigerians too, I'd imagine other types of african cuisine do as well
source, living with them
also, overcooking the shit out of everything then adding so much seasoning it's lost all original flavor

>> No.7108410

>there's no way the majority of Americans eat popcorn with butter like that
Anon, I have some bad news. That is the absolute cinema standard for popcorn "butter" in what I assume is all 50 states. I can vouch for at least 5, including New Jersey, Nevada, and Virginia.

It is absolutely not good for you, but as with most American snack food, the public is willing to trade "good for you" with "douse my corn snack in that hideous salty piss oil".

It is inextricably linked with the movies for the American public. On the plus side, while all the popcorn comes with a bit added, they usually won't add any extra unless requested.

>> No.7108417

I do this and then I also add a tablespoon of sugar.
Fite me

>> No.7108432

Did you have a jap stroke while typing?

>> No.7108506

If its tangy mayonnaise I approve. If its that bland lard tasting mayonnaise, then fuck that.

>> No.7108509

Where did this meme come from? I'm black and I can't get enough of mayonnaise

>> No.7108518


>> No.7108571

Man the neck is the best part of any poultry.

>> No.7108690
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I live in this country.
It's actually pretty yummy.

>> No.7108722

no one puts fucking ketchup on pancakes

>> No.7108737


90% of this board is american. Hence the fast food threads and useless meme appliances threads.

>> No.7108740


>> No.7108767

>I work with a lot of Mexicans - not Latinos who grew up outside of Mexico, but straight up Mexicans - and they put ketchup on their pizza. Why?
I haven't seen locals do this to pizza, but I have seen it and mayo on pizza while traveling.

Scrambled Eggs yes. Every latino in miami, where I'm from, would put ketchup on morning eggs. Doesn't matter if mexican, cuban, nica, rican, colombian, brazilian, all of them. Hot sauce too, but usually a cholula vs like a valentina, if a choice is given. I think Tabasco is too sour (and I agree, prefer Crystal over it). Handsdown, the practice is lower class, and how a child ate it. Latinos in general aren't adventurous eaters and will more likely than not rotate between daily use of the same 2 recipes and the same thing every 5-6 days for dinner. Cycles. You can go to a BBQ cookoff in miami and longest line won't be some blue ribbon #1 winner, but rather the one booth with rice and beans.

As I have gotten older, and I think /ck will agree with this, I have noticed ketchup is ultra-sweet, though Heinz is a touch more vinegary tang, it's also sweet. Old timey brands like Prego pasta sauce is also more sugary than I remember, and I mean intolerable and like spit it out ridiculously oversugared. I don't know if tastes have changed, or if it's a byproduct of the crops being picked so immature, but it's not delicious. Consequently, I might buy ketchup for home use every 2 years, and still not use it up except for homemade oven fries, or a little bit in a recipe, that is if chili sauce isn't superior for that recipe.

>> No.7109127

I tried this when I visited Flip-land and to this day it's the only food item I haven't been able to keep down. The horrible contrasting textures (slimy, firm, slightly crunchy, fucking feathery all at the same time in different places) and that weird taste (eggy but not quite, something else there) made me vomit.
At least I looked adventurous in front of my friends, right?

>> No.7109195

does she at least cover it?

>> No.7109226

I'm Polish and I usually put ketchup as base sauce, a lot of people pour it on top but I don't really like sauce on top of pizza. I like dipping the end crust in ketchup-mayonnaise sauce if I'm eating in a pizzeria.

>> No.7109244
File: 15 KB, 500x500, 631032_xlg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure it was ketchup?
Maybe they were playing a ruse on you, we put this type of sauces a lot on Pizza.
At least on the North we do.
Shit gets pretty strange and different in the south so I wouldn't know.

>> No.7110395
File: 544 KB, 2272x1704, frites[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(cancer tasty)

>> No.7112243

I get a side of the chocoloate sundae sauce they put it in a little cup for me and then I dip the chips in there

yes I'm fat ;_;

>> No.7112300

japanese red bean paste and mochi

i nearly vomited when i tried either of those

>> No.7112432

knew some vietnamese people that would do this.

>making dinner
>need salt
>check housemate cupboard
>bowl of stew or some shit
>not in fridge

>> No.7112456

>Japs make "American spaghetti"
you mean the spaghetti that Americans make/invented?

>> No.7112466

I remember doing this when I was a kid, back in Mexico though, our ketchup wasn't as sugary as it is here in the US, it was actually handmade with tomatoes and what not, it had a much lighter texture, and it kinda looked like sriracha honestly

But I agree it's completely unnecessary and pretty groce

>> No.7112472

I have no idea why they would do that, corn on the cob is eaten with mayo, fresh cheese and chili powder here in Mexico.

>> No.7112476

My wife's son does this and I think it's fucking retarded.

>> No.7112478

>My wife's son

And thread is officially derailed. Good thread you guys.