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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 77 KB, 605x453, IMG_3311-e1325601325138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7008559 No.7008559 [Reply] [Original]

Why are the chinese so good at food? they destroy everyone else including japan, indian, merican, etc

>> No.7008561

grease and monosodium glutamate.

>> No.7008562

Idk, Mexican ranks up there with them. THe authentic kind not that volcano shit inducing taco bell

>> No.7008592

It is because it is proven that the best foods come from people coping with shitty ingredients.

Cajun food came from people scavenging what ever muckbugs and toothy critters they could find out in swamps and combining it with a touch of their long-gone French heritage.

Mexican food comes from harsh times and living harsh lives in a land full of cactuses.

Chinese food, because the emperors were usually dicks and often if they had meat it was semi-rotten and had to be masked with skillfull use of spices and sauces. They also learned to only partially steam vegetables instead of reducing them to soft consistencies like Europeans because then they take longer to digest and you can fill people up with less.

Although you can't tell me that a good European/American beef stew isn't fucking beautiful. Especially after acquiring new world ingredients like potatoes and corn.

>> No.7008599

dog meat and gutter oil and virgin piss egg comments INC

>> No.7008601

because of the age and relative stability of chinese culture would be my guess

>> No.7008605

lol can't tell if you're trolling or seriously misinformed.
China was one of the largest and wealthiest empire in the world, they got fucking rekt in modern era but they were definitely not >coping with shitty ingredients for the longest time.

>> No.7008612

give me some cheese wiz instead

>> No.7008657
File: 15 KB, 259x194, mexicoz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. Mexico is all cactus

>pic related

>> No.7008669
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>describing a 5,000+ year old conglomeration of empires, cultures, demographics, and culinary histories with a single description.

You're as retarded as the first guy if you think china has never gone through poverty in antiquity or if you think famine food hasn't influenced their tastes.

>> No.7008692

Yes, and the average peasant had access to grorious ingledients.

Bitch please, go to a Chinese farming village today that is still using the same techniques and tell me it isn't shit. They try to eek out everything they can so they learn to deal with slightly off food.

Yeah, it was rich, but guess what most of that wealth was in the emperors name and owned by the government and officials. The average chinchong wasn't running around with gold plated hammer pants and a house made out of elephant penis bones.

You realize there are many forms of cacti and several do not look like the typical cactus.

Also it was partially a joke on Mexico, they don't really fit the bill but it pretty much is true that the tastiest shit comes from countries and people who stretched what they had as far as it could go, and often you don't want to know how it was made.

>> No.7008725

Agreed. a solid Mole is one of the best foods in the world imo

>> No.7008735

I was responding to his comment on how emperors were eating semi-rotten meat, not describing China as a whole.

And as a Chinese I've had cornmeal sorghum bread, ate pretty much every part of a pig except for its brain and testicles, both my parents grew up in rural villages in Northeastern China and rarely had meat for their first twenty years, so I'd like to think I know a little about Chinese cuisine.

>> No.7008742

Actually the jungles there are full of cacti that are epiphytic such as Pitaya and various other species.

>> No.7009153

Nigger I never said the Emperor at that shit. Sorry if it got implied, but saying the Emperor ate that shit is like saying the King of France ate turnip soup.

>> No.7009398

>elephant penis bones

It's called a baculum, and elephants are one of the few mammals who don't have one.

Though it would be exceedingly extravagant to build a house from an imaginary bone.

>> No.7009416

can some kind anon please post the stir fry graphic? thx m8s

>> No.7009421
File: 32 KB, 450x299, C311N0015H_2007資料照片_N71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The vast majority of people living in China go this day seldom eat meat, live in squalor and cannot read or write. Only in or near large cities are these skills important.

The rest of the country remains peasant/serf...farming their lives away, barely making a living.

Pic related, the average Chinese person, their diet consists of rice and vegetables, meat is a luxury.

>> No.7009425

8/10, would bang

>> No.7009445

You need to check your facts.

>> No.7009447

Not exactly true. Over half of the population lives in cities now.

However, those that don't live pretty much exactly like you said. I've got family out there and I've visited and it's pretty grim.

>> No.7009453
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I lived and worked in China for 2 years with IBM, ever seeing the construction of a 550,000sqft factory that employed 100,000 people. So sad all those American jobs were exported. Meh, I got my paycheck.

Off topic though, Chinese people are disgusting, lI've in squalor and most certainly consider meat a luxury. 100% of the world's flu strains developed in said squalor and ignorance.

>> No.7009466

It's the "cooking oil".

>> No.7009468
File: 35 KB, 608x380, Cheese in America.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well obviously they do better than American, that is universally agreed on being the most horrific excuse for "food" around.

>> No.7009473

Give them credit when doing it for thousands of years.

>> No.7009478
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>> No.7009479

This and the fact that China is fucking huge with a fuckload of people and different cuisines within it. Maybe if you group every European cuisine together as one it can compare with Chinese food, but otherwise it's not a fair comparison.

>> No.7009482

I wouldn't put it that way, it's just different. In history we've all been going for thousands of years, but perhaps they've had more stable emperys to keep recipes.

>> No.7009489
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Every culture has been making food for "thousands of years" though. Absolutely none of what they eat besides noodles and rice are the same.

>give them credit for doing something literally everyone else has done.

I'd prefer not to. Heavily spicing food to disguise rotten flesh isn't a new trick, coming from a culture that to this day consumes food called "virgin boy eggs" (eggs boiled in the urine of pre-pubescent boys) I'll take anything said about them with a grain of salt.

>> No.7009496

>Every culture has been making food for "thousands of years" though
Have you seen what nomadic tribes and those hunter gatherer cultures eat? It usually isn't super complex.

The development of cuisine is one, dependent on the material available locally, and two, dependent on the ingredients acquired through trade, and three, dependent on a merchant/aristocratic class that can afford luxury. China has had all three to higher degree than most other regions in the world historically.

>> No.7009505


The Greeks and Romans are very well... yes.

Especially the Romans, they had culinary arts so fine tuned that would have binge parties, where they would consume inhuman amounts of food, cram large feathers down their throats to vomit, then continue eating...all the while oiled up little boys carried around trays of wine completely naked knowing at some point someone there was going to savagely rape them, or maybe more than one person, who knows.

Chinas economy past or present has nothing to do with what we're talking about.

>b-but muh geopolitical arguments i-i-i learned in college anon

Go away, or stay on topic.

>> No.7009512

Do you really think factors such as population size, prevalence of trade and economy does not correlate with developments of cuisine?

>> No.7009524


The East traded with the west for many centuries, adding to their cuisines and economies, the anon ITT talking about being from the north west of China would eat vastly different cuisine than people living on lets say the Russian border, or the people living in the Sub-Tropical climates of China. Mongolian food, Tibetan food, vastly different.

[citation for the retards]


All great empires fail, China has been on the chopping block for a very long time, allowing themselves to be exploited by the entire world and treated as a dumping grounds to make a very small handful of people wealthy, while the majority of its citizens birth flipper babies, die of cancer, have no access to medicine and die of curable illnesses like common Africans, cannot read or write...and develop concepts like boiling eggs in virgin males urine and consuming them.

China stopped being relevant hundreds of years ago. The day humanity developed the technology to harness electricity is the very same day China became obsolete.

They're the worlds servants, nothing more.

Hell, people were even trading genes back in those times, that's why everyone on the planet besides Sub-Saharan Africans possess Neanderthal DNA.

>> No.7009528

I can say that Japanese food is bland as hell, you're right. Grew up eating it all the damn time because that's what my family cook (family is from Kobe).

I don't know much about Chinese food, though, other than a few of the common regional cuisines. I have no idea what people in the far west, the southwest or any part of the north of China eat.

I think Mexican food is pretty bad-ass, tbqhwy, fam, though Indian food seems to have flavour profiles that all taste too much alike.
Not that all Indian dishes taste exactly the same, but...

It's like...

If someone makes Japanese meat-and-tofu miso stew with potato using chicken or beef instead of the more usual pork, I can taste the difference because chicken, beef and pork stocks taste dissimilar to one another (not to mention the meats do, too) and there aren't a couple dozen spices dominating the dish. I can taste the food for what it is.
But with Indian food, I honestly can't tell much of a difference between Panjabi lamb or goat mustard saag, Muslim beef spinach saag nor the pork, chicken or gluten versions made with other greens common in South India, either. That's because all the spices drown out the flavours of the meat, stock and greens being used.
It's not bad, but if I'm eating chicken, I'd like to taste the chicken without wondering "is this chicken or what?" If I'm eating spinach, I'd like to taste the spinach.

Am I alone on this or do I have plebeianly simple tastes? I still think Japanese food is bland, though.

>> No.7009532

>Am I alone on this or do I have plebeianly simple tastes?
I meant
>Am I NOT alone on this or do I have plebeianly simple tastes?
Sorry about that.

>> No.7009535 [DELETED] 

> to make a very small handful of people wealthy, while the majority of its citizens birth flipper babies, die of cancer, have no access to medicine and die of curable illnesses like common Africans, cannot read or write...and develop concepts like boiling eggs in virgin males urine and consuming them.
Sounds like the Republican party's wet dream, what's the problem here? Do you hate freedom?

>> No.7009538

It's probably just your life experience allowing you to discern regional flavors with more finesse than you can discern another country's regional flavors.

>> No.7009540

they put fat and sugar in everything, its like asking why icecream tastes good

>> No.7009551

>they put fat and sugar in everything
Just like Americans.

>> No.7009554

Then why is american cuisine so bland or conversely so over-flavored?

>> No.7009564

I don't there is such a thing as American cuisine.

It's a hotch-potch of other cuisines but 'not quite right' and 3x the size. with added fat and sugar.

>> No.7009578


>> No.7009581

They've been doing it for 4000 years, they've had time to practice.

Sichuan food is the best in the world, hands down.

>> No.7009755
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Political parties are a divide & conquer tactic that clearly works in the USA.

>> No.7009803
File: 61 KB, 250x188, joe-friday-just-the-facts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a hotch-potch of o

it most certainly is

>> No.7009835


china is a very large country dude.

just cause u saw a small portion of it doesnt mean you've seen it all

>> No.7009849


China is disgusting.

>> No.7009863


do you feel threatened by china or something? lol

if they're so disgusting and vile and you're so much better, why even bother?

you're just shitposting at this point

>> No.7009877
File: 58 KB, 527x778, 53377765444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't feel threatened by malnourished peasantry, no.

>> No.7009892

>two shitty meme foods out of a repertoire of thousands of different dishes

you sure showed me lad.

>> No.7009905
File: 1.32 MB, 650x650, 1433052380445.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I posted one food.


More than one person thinks you're stupid, as well as the other weebs itt.

It's fine. Carry on about your day.

>> No.7009947

>Cannot read or write

>> No.7009949


must be american cause you're so salty

>> No.7009955


Do you think Communist China is going to reveal any weakness it has to the world? Their stock market crash alone was blacked out of their media to keep their own citizens ignorant enough to keep investing into a sinking ship.

Quite literally everything they say about themselves is a lie, my Gran taught me well to never trust a chinamen.


>muh teenaged swag maymay

I hate this board sometimes.

>> No.7009968


you need a laxative or something buddy cause you're full of shit

go outside, take a walk. it's not the same 1920's your "gran" lived through. no scary bucktooth chinaman is going to come steal away your precious american resources.

you're so scared and threatened by a country that doesn't even know you exist. just relax man. step outside.

>> No.7009970

You're delusional, I was in China when the stock market crash happened, it wasn't blasted everywhere on the news but all the major news media reported it.
Of course they didn't critique it and tell the government to keep their hands off but everyone was informed.
thanks for shitposting long enough to derail another thread on Chinese food. This is why I never share my Chinese recipes on /ck/

>> No.7009973


>i was in China

No, you weren't. Are we talking about the crash in 2007 when I was living there working for IBM, or the one last year that the PROC outright refused to admit happened to its citizens?

>> No.7009980
File: 472 KB, 2000x1000, o-CANADIAN-MONEY-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not American though.

is that the default response of your swaggy teens? "Muh murrica" memes?

Sad thing is, you're the American... or Canadian... which is the exact same thing as you're parasites crossing borders to leech off the Americans. 80% of Canadas population lives within a hours drive, or two from the USA border. Sad really.

Can't blame them really, codependency is a struggle with Canadians hence the French Canadians want to become free from the UK. QE will never let that happen though, sad sad sad.

At least they get a smiling reminder every single time they open their wallets that they're quite literally the chattle of her royal majesty. Pic related.

>> No.7009985

The one that happened recently. 当时我在青岛旅游。你是不是呆的没事干了。。。
Why the fuck are you in denial about me being in China? I know you can shitpost all you want but is it really all that fun?

>> No.7009992

These are some advanced shitposting techniques, mind if I jot them down?

>> No.7010009
File: 442 KB, 1800x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because your pallet is shit, and you wouldn't understand the process of making your food good before it's good.... Inb4 McDonalds spooky shakes :/

>> No.7010019

As in several forms of faggot?

>> No.7010037 [DELETED] 

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.7010046

You've never heard of her?
That's a duck.

>> No.7010049

any vids?

>> No.7010054

Good and varied ingredients
Same reason england never used to be good, all we had were turnips and mustard to eat

>> No.7010060


>muh Google translate pasta

kk, protip, 4chan isn't accessible from China....unless you're a better webeingineer than they pay professionally, then i would say you're wasting your talents posting on a cooking image board.

Funny how you accessed Google from china too. Funny indeed.

>> No.7010064
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>implying 100% of that post isn't true.

>> No.7010792

Niggers do that with their voodoo shit. They worship chicken bones.

>> No.7010823

Working for IBM in China, that's pretty lame.

>> No.7010834

Is that part of clinton and bush's technology transfer to give them proper missiles with MIRVs?

>> No.7010847

>I don't understand basic economics

topkek anon, you really had me going

>> No.7011149

>meat is a luxury
>hold up m8 imma lit up a cig real quick

>> No.7011187


Yes, I aided the transfer of 100,000+ American jobs, job well done.


Canadians cross the American border daily for cheaper petrol and groceries. That's why Walmart exist in multiples on the Canadian border... they're depending on you to be subservient and codependent. Marlboro reds are illegal there but Kinder eggs (dirty Turkish candy) isn't? Gross.


Cigarettes are like asthma inhalers to Chinese people. Addiction makes you skew your priorities.

>> No.7011193

because they've been around like a birrion year

>> No.7011215

>good at food
>fried pork assholes
>soup made from pork piss collectors aka kidneys


>> No.7011880

Kinder is an Italian brand, you mongoloid,

>> No.7013246
File: 1.42 MB, 2758x1835, Steamed beef with ground roast rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are they so good?

They understand balance. Any decent meal should have a balance of hot, sour, and sweet. if these 3 flavors are in balance, its going to fucking own your senses.

Actual Chinese food (not westernized Chinese takeaway with MSG) is awesome. easy to make, beautiful fresh flavors, very little fat. Steaming in itself is a glorious way of cooking food. so delicate and makes for very interesting sauces, as your food steams in its own sauce.

>> No.7013249

Mole is literally Mexican curry

>> No.7013275
File: 1.64 MB, 3125x2148, Beef Brisket Braise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book is so fucking good

>> No.7013413

No offense OP but Chinese food is shit. Pumped up on sauces and MSG.

I love spicy food and I believe that Chinese food is utter shit when it comes to balancing the spices.

So, as a spice lover indian I my go to cuisine. Yes, it smells. Yes, its a mess. Yes, the number of ingredients is just too damn high. But their biryanis, tandooris, pulavs, curries will always be my favourites.

>> No.7013424

What's the book called?

>> No.7013435

Not western take away, proper chinese food. 0 msg

Also indian food... I think dhal is the best

>> No.7013461


Based on the obvious hints on the pages, Balance & Harmony.

>> No.7013470


Kinder, is made by rocher, which is made in Turkey... not Italy

>> No.7013473

ferrero is an italian brand numbnuts

>> No.7013505

fucking confirmed for never having experienced china firsthand

why don't you do some research and look up MSG usage in China. Every fucking body uses it

>inb4 you claim to be from China

>> No.7013521


Yes and it's manufactured in Turkey, by dirty little brown people.

>> No.7013629
File: 23 KB, 425x385, _spoiler alert_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude I'm Chinese, now living in Mumbai. We buy MSG (anjinomoto) from the stores and use it like salt or soy sauce. My mom stopped using it in the 80's but its still a widely used ingredient.

>> No.7013638

Well we Swedes had nothing to eat except herrings, turnips and tree bark for a few thousand years, and our traditional cuisine is pretty shitty more often than not.

>> No.7013690

i don't care what you niggers think, szechuan cuisine is literally top tier

no living chef would dare challenge that statement, but /ck/ is full of sriracha plebs

>> No.7013706

>continues to display total ignorance of economics

Ah yes, I missed this.

>> No.7013717

Dal is definitely one of the most underrated facets of Indian cuisine. So tasty and so healthy it's unreal. High in protein, fiber and complex carbs along with enough simple starches to give you instant energy. Only a little fat used for flavouring. Just turmeric and cumin/mustard seeds in the name of spices.

I think it's not very popular in the west because it's so easy to make no one goes out to eat it.

>> No.7013731

>not caramelizing the beef with rock sugar
The ingredients are okay (missing some key spices) but the steps after parboiling the beef is completely wrong

>> No.7013748


Stop posting, at this point you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.7013750


split peas and lentils are plenty popular in the west.

>> No.7013752

>people crossing borders to shop is subservience

You may actually be retarded, anon

>> No.7013755
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>> No.7013762


Why do you all do it then? That's both subservience and codependency.

Why are foreign royals on your money? Why bother commenting when you're some crusty old cunts property?

>muh timbits
>muh Uhhhh timber
>uhhhhhhhhhh literally nothing else

Shut up already. Canada is just another poverty stricken nation that boast about superiority while depending on others to survive. Plain and simple.

I feel bad for Americans living in border states having to put up with you shitting on their economies.

>> No.7013766

>poverty stricken

my fucking sides.

>> No.7013779


Vancouver hosts the largest homeless population in the civilized world...

Toronto isn't too far behind it either.

If Canadians weren't poor there would be no need to cross borders daily to save money. No reason at all.

>> No.7013789

sorry anon, I thought you wanted to have a big boy conversation. Good luck with your "work," I gotta go hand in my prospectus for my thesis

>> No.7013800
File: 81 KB, 384x350, bum-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry that facts are painful.

Enjoy your art degree and moving back in with your parents when you're done.


>> No.7013814

actually it's an economics PhD, but thanks anyways

>> No.7013821

>Pumped up on sauces and MSG
Nobody in China put MSG in their food when they cook at home, only restaurants and street vendors do it.
Not sure what you mean by sauces or how you think Chinese food has more sauce than Indian food.

>> No.7013825


wow you actually might've been better off majoring in art.

>> No.7013830

>tfw working for major natural gas company right now

Suuure anon suuure

>> No.7013832

>Nobody in China put MSG in their food when they cook at home

why you gonna just lie like that?

dude you don't know shit fam. Chinese people use MSG like salt and pepper. You know howw normal people add salt and pepper to food? to the chinese its salt, pepper and MSG

>> No.7013833

Quick, nobody tell him MSG is in soy sauce! His head might explode

>> No.7013834

lol still here desperately waiting for replies? isn't that pretty pathetic for such a successful guy? didn't you have a thesis to turn in 10 minutes ago?

>> No.7013865

>They also learned to only partially steam vegetables instead of reducing them to soft consistencies like Europeans
But partial boiling of vegetables is the correct way to boil them.
This has been known for ages, and it was even more important before we got the potato.

>> No.7013892

Nobody in my extended family put MSG when they cook, and they don't use it on any cooking shows or websites, so it's pretty natural to think they don't put MSG as often as you think.

>> No.7013907
File: 113 KB, 640x360, t1larg.eat.bugs.irpt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP posted something that looks like what I'd get from a local Chinese restaurant, but that's American cuisine, isn't it? Chinese-american is still American.
I'm not sure I'd agree that Chinese so good at food.
Pic related, chinese favorite.

>> No.7013937

My grandfather refused to allow msg in his house because it was a Japanese invention.

>> No.7013952

>Nobody in my extended family put MSG when they cook
Do they use soy sauce? Then they use glutamates when they cook
>they don't use it on any cooking shows or websites
They absolutely use soy sauce, along with fish sauce, oyster sauce, Worchestershire sauce, tomatoes, mushrooms, hard cheeses... Need I go on?

>> No.7013959

>Do they use soy sauce? Then they use glutamates when they cook

Yes of course. But that's not the same thing as adding refined MSG powder to a dish. Cooking with natural sources of glutamates (like fermented foods) is a good thing. Adding MSG powder instead is a shortcut used by crappy cooks.

>> No.7013978

Alright, fair enough. I admit I don't used the refined stuff on it's own. It's got a weird flavor on its own that stuff like soy sauce and fish sauce are good at covering up, so I just use that. I just get triggered hardcore when people claim they don't eat MSG, then use all the ingredients I listed because they can't be bothered to look up what MSG actually is.

>> No.7013991

you might not see it but it happens, to deny taht is to deny fact, literally look it up, MSG powder sold and used like your average seasoning in chinese cooking. and you might not have seen chinese cooking videos with MSG used but I have.

>> No.7013993
File: 2.40 MB, 3264x2448, 2014-08-19 20.09.39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /sichuan/ here?

>> No.7013995


OK, so you've discovered that some people use MSG powder and others don't. Wow, whodathunkit?

>> No.7014003

not some, a majority of chinese.

>> No.7014015

looks like a bowl of fat. the fuck is it?

>> No.7014019

Dumplings, ya dingus

>> No.7014027
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post it in cringe thread

>> No.7014028

Dumplings on the left, fish in spicy broth on the right

>> No.7014122
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>> No.7014129
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>> No.7014135
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>> No.7014141
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>> No.7014152
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>> No.7014289
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I posted it in the cringe thread just for shits and giggles. Here you go fuccboi.

>> No.7014299

GTFO its not even close

>> No.7014652
File: 47 KB, 311x311, Costanza Wonka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol fucking amerifats will eat anything

>> No.7014860

If anyone still cares about this thread, watch A Bite of China. Great series on Chinese food. There's now a few seasons of it.


>> No.7015127

If you haven't noticed, the majority of /ck/ is not interested in Chinese food.

>> No.7015253

I'm watching this and thoroughly enjoying it

yeah it seems most of /ck/ are amerifat fast food workers who wont eat anything that isn't wrapped in bacon and full of preservatives

>> No.7015300

Are you watching the first or the second season?

>> No.7015361

Fuck em, Chinese food is wonderful. Most Americans don't know the cuisine beyond orange chicken and really don't know what they're missing out on.

The show is good but it has a slight propaganda feel to it. I guess that should be expected from a show made for a government run tv network. Still, I love watching how different it is from region to region.

>> No.7015373 [DELETED] 
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>im studying economics
>uhhhh im bored lets talk about economics
>why wont you talk to me about economics on a food and cooking image board
>why wont anyone anywhere talk to me about what i like and only what i like
>hmm, oh well, i'll go back to calling you a loser and neckbeard then

Such terrible lies you tell, if it's true you're sadly the most pathetic faggot on this part of 4chan by a far margin.

>> No.7015380

>still commenting on part of a thread that everyone else has already gotten over

>> No.7015549


I was just in China earlier this year. The only place I saw that is with the "vendors" in Beijing.

Vendors is in quotes because they were all lined up single file for about half a city block and wearing the same uniforms, selling the same shit over and over. This shit is just for tourist attraction purposes.

Stinky tofu however, is very widely consumed and is fucking disgusting. My wife eats it like candy.

>> No.7016172

This, spicy fish broth is fucking top tier and if anyone says otherwise is a fucking bum

>> No.7016192

4chan IS accessible from china. just to set this straight

>> No.7016198

not from sichuan or china at all. but...

>> No.7016205

is is their biggest problem
better learn to differenciate!

>> No.7016219


No, it's not.

I'm sure you spend lots of time on Facebook in China as well.


>> No.7016222


>s-s-stop p-pickin' on m-me!!


>> No.7016233

Real middle eastern/Mediterranean food does it for me, beautiful blends of spice without relying on heat, exquisite

>> No.7016234

I've been living in beijing for 3 years now. facebook is not accessible yes, but 4chan is though. I dont use any vpn

>> No.7016252


>I live in the most polluted city on Earth.

No you don't.

>> No.7016263
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posting this to show, there are sometime anons you can actually believe. enjoyed youd disbeleif though for a moment
but still. you are the faggot here

>> No.7016281
File: 81 KB, 422x750, 1388967336639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is accessible in China you retard. I was posting from there during the summer when I went to visit my dad. The only thing blocked in China is any google service, including Captcha. So if you have a 4chan pass you can post without Captcha, or you could use a VPN or something

>> No.7016282


I've had online pen pals that sent me pictures too.

Quick question, why are Jewish people so East Asian obsessed?

>> No.7016289


>paying to use 4chan

>> No.7016304

not paying, not having problems resolving the captcha. I dont know, whats going on there

fuck you and your jew bla nigger idiotism stupidity.

>> No.7016318


You're a special kind of stupid huh...

>> No.7016495

REKT tbh >>7014289

>> No.7016557


what is that thing

>> No.7017228

Bubulnax, Level 10 Ogre Shaman.

>> No.7017256

Meh. I don't like Chinese. The food just tastes too greasy and salty for me.

>destroy everyone else including japan
What are you even on? Chinese food isn't better than Japanese! GTFO

>> No.7019030

have you ever even been to china?

fast food chinese =/= actual chinese food

>> No.7019046

I'll never know what chinese food taste like because the millions of chinese people here in America who operate restaurants don't actually cook chinese food.

>> No.7019069
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Food in Beijing was fucking god tier.

Perfect roast duck, mad noodle soups where I watched the dude rolling out the noodle dough by hand infront of me, the best prawns i've ever eaten, all kinds of things absolutely bathing in chilli oil.

The only thing that ruined my anus was eating a grilled pigs hoof from a roadside stall, but it was my own fault, and it forced me to learn to use a squat toilet.

10/10 would Beijing again.

>> No.7019080

What Chinese food have you had? Because I've been to most of the Chinese restaurants where I live and none of them taste anything close to what I had in China. They don't even serve the same dishes.

>> No.7019095

>pig hooves
Slow braised pig feet are second only to pig knuckles

>> No.7019159

I've eaten pig knuckle at both a hungarian and a german restaurant, my fucking god it was incredible. Like a normal pork roast but a bit coarser with more intense flavour

>> No.7019164

I'm hungry, /ck/, what should I order?


>> No.7019166

get an australian T bone steak with veges and chips lol

seriously though, the braised spicy chicken would probably be pretty gud

>> No.7019171

It's a broad term.

China is fucking huge with multiple types of food.

It's likes aying I like European food

>> No.7019173

Looks good, any other suggestions?

>> No.7019177

Next time try a Chinese version, it's like pig feet but better

>> No.7019181

i've seen pork knuckle available in a few different styles (and marked as a specialty) at sichuan restaurants in chinatown but i always pussy out because i've never eaten it before and i don't really know the proper way to attack it

>> No.7019229

I went for this, it's awesome, good taste man

>> No.7019242

the Aus T-bone or the braised spicy chicken?

please say the chicken

>> No.7019244


well, you didn't lose any weight there so maybe the food rumours are true

>> No.7019246

Who here loves red cooking?
>dad makes soy sauce chicken
>gets better every time the stock is reused
>love using the stock heavily in my rice, ignoring the oil layer on top

>> No.7019255

some chinese master stocks are rumored to be centuries old.

imagine the color of the birds that come out of those stocks... beautiful golden brown

>> No.7019543

The chicken, I wouldn't go to a chinese place for the steak. Was very spicy, but not stupidly hot, and really tasty.

>> No.7020198

I can never get the stock quite right. How long does your dad cook the stock for? I can never infuse the flavour of the meat into the stock.

>> No.7021270
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This was todays chicken.
to be honest i have not completely learned the stock because we dont use any measuring tools, but only relying on sight taste and smell. what i do know is that the very first preparation there was some star anise and uses the Mushroom flavoured Superior dark soy sauce from Pearl River Bridge. Once i completly mastered the preparation, i will post it in a future thread.

>> No.7021286
File: 1.51 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what the stock looks as of today. the oil layer on top makes it look not as appealing but this stock is about 3-4 months old. i really do want to master this soon because there are no other places around here that does any authentic Chinese cooking. Closest maybe is Chinatown in Chicago but thats a 2 hr drive

>> No.7021393

that, and it tastes like literal shit

>> No.7021436

skillz m8

>> No.7021506

Do you keep the stock in the freezer then?

>> No.7021550

Assholes with an agenda are the true addicts, they're addicted to pushing their agenda on others.

>> No.7021573

>he can't make tasty dahl
get gud

fry some onions and garlic, add dahl, fry quickly, add stock and cook down, season, DONE.
and thats the basic easy version, you could add all sorts of tasty shit in

>> No.7021575

The Manufacture of Madness

>> No.7021579

we don't freeze it, but let it chill in the fridge. when it cools in the fridge, it actually gels up to a jello-like consistency. when its time to use the sauce again, the top solid fat layer is skimmed off. we use it regularly enough so that the threat for
food-borne illnesses are minimal.

>> No.7021791

>jello-like consistency
So I'm guessing you use bones for the stock?

>> No.7021834

Agreed, but the whole shit-inducing taco bell joke needs to die. Not even funny tbh fam

>> No.7021915

yep balance & harmony by Neil Perry.

Very cool book on chinese cooking. some great recipes that I use almost every day

>> No.7021953

yea, we have been using chicken leg quarters left uncut until after cooking. We used to have huge pots for doing whole chickens, but we decided to cut back on meat consumption.