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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 70 KB, 956x960, shit steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7075614 No.7075614 [Reply] [Original]

>plebs think well-done is bad

>> No.7075616

We are not having this discussion again

rare steak masterrace

>> No.7075618


looks perfect mate

>> No.7075619

That's a little too rare for me, I personally enjoy medium rare.

>> No.7075882


Advanced Civilization "Well Done" - Masterrace here.

>> No.7075928


>> No.7075943

Any savage can burn a steak
it takes control and civilization and white skin to make something taste the best is possibly can

besides, Rare is best. It's not MY fault cow tastes better when it's not grey all the way through.

>> No.7075950

Might have needed a bit more rest, but otherwise fine.

>> No.7075974
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>mfw every argument against rare steak is "omg gross!!!"

>> No.7075982

What do you like best of rare or bleu?

>> No.7076227
File: 2.14 MB, 3264x2448, 2015-05-01 18.53.39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you guys say this steak is cooked?

>> No.7076233


>> No.7076244

I had lamb tartare a couple weeks ago and it changed my life

>> No.7076258
File: 34 KB, 550x412, the-mckirdy-s-steakhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite is a blue steak with just a light sear on either side.

Since I don't a place that'll actually cook it like that for you, medium rare is an okay substitute, I guess.

>order steak blue, get medium with a side of bleu cheese

>> No.7076262

>white skin

No wonder that guy at my work always fucks up the steaks.

>> No.7076265

Not even blue. Shit needs another minute on the grill per side at LEAST

>> No.7076268

sous vide

>> No.7076427
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>> No.7076432


>> No.7076459

medium rare master race

>> No.7076583


Looks like a sous vide medium rare. Also that hasselback potato looks lovely.

>> No.7076597

Nigger, cavemen were eating well done aurochs steak for a hundred thousand years before the first sumerian pressed a wooden stylus into a clay tablet.

Homo Habilus were burning steaks over rhino shit fires before they invented stone knives to cut it with.

Some fucking proto chimp from before the first australopithecus ever walked upright probably chomped into a side of antelope that had burned to death in a brush fire.

Ruining decent meat doesn't make you more advanced, it just makes you a dumb pussy who can't handle food that wasn't processed into a grey tasteless paste.

>> No.7077338

fucking saved

>> No.7077343
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>> No.7077371
File: 83 KB, 704x960, steak_cal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7077375


>> No.7077388

>uneven sear
>baked in the oven
>cut with a serrated

>> No.7077395


that looks like a cake, not a steak.

>> No.7077440

nigga baking it in the oven gives you an even doneness throughout, only shit tier steaks have banding in it. But yeah that sear could be better.

>> No.7077459

>shitty steaks have banding
Idk wtf u r saying senpai
>baking is good for doneness
I think you mean broiling, not baking

>> No.7077468
File: 2.22 MB, 4032x3024, durrdurrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7077483


>> No.7077491

okay that one got me good anon


>> No.7077504

stop the nigger-speak and the filters won't catch you out.

>> No.7077506

baka desu senpaitachi at this thread

>> No.7077734

ur mom said the same thing when i fucked ur dad

>> No.7077737

raw rare or well done, it depends on what you're eating and what you feel like.

anyone who answers otherwise probably started cooking no more than a couple of years ago.

>> No.7077753


>> No.7077782

>apes arguing with other apes about how long to leave a corpse on the fire

>> No.7077796


>> No.7077798

>a corpse
I wish I could fit a whole cow in my barbie.

>> No.7077880

K but you still sound like a moron desu

>> No.7077890

idk wat it's called because everywhere u go seem to have different definitions.
But i like it just cooked enough so that there is no puddle of blood under it lel

>> No.7077905

>wooden stylus
But they were made of reeds. Mesopotamia wasn't famous for its trees.

>> No.7077948

Bleu rare for life.

Singed on the outside, bloody in the middle.

>> No.7077991

bloody meatloaf tier

>> No.7078023
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>> No.7078551

What is your point?

>> No.7078563

His point is that he's a vegan and therefore smarter, more handsome, and healthier than the run of humanity, because he's failed in life and all he can feel good about now is his foul-tasting, expensive meme-diet.

>> No.7078936
File: 771 KB, 1000x798, IMG_5299 as Smart Object-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooked a rumpsteak for the first time. Shit was so clean.

Didn't let it rest though.

>> No.7079089

Best steaks in the world are in Japan

>> No.7079094
File: 4 KB, 111x103, 1318018284232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7079112

>didn't let it rest
>all that juice just escaping never to be used or enjoyed
You might as well have thrown out the steak.

>> No.7079122

But anon, you pour it over the fries.

>> No.7079367
File: 22 KB, 471x480, 1433415899307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would eat but try harder next time kohai

>> No.7081351

>all these pictures of deliciously cooked steaks

Making me hungry. Rare to Medium Rare for me. Anyone who wants more well cooked than that can have it; you cant uncook a steak.

If they wanna start shit with me because >wolf food. Then they can fuck right on off.

>> No.7081491
File: 375 KB, 800x441, ned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am basically okay with running up and biting a cow.

Apples are best fresh off the tree, and meat is best fresh off the bone.

>> No.7081501

This discussion will go on until the end of cows.

>> No.7081507

Yeah I agree. OP's pic just won't have that really nice meaty texture.

>> No.7081513

It depends on the size of the steak. A pub steak I'll eat rare, and for larger sizes I prefer black and blue.