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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 22 KB, 450x450, potato-salad-walmart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7002437 No.7002437 [Reply] [Original]

What are some foods you loved as a kid but can't stomach (or just plain don't like) now?

>pic related

>> No.7002453

can't think of a single food that I've "grown out of" except candy I guess.

>> No.7002458

Would eat jelly straight out of the jar by the spoonful l.
I still like dry dog food though

>> No.7002460

love potato salad.

but yeah other than candy I can't really think of anything. I mean I used to love a lot of garbage frozen food like chicken fingers and stuff, I don't know but I don't know if that counts.

>> No.7002468

only reason i don't eat potato salad anymore is because it's calorie dense and it's a pain in the ass to make

>inb4 store bought
there's no potato salad worse than store bought, they load it with vinegar to increase it's shelf life and it taste like shit as a result

>> No.7002471

Depends on the store my main man home skillet.

One of the stores near me has an awesome mustard potato salad. I mean you know they all have different recipes, and it's actual people that make that stuff right? Some of them are going to be good.

>> No.7002481

Parents tell me that I liked Sweet Potatoes and Squash as a kid, but I straight up can't eat them now. They just disgust me.

I also love eggs, but I don't eat them anymore because they make me feel like shit all day afterwards. Guess I'm allergic or something, which sucks because I love me some eggs...

>> No.7002487

>Turkey franks
>Kid Cuisine tv dinners
>ketchup mixed with mayo for dipping fish sticks in

>> No.7002488

How is it hard to make?

>> No.7002491

Perfect potato salad is pretty much a pain in the ass. I actually agree with that guy.

>> No.7002496

>wash potatoes
>peel potatoes
>cut potatoes
>boil eggs
>peel eggs
>cut eggs
>wait 4-6 hours for everything to chill
>finally mix it all together

>> No.7002504
File: 400 KB, 488x519, 1359694487276.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boil potatoes
see now i have to start all over because i put raw potatoes in my potato salad

>> No.7002509

I just boil the potatoes and then peel them and cut them with an egg slicer.
Even making your own mayonnaise isn't that complicated.
I also add onion, apple, pickles and some vegetables.
Mix that stuff while it's warm and let it soak in the refrigerator for a few hours.
Final ingredients are sausages.

>> No.7002514

Crunchy bits, like onion and pickle, in potato salad weirds me out. My family always made it smooth and dreamy.

>> No.7002515

Same I can't stand it. The texture is like a june bug flew in my potato salad. Never understood how people can eat it crunchy.

>> No.7002524

This post just made me imagine someone going through every stupid step of making potato salad but forgetting to fucking cook the potatoes first and I've been laughing for a good while now.

>> No.7002526

I think a little pickle and maybe a couple tbsp of minced onion is pretty necessary. you'll never notice the onion if its minced small enough.

>> No.7002541
File: 15 KB, 286x337, 330046_v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a little pickle

>> No.7002613
File: 238 KB, 1000x1500, brotato salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you don't like potato salad, the chances are you're doing it wrong.

Not hating - I made the same mistake.

But yeah, that shit from the store in the plastic container is going to be nasty unless you go to Whole Paycheques.

Again, I must politely insist you're doing it wrong. Or possibly buying inferior quality root vegetables?
The taste difference between organic / back yard grown and cheap imported stuff is significant with sweet potatos.
I'm not shilling for organic stores - they're easy to grow if you have the space.

>> No.7002774
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>> No.7002987
File: 37 KB, 224x269, Honey_nut_cheerios_(revised).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit makes me heave now

>> No.7002988

breast milk

>> No.7002999

I'm pretty sure they made them really shit compared to how they used to be.

>> No.7003006

fast food. junk food in general

>> No.7003029
File: 56 KB, 640x413, chef-boyardee-ravioli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to eat this stuff like a boss when I was a kid. Couple few years back they had it on sale at Walgreens. Buy 2 cans. Still have the other can. Just tasted not so good.

Same goes for Campbell's Chicken Soup. Lived on that stuff but can't touch it now.

>> No.7003163

My dad's cooking.

>> No.7003181

I wasn't at all discriminating as a kid. I would happily eat the worst kinds of industrially made ready to eat shit. It was only when I experienced better versions of the same foods that I realized just how crap many of the things I used to like were, and I couldn't go back. Some things I think are disgusting now, but liked as a kid include:

snack cakes (Little Debbie, Tastycake)
canned corned beef
cheap cheese
sweet drinks
cheap candy
chip dip made from sour cream and dehydrated onion soup mix
blue box mac and cheese
bread sold in plastic bags
Taco Bell and McDonald's
frozen pizza
canned pasta

Probably the biggest change is my tolerance for sugar. As a kid I craved the stuff, but as an adult I don't care for sweet things too often. Also as a kid I liked lots of fat with my protein. Cheese and pork sausage were my ideal foods. As an adult I eat very little of either, and splurge on the best quality stuff I can get when I do, because the cheap stuff tastes like ass to me now. Eating a Sausage McMuffin is hell on earth to me now, but I thought that shit was awesome as a kid.

>> No.7003763

Hot dogs. Dunno why. I used to love eating them, but now I can't stomach the things. It's not even that I'm 'too good' for them now or something, I eat plenty worse, but their texture is really gross to me. Bologna too (thought I dunno if that counts because I fell out of love with it when I was 12ish.)

>> No.7003818

90% of fast food restaurants

>> No.7003908

Cottage cheese, manacotti, American cheese, bologna slices, hotdogs, and lots of canned things.

I like so much more now than when I was a kid tho.