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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6706677 No.6706677 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else eat two meals a day at most? I'm actually eating one meal a day these days, I'm losing a fair bit of weight. Why does everyone subscribe to the meme of three meals a day?

>> No.6706683

Cuz I get hungry, nigga.

Seriously though, why the fuck is there refry just sitting on the table? What kinda poorfag smokes that nasty shit?

>> No.6706684

same boat anon
I eat 1 1k calorie meal a day and it feels nice really
don't have to worry about too much dishes or brushing my teeth too often
very freeing

>> No.6706716

I can't force myself to eat more than 2 meals a day. How do people manage to eat more than 3,000 calories a day?

>> No.6706746

I don't eat much, but can definitely hit that amount of calories with booze.

>> No.6706747

What do you drink?

>> No.6706767

lol 3k calories of booze in a day is alcoholism, I suppose if you don't do it regularly

>> No.6706807

Aren't there some pro-ana boards or something you guys should be on? This board is for people who like food.

>> No.6706816

yeah and there are plenty of pro american boards for you to be on lardass

>> No.6706817


>3,000 calories a day

>started tracking my calories a month back
>eat three meals a day and "graze" in between
>usually hit my 1600 and something goal, plus or minus
>half of my calories are from bottom shelf vodka
>continue drinking without tracking it once i go to bed, and am still losing weight

It doesn't matter how many meals you have, it's about how much you eat.

>> No.6706825

I eat breakfast, get to campus, spend all day there, then come home and eat dinner. No time to eat lunch. i'm down to 166 from 205

>> No.6706826

Link the proana board? Google only shows me gay ass blog criticism of them when I search, I think they know

>> No.6706827

but if you're eating one meal a day, most people would be hard pressed to eat more than like 1000-1200 calories in one sitting. Especially since when you wake up having not eaten for 24 hrs, you're somehow not as hungry as the night before. It's like your stomach shrunk a little

>> No.6706830

this thread is triggering the /fit/ in me

>> No.6706834

>you're somehow not as hungry as the night before. It's like your stomach shrunk a little
Your body goes into fasting mode

>> No.6706853


I don't think I could go to sleep only having eaten one meal for the entire day.

Then again, I can't go to sleep without drinking until I pass out.

I hope you at least put thought into your one meal, and eat well, because I know I put thought into everything I eat, and eat well (but can't afford to drink well every day).

>> No.6706860

i only eat twice a day. works out very well. I stick to low fat fare. I feel a lot better now. 3 is just too much food. and I was also snacking. it was insane.

>> No.6706861

you've clearly never woken up late (like 10 am) on a saturday, order happy china general tsos lunch special, watched the chelsea game, and been full for the rest of the day

>> No.6706877

I want to try the 1 meal a day method just to see how it affects my mood, thinking, performance etc. Plus it sounds satisfying to gorge to absolute capacity and not feel guilty about it. I don't think I even know what it's like to consume to 100% capacity.

>> No.6706884

I eat 4 meals day so I don't lose weight. Its necessary for me and I'm still a skinny man.

I don't know what the flying fuck you are talking about with this "1 meal a day" insanity.

>> No.6706887


>woken up late
>like 10 am on a saturday

I'm 30 years old, make decent money, and consider 10 am pretty average for a weekday. I'd also feel like complete crap for the entire if I ate a giant breakfast of Chinese takeout, so probably wouldn't want to eat anything, and would just want to lie down.

>> No.6706895

i made it a habbet to wake up between 7 and 9 every morning in school, otherwise i'd sleep until an hr before my first class started and not get enough done. had a lot more energy after that

>> No.6706900


I'll never understand anons who actually need to gain weight (and aren't power lifters or something).

You're constantly surrounded by delicious food., you can eat all you want.

>> No.6706914


>doing work in the morning instead of at night

This is how you become an alcoholic

>> No.6706934

i dont do work that early, i get up, make coffee and breakfast, chill for a bit, shower, and let my mind fully wake up

>> No.6706959

Fatty detected.

>> No.6706964

>tfw hungry skeleton
>tfw I hate prepping meals
>tfw I want to find a calorie rich food that won't make me skinny fat


>> No.6706968

>calorie rich food
a 10 oz can of mixed nuts is 1700 calories

>> No.6706975

had a similar problem, I think frying things is a good way to do it, fried egg butties especially.

>> No.6706976

>make me skinny fat
try exercise faggot

>> No.6706979

I already do. Usually about an hour or so every other day.

Just looking for calorie rich, easy prep foods that will provide some semblance of nutrition, too.

>> No.6706982
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>not eating every 2 hours

>> No.6706985
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you need some slop

>> No.6707002
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>eating every two hours

>> No.6707013

What's in that slop, m8?

>> No.6707015

faggots are also a good food

I tend to fluctuate, sometimes it's nothing sometimes it's three, I can never keep to a similar portion size though.

how do you not feel full?

hide your shame mate

>> No.6707020

onion, carrot, bell pepper, ground beef and rice plus hotsauce

>> No.6707022

Now gimme the recipe. :^)

not kidding

>> No.6707041

cut up an onion, two big carrots, and a bell pepper
toss into heated pan with olive oil on like medium-low heat
cook some rice
i gradually turn up the heat on the veggies so once theyve cooked i can get a little brown on them
then move the veggies to one side of the pan and toss in the ground beef to brown it on medium heat
i usually season with garlic powder, pepper, and montreal steak seasoning
when beef is browned i mix with the veggies and toss into rice and mix together and top with hotsauce
also works with cut up pork chops instead of beef

>> No.6707054
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I eat on average 1500 cal a day.
Its more on the higher end if I make food at work to take it home.
On average two meals a day and a snack.

>> No.6707419

I eat one meal or less a day, I love cooking, I just don't usually care to eat that much (or often), especially in the morning.

>brushing my teeth
No, bad anon, you should still brush your teeth even if you're only eating once a day. It's just lazy and disgusting to only do it once a day.

>> No.6707445


anything with nuts and seeds. you can buy mixed nut bars. Make chia pudding, good for non-meat protein, fiber and fatty acids, easy as putting stuff in a jar and stirring it a few times. got a bit of a gooey texture, but it's okay.

>> No.6707900

myproana is a good one

>> No.6707939

Eating one meal a few snacks after means I can have one huge stir-fry or chillie or something and still be on my cut

>doesn't know about IF or meal timings

Get back to your feels threads

>> No.6707947

I force myself to eat 6 protein rich meals a day
2600 calories for lifting
Hitting 2600 is usually easy but since its all healthy food its fucking hard

>> No.6707957

It's probably easy to not eat much when you have an easy job being a waiter like 90% of /ck/.

>> No.6708247

>eat 4 or 5 times a day
>religiously track calories
>consume 1200-1400 a day
>housemates say I eat a lot because I eat often
>I eat healthy shit like vegetables, clean protein, and fruit on itty bitty dessert plates
>they eat once a day and load up a massive dinner plate with a pile of carbs and caloric crap
>usually spaghetti, fried rice, fried chicken, massive takeout burgers, fries, pizza, etc.
>they chug soda and beer and "juice" all day
>watch as they slowly gain weight and I slowly lose weight
>grin like a devil

People are retards. It's how much you eat, not how often. I have to eat often because eating large portions makes me want to puke. Like right now I had two eggs, an english muffin (120 calories), and some cucumber, and I want to blow chunks from overeating.

>> No.6708263
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i eat a bowl of oatmeal and a couple of pretzels every day

>> No.6708438

Breakfast- coffee, eggs, fruit, toast, breakfast burrito, muffin
Lunch - water
half sandwich, salad, cup soup, fruit, burrito
Mid-day snack - nuts, fruit, granola bar
Dinner - meat/fish, salad, veggies, fruit, some carbs
Bedtime snack - bannana, cereal, milk, toast

5'10 155lbs, 35yrs old, stay active(running, soccer, basketball)

>> No.6708441

I stay away from soda/juices. I do have a beer with my dinner though.

>> No.6708455

Same, all I eat is breakfast and dinner. I know dinner is the most useless meal, but going to bed hungry is plain retarded.

>> No.6708461

I don't even hit 3,000 with 5 meals.

Is this healthy?

>> No.6709187

In my ideal world I eat a huge breakfast. Two bacon and egg sandwiches
>5 pieces of bacon per sandwich
>english muffins

>Two cups steel cut oats
>two-three egg over easy
>6 pieces of bacon or 2 pieces of canadian bacon

I wouldn't eat again until like 6-8 hours later

>Carb heavy meal. Some sort of spicy noodle or ramen (I wish ramen wasn't terrible for you)
>Break for another 4 hours
>Another carb heavy meal

In my ideal world I would also fall asleep at 06:00AM-07:00AM and get up at like 05:00PM but that's just not conducive with my job.
>1 over easy egg per sandwich

>> No.6709211

Rice cereal or sugary cereal and a glass of 2% milk
>mid-morning snack (not always eaten)
Something like yogurt or a fruit cup. Always have a caffeinated soda. I never exceed 2 in a day, unless I go out to eat.
Usually a PB&J, Sausage Egg & Cheese biscuit, or a Lunchable. Sometimes go out for fast food. Will drink milk, juice, or soda.
>afternoon snack
If I had lunch, something sweet like a poptart or a small piece of cake or some cookies. If I forgot to eat lunch because of vidya gaems, I'll eat Ritz chips or some string cheese and a yogurt instead. I drink juice, milk or water with it.
Whatever my parents fix if we're eating together, though I usually pass on the veggies and eat a piece of fruit as a substitute. If they go out to eat and I don't feel like going with them, I repeat my lunch routine. Sometimes, I'll go get fast food. Usually have a big glass of milk, but sometimes a soda.
>Dessert (not always eaten)
Cake, pie, cookies, candy, or fruit.
Rinse and repeat the next day.

I eat kid-sized portions in spite of being 26, and that has kept my weight down good enough (5'7" and 145 lbs.) since I rarely exercise. I'm skinny fat though, so I'm gonna start exercising. I'll probably cut back on my refined sugars and add more protein.

I will never understand people who want to look like skeletons and have their organs fail, or, conversely, people who are proud of the fact that their organs are being crushed by their body weight.

>> No.6709256
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The concept of breakfast is a pleb meme

let me elaborate
who would need a dense high calory meal early in the morning?
somebody whos working hard physically over an extended amount of time

basically contruction workers and peasants

a true NEETellectual eats whenever he pleases, whatever he pleases without obeying social constructs.

2 hot meals a day and occasional ice cream sandwiches are an efficient way to supply your body the energy it needs.

>> No.6709496

breakfast like a king and dinner like a popper makes your life last all the longer

>> No.6709503

OP wasn't talking about IF. he was talking about eating 2 meals a day. IF is one huge meal at the end of the day.

>> No.6709533


>> No.6709560

is that a boy or a girl?

>> No.6709563
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if you dont exercise you can easily do 1-2 a day.
if you exercise thoroughly you need minimum 2-3.
if you exercise all day you need min 3-4

i jog 5k every morning with a few sets of pushups and pullups and i eat 3. i can definitely do 2 but dont want to.

i used to jog 5k before going to work 10 hours of construction work, i had to eat 4 meals, my lunchbox was basically 2 cubic feet.
>pic related
shitty pic but thats the one i used, i still use it for camping as a cool actually.

>> No.6709566
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>two meals a day
That the norm, no?

Coffee, cig
Homemade sandwich or w/e i can buy outdoors.
Homemade meal, frozen made meal or takeout

>> No.6709753

Does it matter?

>> No.6710128


Do your research about eating, not come to /ck/ to find other to validate your opinions. Less meals and losing weight doesn't mean being healthy. Grats on being skinny, you're just getting a head start on the chemo from your inevitable cancer form your shitty eating habits.

>> No.6710443

My stomach can't handle breakfast unless it is something easy to eat and digest like soup.

If I eat a heavy laden breakfast, I have to take a big shit later and I absolutely hate having to shit in school bathrooms much less public bathrooms compared to my own personal bathroom.

>> No.6711308

One meal a day here.
>wake up
>600kcals tops consumed daily.
I just don't get hungry. I feel like people eat way too much.

>> No.6711329

This thread is fucking skeleton central, jesus christ.

>> No.6711336

People with anorexia often think that, yes.

>> No.6711368

>anyone who doesnt eat burgers and pizza 5x a day must be ano

eyyo lardass when was the last time you didnt eat for 24h
do you know what hunger even is?
youre eating out of habit not actual hunger.

>> No.6711399


>everyone whose teeth aren't falling out due to malnutrition overeats.

good meme

>> No.6711405


yeah he definitely meant he can drink 3000 calories in alcohol, not 3000 calories if he eats his regular meals and then drinks later

you're a fucking retard

>> No.6711406


YOURE the skelly that clearly doesn't live an active life

>> No.6711407
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>> No.6711409

Aushwitz prisoners ate about 1300 calories per day.
Talk about over-eating pigs.

Seriously, anon, get help.
That much food couldn't even keep a small child alive.

Or you could just be terribly miscalculating it, that's also an option.

>> No.6711410


>Coffee, cig

No shit you're only eating two meals a day you fucking idiot, nicotine curves your appetite a shitload

Christ this entire thread is skeleton mode, do you faggots even exercise?

>> No.6711416

>eating because your glucose levels are plummeting

gl with your diabeetus

>> No.6711431

> Anyone else eat two meals a day at most?

Yes, a nutritious meal and a huge nutritious meal. If you're asking if we're anorexic and live sloth lives then I must profess you lower the tone of this board.

>> No.6711434

Such logic

>> No.6711439


he was joking you mong

>> No.6711643


I could eat two meals a day if her toes are one of them.

>> No.6711726

Those saying you're only eating 600 or 1000 calories a day clearly suck at counting calories or you all must be two foot tall midgets.

>> No.6712041

Why do I get the impression you're British or American

>> No.6712055


Probably because you don't have a very good grasp on estimating calories yourself, so you assume that the person you replied to must be a fattie?

>> No.6712070

because my parents forced me to for most of my life

now that i live alone, i eat whenever i get hungry, generally during lunch time and late at night

>> No.6712444

its an e-cig.

>> No.6712463
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I eat about 3-4, but I spread out my calories. I'm a petite female in need of losing a bit of weight (lost 25 so far!), so I've been stretching out 1,000 calories. Sometimes I'm a little over, but as long as it's in the 1,000-1,200 range, I'm golden. Most of that happens to be Soylent with a banana and little cinnamon. It tastes like banana bread and leaves me feeling satisfied. At the end of the day, if I've eaten well, I'll allow myself to have traditional food.

>> No.6712477

I'm a public school teacher, and I pretty much do my whole workday without eating/drinking simply because I can't go to the bathroom during class, and only get 20 minutes for lunch, which I typically use to get grading/copies done. I get to school at 7:15, and because I use my planning period and lunch to get shit done, I'm typically out by 4:15 and home by 5:00. I have a coffee and maybe a sandwich when I get home, then actual dinner around 8:30. Works for me, and keeps me from having to eat food in my roach infested building.

>> No.6712478
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Yea, the 1 billion people in India.

>> No.6712483


>> No.6713605

I've been trying out alternate day fasting.

Lost about 20 pounds eating like a fatass every other day.

>> No.6713635

More details pls?

I tried Alternate Fasting a few times, but towards the second half of the fasting day I would end up feeling queasy and unproductive, which I can't really afford with my lifestyle.

Does it go away after a while? Is there something you can do to be rid of it? Halp

>> No.6713738

First few days were unbearable. I could do nothing on an empty stomach. I spent most of the fast days playing video games and browsing /ck/. I kept on going to just see how far I can go before quitting.

After some time hunger plateaued and became manageable. It didn't cloud my head as bad, and I started to feel motivated enough to do chores and read books.

It's been a few months and I think I am used to it. Actually now I find it easier to concentrate on fast days. I feel drowsy and dull when I'm full.

>> No.6713753

>20 minutes for lunch
Is that even legal?

>> No.6713776
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>> No.6713788

normies in my country would be lucky to be at bed by 9pm. midnight overtime is norm in korea. even high school students don't get to go home until 10pm.

>> No.6713799
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sounds like hell to me

>> No.6713808

i don't know where obama heard about teachers getting paid the same wage as doctors in korea.

my high school teacher got paid 20k a year, and he had to stay till midnight to supervise night time self-study(야자).

>> No.6713814

So yeah I'm short 160 cm and I can only eat 1300 calories a day or else I get fat, and I run/walk once a week for two hours.

>> No.6713819

There are different ways to do alternate fasting.

The first time I did it, it was reduced calories (5-6 hundred max) three days a week. I dropped 30 lbs on that, and I've only gained back around 5-10 since then.

This round, I'm skipping breakfasts, and apart from the first few days, it's not only gotten easier, but I've been less hungry throughout the day and I'm already down the few pounds I gained back from before.

>> No.6713821

When I ate one meal a day I was at my heaviest ever

Sleep to 5-6pm. Computer, shower, buy beer, make dinner at midnight + when everyone was asleep, repeat.

Number of meals per day is nothing, babby

>> No.6713862

I'm a little jealous, you sad little manchild

>> No.6713916

>do second shift work
>only get in 1.5-2 real meals a day
>still slowly gaining weight, presumably from alcohol

Living the fucking dream. Can't even imagine how fat I'd be if I worked a 9-5 with a cafeteria and went out for dinner regularly.

>> No.6714708
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I'm thinking about cutting down to one meal a day so I can cut for a party next weekend without giving up alcohol or having to go outside

>Doctor claims I'm dangerously underweight for my height

I know a porky pie when I hear one

>> No.6715030


Wer ist diese Samendame?

>> No.6715038

>Why does everyone subscribe to the meme of three meals a day?

Because some people actually leave their house, go to work, and do shit that expends calories and makes their bodies want to consume food.
Have fun with your muscle atrophy.

>> No.6715093

I have a protein shake for breakfast, eat some fruit before lunch, eat lunch but always leave some for later. That makes a snack or two for the afternoon. Before bed I have another small shake, or don't.

>> No.6715095

http://thebrigade.com/2013/09/12/good-luck-with-my-high-res-bad-ideas-for-the-weekend-71-photos/ is all i can find

>> No.6715103

I have a form of epilepsy that I'm pretty sure is heavily affected by my blood sugar level.
I take meds to prevent seizures, but if I don't eat for a while I start to have dizzy spells a short while after getting hungry that feel pretty damn similar to how I feel if I'm about to have a seizure.

It would be really good if the people who do research (if there actually are any at this point) could find and classify specific causes for it, because I'd like to know specifically what the fuck my brain thinks it's doing to itself.
The weirdest thing? I didn't even know I had epilepsy until a year back because the seizures were happening in my sleep, I just woke up with shitty headaches every now and then.

...that went on a bit of a tangent.

No, I'm good with a steady flow of food for now, I like not biting the shit out of my tongue.

>> No.6715248
