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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6995692 No.6995692 [Reply] [Original]

I'm an aspiring housewife, and I'd like to learn to cook on a much higher level of skill and integrity, what's the best way to learn how to make healthy, quality, and tasty food?

>> No.6995698

foodwishes on youtube.

>> No.6995702

Cook food
Eat food
Ask yourself what you did wrong and how you can fix it

>> No.6995704



>> No.6995705

google and youtube

>> No.6995706

By making an OP rather than meekly seeking out an existing thread to post in you have already proven that you are never going to be adequately submissive in the wifely sense and will probably be a shit cook and wife in the long run.

>> No.6995708

Thank you for the recommendation!

I appreciate the advice, but it takes up quite a bit of resources to cook entire meals for multiple people, or even for one person. I'd like to learn in a more efficient way if possible.

>> No.6995714

>entire meals for multiple people

Even better.
Ask them what you did wrong, too.

>> No.6995719

I-I'm sorry, the board culture here is different from the boards that I normally post in, I haven't really lurked here long enough for that. I'm sorry for my impatience, I just wanted to be efficient.

Oh, I see. Thanks for further advice!

>> No.6995726



You learn to cook partly from the experience and looking up things online or by asking other people.

You couldn't even do a simple google search, proving that you will never be able to learn anything on your own.

>> No.6995728

are u a gril

>> No.6995735


>> No.6995740
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We get this question like a hundred times a week, is all.

Seriously though cooking is a skill and like all skills the best way to learn is to do.
You can watch shows like Good Eats or read books like Joy Of Cooking to get an idea of what to do, but at the end of the day you still have to do it.

What's a good food you like to eat?
Look up a recipe and cook it.
Didn't like it? What was off about it? What would you prefer?
Experiment and try again, or just look up another recipe from another source.

>> No.6995751 [DELETED] 

not OP but I'm monitoring this thread. I'm glad she made it. I've been lurking here for that reason.

I'm excited to see this thread, so can we please make it a good one?

>> No.6995753

Oh, I'm sorry. I mean, I found it easy to imagine that you guys have heard this alot, but I also imagined that you guys probably have the most knowledge and best advice to have and it might not be that big of an inconvenience, in fact, maybe you guys might like to answer questions like these.

But, thank you for the advice, I'll follow it.

>> No.6995759
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not OP but I'm monitoring this thread. I'm glad she made it. I've been lurking here for that reason.

I'm excited to see this thread, so can we please make it a good one?

>> No.6995789

I guess another thing that's often overlooked is be very wary of over-heating and overcooking.
Stove/Oven temperatures vary quite a bit and it sure as heck doesn't help that all stoves are only vaguely labelled "lo, med, hi" so you need to sort of figure out how hot your stove is relative to the average recipe.
My own stovetop is pretty dang hot, I burnt some salmon the other night forgetting that my Medium is more like a Medium-High.
"high heat means it cooks faster" is wrong and I will my roommate in the teeth if he says it one more time.

Ovens can also be a pain if they heat unevenly and have weird cold spots, but that's more rare.

>I also imagined that you guys probably have the most knowledge and best advice
If only.
This is the board for arguing about junkfood and spewing memes from fat, depressed youtube personalities.

>> No.6995791

OP, I've been thinking about looking into herbalism for that reason. I have been thinking about how to make foods that can feel like "exactly what you need" when you feel a particular way. Foods to take care of people.

Also, I think you're thinking along the lines of orchestrating meals practically and efficiently. I am so interested in this because I am horrible at time management and always have been. I just cannot seem to get my shit together in the kitchen, that's why I really don't belong anywhere in a kitchen.

>> No.6995956

I'm a house wife who was cooking on a "wifey material" level and wanted to become more decent and I've just been picking various dishes I've been cooked or eaten at restaurants, researching recipes and techniques for it online on various websites to determine what the best way of doing it is and then just trying to prepare it. So far it's gone very well and I've learned a lot of new techniques and over all learned a lot. And almost everything has come out better than I expected and improved exponentially on the next try. Last week I made some gyoza that were better than I'd had in a restaurant. I cross referenced various recipes, viewed some videos on technique and then I just took a crack at it.

Another good way to start is to acquire all the basic equipment you could ever need and fill your pantry with all the stapes, spices, and ingredients you'd be likely to need. That way any recipe you think sounds good will just be a few main ingredients away from preparing.

>> No.6995965


This guy knows what's up.

Good luck OP. I wish I could do the same but I'm an ugly guy. Godspeed.

>> No.6996014
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I don't mean to be dismissive of Good Eats or Joy Of Cooking, they're good resources and you should definitely look into them.
Just, y'know, follow along.
Look up any terms that are unfamiliar to you.
If you can taste what you're cooking while you're cooking it and make corrections before serving, be sure to do so;
This soup needs more salt. Maybe some more garlic in the sauce. The recipe said Soy Sauce but all I've got is Worcestershire, does that wo--NOPE no it doesn't eww, glad I tested that in a spoon first.

>> No.6996039

Who is the pic?

Also what is with anime girls and red half frame glasses? Do these even exist in real life?

>> No.6996057

Don't bother. No man will respect you. Everyone sucks except the few FEW people who don't and they don't marry.

>> No.6996146

Just read recipes, watch videos, cook a lot.

I mean, Gordon Ramsay has a series of homecooking tutorials for beginners and novices. I suppose you could check that out. Ultimate Cookery Course I think it's called.

>> No.6996148

Why should I give a fuck then?

>> No.6996202
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>tfw no cuteposting housewife bf

>> No.6996206


It's important to remember that cooking is not, nor will it ever be, a 'fire and forget' skill like learning how to ride a bike, or something: It's a "Living" skill that you'll get the best results from if you treat it like a bigger part of your life. I tend to consume a lot of cooking-related media, from articles to TV shows, and I'm always looking to improve my craft one way or another. Sure, not everyone can invest the level of time I do, but treating it as something you constantly improve at rather than something you just 'learn' like it's a quick, easy, over and done will help a lot.

>> No.6996275

Not a housewife, but I'm gonna be moving in with my gf soon. I want to be a good gf and cook for her sometimes, but I'm going to be paid shit and have long hours.

How can I git gud at making quick and easy meals that are also healthy (and relatively inexpensive)?

I've never had to cook for myself before.

>> No.6996283

Just cook m8. It's just like any other skill. You learn it slowly. Follow recipes, perhaps watch a few videos with basic stuff like how to dice, how to fry etc. There are some pointers that will help you a lot.

Same with shopping healthy. For instance, you can make a really nice soup with a few onions, celery, chicken/vegetable stock and a swede. You just have to research a bit beforehand.

Why don't you make a pumpkin soup or something? Soups _are_ pretty hard to screw up so it could be a nice way to start.

>> No.6996286

Find basic recipes that don't require excessive effort/prep.
Easy grilled/fried fish recipes, stir-fries if you wanna get into that sorta thing, basic homemade bread.
It's what I'm doing.
Oh, and if your diet allows it burgers ard fun to mess around with. Ground meat + seasoning shaped into patties and grilled, lot of variety there.

>> No.6996288

>all these short sentences

I haven't slept in two days.

>> No.6996289

*forgot to include chicken, it also grills/fries easily depending on the piece of bird

>> No.6996323

I guess what put me off the most was when I looked for recipes, a lot of them called for a bunch of really specific ingredients that I imagine I'd have to buy a whole thing of and never use in anything else. Plus a lot of them seemed to take a lot of time and work.

Stuff like stir fry and soups seem simple enough, though. I figure I could just omit or avoid a few extraneous ingredients if necessary. Thanks for advice, anons.

>> No.6997056
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Red pops more than black in 2D art and of course they exist, all anime is real.

>> No.6997118


Pick one.

>> No.6997125

Basically this, chef john is the best.

>> No.6997131

>aspiring housewife
What a time to be alive

>> No.6997140

>Who is the pic?
Nodoka in K-On.
Watch it, bruv.

>> No.6997146
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>tfw no qt azn waifu to cook me a delicious dinner after I come home from a long day at work
>tfw I will never be asked by her, bashfully: "Would you like dinner, a bath, o-or me?"

Why live?

>> No.6997152

right in the feels

>> No.6997159

>marrying an azn

Haha! Enjoy your Confucian family values.

>> No.6997166

What's wrong with that? Not that I know much about filial piety.

>> No.6997198

It's the thing where they start worrying about what's best for their extended family and especially the head of the clan instead of what's best for themselves and their immediate family (i.e. you and your unfortunate offspring).
Can result in domestic violence.

>> No.6997239

why haven't you slept in two days anon?

>> No.6997306
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>> No.6997349

no wonder so many weebs idolise the nips, because this is the only kind of girl they can ever hope to attract

>> No.6997373

We're gonna need a pic from a class of grills in Korea to compare.

>> No.6997398

i thought those were koreans

>> No.6997400

gooks, nips, slopes, slants, yellows, slits, japs, who cares, they all rook same

>> No.6997401

oh lawd pls no
I thought they were nips.

>> No.6997404

I have Japanese in me and can cook nip food. you'll have to pretend I'm a girl though

>> No.6997409

OP, if you're still here, something to consider: it's fall now in civilized climes, which means one thing: stew weather!

Stews are great because they're simple, pretty hard to fuck up, and rarely require specialty ingredients. You'll use salt, pepper, flour, bay leaves, garlic, sage, rosemary, and thyme all the fuckin' time. You'll also get practice in shit like browning meat, cutting up veggies, and skimming fat. Which are super basic skills, but also incredibly important.

Equally important is to not get discouraged. You WILL fuck up. That's fine. That's why you start with easy stuff (basic breads, stews, etc.) so in the beginning, when your skills are shakiest, you don't fuck up a whole beef tenderloin.

So you'll fuck up, but you'll also improve, and that feeling is great. Progressing in something is rewarding, and making something tasty from scratch, even if it's not necessarily complicated, is satisfying on top of being tasty.

>> No.6997411

>not a single hot one
Holy FUCK no wonder jap men are all flocking to 2d

>> No.6997430
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>> No.6997436
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This is acceptable.

>> No.6997440

The easiest way is to just look up recipes in books or online. Also, learn the different ways to cook things, like when to bake, broil, fry, saute, boil, blanch, toast, brown, steam, etc. Over time, you'll learn the ideal cooking times and temps for each of these things. Also, when making things from recipes, pay attention to what ingredients are used and how much of each. Over time, if you pay attention, you'll learn how to adjust your recipes accordingly and how to substitute things. You'll also develop an eye for amounts as well. People at first have a hard time eyeballing how much is a teaspoon, or tablespoon, or cup, etc, but that comes over time. Don't be afraid to experiment as well.

>> No.6997452

I look like one though if that helps. Weirdly enough I style my hair in the same manner as your pic, except I usually put my hair up in a ponytail or bun. Sadly, no sailor fuku.

I make almost exclusively nip food, which I learned from my dad as well as online. I'm making gyōza right now actually.

>> No.6997454

Are these a v e r a g e Corean grills? Because that's definitely head and shoulders above the japs.

>> No.6997463

Probably, in my experience Koreans look so much better than japs in general.

>> No.6997470


That's because they all get plastic surgery at like 15

Jap women are superior.

>> No.6997474


I'm a busy Mom but I would Internet.

>> No.6997476

My gf has black and red half-frames that she wears. She's a swede

>> No.6997485

They are from Singapore.

>> No.6997500


>> No.6997504

That explains it, Singaporeans tend to be pretty cool, just comically Asian despite a lot of Western trappings.

It's still fun to trigger them by pretending to be grossed out by chicken rice.

>"You mean it's just boiled chicken and rice? I thought Singapore was some kind of food Mecca, that sounds really gross"


>> No.6999254

90% of this board is female if you didn't notice yet. There's no need to be demure, let's have girl talk!

>> No.6999260

They are some of the most judgemental and arrogant people I've come across.

>> No.6999272
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Singaporean guy here, you're 100% correct. I used to get a lot of crap for having an American accent. Nearly lost my shit once on the train when I heard a Singaporean girl make fun of an Indian girl's accent. It's like "bitch please have you heard yourself?"

The one redeeming factor my country has is our food, which we stole from the Malaysians and Indians anyway. Pic related.

>> No.6999433
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Jesus fuck no!
listen from a fellow subby, you do not want people who like you rating your food when you are starting out, they will lie to your face completely and make it a living pain to get any answer in detail about how they felt about it.

>> No.6999445
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mmm, fall stews. I want to be the perfect subby waifu forever. I need enough time to learn architecture, interior design, cooking, flower arrangemnt, sewing, and other miscilanious things.

>> No.6999446

I'm considering getting teal half frames to match my blue/green eyes tbh ;^)

>> No.6999457

lol dude I remember one time my mom asked for direction in a bus, this fucking lady spoke her broke ass singlish

my mom was like "excuse me? I dont understand"

She proceeds to tell us that we need to learn to speak english when we live in singapore

I was about to go off on this old bitch but we were on vacation so I let it go

>> No.6999486

My transdar is going bonkers, oh wow.

>> No.6999605

Yeah it's kinda fucked up. They think "Singlish" is the proper form of English. Try speaking actual English and they'll think you're some pretentious twat, unless you're white in which case they'll bend over for you.

I'm pretty sure the cooking is the only skill you need. Any guy would be grateful if he had a gf/wife/fucboi that could cook. The other skills you mentioned are just icing on the cake.

You should visit some other boards if you think this is bad. I've literally seen traps w/ guns threads on /k/.

>> No.6999640

Getting started is the most difficult part. Did you not have a mother or a grandma who cooked? I learned almost all I know from watching my mom and grandma when I was little. Mom taught me some dope af quick 20-30 minute dinners and I make them almksg every day now because I'm really busy. They're also very simple and require mostly no exotic/hard to get ingredients. But I suppose you have more time to spend in the kitchen. Try a clear chicken soup(basically chicken + veggies stock with homemade soup pasta(?)). It takes a little longer, but doesn't require much knowledge and prep time. After some time cooking will seem easier and you may even want to start improvizing.

>> No.6999654 [DELETED] 
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This the gay anime erp thread?

>> No.6999714

that explains the hostility to transsexuals.

>> No.7000650

There is pretty much no easy way to learn faster.. It is 90-95 percent experience and the rest research..

Just keep you dishes simple and tasty to who you are cooking for.. and improve by experimenting a small bit each time.

>> No.7000920 [DELETED] 
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p-post feet

>> No.7000945

learn how to use a pressure cooker

>> No.7001945 [DELETED] 

You're a flaming la la homo man is what you are now check em

>> No.7001954 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7002984
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op is now my wife pls do not talk to my wife or il fight you op is my wife

>> No.7004843

bump for more house wife chit chat