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File: 118 KB, 387x490, Kaylee21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6754170 No.6754170 [Reply] [Original]

Why exactly is High Fructose Corn Syrup bad?
HFCS has roughly the same composition as cane sugar—about half glucose and half fructose—and the same number of calories.

>> No.6754171

Sugar is bad, don't eat sugar. Don't eat HFCS. Don't eat aspartame or splenda or stevia.

Go a week without eating sugar and you might learn to taste food again.

>> No.6754172

It's like saying why are pawn shops bad

Pawn shops are actually kind of cool, but the problem is that when you see a lot of them you know you're in a shit neighborhood so naturally unless you are a flipper or an "urban pioneer" you steer clear of areas with a lot of pawn shops

Any food containing HFCS is ghetto tier made to the lowest possible standard. ISHYGDDT

>> No.6754173

As your attorney I advise you continue eating these syrups.

>> No.6754175
File: 93 KB, 689x792, C2NJA[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my angel.

>> No.6754190

Fucking this. HFCS is no worse for you than cane sugar but it is a good indicator of low quality food products manufactured with every shortcut taken. basically foods with HFCS are optimised for cost at the expense of things like health.

>> No.6754202

>half glucose and half fructose
Half Fructose Corn Syrup? Are you trying to trick me?

>> No.6754203

>HFCS is no worse for you than cane sugar but
>foods with HFCS are optimised for cost at the expense of things like health.
It's a trick!

>> No.6754204

>at the expense of things like health
You know if you just eat what tastes good and listen to your body, you'll be healthier. Coincidentally, HFCS containing foods taste, smell, and look like shit

Unless of course you were raised by bad parents and you think packaged garbage from the gas station tastes good, then you're fucked

>> No.6754207
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Good point.
>urban pioneer

>> No.6754209

Fructose can't be digested and needs to be 'filtered' by the liver, which can cause liver damage, and the fructose that passes through the liver and gets into your bowels will feed the bad bacteria which can then become strong enough to kill the good bacteria.

There are plenty of other reasons why fructose is evil but that should be enough, right?

We can't digest it so it kills the liver, and without a liver you're fucked.

>> No.6754216

I'm gonna need a citation for those claims that you've made you fructose idiot.

I'll be fructosing your mum while I'm waiting.

>> No.6754223

Just read through the wiki page, apparently there is no evidence that suggests HFCS is any worse than other sugars in the diet.

It only suggested that it might be killing bees.

>> No.6754224

>it might be killing bees.
b-but the sharks will be ok, right?
Gotta have something to defend my Vienna sausage.

>> No.6754227

>wiki page
I'm sure that no lawyers for the American conglomerate of food industries have altered that page in any way.

>> No.6754236

insects have a different metabolism
there is a really nice experiment with spiders, which were given all kinds of drugs and they studied their webs

>> No.6754251

HFCS is only so prevalent in the US because the government subsidises the shit out of it, and taxes the fuck out of imported sugar. In a free market it wouldn't see much use.

>> No.6754269

What's that blue thing on the floor?

>> No.6754285

*Brought to you by the American Corn Refiners Association TM

Please do not believe the messages put out by the Sugar Beet Refiners Association this is a pure smear campaign.

>> No.6754309

So i should stop eating so much fruit then?

>> No.6754310


The idea behind using high fructose corn syrup is to reduce costs. Glucose is not as sweet as fructose (it has like 70% sweetness of fructose), so you can use less of HFCS to achieve the same sweetness as table sugar (asuming the HFCS has more than 50% fructose).

Now for health effects, there are studies linking high fructose intake to fatty liver and other shit, but the studies used ridiculous amounts of fructose that you wouldn't ever achieve with normal consumption of fruit or sweets unless you retardedly based your entire diet on these stuffs. If someone or something tells you that you shouldn't eat fruit or to skip the bar of chocolate because it has fructose, you can throw that person or magazine/article/whatever into the trash.

>> No.6754315

looks like a pen cap

>> No.6754353

It spreads to other threads as well. If this goes on like that, I'll better get some sharks myself.

You'll never know when you stumple upon some vienna sausages.

>> No.6754361

If you can agree that processed food is bad
then you can agree that HFCS is bad
hfcs is in basically all processed food

>> No.6754364

what? this logic is so flawed. Oreos taste good. So I should just eat those. Try thinking a thoughtful argument before you spew idiocy

>> No.6754370

>Why exactly is High Fructose Corn Syrup bad?

Because it costs more than sugar, artificially increasing the price of the products that contain it.

You see, even in the USA we used to use sugar for sweetening foods. The American sugar producers bitched to the government that they couldn't compete with the price of cheap foreign sugar. The gov't responded by passing a series of import quotas and tariffs (import tax) on sugar during the late 1970's. As a result the price of sugar spiked and the major soft drink companies (et. al.) simply stopped using sugar and switched to HFCS instead. This happened in the early 1980's. Ironically, this also fucked the very industry that it was supposed to help: instead of the American sugar producers enjoying a higher price they simply ended up losing their biggest contracts instead.

Even today the price of sugar in the US is roughly 3x the price in other countries.

>> No.6754372


Oreos might taste good if you're used to shitty processed food.

Compared to, say, a nice fresh piece of fruit or a properly made tart, etc, they taste pretty crappy. That's the point. Most processed food is crap.

>> No.6754375
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I found out that the honey I bought isn't "real honey," that some websites said that it doesn't contain pollen.

The worst part about this is that there is no way to be sure you bought real honey even if the label says it is and if the ingredients just say "honey" because it isn't mandated by law.

How bad is this fake honey?

>> No.6754378


>> No.6754380

It's probably just chinese honey.

>> No.6754384


>> No.6754393

I already knew about this.

>> No.6754394


Thank you, this was enlightening. I'm glad that honey isn't one of those schemes where I'm poisoned for cheaping out on it.

That Thrifty Bee honey is $2 for a 8oz bottle, while the other ones are $4-$5 for 8oz and 12oz bottles. It's the best deal.

>> No.6754458
File: 390 KB, 1013x1089, hydrofluorocarbons (hfcs).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is your image relevant?

>> No.6754578

HCFS is no worse chemically than cane sugar. The whole reason it's so prevalent in the US is because of our fuckhuge corn crop.

>> No.6754581


Nope. Protectionist taxes passed during the late 1970's. Sugar in the US costs much more than id does elsewhere in the world because of these taxes.

>> No.6754584

Which means corn is cheaper, and we have a shit ton of corn.

You just reworded what I said and said I was wrong, fuckface

>> No.6754588

it's harder to metabolize, more work for your liver
other than that, it's not really any worse. it's just fucking sugar.

>> No.6754612


Yeah it means corn is cheaper. But not because we have a ton of corn, or because corn is naturally cheaper than other sources of sugar like beets or sugarcane. Instead the reason is because the price is artificially driven up by a silly law.

>You just reworded what I said and said I was wrong

No, I didn't. Your claim was that the reason corn was cheap was because of surplus. That's wrong, the reason isn't surplus, it's taxes.

>> No.6754626

Your grasp of economics is shaky, anon.

>> No.6754638


How so? It's not hard to understand that when you put a 300% duty on imported sugar that makes the price of sugar go way up.


>> No.6754644

So is Michael J. Fox's. Because of Parkinson's.

>> No.6754649

>tries to be funny
Summerfag ?

>> No.6754656
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>> No.6754659

Are you implying that cane sugar is good for you...???

Oh boy, Anon. I have bad news for you..

>> No.6754660

>being this new

>> No.6754713


>> No.6754751

>Fucking this

Why are there so many uninformed cocksure shills for the establishment on 4chan?

Anyway, cornsyrup is not naturally sweet. It has to undergo a scientific process to make it sweet. The body does not react to to HFCS like it does to sugar. HFCS increases the production of fat cells.

>> No.6754759

It's not just HFCS, it's corn itself actually.

>> No.6754767

>Fructose can only be metabolized by the liver
>completely useless for the body
>transforming it into fat
all of my wat

please tell me this is a joke/trolling

>> No.6754780

It so freaks me out that in the USA manufacturers aren't required by law to list their ingredients.

That's just wrong, like how the fuck is that even possible?

>> No.6754787

oh wait, I just saw where it came from
why am I not surprised

>> No.6754789
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>the best deal

If you don't care about taste.

>> No.6754796

Fructose can only be metabolized by the liver
It's completely useless for the body
>all of my wat
Transforms it into fat

>> No.6754811


>HFCS and cane sugar are NOT biochemically identical or processed the same way by the body. High fructose corn syrup is an industrial food product and far from “natural” or a naturally occurring substance. It is extracted from corn stalks through a process so secret that Archer Daniels Midland and Carghill would not allow the investigative journalist Michael Pollan to observe it for his book The Omnivore’s Dilemma. The sugars are extracted through a chemical enzymatic process resulting in a chemically and biologically novel compound called HFCS. Some basic biochemistry will help you understand this.

>Regular cane sugar (sucrose) is made of two-sugar molecules bound tightly together– glucose and fructose in equal amounts.The enzymes in your digestive tract must break down the sucrose into glucose and fructose, which are then absorbed into the body. HFCS also consists of glucose and fructose, not in a 50-50 ratio, but a 55-45 fructose to glucose ratio in an unbound form.

>Since there is there is no chemical bond between them, no digestion is required so they are more rapidly absorbed into your blood stream. Fructose goes right to the liver and triggers lipogenesis (the production of fats like triglycerides and cholesterol) this is why it is the major cause of liver damage in this country and causes a condition called “fatty liver” which affects 70 million people.

>The rapidly absorbed glucose triggers big spikes in insulin–our body’s major fat storage hormone. Both these features of HFCS lead to increased metabolic disturbances that drive increases in appetite, weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, dementia, and more.

>> No.6755121

I've seen a gas chromatogram run on sugar and HFCS. They are defiantly not the same thing. There is a lot of other stuff in HFCS.

I remember when I was in high school we toured a sugar plant in Canada. The guy giving the tour ranted for 30 min about the US suger tariffs. We were 15-18 and didn't give a damn.

They are, but they have some wiggle room. Artificial/Natural flavoring is a good example of a catch-all term that they don't have to divulge. For example natural coconut flavor doesn't come from coconut, it is extracted from a SE Asian evergreen. But it is still from a natural source.

Honey isn't a manufactured product, so they aren't required to list anything beyond honey as ingredients.

>> No.6755129

>HFCS like it does to sugar. HFCS increases the production of fat cells.
only because it has more fructose

>> No.6755138
File: 68 KB, 600x786, Nuclear-Explosions28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why exactly is High Fructose Corn Syrup bad?


The U.S. Agriculture Department has calculated that the average American consumes more than 40 pounds of HFCS every year. I'm concerned that this highly processed substance has disruptive effects on metabolism, in part because the body doesn't utilize fructose well, and humans have never before consumed it in such quantity. Earlier studies have documented potential problems with thinking and memory, and HFCS has well-known adverse effects on other aspects of health. Clinical studies strongly suggest it promotes obesity, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes; disturbs liver function, and elevates serum triglycerides in men.

>> No.6755165

You're a fucking moron. It goes to the liver because everything gets filtered through the liver, you know, to get into your bloodstream. Dissacharide sucrose is absorbed a little easier than just taking in fructose so your blood sugar will spike a little more than, say, eating an apple, but just like everything you should ingest all sugars in moderation.

>> No.6755195

It's bad because it's, well, sugar. Sugar is bad because it's a combination of high-glycemic glucose and fatty-liver-inducing fructose.

>> No.6756370

the problem, like so many problems with the food industry, is the business practices and loose regulations that allow these business practices. that is what makes things like HFCS and GMOs "bad"

corn farmers receive shitloads of federal subsidy money, produce shitloads of corn, which is then processed down in to HFCS and put in to nearly fucking everything to make it taste better and therefore sell product. the average american consumes far more sugar than they realize because of this, which contributes to the obesity epidemic, raising healthcare costs (don't even get me started on for-profit health care)

shit is fucked

>> No.6756412

because youre nothing but rancid swine who deserve to be fed slop. now fucking buy more and consume it you loser. sleep in the bed you made for yourself.

>> No.6756515

Yes, you're right. I'm a complete idiot who knows nothing about digestive health. Please continue to consume fructose in high amounts.
It's the American way!

>> No.6757427
File: 1.99 MB, 200x252, highfructoseass.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who sad it was bad. It produces things like this.

>> No.6757430

fucking nasty, how black are you? I'm not racist.

>> No.6757432
File: 383 KB, 2097x1500, vinfaH5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not black im just being a retard. I actually prefer something more like pic related.

>> No.6757435


>> No.6757448

>woo everyone look at me and my superior taste, do you even fruit bro? Oreos a shit man my mother only gave me organic strawberry enemas

Fuck off nigger.

>> No.6757455


Everything in high amounts has some kind of downside you fucking shitlord.

>> No.6757483

>not racist
>okay buddy

also, how could you not appreciate a big bouncing ass on a woman who isn't fat?

>> No.6757485

It isn't, it's all fearmongeeing from anti-vaxxers

>> No.6757488


>> No.6757490

>I'm a complete idiot who knows nothing about digestive health.

Pretty much. Go digest a fat cock,.

>> No.6757492

Generally don't particularly like fat asses as it is usually only a step away from becoming fat thighs, and everything else.

>> No.6757527

>fucking nasty
virgin confirmed. if you had ever fucked you'd know how good an ass like that feels riding. maybe someday lil buddy

>> No.6757533

>muh high test
Go back to fit and circle jerk your fat buddies about how your extensive experience with fat chicks has nothing to do with being unable to attract better

>> No.6757535

its a picture of a thin girl with a nice fat ass, retard. sorry I obviously struck a nerve, perma virgin

>> No.6757541

Daily fucking reminder that HFCS is HFCS 55, meaning that its 55% Fructose instead of 50%

Cut back on sugar and calories in general if you don't want to be fat. The 5% isn't going to do shit you fucking retards.

>> No.6757546

Overfed Midwestern or southerner detected

>> No.6758748

Post more cute pics of Jewel Staite, faggot.

>> No.6758822

also that's the HFCS that's almost exclusively used in sodas, the rest of the HFCS contains less fructose than sucrose does

not disagreeing with you, just clarifying because a lot of retards seem to think that the higher fructose content is somehow what magically makes it bad, even though pretty much everything you EAT with HFCS has less fructose in it

>> No.6758824


meant to quote >>6757541

>> No.6758962
File: 320 KB, 170x200, doubt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying fat thighs are bad
That said, the ass is too much shapeless fat. Asses should have some muscle underneath the fat, gives it some shape instead of disgusting flab.

>> No.6758980

You're a fucking idiot

>> No.6758993

It's not. It's fine and tastes fine.

>> No.6759563

People actually believe this. Didn't go to college did you? Oh, how's that biochemistry degree treating you?

>> No.6759588

It's true enough. Kids absorb it easily, but adult bodies will reject horrible processed foods unless they've already been indoctrinated.

Take a year off processed foods and see how easy it is to get back on them.

>> No.6759963

processed food is engineered to taste max good to human beings. that part is not really escapable.

although that is true that you can develop a better palate and be disgusted with fake flavors and/or prefer other flavors. but as far as salt/sugar/fat/texture, they study that shit to make sure you fucking eat that processed food. you will.

basically just because one loves oreos doesn't make one an uncultured slob. food corporations are just evil capitalist overlords taking advantage of humanity and you're not really supposed to have a chance.

>> No.6759972

clearly it's not just the amount of fructose compared to sucrose, it's how fast the fructose is released >>6754811

>> No.6759975
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>HFCS contains less fructose than sucrose
Why do they call it HIGH fructose corn syrup?

>> No.6759976

HFCS is nothing but a decision by the American congress to funnel money to American agribusiness.
Without sugar tariffs, HFCS would not be economically viable.

>> No.6760000

>unless they've already been indoctrinated.
yes, this is the vast majority. you speak as though the reverse is the norm

>Take a year off processed foods and see how easy it is to get back on them.

very VERY easy, if not a spiral into overconsumption as a reaction to deprivation.

why is it so?

because processed foods treated with high amounts of sugar and salt have been firmly embedded into our culture, into (again) the vast majority of us.

there is no un-doing the affinity. only a well practiced balancing act.

>> No.6760002

>our culture
Actually not my culture at all you beetus ridden, land whale.

>> No.6760008

Because regular corn syrup has none and it's only manufactured through an industrial process. So HFCS is high in fructose, for a corn syrup.

>> No.6760018
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>> No.6760025


oooh yeah cause vitriol and hatred is such a noble cultural staple

and taking things way too personally is too, apparently

>> No.6760044

>It has to undergo a scientific process
You know baking a cake is a "scientific process"?

>> No.6760047

awesome get bro

>> No.6760053

Sure, cakes don't grow on trees, mate.

>> No.6760179

That's a picture of Kelsi Monroe. She's not fat and you're a low test beta male.

>> No.6760190

I just googled her, her upper body is normal but she has a nicky minaj ass.

Disgusting, and you have low standards and are probably black. If I wanted to fuck a farm animal I'd fuck a farm animal, at least they can't say no.

>> No.6760198

i'd rather the ass be where it's supposed to than stuck on the chest. why do whiny white boys only like tits? fucking oedipus complex shit.

>> No.6760202
File: 44 KB, 620x447, randoms-9-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do whiny white boys only like tits?
You are clearly freaking out about something else, because I'm asian, and I prefer A or B cups, which most of our women have

Sorry about your obese^H^H^H^H^Hrealistic body standards (sorry I almost triggered you)

>> No.6760221

>only like tits?
>fucking oedipus complex shit.
What do these two things possibly have to do with each other?

>> No.6760226

back in the day we used to call it "projection" but that word doesn't mean anything anymore

>> No.6760380
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It's niggers, and white trash, who grow up on fake flavors like purple.

It's not our problem your palate is ruined by artificial flavoring and flavor enhancers.

You're the one who's the freak here, I just want you to know that.

>> No.6760385

It's not the percentage that makes the difference, you retard.

>> No.6760395 [DELETED] 


Go get shot by a cop.

>> No.6760446

You weren't even alive when the sugar market broke itself trying to be shitheads.

>> No.6760463
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>> No.6762588
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>rancid swine

>> No.6762590
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>> No.6762597
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>> No.6762607

>implying the dangers of HFCS aren't the same dangers for all sugars
>implying a low price is a bad thing

>> No.6762648
File: 369 KB, 393x587, cornsyrup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Search for HFCS online and the Corn Refiners site pops to the top of the list. The name of its web site is sweetsurprise.com. The group also has enlisted dietitians around the country to monitor blogs and other "reports" that connect HFCS to health woes. The dietitians then try to balance the commentary with what they say is a grounded-in-science view.

How much are they paying you, shill?

>> No.6762688

Normal corn syrup is less than half fructose. Therefore 50/50 fructose/glucose is higher fructose than normal for corn syrup

HFCS is cheaper than sugar in the US, so it's generally found in products optimized for low prices

>> No.6763104

nice lack of reliable sources with your shitty infographic there


>trace amounts of mercury
it's fucking nothing, everything has trace amounts of mercury in it

cardiovascular disease claim seems to have some merit. there are way too many papers to sift through, but I'm willing to bet that's just because it's sugar, and not anything unique about fructose

sucrose and fructose both similarly don't affect the liver
fructose and glucose do the same to the liver

most articles are just about "sugar sweetened beverages" rather than specific types of sugar, but it's pretty well known that added sugar contributes to type 2 diabetes and obesity since they're related, whether it's cane sugar or hfcs. we put a retarded amount of sugar into our foods, it's just happenstance that it's hfcs at the moment

pretty hilarious how you post that infographic which advocates artificial sweeteners right before this >>6762597
which would have a field day with how artificial sweeteners are made.

all added sugar is bad and will kill you. in fact, absolutely everything you eat is bad and is killing you somehow. eat a varied diet consisting of things you prepared from scratch. grow a garden if you're able.

>> No.6763143


how dare those dietitians try to spread information that is grounded in science, clearly only shills would do something so egregious

>> No.6763373
File: 502 KB, 2000x1290, camels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grounded in science

The reports that smoking is healthy by doctors in the 60s were grounded in science too.

Doesn't meant they are right or aren't paid shills.

How dare they indeed.

>> No.6763614

Fructose is part of a key metabolic step in glycolysis. Consuming high levels of it throws a wrench in your blood sugar management. I can explain more if anyone cares.

>> No.6763669

Yes, please.

>> No.6763683
File: 241 KB, 450x615, Smoking04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying smoking isn't good for you
Hippie moonbat detected

>> No.6763705

I married a doctor, we dont eat that shit , it'll kill you in the end. What's really sad though is how sodas are unsafe to drink too... I'll miss coca cola

>> No.6763708

Is there no Mexican coke around? It still has sugar.

Or if you're in the UK, buy it imported from Europe.

>> No.6763721

More and more studies have came out in the last year, cola is a looking sketchy enough all the doctors i know stopped drinking it, and the yes even sugar soda. but the artificial sweeteners are the most unhealthy. I'm just a normal dude so im just going with the crowd

>> No.6763728

Except by the '60s they were hard pressed to find a doctor to publicly support smoking because of all the mounting medical evidence that it was bad for you. The SG report was just the nail in the coffin. Your pic says 1931 in the corner.

>> No.6763732

Just coca cola or all cola?

I don't drink it often anyway, not even monthly, just a couple of times a year, I get the small glass bottles with the metal bottle caps and drink them freezing cold just before they would turn into ice. It's fucking amazing.

I drink cola recreationally.

>> No.6763744

I'm interested.

>> No.6763776

Because it makes sodas taste like shit.

I don't care about health reasons or whatever.