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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7046636 No.7046636 [Reply] [Original]

If I'm making chicken tikka masala do I need a million and a half spices or can I just use the garam masala spice blend on its own for seasoning?

>> No.7046646
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>spice blend

end yourself

>> No.7046654

If you don't want to get all the spices then go buy a curry paste

do not use a "spice blend"

>> No.7046657 [DELETED] 

>take all spices in spice rack
>pour in bowl
>add fresh excrement preferably ones own
>mix thoroughly
>tomato sauce

>> No.7046667

>You should kill yourself for using a traditional Indian ingredient when cooking an Indian style dish

>> No.7046689

Unless you feel like spending $30 on 6 different spices that you only need 1 tbsp of all together, just go with the garam masala.

>> No.7046709


>> No.7046714

>chicken tikka masala
>traditional Indian

>> No.7046718
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>chicken tikka masala is Indian.

>> No.7046732
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>Chicken Tikka Masala

>> No.7046743


The traditional ingredient is garam masala. The Indian STYLE dish is chicken tikka masala.

Can neither of you fucking idiots read?

>> No.7046757

Make sure to put some poo in it!

Just a little bit, though.

>> No.7046760

Who cares OP? As long as it looks like poo dredged up from the ganges then you're doing ok.

>> No.7046761

It isn't INDIAN style at all you Reddit tier retard.

>> No.7046776
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for fuck's sake..........
Buy yourself a clue, I'll lend you 20 cents.....

>> No.7046785

>The Indian STYLE dish is chicken tikka masala.
Fuck Scotland

>> No.7046801


Chicken tikka is an Indain and Pakistani method of preparing chicken, hopefully we can all agree on that.

Whilst there is no set recipe, the sauce isnt too dissimilar from Butter Chicken (let me guess, thats not Indian as well?) which uses spices and cream, as does Korma.

Please tell me why you believe it is not an Indian sytle dish?

>> No.7046955

This is my go to recipe but I usually let it marinate for at least 24 hours and throw in some onions and habaneros when cooking the garlic


>> No.7047091
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Eh I just made Thai curry instead. Waaaaaaaay easier.

>> No.7047241 [DELETED] 


>> No.7047263


>> No.7047337 [DELETED] 


>> No.7047342 [DELETED] 


>> No.7047355


you don't need more than 10 and can probably get away with like half that. Just go pick up bags of swad spices at the indian grocery store and it will last you many months.

>> No.7048345 [DELETED] 

She asked about Tikka Masala dude. You probably confused that with how your mom feeds your NEET obese American shit-mouth everyday.

>> No.7048348
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>comes to a board about cooking
>doesn't have the faintest clue about spices or world cuisine

>> No.7048361
File: 774 KB, 1600x2488, CamScanner-New Document 4-500100f30A10900550C00b10-002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Garam Masala is just a concoction of the various spices you have in your spice cupboard you dumb shit.

OP make your own spice mix. God Tier spice mix I use for just about anything attached.

>> No.7048367

Doesnt refute the central point. Please try again

Yes it is a concoction of spices. I dont think I said otherwise? It is also Indian. What part of what I said is dumb?

>> No.7048368

OP asked about Tikka Masala dude. I think you confused that with how your mother feeds your NEET obese American ass everyday.

>> No.7048466

Why is your rice in a fucking cone, ffs if that was served to me I would send it back.

>> No.7048471

GM LOL, enjoy spending your fucking night weighing everything, shitty ass troll cook book if i've ever seen one.

>> No.7048534

Because that's how they do it in the Thai restaurants.
If you've never eaten at a Thai restaurant, why are you commenting on my dish?

>> No.7048543

Smoking the spices matters a lot.

You can't smoke powder.

>> No.7048547

Cant you just buy smoked spices?

>> No.7048549

>You can't smoke powder.

Fuck you I can't.

>> No.7048681
File: 122 KB, 600x338, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_NjAweDEwMDAhdw==,45629_funny_wtf_tom_cruise_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I don't bother myself with the details. We have 2 cooks and a maid to do all that shit.

You didn't really think that India is full of poor people, did you? My dad loves food and spends a fortune every month on food alone.

>mfw I spend all day doing nothing while you have to work to feed your sorry ass

>> No.7048694

>Allows his maid to cook

If the maid has to help the cooks, then clearly you dont have enough cooks, or the cooks you have are shit. Either way, you shouldnt be allowing a maid who is untrained in cooking to be preparing your dinner. I guess you do this because its cheaper and you simply cannot afford decent cooks. Whatever the case, its fucking disgusting.

>> No.7048722

Hola c:

>> No.7048739

I don't think you understand how kitchen maids work.

The two cooks do all important things while the maid is charged with cleaning and doing simple things the cooks consider below them.

Please keep your trap shut if you don't know how a civilized kitchen works you dumb shit.

>cant hire decent cooks

We hire two cooks because one specializes with Indian cuisine and the other is French. The french guy is a faggot from the Lyons but the faggot sure knows how to make god-tier sauces.

>> No.7048760

why are you pretending to be a rich Indian?
What are you gaining from it? also why would you post on a cooking board if you're too pampered and inept to cook your own food?
timestamp please, with at least one of the chefs.

>> No.7048776

Or at least a time stamped pic of you pooing on the sidewalk as only the wealthiest of Indians are allowed to do.

>> No.7048853
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>> No.7048858
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>> No.7048860
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>> No.7048973

>Waaaaaaaay easier.
I'm not going to buy fucking coconut milk just to make curry.

>> No.7049768

It's like, the only ingredient you need, though.

>> No.7049777

You bought chicken just to make curry.

>> No.7049797

Where exactly in flyover land are you, where you cant find coconut milk easily?

>> No.7049831

I can dig it.

>> No.7049861

He's in the right place then, faggot.

>> No.7049987 [DELETED] 

What is this tumblrite shit? Jesus, this place is full of libshit c.ucks.

>> No.7050411

What are you referring to?

>> No.7050650

Jesus. People will shitpost about anything. Don't like the rice cone? Take the back of your fork or your chopsticks and smash it into whatever shape your autistic ass needs in order to not feel so twisted up inside. Weird bastard.