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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 195 KB, 1024x768, stockpilingapril2011004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6851807 No.6851807 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else interested in stockpiling food and water?

Right now my collection is mostly bottled water, pork and beans, peanut butter, tuna, and egg noodles.

>> No.6851811

for what purpose

>> No.6851813

See: Hurricane Katrina

>> No.6851818

a natural disaster will never happen to you or me

>> No.6851820


>> No.6851821

See: Hurricane Katrina.

>> No.6851844


>> No.6851847
File: 404 KB, 1200x900, OY20VRi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(at least) fifteen jars of peanut butter? why?

how long is this stash supposed to last?

canned goods i see have an expiration date only 1 or 2 years in the future. what do preppers intend to do when their massive stockpiles of food only lasts 2 years at best?

>> No.6851848

>nothing bad is ever gonna happen to us

>> No.6851849

Wishful thinking bud

>> No.6851852

Eat it and re-stock I assume.

Also op, are you one of the ones that think the world is ending this month?

>> No.6851853


Peanut butter is great survival food. It's shelf stable, highly caloric, decent protein and easily portable.

>> No.6851855 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 275x183, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't wait for the shit to hit the fan so I can kill people with my gun and get all the girls who ignore me now because they have food unlike when the shit will hit the fan like any day now so those ungrateful whores will finally see what a supreme gentleman I am SJW SJW redpill redpill cuck cuck cuck

this is what you people sound like

>> No.6851869

please don't impose your narrow world view onto others

>> No.6851871

Ya, what happens when the shit does hit the fan tho?

>> No.6851880

>bought 100lbs each of rice and rolled oats during the gfc
>hate rice and oats
>gave it all away when it was near its expiry date

>> No.6851885

You'll finally not be a loser anymore

>> No.6851890

You don't have enough water

>> No.6851895

>Not stockpiling for natural disasters
Must be nice living in a mild climate with no severe weather.

>> No.6851924

More like I'll die because I have no guns or stock piled food

>> No.6851928 [DELETED] 

This, smh tbh fam

Flyovers, when will they learn?

>> No.6851950

Canned foods can last a long time despite experation dates. They may eventually start to taste funny but they'll be editable. The only time you'll want to avoid them is if the can seems puffed up

>> No.6851959

>People who have insurance are obese tin foilers

I'm glad that people like you starve to death when stuff happens. Your toxic phobia of independence is detrimental to the human race.

>> No.6851972

There was a bong story of a man eating a canned chicken that was 50 years out of date and he was fine, saying it tasted no different to normal.

In contrast Ashens ate a tin of baby food 20 years out of date that turned gelatinous and rotten.

I guess it can vary from can to can as well as the storage method.

>> No.6851980

>stockpiling food and water
I have a tough time believing the world as we know it could end tomorrow. Or even a few years from now. Or that shitty food I wouldn't want to eat anyways would be worth stockpiling in the first place.

No fear, and no fucks given.

>> No.6851982

Why you not freeze dried you shit tier stockpiling pleb...

>> No.6851984

>starve to death when stuff happens.
lol no, people like him kill people like you and steal your stash.

>> No.6851990

Interestingly enough, if you have enough income to hoard you would have had enough to leave town as was suggested to its residents at the time.

>> No.6851992
File: 1.09 MB, 270x150, Wrong.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people like him kill people like you and steal your stash.

>> No.6852005

lol@ "but muh gunzzz!!"

>> No.6852008

What is it with weirdos and despising people who prepare for the unexpected? They actively despise these sort of people.

It's like a pre-emptive form of jealousy. Like they know that when they are begging for crumbs, watching their loved ones die that they should have done more before and blame their own failings on those that took care of their families.

You and your ilk are very sick individuals.

>> No.6852019
File: 2.84 MB, 256x138, Suit up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, a liberal faggot that can't even take care of himself is really going to pose a threat against a well armed and well organised individual that took the necessary precautions for the unexpected.

I am actually laughing at your delusions.

>> No.6852020

>begging for crumbs,
I for one, plan on resorting to cannibalism within a week of the apocalypse.

>> No.6852022
File: 137 KB, 191x291, 1441423183707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw flyovers really think like this

>> No.6852028

I hope that you enjoy the fine buffet that the libshits trying to get you to join their peace circle provide. May their meat last days and their deaths years.

>> No.6852032

What is with this weird behaviour? You are trying to laugh at someone who has something you don't.

This really is a manifestation of jealousy combined with a delusion of eternal safety.

>> No.6852059

FIFO, you buy out 2 years of staples over the same amount of time, then eat stuff a while before it expires and replace it.

>> No.6852062

What? No, it's funny that the media has scared you into stockpiling guns and food. You're a dupee.

>> No.6852066


This. It's hilarious how they are overly jealous of people who plan ahead (because natural disasters never happen, social unrest, farm could never struggle or run into blight).

Even people in places with severe winters will plan ahead and prepare. Only hippy idiots walk around thinking they're smarter than people who prepare then they expect to "kill" and take over people whom have prepared. It's like they're retarded.

Do you think people in only flyover states prep? You're a disgrace, I'm ashamed you try to represents states like mine. Commiefornia here. Looks like I'll be shooting starving idiots like you when you try to invade my property because you were too poor and stupid to prepare.

>> No.6852073

easy there flyover boy. No need to pretend.

>> No.6852079

Fattass red necks are easier to take down.
Especially the housebound ones, or the ones on motorized carts.

>> No.6852095

You never know tho, I mean there are giant space rocks flying around out planet all the time. Only takes one to absolutely fuck our shit up

>> No.6852098

>What? No, it's funny that the media has scared you into stockpiling guns and food. You're a dupee.

You could open a theater with this much projection.

>> No.6852099

How the fuck have I never seen commando? That gif is incredible

>> No.6852100

I am and I try but then I consume it all rather quickly. Plus I live in a relatively small apartment and I just don't have room for it, in the event of an emergency or disaster I'm fucked, assuming I can't eat my neighbors.

>> No.6852104

It's really weird. They don't just say "I disagree with you, but what ever" they go into active hate mode. It really is a form of pre-emptive jealousy. I take joy in knowing that everyone this weirdo cares about will die a slow and horrible death of dehydration while he tries to steal from actual human beings that cared for their families and gets filled with lead.

A hilariously bad evolutionary dead end.

>> No.6852105

Yeah, and the media has fooled you into believing that everything is unicorns and rainbows. You're a dupee as well, retard.

>> No.6852110

I'd bet $1000 you're a flyover

>> No.6852111

Again with this weird complex. Anti-preppers could fill a psychology book with their weird jealousy complex.

You don't just ignore that which you disagree with, it triggers an odd primal hatred of those better than you.

>> No.6852114

It's just deflection, a simple defense mechanism. The ever looming thought of reality is too much to endear so he lashes out.

>> No.6852115
File: 44 KB, 500x706, Arnold Reich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How the fuck have I never seen commando?

Good lord, that gif is like the cocktease before the anal. How can you call yourself a man without seeing the entire Arnold filmography?

>> No.6852116

Endure* obs

>> No.6852122

Egg noodles wouldn't have much shelf life, would they? I stock 50kg of rice, but I worry I may not be able to cook it if the time comes that I need it. Can't find a good staple that I can just stow away and not worry about cycling out for half a decade.

I also store a few jars of unrefined coconut oil, Spam, canned sardines, dried kidney beans, a couple of bags of sugar, a bag of salt, and some vitamin C to avoid scurvy. It's not sufficient, focused more on short term calorie survival than long term nutrition, but it's the best I can do with the space I have.

>> No.6852142

Tinned beans are probably the best long term food. They are leaded with protein, calories, fibre and count towards your 7 daily portions of fruit and vegetables.

Is it ideal? No.
Is it the best of a bad situation? Yes.

Good call on the vitamin supplements too. I have several years worth of daily doses stockpiled.

>> No.6852159

but.... has it happened yet??? dont you think it wouldve happened by now... it never will

>> No.6852163

Don't worry about having too much rice or beans. You should be able to trade them with neighbors or friends/family that have big gardens or other necessities (ammo/tp/water).

>> No.6852166

Get a shit ton of water. Try to only stockpile a manageable amount of non-perishibles so you can rotate them out for new every few years.

Congrats, that's the most retarded thing I've read this month.

>> No.6852169

It doesn't have to be a meteor strike. It doesn't even have to be the end of civilisation. We're all dependent on an intricate series of logistics, and if something goes wrong in the system a heavily populated city is going to be drained of its necessary resources in a matter of days. Maybe it will all be sorted out in a month, but that's enough time to die of thirst or starvation.

>> No.6852203

what the fuck is this thread
are people really shitting on other people for not stockpiling for some dumbass zombie apocalypse that's never gonna happen? i understand for natural disasters but youre not gonna be witnessing the fall of civilization any time soon

>> No.6852206

whats wrong with flyover? i live in a town of 18,000 people and we are a tight nit community with weekly events and very fun holiday events.

>> No.6852207

What's so fucking funny about being prepared?

Ten lbs of pasta, a hundred gallons of water, protein in the form of canned tuna and sardines... how is any of the funny to you? Dry beans? A few onions?!

>> No.6852214

FEMA recommends about two weeks of food, water, and basic medicine (first aid, required medications, etc) for every citizen in case of natural disaster or infrastructure breakdown.

It's just insurance, and a smart idea.

Also guns. Guns are the most practical form of life insurance.

>> No.6852679

That's the most flawed logic I have ever seen.

>I haven't had a car accident so far, that means I never will

>> No.6852681
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>> No.6852694
File: 355 KB, 619x469, jobus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's so fucking funny about being prepared?

prepared for what?
(now this is where it gets really funny)

>> No.6852695

Why would someone choose to live in an area without a mild climate and severe weather tho?

>> No.6852701

>a delusion of eternal safety

What is it like to be eternally scared of everything? How do you even function on a daily basis with your heart pounding and sweaty palms, terror lurking in every shadow and around every corner?

Sounds exhausting.

>> No.6852703
File: 148 KB, 2500x1645, Baiting of Adam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6852708

Why is /ck/ obsessed with people wearing trilbys?

>> No.6852709

>Guns are the most practical form of life insurance
kek, if civilisation as we knew it collapsed tomorrow, I'm rather a bunker full of food and water than a fully stocked armoury.

>> No.6852712

No, you don't get it.
Those are not mutually exclusive.
I'm not even American, but even I see the value in guns in SHTF situation.

>> No.6852747

congratulations. your bunker of food and water now belongs to someone who had a gun. thanks for the free gift asshat

>> No.6852748

and btw I raped your daughters and killed them and cut your face off to make a bag to hold your beans and rice in. you really made my day!

>> No.6852772
File: 90 KB, 600x392, IHopeIAmCrazy_10_DoomsdayPreppers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't wait to watch these blue pilled liberal sheeple die so I can finally have sex with their children in my basement fortress and no one will stop me
>this shit is finally going to happen any day now, I can feel my acne tingling
You're not going to have a "loli" wife, creepy prepper.

Stay away from my family.

>> No.6852780

The only thing guns are going to do is attract attention from whatever organized military or police forces are left

Enjoy getting detained, having all your stuff taken away, and then you have nothing

>b-but I'll have a glorious last stand!

Ok have fun with that, tough guy

>> No.6852799

welcome to the dumbass club. enjoy your media only information sources and being a sheep. should give out your address so when it goes down we know where to eat at and have sex. thanks

>> No.6852809

And with that, you lose.

>> No.6852810
File: 22 KB, 307x400, tips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only get my information from non-media sources such as epic poems sung around the evening campfire by travelling folk musicians

>> No.6852817
File: 12 KB, 235x176, tinfoilball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you poor ignorant misguided sap

don't forget to "stockpile" that tin foil because when it all goes down, you'll need those hats more than ever!

Inb4: my sides!

>> No.6852819

har har har u so funny. especially the face you make when you watch the pillaging of your fortress because the media told you all is fine and you believed it and all the neighborhood kids are raped and killed and your wives are murdered and fucked after and your foods are taken just like vietnam

>> No.6852822
File: 102 KB, 650x434, Katrina_homeentry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm safe becuz muh guns!
gun nuts are so cute

>> No.6852824

I don't own any guns actually and what I said has nothing to do with guns in any way what so ever

>> No.6852827
File: 87 KB, 500x375, whale face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your foods are taken just like vietnam

>(whale noise)

>> No.6852828

>I was only pretending to be retarded
no you weren't

>> No.6852829


>> No.6852831

Stockpiling food, water, medicine, and other supplies really make sense.

It's the same reason why we have insurance, own extinguishers, have power tools, own toilet paper, and have guns.

But there is also something that needs to be taken into account. Stockpile compositions are very dependent on the context of the area which you live in.

How do you guys stock water? Bottled water kinda gets fucked up when stored even in room temperature due to plastic leeching for prolonged periods of time.

Or has anyone invented plastic bottles that don't leech to the water anymore?

>> No.6852832

it's not about guns. it's about quantity of people who group together. Guns wont help that. If the hypothetical situation ever did happen, there will be large groups of people together forming colonies to try to survive. A man in a house with a gun will do nothing to stop them. That's my point. Nothing to do about guns in any way. But whatever.

>> No.6852833

That is actually illegal for police and military to do now by federal law.

>> No.6852836

>Guns wont help that
Actually, if you still live in a state with 30rd magazines and non-fucked semiauto rifles, a group of people isn't really that hard to disperse from afar.

>> No.6852838

they make those large containers that can sit on a pallet and fill it slowly while you can and probably a bunch more. If it sits too long put some iodine in it or boil it before you use it. If you're in an apartment you will be fucked regardless. If you have a house you should be able to store plenty but water is actually hard to store much of so really I don't know.

>> No.6852841

>That's my point.
no your point was something about the lamestream media trying to unredpill the sheeple

then you did "no u" for a while, and finally you decided to try and sound like you had a reasonable point this whole time with a random tangent about groups of people

unfortunately your first several posts show otherwise, better luck next time :(

>> No.6852844

Only if you practice with those guns and have plenty of ammo and mags loaded ready to go and still if you go by the 1 vs 3-5 at most, it doesn't help much if they have guns also. Book of Eli scenario yeah when it's just a few guys it's fine but if it's 50 people starving to death and they have guns and ammo still against you with your guns and maybe 1-3 others, not much help. I mean you can't plan for everything ever because not everyone is a billionaire. I doubt it will ever happen but if it does there will be roaming groups of people

>> No.6852848

Stop being shitheads about this.
Guns ARE useful in a really bad time.
It doesn't matter if you're stockpiled well, if you don't have the means to defend it, you might as well have nothing. The very same reason we have police is for that protection of property and deterrence of crime.

>> No.6852863

>Only if you practice with those guns and have plenty of ammo and mags loaded ready to go and still if you go by the 1 vs 3-5 at most,
ONE guy at a beach in Tunisia fucked up a lot of people in a massacre. Most people run away from danger, not go to it, even when desperate. That is how Somali warlords retained control of the starving population even when they were outnumbered by unarmed civilians by a factor of 10000. They just had all the weapons, and by doing so, were able to take UN food and supplies from the civilians in the 1990s.

Also, not everyone is going to have guns and ammo. Half of US households don't have guns. And most people who buy guns will generally be well-supplied and equipped. They will also be part of militia groups and hunting communities. A group of 50 starving urbanites won't do anything against that shit.

Add that to the fact that 1 guy with a 30rd magazine can engage targets 100 yards away with enough precision and still be moving periodically to create distance. You're going to end up killing a lot more than 3 or 5, especially since 50 people will be:

1. Bunched up
2. Unarmored
3. Tripping on the people who fall in front of them

>> No.6852874

It kinda sucks that plastic bottles are crap for storing drinking water. I still remember the time when drinks generally came in glass bottles like with beer.

>> No.6852882

That's a shitload of foodstuff. I have some stocked in a pantry, but it would realistically only last for a couple of days.

I was thinking about getting freeze-dried foods, but then the main problem is water.

>> No.6852884

Hell you're right and I'm wrong. A bunch of city slickers would even be scared of an owl or coyote or someone stepping on a stick and breaking it. If they don't all have guns and go against a home owner who is prepared properly they really wouldn't stand a chance.

>> No.6852891

We can all store canned goods and dry goods but maybe what is most important should be how to long term store quantities of water

>> No.6852901
File: 305 KB, 585x358, katrina-swat-team.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in the event of a natural disaster, all police and military forces will magically disappear

I assume your elaborate fantasies are pretty well thought out and internally consistent, so can you explain to me how this works?


A Sane Person

>> No.6852903

You can easily store a shitload of hard spirit alcohol to drink due to the fact that glass bottles don't leach chemicals/lead has been banned from glassmaking for a long time, but that would ruin your liver in a jiffy.

>> No.6852911

fuck the police they aren't meant to do that type of thing. They look for robbers and murderers and give speeding tickets. Think about the hundreds of thousands of Vets who have been there done that. Open your mind. .Not to mention soldiers polled said they wouldn't turn their weapons on US citizens. About to 85% of them or so. Look it up. Do you think the civil war didn't happen? Do you think China and Russia can't make their way in and cause a threat? Not talking red dawn style but still. Your average starbucks bitches and mcdonalds for breakfast every day for 20 years people won't help. You're only deluding yourself if it ever does happen, which I doubt it would.

>> No.6852919

>>in the event of a natural disaster, all police and military forces will magically disappear
>posts Katrina
Police and military forces DID disappear during Katrina. It was one of the biggest complaints people made that cops were just ignoring people and drove by and away to save their families, etc, etc. The funny shit is even Blackwater decided to drop by and do humanitarian work and non-governmental policing.

LA riots, Ferguson riots, Baltimore riots, the police literally left homeowners and businesses to fend for themselves, some for days, until they went back in a ruined part of their cities.

This is normal. Because police and military number 2 million (500k police) people combined in a country of 310 million. And a lot of the military is stationed overseas. You don't have enough manpower to provide order if 300 million people suddenly decide to go "just fuck it."


A Sane and LOGICAL Person

>> No.6852922

>meant to do
I never said what they were "meant to do" or "not meant to do", but thank you for confirming that your fantasy is exactly as I assumed it was

My point is if they're around, and if things are really as desperate as you are hoping, they will be the ones banging down your door stealing your shit. Not stereotypical "bad guys" dressed in bandanas and spiky shoulder football gear like in Mad Max or something, but uniformed police or military forces

Look at any desperate third world country, the police survive by stealing from the people, they aren't really there for anyone's protection except the very very rich

For all your posturing about being superior to "starbucks bitches", you clearly haven't left your comfortable suburban subdivision before

>> No.6852924

>getting drunk in a fucked up world

>> No.6852927

Stockpiling to OP's level only really works if you've got the space for it.

Most city-dwellers don't have the space for that shit.

>> No.6852980

>prepared for what?
>(now this is where it gets really funny)

I live in an area prone to earthquakes. When I was young we had a pretty big one and there was no water or markets for several days. I'd rather have water stored than use swimming pool water again. Make sense now, Jones?

>> No.6852988

> swimming pool water
How did you manage to use swimming pool water? That shit's chlorinated as fuck right?

>> No.6853015

could just be the best plan ever

>> No.6853032

Sure is. Better than sewage though, amirite?

>> No.6853035

Why would I want to eat nasty canned food by choice? I agree with stockpiling in principle. But having to rotate the shit is a pain in the ass.

>> No.6853038


Pool water tastes awful. My parents used to recollect how awful coffee made w pool water tasted. It was useful to flush the toilets, however.

You want some water on hand. And some candles. And camping headlamps.

>> No.6853058


A poorly thrown molotov cocktail would end all of your precious shtf plans.

>> No.6853086

Well, the reason you eat canned food is to get your body acclimated to the food.
But if you don't want to eat all that food, you can donate them to food banks around a month to a week to expiration.
If I recall correctly, food banks accept that because a lot of people tend to eat food from the banks in a matter of days.

But be sure to ask your food bank on anything regarding liabilities and shit regarding canned food and expiration.

>> No.6853444

my nigga

>> No.6853448

why the fuck do humans live in these areas

>> No.6853458 [DELETED] 

>literally left homeowners
You mean Niggers

>> No.6854492

A small amount. Currently, I have four cases of bottled water, two gallon jugs of distilled water, around 100 cans of various food like soups/beef stew/tuna/fruit/mixed veggies/tomatoes/peas/pork and beans/ravioli etc., an 8 pack of ensure, 20-25 bottles of powerade, instant/freeze dried coffee, few bottles of vitamin water, peanut butter, honey, sugar, spices. Also have a lot of batteries and tiny battery powered lanterns in case of power going out (these lanterns cost me $3 each and they were very helpful when my electric went out in a storm a month ago), two first aid kits + extra boxes of bandages, medicine, extra toilet paper. If my income allowed for it I would have a lot more, but with limited resources I do what I can. Now of course I am not just buying all this stuff and not touching it because I realize things do go bad and so I will get into the food and replace it later when I feel the need too. You can't ever be too prepared and I think having $200 or $300 worth of food and supplies in case of emergency is a smart thing to do. Obviously you can go at your own pace and just buy a small amount at a time.

>> No.6854543

Why is 3/4s of your stuff bulky junk food

Do you manchildren think any of this through

>> No.6855321 [DELETED] 
File: 509 KB, 3000x2250, deep fried butter 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold I have become cholesterol, destroyer of arteries

>> No.6855604

In third world countries, I've seen people have metal water towers in their own yards for water storage. This probably prevents any plastic contamination for long-term water storage.

That shit probably isn't ok with HOAs however.

>> No.6855605

Isn't coffee a diuretic? Won't that suck for emergency situations?

>> No.6855608

screw HOAs. Subdivisions suck. But that is a decent idea if you could build one for cheap and it holds water fine. You would have to test it once in a while to see what is in it though, it would seem.

>> No.6855612

Back around 91 or so we had a horrible ice storm and no electricity or heat for 9 days. All the family (Grandparents/aunt,uncles/cousins/my parents) gathered to one home. The one with the wood stove. Sleeping bags laid out all over and home made chicken noodle soup on top of the wood stove and cans of chef boyardee. Being a little kid at the time, that was cool. Long term we would have died of starvation though. $2-300 would be a good spot to sit at for stuff like that I think.

>> No.6855613

I'm sure that was what people were saying in the days before Rome burned, too.

"It will never happen to me" is the most poisonous line of bullshit in the entire world.

>> No.6855616

Yes. Coffee and alcohol should be avoided for disasters.

Alcohols only use would be to clean wounds or for trading.

>> No.6855617

winner winner chicken dinner. Better to have and not need than need and not have.

>> No.6855649

Canned goods I get. Then the low shelf life food everywhere. Mother fucker just buy a damn generator and a water filtration/storage system. Do you fuckers not know how to prep?

>> No.6855651

It has the best ending line of any action movie ever.

>> No.6855967

good luck getting gas for that generator lol loser raped and robber and pillaged

>> No.6856630

/k/ will take /ck/'s food by force.

>> No.6857056


Correct. We shall steal your food and your lunch money. Join us or get bullied/rekt'd non-kommandos.