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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 11 KB, 215x240, 1431277005949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6700713 No.6700713 [Reply] [Original]

Are there really people on here who dont drink soda?

>> No.6700716

Yes. I don't drink it because I don't like it and I don't want to end up looking like you.

>> No.6700735
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yes. It doesn't have a good taste, often has sugar/additives that aren't worth it. Rather drink water or coffee.

>> No.6700750

>tfw want to find my dream coffee
>tfw coffee is too expensive and takes too long to go through to do this

>> No.6700758

This is a 25 y/o board OP.

>> No.6700760
File: 15 KB, 236x270, bd79f389e9548085cce30550b17ea36b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ferment honey water overnight to make fresh soda

>> No.6700763
File: 132 KB, 500x602, Only a man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I am not dependent on coffee in any way.
>mfw Amerifags don't know what real coffee is.

>> No.6700771

Not even a big coffee drinker. Just like it when I want a caffeine boost. Still would like my coffee to taste least like ass as possible.

>> No.6700775


>amerifags don't know what real coffee is

Next you're going to try to say that your special snowflake lager, that is made and only sold in your village, is vastly superior to the thousands of different beers the average 'murrican can get from the generic corner store...

>> No.6700778

>drinking soda

Gotta maintain that 45% body fat huh?

>> No.6700780
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>Drinking sodee-pop

>> No.6700795

Its called moderation fag lord

>> No.6700803

I don't drink soda unless I need something to put shitty rum in.

I don't drink coffee, either.

No fun at parties.

>> No.6700808

I don't like it, because of the stinging sensation on the tongue and the burn on the throat afterward. It's probably for the best, my teeth and they're healthy, probably because I avoid drinking liquid sugar every other minute, and I'm not consuming an extra 400-600 calories per day.

>> No.6700810

...yes. Most, I'm sure. I hate sweet shit, myself. I like carbonated water though, like club soda. Coke and Sprite are fucking dick-shitting disgusting though.

>> No.6700820

Why drink soda when you can drink alcohol?

>> No.6700821


We call them adults

>> No.6700824

I drink probably 5 sodas a year.

I drink tea, coffee, beer, wine or sparkling mineral water with most meals.

When I need a mixer I use soda water.

>> No.6700827

Didn't we have this exact same thread? Pic and everything.

>> No.6700841

Nah. There must be a glitch in the matrix.

>> No.6700859

I only drink whiskey or beer. Who else al/ck/y here? XD

>> No.6700860

>brother has bbq
>ask him if I should bring anything
>specifically ask him if I should bring soda, beer or anything to drink
>"not necessary"
>show up
>nothing to drink except tap water
Turns out he doesn't drink soda anymore and nobody else should either in his home. I would have settled for unsweetened iced tea.

>> No.6700866


>leaving the house for a social event that doesn't advertise an open bar
>not lining every pocket with a flask of hard liquor, just in case

>> No.6700921

I used to drink it all the time, like on a daily basis. I drink a ton of water these days (is it bad if I keep a large cup of water that I fill up and drink from?)

If I drink soda, a lot of the time it's for caffeine. Or I'm stoned and I just grab a can of Sprite to drink from. Either way I don't drink enough to really fuck me up, and I think my caffeine tolerance has even lowered a bit because I can actually feel the effects of caffeine these days.

>> No.6700927

>being a shameless alcoholic

>> No.6700930
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>> No.6700933


Where the fuck do you think you are?

>> No.6700936

go back to your containment thread

>> No.6700943


Sorry, but half of the OC, and good advice given to new anons like yourself, is posted by professionals who are drinking and posting here on their free-time.

>> No.6700944


What a childish response.

>> No.6700988


You sound like you're typing through upside-down glasses.


>> No.6701036

water fucks are pathetic.

2l of coke a day are just fine for anyone with a healthy body.

>> No.6701039

You have to be 18 to post on 4chan.

>> No.6701053

Only açaí juice over and over since I was a little jungle boy, I don't like soda.

>> No.6701150

There's nothing else to fucking drink. Water is just boring shit. I'll have it at night, but having it the whole day is hell. I'm in Southern California too, so the tap water is crap. Milk is disgusting, nobody should like it. Green tea and all that other shit tastes fucking weird, I don't know how people like it. Gatorade is vile, but I'm pretty sure most people agree on that. Juice is always too tangy or has a weird aftertaste. So please tell me what else there is to drink.

>> No.6701175


>> No.6701184

fruit infused water. It's like juice tea. I'm explaining it to you because you don't seem so smart.

>> No.6701186

slice of lemon in your water, cucumber or mint
you're just a faggot

>> No.6701189

I like soda way too much, probably genetic, my direct family all loves soda. I drink 2-3 cans a day,usually Dr Pepper or Dew, also drink a good amount of energy drinks. Iced tea is almost as good and probably not as bad for you so I drink that instead sometimes. I really like beer too but I know fuck all about it and dont have it often since Im not 21 yet.

>> No.6701190

Says the guy putting fucking mint in his water. Good for getting that cock flavor out of your mouth I guess.

>> No.6701191

only when drinking vodka and even then i prefer juice as a chaser. sht, even beer does a better job.

>> No.6701193

>not using sparkling coconut or lime water for vodka
I love soda but honestly this is the only way to do it

Pick yourself up some cases of La Croix fo your vodka drinking my man, you won't regret it

>> No.6701200

I fucking love water, drink about 2 litres a day. People who "don't like" water are basically failing at the most basic organism function, how stupid can you get? it's a matter of habit. there's no such thing as not liking water, just being used to too much sugar in your drinks.
I drink coca cola zero occasionally if I'm really down for a refreshing drink but that's it.

>> No.6701204

you're the fucking faggot gargling the liquid jew
oh well I'll laugh when your teeth fall out and you're diabetic

>> No.6701209

B-but a glass of soda is enough for 0,7l vodka.
>inb4 alcoholic
i'll see where i can get my hands on this mystical La Croix nectar.

>> No.6701211

>Milk is disgusting, nobody should like it.
lactose intolerant detected

mix 1/4 cup of juice into 1 and 1/4 cups of water, undiluted juice is too sweet and syrupy to drink when you're thirsty

>> No.6701218

I do that too, though I live in New Mexico so I technically have an excuse. It's probably fine so long as you're regularly relieving yourself to prevent hyperhydration.

>> No.6701254


>What a childish response.
>Greentext shitposting he typed up

I always love when you guys did this.

>> No.6701768
File: 92 KB, 635x536, cheerwine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every year I have a single bottle of Cheerwine on my birthday and that's all.

I usually drink iced tea, fresh lemonade, or water day to day.

>> No.6701778 [DELETED] 

It's a thousand times more refreshing and you reduce hangovers and shitty feelings the next day because of the lack of sugar.

>> No.6701782
File: 18 KB, 257x196, 424395_477574012316623_326056890_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your soda and beetus while I enjoy my water and healthy body.

>> No.6701785 [DELETED] 

>caring about what other people do to their bodies
Do Mountain Dew commercials trigger you too?

>> No.6701794

>not drinking beer instead
fags all of you

>> No.6701817 [DELETED] 
File: 208 KB, 1284x1275, 1433777537818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes of course just drink beer all the time makes perfect sense

>> No.6701829

Maybe a liter of coke a year, usually mom brings it over, can't remember last time i bought it.

99% of what i drink is water, black coffee with tiny bit of sugar, beer and wine.

>> No.6701840

Soda is for fat people

>> No.6701848

Man, get a good look at this fucking pleb. Then again, can't really expect class from a place like SoCal.

Also, I'm with >>6701211 you're probably a lactose intolerant shitskin to say milk is disgusting. Enjoy your gyno from alternative soy products.

>> No.6701881

I have some once every few months when I eat at a fast food place

>> No.6701902
File: 17 KB, 300x300, 5163RGAJA9L._SL500_AA300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be fat
>not give a fuck because i get paid to sit in front of a pc all day while making 100k a year

Also gay and lots of gay guys are into chubby dudes so i still get laid.

so basically why should i give a shit if im fat really

>> No.6701907

You made this same thread with that same image last month. I would've thought you got an answer by now.

>> No.6701912
File: 115 KB, 776x504, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun with your diabetes and short lifespan, hamplanet

>> No.6701935

why is this guy's picture always posted in soda threads

>> No.6701939

I drink like four or five a year, when I'm really hungover sometimes I crave one (even then get tired of it after half a can).

Otherwise I find them sickly sweet and know they're absolutely terrible for you.

>> No.6701964


>> No.6702080

I didn't grow up drinking it, so I never developed a taste for it. Stuff always seems syrupy sweet to me, and I don't like that. (Don't like orange juice, either, because it seems too sweet).

>> No.6702142

I don't understand what the deal is with fatties and soda. How is soda that fucking hard to quit? Why not save your calories for things that fill you up? I know pop is cheap as fuck, but water is free, and it wont give you diabetes. Why are fatties so addicted to pop?

>> No.6702144

tastes good man

>> No.6702145

Recently, my stomach has been hurting any time I drink something too sugary. Thinking I should just completely cut soda.

I'm starting to think all the science is bullshit and soda isn't as healthy for you as people say it is.

>> No.6702146

I haven't had anything but water or tea to drink in weeks.
Last time I had soda must have been 2 years ago.

>> No.6702158

>>Can't quench your thirst with something unless it contains ten times the daily recommendation of sugar

What are you, five? Just drink it anyways. It doesn't taste like anything, it's just meant to make you not thirsty. Suck it up.

>> No.6702167

>Milk is disgusting, nobody should like it
Everybody laugh at this guy

>> No.6702171


>> No.6702177 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 500x333, 1437277432967.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying people want to quit because you did or want to
Something something lack of empathy means you're autistic something something

Or you're just an arrogant cunt who can't deal with people liking things he doesn't

>> No.6702191
File: 408 KB, 600x901, soda-facts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6702193
File: 3 KB, 225x225, flat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was a fat ass child I drank the stuff nearly by the liter every day. I would mix several different kinds of soda, any time of the day without restriction.

The thing though is that I always deliberately made my soda flat, because I hated the fizziness that it had. Once I became old enough I saw it pretty pointless to drink soda and not simply something else since the appeal of soda is the fizz to begin with.
Only drink room temperature water nowadays.

>> No.6702199

>Only drink room temperature water nowadays.
why not cold?

>> No.6702200

I'll laugh at him for drinking soda, but still agree that milk as a beverage is fucking disgusting. It's a good ingredient, but a shit drink.

>> No.6702207

I find it more pleasing to drink, and your body doesn't have to adjust the temperature (as much) of the water once it's inside your body.

>> No.6702210

Easy there tubs.

>> No.6702212

Yes, at least only on special occasions/less than once a month or so.

Genetically at risk for the diabetes, no soda is a part of not fucking myself over.
Plus, bad for teeth

>> No.6702214

I also prefer my water to be room temp. Out of a bottle if possible, not a cup. Doesn't matter if it's pre-bottled or if I bottled it myself, but it's just better out of a bottle for some reason.

>> No.6702219

Milk is delicious. How can anyone not like it? You are drinking whole milk, right? Because anything less really is disgusting.

>> No.6702223 [DELETED] 

130 pounds my man, and I'm not gonna pretend it's healthy, but I'm not gonna pretend I care, either. I smoke and drink excessively, too, does that make you mad? :^)

>> No.6702225

does squash count as soda? cause I usually have a bottle of orange squash in my cupboard and like a glass of it after my jogs, but only drink fizzy sugary soda every now and then

I like water too (I drink only water at work) before you autists start chimping out and roaring at your monitors as if I'm supposed to be able to hear you

>> No.6702226

Enjoy premature death, buttergolem

>> No.6702233
File: 5 KB, 396x264, squash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does squash count as soda?
I don't think so

>> No.6702254 [DELETED] 
File: 240 KB, 480x360, NKlekHb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I will. Enjoy being a pretentious bastard who will never know true satisfaction because he won't allow a bit of hedonism into his life and hating everyone who does out of jealousy.

>> No.6702256

>oldfag confirmed

>> No.6702257

>You are drinking whole milk, right?
Only kind I buy. But I only like it as an ingredient, not as a drink. I don't like the way it makes my mouth and throat feel coated with phlegm when I drink it. And the taste doesn't do anything for me unless against something bitter, like espresso or chocolate.

>> No.6702424

My body is about 70% aspartame

>> No.6702657

>It's the Paul Bearer soda guy posting it once again.

>> No.6703403

About 2-3 cans a day. A bit tubby but my teeth are immaculate.

>> No.6703415

Milk is disgusting stand-alone (it's a good ingredient though) but tea is fucking wonderful. Get some oolong and you'll be singing a different tune.

>> No.6703425

only with liqour.

>> No.6703432

La croix make me kill. Taste very bad

>> No.6703473

Topo Chico. With a lime wedge.

>> No.6703497

Milk is the ideal drink for cakes, cookies, and similar. Its also the best drink for spaghetti

>> No.6703513

>Its also the best drink for spaghetti
Fair enough for the first part but this is just an outright lie. For spaghetti you should drink wine or lemon water.

>> No.6703541
File: 61 KB, 1024x768, K-OnWat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cakes, cookies, and similar.

I'm sorry anon, but I am not a cute anime girl and thus I do not like those very much.

>> No.6703550
File: 91 KB, 447x444, 1301538539989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carbonated beverages

the original meme drink

>> No.6703557

No, that would be coffee. Only the dankest memester would try to convince other people that nasty shit actually tastes good. Totally unfit for human consumption and only hipster lords claim to like it.

>> No.6703564

>one of the most popular drinks in the world
>coffee establishments literally fueled the Enlightenment age in Europe and Turkey
>several modern chains are based on serving coffee

Just because you don't like coffee doesn't make it nasty shit unfit for human consumption, m8

>> No.6703569

well memed friend :^)

It may have refreshing qualities but it sure doesn't fucking taste good.

>> No.6703572


>refreshing qualities

You must be a LITERAL LITERAL LITERAL sperglord

It tastes just fine if you're over the age of 16, a good cup is amazing

Even the shittiest coffees in the world are still entirely and easily drinkable


>> No.6703575

Contrary to what you may believe, washing down gallons of coffee while desperately trying to mask the displeasure on your face doesn't make you sophisticated. Energy drinks are a better and much less pretentious way of refreshing yourself. Coke is also good for caffeine.

>> No.6703580

Are you literally five? I know you're probably exaggerating you're dislike of coffee but still.

What a baby you are. How about you grow up, you baby?

>> No.6703583

Simply epic :^)

>> No.6703627

Have you ever had spaghetti with milk. Make up some meatballs and red sauce tonight. No other drink goes with it better. Everyone thinks its weird until they try it

>> No.6703633
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>> No.6703648

Stopped drinking sodas a few months ago. Dropped 25 pounds. Still a lazy bastard who makes horrible life decisions when it comes to food.

>> No.6703662

>energy drink

>> No.6703669

I dropped sodas in an attempt to lose weight about 6 years ago, and without doing anything else dropped about 30lbs in a few weeks. Went on to lose over 100lbs altogether. Haven't touched it since, and now can't stand the taste.

>> No.6703703

I drink it only rarely. I probably average less than 1-2 cans a month.

>> No.6703713

I drink it maybe every other month.

If I'm thirsty I prefer water, if I want something with more substance I drink milk and when I feel I need to drink something with sugar and get some calories for some reason (usually when I'm sick) I prefer warm milk with honey.

>> No.6703882

soda makes my stomach hurt, too much bubbles, too much farting

>> No.6704195

A can a day is no problem.

>> No.6704271
File: 6 KB, 214x320, 31QOvtKBFkL._AC_UL320_SR214,320_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make my own fresh fruit juice.

When I want to get fancy, I strain it a bunch, chill it until it's almost ice and then put it into my trusty soda siphon. Bam, better than anything you can buy.

I do get myself some coca colas with sugar in glass bottles a few times a year though, can't make those at home.

>> No.6704283

If you put lots of sugar and cream in it, it tastes good.

I only drink it cold though. Hot beverages are vile.

>> No.6704371

This thread wasnt funny the first time around.

>> No.6704376

>not just eating the things you juice

>> No.6704593
File: 243 KB, 1198x3394, image_download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest you try high mineral, carbonated, bottled water.

This brand is pretty good. Try different ones till you find one that suits you.

>> No.6704597

To be fair, there is such a thing as cheap people and shitty tasting tap water.

There's even bottled waters that I think taste disgusting. Water can be delicious but not ever water is. If you think all water tastes the same, you're crazy.

>> No.6704604

>scarfing down 6 oranges with chewy fiber and that vile white stuff
>drinking a half liter delicious fresh orange juice

You're a fucking ape if you actually eat fruit instead of juicing it.

>> No.6704622
File: 186 KB, 1024x768, Cheerwine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't drink soda often, but when I do, it's pic related cause I live in based Carolina.

>> No.6704632

>Dropping 30 lbs with a simple change of diet and no exercise in a month
>losing 100lbs

Im glad you're not an obese piece of shit but theres no way you still aren't overweight

>> No.6704916
File: 89 KB, 800x800, vimto_can_24x330ml[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only fizzy shit I ever consume that isn't alcoholic in nature.

>> No.6704922
File: 72 KB, 700x350, ale8_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be the best soft drink I have ever tasted and they don't sell it anywhere near me.

>> No.6706455

Other than water the only thing I'll drink is a sweet tea/peach Arizona maybe like once or twice a month

>> No.6706465

I absolutely love Moxie but only drink on average a bottle (.5l) every 2 weeks or so

>> No.6706540

>washing down gallons of coffee while desperately trying to mask the displeasure on your face
You say that like there isn't 1000's of different kinds of coffee to drink. I make that face for shitty brands like Folgers, but most others I drink black and I enjoy every sip. You can also strengthen or weaken the flavor when you make it. I guess if you're some kind of child that tried coffee once in his life and hated it this all means nothing to you.

>> No.6706548

>be Mexican
>grow up drinking soda with almost every meal
>can't have meal with soda now

>> No.6706552

I drink about a 12 pack a day of diet soda.

>> No.6706709

Only with my booze. And then it's diet. I really don't get how people can get addicted to regular pop.

I really don't like regular pop. Too sweet, nasty aftertaste, doesn't quench thirst, you can feel your teeth rotting.

>> No.6706729

>itt fat people get amazed/irate about not drinking corn syrup.

>> No.6707270

Flyover please

>> No.6707511

I'll have an occasional soda from time to time but generally I don't care for them.

>> No.6707517

Both of these

>> No.6707525

>I really don't like regular pop.
>nasty aftertaste

Nasty aftertaste is what makes diet sodas awful imo.

OP, as far as sodas go I enjoy Scwheppes/Tonic water, and apple cider if that counts.
Other than that, I sometimes steal a sip of ice cold coke from my wife when we have fast food, I agree it works well with salty greasy foods but the calorie content really puts me off.

And soda on its own is just too sugary for my taste nowadays, although I have no trouble with sugary foods.

>> No.6707535

I drank soda every day of my life until I gave it up a year ago. Now I only drink water and skim milk.

It's weird, I always hated the taste of water but once it was all I drank I started thinking everything but water tasted weird. Soda is pretty gross to me now and I only have some maybe once every few months and hardly ever more than a few sips.

>> No.6707541

>I always hated the taste of water
So glad you grew up, bro.

Water is Life.

>> No.6707560

I have tasted various types of soda, but found them all sickeningly sweet. I do not drink soda at all.

>> No.6707598


I'm in the same boat. I used to drink a ton of soda, one day I decided to give it up, now I can't even finish a single can of soda, it's too sweet, I think its disgusting.

>> No.6708760

A coupla bottles of diet coke a day does me just fine.

>> No.6708786

soda is a sometimes drink. i used to drink it a lot but lately it's only if water is unavailable or as a very occasional treat. like if i get my hands on some high end root or birch beer.

>> No.6709399 [DELETED] 


You have to be 18 or older to post here, faggot.

>> No.6709433

>drinkin soda
enjoy your diabeetus and kidney stones brah

>> No.6709550

I have only ever drank water (and milk, duh, but stopped when I was 12). Soda a shit.

>> No.6709604

I drink a can or two of Mountain Dew Voltage a day. I'm gonna try to get it down to one a day, but caffeine withdrawal is hell and I hate coffee.
Oddly enough, because I'm ADHD, caffeine actually helps me calm down and focus.

I used to drink Coca Cola, but that has phosphoric acid in it, so I try to avoid in nowadays, unless I have an upset stomach. Flat Coke is good for fixing that.

I don't just drink soda though, I also drink milk and water. So, you know, balance and stuff.

>> No.6709623

I'm of Italian descent, and I'm going to tell you right now that the guy you're replying to is absolutely right. Don't knock it 'til you've tried it.

>> No.6709650
File: 16 KB, 302x425, very young paul bearer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have it if I'm getting a hot dog or some trash shit out that I can't get beer with, but usually it's water or beer, occasionally oj.

I got sick of soda all the time in my early 20s.

>> No.6709661

Only time I'll drink soda anymore is in the form of cocktails where it's essential to the drink. Otherwise, fuck no. Water, booze, coffee, and tea is all you need.

>> No.6710942

I have soda when I eat fast food, otherwise it's water or beer.

>> No.6711063

What's Paul Bearer got to do with soda anyway

>> No.6711071

I really don't drink it much anymore, but if it's in front of me I'll happily drink one. No diet please.

>> No.6711072
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x720, puke.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are other countries that speak proper english too.

>mfw "soda"

>> No.6711074

It's what he filled his urn with

>> No.6711080
File: 29 KB, 456x352, paul-bearer2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw there are people out there who prefer pepsi to coke

>> No.6711099

I only drink Diet A&W root beer. No sugar and ph above 4 means my teeth won't fall out if I drink it occasionally.

>> No.6711112

I prefer it because its 30% cheaper over here while tasting the same to me.

>> No.6711123

I find it amazing people actually think this

Coke has a distinct almost raisin like sweetness

>> No.6711442

I'm not 10 years old anymore. My days of drinking soda by the gallon and still wanting more have long passed.

Tap water everyday.

>> No.6711464

modern Coca-Cola is sticky as shit.
You drink it and your teeth and tongue feel like you've been rubbing glue over them.

While Pepsi has a tiny bitterness too it, it's a fuck ton smoother.

Of course, if the Coca-Cola is made with sugar instead of corn syrup, then Coca-Cola is definitely better than Pepsi

>> No.6711482

I do when I'm at home but at uni i never buy it. Mostly live on tea, coffee and the occasional cordial if the suns out. Also every so often I'll brew a very low ABV beer alongside my normal or strong ones just so I can drink delicious 2% mild ale all day and not get drunk.

>> No.6712426

Like most here I'm not much of a soda drinker, but I'll buy a can every now and then if I can find some guarana antarctica.

>> No.6712607

I drank 1~2 liters of coke every day.

Then I got kidney stone.

Never had another sip afterwards.

>> No.6712619

Only kind of "soda" I like anymore is the fizzy grapefruit shit Schweppes makes, I like that stuff, usually mix it with Gancia though. With alcohol I usually drink two or three big glasses a month, probably the same amount of it alone too.

>> No.6713202

Ginger ale is good, all other fizzy shit can fuck off

>> No.6713704

I relapsed after not consuming soda in over a year this past month. It was a Dr Pepper Cherry. I drank two in less than two weeks. Haven't had one since then but it still makes me feel ashamed for not staying firm.

>> No.6714224

Soda's good, suck it fags

>> No.6714309

I quit drinking it in 2012. Faygo is GOAT by the way. I really miss it

>> No.6714316

I mainly drink water.

When I'm eating out I usually order a Bitter Lemon or Iced Tea or something.

>> No.6714326

I don't drink it because it's wicked unhealthy and doesn't taste good. i'd rather have 400 calories of delicious sardines pizza than 400 calories of fizzy diarrhea

You are quite possibly the biggest pussy in the entire world.

>> No.6714457

Yeah only natural sugars
You fat disgusting cunts

>> No.6714475

What ever happened to this kunt here in pic
Gud at acting like a weirdo

>> No.6714481
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>> No.6714488

he ded

>> No.6714494

Faygo is for faggot juggalos

>> No.6714768
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>people who admit to drinking alcohol shitting on soft drinks

>> No.6714788

Wow, really? Are you a child? The worst thing you could ever possibly do to a well crafted spirit is mixing it with soda. There's a reason that people are willing to pay $60+ for nice liquor but no one would ever dot the same for a bloody soda.

>> No.6714791

>playing $60+ for liquor

This is why you can't trust children with money. They just waste it all on pokemon cards and alcohol.

>> No.6714795

>sodababby calling others children

Go drink your sugarwater baby

>> No.6714797

>implying I drink soda
Nice try, kiddo.

>> No.6714815
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I wouldn't mind mixing a $12-$20 bottle of liquor with booze. You're not spoiling any effort by mixing Baccardi or Jim Beam with Coke Zero. However, I would never, ever mix something like a bottle of aged single-malt scotch with acidic sugar water.

>> No.6714835

My ex's mom threw some of my Yamazaki in her apple cider one time.

>> No.6714844

What the fuck mang. Did you break up with her because her bloodline is obviously cursed?

>> No.6714846

Yeah I just drink water. Not about nutrition, just don't like it. Not really into sweet drinks.

>> No.6714854

Naa. Her mom was a giant cunt though.

>> No.6715091
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Having a nice pint glass of coke with ice right now

>> No.6715094

I have some soda when I want a rum and coke or similar drink, but I don't ever drink soda on its own.

>> No.6715107

I don't like sweets. Be it soda, candy, cake, or ice cream.
The only sugary food I can handle without being absolutely disgusted in are fruits.

>> No.6715340

I only really drink soda if I go to a place known for its soda. Like a week ago I got a root beer at a soda and sandwich shop in Dallas that makes all their sodas in house
Honestly I don't see why someone would want to drink up calories like that. I just stopped drinking them and drank water instead.

>> No.6715702
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seattle here

get out of here man, you're making a fool of yourself

>> No.6715705

>drinking meme water
Just drink normal water anon, it's the source of all life.

>> No.6715712
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Sounds like nothing on this planet appeals to you and you should just leave or find some other alternative so you don't have to deal with hating everything most people find enjoyable.

>> No.6715719
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looks like someone was brought up on liquid candy

lmaoo fuck off bud

>> No.6715985

That shit is repulsive, tastes like drain cleaner

>> No.6716206

Yeah, it's not good for you health.

>> No.6716237

soda is disgusting

>> No.6716962

>lying on the internet

>> No.6717600

I enjoy drinking all sorts of things, alcoholic drinks, mineral water, coffee and soda included. No need to be elitist.

>> No.6718340

Yes. I don't drink it because I don't like the strong taste.

>> No.6718944

You seem fat

>> No.6718967

If you drink soda for anything other than a mixer of a chaser; you are fucking trailer trash or a nigger

>> No.6719233

Are you fucking 8? I bet you dont like the taste of water either you worthless faggot, no wonder your dad raped you

>> No.6719237

Or a child.

>> No.6719241

in the batshit crazy book "Journey Into Darkness" telling the story of Kane they talk a bit about Paul Bearer's crippling ice cream addiction

>> No.6719263

Muh seltzer bro

I love cranberry lime seltzers

>> No.6719740

Life without Faygo is a No-go.

>> No.6720158

>pour a cup of white sugar in a glass of water.
>add food coloring
Same thing. Just call it diabetus water.

>> No.6720191

but then you don't get any fizz, smartass

>> No.6720730

fuckin retard

>> No.6721520

I exclusively drink mineral water. No soda, no coffee, no tea, definitely no alcohol. Straight edge, baby.

>> No.6721528

>leave some grape juice out for a year
wow so crazy

>> No.6721556

The only sugar drinks I have are
Liquer or beer most weekends
Buy a Bottle of green ice tea once a month
ginger beer once a week
once a week after work I will have a Pepsi or a sweet tea
And if you count ice coffee with just milk added

Most of the time I have unsweetened tea water or seltzer

>> No.6721576

It's shit don't bother

>> No.6721627

Water and tea here

>> No.6721990

Okay so carbonated sugar water, sometimes with caffeine. Same difference.

>people actually drink this shit unironically
>people campaign and lobby pepsico to bring back one without caramel color, "crystal pepsi"
>people campaign and lobby pepsico to bring back one with antifreeze color, "surge"
>same sugar water
This is what Darwin talked about.

>> No.6722007

>Drinks soda
>Calls other people Retard

>> No.6722034

I haven't drank soda in years, but this thread inspired me.

Just had a Sprite, room temperature. You feel the fizziness even as it goes down your throat. Had to rinse my mouth with water after drinking it though because that sticky mouthfeel is downright unpleasant.

brb, drinking another one

>> No.6724011

Fizzy drinks are for children.

>> No.6724327

I drink around 2 cans of Monster a day. Can't stand coffee, so I need this shit.

>> No.6724826

Shit taste.

>> No.6725566

Water and milk only, soda is gross.

>> No.6725655

I used to but it was fucking up my teeth pretty bad.

>> No.6726975

Seltzer with fruit juice.

>> No.6728756

mah nigga

>> No.6729948

>iced tea
I knew so many people where I grew up that were hooked on bottled tea that I want to puke

>> No.6729954

>not drinking 1/3 vodka, 1/3 of whichever coconut water brand you like, and 1/3 oj

>> No.6729960

This. Although I only really used to drink it at work, but now I've stopped completely and haven't drank any in years.

>> No.6729978

Is it bad to only order water as a drink in a restaurant or is that just something you treat yourself with?

>> No.6729999

I quit drinking soda back in high school. I now drink some once in a while but it always makes me feel like shit.

>> No.6730061
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>> No.6730303

In terms of soda I either drink coke zero or energy drinks.

I know that energy drinks are killing me but I love the taste and I've kinda stopped giving a shit about my body.

>> No.6730336

I love the overcompensation and insecurity.
>not chewing ice

>> No.6730357

Escaping alcoholism has helped me with drinking only water. I used to sip from beer/wine all day.

Now that i'm dry, i just sip on water all day long. Works pretty well an I drink like 3-4 liters per day.

>> No.6730370

>the liquid jew
that's a thing?

>> No.6730456

>that's a thing?
Yeah, it's called beer.

>> No.6730691
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>There are people who drink soda, ever.

>> No.6730982

Soda's good, faggot

>> No.6731051

My nigga, once a month I stop at Bojangles and get a 3 wing dinner with dirty rice and slaw, and a bo sized cheerwine. Only soda I can stand

>> No.6731112

Gold peak tea is great

>> No.6731121

>based Carolina
I don't think that word means what you think it means

>> No.6731140

Water, coffee and the occasional juice is cheaper, healthier and tastes far better. Why would anyone drink soda?

>> No.6731165

The average American drinks approximately 56 GALLONS of soda a year. Some people even admit to drinking more soda than water each day, or no water at all.

>> No.6731173

I drink water and tea most days, but I like to have a cream soda every now and then. What's wrong with that?

>> No.6731199


>> No.6731205

all that colombian and african coffee is bought for two cents a bag then sold here and other first world countries. If youre some fucking frenchman or something you do understand good coffee is quite available here, right? Outside of regular supermarkets and stuff world class coffee is definitely available.

>> No.6731214

I fucking miss Seattle :/

>> No.6731216

I only drink water because nothing else really appeals to me.

I don't really hate soda or coffee though. I'll take a sip if I happen to buy fastfood or if someone offers some coffee.

I don't know, water's the best there is for me.

>> No.6731654
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Yep. But I do have a plain or lemon leCroix every couple weeks for the bubbles.

>> No.6731669

i drink soda, it destroyed my teeth and my body
all is lost so i figure i would rather keep going and see what happens

>> No.6731845
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>> No.6731868

I'm sure he stuck his hand up his ass and pulled it out.

Reach around up there yourself, I'm sure you'll find even more arbitrary, made up statistics too!

>> No.6731871


>> No.6731896

For the most part I don't, but I still have a Root Beer or Dr. Pepper every once in awhile

>> No.6731899


>> No.6732100

I only drink water and beer occasionally

>> No.6732115

you saw that disgusting picture and thought what would be the best sentiment to compliment it would be didn't you.

>> No.6732126

>thread has been up since the 21st
>not even at bump limit

Never change, /ck/

>> No.6733709

same here, 6 years of day to day soda damage

>> No.6733714
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I drink it all the time.

>> No.6733726

I only drink beer and water occasionally

>> No.6733936

Drink one 2L bottle of coke a day on average.

>> No.6733941

I drink 54oz of diet cola a day :( cola refill at gas station is 60c so it's hard to not justify it

>> No.6734126

I don't really drink soda, I usually drink big jugs of ice water, but if Soda is offered, I'll drink it, I won't be a fucking cunt like most of the people here who seem like they'd throw a fit about that fact to try and prove how "adult" they are.

>> No.6734140

The only time I drink soda is when I'm trying to make cheap, shitty rum taste good. Otherwise I have no idea what the fuck I would do with something that tastes and feels like an overly sweet acid syrup.

>> No.6734182

Enjoy your kidney stones anon. The pH of soda is harmful when you consume it in that quantity.

>> No.6734986

I can't believe anyone over the age of 16 seriously drinks soda on a daily basis.

>> No.6735093

No corn syrup for me

So no soda

>> No.6736240

That's why I only drink mexican coke.

>> No.6737100
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>He thinks America is a first world country.

>> No.6737155

Mom didn't allow soda when I was a kid so I don't drink it now. Thanks, mom.
However, mom was an abusive cunt and I'm an alcohol. Thanks, mom.

>> No.6737163

>I'm an alcohol

Cannot remember the original source of that dank meme

>> No.6737382

You sound like my faggot friend who I want to punch in the face so bad.

>> No.6737386
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>he thinks it isn't

>> No.6737430


is that chris pratt?

>> No.6737888

You can't be serious.

>> No.6737902

Just drink diet soda or flavored water. All the studies regarding side effects for aspartame has since been proven false. Its basically the wonder ingredient.

>> No.6738724

most soda is corn syrup laden water specially designed to be addictive and make your more hungry after drinking it, drink a whole 2 liter of coke and you will still be hungry. so whats the point? i drink san pallagrino if i want soda personally.

>> No.6738736

Is this thread even serious? Who fucking drinks soda.

>> No.6738839

Soda and alcohol both disgust me. I drink soda like maybe 6 times a year on rare occasions because it actually tastes good (root beer or seagrams ginger ale normally)

>> No.6738883

water inbetween and a bit of hot milk before bed :^)

>> No.6738917

I don't drink soda because I care about what I put in my body

>> No.6739531

I do faggot, what are you gonna do about it

>> No.6739556


If you cared you wouldn't be sticking 3 dragon dildos in there at once

>> No.6740173

Have a sprite every now and then if I'm hung over.

>> No.6740972


>> No.6741001
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>The thing though is that I always deliberately made my soda flat,

holy moly man. that changes the profile so much without the co2.

>> No.6742304

Need my diet dr pepper to make it through the morning.

>> No.6742320

>Only drink room temperature water nowadays.

A true patrician would drink nothing but rainwater and pure grain alcohol.

>> No.6742338
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>> No.6743987

No, I don't pretend to be more mature than I really am by refusing soda.

>> No.6743996

I want to stop. Any healthy alternative drinks?

>> No.6744001


>> No.6744287
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but that shit is nasty

>> No.6745506


>> No.6746556

I'll have some carbonated water every now and then, would never touch anything sweetened however.

>> No.6746590

How is water nasty? It's the most neutral-tasting drink on the planet, unless you have smelly well water or something.

>> No.6746610

>How is water nasty
Because the person you're replying to is using the term "nasty" to mean "I don't like it", not its literal meaning.

>> No.6746645


yeah drink seltzer. it'll be gross at first, but then you'll stop expecting the sugar and just enjoy it

>> No.6746665

The closest I come most of the time is drinking shandies, but apart from that I'll occasionally have a Blue Sky or other soda made with cane sugar if the mood strikes me. The only time I drink soda made from corn syrup now is if I don't trust the water and there's nothing else or if it's part of a cheap mixed drink.

>> No.6747346

Cant get more Amerifat.

>> No.6747522
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>this thread
Drink what ever you like, just don't make it an all the time thing unless it's water, tea, or milk. It's not that fucking hard god damn. This board gets worse every week. Ya'll make me miss the shitposters of old like angie and bossnig.

>> No.6747532

fuck this thread's been pissing me off hit the bump limit already

>> No.6748211
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>> No.6748798
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>> No.6748900

Soda is okay.

I only would drink it eating out with friends if it's free.

>> No.6748904
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>troll threads get 300 replies on /ck/

>> No.6748913
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>STILL surprised there's responses to troll threads

>> No.6748942
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Jesus Christ this thread is still up?
Actual cooking threads last for 10 posts at most and then go down, but this shit has been around for two weeks.

Two fucking weeks.

Fucking let it end already.

>> No.6748948
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so many fucking faglords in this thread

>i only drink le healthy drinx :^)

viper yourselves pop is fine i drink whatever the fuck i want just watch your caloric intake and you wont be a fatass and drink diet pop otherwise

>> No.6749375

Don't you mean Fanta : ^) with every meal

>> No.6749491
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r8 my fridge

>> No.6749505

shia labeouf/10

>> No.6750032

ITT: People who can't consume anything in moderation