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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 49 KB, 600x450, why-i-dont-tip-in-seattle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6708324 No.6708324 [Reply] [Original]

Oh, lol.

>> No.6708328

Ehh, he's right. The only reason to tip is when the servers don't make a decent wage without them. Assuming this guy is correct, I'd be perfectly fine with not tipping someone who makes $15 an hour. That'd be like tipping BOH

>> No.6708329

I don't understand

>> No.6708331

Free market will always vanquish commie fucks. Inshallah.

>> No.6708333

In Seattle, wait staff get paid $15 an hour before tips.

>> No.6708335

ah now I see

>> No.6708337

Waiters make less than minimum wage.

That dude is retarded.

>> No.6708344

>people complain higher wages will increase the price of everything
>everything is already expensive as fuck even when the minimum wage hasn't gone up

>> No.6708349

How about you actually research the new law that he's referencing, rather than talking straight out of your ass.

>> No.6708356 [DELETED] 

How about you suck my dick?

>> No.6708358

Good rebuttal, retard.

>> No.6708366

The dude is still wrong.
Who gives a fuck if minimum wage increases? It happens all the time.

He's just a stupid old fuck who can't get with the times.

>> No.6708367

damn, im not sure if a lot of places are like this but my mom makes less than minimum wage and relies on tips.

>> No.6708369

so whats the problem?
you don't have to tip anymore
its a win win for everybody

>> No.6708373

How the fuck is he wrong? Isn't the whole point of tipping to compensate waitstaff who make less than the minimum wage before tips? Why would you tip them if they're already making $15 an hour, as opposed to the $2.50 they make in other places?

Yeah, that's how it is in most places. Seattle recently changed it, though.

>> No.6708374

Just admit you're a cheapskate.

>> No.6708377

>I could have tipped you but I already spent all that money on these cards

>> No.6708380

I used to work at a local pizza place in high school and college
We kept a database on non-tippers
Basically if we see you're a non-tipper, we put your order on lowest priority
We don't fuck with your food, but we make your food last and deliver to you last

>> No.6708383

I always tip at least 20% if the service is anything above awful. I have friends who are waitstaff, and I understand what they go through with relying on tips for their income. However, in a city where they don't have to rely on tips for income, there's no reason to tip, unless the service is beyond exemplary.

>> No.6708384

Who ever wrote that card reminds me of those sovereign citizens trying to teach law to police officers

>> No.6708386
File: 39 KB, 640x416, Fair-DUI-FL-Flyer-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A card is the best way to get out of a DUI checkpoint. If you hand a cop this through a tiny crack in your window, they basically have no legal recourse and must let you go.

>> No.6708388

That is such a cocksucking mentality.

Getting upset if someone makes too much money, according to your views.

>> No.6708390

The point of tipping is to give service workers incentive to do as good a job as possible.
Do a better job, get a better tip
If service workers didn't have the incentive of being tipped, they'd do the bare minimum to not get fired because doing a lazy job pays exactly the same as doing a good one

>> No.6708392

I'm not upset at all. I'm merely saying that, if I lived in Seattle, I probably wouldn't tip (outside of a fine dining experience where the waitstaff is seriously busting ass and providing an amazing experience).

However, since I live in Denver, I will continue to tip, because I feel bad that they make so far below minimum wage. That sympathy goes away when they're paid so much.

>> No.6708395

Then why is the service always better in countries where people are paid enough that they don't require a tip? Here in Yurop tipping is not mandatory and the service is better then in Yankistan, how do you explain that?

>> No.6708396

The rest of the civilized world seems to get on just fine without them. Believe it or not, everyone isn't as a goldbricker like you.

>> No.6708397

The difference is American mentality is much different than Europeans
We are a nation of fat, lazy and greedy people

>> No.6708398

You're getting off the point here.

>> No.6708399

>they make so far below minimum wage
They don't. The restaurant owners are legally responsible for paying them what tips don't cover.

>> No.6708401

No I'm not. I'm telling you why tipping is a thing

>> No.6708403
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>tipping someone who makes more than I do

Not a fucking chance

>> No.6708405

I turn 360 degrees and walk away

>> No.6708408

At lots of places, the first time you don't make up to minimum wage in tips, you have to do retraining. If it happens again, you retrain again. It happens a third time, and you're fired.

>> No.6708411
File: 395 KB, 1245x929, 1420083115153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rips card
>smashes window
>drags you out and beats the shit out of you

>b-but muh card

>> No.6708412

Not really

>> No.6708414

It's ok, he has it recorded on his cell phone

>> No.6708418

Rude French waiters are the norm.

>> No.6708419


Not if you're white. As a white guy, I've dealt with the cops multiple times. They were always pretty cool, and I've never gotten arrested, even when I should have been.

>> No.6708420

>wants explanation
>gives explanation
>You're getting off the point here.

>> No.6708423

You have a forced tip called a "service charge".

>> No.6708424

the card only work if you're white

>> No.6708425

Not really. I'm an American, born and raised. Basically everyone I know is an American. I would say that the majority of people are good, hardworking, and honest.

>> No.6708428

Well, no shit. Dealing with the cops as a clean cut white guy is ez mode.

>> No.6708429

I really think we should get rid of this tipping culture. Not sure about giving them $15 an hour (unless you're in a high end restaurant) but mom and pop should be fine with $10 minimum wage.

>> No.6708431

>what is conjecture

>> No.6708434

If that's conjecture, then so is >>6708398

>> No.6708437

oops, meant to quote >>6708397

>> No.6708442

Servers are already entitled fucks as it is. They make a disgusting amount of money from taking orders/handing people the food that other, more skilled, harder working people made. Even the dish washer puts more effort than them. I don't tip because servers don't fucking deserve it.

Also, inb4 "you have to tip servers because they get paid below minumum wage". I don't give a fuck. The reason they get paid below minimum wage is because they get tipped. It's circular logic and it's bullshit. I'm going to break the cycle.

>> No.6708447

No it's not. That's an observation of American society as a whole

>> No.6708449

Pretty sure they work more than Europeans.

>> No.6708453


No we don't.

>> No.6708459

It definitely is. Unless either of us offers us some kind of study, we're just talking based on our own experiences.

>> No.6708463

I don't tip if at all possible. In Japan (where I live now) there is NO tipping and people make at least $8/hr and the service is great!

They should abolish "tipped wages" it's wage theft pure and simple.

>> No.6708464

Haha no. I fucking hate that if you order a cheap item and a coffee you're going to get shit service compared to if you happened to order an expensive item with a fat tip attached to it. If the server was just getting paid a flat rate he would just do his fucking job without sucking the dicks of big-bill tables and ignoring small-bill tables.

>> No.6708466
File: 89 KB, 800x600, koreahongkongusworkannualwork.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unsurprisingly, Asians work the hardest.

>> No.6708468

but they want to get small bills out quickly so they can get the turnover.

>> No.6708471

Not in the northern european countries. Minimum wage is actually something like 10-15 euro's for most countries thats 11-17 dollars most pay about 150% of that enough not to need a tip. That doesn't mean people don't tip, most people tip if the food and the service is good. But you are not an asshole if you don't tip it just means that the service and or food needs to improve.

>> No.6708472

I've noticed that waiters in France are shit and are constantly taking cigarette breaks. Waiters in Spain are much better. Waiters in Italy are pretty good too.

>> No.6708473

of course
Asians are thought that there is no point in life beside working
no fun, no enjoying life, just work till your dead

>> No.6708474

Don't go to a restaurant and order nothing but a coffee

>> No.6708475

What I don't get is why the wait staff get a percentage of the meal? They didn't cook it, they just served it. A $5 should be sufficient.

>> No.6708477

While I agree that tipping $15/hr workers is dumb, and that they should AT LEAST become accustomed to receiving fewer and smaller tips, this card is retarded.

What you are saying by distributing this card is that you recognize not tipping makes you seem like an asshole, and that you want to explain it in the hopes that they will no longer think you're an asshole.

This is horribly misguided thinking, and the card only makes you seem like a bigger asshole. If you're not going to tip, just grow some fucking balls and skip the rationalization because it's not going to help you.

Also, the hypocrisy in the logic here is laughable.
>"Economy lesson, nothin personel, kid: you make more now I no tip. Economy lesson, lol"
>goes on 4chan
>whines about $15 min wage and how they don't deserve it instead of realizing that if they can get that, they're not making too much... YOU'RE not making enough.

>> No.6708479

Oh, the bottom two is France and Germany if that weren't clear.

>> No.6708480

The only reason I ever tip is because waiters often get paid below minimum wage. If they were paid a reasonable wage I wouldn't tip them, the same way that I don't tip other people in the service industry outside of food and restaurants.

>> No.6708481

It's almost like wages are different in different parts of the country.

>> No.6708482

Apparently in Canada, not only do they get paid minimum wage but they also expect a tip.

>> No.6708485
File: 88 KB, 625x833, 1437673295653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree with OPs pic even tho it is very passive aggressive and cringey. honestly if he wants real shit to be done it'd be better just to not eat out and encourage others to do the same than that way the waiters and restraunt owners will get pissed about it and fight it.

>> No.6708487

>what are workday length laws

>> No.6708489

I used to tip 20% because I'm better off than the servers and they could use it more. /ck/ made me lower how much I tip because fuck servers I'll give you a good tip when youre actually good.

and I don't include the price of alcohol in my tips that makes it so much more

>> No.6708490

Hahah oh wow. I'd rather send the cooks a tip. Honestly of all the people in the restaurant the one that hands me my food is the one that I give no shits about.

>> No.6708493


this guys based

>> No.6708499

So Europeans work less than everybody but is smug enough to call everybody else lazy?

>> No.6708500

this ones better

>> No.6708504

These threads about tipping always remind me of that episode of The Sopranos where Pauly orders lobsters and champagne to stick Chris with a bigger bill, and then the waiter follows them outside complaining about no tip on their $1000 (in 1990 money) tab and they end up killing him.


>> No.6708507




>> No.6708510


>Watching Soprano's for the first time
>Complaining about being spoiled

Mami dies in episode 3 too

>> No.6708514

>not only do they get paid minimum wage but they also expect a tip
I work in a Canadian (Ontario) restaurant and I can confirm that this is true.

>> No.6708515

They make up (temporarily) over it.

Sorry you're not caught up on a 15 year old show. Have some gabagol.

>> No.6708517

Worked in the BoH of both Ontario and BC restaurants and this is the case.

>> No.6708518

>I'd rather send the cooks a tip
Fucking this. I wish it was easier to do.

>> No.6708521

I'm only 18

>> No.6708523

sopranos wasn't set in 1990 you twat

>> No.6708524

I heard that they would really love you if you give them beer.

>> No.6708525

In an office setting at least, working longer hours doesn't always mean more productivity. Lots of people end up fucking around a lot at work when they have long hours and get more done in short hours and are made more productive by being given vacation time.

>> No.6708526

As a line cook, I'd rather get extra money than a beer. I don't want to drink while working. Call me a fag, whatever, it's just not something I'm comfortable doing. Not ony is it dangerous for me, I could hurt others in my stupor. Yes, I know one beer won't do anything, but it's a matter of principle.

>> No.6708527

I feel like, if we all agreed that the workday ended at like 1 or 2 in the afternoon, but we have to really burst our asses during those hours, everyone would be okay with it.

>> No.6708529

nigger you put french fries in hot oil. get off you high horse dick.

>> No.6708531

No good restaurant would actually let their cooks drink while on duty.

>> No.6708537

In most places the total tips are divided among the staff proportionally, so the chef, waiter, busboy, etc. all get a share.

>> No.6708538


LMAO do you think that anon works at a McDonalds or something? And yes by the way, compared to the job of a waiter line cooks have to be much more skilled and work a lot harder. I hope this post is bait because unless anon works at a chip shop there's a lot more to it than frying fucking potatoes.

>> No.6708542

>cokehead FoH detected

>> No.6708547
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>> No.6708559

Is that really true? A lot of cooks tend to bitch in these threads because they do most of the work while getting paid less than the wait staff.

>> No.6708566

LMAO I'm a line cook and I get some of the tips kicked back to me. It's usually like $9 per day, so pretty much peanuts.

>> No.6708568

Where I worked, we got a base pay plus a flat bonus per hour from the tips.

It's still incredibly less than what the servers made.

>> No.6708578

How are you only getting $9? That seems absurdly low if the tips are shared.

>> No.6708582

he said line cook not line chef.

>> No.6708586

Not him, but I only made $0.50/hour from tips for probably a year before I finally asked for a raise in my tips.

>> No.6708592

The tips aren't shared evenly. The servers get 90% of the tips.

>> No.6708605

How is that proportional? They didn't do 90% of the work. While I get that they are the "face" of the restaurant, whether the food is good or not are cooks and the chef. I think 50% for them and the rest goes to everybody else is fair.

>> No.6708615

You're not the only one who thinks so.

>> No.6708621

In Philadelphia, a significant minority of places pay their servers a livable wage now. South Street Diner, for example, pays them $12/hour. I thought it was a bad idea at first, since it's my area diner and I worried that the quality of service would drop, but it's actually improved. See, because of the higher wage, there's a huge supply of servers trying to get a job there so the ones that already work at SSD try to go above and beyond /to keep their jobs/. They're even more quick, more courteous and more attentive than before.

And the prices are surprisingly cheaper. Yeah, the food costs more now, but before they started the $12 wage and the "please don't feel like you need to tip" policy, I don't pay 20% tip anymore. The increase in price is actually less than tacking 20% to the tip. It works out nicely.

I don't know how that would work out if every place had to suddenly start paying their servers that much, but having a few places that do and servers trying their best to keep their jobs seems to work out well for those few restaurants that do it this way.


>> No.6708622

Economics are great, but don't most of you ever wonder why tips are only given to unskilled service labor?

It's mainly a bribe for repeat customers to guarantee good service at a place they like the next time they come. Because a small city doesn't have a lot of taxi drivers or decent barbers, and they don't have to drive quickly or give high quality haircuts. If they're successful enough, they don't even need your business.

>> No.6708629

Nothing wrong with a rude waiter as long as they do their job of taking orders and bringing your food. Better than waiters that are extra chummy with you just so you tip them more.

>> No.6708633

I make way below min wage. But I get compensation on "claims." But for the work, tips are really appreciated.

>> No.6708673

I don't think you know what the distinction between a cook and a chef is.

>> No.6708686
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>line chef

>> No.6708691


go birds

>> No.6708705
File: 59 KB, 420x700, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do whatever the fuck i want

>> No.6708708

Well since I rarely tip 20%, food costs might go up for me their wages were increased to $15. $12 is reasonable and food costs might actually go down like you said if tips were removed.

>> No.6708714
File: 37 KB, 180x250, Dennis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, bird.

>> No.6708719

> Cheap item and a coffee

I never said just a coffee. Even if I did, so what? In Spain I do that all the time and it's not a fucking problem. The only reason you think it's a travesty here is because the waiter isn't going to hold out for a $0.50 tip. In Europe that isn't a problem because the waiter is just going to do his fucking job.

>> No.6708740

This might just be autism or whatever, but to be honest I never really liked the idea of waiters. I always preferred restaurants where I could order the food myself, get the food myself, refill my drinks myself, etc.

In fact there's a few fairly upscale-ish restaurants where I live without waiters, just busboys, and the food is great. I know some people like the idea of being pampered, but after frequenting these restaurants for a bit I realized that I, and likely many others, don't really need waiters/waitresses to enjoy our dining experience.

>> No.6708743

Soon it's only a matter of time before touch screens are implemented on every table in every restaurant in which you can order your food, drinks, etc and the expo just brings it to you when it's ready.

>> No.6708744


Why can't it be more like Japan?

>> No.6708779

Because teens, nigs, white trash, and other degenerates would ruin those machines in a heartbeat with graffiti or damaging the touch screens.

>> No.6708780

$15 is a reasonable minimum wage in a city with fucked up property prices.

You could make living wage a lot less by making real estate cheap to come by and allowing people to do away with a car in their cheap city apartments. Until that happens.

>> No.6708791

The problem is that in Seattle, the housing market is already beyond where it was before the crash in '08. Prices for houses in Seattle are often going 20% HIGHER than asking and selling within 9 days of being put on the market. Couple that with soaring rent in apartments and even a $15 minimum wage is going to make living in Seattle proper difficult.

Now, moving to 20 minutes outside the city and you see much more normal prices for housing/rent.

Fucking tech companies making Seattle into the new California.

>> No.6708798

But high property values is due to demand. People want to live there. Why do you think houses in Detroit are cheaper than the price of new cars? Minimum wage is for people who don't have the necessary skills for higher wage jobs. That's why most people can do them. It's not actually supposed to enough for people to buy a house with. Maybe a rental with a couple of buddies.

>> No.6708807

Are you sure that's the tech companies and not just the Mainland Chinese? They are the ones who make it difficult for the locals to buy houses in California.

>> No.6708833

Except that the cooks aren't providing the SERVICE, fucktard. They are already getting paid good wages because they are skilled labor. Tipping is based on the SERVICE INDUSTRY. I swear.. you fucking retards don't even know what is what.

>> No.6708848
File: 529 KB, 2052x1392, BatFinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, FoH scum.

>> No.6708849

Ah, that's true. I guess a manual button one would be better.


>> No.6708852

I don't get why faggots always say to tip a percent of your bill.

What the hell does the food costs and whatever the fuck the place decides to up charge have any bearing on how well your server performed for you?

>> No.6708870

High property values don't inherently mean high cost of living. A high-value property can have a large amount of low-cost housing units.

It's a massive failure of the zoning experiment that high property values have come to mean high cost of living.

>> No.6708882

Is that the case with Seattle though?

>> No.6708883

If people could tip the cook, lots of people would. The cook is also an unprofessional service industry guy who has a lot of control over something you like. Customers just aren't allowed into the kitchen, and tips are too easy to steal.

>> No.6708890

Rude Parisian waiters are the norm. There's a whole lot of Europe outside of Paris.

>> No.6708893

How are the Greece waiters?

>> No.6708898

At noma they give you burnt onion and call it food. If that's not rude, I don't know what is.

>> No.6708901

>Britain, Germany & France do less hours than the USA
>Are just as productive

>> No.6708908


>> No.6708916

Hospitality workers are actually the only ones doing okay.

Greece is one of the most desirable tourist destinations in the world, and now it's cheaper than ever. I forget how far a US dollar goes there now, but it's pretty fucking far.

>> No.6708920

Yes, the vast majority of Seattle is zoned single family. It categorically prevents stuffing a high-value property with low-cost apartments—or just adding modest carriage homes onto your backyard.

>> No.6708927

I was going to say "They can only get €60 out of the ATM each day" but I guess tips are a great way around that.

>> No.6708942

Then high demand for houses = high prices. Quite frankly, nobody wants to live near a bunch of poorfags squeezed like sardines.

>> No.6708947

They also get to eat at work.

You'd be surprised at the variety of things different people can like.

>> No.6708997

I really only tip on two occasions. When the server was great and the food was great, or when the place is local and the service and food is pretty good.

Bad food = no tip
Bad service = no tip

I end up tipping about 1/10th of the time

>> No.6709009

>we need tips to live!
>15 dollar min wage
>no longer need tips to live
>stop tipping

>> No.6709018

>Here in Yurop tipping is not mandatory and the service is better then in Yankistan
but it isnt
waiters in europe are fucking garbage

>> No.6709019

That's what that guy was trying to say. If the wage was $15/hr, there is no reason for him to tip anymore and I have to agree.

>> No.6709023

Can you give an example?

>> No.6709135

i dont have enough brain power to remember subhumans from over 5 years ago

i will admit that maybe my negativity is leaking over from how dreadful the entire experience was, being in europe

>> No.6709139

>The only reason to tip is when the servers don't make a decent wage without them

Even then you shouldn't tip.

You shouldn't even eat at that eatery.

Poor, unethical business practices should be strangled not encouraged with the 'oh the customer should pick up the tab and pay what the owner should technically be paying ion the first place'.

>The point of tipping is to give service workers incentive to do as good a job as possible.

Then they are not professional. This is the problem with America. Good service is not the norm. No self-respect, and would rather make the customer a hostage.

>> No.6709144
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>muh anecdotal experience allows me to make sweeping generalizations and they are correct without me having to make any further elaborations.

>> No.6709149

what can i say? you dont need to remember details to allow experience to drive your decisions. do i need to remember what i was cooking or what it felt like to know that touching a hot stove hurts?

you seem like a defensive european

>> No.6709150

>they are not professional
Not all jobs are "professional" my friend. Professional, while nowadays meaning "gets paid for it" used to mean "gets paid well for specialized knowledge".

You'd never call that guy directing traffic on the highway a "professional", that's saved to apply to your accountant, lawyer, or even an electrician or carpenter. Someone who has special skills that took years to learn, and thus something not just any loser can do.

Someone who lays tile = professional.
Someone who bags groceries = not professional.

>> No.6709155

>Someone who bags groceries = not professional.
unless she's the best bagger in heimlich county

>> No.6709163

>Then they are not professional.
It's a fucking service job.

>> No.6709177

You're reading the wrong numbers, the graph is % productivity growth per annum, the numbers along the right side in the small blue boxes are % productivity relative to US. Britain France and Germany are at about 80%, which makes sense because they work about 80% of the hours that US does.

>> No.6709190

>implying you're mom isnt a professional who services me with various types of jobs

>> No.6709223
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>> No.6709227

hoo yeah!

>> No.6709274

Does it really matter? You'd probably just respond with anecdotal evidence, anyway.

>> No.6709298


The chefs don't get tipped, and there the ones I'm most worried about during a service.

>> No.6709323

It's almost if he's not doing this to save money, but is instead concerned with making a political statement.
Isn't it strange that some people have principles?

>> No.6709339

>people actually tip

>> No.6709353

I can vouch. The restaurants in Normandy have better service and equally good food without the rude waiters that ignore you so that they can chain smoke four cigarettes.

>> No.6709362

This. It's not like the waiter did a bigger job if your table ordered a $40 bottle of wine as opposed to a $30 bottle of wine. I don't understand paying them a percentage when everyone else is getting paid hourly (as they should).

>> No.6709364

LMAO the waiters in my restaurant take home fatter stacks than the line cooks do because of stupid Amerifat tipping customs.

>> No.6709413

Yeah, and everyone wants a mansion with a lawn in the middle of NYC. But I gather most people make a compromise somewhere between affordability, neighbors, location and accessibility.

>> No.6709459

>The point of tipping is to give service workers incentive to do as good a job as possible.

This is so fucking stupid, I hate people who go to restaurants and rate the place based on "service".

I'm not here to get my dick blown, I'm here to eat. Take my order, bring the food, and fuck off. American's idea of "service" is some annoying smiley fuck face coming to my table every two minutes asking me if I'm okay and refilling my water even though it's 3/4 full. Yes, I'm okay, now get away from me. If I need you, I'll call over to you. I'm an adult who can voice my needs. I don't want to pay you extra to bother me all night.

If I feel like a waiter was exceptionally knowledgeable about the food or drinks and offered great recommendations, then I am happy to give a good tip. 99% of the time though I am ordering from the menu and just need someone to write down what I want and then bring it to the table.

>> No.6709487

Hovering over a table is not good service. Nor is smiling too much. A good server gauges the patron and tailors the style and amount of service to match their mood. Guy alone reading the paper and dislikes eye contact? Or two guys in suits talking seriously to each other? Best to barely speak beyond the necessities and do very little smiling.

>> No.6709504

>not here to get my dick blown, I'm here to eat
Why not both?

Restaurant/brothel. Open in Vegas, waitresses are also prostitutes. Devote a section of the menu to sex acts.

>> No.6709524

Blowjob bars are a very real thing in Japan and Thailand as well, I believe.

>> No.6709565

Seriously though, tipping is absurd.
Are you faggots really expecting me to just give you money for doing your fucking job? A job that any pimple faced teenager or meth whore can do. I am already paying your wages by purchasing the food that is served. Fuck off with that bullshit, you waiting staff could be replaced by a kiosk just like these fast food cashiers. The only skilled work in a restaurant is the kitchen staff. I'd gladly hand them extra cash if the meal was above average.
>but we make less than minimum wage!
Ignorant homosexuals, learn the god damn law.

>> No.6709706

I dont believe in tipping. It is not my job to pay the workers to do their jobs. I pay the food that I eat there. That is the job for who ever is in charge of the establishment.

Why is it so hard for people to pay their workers? Likewise why are people retarded enough to take up a job that makes the workers only get tips as payment when there are other jobs?

>> No.6709710

That is nice and all but no one ever fucking does that.

>> No.6709711

> Likewise why are people retarded enough to take up a job that makes the workers only get tips as payment when there are other jobs?
Because they ARE retarded, anon. It is one of the very few jobs they can actually qualify for lol

>> No.6709730

i wont tip when they make nearly what i do for working in the food service industry. i work in a union that i have to pay dues to and do manual exhausting labor for 2$/hour more than them. as it is right now i leave 20% tip if they arent asshats toward me. im also less and less impressed by the food when i do go out especially with italian food. you can make better at home AND you dont have to put on pants AND you can get drunk

>> No.6709734

Not at normal restaurants, no. The people good at that (and who are attractive looking) move up to the really nice restaurants that rich people eat at, and make BANK. It is a fairly rare combination of traits though.

>> No.6709742
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Proof that only Chads and Stacies can just coast through life while ugly robots like me have to do shit the hard way.

>> No.6709752

Tips used to be 10%. What's this 20% business?

>> No.6709761

Hahahah in Alberta they make 17 an hour and still expect a tip. A 15%+ one

>> No.6709766

I don't need to tip because I live in a civilised country where people in the service industry get paid a decent wage.

>> No.6709771

It also costs $150 for a loaf of bread out there.

>> No.6709779

No it doesn't. I live here.

>> No.6709786

I was being a little hyperbolic, friend.

>> No.6709792

Why do they expect a tip again?

>> No.6709806

Because tipping it a cultural expectation in Canada. We absorb all the memes from south of the border even when they don't apply here at all. I know people who legitimately believe businesses don't have to pay wait staff minimum wage and we are like the USA and waitresses make $2.10 an hour

>> No.6709852

You end up paying for the tip in proportion to the increase in waiter's raises. Assuming we wanted to keep waiter's salaries the same or even higher there's no effective difference between me paying the guy through a tip vs. me paying the restaurant then the restaurant pays him. The consumer picks up the tab no matter what.

>> No.6709877

>good wages


>> No.6709901

That's pretty funny. Anyway, I hope tipping goes away here when they actually do get paid $15/hr.

>> No.6709919

This just shows how fucked up tips were to begin with. We've all known that restaurant employees cant survive on their salary alone, which is why people tip, and now that they're getting a livable wage people are being all salty about not tipping? Tip if you want to, there was never any law saying you had to. Just dont be so fucking pretentious about it, fuck

>> No.6709926

They get better wages than the servers. That's the point. It's not the server's fault if the owner/manager is too fucking cheap to pay the kitchen staff decent wages. If they don't, you should walk and find a better gig. Unless you're an unskilled dishwasher, you should be making more per hour on your paycheck than the servers. That post is right, tipping is for the service industry, not the skilled labor. Would you tip the people who made the shampoo and conditioner your hairdresser uses? Of course not. Would you tip the person who made the baggage carrier for the hotel instead of the bell hop? Of course not. SERVICE is the operative word here.

>> No.6709931

>hurr pay their wage because they need it.
>your cheap if your not inflating an entitled servers wallet with untamed money
Buttmad server detected

>> No.6709932
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>> No.6709935

$15 an hour minimum wage in Seattle? Holy shit that's high.

>> No.6709936

But it's not the customer's fault that the owner doesn't pay the wait staff enough.

>> No.6709937

>non tipper
>doesn't tip enough.
Way to make a self fulfilling prophecy

>> No.6709947
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i always tip 50% of the tip at the start before ordering so they are motivated.

>> No.6709949

>tips are divided
That's rich. Foh only shares when they have to. Otherwise they'd take the loose change that fell out of a lifetime e cooks pockets

>> No.6709962

Doesn't matter. The nature of the service industry it to tip for services rendered. You always have the option not to tip. No one is fucking making you. The real problem here is that people like you and others in this thread just want a way to not feel like a douchebag for not tipping. It's more about you and YOUR personal feelings than it is about tipping your servers. If they are getting paid $15 an hour, then I'd say it's okay to only tip 10% or even less, or even more, depending on how impressed you are with their service, but if you are going to start stiffing servers, I hope you stiff everyone in the service industry as well, hairdressers, shoe shiners, bell hops, manicurists, valets....everyone. Because if you don't, you're just a hypocrite with a chip on your shoulder towards restaurant servers.

>> No.6709968 [DELETED] 

Other countries have services too and they don't get tips. I doubt you're at it than a Japanese person.

>> No.6709970

Ha you almost got me.

>> No.6709973

>gettin paid $15 per hour
>still thinks people should give you a tip


>> No.6709977

Other countries have services too and they don't get tips. I doubt you're better at it than a Japanese person.

>> No.6709979

I know this is food and cooking, but it's enlightening to list the different kinds of people that actually get tips and look for things in common. So...

Bellboys/Baggage Handlers
Taxi Drivers
Spa people
Massage Therapists
Sandwich makers

There's probably more, but that's off the top of my head. Now, two things all these professions have in common.

A) They handle something important to you, be it your luggage, your food, your car, your hair or your flabby hairy ass.
B) The jobs have very low barriers to entry and pay poorly.

So, what could possibly motivate me to give these people some extra money when they serve me? Why would I ever want to do that...?

>> No.6709986

I understand not tipping on some sort of principle but why would you call attention to the fact that you don't tip?

Do you just want bad service?

>> No.6709989

I'll take "things that never happened" for 500, Alex

>> No.6709995

Tips are granted through quality of service rendered with mind towards wages earned by said service employee.

If they make a lower wage and rely on tips, like a shoeshine or a server, and do an above-average job or are personable and friendly and I enjoy my time with them, they get a good (20%+) tip. If they are pisspoor at their job, no matter how much they make, they get nothing. If they do an average job and make bad baseline money, then they get a small tip (10-15%). If they make a livable wage, they get no tip.

If you live any way other than this, then you are doing it wrong. If you make a living wage and expect tips, you are the scum of the earth and you should find a different vocation.

Thank you. Proceed with the butthurt entitlementfags.

>> No.6709999

Oh yea, I forgot one other thing they have in common.

C) All of these people get a chance to see you, and thus recognize you if they've met you before, before they actually do their job for you. Unlike a cook who, while skilled, never gets to identify who he's cooking for.

>> No.6710003

If you are getting $15 an hour there is no legitimate reason to expect a tip

>> No.6710007

A cook connects with me through the food. He's doing a bigger service to me since I'm there to actually eat and not just talk nonsense with the waitress. Good food is something special.

>> No.6710008

>Sandwich makers
lol what?

> The jobs have very low barriers to entry and pay poorly.
Not in cities where minimum wage is $15

>> No.6710018

Non-chains for baristas and sandwich makers.

Chains often disallow tipping, you know, because they're cool that way

>> No.6710023

yeah, maybe some spare change, but its hardly a normal let alone an expected thing to do

>> No.6710024

I've never tip at any of those. Sure they have their little tip jar, but that doesn't mean a tip should given every time you go.

>> No.6710032

I don't know where you get your coffee, but I've seen some pretty packed barista tip jars. And thats not counting credit card tips. Sandwich makers, I'll yield the point, it's always just spare change. Still technically receiving tips though, which is why I included them in the list.

Oh yeah, delivery drivers. Those guys get tipped too. Limo drivers and tour guides too.

>> No.6710050

>but I've seen some pretty packed barista tip jars
you know they put money in those so people will see money in them and assume they are expected to out some in

>> No.6710057

>tipping delivery drivers

This really pisses me off. Rationalizing it as "they drive their own car, pay their own gas and get paid crap" just isn't enough for me. I already have to pay $3.50 for a delivery charge and it's not like pizza is really cheap, here.

>W-well they're bringing food right to your door!
Right, because it's their job and I'm paying the company to do it.

>you know they put money in those so people will see money in them and assume they are expected to out some in
Yeah, this. It's called priming, like how you'd prime the engine in a gas lawn mower to get things going.

>> No.6710062

Yes, most people with tip jars do that, it started with bartenders. It's called seeding your tip jar.

You don't use giant wads of money though, a few bills is fine and less work. It's really superstition as much as anything else though, I didn't do it when I tended bar and my jar filled up just fine.

>> No.6710068

>I didn't do it when I tended bar and my jar filled up just fine
because everyone knows they are socially expected to tip bartenders for some reason. With things people usually don't and shouldn't tip like people who hand you coffee or sandwiches it is surely more effective as most people wouldn't even think about tipping without the visual cue

>> No.6710074

I'm really not sure where you live, in both Arizona and the West Coast, bartenders and baristas are tipped almost identically.

Makes sense to me, the jobs seem pretty similar.

>> No.6710083

Baristas are no different than the cashier at McDonalds

>> No.6710087

Neither is a bartender.

>> No.6710094

I'm not saying bartenders deserve it, but it is social convention for some reason

>> No.6710096


When the hot thing was 15% tips, people decided they had to tip 20% for average service because 'those poor workers :('

Those same people had no trouble bitching me out when they had to pay 5 bucks for parking.

>> No.6710103

> I doubt you're better at it than a Japanese person.

Better at what? Being tall and awesome? Because yes, I am.
I assume you think I'm a server, which I'm not, I'm just well educated about how business works, both in the the US and other countries. And in the US, the service industry does expect tips, it's a practice that goes back well over a hundred years now, so it will take quite major overhaul to change that, and it will have to be industry wide, not just "muh people who bring me food for my fat face".

>> No.6710110

>So, what could possibly motivate me to give these people some extra money when they serve me? Why would I ever want to do that...?

I believe you answered your own fucking question there, dumbass, when you said :
>A) They handle something important to you, be it your luggage, your food, your car, your hair or your flabby hairy ass.
>B) The jobs have very low barriers to entry and pay poorly.

>> No.6710115

>>A) They handle something important to you, be it your luggage, your food, your car, your hair or your flabby hairy ass.
It is literally their job to do so

>> No.6710120


>> No.6710127

No time like the present to start getting rid of tips.

>> No.6710134

tipping is basically just a massive tax fraud scheme, it is irresponsible for any citizen to partake in it

>> No.6710139

And you should be fucking thankful for it, you ingrate little hairy assed slob.

>> No.6710142

They should be thankful they have a job.

>> No.6710143

Maybe, maybe, but you're focusing on the wrong aspect. You're focused on basically the path of least resistance, which is taking it out on servers who can't do anything about it. You're pathetic and lazy.

>> No.6710145

If a guy doesn't want to tip, I'll respect his choice.

But to actually make a card and leave it in place of a tip is autistic as hell. This is Irish Stew Guy-levels of autistic.

>> No.6710147

So should you. And you should be thankful someone is willing to take care of your gross shit for you. >>6710134

>> No.6710149

How is it pathetic and lazy to get rid of the most annoying and least useful aspect of dining? Touchscreen ordering when?

>> No.6710152

>And you should be fucking thankful for it
why? They are getting paid to do it like everyone else who does things

I specifically go to restaurants and bars because they employ people to bring me food, it is nonsense to expect people to be grateful just because someone does their job

>> No.6710154

Take off your tin foil hat once in awhile, dude. It's bad for your hair.

>> No.6710156

>to take care of your gross shit for you.
yeah, pouring me a beer from a tap is really gross, they really earned that extra dollar per beer

>> No.6710163

>Take off your tin foil hat
do you seriously think even half of tips are reported to the government? It has nothing to do with conspiracies, why do you think they are always mad as fuck if you tip on your card instead of handing them cash?

>> No.6710183

In Canada anyway our CRA is brutally efficient on peoples whose jobs have a tip component. If you fail to report an "adequate" amount of tips on your return they assess you an automatic 20% increase on your taxable income.

>> No.6710190

What if you're so shit at your job that you genuinely don't get any tips?

>> No.6710215

>they really earned that extra dollar per beer
This is weird to me. Servers are always bitching about that 20%, but the bartender wants a dollar per drink? Odd.

>> No.6710255

Bartenders occupy a really weird space in a restaurant and have a really unusual amount of control over the experience of their customers. A bartender that likes you makes your time at their (busy) bar a lot more pleasant by getting to you and your friends a lot quicker. They're also sober as you are getting hammered, and good ones will watch your back and cut you off if you're starting to risk endangering yourself. They can also usually give you free drinks pretty easily if they like you enough, or at least pour you a double when you asked for a single.

The bartenders and the bouncers too, those are the guys you want to like you if you go out a lot. It really helps you have a good time knowing they got your back.

>> No.6710576

>A recent CRA audit of income earned by 145 wait staff in St. Catharines, Ont., revealed $1.7-million in unreported tips and gratuities. On average, this amounts to $12,000 in unreported income per person audited and the audit uncovered that wait staff were only reporting between zero and 10 per cent of their tip income. In addition, it was found that tip income typically amounted to between 100 and 200 per cent of wage income. That is, wait staff earn up to double their wage income in tips.

Daily reminder if you are Canadian DO NOT TIP wait staff are overpaid con artists

>> No.6710842

Forced tipping is a cancerous thing. Tipping should only be optional. I really don't understand how this great country of America doesn't even pay their staff a living wage.

>> No.6710848

I fucking hate forced smile American service it's fucking horrible. Also I've seen a study which showed how waiters don't get tipped more depending on their service it's pretty much random.

So f

>> No.6710851

Forced tipping?

>> No.6710857

>Waiters make less than minimum wage.
they signed that deal, the customer signed nothing. Idiots making bad life decision shouldn't be rewarded

>> No.6710864

>annual % change

shit data.

>> No.6710867

Those poor Greeks though.

>> No.6710869

It is true though that all waitstaff are dishonest shitheads who don't pay their fair share of taxes.

I don't tip to do my part to restore balance. Hey, I don't have any way of not reporting my taxes since my employer deducts it from my pay, you can fuck off with your '$10000 reported gross income' to the IRS.

>> No.6710870
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>tfw you never tip anyone

>> No.6710872

not that much of an accomplishment when youre staying alone in your basement anyway

>> No.6710876

Nope I just don't see the point of tipping someone.
>Well done you gave me my food/beverage goody for you

>> No.6710879

thats cool.

>> No.6710886
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thanks fam

>> No.6711096

>Dennys troglodyte detected

>> No.6711097

If you're making almost double the minimum wage of other states, then i dont think you need to fucking bitch about tips. If you want to make more money, get a better fucking job. If you cant get a better job, welcome to the law of averages.

>> No.6711100

Good shit from Zone mate, wish he made more of this.

>> No.6711107

The worst fucking people are delivery drivers
>Get some chinee delivered because drunk as fuck
> Dude looks down at recipt
>"0" in tip
> Dude is fucking asking me why I didnt tip
> Tell him I ordered at 6, its now 830.
> People from that place have been known to take extra long to deliver shit. Its a smallish town so you'll see their delivery car just parked in front of publix or something
> Close the door,call up owners. He gets fired.

Fucking little shit

>> No.6711342

I've seen a study that shows you suck 20 cocks a day

>> No.6711343

lol really?
You must live in a tiny little bubble

>> No.6711348

wtf are you talking about?

>> No.6711350

Good service doesn't mean "be your friend"

>> No.6711377

hope he works at a print shop
even then that is still cripplingly autistic

>> No.6711400

They can come up with any excuse to suspect you for something and can there force you to talk to them

>> No.6711450

Do you not know how to read or follow a response?

>> No.6711461

What's a good amount to tip to convey displeasure? Leaving nothing just makes you look cheap. I went out to eat recently and while our waiter and the other staff were polite and friendly, and the food was amazing, the waiter took so long to do everything that we had to flag him down to get him to take our order, let us pay for the meal, etc. We'd been waiting a long time before he even brought bread to our table. And while they were refilling our drinks one of them spilled water on our table and didn't bother to clean it up or even apologize for it.

>> No.6711465
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>get horrible service
>still pay them extra money anyway

>> No.6711470

>And while they were refilling our drinks one of them spilled water on our table and didn't bother to clean it up or even apologize for it.
That's when you just get the manager and enjoy a few free meals.

>> No.6711476

I'd rather be out a dollar or so and send a clear message their service was horrible than have the waiters think we're cheap and not feel as though they need to learn how to do their jobs.

>> No.6711486

It's legit, I was involved in the pizza game for a couple years while in school. Low tippers or people that regularly stiff the drivers aren't normally prioritized while those that tip well will usually get higher priority. There are also blacklists for numbers/addresses that place bogus orders and stuff like that.

>> No.6711489

You're pathetic and lazy because you only care about the food that you shove in your pudgy fat face and how to pay less for the covenience of eating it in a public restaurant, instead of focusing on the service industry as a whole and talking to the actual people who can change things. And touch screens?? Really?? So your answer to changing how service works here is to make an entire sector of people jobless? How fucking stupid and autistic are you?

>> No.6711490

Why are you so bad at b8?

>> No.6711501

I don't really care, considering I order from Pizza Pizza - if it isn't here in 40 minutes it's free.

>> No.6711510

>force you to talk to them
In full disregard of Miranda? Yeah. No. You're clearly under eighteen and have no idea how things work.

Those sorts of cards might be useless in many parts of the world, but as it is clearly written using American English ("windshield wipers," for example) it is clearly meant to be applicable under American laws and in the United States.

So please, say nothing when you know nothing. It's better for everyone that way, friend-o.

An interesting idea.
Have you actually been stopped by police and actually used such a card, Amerifriend? If so, I would guess things worked in your favour (otherwise, you wouldn't recommend it)?
I've a friend who is an interpretor and has pretended to be deaf when dealing with police. Usually, they don't know what to do because they often refuse to communicate in writing with him when he hands them his "I'm deaf, so please write it down" card (he's not actually deaf). It'd be more a hassle to deal with him than otherwise, so they send him on his way.

He's really capitalised on America's inability to deal with disabled (or the more recent and annoyingly SJW term "differently abled") persons, especially that of law enforcement.

>> No.6711513

And do you?
Where in any part of that post is there a "doesn't tip enough" part?

>> No.6711517

It was put that if your gonna snub a person for not Tipp more than likely they'll snub you if you don't tip enough.

>> No.6711540

Thats the best you can do? Call something bait when you have no reasonable answer? All of my lols.

>> No.6711544

Drunks and math don't mix well. One a nice simple number.

>> No.6711560

Probably. I mean what can you really say when some retard is wailing about lost jobs due to advent of technology. Just laugh it off, I suppose.

>> No.6711617

>supreme autist detected

How often do you actualky leave your mom's basement? Just to asnswer the door, get your pizza, and stiff the driver?
>being more concered with the advent of convenience technology than how to employ the ever growing population
you're truly pathetic.

>> No.6711623

Top keks as they say around these parts. You win innumerable interwebs.

>> No.6711641

Just as i thought, you are as pathetic as it seems. Do everyone a favor and get a vasectomy asap.

>> No.6711646


>> No.6711650

Not him, but as someone who actually works in restaurants the faster we get rid of servers the better.

>> No.6711657

Why the fuck would anyone tip in a city where the minimum wage is $15/hr? Cringey to leave a card, but I agree with the sentiment.

>> No.6711663

Let me guess, you're a jealous fry cook. Nice try.

>> No.6711668

>implying servers aren't overpaid scum

They make minimum wage here in Canada and get pissy when they don't get tipped.

>> No.6711804

You're retarded.
If tips + wage combined is under the minimum wage, their boss has to pay the remainder until it is minimum wage.

>> No.6711835

And before that we already had the highest minimum wage in the US at nearly $9.50 an hour. All employees couldn't make less than than minimum even if they were tipped employees.

>> No.6711867


>> No.6711871

If they're doing so badly that they're not getting enough tip in the US. They'd be fired as an hourly employee anyways. People are ridiculously liberal with tipping.