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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7090605 No.7090605 [Reply] [Original]

It's teatime, /ck/. Do you have a favorite kind, or brand? Tea bag or loose leaf? Hot or iced? Who #tea here?

>> No.7090606

Starwest Botanicals Gunpowder Green is my favorite right now.

>> No.7090641

I try different kinds all the time but just almost every kind of straight black tea is what I always go back to. Hot and unsweetened.
I like both bags and loose leaf but it depends. Bags are better when I wanna be lazy or I need to go to work or school (which are the main two times I drink tea). But its easier to find more diverse flavors in loose leaf form it seems. So when I wanna try new flavors I'll do that.

If I'm going out to eat, I'll usually get a sweetened ice tea.

>> No.7090667

I'm all about that Traditional Medicinals right now. All of their products are actually really good.


>black tea

I can't bring myself to like it, anon. Is it just one of those acquired tastes or am I shit?

>> No.7090695

I only drink the finest aged and fermented black tea from the Zingjang province using original tea making methods.

>> No.7090700

>acquired taste
I really don't know. I think I just like it because I have a really shitty sense of smell, so a lot of tea is difficult to taste and smell. But black tea already is very bitter (which I weirdly like) so I enjoy it a lot.

>> No.7090706

I dunno, I love tea and I've got a pretty good sense of smell. It's not bitter tastes either, I like straight black tea, but I can't stand coffee, which is pretty bitter as well.

>> No.7090709

So,what kind of tea pots do you guys use? I recently broke mine and am shopping for a new one.

>> No.7090745
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I use pic related. I love it, works pretty great. Before I got it though, I asked for one for Christmas. My mom got me an overpriced fancy ass Teavana one that you can't even boil water in because its "just for serving". I don't know what to do with it.

>> No.7090749

Anyone know how often I should clean my teapot? I don't put sugar or anything in it. Just water and tea.

>> No.7090751

Rooibos with a hint of chamomile and honey, milk and 2 1/2 spoons of brown sugar... shit now I gotta get up and make some tea. Thanks di/ck/s

>> No.7090754

That sounds fucking soothing as hell.

>> No.7090759

I literally cannot stress after drinking that.

>> No.7090762

tbqh famille, I never really wash mine: just swish some soapy water around in it and you're good

Unless you're using one of those clay/terracotta/whatever ones. Just use water with those

>> No.7090784

PG Tips, water first then milk and leave the teabag in so it gets better as you drink it.

>> No.7090855


great taste


>I can't bring myself to like it, anon. Is it just one of those acquired tastes or am I shit?

maybe you just never had good one? how long until you remove the teabag?


I mostly drink green tea, but also a lot of herbal teas and fruit mixes in the night time.

favorites are sencha, especially korean variants at the moment. looking to step up my game from loose-leaf to in-season tea, finna buy some online once I get more money.

almost every evening I cook tea, add a little honey and just let it cool down overnight, so I have iced tea for uni.

>> No.7090875

>how long until you remove the teabag?

5-10 minutes. Am I doing it too long?

>> No.7090881


>> No.7090890

I don't think you can do it for too long, guys.

>> No.7090894
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lol, swag

>> No.7090901
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I drink this all the time, get mad britbongs

>> No.7090909
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anon pls put a trigger warning next time

>> No.7090910


what the fuck. did it take you that long to figure it out?

I do mine between 90 seconds and 150 seconds, depending on temperature. mostly 90 seconds and boiling water, sometimes I'll go for 90 degree celsuis and two minutes.

>> No.7090911

How do anons feel about Rooibos? i know it's not a tea technically but I still like it, pleb tier?

>> No.7090927


>diet lipton

you have the most severe case of shit taste I've encountered in my entire life. jesus christ.

>> No.7091127

Who else /lemongingerbeforebed/ here

>> No.7091288


Iced for me, f/am.

>russian earl grey
>zest of a lemon
>couple of dashes simple syrup with a light cardamom infusion

>> No.7091302

#Pyramid #SqueezeTheBag #cha

>> No.7091324

Is this your way of coming out of the closet?

>> No.7091331

I am looking for a really nice peach tea. any suggestions?

>> No.7091340
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lipton iced tea

>> No.7091347

very funny, but no, I'm looking for hot tea.

>> No.7091373

>very funny
Yeah, I thought so. Very original as well.

No, but seriously, idk any major brands for this one. My local shop has a very decent green tea with peach and lemongrass. I've also made hot peach tea at home, basically just took a smoother, more neutral tea (Darjeeling, as I recall) and then used a small amount of peach reduction that I made. Worked well IMO, but not really a peach tea.

>> No.7091403

hmm... How do you make a reduction?

>> No.7091419

Just like how you reduce a sauce.

Make some peach juice, strain etc so it's a smooth liquid with no real pulp. Then just simmer it until it gets a less viscous consistence (you want an unsweetened peach concentrate here). Keep in mind that since it's not sweetened, it won't last as long as a syrup would.

>> No.7091421

Thanks, anon. I genuinely appreciate it.

>> No.7091427
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I go through about a gallon of this a week in the wintertime.
In the summer if it gets hot enough I'll drink up to that much in a day.

Surprisingly I am underweight and I don't have diabetes (yet).

>> No.7091443

I'm legitimately asking and this is the only way I really know how to put it but is sweet tea supposed to taste like a shitload of just sugar in liquid form. thats quite literally all I taste every time.

>> No.7091448

More or less.
Some like a little lemon, some like a little peach, some like the tea to be a bit stronger.
Its a simple recipe and thus easy to change for subtle differences.

>> No.7091475

>More or less

Ah.. Yeah, sorry but that probably means I just don't like it. Oh well, beggers cant be choosers and all that

>> No.7091481

>not zero green
come on now

>> No.7092182

Right now?
Drinking some loose leaf sencha green tea. Will move on to some genmaicha and hojicha once I finish off the sencha.

>> No.7093929

>Starwest...not Frontier
Yeesh. Git gud.

>> No.7093938

Who golden milk in here?
2cups coconut milk
1tsp of turmeric
1tsp of ginger
A little black pepper
As the dry to the wet when it gets hot and stir.
Add 1 tbsp raw honey

Motherfucking yum. You whole body will thank you.

>> No.7093944

where's the tea though

>> No.7095130
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I have been purchasing from Adagio and Teavana and Twinings loose leaf for quite a while now. I also buy shittons of teabags, cheap or otherwise from various places.

I am pretty pleb even with many taste buds; I think I like the ritualistic aspect of it the most. I don't mind dull flavour, but I'm wondering if I am missing out on a good place, and I probably am. I have been considering Kusmitea as well because I am attracted to those damn adorable tins. Is there any store or brand in particular that you guys would recommend? I am more typically inclined to oolong and tissanes, but I'm easy to please and I'll try just about anything even if it tastes like dirty twig water.

I just recently started adding splashes of milk to things aside from rooibos and chai or spicy blends. It really helps to cancel out the bitterness if I accidentally oversteep, which is all the time. I have a temperature kettle but I pour the water into the teapot and then wander off for too long looking for tea snacks.