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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 148 KB, 430x217, whopper-bigmac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6771264 No.6771264 [Reply] [Original]

Pick one

>> No.6771266 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 800x600, 1439215212481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Mac

>> No.6771278

they are both awesome. unfortunately, i give the edge to big mac, simply because bk's beef takes so goddamn long to digest. honestly i am not hungry for 24 hours after eating a whopper.

>> No.6773427

I can eat two when I'm being a big boy, then many farts

>> No.6773433

If you're eating one of these and you're not drunk and it's before midnight you should consider killing yourself. I'm amazed that people in 2015 still eat this shit as a meal.

That being said, big Mac because there's a McDonald's near my apartment and I'm most likely to hit it up on my way back home.

>> No.6773439

manlet detected

>> No.6773447

>tfw I live in a hip neighborhood that doesn't allow fast food restaurants
Fels smug, man

>> No.6773469

So your complaint is that a whopper makes it so that you can't continue to shovel food in your mouth all day long?

>> No.6773511

Whopper tbh

>> No.6773533
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burger king is shit

mcdonalds is overpriced but a superior choice between the two

>> No.6773537

The whop with fries never lies

>> No.6773549

The whopper
cause I always feel full after eating a whopper
while a big mac leaves me feeling empty inside

>> No.6773577
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>> No.6773581

Don't eat either that much but whopper,with cheese, despite, not because of the creepy "King" ads. Also, every time I eat a big mac, a half hour later I feel like I swallowed a fucking cannon ball.

>> No.6773594

Big mac:
>Special sauce
>Two patties
>No nasty ass tomatoes

>Has tomatoes, removing them gives you a substantially smaller burger AND you still have to pay full price
>No cheese, adding any increases price
>Pretty much a standard burger you could find anywhere, nothing special about it

The choice is obvious

>> No.6773597
File: 62 KB, 730x548, Whataburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, a Whataburger with cheese combo looks and tastes 1000 times better than anything BK or McDicks has to offer.

>> No.6773606

Oh agreed. My only personal complaint is that Whataburger is the most expensive of the burger segment, save for maybe Five Guys. I wish Whataburger had a solid value menu.

>> No.6773608

Whoppers took a fucking nosedive in quality

>> No.6773617

Id rather pay a bit more for something maid of actual fresh beef, maid exactly the way I want it when I order it.

BK and Mc's is last ditch, have no money tier food. BK was chicken nuggets king back in the day. Now its nuggets are lower than frozen Tyson shit.

>> No.6773621

I'm a BK guy for burgers but I've always thought McD had better nuggets/chicken sandwiches. BK's are always soft and soggy, neither are amazing quality but at least McDs are crispy.

>> No.6773625

Im really fucking drunk, about to hit up Whataburger soon. #5 on Texas toast with a Sprite, 3 whole jalapenos on the side.

>> No.6773628

I was talking about BK nuggets from 1989 to 1994.

I remember Vid Kid, even had a birthday at BK.

>> No.6773631

That's fair. Geography is the bigger indicator for me. Driving in my part of Texas sucks, so generally speaking I go to Whataburger, but if I want a little more value I'll go to In-N-Out.

But right on. Save for maybe Wendy's, the value tier stuff really is trash. BK and McD's are just shit anymore.

>> No.6773633

OP said to pick one in the fucken picture. Is that really so hard to comprehend? Nobody cares what other burger chain you prefer.

>> No.6773636

>not having a coupon for the new Sweet & Spicy Bacon Burger
If I could give you mine, I would.

>> No.6773638

Im not bound to white people's only choice.

You need to learn the world doesnt give a fuck about you and will do and go where ever the fuck it pleases.

>> No.6773642

For as little as people have and make, we need to treat ourselfs and sometime the warm embrace of a Whataburger, exactly how you want it, makes everything better.

Id hook you up with a honey mustard chicken club coupon too, anon. Id be good to you. So god damn good to you.

>> No.6773652

Fucking everything has taken a nosedive in quality. There is definitely some chemical additive, trick your brain, shenanigans going on too because it's not possible for the beef patties to be that much thinner than it was before, and yet still be just as filling.
For these reasons and more, I stick to non chains when I can. Although, I am a whore for the BK nuggets when they're 10 for 3.00.

>> No.6773663

Thanks, anon. Likewise. I'm off to Whataburger.

>> No.6773667

God speed you beautiful hungry bastard

>> No.6773674


fuck you dude

I eat chicken breasts and sweet potatoes everyday like a good boy and you're telling me I can't sit down to a greasy mess once in a while?

naw. just naw.

>> No.6773676

Yeah and maybe a thousand other places too dipshit. Did you even read op's statement? PICK ONE Plus I get evermore tired of west coast a- holes creaming their jeans over what a burger and five guys. I've had both, and they are both basically over hyped, over priced average burgers. Also noticed the Denny's pic. I'd rather eat a gas station hot dog than Denny's. Last time there (and I do mean Last) the burger was a charred hockey puck, the fries so stale you could have driven them like nails, both cold and took thirty min to come out despite the place being a ghost town. To top it off, a wad of paper napkin (I hope) halfway down the inside of my plastic "glass". Actually wondered if the place was a front for drugs or something.

>> No.6773680

You're like one of those faggots that comments on youtube, how much they hate the artist and the song, after seeking out the damn video in the first place. It's the fucking theme of the thread you faggot. How the fuck do you even know if they're white in the first damn place? You don't, Tyrone Afro-senseless. Now, go away, jigaboo. Fuck off to worldstar with your moon cricket nonsense.

>> No.6773682

You do you
As long as your life has balance and you are happy, you are doing life "right"

>> No.6773688

In france BK is waaaaaay better than mc donalds, its burgers are actually crunchy and don't feel like plastic.
That being said, fast foods are only relevant when you have the munchies or are hungover

>> No.6773694
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>> No.6773697

I dont have to pick one place. Fuck you and fuck whatever you do in your life.

>> No.6773713

Im a professional with lots of training when it comes to a music/songs. I have more choices, it seems, when it comes to white America picking a burger joint. Stay angry faggot.

>> No.6773740

big mac
I've never been not disappointed by BK.

>> No.6773744

didn't mean to quote, just needed to quick reply

>> No.6773746

Im glad you enjoy what you chose. Be well, anon.

>> No.6773756

Big Mac, it brings me back to my childhood. Never really liked whoppers and the oily tasting broiled patties.

>> No.6773808

I remember vid kid and all the other BK children.

What I remember the most is the Beetle Juice the animated series toys. Got a million Lids toys in a yellow dress, never got the B man himself.

>> No.6773817

BK has better buns

>> No.6773822

Shut the fuck up, white kid. SHUT THE FUCK UP.

I want to kill you and your whole family. I hate the snow and I hate you. You dont know a god damn thing about shit. FUCK you. I hate you for no fucking reason.

Im gonna kill you and everyone that looks like you. Burgers are serious business!

>> No.6773824

I approve of this post.

>> No.6773831

Gonna buy you a triple meat Whataburger and a strawberry shake. You can give me your onions, I like em, for all the right reasons.

>> No.6773855

oh oh some on is off her med's

>> No.6773867

I'm honestly not sure what whataburger is, I can gather using my magical inference abilities in this thread that it's fast food. I'll nibble a few bites but I'm not a big fast food fan.

How about we split it. I'll pick at it and you eat the main bulk of it?

>> No.6773869

If you mean, a tasty fucking Whataburger, then yes. Lost 15 lbs thru hard work, whatchicken salads and sweat.

What the fuck did you do this week other then add milk to your coffee and answer the phone. I beat the living shit out of you in front you your nigger bosses.

>> No.6773873

You're a fucking pussy ass nigger, unsure about anything, just like the rest of your life. Go ahead a take a big bite if you ever get around to these parts. You'll be glad you did. You dont have to like anything, but something made to your order, with a lot of fucking heart is gonna be better than those 3am McDoubles. I hope some one rips your urethra out in front of your children.

>> No.6773875

Umm... I said I didn't like fast food, that means I don't eat McDonalds. Your sentence is confusing me.

I did say I'd pick at it, no? I don't take big bites of anything. I'm not a disgusting ape that has to shovel my food down my throat, I eat like a lady.

>> No.6773877

god damn I love that whopper but it gives me the worst gas for a whole day after eating one
burger king and white castle are the only fast food places that seem to do it to me

>> No.6773879

I dont care what you like. Why do faggots like you think that everyone has to accommodate your preference? Just eat the shit, you wont die, you might even enjoy yourself. Stay away from BK and daddy Mc's thou.

>> No.6773882

I didn't ask anyone to accomodate my preferences, though? I'm not a child, if I don't like something after trying it I do not continue to eat it.

Nothing is stopping you from continuing to eat your burgers, I just won't partake.

>> No.6773886

Then why the fuck are you in this thread? You dont even give any backing to the OG theme. You're just some self entitled white cunt, thinking that if you type something people will back you up. Get the fuck out of here. No one needs you here, or in the rest of your life. Learn to do something useful for once, instead of a baby shitter outter. I dont give a fuck about your life or anything you do. STAY THE FUCK OUT OF THIS THREAD CUNT.

>> No.6773888

You seem irrationally angry for no reason.
I hope everything in your life is well, because from an outsiders perspective it would appear the opposite.

I'm in this thread because I like to read about what people like. Not much caring for fast food burgers doesn't make me evil for reading a fast food centered thread.

>> No.6773890

I kill you and your whole fucking family. Id rape your little girl, and make her watch you slowly die.

All while eating a juice, made my way Whataburger. They are open 24/7 waiting to serve anyone in the area.

>> No.6773891

I've no children at the moment.
As entertaining as this exchange has been I'll just wish you a good day, I've things to tend to.

>> No.6773894

Sure you dont. Your IP is going to my Spanish cocaine dealers. They love finding people. They love fucking people. They LOVE killing people.

We'll be seeing you soon. Have a great morning.

>> No.6773902
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Ha. I think a lot, me included, are "off their meds" right now. A trend I've noticed on ck. Fri, Sat, Sun, people tend to be nicer, even agreeable. Either happy,or drunk. Mon, Tues, kinda quiet. Hung over, sullen or remorseful. Wed, Thurs? Back off Jack. Really snarky. Waiting for the weekend I guess.

>> No.6773913

I want to snuggle and sleep with a qt Hobs. Only after I hurt, cut down, change the landscape, by shooting people with a silent .22. I like 22 mag too.

Fast food kills, yummy transcends

>> No.6773962

Burger King almost always makes my stomach completely fucked up. I didn't eat it for a whole decade until recently, and it still fucked my shit up.

>> No.6774263

Lol u eet food

Jus dye fahg

>> No.6774290
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>> No.6775350

never had a big mac before. i like whoopers but that fake smoke flavor makes me sick sometimes.

>> No.6775354
File: 3.51 MB, 2640x2280, Big_Mac_hamburger[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Mac

>> No.6775388

both are complete shit. Whataburger is honestly so much better, failing that In and Out. I would even take Wendy's over those two garbage burgers.

>> No.6775399

>le special snowflake regional chains

>> No.6775418

>eating shit burgers only because they're ubiquitous

>> No.6775429

Big Mac, because the Big Mac has it's own spin on a burger with the special sauce, onions, blah, blah we know the jingle.

Whopper is just a meh burger, you can't get a better quality standard burger, you don't get a Big Mac when you want a standard burger or McDonalds in general when you want a standard burger.

>> No.6775439

Whataburger is always fucking cold. I mean, look at that fuckin cheese, not melted at all.

>> No.6775447

>putting salad dressing on a hamburger

fuck off

>> No.6775454

that's just simply not true at all, mr. shill. you should be ashamed.

>> No.6775455

Is there something really that wrong with putting dressing on a sandwich? If you pick the right type it can be really good.

>> No.6775461

this tbh
civiliced people avoid both

>> No.6775467

>Being a picky faggot.

Kill yourself.

>> No.6775468


>> No.6775498

>people still think big mac sauce is thousand island dressing
It is nothing like thousand island. It's a mixture of mayo, ketchup, mustard and relish.

>> No.6775514

Recipe for thousand island dressing taken from Food.com:

1⁄2 cup mayonnaise
2 tablespoons ketchup
1 tablespoon white vinegar
2 teaspoons sugar
2 teaspoons sweet pickle relish
1 teaspoon white onion, finely minced
1⁄8 teaspoon salt
1 dash black pepper

>> No.6775521

Rather go to Wendy's and get a double quarter pounder. And that sirloin burger McDonald's had was pretty good actually.

>> No.6775530
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the wopper, but I prefer the mcdouble to the whopper

>> No.6777149

>posting in a thread about McDonald's and Burger King because nobody will make you a Whataburger thread.


>eating chain burgers at all

>> No.6777156

My mother has worked at McDiabetes for years. The special sauce is just thousand island dressing.

>> No.6777163

Whopper. I can't stomach McD's food. It feels like eating rocks.