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6950008 No.6950008 [Reply] [Original]

Just wondering if anyone's heard anything about new liquor laws in California. Noticing that none of my usual spots are stocking 100 proof liquor anymore.

Otherwise, I dunno. let's talk about your favorite alcohol. What's your poison? Any mixers you think taste good? Stuff you like that you'd deny to your friends in a minute?

>> No.6950042

>new liquor laws in California.
What law? All I'm seeing is stuff about brewers and social media.

>> No.6950057

My go-to drink is tequila (nobody believes me when I say it's the only hard liquor I actually like the taste of) Mixing it with ginger beer or cherry soda is surprisingly delicious

>> No.6950063

That's what I'm trying to find out. All the 100 proof bottles just vanished.

>> No.6950106

Sadly, last two times I drank tequila I vomited all over my friend's truck, and then later all over his living room floor.

So needless to say, me and Tequilla do not co-mingle.

>> No.6950294

All of my friends say the same thing, they've all had bad experiences with tequila, but it's the only liquor that's never given me a hangover so it'll always be number 1 for me.

Now vodka, vodka can fuck off back to Russia

>> No.6950319

tila tequila spotted

go become a lesbian and then a nazi

>> No.6950331

fucking california does it again

>> No.6950352

Disagree with the tequila being tasty straight.

Wholeheartedly agree with the ginger-beer addition, though.

>> No.6950443

>not drinking mezcal

>> No.6950567

They still sell it on the central coast. Maybe its a local thing,

>> No.6950581

people who think tequila is some evil shit are idiots who havent had good tequila

>> No.6950615

>I like the taste of tequila!
>that's why I mix it with syrupy, strong flavored sugar water!

>> No.6950616

Makes about the best bloody mary you'll ever have, too. Dat smoky flavor.

>> No.6950657
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Nice pint of Guinness, when it comes to spirits though I like to go for dark rum because i'm a faggot

>> No.6951412

>I'm in SoCal
>local Bevmo still has 6 bottles of 111 proof Glenlivet, 4 bottles of 119 proof Aberlour, and 33 bottles of Wild Turkey 101
>Total Wine is stacked even deeper

It's probably just your county or a localized distributor shortage.

>> No.6951445
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>alcohol thread
how much more based could one be?

>favorite alcohol
depends on the occasion
I like a finger of 14y/o oban with an ice cube in it but shit's expensive
if I'm getting shitfaced then vodka it is
>any mixers you think taste good?
vodka, getting by with lidl's putinoff but I gotta get a bottle of russian standard soon
>Stuff you like that you'd deny to your friends in a minute?
I don't really deny anything to friends
it may be 'cause I usually invite some, they bring bottles and I have fun mixing, so since they brought the bottles they can have whatever they prefer

>> No.6951473

go to liquor: bourbon (ancient ancient age mainly) or gin (sapphire if i have the money, otherwise new amsterdam). both on a 1 cubic inch ice cube

go to mixed drink: 3-2-1 margarita
3 parts tequila, 2 parts triple sec, juice from a whole lime, pinch of salt, ice, shake the fuck out of it and strain

>> No.6951477

I like fireball

>> No.6951498

>tfw poor college student so the only liquor I can afford is cheap gin/vodka and piss beer

>> No.6951628
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>will never drink with samus
Why go on?

>> No.6952164

>a localized distributor shortage.
I hope so. 80 proof just isn't cutting it right now.

>> No.6952245

fill a rocks glass with ice, pour half a finger of vodka, pour bad quality apple juice until almost full, top with coca/pepsi cola
that's pretty good even if your ingredients are cheap
just make sure the apple juice tastes decent, even if it's watered down
>will never drink with samus
>Why go on?
she probably wouln't drink with you or me... even if she was real tbh fam

>> No.6952258

I'm sure if Adam authorized it she would...

>> No.6952527
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I usually drink boxed wine or vodka if I have a bit of extra money.
During times like Christmas where I'm usually spending it along I'll buy things like vodka cruisers and keep myself happy.

>> No.6952548


>> No.6952923

For fuck sakes. I'm trying to rid myself of degenerate thoughts and then I see those THIGHS.

>> No.6953003

post feet

>> No.6953016

can anyone give me a news link or something regarding this CA law?

Los Angeles resident here. Havent been to BevMo in weeks. Am scared.

>> No.6953018

Attention whore. Can't you just post the bottle ?

>> No.6953034
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>> No.6953035

Where's the dick?

>> No.6953039
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honestly, if we had more cute alcoholics and less shitposting this board would be better off.

>> No.6953041

are you a girl, fam?

>> No.6953044


>> No.6953058
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Why? They're disgusting.

>> No.6953062


>> No.6953065
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If it looks good fuck it

>> No.6953067
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How is attention whoring not shitposting exactly

>> No.6953068


>> No.6953090


>> No.6953092
File: 14 KB, 250x217, REDUCTO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>such tiny, tiny feet

>so dainty

>> No.6953108
File: 8 KB, 160x120, petergriffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That means two things.

>> No.6953119
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It's a great mixer. Simple, next to impossible to fuck up. Tastes good. gets ya drunk, if the vodka is strong.

Of course, 80 proof = might as well not even be there.

>> No.6953128

still can't get the 190 proof Everclear

>> No.6953198

what is the ideal proof for vodka?

>> No.6953206

Honestly, I personally prefer 100. Go big or go home, as they say. And I've no intention of going home.

>> No.6953428

Why? You'd probably end up killing yourself

>> No.6953455

I just use smirnoff. 3 shots and fill the rest of the glass with OJ until you cant really taste the alcohol. down it in 10 minutes and good for a while

>> No.6954620

You say that like it's a bad thing.

>> No.6954715

>drinking Onecup
oh lord what a skank

>> No.6954760

Chick's alone for months at a time on a spaceship. She can drink whatever the hell she damn well pleases.

>> No.6955282

Whereabouts in the sgv? former 626 fag here.

>> No.6955313

i drank homemade mezcal once from some mexican, had him pour it in a bud ice 40oz bottle

i blacked out and had heartburn for days to come