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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 455 KB, 2592x1944, CHili2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6745983 No.6745983 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think? New guy to /ck/ here. Today I was in the mood to try cooking something and I whipped up this chili following this recipe http://allrecipes.com/recipe/simple-turkey-chili/detail.aspx?src=VD_Summary.. Came out very very good in my point of view because I don't eat much chili but like it. What do you think for a first time making chili? probably like the fifth time in my life actually cooking.

>> No.6745984
File: 495 KB, 2592x1944, CHili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another picture. Also what goes good with chili? I have no problem eating by itself whatsoever, was just curious what else would you eat with this stuff?

>> No.6745989

Looks decent. Ain't gonna comment on the recipe itself cause /ck/ has a tons of criteria to what "chilli" is.

When I make chilli I eat it plain but it goes well on rice which some other anons are gonna tell you for sure.

>> No.6745990

Looks good. Where are the beans? You know, the most healthy and filling element of the chili that will extend its life about 3x?

Also, it goes great with any kind of carb. Macaroni noodles, bread, crackers, rice, etc.

>> No.6745991

Actually I got one comment on the recipe. Did you use water as the recipes says in your post? If yes substitute it with stock or beer next time.

>> No.6745992

>makes a chili thread
>doesn't even post actual chili, just some bean-filled stew

Good one OP

>> No.6745995

I never put meat in chili. meat is nasty in chili

>> No.6745997


Awesome, wondering of you could also discuss a couple other things, to make it I had to get some spices and some of them were easy to find some made me a bit confused but I think I did it right. Example: It said to get dried oregano, I just found a bottle that said oregano? I got it because it's dried.


The directions said to crush the beans with a fork, so I did that, crushed them enough to bust them in half and squishy so they don't really look whole I guess They are there though, I got light red kidney beans, didn't specify whether dark or light and I just went with light is that right? or is it usually dark or something?.


Yup used exactly 2 cups, I saw someone say they used less water to make it thicker but since it was my first time I wanted to see how it was just as they directed so I could decide for myself, I think I might do the same next time and put 1 1/2 cups.

>> No.6746002


Can you post an ACTUAL chili picture that can demonstrate what it SHOULD look like? I don't deny it looks like stew, shit, I think to myself it might as well be soup as how watery it turned out, it's cool though, at least with this I will eat ALL of it and not pour out the leftover water.

>> No.6746006

Chili does not have beans.

>> No.6746008


If I didn't put the beans in would it be chili?

>> No.6746009
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here you go

>> No.6746012
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I don't know where you find oregano in a bottle but just get plain dried oregano from your local supermarket or grow it yourself.

Also as I mentioned earlier forget cups of water, stock and/or beer.

As to comment on other stuff. I make chilli with beef mince or maybe beef/pork but not with turkey. Thats just personal preference.

My advise is start experimenting in the future with different recipes and variations. Next time use not only kidney beans or leave beans out at all. Add dark chocolate or let it simmer for hours.

Read and learn. Have fun.

>> No.6746020


No picture of like the whole pot? Are those spaghettis? and corn? So chili doesn't have beans but has spaghetti and corn? Can someone confirm this? or like post at least one website that states the same thing?


The spices section of Wal-mart had a bottle called Oregano, was dried up leaf bits. So put stock like chicken stock? or beer? instead or water? Don't use beans?

If I were to just fry ground turkey and onions in a pan and eat it JUT LIKE THAT after it's been cooked right, would that be alright? because I like how ground turkey smells by itself without seasoning and shit and wonder why nobody suggests just doing that instead of complicating things with a bunch of seasonings.

>> No.6746026
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Yes all chili is supposed to have corn, how the fuck don't you know this?

>> No.6746028


I'm new to /ck/ besides the dumb recipe didn't say corn. They mislead me.

>> No.6746029
File: 33 KB, 540x540, oregano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know where you find oregano in a bottle

I'd suggest it'd be if he bought plain dried oregano from his local supermarket.

>> No.6746032

Maybe if you want to vomit regularly. Do you Americans put corn in everything? What don't you put corn or a corn byproduct in?

>> No.6746033
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some times it's acceptable to substitute the spaghetti with memeberrie

>> No.6746037


Look, if we didn't find a way to use all of our subsidized corn there would be none left to feed starving brown folks.

>> No.6746040

all chili needs is beans, tomato paste, water, sweet green peas, hot sauce, and various spices.

>> No.6746045

go fucking die you poorfag

>> No.6746060
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Yes use stock or beer instead of water. Use beans if you want too, with and without is perfectly fine unless you're some sperglord.

If you fry turkey and onions I wouldn't call it chilli but that shouldn't bother making that stuff if you like it.

In all honesty just read up on different chilli recipes on the net and experiment a bit.

>> No.6746272

yes it does

>> No.6746389
File: 166 KB, 600x500, 1396122746244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this can of chili at the local market and picked it up in a state of visible confusion. I must have stood there slightly too long trying to figure out the meaning behind this label because a worker stocking shelves reluctantly asked me if I needed help.

I chuckled slightly as I pointed directly at the can, "why would a can of chili have a label informing me of its lack of beans?" "Are you crazy?" was all she replied.

>> No.6746410


You forgot the chili peppers bro. You know, the goddamn namesake of the dish.

>> No.6746413

>What do you think for a first time making chili?
Not bad at all for a first try.

But that recipe could use many improvements:
1) flavorful liquid instead of water
2) red meat instead of turkey
3) actual chili peppers (whole or dried) rather than powder
4) cook longer

>> No.6746452
File: 16 KB, 225x225, 1403070821937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using ground beef
>putting tomato in chili
>putting beans in chili
>putting corns in chili
>using chili powder and not actual chilis
>using too much cumin cause "BUT THE RECIPE SAID THREE TABLESPOONS"

And finally:
>using beer in chili

Have you ever had a traditional chili?

>> No.6746460

>traditional chili

Oh Christ, here we go

>> No.6746466

I have my chili without meat and with beans.

Come at me.

>> No.6746486

Swing by the chili section at your market and start picking out random fresh chili peppers. Chop em up and throw them in. It'll do wonders trust me

Chili = fresh chilies with veggies(beans optional)
Southern Chili con carne = fresh chilies with meat and veggies no beans
Taco Soup = meat with corn and beans with no chilies. Serve with chips
Stew = meat with veggies and no chilies. Serve with rice or potatoes

>> No.6746497

My own chili is just a live cow with peppers on top

>> No.6748133
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Make a chili with diced paprikas, beans, chickpeas, carrot slices, whole chiles and tin of tomatoes, ground half-half meat, cubed italian sausages and diced streaks of lean. Put in cumin, smoked ground paprika, cilantro and other herbs and spices you like, oregano and rosemary with a pinch of cinnamon and curcuma is pretty good. Add a nice trappist and it's so good.

Not traditional in anyway but tasty af.

>> No.6749826

I couldn't give a fuck about what you think chili is, I'll keep making them the way I like them, stay mad you fucking redditor

>> No.6749995


it's basic recipe, I', sure it was pretty great OP.

next time omit the tomatoes, use stock or throw two beef marrow bones in the pot at the beginning, add minced mushrooms, fresh hot peppers(1 habanero, 2 jalapenos and a cubanelle) and double up on the spices but not the herbs

I always eat chili with rice or toast btw

>> No.6750029

Are those fucking raw onions in there, OP? What the actual fuck?

>> No.6750036
File: 16 KB, 218x290, 1421272365215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meat sauce meme
You're so fucking retarded

>> No.6750041

>corn okay
>beans not.

>> No.6750049

>adding beans=taco soup
How high are ypu?

>> No.6750067

Good man good chili, I would definitely partake 10/10 a real mans chili with beans any of you faggots that wouldn't eat it are well, faggots.