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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6729046 No.6729046[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do many people from flyover land think it's a form of disloyalty not to slavishly praise low quality junk food such as MacDonalds or various unappetizing microwave slop?

I once said I enjoyed French food in a hotel bar in Tulsa, and one of the local tough guys said something violent (it was too loud but from his facial expression I decided it was time to go upstairs to my room)

>> No.6729048


>> No.6729059

>obvious bait is obvious

>> No.6729061

Without knowing more context I'll just assume it was about the french. Fox news has taught many that they are responsible for 9/11.

>> No.6729093

aren't you coasties the ones constantly starting In and Out vs 5 Guys threads?

>> No.6729108

I'm from Tulsa, and this sounds like something that could actually happen. Probably 70% of people are defensive about fast food and Walmart.

>> No.6729114

>I was in a shitty city and some guy was an asshole sort of
Great story. Once I was in Belgium and someone gave me the stink eye when I ordered waffles. Why is all of Belgium so shitty? :(

>> No.6729115

>disloyalty not to slavishly praise low quality junk food

-Makes you sound like a tryhard
-You are still American
-No one gives a shit

>> No.6729132

That's because they are much better than McD

>> No.6729141

thats not saying much, they are still very much "low quality junk food"

Slightly less shitty fast food for double to triple the price

>> No.6729145

And they're both shittier than Steak n' Shake.

>> No.6729147


Are you crazy??

>> No.6729149

never been to a steak and shake, but they are definitely worse than culvers

>> No.6729155

Agreed. Culvers fucking rules

>> No.6729158

Jingoism thrives in backwaters. The mere suggestion that something foreign could possibly be better is an attack on some folks' world views. After all, sending their children off to fight pointless wars is big business, so there's lots of money riding on keeping their views in line with their status quo.

Try saying something positive about cuisine from predominantly Muslim regions, mainland China or any foods related to the Jewish or African diaspora when the trolls from /pol/ are buzzing around like flies and look at the responses you get. Even easier: start a thread about not liking any of the following:
ranch dressing
artificially flavored snack foods
frozen dinners
boxed/canned mixes, meal kits or shortcut products
or just say you dislike chain restaurants.

The backwater contingency will be all over you for being a hipster/snob/pretentious asshole.

It's the main reason I come here, actually. I live in a liberal, affluent part of the Northeast. I almost never get to experience this kind of stuff firsthand unless I'm traveling. So for me these kind of posters provide a kind of atrocity tourism, which the former /b/-tard in me enjoys in some sick way.

>> No.6729159

you probably look like a pussy

>> No.6729161

Considering that a new Five Guys opens and goes out of business within a year in every county around me while every Steak n' Shake nearby has been in business for over 50 years people seem to agree.

Five Guys is just a hipster McDonald's.

>> No.6729164

>didn't even here him

how do you know he didn't want to angry fuck you because you're such a faggot?

>> No.6729175

Or say anything favorable about beer from europe

Better be wearing a bullet proof vest, someone might STAND HIS GROUND

>> No.6729180

European beer really is garbage though.

>> No.6729184
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>> No.6729186

I get the feeling nobody calls you a hipster/snob/pretentious faggot because you don't like ranch dressing, I'm fairly certain it's more because you talk like a fucking Highschooler.

I'm sure your boorish Stepfather just doesn't like hearing your opinion on how Meatloaf is icky because he's a rube, and not because you're refusing to eat din din again.

>> No.6729188

Yeah even flyovers beat out Europe in beer. It's crazy. Learn2brew yurotards

>> No.6729189

>people seem to agree.
People who live in counties near you, that is. The mistake is thinking that's representative of how people in the rest of the country (and the world) think. There are people out there who would kill for a Steak and Shake near them. There are others who honestly think it's fucking disgusting. The preferences of those who live in your neighboring counties do not a consensus make.

>> No.6729193

>Or say anything favorable about beer from europe
not counting Belgium, they actually make good beer despite owning anheuser busch

>> No.6729194

How would you know if you don't have a passport?

Whatever Euro beer gets to you is skunked macro shit.

It's not like you can get Cletus McSisterfucker's Obscure Pale Ale in Bavaria.

>> No.6729197

> be at hotel bar in tulsa
> having a drink after banging my mistress at the hotel
> some jackass tells me how much he likes french food
> i ask him to tell me a few french dishes he likes
> he starts mumbling
> cannot come up with any name
> he blurts out i like french food instead of naming a specific dish
> tell him to go back to the community college culinary school he just started
> he quickly gathers his scarf and macbook
> quickly walks away
> can hear him trying to hold in soft crying screams

>> No.6729198

>Whatever Euro beer gets to you is skunked macro shit
Thats what almost all euro beer is besides in Belgium. England, Ireland and scandanavia are just starting to catch on to the good beer revolution and in the rest of europe it is still hard to find a good non-belgian beer

>> No.6729201

>Yeah even flyovers beat out Europe in beer.
the majority of america's best beer is from "flyover area"

>> No.6729203

>muh rotten fruit fly beer
Belgian beer is about as boring as American novelty IPAs after you get accustomed to it. It's just that you've never had anything like it before so you're still flipping your shit at the idea that beer has different flavors.

Central Europe is where it's at. Once you grow up and just want to enjoy beer instead of being edgy and "pushing boundaries".

It's like that with chocolate too, you'll see. You'll get bored of the 99% masochism and return to equilibrium, once it's about enjoyment and not proving what you can "handle"

>> No.6729205
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>macbooks are intimidatingly cool where I live
And starbucks too, yes?

Tell us about the sushi fad and all these weeaboos who won't stop talking about it.

>> No.6729207

It's almost that the larger and more distant chain restaurants get from their locale the shittier they get. Almost like they end up hiring the same management as McDonald's in places that previously only had McDonald's.

>> No.6729209

Isn't it about time you got in the car and bought your dinner from a drive thru? Or do you have plenty of frozen pizza on hand?

>> No.6729210

>Central Europe is where it's at.
This is just a ridiculous opinion

Its legitimately crazy that you think IPA and Belgian yeast beers are boring but tired pilsners are not

So after you try the good stuff you have gone to Hersey's? Because that seems to be what you are advocating in beer

>> No.6729219

I've been to belgium.

>> No.6729222

Pilsners are a lot better than IPAs tbh.

>> No.6729225
File: 253 KB, 800x533, esc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know there are some very good chocolate makers making milk chocolate? It's not like the options are lindt 99% or hershey's only.

Well, it's not like those are the only options in real places (not flyover land). You wouldn't know, but now you do :)

>> No.6729227

This is some serious confirmation bias.

>Hey once I told strangers in some rundown Hotel Bar that I liked [trendy object] and they threatened me
>No they didn't just say something dismissive of my opinion, they threatened me, honest

And if I went to a harbor bar in Boston and started talking about Cajun Cuisine the local tough guys would discuss their preferred recipe for Mornay.

>> No.6729231

I was in europe less than 2 months ago. The relatively small and sparsely populated upper midwest alone makes better beer than all of europe

London did seem to be catching on though, had a few good beers there.

Pretty much the cheap beer in europe is quite a bit better than in america (though not nearly as cheap), but the good beer isn't as good and way the fuck less common and more expensive

>> No.6729234

This is true of any large chain. Corporate values consistency and the bottom line - not necessarily the things that you value. In densely populated places that have some of their own food culture this means mom and pop joints and small, local chains will rule the day. Even less densely populated places with strong local traditions do all right.

But those places where the population is pretty thin and there isn't much left of a local culture? They get hit hard. And when you don't know any better anyone running down what you like pisses you off. Part of that is the suspicion they might actually know better than you.

That's why you have to take backwater opinions with a grain of salt.

>> No.6729235

have you ever actually been anywhere in flyover land?

>> No.6729238


>> No.6729239

>shitty overcooked burgers with shitty extras
The only good thing that 5 goys serves is the cajun fries.

>> No.6729242

>Flyovers don't have better beer than Europe

Flyover detected

>> No.6729243

>But those places where the population is pretty thin and there isn't much left of a local culture
But the deep south has the most unique and strong local culture and also by far the most reliance on shitty chains and lowest education levels

>> No.6729244

Obviously otherwise I wouldn't be trying to help you understand the outside world from your limited perspective.

It's not as if others reading this thread wouldn't have noticed, but I'm very well traveled, been to every state except Alaska and Alabama, and 22 countries. In case you were feeling culturally intimidated. I don't mean to come off this way but you have to understand we're not all the same.

>> No.6729248

No, actually, I cook. That thing this board was about before it was some kind of domestic version of /int/.

>> No.6729249

it very much seems like you have not

>> No.6729252

You sound like a flyover and funnily enough you're located in the flyover of Europe

>> No.6729256

>t. no taste faggot

>> No.6729258

>You sound like a flyover
but flyovers have by far the best beer culture (Well the midwestern part, the southern part is the exact opposite thanks to evangelicals)

>> No.6729259

Yes, the usual "he doesn't think flyover land is the pinnacle of human culture, therefore he must not have ever been here"

I understand, I've met flyovers like you.

This is like trying to explain GPS to a peruvian jungle man, but I'm only trying to help.

>> No.6729264

>Central Europe
>land of wodka and people who drink cologne and where anything less than 5% is considered a soft drink

>> No.6729266

You mean facts. An opinion is something subjective. I recommend consulting the dictionary next time, before attempting to sound knowledgeable about beer :)

>> No.6729267

>the southern part is the exact opposite thanks to evangelicals
Thats why flyover is just a meme term for not LA/NY. The midwest was mostly settled by Catholics and Germans/Scandanavians while the south was settled by the crazy religious minorities of britain and africans (obviously not by choice)

Thats why they now have such opposite cultures, especially when it comes to drinking

>> No.6729272

>and where anything less than 5%
It is much easier to find stronger beer in america

>> No.6729276

Actually that is a myth due to an anti-luxury movement that coincided with the French Revolution. What happened is that manufacturers of Eau de Cologne tended to call their product a medicine which supposedly deflected negative attention and perhaps taxation directed towards luxury goods. Hence a misconception that it was for drinking, whereas it was in fact not.

>> No.6729277

>The entirety of the country that isn't 25 miles from a coast is sparsely populated and has no local culture.

This is the yuppiest shit I've ever read.
Literally every city of over a million people in the US has every denomination of foreign food you could want, not just New York and L.A.
It has literally nothing to do with geographic location and everything to do with population density.

People act like there isn't a McDonald's every hundred yards in Manhattan.

>> No.6729284

It all looks pretty much the same to us, like burger king vs wendy's. I mean really who notices these things?

>> No.6729292

Culturally, California is more like the south than it is like the northeast, and the northeast more like the midwest than like California

>> No.6729298

You mean like Bakersfield or Fresno or some shit?

Certainly not where people actually live (Palo Alto, San Francisco, etc)

>> No.6729301

Yeah, but the food culture of the deep South has been slowly picked away. No slaves meant no rice on any wide scale. And the general move away from an agrarian economy to industrial farming and a service economy really fucked the food over. You can't make dishes that were based on heirloom vegetables and meat breeds your seed saver and breeder relatives passed down for generations with crap from the supermarket and have them turn out right. A can of Ro-Tel tomatoes isn't going to cut it. So you say fuck it, dunk deep fried food in ranch dressing, slather shit with BBQ sauce and put a little ham or bacon in everything to try to recapture the flavors you know you're missing out on.

That leaves you so fat and exhausted you just surrender to whatever is on sale at Wal-Mart. If you even shop anymore. Because Popeye's is pretty fucking cheap, and you gave up on vegetables a while ago. Put some ghost pepper in it and it'll probably be good.

>> No.6729303

This is why everyone hates you

>> No.6729308

most Californians are Mexicans living near LA, northern california is a small afterthought compared to the south of the state

>> No.6729309


>> No.6729348
File: 24 KB, 691x483, 1357515054098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when Starbucks tried to come into my shitty little redneck town a few years back, and they went out of business in less than a year because they discovered people weren't gonna pay for burnt, overpriced shit when the gas station across the street served far better coffee for dirt cheap.

I got this morbid, smug sense of satisfaction that a bunch of backwoods yokels could defeat such a seemingly large empire.
...course that also means we'll never, ever get any of the 'good' establishments either.

>> No.6729371

>Talking shit about somewhere trendy

Anon, it's my duty to inform you that for dissing a trendy chain such as Starbucks or Five Guys, you are now a flyover plebeian.

>> No.6729378

Uh huh

>> No.6729379

>It has literally nothing to do with geographic location and everything to do with population density.
Not quite. More like who settled there and how strong their food culture was. Was it capable of surviving the Great Depression and the postwar rise of the double pronged attack of the supermarket and fast food? Did some fresh immigrants provide a needed shot in the arm at the right time? Economics has lots to do with it, too. When people are leaving an area and those left are just getting by you don't see people generally concerned with eating well. West Virginia leaps to mind - being able to eat at a place like Waffle House there confers a level of social status there over those eating frozen dinners.

>> No.6729385

Trendy people get their coffee at Starbucks while eating a healthful, delicious burger from Five Guys
Flyover plebeians get their coffee at Dunkin' Donuts while eating a greasy overcooked McDouble from McDonald's.

Bonus: Canucks get their coffee at Tim Horton's while eating a pile of potato chips and squeaky cheese covered in sausage sauce.

>> No.6729422

If you're going to play armchair sociologist try not to make a statement as stupid as 'the middle of the country is just barely getting by'.

Especially considering that such bastions of gastronomy as Louisiana, California and New York are 2nd, 12th, and 15th in the nation for poverty.

It's literally the same as any other niche store, they can only stay in business in high population areas because otherwise there aren't enough people interested in trying out the new Ethiopian restaurant in town and they go out of business in a month.

>> No.6729426

>Trendy people get their coffee at Starbucks while eating a healthful, delicious burger from Five Guys
Not where I live. Trendy people avoid chains. Starbucks might have been considered trendy when they started expanding into affluent suburban neighborhoods 20 years ago and the kids who were too young for the bar scene hung out there. You remember: the nose ring, tattooed set who were into mountain biking and snowboarding? That may have been the minute Starbucks was trendy.

Now that it's fat girls lining up for coffee milkshakes it's little more than an upmarket Dunkin Donuts with an espresso machine. May as well call Panera Bread or any other mall chain trendy.

>> No.6729443

don't forget their apple computers and beats headphones

>> No.6729479

>a statement as stupid as 'the middle of the country is just barely getting by'.
You're putting words in my mouth. I said some places are barely getting by. And some of those places still have good food. Many do not. My point was factors beyond economics and population density play a role in how good a region's food is likely to be. Like culture. And it's not about paying top dollar to see the high end version of how they eat in other countries. If that were true Minneapolis would be a good food town. It's about having an interest in good food being part of the general culture of the place, instead of something only rich people care about. New York, New Orleans and LA are good examples. People care about what and where they eat,

>> No.6729495

Minneapolis is a good food town

>> No.6729496

lol at the idea of non well off people in New York eating well

>> No.6729522

If you have money. Otherwise you're stuck with chain crap unless you hit St Paul for Viet.
Easy peasy. Here's the tip of the iceberg:

>> No.6729536

New York is the single american city where it is most important to have money, not just for food but for pretty much everything

>> No.6729537

In n Out is much cheaper than McDonalds
The only place you're gonna get more food for cheaper is somewhere like Taco Bell or a munchie meal from Jack's

>> No.6729542

>first item on your list
>bread and rice for $7.50


>> No.6729546

>In n Out is much cheaper than McDonalds
No, no its not unless you are ordering the most expensive things from McDonalds, if you are ordering a McDouble as you should if you for some reason go to McDonalds it is much cheaper

>> No.6729566

Isn't that about the price of dinner at Denny's, if not cheaper?

>> No.6729568

Poor people live like shit, buy shit, eat shit, and get treated like shit.

Turning all that shit into a point of pride is much easier than being able to step up financially for most people.

>> No.6729674

This is true in the modern world. But in agrarian societies blessed with good climate and deep rooted culture poor people managed to eat very well, depending on where they lived and the moment's economic situation. The Mediterranean, North Africa and Asia Minor have prime examples of great poor people food. India as well. Also some Chinese regional cuisines, Southeast Asia and parts of Mexico and South America. Plenty of good poor people cuisine out there.

But during the 20th Century the rise of industrialized agriculture didn't really help feed the teeming masses. It helped feed them in the manner of upper class Americans and Western Europeans, which isn't such a good model for good eating on a budget. But many aspired to it.

Tell someone in the Deep South, India or the Middle East that living on a diet centered around white bread, beef/chicken and sugar is shitty and they'll get pissed off at you. A few generations ago those were the things their people aspired to eat. Now that they've arrived how dare you disparage it, even when some or most of it comes in the form of commodity grade ingredients slapped together with little care.

That'd be like telling some old guy who wanted a Cadilac all his life, then finally got one that it's really just a Chevy. He won't accept it.