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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6775802 No.6775802 [Reply] [Original]

How do you like your White Russians?

>> No.6775805

With big titties, bent over and naked

>> No.6775808

Ebig. :^)

Thanks for the free bump though.

>> No.6775809

What? You mean "do you like white russians?"

It's a standard cocktail.

>> No.6775813

I know. Probably should have started by asking that anyway. I was getting more at how do people like it prepared. The brands of liquor they prefer, whether they favor milk or cream, the proportions involved. That sort of thing.

As for me, I don't think I've ever had it with cream. I understand that's the traditional preparation. I've heard it's better that way than with milk. Can't fucking stand Kahlua personally, so I've always used Baileys. Or whenever I can. Also, only have Smirnoff on hand atm, so I guess I'm stuck with that for the time being.

>> No.6775816

In a red Russian prison

>> No.6775826

A little less kahlua so it's not so sweet. I usually only drink them during the winter months, not sure why.

>> No.6775827

professional alcoholic here.

prefer whole milk over the suggested cream. with cream or even half and half the entire drink starts to taste like butter more than anything else.

I also tend to substitute a splash of coffee liquor with honey liquor, or even just straight honey. half a cup of vodka, a decent splash of whole milk, and a dab of honey? mmmmm. youd be hard pressed to beat that.

>> No.6775838

Word, like I said above, Kahlua really doesn't do it for me.
>I usually only drink them during the winter months, not sure why.
And I can definitely relate to this.

That actually sounds pretty fucking great. As long as it's not too sweet. Think I might actually have some pretty decent honey in the pantry too.

>> No.6775843

Cleaning my blue car

>> No.6775846

Thanks for the free bumps, mang.

>> No.6775857

I like it with with ketal one vodka, standard kahlua, and vanilla soymilk, because lactose + alcohol makes me explode.

Honestly though, it is damn good with soymilk.

>> No.6775870

I'd try that, sounds interesting. I've got a buddy who garnishes his with little sprigs of vanilla. Always made me curious, never tried it. Seems comfy as fug though.

>> No.6775876

I don't often make them at home. So whatever milk or cream the bar has, cheap vodka, and light the coffee liquor . Expensive liquor is a waste in strong flavored cocktails.

>> No.6775881

I'm not foreign of retarded, I'm on my phone.

>> No.6775984


Yeah, me too man hahah

>> No.6775995

Yes as often as it does happen you really cannot really think about it as anything like less than what it is, right?

>> No.6776145


>> No.6776180

I prefer a white Cuban or a blind russain

>> No.6776462

I replace the coffee liquor with coffee. and usually don't bother adding cream.

>> No.6776470

I like it without the white.
So, Black Russian.

>> No.6776477

Why has nobody mentioned half and half yet? That'll solve most of your problems.

>> No.6776501

How do I make a white Argentinian?

>> No.6776509
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>> No.6776510

50% vodka, usually got Sobieski on hand b/c I'm all about dat value. 33% Kahlua, and then a nice splash of heavy whipping cream to finish it all off.

The drink isn't something you can palate more than a couple of, due to the high fat content, but those first few sips on a cold winter evening are ephemeral

>> No.6776955

The worst White Russian I've ever had was in a bowling alley. I'm still not sure whether or not that's ironic.

>> No.6776983

Kek'd and check'd.

>> No.6777115

i like them black because half&half doesn't contain alchol

>> No.6777120
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>> No.6777208


>> No.6777551
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>> No.6777981


>> No.6777987

Without cream.

Or kahlua.

>> No.6778938

It seems that a lot of people her (like myself) prefer it less sweet than what it'll easily become using commercial Kahlua. My solution has always been to make my own coffee liqueur, and since this is /ck/ after all, imma post the incredibly simple recipe:
>Make of pot of good coffee
>Pour coffee in pot with vanilla from one bean and sugar (adjust this to taste)
>Put it on the stove, and let it cook into a syrup
>Let cool a bit, then add a bottle of vodka and stir.

Bang, Kahlua to you desired sweetness, and with a higher alc %.

>> No.6778957

3 parts vodka to 1part kahlua. No milk because it's extra calories and unnecessary to the alcohol-masking effect.

>> No.6779000

I'm sorry but what kind of recipe is this? A pot of coffee and a bottle of vodka? Where are the measurements? What if I just want to make one drink instead of enough to serve to my platoon of comrades?

>> No.6779013

I have coffee liquor, some vodka, skim milk, Irish coffee creamer, and honey. Tell me /ck/ what should I use?

>> No.6779029

naked and doing porn, tbh.

>> No.6779047

>platoon of comrades
Sides are in orbit, and those digits are fine.

>> No.6779054

You're already fucking drinking and having Kahlua with it, who cares if you throw a piece of fried chicken in it

>unnecessary to the alcohol masking effect

It's meant to make the drink creamier and add more flavor to it, or to give it a better appearance

>> No.6779059

That's a Black Russian then. And to OP, 5 parts vodka, anywhere from 2-4 parts Kahlua, and 2-3 parts cream/half and half/etc. or just top it off with the cream

>> No.6779075

1.5 vodka
1 kahlua
just a splash of milk

>> No.6779086


Mate you might as well be taking HRT if you're drinking soy milk

>> No.6779092

i like mine shaken, up, lemon twist, with ketel, without khalua or milk

>> No.6779095


under 30 and not fucking insane

>so none for me

>> No.6779663

Anybody know of any good mixed drinks using vodka and eggnog? I like the two separately and I've heard about people mixing them. So I'm curious.

>> No.6779727

I don't like coffee so I've never even tried one

>> No.6779735

Do you not like the taste of coffee in general or the acidity and sometimes burning bitterness you can get from it?

Because Kahlua is a liqueur, it's much sweeter, on it's own it may not be tremendous, but it's a perfect mixer and essentially makes the White Russian more chocolately than coffee, probably depends on the milk portions as well

>> No.6779761

I ordered a white russian at a college bar on a slow Monday and the bartender mixed it up as usual. Towards the end though he pulled out the shaker of what looked like that pepper shit from pizza places. I started freaking out internally as he dumped this shit into my drink thinking with each sprinkle "PEPPER? WHY OH GOD!" Turned out it was cinnamon and that was the best damn white russian I've ever had.

>> No.6779767

I think it is a mixed drink in and of itself, I mean maybe a bit of a creamy liqueur to add more flavors but I really wouldn't do more than that. Although as far as using vodka goes, brandy, bourbon, and rum are more traditional boozes to add.

>> No.6779770


>> No.6779819

>brandy, bourbon, and rum are more traditional
So I've heard. I've tried mixing vodka and eggnog before. Wasn't too successful just the two of them. Figured maybe there's more to it I didn't know about. Never tried again so naturally I never had the opportunity to tinker around with the proportions. But recently I tried it with rum. Not even good rum, but man. That was pretty fine. And I could definitely go for brandy or bourbon. That sounds nice.

>> No.6779939

white and russian