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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 117 KB, 700x468, easybake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7097311 No.7097311 [Reply] [Original]

Is it sexist to assume girls want to learn how to cook?

The wife and I were doing some Christmas shopping, and I wanted to get an easy bake oven for her 10 year old daughter. However she became upset and said I was being sexist, assume she would want to learn to cook. She insisted I get her the new iPad Pro instead, so she could learn how to code. They started a Black Girls Code club (http://www.blackgirlscode.com) at her school and she just joined (even though she's only half black). I really think she should learn to cook though, since my wife isn't teaching her (she can barely cook herself).

What do you think? Which should I get her? Also, how do I appease my wife? She's still quite upset, and when she gets like this, she tends to withhold sex, so I'd like to get this solved ASAP!

>> No.7097313

tell the wife to shut up about it, cooking is a valuable life skill to have regardless of sex

>> No.7097316
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>> No.7097318

Your wife is being difficult.
Both explain how you can learn to code on any pc (And it's poor form to start her off on a tablet even if you couldn't) and mention Easy Bakes are like 30 bucks compared to a $600+ iPad.

Anyway, an Easy Bake is a pretty lame toy, but it isn't sexist to gift your kid one. I'd recommend offering to teach her how to cook in the actual kitchen. Cooking is a life skill, not a girl/boy hobby.

>> No.7097319
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the real question is, why did you marry a woman who couldn't cook?

>> No.7097320

Your wife sounds like a real piece of trash. Good job marrying a woman who starts shit with you over non-issues.

>> No.7097321

also why would you get her a fucking ipad to learn to code on, that's just fucking retarded, not even being antimanc here, but to learn to code you want something with a goddamned keyboard, your wife is an idiot

>> No.7097327

This desu
Although I would just bake with my daughter
It's way more fun

Just got to be careful that she doesn't make a ridiculous mess

>> No.7097334

You teach your children to cook by getting them to help you while you're cooking.

>> No.7097342
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Easy Bake is the perfect gifts for all genders and peoples. It makes real cupcakes with a 40w bulb.
But the real ingredient is love.

>> No.7097345

why would you buy a fake oven that instills false knowledge about how fun and easy baking is when you could just teach her to bake yourself and save like 50 dollars

Also, don't buy her an iPad Pro, sign her up for a computer class so she doesn't confusing having fun learning to program things with having fun with her friends

There are several free alternatives to both of those things, friend

>> No.7097348

Buy her an easy bake oven so that she learns how to cook like a normal human being, because cooking is a fucking gender-free life skill.

Then buy her a real computer with a keyboard that she can learn to code on.

>learn2code on an ipad

toppest of kekkens

>> No.7097352

Not sure what I'm more upset about, this 2/10 bait being taken or people who obviously take the bait not being bothered by it.

>> No.7097353

Could get her a baking oven and a Raspberry Pi a plugin pack. She can learn to bake and code for a quarter of the cost and be a badass at both.

>> No.7097355

Agreeing here, Anon.

And seriously, please, don't get a tablet to program.

People that can already program might use a tablet if they're doing work on the go, but it isn't the ideal place to learn to program at all. A cheap PC can do it, though. Hell, even a chromebook if you start her off easy with something like HTML that can be done in every browser with a ton of free websites to use as a sandbox.

>> No.7097357

girls only pretend to want to cook

like everything else in their life that requires effort

>> No.7097361

>Is it sexist to assume girls want to learn how to cook?

Gold digger

>learning to code with a fucking iPad

>> No.7097365

also those women/minorities who can code groups teach more politics than actual coding ability. they'll teach her that if she finds programming difficult that it's not her fault but rather the white patriarchy wanting to keep her barefoot and pregnant

>> No.7097366

This is 4chan. Do you really think I can pass up the opportunity to tell another person how to raise their child? Even if there is an overwhelming chance its bait, I can't take that risk. I must tell the stranger my opinion and state it as undisputed fact.

>> No.7097372
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>> No.7097376

No it's not, cooking is an essential life skill. Learn it or end up spending more money on eating out than you would cooking your own stuff.

>> No.7097377

/ck/ is unanimously the easiest slow board to bait and not even close. This community is retarded.

>> No.7097383

we're enjoying the thread so who gives a shit if you think we're retarded

>> No.7097431


OP, you seem beta as fuk. Your daughter is probably a step daughter too right?

>> No.7097435

>Being this big of a kek
You visit /s4s/ don't you?

>> No.7097479
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Get her an easy bake and download a kids programming language like alice (http://www.alice.org/index.php)) or someshit. Or hell if you have the cash for an ipad pro get her lego mindstorm instead. Either one are actual fun programming things a kid might enjoy.

But look, I'm a grill and got a mechE degree and had an easy bake oven and used it often as a kid. I always just liked making things with my hands that's why I got into engineering. That whole toys you get as a kid determines your future is some bs imo. It's not the toy but how the kid uses it and how you raise the kid. You can't push a kid, you just have to show them all the many options and let them go from there and just support.

>> No.7097492

>raising another man's spawn
Wow you have bigger problems than an easy bake oven.

>> No.7097504
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>10 years old
>Easy Bake Oven

Both of you are wrong faggot. Get her a fucking knife and teach her to cook. Getting an easy bake oven and saying it's for her learning to cook is like getting one of those paint by number sets to get her interested in art.

Pretending you can dump a toy in her lap and not do any parenting is the reason shitty people exist.

>> No.7097601
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>christmas shopping
>her 10 year old daughter
>her 10 year old
Really, you don't have to buy no shit for her.

>> No.7097638


Your wife is a bitch.

Girls can learn to cook AND code.

Using an EasyBake oven is not cooking.

I'm a guy but I would've loved to get an EasyBake oven as a xmas gift when I was a little kid...

>> No.7097647

I think it's kind of weird that they've been together so long that they're married, yet he doesn't consider her his daughter.

>> No.7097654

Easy bake oven and install gentoo

>> No.7097661
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Coding will make money, cooking won't.

Cooking is easy to learn-- ffs, just google a recipe and follow it. Coding is much more tedious and difficult, and should be nurtured as soon as possible.

10 is too old for an easy bake oven. Easy bakes are for 5 year olds, double digits means she can use the real fucking oven.

TL;DR No easy bake, no ipad either. Get her a cheap laptop and get her mom to blow you for it.

>> No.7097664

this some good b8 right here

>> No.7097667

>cu/ck/ meme
>EssJayDoubleYoo meme
>iPad for work meme

Did you post this on /g/ and /pol/ too?

This bait is pretty shit but /ck/ is pretty dumb so you'll get bites.

>> No.7097776
File: 7 KB, 194x259, 10373851_675150165865685_4441856622606229765_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>americans actually buy their kids shitty little ovens so they learn how to bake
>still haven't figured out how to use scales

>> No.7097784


why not just gift a kid a conventional oven and buy them some groceries to bake stuff with?

or a mini dessert cook book?

>> No.7097791

If they can use a full size range, why get them a mini cook book?

>> No.7097804


Kids aren't supposed to be using the easy bake oven without adult supervision so there's not much difference between a kid using a regular oven with an adult around and a kid using a

>> No.7097806

Great, so why get them a mini cook book?

>> No.7097815
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>> No.7097942

men tend to be better chefs anyways if interested
though women in general used to be
note, used to be, although it's apparently liberating not to anymore

>> No.7098027

>learning to code on an ipad

as someone who actually codes, this is pretty fucking stupid. Using anything but a computer or laptop to learn to code is retarded. Learning through some shit that snaps pre-made pieces together isn't learning and an ipad would be VERY limiting.She also wouldn't use it for that and your wife knows it.

>> No.7098034

>withholds sex
Just watch porn or cheat whats the big deal?

>cant cook
Also you married a fucking retard I suggest a divorce. Women belong in the kitchen just like men belong in the garage.

>> No.7098040

>her 10 year old daughter

Well played my friend

>> No.7098043

Programmer here.

OP you must be trolling. First of all you cannot code on an ipad. Thats retarded. Second of all you are married to a nigger who cant cook? Are you a kek? If you are a nig yourself then by all means stay with her. If your white then Im confused.

>> No.7098059
File: 229 KB, 1200x1680, 1431466477020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe how successful this bait was

>> No.7098066

Cooking is a life skill simple as that it isn't a gendered thing anymore. If you want to save money and not spend it like a fucking retard he need to know how to get the most out of the least and that is being able to cook. Your fake daughter is an idiot.

>> No.7098069

you're probs long gone by now but im a fellow ME gril in love with baking and i feel a lot of love for you right now and i just had to get it off my chest

ilu no homo

>> No.7098089
File: 118 KB, 297x413, 1377439187431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wife can't cook (white?)
>wife insists on iPad (white.)
>wife's daughter is half black
>wife knocked up by mandingo
>wife withholds sex
>OP is literal kek
>48 replies
>None from OP
I love you, /ck/

>> No.7098091

>my daughter shouldn't have a toy she enjoys because muh sexism

Hesus wet your """"wife"""" is a fucking selfish cunt. Kill her and your daughter, eat them (WD with Ketchup), then kill yourself.

>> No.7098096

>why would you buy a fake oven that instills false knowledge about how fun and easy baking is

This. Also shouldn't buy lego or mechano, just get the little tyke down the local building site.

>> No.7098400

get one of them "gender neutral" easy bake ovens. They sell em in non-girly colours now so that could maybe sell her over.

>> No.7098407

I'm sure this is just a bait thread but in case it's not :
>marrying a woman with baggage
>being a kek and letting her order you around
>teaching a 10 year old to code
>half black
Dude there is no going back from this. It is your own fault, Honestly the signs are all there why didn't you run ?

>> No.7098413

This has to be some kind of troll but I'll bite anyway. Cooking is a very good skill to have regardless of gender, teaching a kid programming is a good idea as long as she has some kind of interest in it because otherwise it's just a waste of time, an iPad pro is always a retarded purchase but even more so to an 11 year old who wants to code.

>> No.7098493

this desu

>> No.7098514

Fuck off. I'm pissed off with all this sexist bullshit.

What do women what that they don't have?
acording to google Feminism is a range of movements and ideologies that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve equal political, economic, cultural, personal, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment.

They already have all that shit.
Really its just a way for women to hold a double standards, and have the ability to choose which ever one benefits them in their immediate situation.

>> No.7098523

Holy shit you married someone with a half black kid? Is mommy black or is she white? It'd make more sense if she was white, typically black women at least know how to cook. Unlike your sorry excuse for a wife. Enjoy spending hundreds of dollars on another man's seed.

Jeeze im new to posting here, but it's almost like I never left /pol/

>> No.7098543


>> No.7098580
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Man, don't worry about that shit
I am a girl and my mother was obsessed with me not 'being a housewife' when I was growing up

This meant I was never taught to cook, taught to clean, or anything else that could be considered useful to a husband. I remember that one time I made cupcakes while she was out to try and prove how good I could be at this stuff. When I offered one to her she got mad and made me act like her wife for the entire week which involved sleeping in bed next to her while she kept asking for sex by ramming her knee into me and asking me to suck her cock, cleaning all her messes etc to try and prove what a mistake I was making

So glad I learnt to cook when I moved out. Its a great skill to have and isn't 'sexist' at all.

>> No.7098582

Hello, just thought I'd stop in and let you know what you're saying is not exactly true. Just as an example, there are still issues in STEM fields of sexism; some professors refuse to have female graduate students, or will act purposefully to ensure female professors don't get hired. It is not uncommon for people to attribute a woman's success to her gender, or her failures to the same thing. There is still work to be done.

That is not to say there aren't some women/people out there who are as you described. Please don't let this stop you from seeing the issues that are still there.

>> No.7098585


>> No.7098587

you should've killed your mother with a rusty pair of garden sheers

>> No.7098588

>This meant I was never taught to cook, taught to clean, or anything else that could be considered useful to a husband. I remember that one time I made cupcakes while she was out to try and prove how good I could be at this stuff. When I offered one to her she got mad and made me act like her wife for the entire week which involved sleeping in bed next to her while she kept asking for sex by ramming her knee into me and asking me to suck her cock, cleaning all her messes etc to try and prove what a mistake I was making
And between you and me, something amazing happened... and now I can talk to animals. It's really cool, but totally secret. And you know what? Life's never been the same

>> No.7098590

Why is it sexist?

Wether boy or girl, when they move out, they should be capable of taking care of themselves. Cooking is one part of that.

>> No.7098591

>I am a girl


>> No.7098592

That works both ways pal.
Sexism is not exclusive to one gender.

>> No.7098595
File: 57 KB, 540x387, 5353534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you married a coalburner and now you have to take care of her kid. and now they are demanding shit like ipads from you and making sure you dont offend them in the slightest way possible.

wow good luck man what did you get yourself into

>> No.7098597
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>made me act like her wife for the entire week which involved sleeping in bed next to her while she kept asking for sex by ramming her knee into me and asking me to suck her cock

i can only begin to imagine how damaged you are

>> No.7098605

Which half of your daughter is black OP?

>> No.7098611 [DELETED] 

the nigger half

>> No.7098617
File: 51 KB, 400x579, SICP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She insisted I get her the new iPad Pro instead, so she could learn how to code.

Get her a book instead if she is serious.

>> No.7098633

At this point I'm fairly convinced everyone is just playing along here. Like a weird mass counter troll.

>> No.7098638

You have too much faith in this board

>> No.7098640

/Adv/ is pretty bad too. People troll there constantly.

>> No.7098648

Probably bait but it's delicious and I cannot resist.

How does anyone live without being able to cook? This boggles my mind. You need to eat 2-3 times a day, every day. If you eat out or rely on prepackaged food it's expensive and you get fat, and it's usually disgusting. Cooking is a basic necessity. Not knowing how to cook is like not knowing how to wipe your ass and needing to go to an ass wiping station twice a day to hire a flip to do it for you. This isn't a gender thing, it's a human thing. Why are femitards fucking retarded?

Also, an easybake oven? Way to teach her to be a little carb-munching fatass. Buy that bitch a steak and teach her how to sear.


Retarded. Apple products are garbage. Your wife is a fucking retard and that makes you a tardfucker in addition to being either a shitskin or a race traitor or a kek, or maybe all three.

>sleeping in bed next to her while she kept asking for sex by ramming her knee into me and asking me to suck her cock,


>> No.7098677

>As if she's gonna learn cooking with an easy bake oven

>As if she's gonna learn programming on apple crap

Teach her how to cook in a real goddamn kitchen by helping out and taste testing... and buy her a proper non-fruity laptop

easy bake won't teach her to cook a proper meal, an iPad will not teach her how to code, plus she WILL be begging for a macintosh and a hella expensive license to sell apps...

at least get her a rooted android tablet, damnit

She'll be he envy of her club AND she'll learn to put together a proper dish!

plus, her club is racist...

>> No.7098695

Throw the stat that 70% of men aged 20-35 are not getting married. Many men don't like the fact that women are not domesticated in cooking and cleaning. Then end your point by say her daughter will have the best options in life if she is well rounded, by being able to cook and clean and hopefully becoming educated in seeking a career.

>> No.7098719


This is clearly bait, hes married to nigress sjw who cant cook, too easy.
However, if anyone has a gf or wife who holds out, why dont you just force her to fuck anyway?
My bf does this, it works cause you end up not being angry cause your having sex.

>> No.7098727

No 10 year old needs an iPad, that's just ridiculous, and fuck that gold digging whore expecting you to pay 700 bucks on her kid. What ten year Olds do need is to learn how to cook. Important life skills need later on. So many people aren't being taught this anymore, and now have to rely on fast food and take out. It's sad really.

>> No.7098825

I didn't say it was. Just because men face other issues related to sexism doesn't mean women don't face different ones. They both need to be addressed.

>> No.7098853

Learning to code by yourself through books or an online program is pretty difficult. In my opinion, you need to go to classes with a good teacher.

>> No.7098869

Of course we're playing along. Nothing ever happens here. We respond to trolls with hate and vitriol, but we're just glad someone stopped by.

>> No.7098877

We aren't taking the bait, we are forcefully shoving our opinions for other people like OP'S "wife" to see. Because people like that definitely exist. No one cares if it's real or not, we just need to sit around complaining together, it feels good.

>> No.7098889

>my wife's daughter
>black girl

This is some quality bait, very subtle. Well done OP.

>> No.7098902

This is actually 100% true in my experience. I went to one of them for women and it only lasted a day which I was concerned about, how the fuck were they gonna teach me to code in 1 day? Well they had teachers who basically just asked you what you wanted to make and then made them for you, and then gave everyone a round of applause for now being "programmers". I didn't learn shit. The rest of the program consisted of talking about sexism in technology and everyone clapping about it for being strong womyn who were defying the patriarchy or something. It was fucking awful, but at least I got free food out of it.

>> No.7098903

They sell them in Europe too

>> No.7098904

How do you get the idea to go to something like that.

>> No.7098910

There was a post on my city's subreddit for it and my boyfriend who does work in technology told me it mite b gud so I gave it a shot. It was terrible. I learned more about programming doing code academy with my boyfriend helping me out.

>> No.7099167

obvious bait is obvious

>> No.7099173

this is a somewhat elegant piece of bait

i like how the daughter is half black, implying or suggesting the father is black and the mother is white. that's a nice touch.

>> No.7099176

Why not both?

>> No.7099527
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>SJW wife

>> No.7099554

>le blackgirlscode


>> No.7099561


nice false flag man, almost responded for real

>> No.7099825

>she got mad and made me act like her wife for the entire week which involved sleeping in bed next to her while she kept asking for sex by ramming her knee into me and asking me to suck her cock, cleaning all her messes etc to try and prove what a mistake I was making
What the fuck.

Where was your dad during all this? Oh wait, you were raising by a single mother weren't you?

>> No.7099836

Think maybe the baby daddy was a nigger too.

>> No.7101063

>this whole thread
/ck/ truly is cu/ck/ central

>> No.7101084

teaching girls to cook, which this toy sort of does, isn't sexist. saying that cooking and cleaning is all she's good for, is sexist.

this toy is appropriate for boys too.
cooking is fun and a vital life skill.

>> No.7101198

This is obvious bait is obvious. 4/10 for generating replies

>> No.7101742

/ck/ is a normie board, what did you expect

>> No.7101755

Why don't you teach her how to cook with you? Not only is it a chance for her to pick up life skills, it's a chance for her to bond with you so long as you aren't an asshole to her. Personally, some of my fondest memories are cooking with family members would let me help them.

>Coding on an iPad
Buy her a real computer to appease the wife. Everyone wins.

>> No.7102278


It's more fun if we assume it's true, what's the point anyway? Why would someone lie on the internet?

>> No.7102290


kek this is 100 times better than OPs bait.

>> No.7102365


Anyone who doesn't want to learn basic cooking skills at the very least is a lazy sack of shit, it has nothing to do with sexism.

>> No.7102383

>iPad to learn coding
>Easy bake oven to learn cooking

You are both fucking retarded

>> No.7102400

I can't believe that no one on this shit god forsaken board had pointed out that OP is a literal cück

/ck/ has become the new /t/v/

>> No.7102461
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>her daughter
>assuming it isn't yours
lol op gets c.ucked to raise someone else child while the wife takes all of his money

also you should know by now that it is sexist to even think about women cooking. They are proud liberated people so they dont need to learn how to cook.

>> No.7102490

I'm going to operate under the assumption that OP is pulling the wool over eyes

>> No.7102504

>Is it sexist
You know it's up to you whether or not you choose to give a shit about sexism. As a dude you don't have to. Let your wife make all those calls.

>> No.7102571
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>> No.7102645

desu senpai

>> No.7102655


>> No.7102908

I'm a college age white dude, and I'd love the fuck out of an easy bake oven.
Those things are the shit.

>> No.7102917
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>He married some whore with a half nigger kid

Topkuck m9

>> No.7102921

Who cares, girls should be the home caretakers, which includes cooking food the majority of the time

>> No.7102948

For one thing, cooking is a more useful skill than coding - and I speak of someone who enjoys both. Everyone should know how to cook. I'm not so sure everyone should know how to code.

For another thing, 'sexist' is a kind of vague concept. People routinely accept some judgments based on sex without question, for example, when searching for potential partners, considering only women and not men. It also seems silly to me to deny reality: men and women do differ in lots of ways, certain activities really are more commonly preferred by one or the other, so to associate those activities with the gender that does them the most seems to me perfectly fine. Women don't usually work down coal mines, for example.

Instead of any -ist, try 'offensive'. Is it offensive to buy your daughter a baking oven? I don't know, does she like baking? If yes then obviously it isn't. If no, then it's probably not offensive but might just be a bad present for her.

>> No.7102963

You seriously need to go out to buy cigarettes and never come back
>marry single mom
>has feminist hangups over toys
If you have a son with her he will be wearing dresses

>> No.7102965

wow, problematic much?

>> No.7103191

Pretty good bait but it's really obvious

>> No.7103301

Easy bake oven won't help her learn cooking.
And if you're concerned about your wife not teaching her you should step in and teach her, if she's interested.
Cooking is great but it shouldn't be forced upon people and honestly imo it's easier to catch up and learn the basics by yourself than to do the same with programming.

>> No.7105114 [DELETED] 
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