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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 34 KB, 418x328, wisconsin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6719737 No.6719737[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I love how /ck/ just won't admit that Wisconsin has some of the best cheese in the country if not the world.

>> No.6719739

I love how wisconsin can't accept a reality that isn't generated by their indigenous "cheese" [sic] industry

>> No.6719743

Some of the most consistently made, perhaps. It's not that I don't like a good Colby, but you have nothing to pit against the likes of Stilton, Roquefort, Gorganzola, et al.

Maybe some of your farms make small-batch artisan cheeses for prize competitions, but it still doesn't compare if you're not mass producing it.

>> No.6719749

It doesn't. Not by a long shot.

Fresh Colby cheese curds are still pretty nice though.

>> No.6719752

its pretty much just one guy who hates Wisconsin and everything not in the northeast or California (if you mention one he'll will say he is from the other)

>> No.6719758
File: 11 KB, 250x250, 1011872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its pretty awesome that you can get fresh cheese curds at most gas station in Wisconsin, and deep fried at most bars and restaurants

>> No.6719765
File: 30 KB, 600x450, wisconsin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only one person in the entire world, who posts on /ck/, is responsible for the erroneous belief that wisconsin "cheese" isn't the best in the hole entire universe

>> No.6719775

the OP said "some of the best cheese in the country", he didn't make some outlandish claim as you are now saying. It was actually a pretty modest claim, it would probably have been fair to say most of the best cheese in the country, and certainly a plurality of it

>> No.6719789
File: 24 KB, 500x380, 1354521588294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> like OP said
lets recheck our facts

>Wisconsin has some of the best cheese in the country if not the world.
> the best cheese in the country if not the world.
>in the country if not the world.
> if not the world
> the world


>> No.6719798

Again he said "some of"
Meanwhile you said "best in the hole entire universe"

These are extremely different claims

>> No.6719843

What are the great Wisconsin cheeses?
Sure, the state produces a lot of milk, but it makes some very bland cheeses.

>> No.6719848

>Sure, the state produces a lot of milk,
actually California produces more milk, Wisconsin actually has to import a little milk from neighboring states to meet it's cheese demands

>> No.6719852

>implying other planets make cheese

>> No.6719857

Pretty sure I was not implying that, though it is quite possible some very distant planet makes something analogous to cheese

>> No.6719874
File: 16 KB, 189x299, marieke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only truly great cheese I've had from Wisconsin is this woman's Gouda.

>> No.6719881

I hope Wisconsin really does have some of the best cheese in the world just to make prissy eurofucks all tushy pained.

>> No.6719900

>this pleb eats mass produced garbage
Might as well buy velveeta if you don't know the farm your cheese comes from

>> No.6720044

California cheese sucks. Wisconsin is better.

>> No.6720053

>Flyover cheese

lol, pick one

>> No.6720055

well yeah, California mostly sticks to the Kraft style cheeses, Wisconsin produces most of the artisan stuff, and most of its big factory cheese is mozzarella (mostly for pizza) which I think is at least a little more respectable than Kraft cheese

>> No.6720066

We always know its you by your overuse of greentext

>> No.6720125


>> No.6720927

I assume you think that's me (the person who has lived on both coasts and the midwest and knows that wisconsin cheese is shit).

But that wasn't me. Also you are delusional.

>> No.6720929


>> No.6720935

All American cheese is fucking shit.
Good cheese does not exist within the USA.
That said the BBQ I had in Athens GA was hands down the best I've ever tasted.

>> No.6720944

slave states aren't the USA

>> No.6720948

The cheese still fucking sucks though.

>> No.6720993

I wouldn't know, I try not to eat in slave states. You might get sick.

>> No.6721414

i like wisconsin cheese.

>> No.6721417

Americans don't even know what fucking cheese is, they think its like what you get in a burger lol

>> No.6721426

What the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.6721436

Which bit did you not comprehend?

>> No.6721440


Dumbass, most of the cheese on fast food isnt even cheese.

Its cheese like food.

Make from oil and other stuff and colored to look like cheese.

>> No.6721455

exactly, thanks for proving my point, thats americas cheese

>> No.6721459

Yeah. Ignore the farmers markets selling various locally produced cheese (including raw). Just focus on the worst of the worst. How's that Tesco horse meat?

>> No.6721483

so what you are saying, is ignore 99% of the "cheese" Americans eat, and concentrate on a few hipsters who eat out of farmers markets? You are a funny guy

>> No.6721500

Have you ever been to america?

>> No.6721512

>ignore 99% of the "cheese" Americans eat, and concentrate on a few hipsters who eat out of farmers markets?
This applies to good food in general. The average person is willing to spend the time and money to seek out the good stuff when OK tasting trash is so cheap and widely available. That's how companies like Kraft stay in business.

There are only two groups of people who eat top tier food: rich people willing to pay for it and the farmers who make it. Everybody else gets whatever the standard issue happens to be.

The problem is that in America the standards for meat and cheese are really fucking low. And if you go to the trouble to seek out better assholes content with commercial slop will call you a hipster.

>> No.6721515

>The average person is willing
*not willling

>> No.6721517

Only about every few months on business over last 10 years

>> No.6721543
File: 1.71 MB, 500x500, 1437248747911.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretentious people make the coasts better
Everybody who lives on either coast is a colossal faggot

Prove me wrong

>> No.6721552

No thanks, we have enough of your economic migration already. Stay poor, illiterate, and uncultured.

>> No.6721630

>implying the entire US isn't flyover as fuck

Literally the Walmart of the planet.

>> No.6721866


>> No.6721872

the only place not in Europe that makes actually good cheese is Quebec.

sorry m8

>> No.6721874

Yes. We are a highly successful business model. Thank you

>> No.6721879

Vegan shitposter detected

>> No.6721894

>Good cheese does not exist within the USA
Yes it does. We import it.

>> No.6721898


Alas there's a lot of cheeses that we can't even import due to silly laws about pasteurization.

>> No.6721935
File: 35 KB, 608x380, Cheese in America.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6721946


Basically there are alot of people in America that value convenience more then quality.

And as a Chef that Infuriates me.

Especially since those people turn into fat lazy slobs.

eat another bag of chips and kill yourself plz.

>> No.6721980

As a chef you should know that's not cheese even by a legal definition. I'm a rocket surgeon by the way.

>> No.6721995
File: 2.36 MB, 3264x2448, Manoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I agree op.

It causes endless pussy pain if mentioned around europeans

The US has some really great chocoulate too

>TFW europeans don't even grow their own cacao
>they claim they make their chocolate

>> No.6722061


Yea I know its not cheese. I am the guy that said it was made from oil.

>> No.6722072

Can someone post the peggy hunt story?

>> No.6722457

>Peggy Hunt is your stereotypical 48 year old woman from Pennsylvania
>She's gotten fat over the years, but still tries to tries to hide it with Walmart clothes
>She's 185 standing at 5'4
> "I have no self esteem" she mumbled to herself, looking at her fat rolls in the mirror
>Her balding husband Charles enters the room, fixing his tie in the same mirror
>"Something the matter, Peg?"
>"Oh we have that get-together later today, the one with you-know-who."
>"The Fotards?" he replied
>"Yep, the new family who moved here from California."
>Charles snickered at the way she said it
>"I just don't feel like I'm cultured enough to talk to them." She said.
>Charles had left sooner than expected, leaving her to talk to herself once more
>Some time had passed since before, it is now time to go to the outing
>She noticed Charles had some bottle sticking out of his shirt
>"Its this Adobo stuff my friends at work were talking about, says it makes meat taste good."
>"I'm taking heed to what you said before about the culture thing, Peggy."
>She smiled, as it gave her an idea
>I'll bring that bottle of expensive vinegar we got for our anniversary last year! The balsamic!"
>"Ooooooh!" Said Charles, smiling
>"That Jack guy on the YouTube always rants and raves about it! He's a professional chef you know."
>She smiled and put it in her purse
>"I'm coming for you, Rachel Fotard!"
>They had just arrived at the Smith's backyard for the cookout
>She whipped her head around to see Rachel Fotard standing feet behind her, smiling
>"Hi Peggy!."
>She laughed louder
>"H-hi Rachel, where's Cruston?"
>"He's coming, he's just grabbing my purse from the car."
>"Hi" said Cruston, almost tripping
>"Hibly dibly doo how ya all doing?"
>Nancy Smith's come to greet them
>"Now come in the back yard and see what Gaston is cooking don't ya knoooow"
>Her thick Wisconsin accent came through

>> No.6722959


>> No.6722975

are they just normal curds beer battered and fried up quick? I've never had them. How do they compare to cheese sticks please?

>> No.6723653
