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7012905 No.7012905 [Reply] [Original]

>Bacon, ham and sausages pose the same cancer risk as cigarettes, according to world health experts.
>A report by the World Health Organisation listed processed meat as a cancer-causing substance along with alcohol, asbestos, arsenic and cigarettes.
>When meat is preserved by smoking, curing or salting, or by adding preservatives, cancer-causing substances (carcinogens) can be formed, it is claimed.
>Fresh red meat is also judged as being bad for people's health.

So now that processed meats will be made illegal within your lifetime, or at least very heavily taxed, whats stopping you from moving towards being a vegetarian?

>> No.7012907

Nice sources faggot.

>> No.7012910
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Don't even care, fuck my poo chute up.

>> No.7012911


>illegal within your lifetime
if they're really that bad I'll die before that

>> No.7012917

Do they want us to starve to death? What food is left?

>> No.7012920

>OP, his posts, and his existence poses the same cancer risk as cigarettes, according to world health experts.
>A report by the World Health Organisation listed OP's faggotry as a cancer-causing substance along with alcohol, asbestos, arsenic and cigarettes.
>When OP creates a post, thread, or topic, or continues to breathe, cancer-causing substances (carcinogens) can be formed, it is claimed.
>Fresh shitposts are also judged as being bad for people's health.

So now that OP will be shitposting for the next few days, or at least constantly sucking dick, whats stopping you from moving towards a different thread?

>> No.7012921
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Reuters Break and BBC Breaking News twitter about it.
Here is the BBC article about it that just got published 2 minutes ago.
>Its report said 50g of processed meat a day - less than two slices of bacon - increased the chance of developing colorectal cancer by 18%.
Give it a few hours and more detailed readings of the report will show up.

Are you mentally deficient?

>> No.7012926

>When meat is preserved by smoking, curing or salting

Which is instantly why I find the conclusion that it increases the risk of cancer by *18%* incredibly dubious. Because we've been salting & curing meat for millennia: this used to be the ONLY way to preserve meat at all. Yet cancer rates have only shot up in the past century or so.

It seems there are far more serious environmental issues that are causing the rise in cancers than salted meat, and I suspect tackling those first would see a much more dramatic decline in cancer rates than if we all suddenly stopped eating ham.

>> No.7012943

The WHO is nothing more than a front for the proponents of fucking Veganism.

Take your beta shit down the fucking road.

>> No.7012950
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>i'm called to the food dispensary to pick up my weekly ration of United Nations authorized chicken substitute
>get mugged on the way by a gang of carnivores who want to eat my lab-grown-leather shoes for the second time this week
>they have to pull them off with their elbows because hands have been outlawed because of their connection to violent crime
>can't fight back because i'm fucking 120 years old
>tfw it's illegal for me to die for another 30 years

>> No.7012958

The WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION is pretty relevant and not just a vegan blog.

>> No.7012960

>processed meats
All meat is processed you fuckwit.

>> No.7012971

Not when you slaughter the animals with your bear hands.

>> No.7012973

I don't even think cancer rates are that much higher than they used to be. Yes, cancer rates have probably increased due to contamination in our water and food, but a hundred years ago, there wasn't even a whole lot of ways to know if you had cancer. If you just hacked up your lung one day at the ripe age of 60, everyone just kinda assumed you "died of old age". It was common for old people to be sick and just die like that. Most likely they died from some sort of cancer but nobody knew it because it was hard to diagnose, and nobody cared enough to perform autopsies all that often.

Basically, OP is full of shit. I immediately assume anything associated with the UN (which the WHO is) to be complete and utter horse shit

>> No.7012976

That's not even close to increased chance of cancer you get from smoking.
If they want to warn people about the risks of meat or whatever, that's fine.
But comparing it to cigarettes probably isn't going to make anyone give up meat. I'd say it's more likely to make people think cigarettes aren't actually that bad.

>> No.7012978

>bear hands

>> No.7012979

>animal gets killed
>it gets cooled down
>moved to the butchers shop
>cut a bit
>sold to you
>you cook it

Thats not processed meat, according to the popular use of the term.

>> No.7012982

>bitch-ass limpwristed vegan scientists
>claim delicious meat is bad

Move on, nothing to see here.

>> No.7012983

Besides in the past you'd often already be dead before cancer could form.

>> No.7012994

is there any evidence to suggest the WHO are actually vegan shills

>> No.7013001


I'd rather have cancer than be a faggot.

>> No.7013008

Here is the actual cause of the cancer, not the meats.

>> No.7013011
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This shouldn't be shocking in terms of smoking meats, etc. The extent of cancer from cured ham meanwhile is something id like to know......

>> No.7013019

The other day there was a selfish fuck eating a bacon sandwich next to me. I could practically breath the cancer fumes coming off his sandwich.

PROTIP: Cured meats eaters smell like death.

>> No.7013023

If I want to eat cancer causing products, let me.
People are allowed to be obese too, so at the very least I can have an increased chance of getting colorectal cancer.

>> No.7013025

Only if they eat shitty foods like cured meats.

>> No.7013029

Seeing as my great grandfather on one side and grandfather on another died of colon cancer, I was probably gonna get it anyway.

>> No.7013031

Well now you are 18% more likely to.

>> No.7013034

If I cared about my health, I wouldn't spend all day smoking, drinking, and eating bad food.

>> No.7013037

Not much I guess. I use meat like a garnish or condiment anyway.

>> No.7013122

>World Health Organisation
literally who

>> No.7013123

>whats stopping you from moving towards being a vegetarian
The fear that I'll become a flaming righteous faggot like most vegetarian crusaders.

>> No.7013125
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>> No.7013126

UK considering health warnings on bacon, hope they go the smoking route and stick goatse style rectums with cancer on the packages.

>> No.7013128

It's like the old Bill Hicks joke
>I'd quit smoking if I didn't think I'd turn into one of you.

>> No.7013129

Yes it is and it's just as fucking true as when old Bill said it.

>> No.7013132

>cancer-causing substances (carcinogens) can be formed
>can be formed
>the same cancer risk as cigarettes
>All cigarettes have carcinogens and other chemicals

Never send a sensationalist to do a lawyers job.

>> No.7013134

This is just a bullshit ploy to condition the world to accept Islam and halal food.

>> No.7013136


>> No.7013138

>I ate an entire pound of bacon last night

Bring it fag I'm not scared of a little chemo.

>> No.7013141

>I ate an entire pound of bacon last night
I can imagine the clogged toilet, but my mind refuses to visualize your clogged ass stretching so you can expel a football sized thick turd.
Do you bleed often?

>> No.7013148

Last time I did that my poop smelt like a pig sty for 3 weeks.

>> No.7013151

>>Its report said 50g of processed meat a day - less than two slices of bacon - increased the chance of developing colorectal cancer by 18%.
How fucking huge are those slices of bacon?

>> No.7013152

I remember my poop after I hiked in the woods and ate a bunch of berries. Black as tar and smelled like I should be dying.

>> No.7013155

a slice of cooked bacon is about 2/3 of an ounce
50g is about 1.5 ounces

>> No.7013159

>putting meat through a grinder is processing!!

stop being so autistic. processed meat refers to particular treatments of meat like salting.

>> No.7013163

UK to be the next Cali sticking cancer warnings on everything?

>> No.7013165

No idea, but it would be funny if they went with ass cancer pictures on the bacon packages.

>> No.7013168


>> No.7013182

Welp. Looks like I'm gonna get cancer. Consume the flesh until my body is no more.

>> No.7013187

We get cancer probably around 100 times a year, it only becomes an issue if the immune system fails in sorting it out.

>> No.7013190

[citation needed]

>> No.7013195

It's just a cell division gone wrong. Most of the time the error dies out on it's own.

>> No.7013200

[citation needed]

>> No.7013204

Read a paper on endocrinology.

>> No.7013205

I think only fatties eat that shit constantly anyways.

Bacon is like a once a week thing for me. Don't give a fuck about eating ham or sausages.

>> No.7013219

A good place to start would be removing nitrites and nitrates from cured and smoked meats.

>> No.7013225

>makes unverified claim
>tells the other person to go look it up
nah, I'll just keep calling you a liar

>> No.7013231

A pound of bacon isn't really that much, it's only like 10-12 slices, and if that's all you're eating it's not the most unhealthy meal I've ever seen.

>> No.7013237

>Most of the time the error dies out on it's own.

Actually it doesnt. Thats what aging is. Cell division gone wrong.

>> No.7013264

When the fuck will people learn that there is a fucking clear difference between something raising your risk for something and actually causing?

>> No.7013269

>50g of processed meat a day - less than two slices of bacon

>> No.7013273

Thats the same thing you herper durper. Drive a car 100 times, the tires wear down and you're increasing ur risk of a car accident.

>> No.7013281

Statistics mang.
Nothing 100% causes cancer, it's a stochastic condition.

>> No.7013282

smoking makes sense, the salt part is retarded.
The data is rubish anyway, because they couldn't study people whose only risk factor is meat, people who eat a lot of those listed things are 90% likely to do so while drinking and smoking after the meal. How many people do you know abuse pork meat without being slobs?
It's a shit irelevant shock value study. Probably funded by the emirate or some good ol jew lobby.

>> No.7013283

>One standard slice of raw bacon is about 1 oz. or, converted to grams, about 28.35 grams.
>When cooked, it can weigh from 0.5-0.75 oz. (14.17-21.26 g).

50g for 2 slices doesnt sound too far off. Are your slices very short?

>> No.7013290

The heck, amerilard. No way the standard there is above 15-20g at best. Before cooking.

>> No.7013292

What about turkey and chicken?

>> No.7013295

The last time I looked at that pic I'm sure the bread was white but now it looks dark blue and moldy.

>> No.7013299

you're wrong.

>> No.7013301

I dont know, I got that 28 grams figure from a community website. 100% approval by 19 people who answered.
Its american, and the slices are long. Maybe they are shorter in the UK?

>> No.7013306

I'm right. There you get 7 slices/s100g per pack. that's around 15g per bacon slice.

>> No.7013307

everything causes cancer faggots holy shit oxygen causes it

>> No.7013311

Turkey has more fat. But the point seems to be the fat content in a sausage, and/or the slow digestive processes that leave this meat in your tubes for too long.

>> No.7013313

Well, here in America, a 1lb(about 450 gram) package gets you 19 slices, which works out to about 22 g per slice.

>> No.7013314

Bunch of geniuses in this thread, almost as bad as the meat industry lobbyists.
The WHO explicitly stated that processed meat has as significant an effect as tobacco and asbestos, not as large an effect.
It's even officially recommended to just cut down on consumption, i.e. not eat large amounts of the stuff daily.

>> No.7013325

The knowledge that it might give you cancer is causing you to be repulsed by it.
Come home, vegan man. Embrace the grass. Boil some cabbage.

>> No.7013335

>now it looks dark blue and moldy

That bread is clearly white & gold!

>> No.7013386
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>raise thousands of cows feeding them Monsanto soybean pellets
>cows are full of feminizing hormones and corrupted muscle protein from GMO, also saturated fat, cholesterol and some have illnesses but who cares we can't afford to not sell a cow because it's ill
>transform cows into burgers
>add MSG and artificial flavors, artificial food coloring and some TVP to make Americans addicted to this shit and save some money at the same time
>Americans feed these burgers to their 2 year old children every day until they die because child doesn't want to eat broccoli that was boiled for 20 minutes
>OMGZ CANCER!!!!!1!!!1!

>> No.7013398

>doesn't read the article
>thinks he can comment on it

>> No.7013399

It increases risk of colorectal cancer by like 18%. Read your sources. Idiot.

>> No.7013400

>corrupted muscle protein from GMO
Go back to highschool biology.

>> No.7013412

I've never eaten broccoli that wasnt deep freezed for over a month to get to my fridge. I dont have cancer.

Checkmate, animufag.

>> No.7013432

everyone knows that to be as healthy as you can you want to be a vegetarian

>> No.7013434

cows eat corn idiot

>> No.7013436

Monsanto corn

>> No.7013437

still not soybean

>> No.7013440

Saying you are against GMOs is like saying
>I only want the wealthy to be able to afford safe delicious food, fuck the lower and middle classes.

Without GMOs, the produce aisle of your local grocery would be severely under stocked and three times as expensive.

>> No.7013441

I'm for GMOs, but against Monsanto

>> No.7013444

I don't have a problem with that.

Monsanto is the "face" of GMOs, but there are others.

>> No.7013445

>im retarded

>> No.7013446

Monstanto is the "face" of global corporate control of our food supplies.

>> No.7013448

Everything gives you cancer! What's the point let me eat my meat

>> No.7013451

You ate today, didn't you?

Remember to thank our Monsanto overlords for another day in paradise.

>> No.7013454

>I like my food to be copyrighted so I don't have any other alternative than Monsanto veggies

>> No.7013456

kek, 10/10 bait

>> No.7013483


It doesn't matter which news sites report on it when they're just copying and pasting the WHO's press release. Wait and see if other studies confirm their claims.

>> No.7013700

Doesn't affect me. I only eat veal, which is white meat.

>> No.7013734

At least those sellout faggots from epic meal time will be dead soon.

>> No.7013741

couldn't give a fuck. I'd rather die earlier and enjoy my food than live longer nibbling on lettuce and rabbit food

>> No.7013861
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>> No.7013921

If I'm going to die, I might as well die from eating bacon.

>> No.7013934
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Just googled a pound of bacon

It's not really that much, look how much of a fucking pussy you are, with your shit genes and shit digestive system

>> No.7013939
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Fucking well meme'd

>> No.7013958
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>amerifats and britbongs have increased cancer rates

and nothign of value was lots that day

>> No.7013967

That was my thought too.
But this is gonna be some serious veganfuel once they hear about this.

>> No.7013971

Living is the #1 cause of cancer. The world needs to find a cure for this often debilitating ailment so prevent future suffering.

>> No.7013975

What has lots of value?

>> No.7013983

I like you

>> No.7013985

I'd rather be dead than stuck in an old folks home with a bunch of vegans tbh

>> No.7014025

So if the meats are carcinogenic due to the way they're processed, why not just alter the process to make sure those chemicals aren't formed?

>> No.7014038


Because the chemical involved is responsible for:
a) the flavor people expect in cured meats like bacon, dry sausages, etc.
b) that same chemical protects against spoilage, especially botulism, and that's a bigger concern than its cancer risk is.

I'm not saying it's impossible, just that it isn't so easy as it might appear at first glance.

>> No.7014045

My uncle was a health freak and died at 40 from a heart attack while doing his daily jogging routine. He never smoked, did drugs, drank alcohol and always ate clean. Eat whatever the fuck you want because you're gonna die anyway.

>> No.7014047

>Because we've been salting & curing meat for millennia

We also haven't been living past 40 for millennia. Smoking never used to kill anyone either, remember

>> No.7014049

Vegetables are even more expensive.
and I mean good, clean, nice looking vegetables. not the half rotten shit you find at produce stands in your hipster mexican areas

>> No.7014051

All this talk about processed meats is making me want a nice bacon bap, or even a full English.

>> No.7014052

so what did he eat?

>> No.7014057

That's true, but this news will probably motivate some manufacturers to try and find a solution.

>> No.7014062
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>studies who that huge fat fucks that do nothing all day and eat tons of fatty foods are dying of cancer

>its obviously the smoked and cured meats that did them in

>> No.7014071


The solution already exists. Right now. Buy processed meats made in the old-school traditional way as opposed to whatever Wal-mart (etc) is selling.

>> No.7014077

don't even joke about stuff like that

>> No.7014083
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>> No.7014092

This just in: Literally everything is cancer causing; people should just eat in moderation to reduce the overall risks.

>> No.7014115
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liek this!

>> No.7014276
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I'd rather die of eating pork belly than get shot tbh

>> No.7014311

From the sounds of it, cock.

>> No.7014346


>> No.7014374

So, you mean I should only eat bacon and sausages in moderation, instead of gorging myself in them? Geez, what a shocking revelation

>> No.7014393

The problem with the who study is it doesnt have any control experiment nor for some reason understand how cancer works.
The higher reports of cancers is more linked with our lifespan.

>> No.7014405

This just in!
Breaking news!

Sunshine, puppy dogs, and happiness all confirmed to cause cancer!

The only way to stop it? Become a gay vegan shut-in who owns three cats and only ever leaves his parents basement at night to drive his electric car to whole foods to get a single $10 organic non-gmo vine ripened ethically picked heirloom tomato and your daily load of "protein shakes" from the warehouse boys behind the dumpster.

>> No.7014413

can't wait for meat to get taxed to shit, just so people see how retarded muh sin tax is

>> No.7014447
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>> No.7014670

So many scholars in this thread. For a study to claim that something is causing cancer weight and lifestyle have to be controlled for. Do you know how much scrutiny who's claim would be by meat industry lobbies is they did a study that didn't control for these? The best rebuttal the lobbyists have is that smoking and alcohol is worse for you which goes to show that there's strength in the study.

The only people worse than you are those saying they'd rather die young. As if dying from Colo-rectal cancer is a short and painless death. Never mind the pressure it puts on the health industry.

>> No.7014677


>tfw you don't eat meat and only eat fish and feel incredible.

I dumped meat a long time ago, eat fish 4-5 days/week. Never been better. It's the optimal human diet.

>> No.7014679


ayyy cheeky chappy

>> No.7014686

You do know that if everyone shifted to your diet fish would cost more than your house? The oceans and streams are overfished to hell and back as it is. Never mind the mercury poisoning.

>> No.7014692

kek, I don't care about other people. Especially poor people.

>> No.7014693


Yup, but thank god for human ignorance and the "freedom" to choose from 50 flavours of ice cream. A lot of people enjoy their unhealthy diets, and it's a necessity for unhealthy food to exist and cause cancer so the population can be kept in check and doesn't expand even more rapidly then it is.

>> No.7014734

>Do they want us to starve to death?
Yes that is exactly what they want, not even an exaggeration.

>> No.7014742

Still don't understand why 'bacon' is on this list, its not processed. It's a cut of meat.

>> No.7014745

It's not just a cut. Bacon is cured by definition.

>> No.7014748

>as big a cancer threat as smoking
That is definitely not what they are saying

>> No.7015644

The thing that weighs most on the health industry is old people. Old people invariably take about a dozen pills each and require constant care and attention from doctors, nurses and mental health practitioners. The older they get the more care is needed so essentially dying in middle age saves costs because people pay their taxes and don't get to freeload as oldsters. And that goes for smokers too, who incidentally pay the highest rates of taxes in the World.

>> No.7015655
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Nope, it is not. It's the media fearmongering and misreading information.

>> No.7015677

as expected, the data is just polling people and ask them if they didn't do something when they got their cancer instead of asking what they did. It's rubbish.

>> No.7015690

Smoking and curing are both types of 'processing.'

>> No.7015856
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a life without meat isn't a life worth living.

>> No.7015862

That would change the taste, and people would complain sausages arent as delicious as they used to be.

>> No.7015863


really, lad?

>> No.7015865

Oh fuck off. Your blame the vegan jews paranoia doesn't absolve meat from causing cancer. It's not evidence.

Unlike the WHO who likely looked at evidence with greater detail than a colored diagram.

>> No.7015867

This just makes me wanna drop pretenses of health, because anything fun will kill you. Time for a ribeye, some whiskey, and a pack of Marlboro.

>> No.7015904

yea we have, the average lifespan was shorter before because of the massive amount of infants dying, if you grew up you were probably good til 70

>> No.7015907
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>> No.7015914

You are just being wrong in the other direction. When infant mortality is taken out of the mix, the average wage sure as fuck isnt 70, its not today, and it wasnt then.

>> No.7015917

Has anyone made the post yet pointing out they're banning mainly Haram things to allow an easier migration of Muslims?

>> No.7015923

You could not be stupid and make the more reasonable deduction that the culture of not eating pork and easing up on red meats came about in the East because people noticed those that consume much treated pork and red meats die more often.

Culture, tradition, wisdom, etc are the words to use here, not religion, and those come about for legitimate reasons.

>> No.7015930

Bad mental health rates would go down if people did that

>> No.7015931

>citation needed

>> No.7015934

Yeah, citation fucking needed. A citation on how the average wage of humans was 70 a few thousand years ago.
How about you provide it before you respond again?

>> No.7015937

>eating a diet that is currently one of the most destructive to the worlds ecosystems.

If you're going to drop a type of meat it should be fish, sure fish might be healthy for you as an individual but for the world in the long run it would be better to no devastate the oceans.

>> No.7015940

Comparing fish to meat:
>fish is harder to cook and store
>fish is less convenient to eat
>fish doesnt store for as long
>fish pairs worse with popular side dishes
>fish doesnt go as well with popular beverages
>considerably lower protein count
>considerably higher fat count

So the two foods arent exactly interchangeable.
I try to eat fish once or twice a week myself, and I dont mind the taste, but its a bigger time and effort investment to get it from the supermarket to my stomach, and to get the smell out of my fingers.

>> No.7015941

Beef production is one of the main producers of greenhouse gases.
Properly farmed fish doesn't harm the oceans.

>> No.7015943

>A report by the World Health Organisation listed processed meat as a cancer-causing substance along with alcohol, asbestos, arsenic and cigarettes.

Yeah, as the list includes things that are established carcinogens. The IARC classifies on the basis of the strength of evidence for the --existence-- of a relationship between said carcinogenic and the occurrence of cancer.

This not the same as the --strength-- of that relationship. Therefore, you get things that may triple the risk of cancer being held up alongside carcinogenics which increase the risk minutely.

What this report says is that there's sufficient evidence to say that eating processed meats everyday puts you at increased risk of developing cancer. What this report doesn't say is whether that risk is considerable/that eating meat is as risky as smoking, inhaling asbestos, or indulging in a little casual arsenic before bed.

>> No.7015950

>asbestos and arsenic

I thought WHO was supposed to be professional, not clickbait whores.

sure, lets put on some extremely dangerous materials in the report for comparisons sake, that have almost nothing to do with their carcinogenic properties because it sounds scary

>> No.7015953

WHO is a division of the UN, as far as I am aware. So they are the most professional organization on the planet when it comes to talking about food, at least on paper.

>> No.7015957

>>A report by the World Health Organisation listed processed meat as a cancer-causing substance along with alcohol, asbestos, arsenic and cigarettes.

retarded headline is retarded

red meat is in the same category as asbestos and cigarettes because the evidence linking it to cancer is as strong as it is for those substances, NOT because it is as carcinogenic as those substances

>> No.7015966

You're calling the same people who fuck sheep and smoke Opium 'health conscious'
And until that religion came around, they weren't slicing off hands for those 'health conscious' transgressions.

Fuck off back to reddit you boot licking race traitor.

>> No.7015972

What a non argument you are trying to sell here.
Just because some person is wrong about X, doesnt mean that they are also wrong about Y.
And regional diet is a very cultural thing that is build up over time.

You are so scared of the SJWs that you dismiss reasonable arguments out of fear not to be "corrupted".

>> No.7015975

All I'm hearing here is that "Some person is wrong" that person being you, and that because something is very 'cultural' it should be an exception. SJW boogeyman is one thing, but seeing a retard in the flesh like this is beyond my wildest dreams.

>> No.7015991

You continue to not make any argument. Stop flinging shit and present something.

>> No.7015996

Step 1: eat lots of veggies
Step 2: eat smaller portions
Step 3: don't eat obvious garbage

Congratulations, you are now eating a better diet than 80-90% of people in the West, and can pretty much eat what you like and still be the healthiest person you know

>> No.7016005

>anything related to the UN
>professional organization
*deeply concerned*

>> No.7016011

Does ANYONE EVER read sources? I mean, EVER?

The same cancer risk as cigarettes? No. That is not what the document released by WHO even said at all.

>> No.7016012

>the less accountable an organization is, the more professional they are!

This is you. Personally, I would rather trust someone who has literally anything to lose if they're wrong.

>> No.7016016

>i'd rather trust a private survey funded by mcdonalds than an independent one funded by a bunch of states and government

>> No.7016020

If anyone bothers actually *reading* the published findings, they'll see: ”These findings further support current public health recommendations to limit intake of meat,” says Dr Christopher Wild, Director of IARC. “At the same time, red meat has nutritional value. Therefore, these results are important in enabling governments and international regulatory agencies to conduct risk assessments, in order to balance the risks and benefits of eating red meat and processed meat and to provide the best possible dietary recommendations.”
Does it say "meat causes cancer?" No. Does it say "Stop eating meat?" No. It says, "these findings SUPPORT CURRENT PUBLIC HEALTH RECOMMENDATIONS to limit intake of meat." In other words, health agencies and doctors are not being advised to do anything different, and neither are we.

>> No.7016050

Why would anyone read that boring dry pdf file when they can read the much more interesting and trending Huffingthon post article?

>> No.7016056

There's no such thing as properly farmed fish. Unless you count muscles as fish.

>> No.7016061

>states and government


>> No.7016077
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>> No.7016109

You realise theres a lot of states in the world, and not all are corrupt shitholes like the USA, right?

(most are, but you're retarded for thinking corporations give a fuck about your health)

>> No.7016168

Awesome! Does this mean I can go back to having a pack of cigarettes for breakfast at my local Bob Evans?

>> No.7016251
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This. The spread of "refugees" into sausage-and-bacon loving communities like Germany, France, America etc. will be smoothed out by demonizing pork products and placing harsh restrictions on their consumption.

>> No.7016254

>You realise theres a lot of states in the world, and not all are corrupt shitholes like the USA, right?

Lmao. No, Europe is not a magical paradise free of corruption like you think it is. States being corrupt is an unavoidable outcome of the fact that nobody involved has any skin in the game, no reason to care whether the consequences of their decisions make people better off or worse off.

Think about how odd the job of a politician really is for a minute. The skillset involved is so alien to every other job. They are not doing anything useful, not producing anything or creating value for someone, they are manipulating evidence and lying in order to get an outcome that will further their career. At least lawyers are representing a client. Politicians aren't representing anyone but themselves.

>(most are, but you're retarded for thinking corporations give a fuck about your health)

Depends on the corporation. If I'm paying someone to give a fuck about my health, and they will get more money if they keep me in good health and lose money if they don't, then yes they absolutely will give a fuck about my health. Even corporations that are interested in selling me products that may harm my health have no power over me beyond what I give them. If I don't want to buy their products then they can try to convince me to change my mind but they can't actually force me to do anything. Governments can and do.

>> No.7016258

I'll start eating vegitarians I suppose, any studies done on that yet?

Don't worry I will make sure you are "cage free and grass fed"

>> No.7016261

People projecting this hard. Accept that you processed moments aren't good for you and move on. There is literally no reason to eat them everyday anyway as most of them taste like crap and the good ones are treats

>> No.7016262

Meats not moments. We should all be cutting down on meats anyway regardless of whether they cause harm

>> No.7016264

>im litorely a ritart fuk youer sianse ime 2 lasey 2 reed it

>> No.7016270

>I'll start eating vegitarians I suppose, any studies done on that yet?

Yeah, you'll develop neurological problems and die.

>> No.7016285

>>Bacon, ham and sausages pose the same cancer risk as cigarettes, according to world health experts.

I doubt that.

>> No.7016307
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It only seems to count processed or cooked pork.
Mett will always be safe to eat.

>> No.7016340

Nah, that's only if you don't exercise careful food preparation, like any other meat. You don't touch the brain, liver, or kidneys, avoid eating Indonesians, and you'll more or less be fine. The real problem is finding a recipe that properly compliments the taste and texture of human flesh.

>> No.7016457

I usually eat a sandwich for lunch. Lately my sandwich usually has cheese and spinach along with either ham, salami, chorizo, or prosciuto.

So I will try to cut back on this. Most likely I will eat more avocado with either tuna or chicken.
Any other suggestions for an easy healthy lunch?

>> No.7016691

>Bacon, ham and sausages pose the same cancer risk as cigarettes, according to world health experts.

Why the fuck doesn't anyone read what the WHO said, it's not that they're as dangerous, it's that there's enough evidence to prove they cause certain types of cancers to put them on the same level of certainty.

It's not a measure of how dangerous it is (albeit needing some level), it's a measure of how certain we are that it helps cause cancer.
Which doesn't mean you can't eat it, just, like anything in life, take it in moderation. I'm sure in time we'll get an idea of which types of smoked meats and other products give significantly more or less of a risk, as obviously it's not a level playingfield

>> No.7016699
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>processed meats will be made illegal within your lifetime



>> No.7016715

A) Fresh non processed meat is expensive and as I currently don't hold a job due to being ill I have no say in what people buy in the house b) bacon is life.

Pork is often the cheapest fresh meat available, turkey can sometimes be not to be bad chicken and beef are fucking expensive here in England.

Also WHO can fuck of unless they're paying our bills.They always have healthscares.Just eat dust, that'd appease them.

>> No.7016721

Now they tell me, after I've formed a two pack of ham a day habit!

>> No.7016735

>So now that processed meats will be made illegal within your lifetime
Are you kidding? Lawmakers are far more interested in laws that affect 5% of the population and make people feel warm and fuzzy inside than laws that would actually make any difference.

>> No.7016808

I swear to God's fat sweaty testical sacks.
As soon as I am done with college, living in my own apartment and not a dorm, and have a job,
I will stop eating meat.
but until then fuck you

>> No.7016855

You have to consider also that most people just didn't live as long as they do now. More people probably would have developed cancer through human history, but it just never happened because it was the norm to not live long enough to get it.

Even when people did live long enough to possibly get it, as you said, there were still a lot of people that were probably dying of cancer, they just didn't know that's what it was at the time. For a long period, anyone who died from being overly sick in a general sense was just said to of died of 'consumption'. It was catch-all term for getting sick and dying. There's a good chance a lot of those were from cancer.

>> No.7016892

>remove nitrites and nitrates from cured and smoked foods
>remove the one thing that actually kills bacteria and actually makes preserved meats.


>> No.7016950

>implying all meats aren't carcinogenic

>> No.7016955

50g is in moderation tho fam

>> No.7016959

even eating in moderation increases risk

>> No.7016973

What kind of human being doesn't eat meat?

And who gives a fuck about a little chemo. Bunch of pussies in here.

>> No.7016977

In such a minutely small percentage it's barely even worth mentioning.

Get off the fear-mongering bandwagon. This "revelation" from the WHO is being blown way out of proportion by the media.

>> No.7016987

Thanks OP, in celebration of your cu/ck/ery I am eating a BLT with extra B, you faggot.

>> No.7016994

the states and government have more to gain with healthier populations

>> No.7017009

there's nothing wrong with the liver or kidneys

>> No.7017023

yes, an 18% chance is low

but, consider 18% vs ~0%

>> No.7017031

0% chance does not exist. You have no understanding about the causes of cancer.

>> No.7017034

I was talking about the increase in risk

>> No.7017401

Besides plants which actually do the opposite. Whooops. Who'd eat a plant-based diet though, riiight?

>> No.7017409
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This cheeky muhfucker right here.

>> No.7017428

Tons of toxins in them, from various environmental chemicals, medicines, and chemical compounds from food that have been collected in the body. You're better off avoiding that stuff, if only because it'll taste awful, and at worst because it'll make you really sick.

Another consequence I forgot to mention, is that you probably shouldn't eat human flesh with a weak or compromised immune system, just in case bacteria of some variety manages to survive the cooking process.

>> No.7017457

Haven't people been eating smoked and cured meat for hundreds of years?
I feel bad for all the farmers in the pork and smallgoods industry. I'm sure a few companies lost a lot of market value overnight.

>> No.7017461

9/10 people won't give a fuck.
Shaniqua will never give her twice daily baconaor up.

>> No.7017484

If you think all plants are your friends, have a hemlock salad.

>> No.7017546

c h e e k y b r e e k y

>> No.7017576
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Smoking increases your chance of lung cancer by 2000%.
Bacon increases your chance of colorectal cancer by 18%.

5% of people in their lifetimes will get colorectal cancer.
This means you go from having a 5% chance of colorectal cancer, to a 6% chance.

Who the fuck is paid to write this shit?

>> No.7017721
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>> No.7017727

I think it translates to 16 out of 10000 or so up to 18 out 10000 (people)

>> No.7017996

I just bought 200 grams yesterday and that's like 12 slices

>> No.7019647


Regardless of the source info OP is a shit-eating vegan shill. I don't even eat processed meats.

>> No.7020062
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Careful m8. You'll upset all the flyovers and /pol/lacks lurking in /ck/.

>> No.7020074

Salmon goes well in the standard meat and two veg meal

>> No.7020115

Gee whilikers, if I eat bacon my chance of getting colorectal cancer goes from 5% to 5.8%. Stop the presses.

It's politicized sensationalized bullshit anyway. Cancer is mostly random:


>> No.7020134

They are pushing for all the commoners to eat bugs, cricket flour, etc.
Food is getting more expensive all the time, so this is their answer-just make a faked study that says meat gives you cancer. Ill move to another country where I can eat what I want if they make it illegal in the US. Probably somewhere in south America.

>> No.7020201

Relevant to WHO? I mean to WHO?! Goddamnit, they did this on purpose

>> No.7020209


>> No.7020211

Good job not being able to read. Nobody at the WHO is saying to stop eating meat.

>> No.7020262

>Not a liberal retard circlejerk pushing faggy agendas.

Get bent fucking nanny state niggers.

>> No.7020275

Literally I Didn't Go To College: The Post

>> No.7020382

Dun shoot up my school, bra

>> No.7020480

I think that's slightly fallacious bro
The reason the average age in the past was shorter was because so many people died as kids, I think