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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 77 KB, 550x413, gamer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6727071 No.6727071 [Reply] [Original]

So I've been here a while now and feel /ck/ really needs a sticky.
Would anyone be interested in contributing and also who do I contact to get it posted?
Thanks in advance, looking forward to it.

>> No.6727075

There is too much misinformation and bad technique in the way people prepare food. I don't think we could agree on the method for preparing even a simple dish. I don't trust anyone here to contribute to a sticky, not even myself.

I actually think it's good we don't have one.

>> No.6727076

First order of the day: How to cook rice?

>> No.6727080

/ck/ is a vortex for shitposting - a sticky has no place here

>> No.6727088

Definitely, that would be in there.

>> No.6727115

nobody reads stickies anyway

>> No.6727117


> where were you when the great /ck/ sticky rice war of 2015?

>> No.6727140

I feel it could work, it's certainly needed.
Knife and equipment care.
Basic cooking techniques.
etc, you get the idea

>> No.6727156


This is your golden moment to write the /ck/ sticky. What do you put in it.

Personally I'm against the idea of a sticky but I kinda want one now because frankly I'm sick of hearing about it, and it would be entertaining to see the war that errupts after it's posted.

> hai guize, how do i rice?
> read the sticky!
> don't listen to that faggot the sticky is wrong you need to do it my way. my family have done this for 9000 generations
> no just read the fucking sticky
> ...

>> No.6727163

I feel a section concerning pizza and cheese would be beneficial for our American brethren.

>> No.6727164
File: 29 KB, 750x500, 750x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Essential image for the sticky

>> No.6727169

But that doesn't even look like sticky date pudding.

>> No.6727173
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You mean this

>> No.6727179

/ck/ doesn't need a sticky because cooking is so subjective. No one cares.

>> No.6727229

It's being written at the moment.
It's not a recipe guide, more of a general kitchen guide.

>> No.6727253

The basics don't change.

>> No.6727259


>> No.6727269


who the fuck do you think you are, /ck/ never has and never will have a sticky cuz no one here agrees about shit.

>> No.6727273

are you another fucking reddit fuccboi coming in trying to sidebar the board?

we dont need no god damn sticky

nobody here knows how to cook!

>> No.6727279
File: 1.31 MB, 1191x1500, fag point.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who the fuck do you think you are
Who the fuck do you think you are?

>> No.6727283

>no one here agrees about shit.
That's why we're getting a sticky, doofus.

>> No.6727296

>no one agrees
>sticky will MAKE them agree


>> No.6727299

>reddit fuccboi
what's this mean ???

>> No.6727308

getting involved and making changes because the single minded structure of reddit promotes approbation and egotism

>> No.6727310


I believe he is suggesting that you acquire capital for food and lodging by prostituting your body to other men, while browsing homosexual websites.

>> No.6727327

I see
I don't believe you

>> No.6727330

It's happening.
Deal with it, faggot.

>> No.6727353


most of the people here are awful cooks

I'm a chef and this board is garbage. I'm from /v/ but because I'm a chef sometimes I come here to laugh and be outraged

sometimes I want to start a real cooking thread but I know it's a waste of time

>> No.6727361

how much salt should i put to egg?

3 or less?

3 seems many for one simple egg!!

you know nothing!

>> No.6727363

Probably true. Having a sticky would help the retards.
It'll be interesting to see if it improves the board.

>> No.6727368
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>I'm a chef

>> No.6727372
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people dont come here to share recipes, they come here to bitch at each other over whattaburger vs in N out, and to read hot sauce generals or nostalgic food threads

these people do. not. cook.

how many instant ramen threads are in the catalogue right now?

>im looking for ways to improve my ramen
oh nice. i wonder if anon makes his dashi daily or once every few days
>i usually scramble the egg, but this time i fried it. should i add onion?

>> No.6727377


>IMMA chef

OH shit, the head microwave button pusher from Applebee's is in the house.

>> No.6727380


yeah hard to believe that someone who visits 4chan has his shit together but I'm a sous chef at a fine dining place in austin tx

>> No.6727385
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>has his shit together
>works in a kitchen
Pick one

>> No.6727390


I pretty much agree with you. Kitchen work is for losers.

But I'm sure whatever I do is better than whatever pissant shit eating job you have to put up with

Plus I'm fucking great at my job and people respect me for it

>> No.6727391

You're basics are not my basics.

Unless the sticky says "Make food taste good to the eater. /thread" A /ck/ sticky will only be unnecessary and polemic. That you can't see that already means you are still foolish.

>> No.6727395

Might as well just be a guide on what to order at taco bell

>> No.6727398

underated post

>> No.6727404

it was posted 5 minutes ago and you were the first to respond

underrated post

>> No.6727412

>I'm a sous chef
Good for you, anon. Boiling eggs all day must be hard work!

>> No.6727419

>You're basics are not my basics.

How so? You might use different seasonings than me or like a different style of food than I do, but the basic procedures are universal:

Cutting veggies finely works the same for French-style julienne or how Thais make papaya salad. Braising works the same whether you're making a moroccan tagine or cooking chinese-style pork belly. The procedure for making Vietnamese pho stock is the same as that used for making classic French stocks. Deep-frying procedures apply equally to southern fried chicken or Japanese tempura. Knife skills are universal.

so sure, the individual ingredient selection will vary but I don't think the basic skills vary much

>> No.6727430

your comment alone is enough to suggest that this sticky is an awful idea

>> No.6727446

moka pot > meme press

>> No.6727454


>> No.6727455

None of what you said is true. I would argue with every single one of your points if I cared enough. I'll wait for a sticky and then argue them.

>> No.6727462

All of those things don't belong in some sort of perma thread. All of those things are terrible topics. /ck/ free is how /ck/ is supposed to be.

>> No.6727464

are we getting a sticky then?

>> No.6727480

No. Shitbirds can cobble together what they want, but it won't happen

>> No.6727484

I don't think you've thought that through all the way.

>> No.6727485


that's just a bunch of garbage the way an azn uses a cleaver or a Frenchie le knifes or an amerifattie loads up a salad shooter are not universal.

>> No.6727493
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>I'm from /v/ but because I'm a chef sometimes

>> No.6727497
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>I'm a chef
>I'm a sous chef

Sounds to me like somebody doesn't have his shit together there, "chef".

>> No.6727589

Who's writing it.
I wrote a guide on knife sharpening and maintenance if anyone's interested in using it

>> No.6727601

Wow that was almost not vague, anon! How many fresh over the fence mexicans do you work with? I bet your job is very "respectable."

>> No.6727612

Sure why not

>> No.6727627

>i'm a chef sometimes
Making Kraft Mac & Cheese doesn't make you a chef

>> No.6727646

Surely there are some bare minimum things that would head off a few regular pointless threads, such as
>got any recipe images?
>how do I improve my ramen?
>how do I eat cheaply?
>what basic equipment do I need?

Mostly solved by a link to the booru and a couple of lines of text.

>> No.6727649

>dozens of mountain dews
>some classic dew and code red
Well at least his diet is varied.

>> No.6727651
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>9000 generations

>> No.6727653

makes sense.

>> No.6727664


All this butthurt just because someone on 4chan actually has a life :^)

>> No.6727671

>line cook

Pick one

Enjoy your shit hours and pay

>> No.6727679


maybe if you changed your attitude you'd actually make it somewhere in life

but I'm sure you'l be talking shit until the day you die

I love my job.

>> No.6727699

>implying a line cook browsing 4chan has made it somewhere in life

Maybe they'll promote you to head of microwaves at the olive garden.

>> No.6727702


I know it hurts. You like to pretend that no one is really happy or successful because you've completely abandoned the idea of making anything out of yourself.

So sad.

>> No.6727720

YES I'm definitely interested in a /ck/ sticky OP. Don't listen to the defeatist bitches, there are tons of things about cooking that are objective, and those things that aren't? Well why not have more than one method for cooking rice in the sticky?

Stuff I'd suggest we have in it:
Hygiene practices for raw meat/veg
Essential basic kitchen equipment list (there's already one somewhere in the archive I think)
Essential basic kitchen ingredients list (ditto)
That knife sharpening thing one Anon said
Seasoning your cast iron
Shopping and cooking on a budget (ingredients, recipes, tips for saving money)
Rice section (different types/methods of cooking/uses, nutritional info)
Beans section (soaking cooking, different types and their uses nutritional info)
Sauce section (possibly impossible due to the range of sauces and cooking method)
Pasta section (types/cooking methods/uses)
Tipping: What to do in Different Countries and Situations
Dieting: Best foods/recipes/strategies for losing/gaining weight
Coffee section (self explanatory)
Tea section (ditto)
Cheese section (ditto)
Alcohol section (cocktails, mixers, beers + wines etc)
Baking section (esp. breadmaking)
Food prep (chopping onions, slicing and dicing)

Okay, so that's probably too much, but it doesn't need essays writing. For some of it there could just be links to existing good, reputable sites, recipes and embedded YouTube vids people here think are good.

I think the making of a sticky should have a sticky, or a numbered series of threads, until we have one.

>> No.6727743
File: 34 KB, 570x238, r-SAD-PASTA-large570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so sad

>> No.6727768


I didn't mean to imply that the specifics are the same. But the basics clearly are.

e.g. in any braise you use moist heat and a low and slow cooking time. Whether different seasonings are involved or not has no effect on the procedure.

Sure the recipes and cooking times for tempura and southern chicken are different. but the policy of keeping the oil clean, the proper temp, and not overcrowding it are really the key details to get down and that applies to any sort of deep frying.

In any sort of stock (be it Pho or a French style) you blanch the meat and bones and then go with a long gentle cooking time...etc..etc.

Think concepts, not specifics.

>> No.6727775


A chinese chef's knife is used in the same manner as a Sabatier is. If you can use one to slice your veggies then it's no great leap to use the other. And a chinese knife works fine for cooking western dishes (and vice versa).

>> No.6727786

pls no sticky. We need no sticky.

>> No.6727809

I would say maybe an equipment sticky. That's one thing nice about cooking communities, it's not completely about meme equipment like photography or tech. I guess it's not as easy to get excited about the latest frying pan to hit the shelves because they never change.

>> No.6727821


You can't use one of those ching chong choppers to Tourne.

>> No.6727826

TBH, change those Mountain Dews to Frosty Jacks and you might have a small idea of what my room looks like.

>> No.6727841


1) You can; I've seen it on the old Jap Iron chef program.

2) Even if you couldn't, so what? You found one tiny exception out of many many uses for a knife. That hardly invalidates the point.

>> No.6727881

>Baking section (esp. breadmaking)

What's the best place to post baking tutorials? I was just going to make a thread here for a sourdough bread walkthrough, it's really important to have pictures every step of the way. Wikia recipes all seem to get only 1 pic.

>> No.6727909

Chef? Where'd you graduate from?

>> No.6727913

I dunno. You could make a thread on here and save the link, then you might be able to access or link someone to that thread any time through the archive.

I don't know how long threads stay on the archive though so I would save the whole thing to HDD as well.

Imgur might be good for that, I've seen long series of pictures on there before. Dunno what the system is like though, I don't have an account myself.

>> No.6727926

/ck/ doesn't cook, though

/ck/ is sad alcoholics from /r9k/ who nostalgia about junk food and sperg over fast food.

/ck/ will NEVER, EVER have a sticky.

>> No.6727937

Cooper Elementary class of 2007

>> No.6728029

>I think the making of a sticky should have a sticky, or a numbered series of threads, until we have one.
No. It will be polluted by the anti-sticky brigade, just like every single sticky thread.
Make a pastlebin or something.

>> No.6728040

Oh yes. this.

or just enforce the rules as much as possible with the "READ THE FUCKING STICKY" image - it works on all the adult boards.

>> No.6728046

>I don't like change!!
>Why would you change things!!

>> No.6728051

>bill burr is shit
Get a load of this guy.

>> No.6728053

I love how everyone takes reaction image bait. You just look like a fool every time. Yet here you are.

>> No.6728064

Who here in this thread is a fucking mod?

>> No.6728074

Why do you act like you're better than anyone else here?
Or do you actually believe you are?
Remember, you're here too.
And you can never leave.

>> No.6728820

Kind of ironic what you're doing.

>> No.6728836

Let's get Sceak to write the sticky up.

>> No.6728855

Let's not.

>> No.6728874

a shopping + recipe guide would be helpful. maybe one for poorfags like myself. stuff that's cheap, easy to prepare, and at least somewhat healthy.

>> No.6728889

Because that won't vary from place to place at all.

>> No.6728891

Maybe what /ck/ needs is an anti-sticky.
Our true nature seems to be critical & snobbish about cooking so why not relish it? Certain recipes can be put up to a vote(& I mean the most basic granny-tier shit out there) & then whoever want to take a shot at it just rips the whole thing to ribbons. Best entries get chosen for most vitriol & colourful prose.

>> No.6728904

Why not? Who is this person?

>> No.6729167

Love your trolling.
Works everytime you make this thread.

Lurk more.

>> No.6729603

As a dedicated neet I'm grateful that you slave away all day at your kitchen desk job. Somebody needs to pay the taxes that support my extravagant lifestyle.
So thanx.
Keep up the hard work!

>> No.6729883
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>Tipping: What to do in Different Countries and Situations

>> No.6729911

/ck/ dollar . that is all

>> No.6730977

Friendly reminder: /ck/ is getting a sticky.

>> No.6730988

Doubt it, but you can keep trying, newfag

>> No.6730989

that would be great chemo actually

>> No.6731301

Great idea, we should divorce the creation of a /ck/ sticky from the /ck/ community.


>> No.6731944
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>fine dining place
>in austin tx
pick one. it's the most aggressively lowbrow city i've ever seen.

>> No.6733722

The whole point of coming to a forum is to interact with living people. All that shit is the whole reason to coming to this forum daily. Why make a monument to a end all be all conversation if its not really necessary.

>> No.6733728

Watch out with that crazy talk, the Texan might "stand his ground" with his brave, masculine constitutionally consecrated GUN

>> No.6733743

I think the only functional reason for a sticky on /ck/ is for newfags to pretend to be oldfag by telling other newfags to "read the sticky".
That won't get annoying, much. Nah.

>> No.6733754
File: 28 KB, 200x267, 200px-Real_Traveller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worked for /trv/

Also any time someone doesn't like a food we can shitpost about how this board is flooded with /int/ scum

>> No.6733784

That pic makes me feel like a need a shower

bo and fast food

>> No.6733904

>subtle /alck/
Git out

>> No.6733912

Vinegar and oil has booze in it?

>> No.6734753

kill yourself libtard

>> No.6734765

Don't you have a rally to get to?

>> No.6734769

Nope and GTFO
See this >>6727075

>> No.6734771

>so I've been here for a few hours and feel /ck/ really needs a sticky

>> No.6734772
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>> No.6736878

This thread should be stickied.

As a warning how much of a shithole this board is and how much people here suck.

>> No.6736891

Grow thicker skin, OP.

>> No.6736899

I'm not bothered. But looking how quickly threads turn into shitfest and amount anal pain it would be a fair warning.

I'm just reading and laughing.

>> No.6736917

You don't belong here.

>> No.6736941

>how quickly threads turn into shitfest and amount anal pain
/ck/ is where frustrated housewives come to vent their PMT.

>> No.6736994

You guys are approaching this sticky all wrong. What a sticky needs is to answer commonly-asked questions and direct people to places where they can find more in-depth information.

Just link the /ck/ booru, this: http://imgur.com/gallery/pHUdq and that ramen guide. No sweat.

>> No.6737001


>> No.6737007

It'll solve our "i left the womb 4 the first time and cant cook, how ramen?" threads for good, faggot. What part of that isn't good enough for you?

>> No.6737016

>bawwwww i dun leik tread
Do you really think that someone who can't make simple ramen will be helped with a sticky? If you do you're a fucking retard. You don't seem to understand this is the lowest common denominator here.

>> No.6737459


>> No.6737593

this. people will ignore it anyway.

>> No.6737667

after 5 times eating baked small potatoes that were so hard in the middle i got this important info: boil them first. then bake. This is sticky material for me

>> No.6739329

This thread didn't go anywhere.

>> No.6739335

or bake them longer, like a person without the kind of severe brain damage required to make that cool story believable

>> No.6739344

A sticky would help stop some of the rabid shit posting I guess.
Personally I'd like to see flags as well, it would help filter out the weebs and bullshitters.

>> No.6739423

>Personally I'd like to see flags as well
You can always tell when someone came from a ghetto board like /b/ when they say stuff like this

You can take the shitposter out of /b/ but you can't take the /b/ out of the shitposter

>> No.6739445

Too highly contested

>> No.6739446

What's wrong guy, weren't good enough to make it in Houston? How many wheels does your kitchen have?

>> No.6739816

like every thread on ck

>> No.6742100

So, what's the score with this sticky?
Who's meant to be writing it ? Do we have any idea what sort of info it will contain?
I'm pretty excited.

>> No.6742110

We have this thread every month.

A /ck/ sticky would be utter shit.

Just a few months back I wrote a TL:DR post on why it would be shit, but I forgot to save it.

>> No.6742112

>So I've been here a while now and feel /ck/ really needs a sticky.

Then you'd know it's not possible you asshole.

>> No.6742113

>Just a few months back I wrote a TL:DR post on why it would be shit, but I forgot to save it.
Stop fucking up, we need you.

>> No.6742117

This board would benefit more from general threads, if anything. The point of this board is getting opinions and advice about food from different people. A sticky would eliminate the need for any interactions.

>> No.6742118

>I'm pretty excited.
You need to get out more.

>> No.6742125

Basically it boiled down to having a small guide would be kind of pointless, because basic info is just easy to google.

And a big guide would be pointless as well because it would turn into a TL:DR mess. Besides there's so many variations and methods that no one would agree on anything. Making the sticky a mess of contradictory advice.

Besides that, the people we have intended the sticky for won't read it and proceed to post their ramen thread anyways.

In the end its just something for people like OP to jerk their E-peen over. "look ma, I contributed to the sticky"

>> No.6742169

>Just a few months back I wrote a TL:DR post on why it would be shit, but I forgot to save it.

Seek and ye shall find.

>> No.6742171
File: 47 KB, 500x400, sceak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this shit again
Fuck off

>> No.6742178

How is that image relevant to the situation at hand? And what's with the filename?

>> No.6742183

You wouldn't know, would you op?
You lurk for a month and decide you know what's best for this board without having a clue about board culture.
Please just leave. We get your kind multiple times a year. You watched 4 seasons of alton brown and you're now ready to teach everyone your wisdom.
Just no.

>> No.6742184

Looks like somebody don't understand how a kitchen work...

>> No.6742186
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Can't find the other one I made.

I did find this one though

"Having a sticky on /ck/ is a pointless endeavor. Here's a list of general recuring threads I've manged to spot over the ~7-8 years I've been browsing this board.

Here's a list of the kind of questions that get asked the most.

"help I'm a retard and an illiterate, thus I can't follow the instructions on my ramen / spaghetti / jarred bottle of sauce. Somehow I'm able to post on 4chan though"

" how do I make my instant noodles more flavorable "

"I somehow "aquired" 300 pounds of *random cooking ingredient here* and it's going to spoil in 3 seconds, wat do"

"which knife should I buy?"

"which is the best fastfood shitburger? / what do you get at shitburger (tm) place X?" -329 posts 120 images replied, repeat 3x per day

"my non-existant date / girlfriend / relative is vegan, what should I cook?"

"which hotsauce is your favorite? I like to drown my food in pure capasin extract even tho im a white boi XD dem silly aisians at the restaurants look at me funny"

"I made poor life choices and/or like to lie on the internet. I somehow only have 20 dollars to my name and I need to buy groceries that last me until the heat death of the universe, wat do"

The only legit non retarded thing on this list would be the knife question, and MAYBE the budgetting one. All other threads are just stupid bullshit with so many varying factors or aren't worth a sticky at all. Even if you attempted to do some of this, the kinds of shitheads that post most of these threads wouldn't read past the first paragraph of the sticky anyways.

ACTUAL cooking questions are so all over the place that a sticky wouldn't cover it. And listing a torrent with 3 gorillion cookbooks will get 4chan in legal trouble. A sticky just won't work here."

>> No.6742203

You're an idiot who's just projecting. I just wanted to know why you were refering to an old tripfaggot.. nvm. I don't want to hear from you ever again, newfag

>> No.6742215

Poorfag tips would be useful, since there's a "help guys, I have 2$ and have to feed myself for a week" thread every few days.

>> No.6742217

>I just looked up /ck/ on encyclopedia dramatica and now I'm an expert in board culture
Just fuck off, no one wants your sticky

>> No.6742219

The best advice for those people is to stop doing drugs.

>> No.6742220

I'm glad you have an opinion/
>Your opinion

>> No.6742224

Show me, on the teddy bear, where I said that I want a sticky mister projecty pants?

>> No.6742227

Take your sticky, and your perverted fur suit sex fantasies, and leave.

>> No.6742230

I don't really understand what you're getting at here.

Of course its my opinion that I based off my own experiences.

>> No.6742231
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>> No.6742248
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Will there be a section on cooking rice ? That comes up a lot, people seem to struggle with it.
Also knife sharpening would be good.
Different methods of brewing tea and coffee maybe?

>> No.6742298

If you really need to see yourself in print, there are these things called "blogs". Also, you can video "tape" yourself cooking and post them in this forum called "youtube". Surely you and other anons are proficient at cookery and can just link your already giant follower clientele to the new and true-blue /ck/ sticky.
I'm very excited myself!
Please post pastabin link again, it's hilarious.

Posting in bait thread.

Slow cooker sticky
One each sticky (mcdoland, BK, Wendy's, Taco Bell, Taco Time)
Sticky for regional FF not covered.
Rice sticky.
Let's shit on YT "celebrities" sticky.
"Does other cuntry actually..." sticky.
What eat now/Dink food sticky.
Gawd, look how many stickies we "need"!
Here's one that isn't sarcasm: professional chef sticky.

>> No.6742299

I don't think your getting the idea mate....

>> No.6742310

That's missing the other recurrent pointless thread; "why doesn't ck have a sticky?"

Just shove an infographic about cooking times up, a link to the booru, and a list of three or four brands that ck rates for equipment.

That'll kill maybe five threads a month, but it doesn't need to be perfect to be worthwhile.

>> No.6742328

I think that a sticky would be a positive step towards improving rice relations by promoting equality and introducing a fairer society for all rices.

>> No.6742337

But the things you posted are all subjective and up for discussion.

Who decides which one is the right way?

And if its only going to kill 5 threads a month, then why shit up the board with a sticky.

It just seems like a pointless prestige project.

>> No.6742343

> ...that ck rates...
>it doesn't need to be worthwhile to be worthwhile.
Lol are you suggesting that /ck/ could agree on brands?
Welcome! Enjoy your short stay!
We've been here for years. Please stop trying to force change.

Lurk moar

>> No.6742349

ck as a whole doesn't have to agree on anything for you to find a list of things that some portion of ck likes.

>>it doesn't need to be worthwhile to be worthwhile.

Do you genuinely not understand the idea that something doesn't need to be perfect to be useful?

>> No.6742353

>sticky date pudding.

because sticky
tfw no gf

Can we all just agree that an image of sticky date pudding would be the perfect image for the sticky that /ck/ needs.

So now that the hard part is over (deciding on an image) now comes the easy part: What words do we put in it? I vote for "benis".

>> No.6742361

I'd rather have a single locked sticky than a monthly three hundred post thread arguing about whether or not to have one.

>> No.6742394

Day one: sticky is posted.
Day two: everyone arguing.
Week four: mods start banning anyone who undermines the sticky
Month later: /ck/ becomes ghost town.

This is why we can't have sticky things.

>> No.6742440

The way I see it, /fit/ has a good sticky because there are objective facts concerning fitness that can be agreed on and don't need repeating in every other thread.

Cooking is more complex and subjective but there are still hard and fast rules for beginners. Every other day I see new people here asking where do they start to learn x y or z, what basic equipment or ingredients should they buy, and the ever present: "How do I survive on this pitiful budget?"

There are answers to these and other questions that the vast majority of /ck/ will agree with. If you're cooking a lot of asian food you should get a wok, rice, soy sauce etc. If you're baking, you need a way to measure ingredients and a mixing bowl, you should have eggs, flour and so on. Everybody needs a saucepan and a wooden spoon. Beans and rice provides the most edible nutrition for the lowest cost. If you're handling raw meat you need to wash your hands and avoid contamination. There are different ways to cook rice/chop an onion/make chili but some are better than others. All it takes is a bit of civilised discussion to work out which /ck/ prefers.

I see people on here all the time who don't know this basic shit and I'm starting to get tired of answering the same questions. So it takes up the top slot in the catalog, so what? Hide it (hold shift and click the thread), problem solved. The main reason I think someone would say "no sticky pls" is because they're one of the many shills on here selling Taco Bell or their YouTube channel and are worried they'll lose ad space on this board. Or they know they're too lazy to read a sticky and worry they'll start getting schooled by people who read it.

Even /x/ has a sticky for fuck's sake. Their board didn't turn to shit, it got better because /x/-philes suddenly had convenient access to a wide resource of board-relevant info which raised the overall knowledge level of the board.

tl;dr: /ck/ would benefit from a sticky, even if it's just for a trial run.

>> No.6742458

Probably the first reasoned, common sense post ITT.
Thank You.

>> No.6742459

That's ridiculous and you know it. Nobody's suggesting we sticky an opinionated blog about beans in chili, or tipping, or how a steak should be cooked.

Is anyone going to argue that people DON'T need to wash their hands after handling meat? A sticky could show the best ways to avoid contamination. That beans and rice AREN'T a cheap source of nutrition? A sticky could provide cooking methods and recipes for beans and rice.

After the sticky's posted there'd be a series of sticky generals so /ck/ can provide feedback, suggest additions/changes and get the complaining out of our collective system. Mods don't ban users who challenge the info in a sticky, that would be insane. A sticky isn't law, it's a collection of suggestions and helpful information.

You can't please everyone but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to make something good that most of us can use.

>> No.6742839

I like this.

>> No.6742871

>That's ridiculous and you know it. Nobody's suggesting we sticky an opinionated blog about beans
and then the very next sentence
>A sticky could provide cooking methods and recipes for beans

you really need to think ahead.
like really think ahead.

>> No.6742910

Grats, you found ONE person who agrees with you.
This is why we can't have a sticky.

>> No.6742924

It could if you're brave enough

>> No.6743003

Whether a real chili has beans in it is a point of contention on /ck/. Dozens of threads have been dedicated to that question without ever reaching a consensus.

Cooking methods and recipes for beans are not controversial in the slightest, unless you're talking about having them in a chili and then the question people worry about is "Is it an authentic chili."

I hope that clears things up for you because I can't explain it any simpler than that.

>> No.6744755

Since when are beans a staple food outside of America?
This is the World Wide Web, matey. Keep your vegan sticky to yourself.

>> No.6744992

Jesus Christ I almost started making a post explaining the meaning of context for you.

>> No.6745386

All opinions aside, is the sticky going to happen or not ?

>> No.6745432

Hopefully not. Because a sticky on /ck/ is a bullshit dick waving contest, not a useful addition to the board.

>> No.6745469

God forbid there should be a common resource on a 4chan board like they have on /fit/, /fa/, /sci/, /mu/, /x/, /tg/, /k/, /lit/, /g/, /out/, /trv/, /vr/, /diy/, /biz/, /soc/, /pol/, /cgl/, /int/...

What would happen to this board? Could it recover? It would probably mark the end of /ck/ as we know it, and usher in a dark age of totalitarian damnation.

I honestly wonder what kind of person would oppose this. You must be a shill (worrying that you'll lose an ad slot) or one of those posters who always agree with the last opinion they saw on here.

>> No.6745495

>anonymous writers
>dick waving

>> No.6745512

Did you even read the counter arguments you fucking cunt?

Of course you didn't. you just want to have your info in that sticky.

Dick waving might be a bad way to describe it, but you bet your ass the only reason people want a sticky is so they can write part of it and feel smug about it. Maybe even link it to a little wiki where people can see account names.

>> No.6745521

>you just want to have your info in that sticky.
I'm starting to wonder if it's the vegan mod wanting to push a beans and rice agenda in a permanent sticky.

>everyone else is doing it so we should too
Not a valid reason, tbh.

This shit isn't funny any more.

>> No.6745526
File: 9 KB, 215x240, under.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there really people on here who don't want a sticky?

>> No.6745531

Are there really people in the world who use the metric system?

>> No.6745568

Happy to confirm this for you.

>> No.6745619

I want a sticky that literally just has a link to the booru so we a) have a few less "got any vertical recipes?" threads and b) so we can have monthly threads arguing about what should go in it instead of whether we should have one.

It'd at least make these threads slightly on topic instead of all this meta bull.

>> No.6745673

The problem there is that the Booru sucks.

>> No.6745686


>> No.6745880

What counter arguments? I haven't seen one good reason why we shouldn't have a sticky on this board.

>I don't want a sticky because daddy and mummy fight too much

You know what? Fuck you /ck/. You don't deserve a sticky. This board is shill central now anyway. You get what you deserve.

I never thought I'd quit this board, but /ck/ is full of cunts now..Enjoy your Taco Bell threads and your MCDonalds threads.

>> No.6745897
File: 56 KB, 700x564, krinkle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6745910

You'll be missed.......

>> No.6746091

This is a problem, yes. I found 2 /ck/ wiki that could be linked in theory d, both being empty or sucking hard.

>> No.6746114

Thanks for carrying the torch.
I can't handle the amount of retardation of the sticky pushers.


>> No.6746123

You're living in denial mate.

>> No.6746126

there's zero need for a sticky

>> No.6746445

>"what should we put in a sticky?"
>nothing posted worth putting in a sticky.
>"I'm glad we agree that we need a sticky"

>> No.6746701

No problem mate.

I hate these people, they should just fuck off back to Reddit. /ck/ has done well without a sticky for ages, its only been the last 2 years that you see these board hoppers circle jerking about a sticky.

Keep up the good fight.

>> No.6746924

I do my part anon. These retards who want a sticky should go find an actual cook forum instead of this animu website.

>> No.6746950


so you expect a newb to come in, look at the sticky and learn anything from the 'general concept' of deep frying? the whole point is that there are a hundred specific ways to do anything and generalising about them all isn't useful.

>> No.6746956 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 683x1024, 09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just here to shit post lads. Ignore me

>> No.6746959

I hate to break it to you, but that's not a lad

>> No.6746971

holy shit this made me laugh so hard for some reason. love it

>> No.6747029

>requesting a sticky

Eat piss, bitch.

>> No.6747226




do you even know how many ways there are to cook rice you moron? I can think of FIVE(5) off the top of my eat AND THEY'RE ALL DIFFERENT

fuck you and the horse you rode in on

>> No.6747703

So basically any mention of a sticky is just a newfag test. Newfags will want a sticky while oldfags will argue against a sticky and the whole time the wizards will just keep baiting both sides.

>> No.6747944

I actually wrote a semi-/ck/ sticky. It has no cooking tips or techniques as it shouldn't. It simply explains etiquette in the board. A rules for /ck/ and posts that require a ban.

>> No.6748002

I've been on /ck/ 4+ years and have always been in favour of a sticky.

The only people who don't want one are those who see /ck/ as a food themed shitposting site with no actual value as a cooking forum, and think that a sticky will somehow transform the board into some kind of boringly civilised subreddit, or people who think that nobody will be allowed to question the info in the sticky and the whole forum aspect of /ck/ would become redundant.

Or they're too new/ignorant to know how to hide a thread and get irritated when they see the same old permathread on a board time after time.

Look at the pathetic arguments ITT against having a sticky:
>that's retarded, stickyfags are retarded
>/ck/ is too stoopid to know about cooking
>nobody can agree on anything so why try?
>sticky=rules, nobody tells me what to do
>/ck/ is shit therefore a sticky would be shit
>there's no such thing as useful cooking information
>a sticky would have a vegan agenda (lol)
>nobody wants one (i'm just gonna ignore all the posts saying they do want one)
>hurr newfags
>durr reddit

Why do people go to catering college or take cookery classes if there are no objectively good techniques or information to teach and learn? I'm a beginner cook and don't want to make a new thread or wade through the archive every time I have a question about basic cooking. A /ck/ FAQ would be immensely useful to me and other beginner cooks on here. The only problem I can see is finding someone sufficiently motivated and qualified both as a /ck/ regular and as a cooking teacher to put it together.

Until someone does make a sticky, can someone who knows about cooking please point me towards some good, free websites that show the basics of cooking, and what's a good resource for learning the different methods of cooking rice without a rice cooker?

Should I just keep making cookery basics general threads and a rice cooking threads and hope someone knowledgeable eventually posts in one of them?

>> No.6748197
File: 27 KB, 600x600, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has there been any movement on this recently. I know a few anons started writing the sticky way back. A few months ago it was announced that it would be posted soon.
Why's it taking so long?

>> No.6748204


because it's never going to happen.


>Why do people go to catering college or take cookery classes if there are no objectively good techniques or information to teach and learn?

to learn from people who are an authority on the subject. that is the precise difference between /ck/ and cooking school. the sticky will be made by idiots. look at the fucking booru. there are like two good, consistent content creators and thousands of people who produce poorly photographed slop. the only thing the sticky could ever be is a recipe database with a few technical appendices and 4chan has nothing on the hundreds of other recipe sites offering those features so it would be a fucking joke.

>> No.6748207

I've been on /ck/ for 8 years and my oldfag status trumps yours. Also you're probably just the samefag op trying to stir up shit, I doubt you've been here for more than a month.

>> No.6748215

but they said the sticky was coming soon ???

>> No.6748907

Less than a month ago, someone posted that there was going to be a sticky. That it was inevitable. Then asked what should be in a sticky. How are you going to state there should be a sticky without the actual need for one, let alone have the nerve to ask what should be in it?

>> No.6749438


/ck/ is getting like /b/ because now we don't know who is trolling and baiting. I come here for pics of food, I rarely read the comments because it's all mostly bullshit

>The cunt that post pics of them dining on tasting menus should be made god of this board.

>The person that posts the dollar threads should be hung. We get it, just stop.

>> No.6749448

People that want to wank their e-peen, and make this board more streamlined just like a sub-Reddit.

>> No.6749481

Those people need to fuck off back to Reddit.

>> No.6750408

>I've been on /ck/ 4+ years and I still need someone to give me babby steps on how to make rice
Some people..

Your post raises an interesting point though. Some people believe that a sticky will help to reduce the number of repetitive threads like "how do I make rice?", but I think those threads will still happen but the only difference is the answer will change to "read the sticky". But now there will also be more threads started by morons asking what they did wrong after following the instructions in the sticky. Over time this will lower the average IQ of the board to reddit levels of potato salad. Yup. Sticky is kill.

>> No.6751173

I don't understand how cooking rice is such a challenge anyways. Just follow the fucking instructions on the package to the letter and it should come up fine. How these illiterate underage fuckheads manage to post here is a mystery to me.