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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 545 KB, 1280x720, cheesyp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6691931 No.6691931 [Reply] [Original]

How did she not die?

>> No.6691937

Potatoes have what the body needs

>> No.6691938


>> No.6691941

She sniffed all that brussel sprout vitamin at once

>> No.6691945
File: 438 KB, 275x150, tumblr_lxg8cvWcSA1qap72po1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6692006

Superior American genes.

>> No.6692024

cause god has a sick sense of humor

>> No.6692025

I read somewhere that it is possible to live solely off of potatoes and butter. I'm sure the amount needed to actually keep you alive would make you obese, though.

>> No.6692055

I like brussels sprouts, but trying to introduce a person who only eats potatoes to healthy food through those might not be the best choice

>> No.6692070
File: 37 KB, 203x250, 1432590867406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, there are salts in potatoes you fucking moron.

>> No.6692802

Potatoes and cheese have literally all you need

>> No.6692805

but wouldn't all that cheese, fat and salt for 30 years give you heart attack

>> No.6692812

Don't you use that tone with me

>> No.6692813

>confirmed for not knowing what bodies crave. they crave potato. it's got electrolytes

Sick ref.

Believe it or not, she was eating two of the only three foods any human being needs to meet 100% of all their nutritive and caloric needs: potatoes, dairy and oats. While I don't recommend trying, you could theoretically live the rest of your life in good health eating only those three foods and nothing else.

>> No.6692821

What are you going to do about it faggot?

>> No.6692823

I'll fuck you in the ass, faggot

>> No.6692831


not necessarily, genetics play a huge factor in that sort of thing

>> No.6692850

yes pls :3

>> No.6692883

>there are salts in potatoes

Potatoes have got what people crave.

>> No.6692889

gotta watch Idiocracy tonight

>> No.6692895

I'll jerk you faggots off if you don't shut the fuck up.

>> No.6692907

Welcome to Carl's Jr. Would you like to try our EXTRA BIG ASS TACO? Now with more MOLECULES!

>> No.6692921

do yourself a favor and go watch http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387808/ when you get a chance

and then apologize to me for calling me a moron

>> No.6692928

Welcome to Costco, I love you.

>> No.6692941 [DELETED] 

Don't you tell me to shut the fuck up. I'll suck your dick you gay faggot.

>> No.6692949

I'm going to mistrial my foot up your ass if you don't shut up!

>> No.6692951

She looks dead on the inside, though.

>> No.6692968
File: 700 KB, 1280x720, 1437217145575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at her face. She is technically alive buy may as well be dead already.

>> No.6693974

where can i watch the full ep of this ham?

>> No.6693992


Potatoes are extremely nutritious and the added richness of cheese provides even greater.

You may have lost touch which what you believe health is if you feel you need to eat a varied diet of hundreds of different foods a week. That is fun, sure, but it's an indulgence. She is healthier than the average human throughout history who has lived their entire lives on nothing but a staple (potato, oat, rice, ect.) with only annual indulgences of perhaps a bit of meat if lucky.

>> No.6694063

>Do yourself a flavor
Fixed that for you.

>> No.6696013

You realize that potassium is an electrolyte too, right?

>> No.6696021

Plus he just kind of stuck a plain, mushy, overcooked one under her nose. I fucking love brussel sprouts, but I'm pretty sure we can all agree plain steamed-to-mush sprouts smell and taste like boiled fart.

>> No.6696029

>How did she not die?

Because reality tv is full of shit and has no way to prove she hadn't eaten other junk foods and sugary drinks for so many years of her life.
>"But anon! Television shows don't just tell lies and edit things for ratings!"

>> No.6696034

Have you ever had cheesy baked potatoes that just blew your socks off?

>> No.6696035

Tell that to the Irish.

>> No.6696037

This womans pig snout, her greasy hair, her disgusting mouth make me feel ill.

>> No.6696039

No, but I had cheesy potatoes that cleaned my house and did the dishes.

>> No.6696045

i know what you're referencing there anon

>> No.6696062

>tfw I used to be her

My diet consisted of roast potatoes in cheese sauce or plain boiled pasta with chalky, fake Parmesan cheese from a tub and lashings of butter for years...

Now I'm a fruit and vegetable fiend!

>Fuck onions though, so fucking fibrous

>> No.6696063

Well she's like 40 and looks like she's 60, is grossly overweight with a myriad of health problems, and probably has a diagnosable mental illness. Luckily cheese and potatoes can keep you alive, just malnourished.

>> No.6696095
File: 156 KB, 458x357, 4099059+_64e5b36f2b84562db637e095c2105f22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link to full episode?

>> No.6696288

yeah, why are you tellin gme that>?

>> No.6696629


>> No.6696738

Here is your (you)

>> No.6696802

that's what the irish ate during the famine

>> No.6696833

It's what they ate before the famine. The famine was caused by a potato shortage.

>> No.6696840

holy fuck

>> No.6698194

underrated post

>> No.6698196

The Irish managed to live on potatoes, so it's doable. potatoes have lots of Vitamin C.

This woman has the additional food of cheese.
Cheese has vitamin D, vitamin A, calcium and protein

>> No.6698227

The potatocaust was a hoax.

>> No.6698232

She looks 30-40, just very ugly.

>> No.6698237

Underrated post

>> No.6698246

Raw brussel sprouts are gross anyway. Gotta cook that baby up. No wonder she cried.

>> No.6698267

no reason to fucking CRY

>> No.6698421

>looks like she's 60


>> No.6698895

I wish I didn't care about my appearance or health, so I could eat what ever the fuck I wanted
Like, seriously, I'm addicted to food.

>> No.6698908


It might be more than just "ew gross vegables" - she says in the video she doesn't like eating in front of other people - which implies she's at least partially aware her eating habits aren't normal or healthy.

>> No.6698911


That reaction is the same one that kids have to anything green because it's horribly overcooked.

I went thru a stint when I was about 10 of fucking despising broccoli, peas and green beans because my parents were trying "healthy cooking methods".

Boiled everyfuckingthing to death, which made it taste like ass. Overcooking breaks down sulfates (I think that's the compound in question, not a botanist) in the plant matter and releases the sulfur, which reacts with water to make hydrogen sulfide in EXTREMELY small quantities.

Same thing happened to that Brussel sprout. Overcooked, so it spited its chef; and its inevitable consumer.

>VERY small amounts of hydrogen sulfide will smell atrocious to you
>larger amounts cannot be smelled, but upon inhalation shall severely burn your mucous membranes

>> No.6700541

Because it's a tv show and filled with lies.
She eats at least 8 spiders a night.

>> No.6700558

It looked cooked to me.

>> No.6701011

There are different kinds of potatoes, and different kinds of cheese, as well as alternative cooking methods, that leaves a lot of possibilities.

>> No.6701022

filthy dumb vegan scum

>> No.6701094

Oh my god, you just KNOW she goes around telling people she's vegetarian.

>> No.6701112

yfw you realise she gets her vitamin intake from her husband's cum.

>> No.6701113

>that hair
>her skin is probably greasy as fuck
>she probably doesn't shower once or even twice a day
Fuck why does this trigger me so much
I fucking hate grease

>> No.6701118


>how did she not die?

>tfw you just need to stop taking half of your daily calories from alcohol and you can eat whatever the fuck you want

>> No.6701122

>Having this shit taste in movies.

Nigga you need to learn, Grease is the Word

>> No.6701172


>> No.6701177

and she's an adult this shouldn't be a problem to eat something just because it doesn't taste "good".

>> No.6701335


I doubt the average person has a clue about eating healthy. It's always what mommy told them or the half-assed education they got in schools. Brussel sprouts, steamed broccoli, and fruits is what they consider "healthy". It's no wonder people opt for something else. Because they think they need rabbit food and asparagus to eat right.

>> No.6701342


7 calories/gram of alcohol in fact.

>> No.6703599

She must've thought "if I can't eat this sprout then I might actually die from this eating disorder." The producers/crew of that show probably didn't say "this is not necessarily the only alternative to cheese and potatoes. This is really just the food at the opposite extreme of the massive spectrum of food."

More likely they said "This is what you'll have to eat from now on if you want to stop being disgusting and live another five years." It wouldn't surprise me if they stuck it up someone's ass first too, just to make sure she'd be completely repulsed.

>> No.6703608

>in good health

not exactly, your micros would be shit. but i guess it's all relative

>> No.6703610

retard confirmed

>> No.6704034

I'm pretty sure she wasn't crying because it was disgusting, but crying because she couldn't eat it. I imagine this woman looks at herself in the mirror everyday, then whispers "I wish I was dead"

>> No.6704099
