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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 477 KB, 1600x1200, iPhoneUpload_rjxljkjzfh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6809808 No.6809808 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else's mom used to make this?

Dry pasta, jarred sauce (usually Ragu) with ground beef mixed in, that grated parmesan from the green can.

>> No.6809831

What's wrong with jarred sauce?

>> No.6809836

My mom would make a meatballs and only season the ground beef with salt and pepper

>> No.6809837


with garlic wonderbread

>> No.6809838

yep, and make a huge shitty salad on the side.

>> No.6809840

Plain iceberg, amirite?

>> No.6809844

Bag mix

>> No.6809849

Our child hoods must have been similar. I still crave it some times and no idea why.

>> No.6809857

>what about Jared's Sauce?

>> No.6809871

when i was an exchange student the host mother served this pretty much every monday

in the end i quite liked it

>> No.6809903

oh yeah.

and the next night we'd have porkchops cooked in canned Alfredo sauce with noodles and green beans.

>> No.6809911

My mom still makes this all the time. If there's leftover hot dog buns she'll make garlic bread outta those, It's not that it's awful, but I hate when she makes it because she would make enough sauce to last like a week and a half....so it'd be all we eat till it's gone, just a different kind of pasta every time as if that changes it any.

>> No.6809915


because if i had spaghetti there would be ketchup in it

>> No.6809940


This is parenting 101. Make a huge batch of shit in one night, and keep your screaming hell spawn fed for a week.

>> No.6809973


Yep. Usually with Wish-Bone italian dressing. This was what passed for "italian" in iowa in the mid-80s. I enjoyed it though.

>> No.6809982


Right. We don't have time for cooking and healthy living and shit anymore.

>> No.6809985

>Wish-Bone italian dressing
Oh Jesus. This is probably why I hate dressings with any amount of sugar

>> No.6809991
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>> No.6809992


I remember at one point she switched over to a Greek vinagrette from Kraft which I liked a lot more since it wasn't sweet.

>> No.6809993

if they used a decent sausage I wouldn't consider that quite prison food

>> No.6809996


>> No.6809999

kroger/barilla brand spaghetti, the whole sleeve (1lb) into boiling water.

drained pasta into a big wooden mixing bowl, covered with 1 jar of Prego/Ragu

topped with kraft Parmesan cheese: bowl center of dining room table

Freezer brand loaf of garlic bread sliced into about 10~12 sections on a plate, to the side

chopped up head of iceberg lettuce, mixed with ranch, stale croutons, sliced red onion, cheddar cheese, bacon bits from a small jar.

can of Big-K flavor of the week soda

dinning room, on a monday, in the fall, with a football game on in the background

>> No.6810007


Exactly. Gotta spend more time at the office so little Timmy can have his new iPhone.

>> No.6810012

Today it's more like "gotta spend more time at the office so I don't get fired"

>> No.6810061 [DELETED] 

you stupid fucking mongoloid ,,
there was not alot of choices for much of anything when that was what spaghetti was thought to be... and your mother probably worked also ...the supermarkets did not start to become what they are today until the mid to late eighties early nineties this is why trader joes ..spencers and the like are popular and made the larger chains start to offer more variety ..I can remember that combo as well,,,I am my dads second wife was an absolutely shitty cook..couldn't even make eggs without fucking them up...so I had to lern to take care of myself,,,as you have had to ,,,be glad that was what you had to eat ...and not something worse....ya there was alot things that are/were much worse...

>> No.6810079

do you..... realize.... how fucking.. annoying........ this is.......?

>> No.6810083

>>>6809808 (OP)
>you stupid fucking mongoloid ,,
>there was not alot of choices for much of anything when that was what spaghetti was thought to be... and your mother probably worked also ...the supermarkets did not start to become what they are today until the mid to late eighties early nineties this is why trader joes ..spencers and the like are popular and made the larger chains start to offer more variety ..I can remember that combo as well,,,I am my dads second wife was an absolutely shitty cook..couldn't even make eggs without fucking them up...so I had to lern to take care of myself,,,as you have had to ,,,be glad that was what you had to eat ...and not something worse....ya there was alot things that are/were much worse...

The first part was true at least

>> No.6810086

Mental illness

>> No.6810091

you stupid fucking mongoloid ,,
there was not alot of choices for much of anything when that was what spaghetti was thought to be... and your mother probably worked also ...the supermarkets did not start to become what they are today until the mid to late eighties early nineties this is why trader joes ..spencers and the like are popular and made the larger chains start to offer more variety ..I can remember that combo as well,,, my dads second wife was an absolutely shitty cook..couldn't even make oatmeal without fucking it up...so I had to learn to take care of myself,,,just like you had to ,,,be glad that was what you had to eat ...and not something worse....ya there was alot things that are/were much worse...

>> No.6810098

this meme needs to die, like the real rambling old guy did.

>> No.6810104

shit ,, made some grammar errors and try correct them and it still got posted...

oh well ...

>> No.6810106

just fucking stop. we know you aren't the real thing, and you're never going to convince us that you are.

>> No.6810111

what are you taking about,,
that is not pasta....

>> No.6810117

I know it's not. You're pretending to be Rambling Old Guy, and you've been doing it for the past week or so. That dude fucking died, and all you are is a cheap imitation. Go back to posting normal, asshat.

>> No.6810121

all right you win ...
keep trolling to try and piss someone off...
no wonder this board is shitty all the time now...

>> No.6810144

and a paragraph is "rambling" fuck,...you are seriously retarded ...

>> No.6810154

It's rambling because it's incoherent. If you don't like that meme, why are you trying to emulate it?

>> No.6810170

har har har ..
keep trolling you , accidental pregnancy , at least this gives your life meaning...

>> No.6810175

I'm not trolling. I want to protect the legacy of the deceased ROG by calling out any impostors.

>> No.6810181

You forgot the most important part of this dish, which is overcooking the spaghetti in undersalted water.

My mom made this when I was very young, because we weren't Italian and lived in a place where we didn't know any Italians, so we didn't know any better. Then we moved to a place where many of our neighbors were Italian-American. Mom's new friends schooled her on how to do better, and she was a quick study. The last time we had a jar of pasta sauce or a green can of cheese in the house I was probably 8 or 9 years old. By the time I was a teen mom could cook Italian as well as her Italian American friends, because they gave her their recipes.

Way too much sugar.

>> No.6810186

im sure she got good sauce in that chinnn

>> No.6810213

>By the time I was a teen mom

That's a bummer. At least you know how to cook for your child.

>> No.6810448
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>Way too much sugar.

Depends on the brand you buy. Shit-tier stuff like Prego, Ragu, or Francesco Rinaldi, yeah, tons of sugar. But once you start getting even a little pricier - Classico, Bertolli, hell, even Barilla - you won't find those sickly-sweet sauces.

This weekend I simmered this Bertolli sauce in a slow-cooker for hours with some added ground beef and balsamic vinegar. It was really, really good.

>> No.6810453

>But once you start getting even a little pricier - Classico, Bertolli, hell, even Barilla - you won't find those sickly-sweet sauces.
Which you bought and then added sugar to it with the balsamic vinegar, kind of negating your point.

>> No.6810455

Contadina sauce is good because I know exactly how much salt is in there, I'll know I don't need to add more to the dish

>> No.6810456

You've got a point. He would have been better off adding some red wine vinegar, or just some red wine.

>> No.6810457

I do this all the time with canned sauces. Sautee some vegetables, brown some beef, add the sauce and some seasoning. It's miles better than just eating it out of the jar if you're too fucking lazy to make a sauce from scratch like I usually am.

>> No.6810458
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If you think the taste afforded by balsamic vinegar is equivalent to the taste afforded by plain table sugar, then I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.6810466

But, does it have THE TASTE?

>> No.6810467

I said nothing about taste equivalence. I just said you went out of your way to buy the less sugary sauce, then added a very sugary ingredient to it. So you're still eating sweet shit, just more expensive sweet shit.

No thanks.

>> No.6810473

>very sugary
you're just looking for something to pick at

>> No.6810481

Balsamic vinegar is sugary as fuck.

>> No.6810486

balsamic is quite sugary. use red wine vinegar instead.

>> No.6810490

>Balls my lick vinegar

>> No.6810491

>claims to not be talking about taste equivalence
>proceeds to draw a taste equivalence

Your words, I think they do not mean what you think they mean

>> No.6810495

I read that too. People around here need to not be so lazy about using commas.

>> No.6810502


No one finds your comma schtick funny except you

>> No.6810506

Why do you think I'm joking, troll?

>> No.6810510
File: 66 KB, 500x500, 0407 24oz alessi princess sauce with heavy cream pasta sauce 071072004074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best sauce coming through. The heavy cream helps it coat pasta evenly and it only has 4g of sugar per 120g. Downside is you have to use it up all at once because its so rich that it will mold even in the fridge.

>> No.6810513

Takes a troll to know a troll. Good job on outing yourself, troll!

>> No.6810518


Alessi is good, but I do start to feel strange once I'm paying upwards of $4 for a jar of premade sauce.

>> No.6810520

Yeah, I mean, we are both shitposting.

>> No.6810522
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P good for when I'm feeling lazy

>> No.6810523

I'm not ashamed to admit that Alessi is better than most homemade sauces I could do, I just do not have the time, skill, and nose for Italian herbs to fuss over finding the best method to convert tomatoes into a good taste sauce, of which there is a lot of disagreement on.

$5 isn't bad for a jar of instant pasta.

>> No.6810536

>mother is italian, never eat jar sauce
>get job at group home, staff are all Haitian
>they think pasta is cooked like rice; it is done when all the water has been absorbed
>they let it sit for a while on low heat before serving or adding sauce
>no salt
>try to politely give some tips to one of the workers
>she gets insulted and says she's a good cook, she knows what she's doing, etc

I feel so bad for the people who live there, even though I know they are probably used to worse at the facilities they used to live at. Just heat up a can of crushed tomatoes and it is a thousand times better.

>> No.6810585


>> No.6810598

w-why don't they just read the fucking instructions?
im a terrible cook but i read the instructions

>> No.6810624

Because she's a good cook anon!

>> No.6810663

>jarred pasta
Please tell me this will never be a thing

>> No.6810675

What >>6810624 said is pretty much accurate.
And she actually is a very good cook when it comes to Haitian food. I guess it is partially due to the assumption that bring a good cook means you are good at cooking all things, and partially due to the fact that she doesn't want to take advice from a young man when she has been cooking for her children and the home's residents longer than I've been alive.

Either way, her pasta is atrocious. I think I once saw another worker actually put ketchup on pasta, but I looked away really quickly because I didn't want to have to be obligated to call the disabled persons abuse hotline.

>> No.6810687

Shut in detected

>> No.6810756


If you cut the sweetness of the sauce with enough grated cheese, it's okay.

>> No.6810779
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Quads confirm living room probably looked like this.

>> No.6810784

>quads confirm

Please stay on those childish nsfw boards

>> No.6811038

>substitute ground sausage for ground beef
>shit dish suddenly turns awesome

>> No.6811043

>what is 4chan board culture in general

>> No.6811046

>not respecting quads

Just leave

>> No.6811076

No. Take your bullshit back to /b/. Only you fucking kids think random post numbers are super wicked awesome.

>> No.6811086

Again, fuck off. If you were such an adult you wouldn't be on 4chan in the first place.

>> No.6811091

In other words this is your first time on the blue boards

>> No.6811100

literally nothing wrong with a minced meat sauce. I eat it at least once a week

>> No.6811108

Did anyone else have a mom that like peanut butter sandwiches with spaghetti? Just bread and peanut butter.

>> No.6811113

Face it. He blew you the fuck out.

>> No.6811116

exactly that. i reckon her mom did it too.

>> No.6811124


LOL no he didn't, I'm not even the same guy and your argument was pretty weak

>> No.6811129

lol wat

I use Prego usually, sometimes Ragu or Newsoms. The secret to making it tastier is to add a spoon of sugar and letting it melt into the sauce. Learn to palate.

>> No.6811156


You have to have a base level or autism just to frequent this place. You better learn how to fake number ocd and crippling social anxiety at the very least.

>> No.6811172

rao's is really good

>> No.6811210


No because we weren't pleb level poorfags. We could afford Prego

>> No.6811228

Prego >>>>> Ragu

>> No.6811245

My dinner last night:

>dried spaghetti noodles, boiled
>Ragu (mushroom & bell pepper)
>mild italian sausages
>Kraft parmesan
>Great Value garlic bread
>Market Fresh caesar salad bag

>> No.6811252

I just stopped by my parents for dinner over the weekend. This is exactly what they served. Drives me nuts. I mean, if you're going to buy the ground beef, might as well make meatballs or something, it's not hard!

>> No.6811259

>decide to try making sauce from scratch
>expensive to get all the ingredients including spices despite going to asian market and getting cheap prices
>hours and hours of stove work simmering
>all that fucking work
>tasted fine but so does $2 trader joes plus i get a reuseable glass jar
>all that cleanup work (tomato based sauce are a bitch to clean)
Never again unless it's to impress a girl and she better be worth it.

>> No.6811265

Get on middle class level and start using Newman's Own Sacarooni

>> No.6811266

you can make batches of food for the week and have it be healthy. what are you going on about?

>> No.6811334

>what are you going on about

That doesn't make sense. Are you having a seizure?

>> No.6811335
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>he's so mad that he'll never get quads

everyone laugh at this pleb

>> No.6811356

School's out. How was your day? Any homework?

>> No.6811366

is it possible for you to do anything ? but complain at the the way your parents took care of you ? which by the way did not cost you a penny ...they paid for everything..

so the next time you are going over to your mom and dads for a free dinner ...how about you be generous and YOU cook for them ...
since you know ...you're such a fabulous cook and all...

>> No.6811568


>> No.6811581

Reddit is faggy

>> No.6811587
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This was the pasta I got when I was a kid.

>> No.6811592

I fucking hate chunks of tomato in my sauce so much. Why can't they just sell a thick sauce that doesn't have chunks? Is smooth really that big of a technological marvel in 2015, like can we not just extra-pulverize the tomatoes for one of the batches?

>> No.6811600
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why don't you make the meatballs ya lazy mooching fuck?

>> No.6811610

You can just put some chopped or pureed tomatoes into a pan with a knob of butter and some chopped garlic and salt. It'll be done in 15 minutes and it's ready to go. You can start and finish your pasta in the meantime. Add some basil leaves if you really want to at the end. You don't even have to chop garlic if you don want to. Dried chopped garlic and/or garlic powder will work if added at the end. It takes less than five minutes to clean everything up since you're obviously slow, but I'm done in a minute. Why are you ruining the tomato sauce by simmering it and making a mess for hours?
Why can't Americans into a simple tomato sauce?

>> No.6811635

>garlic powder

It's just one small step from pre-prepared garlic to pre-prepared sauce

>> No.6811637

No. My mom loved me enough to always make her meat sauce from scratch.

>> No.6811643

I was just providing the cheaper less time consuming option since the ingredients were claimed to be expensive.

>> No.6811653

I miss my childhood

>> No.6811657


my Mom made the meat from scratch

>> No.6811660


You mean "assemble"?

>> No.6811671
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>mfw i still cant eat tomato sauce because of this

not even fresh stuff man, i cant stomach it anymore

>> No.6811672
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It was only a few years ago that I finally admitted that my mom was a terrible cook. She does everything in the way that requires the least amount of work. Bags of pre-cut mixed vegetables, steamed broccoli in the microwave with no seasoning is her favorite go to side dish, dry unflavored turkey with no gravy, pre-packaged mash potatoes, ready made pizzas, baked eggplant parmesan with sauce out of can and that dry flavorless parmesan powder, tacos made with ground beef seasoned with a taco bell seasoning packet and topped with lettuce, huge tomato chunks, and canned salsa, salt and butter were dirty words when I was a kid. I never even tasted whole milk until I was a grown man. Skim was all I had ever tasted. I honestly thought smart balance was butter for most of my life.

She never salted the water when she made pasta. She never made sauce despite my dad's garden being overwhelmed by tomatoes, and I'm pretty sure I only ever tasted a fresh herbs when we went to olive garden. It's probably the reason for my love of cooking to be honest.

>> No.6811692

It could have been worse. Your mom could have made delicious food sometimes but bland food most of the time because of time issues. Then you would taste the difference everyday.

>> No.6811708

This sounds beautiful. From Canada, I say it would be a hockey game on, and in the winter. Oh, and labatt blue instead of the soda.

>> No.6811711


So what do you make your children every day?

You do have children, right?

Aren't you older than your parents were when they had you?

>> No.6812287

i've used red wine and balsamic vinegar all my life. balsamic vinegar is definitely sweeter than red wine vinegar, but it is nowhere near "sugary"

>> No.6812317

I usually buy this brand or some other high quality stuff in a jar of alfredo sauce, but whenever I heat it for pasta I just warm it up in the microwave.

would it be better warming it on the stove instead, or does it not matter?

>> No.6812555

Holy fuck are you me

> TFW Midwest life

>> No.6812802

>pork chops in canned alfredo

nigga replace that shit with canned cream of mushroom and cream of chicken mixed

>> No.6812824

>used to
I wish.
It tastes like she puts fucking cinnamon in it, or something that tastes like cinnamon.

>> No.6813099

Get fucked, nigger

>> No.6813104
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, 1280-2-liquiglide-ketchup-bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, baby

>> No.6813362


Interesting. I grew up in the Quad-Cities (IA/IL border) and I'd never had pork chops in any kind of cream sauce. We always just grilled them straight and then had them with barbecue sauce. Sometimes we'd grill onions or shrooms with them.

>> No.6813759
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I eat this once a week.

Buttered pasta, with shakey cheese.

Loved it as a kid, still do.

>> No.6813795

I didn't care much for spaghetti growing up. Too many bones. I kept a cup next to my plate so I had something to spit them into.

>> No.6813804
File: 1.92 MB, 3264x2448, 20150818_191658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try tendies then

>> No.6814295
File: 419 KB, 650x433, IMG_8351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love chicken tenders

>> No.6814821

Oh ya. That was one of maybe 6 things in the general rotation. Others being some version of stirfry with chewy meat and frozen asian veggies, salisury steak and then some beef and noodle gravy stuff. We didn't have a ton of money back then and it tasted pretty good for a kid that didn't know any different

>> No.6814940

>beef and noodle gravy stuff

Ahhhh we totally did that. And that's what we called it, just "beef and noodles". I guess it was like stroganoff but simpler? Hard to remember. I loved it though.

>> No.6815157

Grow up.

>> No.6815191

Aww yeah, smothered porkchops with instant rice.

>> No.6815222

I used to think I hated spaghetti, but then I found out I only hated shitty canned parmesan

>> No.6815228

raos homemade has the least sugar apparently, and its very tasty for being jarred

>> No.6815283


You mean mom's spaghetti?

Oh yeah I had that. I vomited it on my sweater, mom's spaghetti.

I was nervous. On the surface I looked calm and ready to drop bombs, but I kept on forgetting
What I wrote down, the whole crowd went so loud
I opened my mouth but the words didn't come out
I was choking then, everybody was joking then
The clock had run out, time was up, over, blaow!

Snapped back to reality, oh! There went gravity
Oh! There went Rabbit (me), I choked, I was so mad but I
Won't give up that easy, no, I wouldn't have it, I
Knew my whole back was to these ropes, it didn't matter, I was
Dope, I knew that but I was broke, I was so stagnant, I
Knew when I went back to that mobile home, that's when it would be
Back to the lab again, yo, this whole rhapsody,
I knew I had to capture the moment and hope it didn't pass me.

>> No.6815454

I sometimes just love spaghetti with the green can cheese lol

>> No.6816580

My urban youth

>> No.6816608
File: 62 KB, 480x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my mom made this when i was a kid, put beef in the sauce and put it over spaghetti, then she would put garlic powder and the can of s̶a̶w̶d̶u̶s̶t̶ cheese on the table and i fucking gobbled that shit up. i still make it to this day, nothing beats the taste of nostalgia.

>> No.6816685

There are moms who didn't make that? It's one of the easiest things to make. Hell, my mom still cooks it.

>> No.6816698

Yup, exactly that. Wasn't a huge fan of it.

>> No.6817293

Don't forget to overcook the pasta and rinse it

>> No.6817835

Without ground beef, even.

>> No.6818289

Somebody start a new "Nostalgic childhood/lazy and or poor mother" meals thread.

>> No.6818311

Favorite meal of all time. Still is.

>> No.6818369

How the fuck do you render tomato sauce into powder? Do you add water to this shit or is it a seasoning pack you dump into some tomato puree?

>> No.6818388

tomato powder, spices and starches. You mix with tomato paste and water (and then whatever) to prepare.

>> No.6818394

Does anyone else just add stuff to jarred sauce?

I'll take a big onion, a couple stalks of celery, some carrot, maybe garlic and caramelize it and then toss in and brown some ground pork or beef and then just mix in a jar of sauce.


Basically the first two minutes of that, but instead of making the tomato portion of the sauce from scratch I just dump in a jar of Prego or whatever.

>> No.6818446

>i still make it to this day, nothing beats the taste of nostalgia.
My brother in law feels the same way, and still makes his "special" spaghetti, which is pretty much the recipe ITT, but with Italian sausage added as well.

I never understood why, because for just about the same amount of effort he can make many better meals - the guy is actually a good cook. So I asked why he still made spaghetti like that, and his reply was nostalgia.

I guess my sense of nostalgia is broken when it comes to food. When I revisit some trashy shit I loved as a kid all it does is remind me that kids have shit taste.

>> No.6819091

> Das Original!

>> No.6819308

a totally reasonable way to handle things.

I might still add some crushed tomato (prefer it over chunked) and involve a dab of paste alongside the cooked veg and herbs&spices but the jarred sauce is a shortcut to the consistency I want without spending a long time cooking things down. I can save some of that effort and spend it on making some quick meatballs and/or salad

>> No.6819553

You know what's surprisingly tasty? Banana with speghetti sauce.

>> No.6820268

My sister used to put pizza sauce on everything. It was absolutely disgusting.

>> No.6820278

Yeah we're in the lucky 10% of families where a parent cooked most meals for their children. Most of us have good relationships with our parents and don't have diabetes before the age of 30.

Basically pretty great life all things considered.

>> No.6820279

Can anybody share their spaghetti sauce recipe?

>> No.6820283

My sweet romantic teenage nights

>> No.6820309

I think you're talking about passata which is completely smooth
Passata or pasatta, i can't remember the spelling

>> No.6820316
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filipinos already know that, dawg

>> No.6821146
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>> No.6821188
File: 19 KB, 400x300, 28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see that you're a real nigga. I happen to be a real nigga myself.

>> No.6821838

So is that shit just like cheez whiz? I've had plenty of Jufran in my day. Shits legit.

>> No.6822000

Spaghetti with Meatballs
1/2 pound spicy sausage (pork or turkey)
1 cup bread crumbs
1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes
2 tablespoon grated parmesan
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1/8 teaspoon minced garlic
1 egg, beaten
1/4 cup milk (or sour cream)
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/4 cup chopped yellow onion
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 (28 ounce) can crushed tomatoes
1/2 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoon white sugar
1 bay leaf
1/4 teaspoon basil
1/4 teaspoon oregano
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
In a large bowl, combine sausage, bread crumbs, red pepper flakes, parmesan, black pepper, garlic, egg and milk. Mix well and form into 12 balls.
In a large saucepan over medium heat, saute onion in olive oil until onion is translucent. Add garlic and heat for 30 seconds. Stir in tomatoes, salt, sugar, bay leaf, basil, oregano and pepper. Cover, reduce heat to low, and simmer 90 minutes.
Drop in meatballs and simmer 30 minutes more.

>> No.6822013

Actually no, my mom made fantastic spaghetti despite being Japanese.

She used canned de-skinned tomatoes for the sauce, and so do I now.

>> No.6822039

My mom made her own sauce and used angel hair pasta. Fuck that fat spaghetti.

My wife makes baked spaghetti which is infinitely better.