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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 241 KB, 962x988, 25C3DF2E00000578-2957301-Balanced_diet_Italian_children_get_pasta_fish_two_kinds_of_salad-a-2_1424244473415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7029803 No.7029803 [Reply] [Original]

School meals

>> No.7029807
File: 218 KB, 962x912, 25C3DF2A00000578-2957301-In_Finland_lunch_is_mainly_a_vegetarian_affair_of_pea_soup_carro-a-1_1424244473399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7029809
File: 200 KB, 962x973, 25C3DF2500000578-2957301-Brie_green_beans_carrot_rare_steak_and_pudding_of_kiwi_fruit_and-a-4_1424244473531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7029813
File: 228 KB, 962x977, 25C3DF1900000578-2957301-South_Korean_children_tuck_into_broccoli_and_peppers_fried_rice_-a-6_1424244473592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7029817


>> No.7029819
File: 202 KB, 1600x1200, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always start with America.

>> No.7029825
File: 165 KB, 962x721, 25C9BC8700000578-2957301-image-a-14_1424249787728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit forgot the pic

>> No.7029831
File: 226 KB, 962x918, 25C3DF2100000578-2957301-A_meal_of_traditional_flavours_Brazil_s_rice_and_black_beans_bak-a-8_1424244473633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their turn will come, the starkest contrast is made at the end

>> No.7029834
File: 206 KB, 962x930, 25C3DF0D00000578-2957301-A_serving_of_borscht_beetroot_soup_with_pickled_cabbage_sausages-a-11_1424244473812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7029835

Brazil looks pretty good baka desu senpai kek

>> No.7029839
File: 211 KB, 962x903, 25C3DF0600000578-2957301-Wholesome_Seeded_roll_shrimp_with_brown_rice_gazpacho_and_tri_co-a-5_1424244473585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone even here?

>> No.7029842


>> No.7029844
File: 181 KB, 962x879, 25C3DF1400000578-2957301-Greek_school_lunches_feature_baked_chicken_with_orzo_stuffed_gra-a-10_1424244473761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are fried plantains

>> No.7029847
File: 104 KB, 962x599, 25C9BB3000000578-2957301-image-a-12_1424249724977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7029851
File: 118 KB, 962x615, 25C4F0E200000578-2957301-UK_school_dinner_of_frankfurters_and_beans_a_baked_potato_corn_o-a-9_1424244473637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

United Kingdom (my own home, sadly)

>> No.7029859

Worst so far

Best so far

>> No.7029860
File: 206 KB, 962x941, 25C3DEFE00000578-2957301-Unhealthy_meal_Children_in_the_US_get_fed_popcorn_chicken_with_k-a-7_1424244473610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AAAND who can forget good old Murica.

Do these in any way reflect the sentiment of their home countries?

>> No.7029865

>implying that's bad

>> No.7029868

>poverty food

topest kek

>> No.7029869


>> No.7029871

My personal favourite is Greece.

What's your beef with coriander my friend?

>> No.7029872

That the US can't be bothered to spend enough money to ensure its children are properly nourished? I'd say so.

>> No.7029878

I didn't imply a thing, it looks thoroughly delicious

>> No.7029879

Are these for real? Growing up in America I had no idea that there were public schools anywhere in the world that had real food for lunch.

I also think it's hilarious how all the other countries have huge portions meanwhile in America you get a slice of pizza a tiny bit of iceberg salad a fruit cup (because fruit soaked in HFCs juice is so healthy) and a carton of milk. Yet we are the ones with the obesity problem

>> No.7029884

That's what the food often is, but it never looks that good. This looks like food from a rich white people school.

>> No.7029891

>What's your beef with coriander my friend?
A significant amount of people find it inedible.


To me it tastes pretty horrid, and I can detect even small amounts of it in food very easily. You pretty much have to throw away the whole dish if there is any in it.

>> No.7029894

Snacks don't really exist in many countries so full meals are taken to tide you over. When I spent time in France and Greece that was the case with most people, adults generally viewed snacking as a bad habit for children. I don't entirely agree but it's a structured way to live

>> No.7029900

Can you eat curry or do you just completely avoid most south Asian cuisine? That is nearly as horrifying as lactose or gluten intolerance.

>> No.7029903

Really I didn't know that
But like even healthy snacks? Ya know like some nuts and seeds or some fruit is that looked down upon too?
I was always under the impression that in other countries they also just ate way less sugary shit like candy and the like

>> No.7029909

Never had curry or south asian food.

>> No.7029919

My mind cannot comprehend what is going on with that fruit

>> No.7029929
File: 31 KB, 400x313, Finnish_school_lunch[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No school in Finland I have ever gone to has had white bread or desserts or berries there.

And I've been to several as I do substitute teaching.

90% of school lunches can be summed up as rice or boiled potato, some sauce, usually pork or chicken, and salad. As sides you get milk, näkkileipä (a type of a rye bread cracker) and either some kind of margarine or in rare cases butter for your näkkileipä.

Pic related

>> No.7029931

Snacks do exist but they are usually eaten at a certain time or with coffee or drink, like a mini meal thing. Essentially there is less impulsiveness associated with food.

>> No.7029939

Those pics are fake

Schools don't serve school lunches like that

The author arranged it

>> No.7029944

Private school

Public school

Wow, who would've thought

>> No.7029945

Then where does the meme about excellent Finnish school food come from? I would still gladly eat that.

>> No.7029946

that's still too good for America
>non instant mashed potatoes
they came in a little scoop like ice cream
>real cookies
Ms. Fields in a packet
lol potatoes are a vegetable.

Corn-syrup cup and half-frozen nuggets are accurate.

>> No.7029950
File: 46 KB, 400x300, IMGP0098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7029955

>Then where does the meme about excellent Finnish school food come from?

propaganda. You keep repeating a lie and it becomes fact.

The dish in the picture is actually quite good. The dark red stuff is blackcurrant jelly/jam and it goes great with the particular chicken sauce. No idea why they'd have potatoes rather than rice with it though.

>> No.7029956

damn that looks good

>> No.7029959


Its a public school meal
also it costs roughly 50 cents to students and school employees, 2 dollars to visitors.

I ate that shit for 2 years until i quit school

>> No.7029962

Lived my entire life in brazil and I have no idea what is that yellow roasted thing. Everybody eats only french bread. Nobody eats dry beans like this. Also ''school meals'', even at uni the meal is fried chicken (the cheapest meat possible), boring white rice with no additives, brown beans with salt and garlic (cheaper than black beans) and collard greens for salad. At private school we had the same eexcluding the chicken. Public school meal is cheap pasta, cheap fake tomato sauce and sausage, eventually a wannabe ham and cheese risotto.

>> No.7029969

you dont know what a plantain is? a fucking plaintano fucck

>> No.7029972

It's a sailboat, buddy.

>> No.7029976

>butter knife

Nice try

There's a toothpick or something stuck through it, dumbass.

>> No.7029978

>potatoes rather than rice
Cultural inertia? They are an acceptable starch but those skinless, unseasoned beauties don't look promising.

>> No.7029998


Literally all the artist did was take a stereotypical regional cuisine and put it on a plate.

Yeah whoever made these is straight meme tier. So my boss is Korean. And he basically said thats not what they ate. More like american school lunch. A meat/veggie/and a fruit. Amazingly they dont eat kim chi all day erry day. Imagine Spain giving the entire countries kids shrimp for lunch.

Freedomland lunch
Choice of Sandwich, or Pizza with side and drink. Or you can get the regular lunch. Which would be chiken patties or spaghetti usually.

>> No.7030000

Notice the shots all use the similar cardboard tray and wooden background. I'm willing to accept that school lunch in the US tends to be worse than elsewhere, but this is obviously staged to some degree.

>> No.7030005

ITT: private school meals compared to US public schools in the poorest districts.

>> No.7030006

This. I fucking hate the people that retweet this shit or post it on Facebook and say "wow look the United States is so backwards and awful!"

If you go to a private school funded by millionaires no shit they're going to have decent food.

>> No.7030010

To be fair though, that still looks better, healthier and tastier than the American lunch.

>> No.7030013

>here kids just suck on these fucking lemons
lmao no reason they can't pay their fucking denbts they're too busy wasting money on making sure their hairy children don't get scurvy

>> No.7030017
File: 102 KB, 812x816, 1384886767598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7030018
File: 12 KB, 200x247, Douglas_Engelbart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7030021

That uni meals sounds right up my alley. Love eating that way.

>> No.7030029

Obviously it's staged, those are representative of what governments subsidise in schools, whether reality differs or not.

>> No.7030041

>5 food items
>nice looking tray
Murrica is more like

>> No.7030043
File: 11 KB, 210x240, 1446095813433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i so wish you could see country flagso n this board now

i bet youre some fucking american

>> No.7030050

pay denbts pls

>> No.7030074

>those are representative of what governments subsidise in schools
they aren't even that, its just food that people eat in places, it is not representative of what students eat

>> No.7030083

Honestly, I'd have been thrilled to be served that while in school. Not the best, but at least everything on the tray looks edible. Vegetables are green, anyway.

>> No.7030085

>This is what Amerilards actually believe

Whatever you need to tell yourself

>> No.7030115

>hurr why don't you know about my special snowflake citrus cultivar!

Fuck off

>> No.7030164

sorry, but no fucking way this food is from a school in Brazil. most of the things in the plate are not even part of a normal meal around here.

>> No.7030183

>special snowflake citrus cultivar

What's it like living in a cave in North Korea, anon?

>> No.7030188
File: 166 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Photo taken in my federal university in Brazil. The food is fortified with generous amounts of iron. There are also hair or bugs depending on the day.

>> No.7030190

this is fake, michelle obama's school lunch program banned all deserts and carbs, as well as condiments and salt.

kids in elementary school also somehow get more portions.

>> No.7030208


This. You are all fucking idiots.

>> No.7030225

that looks worse than what i actually got here

>> No.7030227

They're nectarines you fucking idiot. Do you not know what those are?

>> No.7030286

What's the white cake? It looks good, unless it's cheese

>> No.7030290

Looks like a sliced apple.

>> No.7030294

It's cheese.

>> No.7030300
File: 67 KB, 446x400, laughgirl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Believing the myth about Michelle Obama lunch programs

Well meme'd. Now back to your containment board, conspiritard.

>> No.7030308

I've got bad news for you tubby

>> No.7030331


>> No.7030351

> projecting onto me cause i thought that was a piece of cake

>> No.7030354
File: 877 KB, 500x278, 38665322255.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be me
>have 5yo just started kindergarten last month
>made his lunch, almond butter and preserves sandwich, rice pudding and carrot sticks
>drop him off, go to work
>30 minutes later school calls saying there's been an altercation
>teacher and my son are in office
>teacher says: "this boy brought nuts into an allergy free zone."
>I remind them no warning was issued for special concessions to be made for other kids, no alert of anything besides supplies needed
>teacher flips a shit starts screaming
>I pick my son up and walk out laughing at irate hippie skank blathering on about nuts and dairy in his lunch

>mfw schools are more military structured now than learning institutions
>mfw I'm going to keep packing lunches exactly like this for my child because only the teacher has a nut allergy and didn't tell me directly

School are weird now, friend.

>> No.7030357

Moreover, that's kind of a ridiculous amount of cheese, and I say that as an American.
Japanese school lunches come with a tiny-ass packet of nori and a solid-state hard drive

>> No.7030358

Things that didn't happen: the post. But no seriously, It's best to switch your son out of that class to a new teacher. Pretty sure she's going to be singling him out until the school year's over

>> No.7030366

>pie sliced piece of cheese

That's a ridiculous amount of cheese

>> No.7030373

It's like 1/16th of a brie.

>> No.7030385
File: 20 KB, 287x480, tara.jpg~320x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I will cry discrimination, she's black we're white. I'll say my son identified as a slave era peanut farmer once and demanded sandwiches as partial reparations for his indentured servitude.

TransNig is a thing, I plan to jam them up in red tape and bureaucracy if they don't concede their threats (her threats). She's an adult with a job that insures her life, she's capable of carrying an epi-pen and not endangering the nutritional welfare of my child.

>> No.7030400

Where do you live anon?

If you live in a poorer community then yes school is no longer a place of education but of control. Most teachers are told to teach students how to listen to authority.
For example they will spend several classes teaching students that when I raise my right hand everyone must be quiet look fowards and not move.

>> No.7030408

Is that supposed to make it ok. That's the exact response I would expect from a fat fuck

>> No.7030412


The Hudson Valley River Region of New York, top 1% of the 1% of citizens income, educationally and safety. My town is 99% white, that 1% accounts for "live-in" help of wealthier home owners. We're middle class, no point in lying. Inherited a rather large parcel of land a few years back.

Before that we lived at West End ave @ 63rd in NY, NY. I worked a corporate gig in the Culinary word, now I'm just an educator for adults at a vocational school.

Its a "faggot hippie" problem, nothing else. I hope my son kisses his teacher with nut butter on his lips, the filthy nigger slag.

>> No.7030422

Yeah, this whole photo series is bullshit, OP.


>> No.7030427

Fucking this. You people are fools

>> No.7030432

> I hope my son kisses his teacher with nut butter on his lips
>the filthy nigger slag.
You're way of thinking is retarded as fuck desu

>> No.7030444


She's lucky to be working in our school district. Smart woman going to school for 6 years to make $29,000yr wiping butts and boogers.

>you're way of thinking

Hmm. Most adults know the difference between "your" and "you're" where I live. It's such a shame you're the end product of the common core educational system.

Maybe I'll put him in private school. Lordes School is only just down the road...hmmm...

>> No.7030513
File: 564 KB, 1600x1200, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally propaganda. It looks like they basically got a list of typical school menus from around the world, then had a chef make his version of each dish from top quality ingredients and a food stylist to present it neatly and then presented that next to an actual American school lunch to prove how shitty American schools are.

Coming with insider information from Finland. Finland only has public schools and they all serve essentially the same food (often made by the same company).

The inclusion of crepes makes me think it was supposed to be a pancake, as I've never heard of any school serving crepes. Further, pancake is always served with pea soup, which I suppose is what the green soup is supposed to be despite looking nothing like any pea soup I've ever eaten. Likely what was on the menu was: pea soup, pancake, bread, salad with beet and carrot. As for the pea soup, it's really nothing but a thick pale green mush of peas and trace amounts of pork. Apparently the chef here decided to make more of a clear soup as well as adding some carrot and a leafy vegetable in there, making it a different dish entirely. The crepe should be a pancake as mentioned (also Finnish pancake is more like a big hotcake that you bake on an oven sheet and cut into squares) and even in the unlikely case that anyone would get crepes at school, they certainly would not get fresh berries with it but would be limited to one or two types of cheap jam as with pancake.

The bread is likely wrong also. Typically they only have crispbread (a hard rye cracker) with margarine rather than soft bread. The carrot looks cooked, which would be a strange addition to go with pea soup, so I'm inclined to believe that it's supposed to be raw grated carrot, which is the most common type of "salad" in any establishment. The beets are the only thing that look like they might be accurate.

Overall, this has nothing in common with a real school lunch besides the base ingredients.

>> No.7030536
File: 21 KB, 426x333, 1442809047207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, you dumb fucks. You mouthbreathing dumb fucks.

It's not supposed to be pictures of actual school meals. It's just showing the difference in a cultures food and arranging them into what looks like a school meal to compare them.

>> No.7030559
File: 154 KB, 1280x720, 1421328886170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a thread for posting school meals
>type "school meals" in the subject field
>type "school meals" in the post field
>post 12 pictures of what look like school meals
>"oh my god it's not supposed to be pictures of actual school meals you dumb fucks"

>> No.7030572

I'm just telling you why these pictures were taken, dumbass.

Complain at OP for making a shitty thread. I'm just helping out the children who say every time
>OMG THIS IS FAKHGGE!!!"!!!!!111111

>> No.7030574


>> No.7030601
File: 16 KB, 314x291, 1418483625797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it literally is fake, like the tall and beutiful burgers in every burger commercial. It's the idealization of the real thing. Also, if the idea is to compare the cuisines of the world as a whole, why present these cuisines as school lunches? What is the message that is being communicated when you put penne pasta in a tray with Italy written under it and a wedge of Brie in a tray with the word France under it? Is this an art project that I'm too plebeian to appreciate?

>> No.7030625

>why present these cuisines as school lunches
Because it's been done as ordinary meals so many times before. It's just an interesting change.

>> No.7030676

seems fake as fuck unless this is only comparing expensive private schools

>> No.7030680

BTFO by the fucking filter

>> No.7030689


>> No.7030754

That's not Spanish food. Coriander isn't used in Spanish cooking, parsley often is. I'm guessing that soup is supposed to be gazpacho? but it is way too thick. The rice with raw onion also is strange.

>> No.7030762

Sounds like the kind of nonsense the autistic kid in elementary school would say as if it makes total sense.

>> No.7030768

Wow, it took you 45 minutes to come up with that response?

Should have stayed silent and kept your dignity, kid.

>> No.7030773

Literally no sane human would serve this to their child. This has to be a joke, right?

>> No.7030775

These are the same people who cut the end of their newborn babies penis off.

>> No.7030777

so whos going post what they actually looks like, and not these fabrications

>> No.7030784

These aren't actual school lunches. It's a publicity stunt from an american restaurant. I know because I eat there on a regular basis. There are a lot of vegetables, lots of them. So many of them that by /ck/ definitions, it would be considered an extremist militant vegan restaurant, although most of the menu items have meat and dairy.

>> No.7030787
File: 3 KB, 125x115, 1398494829742s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I didn't know the instanigga filters

>> No.7030811

This is a case of a sub 100 I.Q human over exaggerating their intelligence based on having knowledge others do not. Look how open and belligerent they are.

>> No.7030824
File: 41 KB, 480x640, 7Ldn6gD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7030825

It might even be just a woman

>> No.7030902

>great tier
Italy, Greece

>good tier
Spain, Brazil

>average tier
South Korea, France

>low tier
Ukraine, Finland

>hellfire tier
US of the A

>> No.7030903
File: 53 KB, 420x333, c3bb1fb6885311284045a38920adc32272ad8fc1a8f5c585c0d7ac82cceab8df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice... I wonder what else it gets "fortified" with that no one notices.

my appetite would be ruined all day.

Anythings gotta be better then that, even carrying fruit/veg, nuts, and dehydrated meat in you backpack all the time.

Are you forced to have grant/loan money budgeted out into a cafeteria "meal plan" of some sort? if not I would definitely suggest not eating there.

>> No.7031011

Not anon but the quality isn't that bad and it's 100% free for me.

>> No.7031040

School lunches are pretty much unheard of in Australia, at least where I'm from. Everyone just packs their own lunch.
On special occasions the school might sell pies or sausage rolls.

>> No.7031052
File: 31 KB, 625x420, dalai lama2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> School meals

Gee, I wonder how this thread will go?....

> school meals in every nation in the universe are healthy feasts fit for a king.
> fat burgerclap murricans ear corn syrup nuggers deep fried in corn syrup all day erry day.

>> No.7031064
File: 108 KB, 620x828, Travolta_05_1633154a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> leaves still on the fruit, hand picked by Artemis herself

Grease, please...

>> No.7031088
File: 1.41 MB, 2000x1000, trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The food at my high school was the reason the McDonald's around the corner got so much business. I don't even like Mickey D's and I ate there any time I didn't have a lunch packed rather than eat cafeteria food. Even a mcdouble some such crap was better than the microwaved-in-the-bag french bread pizzas and chili dogs they'd try to sell us, and for the amount of money a pair of soggy pseudo-cheesesteaks, a carton of milk, and some baby carrots would set you back, you could get twice as much food.

>> No.7031211


Hello, retard.

>> No.7031214

The good meals are for the faculty right?

>> No.7031217


looks like camembert

>> No.7031219

>tfw my high school didn't let kids leave at lunch

>> No.7031220

You mean every other thread on /ck/? They're obsessed I swear.

>> No.7031225

>huge wedge of brie
ITT: ate no one in a school cafeteria ever

>> No.7031229

this is so fucking true.

I work at a private school in Texas, we are the 2nd best elementary school in our city, and my greatest perk of working their is the free daily lunch. They have chefs who cook in there, I have had salmon at work before, the week before thanksgiving, they literally make an entire thanksgiving dinner, and serve it all day, its amazing.

>> No.7031230

Not your blog, cunt.

>> No.7031238

Is cooking from scratch expensive in your country?

I grow up hearing how finland is heaven on earth but seems that at least the food is better here on brazil. Theres violence everywhere, poverty and ugly streets but at least you can go to a farmers market and get vegetables/fruits for nothing. Sometimes I feel guilty paying too little for all that food. Then you buy rice and beans also very cheap. Meat price skyrocketed in the last years and now we can eat only chicken. Eating for a month less than 50 dolars per person.

>> No.7031338

Finland is literally hell on earth for anyone who's conscious about good food. Imagine the culinary skills of an 18-year-old guy whose experience is limited to making sandwiches and who now has to move out and cook for himself for the first time. Now imagine an entire country populated by these people, from young men to middle aged housewifes to even grandmothers. While people do have some kind of an idea of what tastes good and what doesn't, the vast majority of people just don't really give a shit about cooking and will basically eat slop as long as it's cheap and easy to make. And the 1% of the population who do give a shit most of the time give way too much of a shit and are your typical insufferable foodies into gluten-free bullshit and raw foodism.

>> No.7031341

Being around these people is not the worst thing, because of course they are in every country. But things get very inconvenient when they are the 99% and the only people shops cater to. For example, if I want to buy a chunk of meat to make a roast, tough shit, they don't sell those at the supermarket, the only meat they have is ground beef. I have to go to the buther's shop. If I want to make beans and rice, I have to go to the fucking vegan gluten-free hippy specialty shop for my dry beans because no one eats beans in Finland. And of course they're going to be fair trade organic and in 250 gram biodegradable packages, so they'll cost 5-10 times as much as they would in most countries. If you want to make any kind of Mexican food, you're out of luck because they only sell two kinds of chilis here - the mild red kind and the mild green kind. God forbid you want to do something as insane as make your own beef stock. Getting access to beef bones is more difficult than getting access to heroin because you'll be among the 20 chosen people in the entire country who actually want to make their own stocks.

>> No.7031346

There's shit you might not even expect. I had to buy my stainless steel frying pan online and it cost a 100 fucking euros, because teflon pans are the only kinds they sell in any stores in a 100 km radius from me. Because why would you ever want to brown your meat properly? Just throw that shit in a 150 C pan and enjoy your gray mince. Wanna bake your own bread? Too bad the shopkeeper's an asshole and only stocks organic name brand white flour that costs about 5 times more by weight than a value pack of the generic stuff (which comes from the same mill and is the exact same product), but he gets away with it because the only people in Finland who ever actually bake anything are middle-to-upper class hipsters and foodies who can afford to get screwed. Oh, and there is no competition because 90% of the grocery stores are owned by two companies that have a duopoly and keep the prices artificially high. In general it really sucks being poor and into cooking, as you will be bled dry because there are so few of you.

>> No.7031374

That's 4 of your 5 a day and no processed shit. It's basic but good for you.

>> No.7031386


That's an american-sized meal.

>> No.7031422

> no one eats beans in Finland.

Is this true? I was under the impression beans were like a global standard commodity

>> No.7031455

>Implying anyone cares about your snow squaw wife descended from peasant farmer blood
>Implying anyone cares about your inferior mutant child gestated from your scrub-cum

>> No.7031465

>no processed shit

>> No.7031469
File: 164 KB, 962x615, 1446311104099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.7031489

>Finland only has public schools
lies, i was in a private school.

>> No.7031576

>I also think it's hilarious how all the other countries have huge portions

That's not real school food tho, Greece doesn't even have school food

The only ones that come close to reality are probably USA and Finland.

>> No.7031587

Oh anon you don't know the pain 2012 brought to public school lunches at LAUSD because of Michelle I worked 2011-2015 as a strength and conditioning coach. When they rolled out their new menu kids didn't eat it tasted horrible spaghetti with vegi meatballs pasta overcooked, oatmeal 0 flavor bagels with non fat cream cheese. The trash cans were overfilled with school food with only 1 bite taken for a week and eventually kids wouldn't even get lunch. I was at 3000 kid high school and over 2700 meals wouldnt be eaten just left in the cafeteria. Alot of kids were low income also so school lunch was a buffer for some kids so they wouldn't wake up in the morning hungry and the menu changed really hurt them. Teachers would hand out snack bars and buy mini cerals and instant ramen for some of their students 2012 was a bad year for poor kids.

Eventually teachers and students began selling sandwiches and chips and the nearby fast-food made a killing and still was when I quit 3 months ago.

The food has slightly improved chicken sandwiches and hamburgers with oven roasted wedged 3 days of the week and fresh fruit daily along with a granola bar and milk as a 2nd option every day for lunch so at least they eat something.

Food is still cooked and not eaten because Michelle Obama made lunch so shitty she actually made the situation worse because now daily kids are eating taco bell fast food donuts and created a vending network where kids bring junk food and home made food to sell and its actually more caloric dense and more sugar then the actual lunches.

>> No.7031595

>A significant amount of people find it inedible.
You should read that wikipedia article. It never states a amount anywhere, only that
>"In a genetic survey of nearly 30,000 people, two genetic variants linked to perception of coriander have been found, the most common of which is a gene involved in sensing smells."
Which I am going to assume is super rare. Outside of American inter breeding.
Whatever region of the world where the gene is common, i assume they don't import Koriander exactly for that reason.

>> No.7031621

Thats the most Swedish thing in the entire thread.

>> No.7031564

For me it is pretty bad but the meal is subsidized so we pay only a fraction of the price they charge non-students. But for twice as much as it cost for us it is possible to get 10 times better food. It is just that in Brazil public universities are paid 100% by the government and many student's can't afford to pay for quality food. Also the university is in the middle of nowhere.

And by the way, not having to pay to study is not necessarily good as the government often make drastic cuts or just don't pay and we get a university closed for months on a strike.

>> No.7031634

Potatos was exported from the New World to the entire of Europa.
Beans was not, except for Spain and Portugal.
>Trying to get dry beans in Norway
That takes too much effort. Unless you can find a asian store that sells them, you have to import them yourself.

>> No.7031572
File: 141 KB, 800x600, Hog 36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saying something is from the USA is like saying something is from Earth. Nearly every culture is represented in the U.S.

You ignorant children.

>LOL this is what people on planet Earth eat for school lunch!

>> No.7031652

>Most adults know the difference between "your" and "you're" where I live.
Lol ok.

>> No.7031701
File: 366 KB, 663x731, 1442869798619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw went to private school in America
>tfw my favorite was chopped steak with mushroom gravy, or grilled salmon filets with lemon butter sauce
>tfw I never had to deal with the shit public school kids did
Feels good being white

>> No.7031751

>went to private school in America

People in the U.S. regularly identify themselves by location. Had you really attended school in the United States, you would have written something like, "...went to private school in NH..."

In other words, you're full of shit.

>> No.7031759

Dude I'm not even the guy you're replying to but I don't expect foreigners to know that I'm American because I tell them what state I live in.

>> No.7031760


Im from Spain, and i dont remember having a menu like that in the school. :(

But I remember a Lasagna that caused me diarhea

>> No.7031761

Okay you special snowflake, I went to private school in Florida.

>> No.7031762

I can't even handle all the run-on sentences in this post. Do you know how commas work?

>> No.7031780

Foreigners obsess over us. Name a state and they'll know immediately that you're American.

>> No.7031806

>no bread
>no yogourt
>2 serving of fruits
>no entrée, be it cold cut or salad

also what the heck is that orange stuff? plastic carrots?

>> No.7031812

we don't use those weird baby trays with "food slots" there. It's a normal one and we get normal plates and normal fork and knife. Even the kids.

>> No.7031816


>> No.7031823

>Private school
no, in europe the public stuff is better than those photos. Those pics were made by someone who has no idea wha they're talking about and probably filled it using their belief instead of getting real pictures. The face they all use the same american trays is a dead givaway.

>> No.7031825


>> No.7031829

It's a Mimolette or similar.

>> No.7031830

sweet potatoes

>> No.7031832

what do people mean by "school" cause there the food is different when you are in little classes (single complete meal served at the table) or above 15 (you get choices like a cafeteria but it's still at school) or 18+ (restaurant for students are cheap but shit tier and were people start to eat badly because pizza every 2days and fries by default with all meat.)

>> No.7031834

impossible. Not served like that.
too hard to get in france

>> No.7031838

>too hard to get in france
they're just not very popular. and that meal isn't an actual school meal nor is it a french one

>> No.7031843

Shieeeet I need to open up a taco truck outside this uni. The sales would be through the roof.

>> No.7031855
File: 11 KB, 233x131, Detroit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This week's school lunch schedule for Airport Community Schools, Michigan:


If the students don't want that, they have other options - a mall type food court.

Kids in the U.S. now have more options than I did when I attended a 4-year university.

>> No.7031865

A quick google says roughly 10-20% of many human populations.

>> No.7031875

>they're just not very popular.
and all imported from the USA, sold at 5 time the price of normal potatoes. You won't see it in normal school luches anytime, expect maybe for a thanksgiving event like they do sometime.

>> No.7031878

genes aren't an excuse to say it makes all the people with it dislike it. Culture is something way stronger and you can acquire a taste for it even if you have the bad genes. humans consume lots of things their body reject by default.

>> No.7031886

Yeah okay. If it doesn't affect you then you wouldn't know how bad the taste is. People should just stop trying to ruin dishes instead.

>> No.7031905

i was told nectarines are similar to peaches but not as hairy and that its not a citrus fruit
no matter how much i google it never shows me a citrus fruit, are you sure those are nectarines?

>> No.7031906
File: 119 KB, 800x800, 2HZ3qWX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat beans
this is from the military and it's a superb meal

>> No.7032066

Yeah, but 10% of human population has to live in some isolated area.

>> No.7032075

He's retarded. He meant tangerines.

>> No.7032079

Coriander got a 50/50 mix of chemicals that can taste good and bad.
Depending on your genes, 90% of the human population tastes the good part.
But its chemicals, so its possible to destroy the bad part of it in dishes.

>> No.7032098

Worked in a Korean public school for two years.

DEFINITELY didn't look anything like this.

>> No.7032132
File: 138 KB, 595x1120, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People have tried to sell food but somehow the owner managed to drive them away. I would be happy with a Subway or any reasonably priced fast food nearby. By the way, for some reason burgers are expensive in Brazil.

Maybe the price in dollars is lower now since our money crashed but it is a matter of time until they repass the prices to the consumers.

Anyway I'm in Japan now and enjoying lots of seafood.

>> No.7032200

It's a radioactive block of lead

>> No.7032207
File: 191 KB, 1000x664, schoolrijp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

School meal in Belgium.

>> No.7032221
File: 13 KB, 252x317, 1437063688780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lol, ok.

>> No.7032227
File: 25 KB, 300x250, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you expect the robot girls to keep absorbing more information if you don't give them solid state memory?

>> No.7032248

Thank https://instagram.com/sweetgreen/ for this hipster trash.

>> No.7032261

> that 1% accounts for "live-in" help of wealthier home owners
I find it unlikely that the "live in help" are officially on the books as residents. Too many labor law violations.

I find it more likely that it's the obligatory low income housing right next to the Metro North station in all of those towns, that is separated from the wealthy areas by a long stretch of road and usually cliffs or something. Law enforcement isn't interested in those areas because they are basically self-contained. It's why the per capita murder rate in the Hudson Valley resembles El Salvador.

>> No.7032346

This. That is obviously some Americunt trying to replicate dishes.

>> No.7032355

If you read the thread, or looked at the watermark in every single image, you'd realize you're not special, little miss snowflake.

>> No.7032367

haha omg I fell down my chair

>> No.7032409

>Imagine the culinary skills of an 18-year-old guy whose experience is limited to making sandwiches and who now has to move out and cook for himself for the first time. Now imagine an entire country populated by these people, from young men to middle aged housewifes to even grandmothers.

Fucking city folk. Almost everybody from the variation of the backwater i come from, that i know of, know how to cook and how to cook well and those who don't tend have a BF/GF that does it for them, usually decently too. Aside from that i agree with almost every point of yours: Finland is shit for people into cooking unless you like plain stuff or happen to live next the only good shop for ingredients and shit in your county.

>> No.7032455


That's military peasoup.

>> No.7032476

Italy here.
We got things LIKE this, but it was comparable to how a US school would serve a cheeseburger. Extremely low effort and nowhere near this level of presentation.

Going by my experience, it looks like these images are horribly biased toward countries that aren't US.

>> No.7032502
File: 2.61 MB, 1280x720, pikespeakpioneer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where were you when "go back to /pol/" became the hot new phrase to use when someone says something you disagree with?

>> No.7032525

Stop hurting peoples feelings by using such problematic language.

>> No.7032530

>containment board

It's like you all share the same brain...

>> No.7032567

Italybro tell me this:

Did they ever give you portions that large? The image makes it look like a meal for a grown ass working man, not a child. Seems like a lot would get thrown away each day.

>> No.7032617

I mean, that slightly resembles the things they serve at uni (definitely not elementary or high school) but nowhere near as bad.

>> No.7032641

Not at my school, though it probably isn't unheard of.
That's more calories than you'd see in a military ration.

>> No.7032794

I've studyed in 5 diffrent school and at least four of them served white/rye bread + dessert daily. No berries tho, berry juice was available. elementary was different we only had dessert on friday + bread ( instead of crackers)

>> No.7032856

These look like things from "Other countries are better than the U.S." Buzzfeed videos.

>> No.7033094

Some countries are. Delusional much?

>> No.7033204

My school in the UK had a private catering company (public grammar school) and really good food. I think Jamie Oliver did a lot of good promoting healthy eating in schools here.

>> No.7033241

Well no shit. Anon was simply making an observation.

>> No.7033273
File: 89 KB, 639x623, mistake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. We never had any school meals. In Athens there was this one school I went to with a tiny kiosk selling already packaged snack food from literally the store down the road. And that was a public school. In another city I went to a private school and they only had a "cafeteria" (more like a room with tables and chairs) that only middle and high schoolers could use, which only served toasted sandwiches, juice, and some other small things. And it would all sell out within minutes of recess. So they didn't even have a good enough budget for the few students in a private school. Me and my siblings would always buy packaged chocolate-filled croissants and sweet bread, among other fillings. I'm so glad someone else shares my pain of this awful propaganda. I mean seriously, stuffed grape leaves in a school lunch?

>> No.7033303

Supermarkets in Finland don't have normal flour?
Or are you just in some tiny rural town?

>> No.7033397

I can speak to you of Spain. We did get big portions of food, similar to the Italy pic, but not nearly as beautifully presented. We always got 3 courses. First course was a salad, soup, stew, or pasta of some kind. Second course was a protein, most often veal, fish or chicken, with a side (fried potatoes often). Third was a desert of some kind. If you didn't want the desert yogurt and fruit were available. It's a myth that American portions are huge and that Americans eat a lot more food. It's much more about what they eat and their relatively sedentary lifestyles.

>> No.7033423

This is such BS. Obviously staged since every country uses the same serving tray and the food is 'plated' so nicely. I don't believe a single one of these pics; they're just stereotypical representations of a country's cuisine. The US one is infinitely stupid. That looks nothing like a school lunch here

>> No.7033430

Murricans here, that looks accurate. Why is our school food shit anyway? I think it's because all the black's and Mexican get it for free so they give us the cheapest shit.

>> No.7033507

>they're too busy wasting money on making sure their hairy children don't get scurvy

My fucking sides

>> No.7033521

Nectarines are peaches but with a genetic mutation, you can actually graft a nectarine branch on a peach tree and produce peaches and nectarines.

>> No.7033523


Best post on 4chan right now desu senpai

>> No.7033569
File: 506 KB, 810x530, lemons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks 4 the free karma :)

>> No.7033580

Except you require a timestamp in your post, nerd

>> No.7033588

FYI, these pics were not taken with real kids lunch...the guy just had some info on what they served and made up a dish for the photos.

>> No.7033601

They even put a disclaimer I think.
That fucking Italian one looks way to fancy. That's what statesmen's children eat at school.

>> No.7033612

You can graft a lot of stuff, not just nectarines/peaches


>> No.7033617

Oh I just mentioned that because the poster seemed to imply that peaches and nectarines aren't in the same group of stonefruits or something.

>> No.7033627

Upvote fine sir

>> No.7033628
File: 942 KB, 1001x765, chicken sandwich .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is even too fancy compare to my inner city school's lunch. They just give everyone a stale chicken sandwich or some square pizza. The only other choice is chips and nacho cheese in those chip. Nobody ate the salad because its either dried or cover in flies.

>> No.7033634

That sandwich looks good. I'll never forget school lunch chicken sandwiches. The paddy was a perfectly round stale and tasteless mass on the dries buns ever. No bullshit, you couldn't swallow it unless you dipped it in sauce, it just gets stuck and won't go down. So many students kept chocking on them that they made the cafeteria stop selling them because it was a hazard.

>> No.7033639
File: 1.17 MB, 962x879, lemons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tnx ;)

>> No.7033640

That sandwich looks good because I can't find the one that was offer in my school. They stop giving out hashbrowns because the fucking mexicans keep throwing them to start food fights.

>> No.7033654
File: 48 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it like this? Mine looked like these but I don't know how they made it so dry. I really think they dried the buns on purpose to keep them from growing mold. It was like they cooked the sandwich in a dehydrator. No pickles or lettuce or anything, I dipped it in honey mustard, some other kids used BBQ or ketchup, Mayo, etc.

>> No.7033667

That is exactly what it looks like. Sometime it's fresh but other times, it just darken or dry. It always package in those silver bag wrapper. I ALWAYS get those hashbrowns just so I can place it in the burger but after that stupid banned, I have to depend on those BBQ sauce.

>> No.7033691

How old are you? Did they fry food at your school or was it all baked? 28 here and up until my senior year we could buy fried stuff. The chicken sandwich and hamburger was always awful but they sold these godly seasoned crinkle cut fries and spicy tendies, all fried. Also fried burritos and stuff. Then they made them get rid of the fryers and chicken sandwiches because everyone bought fried stuff because we kept choking on the chicken sandwiches and burgers. They also got rid of the "snack line" which didn't sell snacks at all, they sold frozen burritos and hot pockets. I don't remember much about my last year, I remember soggy baked fries and these awful sandwiches I'd buy that were just sliced white bread and tasteless cold turkey. Basically prison food

>> No.7033704

27 and the option is very limited. Someday its chicken patties and square pizza. Other days its chicken patties and those dried hamburger. Other days it is just chicken patties and a cheap burrito. There were fruits but not as many. Banana were bruised up and they stop serving apples at one point during my HS years because the kids keep poking holes in the core and smoke weed in them. The only other option were chips or chip with nacho cheese in them. I already mention them adding a salad bar but it's in horrid condition. When I think back, it pisses me off that these are the kind of shit that are feeding all these kids and if I ever choose to have kids of my own, I will just make their lunch for them or just give them money to buy food.

>> No.7033713

>also what the heck is that orange stuff? plastic carrots?
Looks like roasted carrots

>> No.7033773
File: 1018 KB, 800x450, thereitgoes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High school senior here. It's even worse now than you guys have described. Usually the milk is expired and/or slushy. The "meat" is biscuits cut in half with a slice of ham inside that they recook throughout the week until it's too burnt to be eaten. Either that or some saltless chicken or grilled cheese with cheese that doesn't really melt, just gets harder... On friday of course there are the unsalted burgers and undercooked, freezerburned, unsalted fries.

The vegetables are green beans or squishy asparagus, which of course, aren't salted. The fruit is apples that are sour and beat to shit or squishy oranges.

It really does suck. I remember back when we had frozen burritos and ravioli and shit. It was good.

>> No.7033833

this school lunch pictures shit is amazing bait. Your average normie will never stop to wonder why completely bankrupt nations like Spain and Greece can afford to serve trays with $30 worth of food to schoolchildren, they just immediately conclude that OMG EUROPE IS LIKE SOOOO MUCH BETTER THAN THE USA!! And don't get me started on that Brazil picture holy shit, Brazilan kids aren't eating that. Brazilian ADULTS aren't eating that.
In any case if you like harvesting upvotes on Facebook then a good choice is to post a couple of these pictures

>> No.7034022

>supporting Buzzfeed
>They also make videos of white people complaining about Native American and Australian Aboriginal stereotypes.
>They think ancient Egyptians were black according to one video.
>Videos of Jews saying stupid things.
>Unironically, actually, seriously supporting them.

>> No.7034030

>knowing this much about buzzfeed
>watching not one, not two, not three, but at LEAST four different complete buzzfeed videos from start to finish, and developing an opinion about them
It is literally impossible for you to have a valid opinion at this point, anon. On anything whatsoever.

You lose, helium tank now.

>> No.7034058

My fucking high school lunches were so goddamn horrible. The only thing that was edible was the pizza, which was so greasy that there would be pools of grease in the pepperoni.

Sometimes they would even legit run out of food, in which case they break these out and you would get one of these and a carton of milk. And if they run out of chocolate milk then you either spend an extra $2 on a powerade or be content with skim milk.

I was so happy when I hit 11th grade and was allowed to leave campus for lunch. However lunch was only half an hour, so the only things you had time for was 7-11, kfc/taco bell and burger king, all of which are shitty but was still infinitely better than the school lunch

>> No.7034100

I mean, these are probably staged to a large degree, but it is true that in America growing up we were served absolute dogshit.

Like pizza, burger or shit chicken sandwich and friez, maybe a sub or some low-grade taco meat, an apple, and milk with fucking hormones in it. Every. Fucking. Day.

And we just ate it. Everyone did. Only now that I'm older do I think back and realize just how fucking garbage that is. I'm willing to bet at least in Europe it isn't total garbage-tier food and might actually have some nutrition.

When I have kids no matter how busy I am I am fucking packing them a lunch now way am I gonna let them eat the same shit I ate

>> No.7034118

Skip to 6:10

>> No.7034125

>fucking hormones
Fucking hormones are the best kind of hormones.

>> No.7034145

>No bread
>Carottes AND Bean
>Kiwi AND Apple
>Huge fresh brie not sealed

School has really changed.

>> No.7034203
File: 109 KB, 500x700, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7034204

Reporting in from one of the top boarding schools: really expensive even for the typical iPhone user (myself not included) (I fell for the Samsmug meme). Real bland too. Occasional brie and kimchi are the only things keeping me from suicide. Typically they are smaller simpler regular bland food. High quality lettuce is no better than any other quality of lettuce. There is also a salad bar. This is where they accidentally put flavorful things with lactic acid (the one true god).

>> No.7034263

School dinners were really tasty when I was a kid in the early 80s. We always had a choice. And we ate from proper plates and not plastic trays.

My favourites were chicken curry, and shepherd's pie. All made in the school kitchen. As much fresh juice and salad, vegetables as I wanted. The bread was baked fresh. And we got really tasty puddings. Pineapple sponge cake with custard, yogurt with honey and nuts, and loads more. All freshly cooked.
I don't think schools today feed kids properly. All the food is frozen and heated up.

That's why I make packed lunches for my kids. Usually an egg mayonnaise sandwich or some tuna with tomato and lettuce in a wholemeal roll, a piece of fruit, (banana or orange), and a treat. Some chocolate usually.

>> No.7034269

>Do you know how commas work?
He said he works in the athletic department of a public school. What do you think?

>> No.7034287

Wholly incorrect, a proper Korean school lunch is either flavored milk and a baked good borne on the back of someone of poorer; lineage, social stature, scholastic prowess, social skills, too much weight or the lack thereof, monetary wise, or the lack of a North Face jacket/400+ USD leather backpack; or your own tears.

>> No.7034304
File: 840 KB, 310x310, 1414524367996.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parents were fitness types
>packed me with decent food instead of filler shit
>maintained a healthy weight through school which made reaching my own fitness goals easier down the line

>> No.7034311

is that u

>> No.7034321

Why is glorious Nippon and Kamisama(god) chosen people (the japanese) so much better than everywhere else.

This is an amazing concept to teach kids early on to be responsible an learn about working together.

Like god damn the west could learn about this shit and it would not be full of spoiled ungrateful fucks today.

Also ever wonder why the crime rates are so low in glorious Nippon? Hmmm makes you think dosent it.

>> No.7034820

They also take turns cleaning the class. I think that teaches them to do stuff like take care of common spaces and not litter/vandalize.

But it also have to do with their don't having mass of miserables and absurd gaps in society.

>> No.7034851

>Doesn't know the author of the new CALassic

>> No.7034860

>gee american, how come you get TWO servings of vegetables?

>> No.7034899

>same bread
>same vegetables

fuck this propaganda

>> No.7034993

I call bullshit

>> No.7035004

Truly depends on the district.
When i lived in a very predominantly mexican city (Brownsville Texas) the lunches were free to everyone (district mandated / tax paid) never frozen(my grandmother was a head cafeteria lady) and the people in the community are a lot more active and evolved in the decisions made by the district as it is one of the top employers in the city as well as a staple in the community which is very family oriented.. Moving to a bigger city (Houston /San Antonio Texas) the food is mediocre at best, funding is spent more on security (cameras and officers) and just bullshit that lends the school eye catching flair (larger stadiums, ipads, and other slightly unnecessary bullshit).

Point being. I believe it has a lot to do with the involvment of the community members. After all it is their tax dollars being used.

>> No.7035573

they're all bullshit. its bait for dipshit Americans who view Europe as some sort of enlightened utopian wonderland

>> No.7035669

But theres to many nuggers there you only get 4 or 5 frozen nugger also katsup comes in a packet and you only get 2 another is 25 cents more
Also the suger free glutin free cookie is 50 cents extra also

I stopped eating lunch in 6th grade when i ate a half frozen nugger then when i complained they said oh well

>> No.7035725

>Lived my entire life in brazil
>Doesn't know what a plátano maduro is

Fuck off.

>> No.7035794

How's that extra chromosome working out for you?

>> No.7035796

Oh ya what was it called faggot

>> No.7036054

Well the second half of that isn't exactly wrong. When I was in school we could judge how good the nuggets would taste by how high we could bounce them off our trays. They were always served with a mashed potato-like substance covered in gravy that seemed to be made of saltwater. Don't get me started in the desert of green jello with green beens inside.

>> No.7036162

You're retarded.

>> No.7036312
File: 20 KB, 300x288, weed-burger-300x288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$4.20 for a big mac in the US

>> No.7036321
File: 595 KB, 800x600, tumblr_n6pyjgKKKs1s44kwao1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7036327


'straya kids are given raw peppers in their school lunches?

No wonder they're all such butthurt shitposters.

>> No.7036364


You've never had that kind of pepper before? They're not spicy in the slightest.

>> No.7036379

I went to a ukrainian school and we never had any borsch or anything, just shitty fish soup, and if lucky a yoghurt

>> No.7036415
File: 433 KB, 813x554, britain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My school dinners looked like pic rel. in an English state school. Well, the meat always look a bit worse than pic. rel desu.

Were 2-3 options every day, and a soup, and a full salad bar erry day. Was actually p. decent.

>> No.7036442


The very concept of courses barely exists here in the US.

>> No.7036449

>Why is glorious Nippon and Kamisama(god) chosen people (the japanese) so much better than everywhere else.

The Spanish didn't invade and begin another race of bastard humans/monkey people and there are very few negroes in Japan.

Good work.

>> No.7036466

>real cups and forks

>> No.7036512

Either that, or the cooks prepped the meals to look extra nice for the photo opportunity.

>> No.7036530

I live in the US but am a citizen of Spain and the US. I tend to spend my summers with relatives there and I can attest to this. My three months in Spain I definitely eat like 10X as much portion wise. But I always lose a good 5 pounds because of just walking around.

>> No.7036531

so how many things in that bowl can kill me

>> No.7036569

Yeah and most of these people probably have never left the US and don't have any clue what other counties are like.

>> No.7036759

>"Why would you listen to what the pope has to say about sex? He should have it :^)"

>> No.7036793

Yeah, not in California buddy, shit is over $5

>> No.7036804

Even the ones who have traveled outside the US probably did not visit a primary school.

>> No.7036810


>> No.7036820

>Are these for real?
Of course they are real. Someone went to each country and ordered food at each school. It's just coincidence that every school in every country uses the same food plates and have the same type of wood tables.

>> No.7036824

Yeah, the idea that traveling would give people an idea of what kids there eat in school is kind of silly

>> No.7036830
File: 57 KB, 640x458, square_cafeteria_pizza[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to love square school pizza as a kid

>> No.7036861

as a kid id sometimes put the lettuce they gave us on top of the square pizza... aaaaaand dont judge me, applesauce. O GOD IM SO GROSS.

>> No.7036917

The image probably is old.

>> No.7037037

says the mouthbreathing dumb fuck

>> No.7037045

my experience with american school lunch
>grade school
4 nuggets, fruit cup nobody ate, small juice or milk carton. That's it.
or instead of nuggets there would be a boiled hotdog, or a crunchy taco. We could have chips and stuff but had to pay extra for that. we were dangerously underfed in my opinion.
>middle school
many different items available every day, cheese steaks, burgers regular cheese and bacon cheese, spaghetti and meat balls, chicken parm sandwiches, pizza slices plain and pepperoni, chicken rings, popcorn chicken, pizza rolls, fries.
coke machine, snapple machine, poweraid machine, and regular vending machine with chips and candy and stuff

you could have what ever you want and as much as you want, you just had to pay for it.
>high school
we had an open campus and were free to come and go as we pleased, so everybody just went out every day for lunch.
there was a study hall that sold cold sandwich wraps and muffins, a lady with a cart that walked the halls selling fresh cookies and bagels and stuff (usually camped out by the gymnasium between periods), and there was also a vending machine by the back door that sold premade sandwiches which I never saw a single person use.

>> No.7037068

Never had a spread like that. Then again I lived in Florida for most of my school life.

>Stopped selling cookies during junior year of high school

>> No.7037132

why do they all use the same tray?

>> No.7037141

because they're not real dipshit

>> No.7037172

You mean a meat, a vegetable, a carb, some fruit, and dessert. Yeah, how could they. Thats pretty much child abuse.

>> No.7037196

You know considering Montgomery county spends the most $ on school I expected better food to be served.

In some Virginia Elementary school I attended way back I remember they served real food on real trays with actual utensils. Breakfast had nice choice of name brand cereal and cooked meals with fresh fruit

Montgomery is prison food standard compared to Virginia

>> No.7037206

lol this
was going to say the same thing, but damn you beating me to the punch

>> No.7037215

You can tell that America is such a young country they have no longstanding traditions of food or morality, so this lunch is a perfect example of a whole nation being corrupted by greed and throwing its most vulnerable under the bus.

All hail mammon, the true religion of America.

>> No.7037237

you forgot the the boarding school section

>went to a male and female boarding school in Atlanta for 3 years in high school

We had a private chef cook all our meals All you can eat too, not some petty serving crap you see in these pictures

>funded by millionaires is top tier, you guys missed out

>> No.7037244


These are probably the pictures given to Michelle Obama when she wanted to improve America's own school lunches

>> No.7037245


shut the fuck up you american fat fuck.

>> No.7037251

whoa whoa, guy

ease up, you're jealousy is showing a little

>> No.7037254

Looking at this shit reminds me why I packed my own lunch.
We're feeding schoolchildren literally the same food as prisoners, and then expect them to fix this country ruined by greed when they grow up.
If "you are what you eat" is true, we must not think much of children.

>> No.7037261

Feeding kids prison-grade slop is not an acceptable state of affairs.

Spare me your edgelord reply where you defend having six forms of corn as a "meal".

>> No.7037272

you read that entire post and only paid attention to the lack of commas...

>what is reading comprehension

way to focus anon

>> No.7037288

Dude, your reasoning behind those pictures being taken is retarded.
If you have an article about those original pics then by all means share it. Otherwise, your blatantly stupid posts makes you look like a screaming 12 yr old.

>> No.7037350

obviously you ascertained something completed inaccurate from my post

give it another shot anon, and get back to me

>> No.7037370

I had no idea schools used actual plates and metal silverware. But I was raised in scum. The high school kids would've broken the plates upside somebody's head and stabbed them with the fork.

>> No.7038244

My school didn't either, I asked one of my teachers why.
The food places don't like it when schools let the kids go off-campus for food. The kids don't spend much, and then stay there for the rest of their lunch break being obnoxious kids.
That in turn drives away the adults who would go there, spend more than the kids would, and not stay there for long.

>> No.7038335

We sometimes have fruit as entrée. Most commonly melon. But, be it dessert or entrée, when one is a fruit the other is often a pastry.
And we usually get a choice between yogurt and cheese.