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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6785103 No.6785103 [Reply] [Original]

dolphin meat -- once in a lifetime opportunity that I do not want to screw up.

Can any Japan bros recommend best method for preparing?

>inb4 dolphins are somehow more precious than the millions of cows/pigs and billions of chicken we slaughter every year.

>> No.6785110

How expensive is that stuff? Which part of the dolphin has the best meat?

>> No.6785112

Google it, gaijin

>> No.6785123

>inb4 dolphins are somehow more precious than the millions of cows/pigs and billions of chicken we slaughter every year.

They are you fucking piece of shit, I hope somebody rapes and eats your ugly children.

>> No.6785127

With the amount of heavy metal present in Japanese dolphin meat, they may not be having any.

>> No.6785130

Fuck dolphins, eat them into extinction anon

>> No.6785132

>dolphins are better than traditional livestock because....

Why does your closed mind believe dolphins are more sacred than other life? You don't have the capacity to see why that type of view is fundamentally ignorant?

>> No.6785150

It's not so much "better", it's "this is a threatened species and cows are the opposite of that".

>> No.6785154

>farm raised dolphin
>threatened species

>> No.6785160
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plancha that shit son

>> No.6785167

>>farm raised dolphin
I... really don't think that's a thing. You are talking about the mammal, correct?

>> No.6785177

It cost less than 3 bucks why don't you just experiment

>> No.6785182

>farm raised dolphin
Fucking what? Show me dolphin farms where dolphins are raised for their meat.

>> No.6785184

>people think there are dolphin farms

>> No.6785191


They can pass a mirror test, even niggers in Africa cant do that.

Dolphins are superior to some humans, and we dont cut up humans for food now do we?

Id link the video but apparently the kykes have put a copyright claim on it since 2 days ago. SJW faggot blames Africans not being self aware on their "group culture" and even calls it problematic.

>> No.6785195

You'd be surprised. No one believed I had an armadillo ranch in south Texas either.

>> No.6785198

>Leprosy farm

>> No.6785200

That sounds really cute

>> No.6785209

I heard that Nevada has a bunny ranch.

>> No.6785222

>inb4 dolphins are somehow more precious than the millions of cows/pigs and billions of chicken we slaughter every year
Partly because there isn't billions or millions of dolphins.

So yes, just like how gold is more precious than iron, dolphins are more precious than cattle or chicken.

>> No.6785224


>> No.6785233

Can people even eat dolphin? Don't they have the highest amount of mercury out of all fish?
I feel like it'd kill you or at least make you sick.

>> No.6785239

Apparently you can after reading about it... could've sworn I heard you couldn't tho?

>> No.6785241
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I've got a crab ranch lol

>> No.6785251

>I feel like it'd kill you or at least make you sick.
Not nearly enough to outright kill you, but you will go mad as a hatter if you're exposed to mercury too much. This is why it's not advisable to eat the meat of large predatory fishes too often.

>> No.6785257

>South Texas

Where? Is it open to the public?

>> No.6785310

OP just sashimi that shit if you're really looking to preserve the flavor (this is how it's usually served), or simmer it in dashi with some veggies like carrots or sprouts

>> No.6785331

>Comparing a domesticated animal that we sustain the population of to a wild animal that has no practices in place to sustain their numbers

Next you'll defend the Chinese killing Whale Sharks.

>> No.6785358

Dolphins are much larger animals. They're also intelligent and would require a lot of maintenance to keep just one dolphin. With whales and dolphins they can't be farmed because of size and because of stress brought on by lacking moving space and being forced close together. They don't school/congregate naturally like muscles or many commercially farmed fish.

For people looking to make a profit, it's much easier to just fish the animal from the wild where there is plenty of space for their population to grow as opposed to setting up a space to raise just one or two dolphins. The same shit goes for sharks, which is why most Asian fishing markets are destroying sea populations. They don't give a shit about the populations; it's too much work to try and upkeep.

>> No.6785440


>> No.6785479

Not OP, but I would love to eat Whale Sharks and Dolphins. I don't care if anyone doesn't like it, or even if it tastes good. I just want to eat things most people don't get to eat. The more rare the animal, the better.

>> No.6785490

The truly patrician ranch

>> No.6785543

The markets name is " Potato" I wouldn't eat shit from there.

>> No.6785559

reported to PETA

save the dolphins

>> No.6785570

Literally why would you want to eat an endangered species

>> No.6785579

The penis

>> No.6785582


>> No.6785585
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>>inb4 dolphins are somehow more precious than the millions of cows/pigs and billions of chicken we slaughter every year.

Didn't realize we farmed dolphins

I didn't even realize cows are pigs were protected for fear of extinction.

>> No.6785589

Because it's a rare delicacy
why not? I make sure my tuna is not dolphin free for this very reason

>> No.6785600

I made nabe with it once. Dolphin meat is really disgusting. It has the taste and consistency of fishy beef liver. Might be better if you ate it raw.

>> No.6785608


>> No.6785611

>/ck/ wouldn't at least try dolphin meat

Next you're going to tell me you wouldn't try human meat if given the opportunity

>> No.6785612

I guess if offered the opportunity to immediately try some I'd do it just because I'd probably never get another chance but that's different than going out of your way to fund an economy that's actually causing real damage to ecosystems, same reason I don't like trawl fishing it fucks up the sea bed

>> No.6785614

>dolphins are fish

>> No.6785623

I would eat the booty like groceries

>> No.6785646

Between your legs?

>> No.6785655

>animals genetically tailored for mass human consumption are the same as a wild, self aware endangered species

>> No.6785672

I was pretty disappointed with shark and whale. If I found dolphin in a store in Tokyo I'd buy it, but I've heard dolphin is even worse than whale

>> No.6785684

>potato brand dolphin meat

>> No.6785707

>things that make you go hmmmmm

>> No.6785718

But you're the kind that will pay to get into a zoo with a 300sqft dolphin tank and smile and clap your hands at all the fun splashes and the witty trainer.

>> No.6785723

shark fin or shark meat?

>> No.6785724

name of the video

>> No.6785753

Shark fin soup was extra disappointing, but I'm talking about actual shark meat. Might have been the preparation, my friend wanted to use it in fish tacos, but the consistency was kinda gross.

>> No.6785766

the price is written on the package that 158yen per 100g.

>> No.6785785

dolphin meat smells and tastes more bloody and fishy than whale's one.
I don't recommend it.

>> No.6785795
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yea bro just show me that dank dolphin farming operation

>inb4 the side effects of industrial ag

>> No.6785812

dolphins aren't endangered - at least not the species that live in the sea.

there are freshwater species of dolphin, and some of those are endangered... but that's not the kind of dolphin OP is talking about.

tldr: eat dolphin i guess, i don't think it would taste good.

>> No.6785817

Kill yourself, OP.

>> No.6785828


So an animal can pass a test?

That doesn't change the fact its a fucking animal that can't be eaten.

>> No.6785831


Nigga I got a giraffe ranch in East Tennessee.

>> No.6785836

They're water mammals which is stupid cause they look and act just like fish.

>> No.6785856 [DELETED] 


Niggers can pass a mirror test, just later into their development.

Whites can first pass it around 18-24 months, niggers (at least the Nigerians studied) can around six years old.

>> No.6785895

/pol/ please leave

>> No.6785963
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>> No.6785979

have fun with than mercury poisoning OP

>> No.6785997

I really do hope people will eventually lessen the consumption of dolphin, whales, etc. Not only do they taste horrible, the hunts will have an effect on the seas and on us later on. And again, they don't even taste that good.

How can people eat it regularly when there's fatty tuna or glorious steak around?

>> No.6786051

>there are people who defend the rapists of the sea
Savor it, OP.

>> No.6786059

Got a genuine chuckle from this

>> No.6786078


I have never had any dolphin but posts like this make me want to have it every night for a year.

>> No.6786105

I didn't realize I had to be on pol in order to dislike niggers.

>> No.6786115

we eat billions of cattle/pigs chickens, the demand for dolphins are not as high so there isn't as many, the number is still in the millions though.

>> No.6786129

enjoy your mercury poisoning

>> No.6786185

>my friend wanted to use it in fish tacos, but the consistency was kinda gross.

You gotta cook that shit up like steak.

>> No.6786193

Here co/ck/suckers, enjoy a video of a whale shark getting cut into pieces while it's still alive


>> No.6786206

Tumblr has been invading us recently, just ignore it and it will go away.

>> No.6786241

dolphins rape people, and other dolphins OP. Feel good your disposing of a evil rapist animal.

>> No.6786256

>science posted
>plz leave

reddit cancer has spread everywhere

>> No.6786272

dolphins and shit man #thecove #haydenpanettiere

also this

>> No.6786285

Poor OP just wanted a recipe. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess it's steak-like and recommend:


Give or take on the rosemary, just keep it simple so you may actually enjoy the dolphin for it's natural flavor.

>> No.6786298

I have no issue with eating dolphin per se, only that it is killed efficiently.

We kill and eat horse, pigs, dogs and other sentient animals what's so different with a dolphin.

I'd also eat whale if my faggot government lifted the ban.

>> No.6786305

i heard japan is finally going to farm dolphin. then everyone in the comments section laughed at them. well that's one sea creature japan won't rape into extinction, maybe

>> No.6786386

holy fuck at least kill it first?

>> No.6786588

Seaworld doesn't collect killer whales from the wild and hasn't for 35 years...or whatever that stupid commercial says. Free Tilikum, so I can eat him.

>> No.6786592

Are dolphins watermelons?!!

>> No.6786603

Their dorsal fins and brains.

>> No.6786627

okay Andrew Zimmern

>> No.6786659

Sensible chuckle.gif

>> No.6786662

Same. I'd also like for them not to get killed to the point its dangerous, but I'm not going to lie and say I'm not curious about the tastes of different animals.

>> No.6786665

Would absolutely eat long pork if given the chance.

Captcha edit: food. No pics of humans tho.

>> No.6786685

bunch of breakfast ass niggas attempting to troll ya'll.

>> No.6786734

>people saying the consumption of dolphin is wrong
>meanwhile dolphins would rape the person saying that in a heartbeat


Don't believe the lies saying dolphin rape coves aren't a thing, they're fucking monsters and the whole lot of them should be consumed because they are delicious.

t. stayed in Nagasaki in 2012 and Dolphin was delicious, whale not so much.

>> No.6787043

>people think dolphins are endangered

>> No.6787084

Why can't they just start with the head?

>> No.6787156

>So an animal can pass a test?
yeah its like one of three on the planet including humans

>> No.6787161

>Asian people being irresponsible and short-sighted. People give us white people shit, but Asians are clearly the real problem.

>> No.6787812

It accumulates. That's the problem.
Once it's in you it will stay there and build up until it gets to toxic quantities.

>> No.6787839

Dolphins may be intelligent to a degree, but they are heartless cunts that rape and pillage. Seriously, males help each other and hold down other dolphins and gangbang them. They bully their smaller relatives, nudging them (mostly group of dolphins vs one poor bastard) so hard with their muzzles that they cause internal bleeding. I can't remember the species but it has been recorder and documented that this happens all the time.

Dolphins are not sacred or magical.

>> No.6787854

dont tell fat girls that

>> No.6787882

I for one am aware they are ruthless rapist cunts. But that doesn't justify catching hordes of dolphins for their meat. There's the ecosystem, man. Dolphins don't even taste good.

>> No.6787983

Ants were capable of passing that test. Lets protect ants everyone.

>> No.6787996

ants make up 20% of the planets animal biomass
better hope the ants protect us.

>> No.6788658
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>> No.6788688

gtfo sharkposter

>> No.6788954
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well, cant argue with that.

>> No.6788978

I hate you and I hope you die and somebody eats you.

>> No.6788994

Sound like people to me.

>> No.6790695
File: 81 KB, 600x465, 4987116+_ef6664b8cbba5d4152fe865e703c9466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope somebody rapes and eats your ugly children.
Good chance it'll be a dolphin.

>> No.6790699

>I googled dolphin farm!

That's not for food production dumbass.

>> No.6790704

Holy shit, that's fucking incredible.

>> No.6791345

the edge

>> No.6791380

because asians are soulless monsters that lack compassion

>> No.6791404

And is half off!

>> No.6793065

careful with those edges fella

>> No.6793971

wow don't cut yourself on that edge

>> No.6793974

Tuna has the same problems, you know. We're fishing them into extinction.

>> No.6793977

Sounds like someone I'd hang out with. Perhaps you are boring.

>> No.6793980

Dolphins are smarter than us, so it only makes sense to eat them into oblivion so they can't hurt us.
Kill dolphins, save humanity!
You're doing God's work Anon.

>> No.6793982


>> No.6793990
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Imo you shouldn't eat anything that can recognise itself in a mirror.


>> No.6794104

>dolphin farms
OP confirmed for not knowing what a dolphin is

>> No.6794114
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Fukken lol

>> No.6794218

Sharls are fucking bros.
They will eat you but they won't rape you.

>> No.6794219
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>mfw this thread

>> No.6794222
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Sea world U cunts.

They farm them and when they get too lazy to do tricks they kill them for meat.

>> No.6794906

fucking kek, even my cat can pass that test

>> No.6794932

Dolphins are almost as smart as humans, except they lack limps or a language to fully capitalize on that.

Eating a dolphin is thus about equal to eating a retarded kid. If you feel okay with eating a retarded kid or a very smart chimpanzee, then go ahead and eat dolphin and support the illegal hunting of these creatures.

By the way, the usual method to hunt dolphins is to trap them in a closed off area, and then targeting and torturing their young so that the rest of the pod will try to help it (near the surface), at which point you catch the dolphin with a large barbed hook, and put it on land to bleed to death as it screams for its family. Also, most dolphin species are endangered due to the market request, and damage done through fishing the also endangered yellow fin tuna.

If you seriously think all animals have the exact same brain and are capable of the same emotions, and are equally intelligent, then you're fucking retarded.

>> No.6795305
