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6890389 No.6890389 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck do I drink spirits neat?
>inb4 hurrr don't be a pussy
I have tried many times to just sip on a spirit neat and enjoy it. Every single time I try I always get a queasy feeling in the back of my throat and I can't do it. I have tried it mainly with rum but it tastes like disgusting syrup. I can handle shots just fine, and I can handle strong cocktails also with no problem. Just when it comes to drinking rum neat or with a big fat ice cube in it I can't do it.

Is it just something I have to power through? Do I have to force myself to do it a few times before I can actually enjoy it? I'm thinking that maybe it is the rum that I'm using. I've been trying to drink Captain Morgan Private Stock neat. I hear lots of people like it but it tastes so syrupy. Are there more dry-style rums that maybe I would enjoy?

How the fuck do I drink spirits neat and enjoy them

>> No.6890404

2 spooky 4 me

>> No.6890432


>> No.6890456

Rum tastes like shit. Try whiskey.

>> No.6890465

Well I don't mind the flavors of spices and molasses and shit that you get from rum, it's just that syrupy sickly sweetness in the back of my throat I can't stand. So maybe if I try a dry rum I'll have better luck

>> No.6890642
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>> No.6890677

Nobody drinks rum "neat". Try whiskey.

>> No.6890686

pirates do

>> No.6890692

work your way into it. for bourbon you can easily train your palate through this progression:

bourbon + coke
old fashioned
on the rocks
with a splash of water

I prefer most of my brown liquors on the rocks, not neat. nobody really gives a shit.

if you really want to drink spirits neat, try to analyze and understand what you're tasting so that you focus more on the flavors/complexity than the booze. also, take real small sips.

>> No.6890707

You aren't a fucking pirate

>> No.6890717

That is bullshit. Lots of people drink rum neat, just expensive rum.

>> No.6890762

The real question is
>WHY do you want to enjoy things you don't right now
I don't get this. It's like being straight and trying to make yourself enjoy getting a dick in your ass.

>> No.6890972

I get where you're coming from but it really isn't that weird. It's like saying "why do you want to train yourself to be able to bench 300lbs even though you can't right now?". I just want to be able to. And I know it's an acquired taste so I'm trying to acquire it. The first time I tasted beer or black coffee I didn't want to like it but after I forced myself to a bit, I loved it, and I am now really glad that I forced myself to like those things because I have them all the time now.

>> No.6891161
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Captain morgan is sugary vanilla flavored rum. try pic related

>> No.6891362

they drink grog ya dope

>> No.6891378

listen to the other anons, try whiskey or vodka.
some alcohols you will naturally not like because of your unique palate, i personally only mix rum, and i havent bought any in over 5 years because whiskey and vodka are just better in my opinion.

>> No.6891379

Don't drink fucking rum straight. Almost any other liquor is better straight than rum is. Most people prefer whiskey, and its probably my favorite, but tequila, vodka, and brandy are also good.

>> No.6891381

Seriously op just drink some good quality spirits, like gin, scotch, bourbon, brandy, vodka or maybe a nice tequila.

Spend 20-40 dollars on a bottle, go to the store and ask someone for a suggestion, put the rum down.>>6890389

>> No.6892244

sprinkle some ketamine, a shit ton of shroom extract, 3 drops of acid, and ginkgo extract 6 hours before(to remember)... That is how I drink every friday night

>> No.6892263

just try whiskey you fucking retard

are you a pirate? no? then stop drinking rum straight


>> No.6892268
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>> No.6892269

when i first started enjoying neat spirits, it came from trying out flights of whiskey with friends. the good stuff in very small quantities turned out enjoyable enough that i persevered until i found palatable cheap stuff.

>> No.6892289

>being this much of a bitch in 2015

>> No.6892304

Buy quality. Mixed drinks were designed to cover up sub-par liquor, drinking neat is usually reserved for higher quality. I recommend buying an expensive bottle ($40-70) of a style you like. TALK TO THE PEOPLE WHO WORK THERE.

>> No.6892344

Do a real man's drink and do gin

>> No.6892367

Dilute your spirits a bit with cool water. Serve them in a glass with a narrow top so the pleasant aromas get funneled right to you. And don't be a pussy, neat spirits are an acquired taste, like a lot of things, but tf you still find yourself grimacing after the 10th try, maybe just conclude that you don't like neat spirits and stick to mixed drinks and fermented beverages. Save you a lot of money at least.

>> No.6892394

eventually your brain will associate the taste of alcohol with happy feelings and it will start to taste good, you just have to keep drinking

>> No.6892460

Used to kill a bottle of something every three days. Eventually the burn stops.

>> No.6892472
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there is literally zero discernible difference between them, they're essentially the same shit

>> No.6892504
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Fucking try this shit. It's unlike any other rum I've had. It's like drinking candy.
I actually use it for the cake and glaze for my rum cake just because it merrys so well with sugary cake.

>> No.6892558 [DELETED] 

I've been trying to drink whiskey neat, but something about it doesn't right with my stomach. I'll have a few drinks, feel fine, then 2-3 hours later I suddenly get a strong urge to vomit. Does this happen to anyone else?

>> No.6892560

I've been trying to drink whiskey neat, but something about it doesn't sit right with my stomach. I'll have a few drinks, feel fine, then 2-3 hours later I suddenly get a strong urge to vomit. Does this happen to anyone else?

>> No.6892968

It's called a hangover yes we know what's it's like but unlike you most can take it better

>> No.6893121

do you know that for sure

>> No.6893428

Yeah if you only pick your spirits and liquors from the bottom shelf.

>> No.6893481


>never had tried a 30 y old rum , aged in oak , from small distillery

this stuff is at the same level that an old brandy, cognac, Armagnac, whiskey or vielle prune.....

stay plebs

>> No.6893509

would be alright if it was aged in a temperate climate, not barbados or what have you

>> No.6893531

Bitch I might be.

And I DO drink rum straight. OP you gotta sip on it slowly. And it has to be good rum (Kraken at a minimum).

>> No.6893553
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You have to be the liquor, Rando

>> No.6893575

Ginger ale and Jameson is a good start to move onward, you will then move to Jameson, rocks, and water, then just rocks, then just whisky.

>> No.6894150


>> No.6895385
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It's just nasty. I can do shots of vodka but sipping it no, just no way in hell that's gonna happen. It tastes like medical alcohol...

Whiskey though, that's another story completely. I can seriously chug this shit.
>pic related

>> No.6895537

I can only drink whiskey straight. Everything else tastes like ass to me.

Try something like jamesons or a glen. I find them the easiest to drink.

>> No.6896156

Just do what most of the world does. Drink liquor to get drunk, and feel good for a bit.

>> No.6896179
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What do you guys think of this?

>> No.6896379

I tried it in Canada... not my thing tbh

>> No.6896535

Don't be a stupid motherfucker. Booze is for getting drunk. Shoot the shit or down it with diet cola.

>> No.6896548

Best whisky is 40%-50% abv. Anything under is shit. Anything over is shit. Jack daniels is shit.

Put the money into good whisky like japanese, scottish, etc etc.

>> No.6896553

Bulleit Rye whiskey is very easy to drink straight, and inexpensive. Scotch is very good too. Try something from Balvenie.

>> No.6896554

JD is some of the shittiest whiskey you can buy for the money. Literally the budweiser of whiskey.

>> No.6896567

Hark, anon. I think I hear yonder tendies softly calling.

>> No.6896568

>Just when it comes to drinking rum neat or with a big fat ice cube in it I can't do it.
That's not neat.

>> No.6896635

I only really drink gin and tequila and that's doing alright for me.

>> No.6896675

Yeah a 30 year old rum aged in a tropical climate would be...oaky to say the least I would think. For OPs purposes a quality aged rum between 8 and 21 years old would do nicely.

Anything under 40% wouldn't legally even be whisky would it? Would have to be called a whisky liqeur or some such.

>> No.6896712

This. I always cringe when I hear people talking about JD like it's some high-end shit. It's just a step above Canadian mist

>> No.6896721

just cheap goldschlager. we buy it just to pass around for shots at parties