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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6691496 No.6691496 [Reply] [Original]

Lets have a thread about healthy eating!

Things you should be eating/drinking:
>Dairy, especially Greek Yogurt and Quark (full fat is fine)
>Eggs (whole egg is fine)
>Veggies, especially green fibrous ones such as Broccoli, Spinach and pic related
>Meat, try and steer towards lean meats such as Chicken and Turkey, but beef is great too
>Fish, especially Salmon and Sardines
>Quinoa, Lentils, Brown rice, Barley
>Water, tea and coffee, preferably unsweetened
>Real, wholemeal bread if making a sandwich
What you should not be eating/drinking:
>Fast food
>Overly processed garbage
>Packaged snack foods / snack food in general
>Frozen dinners
>Fruit juice, unless it's real, freshly squeezed stuff
>Added sugar
>Wonderbread / pre sliced 'bread'

I personally have felt 100x better since I gave up shitty foods. When I do have them (only when I go out with friends) I feel pretty crap for the next two days. It's probably actually a placebo but it works for me

>> No.6691499

should my almonds be activated or not?

>> No.6691502

I wouldn't bother. Just toast them in a skillet or oven. Add olive oil and salt if that's your thing, I like them as they are

>> No.6691510

Chicken and turkey are the cheapest meats right now (pork trails in third place) with chicken thighs being the cheapest. In my area, anyway.

For some reason, none of the grocery stores around me stock any turkey unless it's ground. I have to go an hour away to a Sprouts to find turkey breasts and thighs.

>> No.6691512

Just stock up on 10 turkeys at Thanksgiving and freeze them.

>> No.6691513

I can't understand how people eat yogurt daily. Tastes like absolute shite.

>> No.6691517

>Pan fry chicken breast/skin on salmon fillet/pretty much any protein in olive oil with plenty of S&P
>Prepare some grain, quinoa is my favourite
>Make a small salad with vinaigrette
Every dinner
Simple, healthy and really delicious, why are Americans fat again?

>> No.6691529

I think it's delicious on its own, but I eat this every day:
>250g 0% Greek yogurt
>~100g Natural yogurt
>~100g flavored sugary yogurt (Pictured is a guilty pleasure of mine)
>Chopped up banana
Stir to combine

>> No.6691533
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>> No.6691534

>why are Americans fat again?

Many of us consume lots of calories per day while not burning enough. Literally, packing them in.

I've lost a lot of weight in the past year and I owe it mostly to burning enough to burn what calorie amount I consumed for breakfast (at the very least).

>> No.6691545

Nice, are you counting calories?
I lost a significant amount of weight through counting, and when I decided to quit counting I suddenly developed an ED and started eating two small meals a day, so look out for that

>> No.6691564

>Nice, are you counting calories?
Yes, but more like estimating at this point when I can only consume so much in one sitting.

Also, fuck fast food.

>I suddenly developed an ED
You need viagra?

>> No.6691571

From a purely caloric perspective fast food isn't that bad at all if you leave out the chips and fizzy drinks (I'm talking about sandwiches and burgers rather than pizza, pizza is always going to be a calorie bomb)
Still awful for you though

>> No.6691574


You should move meat, dairy, and eggs to the "what you should not be eating" section

>> No.6691576

>Fruit juice, unless it's real, freshly squeezed stuff
most fruit juice is fine. the ones made with extra water and sugar should be avoided though, and you should limit yourself to a 6 oz glass of juice per day without consuming more sugar later. i like to mix 1/4 cup of juice into a 12 oz glass of water, this has about the same amount of sugar as a piece of fruit.
>Added sugar
this is okay if the rest of your diet is good and you don't use more than a couple teaspoons at most per day
most people drink to get drunk, it used to be common to find low alcohol beer and wine for everyday drinking just because you were thirsty. i buy nonalcoholic beer sometimes and ferment juice overnight with a little yeast, both pretty good substitutes.

>> No.6691583

It's really easy to count calories these days. Just use a MFP app. I've been using it every day for the past 5 weeks cause I'm doing keto. It helps a lot and can let you know what you need to eat more of. I now have a better idea of estimating food size and amount of calories. Most keto'ers say they eventually stop counting calories and just makes sure they don't go over the carb count, but it's easy to do that with total calories as well.

>> No.6691594

MFP is what I used to lose weight, however when I count I can't help but get overly OCD and feel like shit if I end the day >50cal away from my goal. I'm trying to gain weight anyways and I'm trying to think about food like a normal person rather than a collection of P/F/C

Pretty much anything in the 'what you should not be eating' part can be enjoyed in moderation without being unhealthy, you're just better off avoiding them anyways. I agree with your points though, aside from fruit juice in cartons, if you dilute it it tastes even worse than it originally did

I know you're trolling but meat, dairy and eggs are fantastic for you as long as you watch your fat intake

>> No.6691598

You forgot dark chocolate and red wine, those are pretty good for you
Also, multivitamins and fish oil

>> No.6691608


>meat, dairy and eggs are fantastic for you as long as you watch your fat intake

What do you mean?

>> No.6691616

This is a great presentation that might help you find better diet choices outside of just avoiding processed foods


>> No.6691636

1/10 almost had me going.

>> No.6691641


And full fat, no less.

>> No.6691646

That is some good vegan propaganda.

>> No.6691648


What do you mean?

>> No.6691656


>> No.6691673


The guy advocates for a vegan diet due to overwhelming scientific support for that pattern of eating. Why is it propaganda rather than just information? Do you think the data being presented is wrong?

By the way, Activistfacts is run by industry lobbyist Richard Berman


>> No.6691679

who cares about eating healthy when you can eat my puttanesca sauce. that my friend who is a professional chef said is even better than his.

>> No.6691689

He's a paid shill for a vegan animal rights group who can't get any of his ideas published in a good peer-reviewed journal because of obvious cherry picking.



>> No.6691702


He works with the Humane Society since they have common goals; getting people to eat healthy plant foods.

>cherry picking

You have to admit there's a hell of a lot of cherries filling the hundreds of videos on his website. The claim of cherry picking implies that his information runs contrary to the bulk of the medical literature. Do you know any diet more effective at preventing diabetes?


Or hypertension?


Or heart disease?


Or any other major cause of death? Where's the counter evidence if these are cherry picked and don't represent the science accurately?

Also, http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/CREW_Exposed

>> No.6691714

Lots of fats = lots of calories. If you eat too much meat, eggs and full fat dairy you're going to gain weight, which most people don't want

>> No.6691718


And weight loss aside, those foods will raise your cholesterol, making you more susceptible to heart disease

>> No.6691720

Too little fat and your body has no raw material for making hormones, sheathing neurons, and whatever else the body uses fat for. Like everything else, perfection lies in the middle of two extremes.

>> No.6691726

Exactly true, although nuts and fish are better fat sources than non-lean meats, eggs and dairy

I don't think cholesterol in foods affects cholesterol in the bloodstream, but I can't imagine ingesting tonnes of cholesterol is good for you anyways

>> No.6691728

Eggs are fine. They should be pastured ideally. I'm not impugning non-lean meat and dairy by not defending them. I'm just not inclined to defend thm.

>I don't think cholesterol in foods affects cholesterol in the bloodstream, but I can't imagine ingesting tonnes of cholesterol is good for you anyways

If you are a male you absolutely need cholesterol because it is what testosterone is made out of. It needs to come from your diet and eggs are an excellent choice. I eat 4 eggs day for the cholesterol. Dietary cholesterol does not necessarily become serum cholesterol.

>> No.6691733


>I don't think cholesterol in foods affects cholesterol in the bloodstream

It does, just usually not as much as saturated fat.


>If you are a male you absolutely need cholesterol because it is what testosterone is made out of.
>Dietary cholesterol does not necessarily become serum cholesterol.

I don't know how you think things work, but no living human has 0 cholesterol. Testosterone is made from cholesterol, but eating more cholesterol or purposely raising your blood cholesterol doesn't mean you're going to produce more testosterone. All you're doing is increasing your risk of heart disease.

>> No.6691739

You missed out cereal for not to be eating.

>> No.6691740

Just like "creation scientists" work with churches to get people to accept god into their lives right? If he's found miracle panaceas for all these diseases then he should have no problem getting his analysis of the literature published in a high impact journal instead of making books, blog posts, and youtube videos about it.


We can keep going all night. You link to some site with liberal bias, I link to one without. It's obvious there's an underlying agenda here, not science.

>> No.6691748

I said cholesterol is needed to make testosterone.

That is like saying bricks are needed to make a brick house.

I did not say that thing you said.

I did not say that having bricks will automatically make a brick house. Don't be a cunt.

>> No.6691751
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Like I said, what's the diet more effective at preventing and treating chronic illnesses? Studies were presented where vegans had 1/4 the rates of diabetes and hypertension compared to meat eaters, with stepwise reductions in disease risk between diet groups as the amount of animal sourced food goes down. In another study, a strict vegan diet was able to cure heart disease in 99% of patients in an intervention group, way better results than the mediterranean diet has ever shown. If that's cherry picked, where's the mass of evidence showing how much more effective other diets are?

It's also pretty ironic that you accuse that guy of propaganda, then link to websites that run ad campaigns like this, lobbying for soda and pizza.

>> No.6691752

Being a shill doesn't make him wrong though, anon. Maybe he's slothful and greedy and being a shill for vegans nets him the most personal power "money" for the least action. That is completely independent of the truth of the world which is constant and unchanging forever.

>> No.6691756

So is snacking always bad even when it's something small like some nuts? And how healthy are salted nuts?

>> No.6691761

Your body uses fat to burn rather than carbs and it's carbs that should be avoided.

>> No.6691762

If it fits your macros then it can only be beneficial to your health. Salted nuts are healthy insofar as the nuts fit your macros and the salt also fits your macros. If it fits your macros then it can only be beneficial to your health.

>> No.6691764


>it's carbs that should be avoided

Yeah, those awful fruits, beans, and peas. Surely those are what you need to look out for.

>> No.6691767


>I said cholesterol is needed to make testosterone.

Right, and then you said you ate 4 eggs a day to get cholesterol, like that's necessary for testosterone production and you'd have no cholesterol without it.

>> No.6691768

How bad are frozen dinners for you? I have been eating them every dinner during weekdays at work, sodium isnt a issue i easily drink 4-5 litres of water a day and go to the gym regularly. Ive been using them for losing weight since i have a general idea how much calories they contain.

>> No.6691774

Those carbs are balanced out by fibre and nutrients. The carbs to avoid is what dominates the American diet, the empty calories.

>> No.6691775

Check the sugar content. More than 5g per 100g is bad.

>> No.6691777

Sugary cereal is covered by process garbage and packaged snack food. You an get cereals that are good for you (GoLean, Fiber one, even Cheerios) but you're better sticking with Oatmeal with maybe fruits or some natty PB

Buy raw nuts in bulk and roast them yourself. I eat a shittonne of nuts, meaning I avoid salted ones. Snacking is fine, it depends on what you snack on

You can do a lot better, home prepared meals will have much less sodium, taste better, have better micros, have less BPA if you believe in avoiding packaged foods
It's also fun to cook large meals, and split them up to take them in with you

>> No.6691778

Starchivore and not looking back.


>> No.6691779

I saw a fatty family of 3 in front of me at grocery their cart consisted of frozen dinners and diet dr peppers. Probly not coincidence

>> No.6691783


they aren't all terrible for you, it's just that they're shitty and usually only lazy people who like shitty food buy them, and those people are frequently either fat or hungry skellingtons

>> No.6691784


Nuts are pretty healthy regardless of the macros


It'd be better to eat unsalted nuts, but it's not as big a deal if you can manage your sodium intake in the rest of what you're eating.

>> No.6691792

get the fuck out of my head.

>> No.6691803

>It'd be better to eat unsalted nuts

No it wouldn't. Yes it would. What is best is subjective and also absolute.

>> No.6691804
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>> No.6691806
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Gullible retards that will believe anything that is backed by "science".

And by science I mean observational studies and low-reliability and low-sample size studies.

>> No.6691809


Observational studies are good for showing us the effects of foods over long periods of time in large groups of people. Those videos also show clinical trials. If you want to start hating on nuts, feel free to post anti-nut science.

>> No.6691814

Why? Quinoa has way more nutrients. You may as well just said Wheetbix, or bread.

>> No.6691818

Cheap and tastes great with minimal "enhancement".

>> No.6691822
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>not eating a variety of whole grains
>not eating a variety of plant foods in general

>> No.6691840

Lets not forget Quinoa is fucking expensive

>> No.6691842
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>Greek yogurt and Quark
Truly gods gift to natty lifters

>> No.6691851

>Observational studies are good for showing us the effects of foods over long periods of time in large groups of people

no they're not. they don't prove anything because of the lack of reliability.

>> No.6691858


To give you some perspective, observational studies are how we came to understand that smoking is bad for us. They can't "prove" anything in the sense that they aren't tightly controlled trials that directly modify peoples' diets and observe closely measured changes, but clear correlations found through multivariate analysis that are repeated over and over point to some sort of causation, which is then explored in experimental studies. A combination of both provide us with the best understanding, since you can't really test a hypothesis with an observational study but you also can't put people in a lab for decades to see how things actually play out in the long term either.

>> No.6691878
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Fatasfatass here. I've been trying to eat healthy and have just started jogging, for breakfast I'll have two weetbix with a banana and some almond milk, and some salmon and steamed carrots or sweet potato for dinner. Most of the time I'll just forget to eat lunch, I am NEET, I don't do anything during the day so I don't feel hungry half the time around midday. Like today, I had breakfast then didn't eat anything for the rest of the day. I went to Subway before and got a wheat bread chicken teriyaki footlong with all the salads and no cheese or sauce. I do that sometimes when I can't be bothered cooking.

>> No.6691880

Every morning I watch my brother eat two bowls of oatmeal, without anything on.

How can someone even stuff that shit down

>> No.6691881

Sometimes I'll eat uncooked oats with milk, just put the oats in a bowl, add milk and eat. How does that make you feel?

>> No.6691888
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>being able to afford blueberries

>> No.6691892

Dietary cholesterol has no effect on blood cholesterol.

>> No.6691894
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You'll make it, bro. Try to add some beans to your diet. They're cheap and high in fiber, protein, and water, so they're very filling, and they're a good source of minerals and folate. Just generally very healthy foods.

>> No.6691896

Are canned beans fine?

>> No.6691900

yea of course

>> No.6691904


Canned beans are fine, just more expensive

>> No.6691917

>Are canned beans fine?
Naw, get a pressure cooker and cook a couple cups of beans (dry) at a time and store them in the fridge. Then make veggie chili (beans, tomato paste, water, hot sauce, spices, sweet green peas and whatever else you think will taste good). Dry pintos are really inexpensive at walmart supercenters

>> No.6691922

>tfw subsist mostly on granola, yogurt, and berries

>> No.6691924

They're cheap if bought frozen.
Yeah, you have to wait for them to defrost a bit.

>> No.6691925

That isn't healthy eating

>> No.6691927

You could do a lot worse than yogurt and berries and granola

Yogurt is at least a complete protein

>> No.6691930

>try and steer towards lean meats
There is LITERALLY no reason to do this.

>> No.6691940

Fat isn't good for you in excess

I guess granola is a decent fat source too
Still getting shit micros that way though

>> No.6691947

I imagine you with a bucket tied at your face

>> No.6691958

If you do buy dry beans, make sure to rinse and sort them before cooking. They do contain rocks. You don't want to crack a tooth eating them.

>> No.6691960

What a stupid thread

>> No.6691966

Yeah this list looks pretty okay.
I am a calorie counter and it is pretty close to what I eat.
Basically my diet is
>leafy greens
>other assorted vegetables
A balanced diet is the best diet

>> No.6691969

>healthy eating
>gives meme advice
You can change your entire diet, and eat all the healthiest, leanest meats, plenty of veggies, fruit, but if you don't change the quantity, you'll get no results.

But I do agree, eating a more healthy diet does make you feel better overall

>> No.6691971

>implying gaining weight is inherently unhealthy

>> No.6691979

heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are 3 pretty good reasons

>> No.6691980

>no results
Well this is true only in the regards that you don't change you caloric intake. In terms of weight gain and loss, of course

OPs list is fairly healthy if balanced correctly

>> No.6691984

Except he recommends fish. Sure in an ideal world fish would be healthy, but lets face it... they warn pregnant and nursing women not to consume fish for a reason. There are too many contaminants in fish to consider it healthy.

>> No.6691986

Troll post

>> No.6691988

Animal fats are generally good fats.
You will only get excessive amounts of fat from eating less lean cuts if you are eating excessive meat to begin with.

Diet is about balance. There is nothing inherently unbalanced about fatty cuts. There is nothing inherently balanced about lean cuts.

>> No.6691989

Not to imply lean cuts are inherently unbalanced. My entire point is one component of a diet cannot be considered balanced or unbalanced unless it is inherently lacking in nutrition and high dense in detrimental qualities.

>> No.6691990

>hurr mercury and other contaminants are healthy
Enjoy your poison induced heart disease

>> No.6691995

Yeah that is nice
Here you got my reply, enjoy it

>> No.6692075

>two weetbix with a banana and some almond milk
>salmon and steamed carrots or sweet potato

>not healthy

>> No.6692083

Honestly saying a food/meal is "healthy" or "unhealthy" does nothing to describe the food/meal, both terms are ambiguous. Better would be to list the facts when presenting a food/meal
>this meal is X calories, Y grams of fat, Z grams of carbs, and A grams of protein
>this meals ingredients are as follows..
"Healthy" means nothing in the context of food

>> No.6692091

>I had breakfast then didn't have anything else for the rest of the day

>> No.6692095
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Why are you asking me these questions? I never wrote that I have the miracle panacea. If someone wants to say a vegan diet is the answer from these studies and empirically rule out other equally possible explanations, they need to publish their findings and not just preach them through books, blogs, and youtube videos. Else their credibility and the scientific accuracy / falsifiability of their claims become very questionable.

Though this publication for example


concludes "food, not too much, mostly plants" and not "food, not too much, only plants"

>then link to websites

How does it feel to get a taste of your own medicine? I find it more ironic that you can happily defend a glaring conflict of interest that fits your vegan agenda yet happily attack one that doesn't.

>> No.6692098

Again, healthy is such a poor term. Because if he were to manage to construct a single meal that hit all of his macros, micros, and calories then it would be "healthy"...assuming he ate only that for that day.

>> No.6692146

Yeah, but how realistic is that?

>> No.6692175

Not very, but that is irrelevant to what is commonly considered "healthy"

>> No.6692222

Smoking is actually a pretty easy, binary thing to track. Even if people lie about how much they smoke, they'll still probably admit that they smoke. Not so much with the food people eat. And then has other confirmations like high levels of tar and known carcinogens in the tobacco and smoke. And then a very clear incidence of smoking -> lung cancer and other diseases in patient records, versus not smoking and stopping smoking -> much less cancer. People with poor diets often make a lot of other bad lifestyle choices, like sitting on their ass all day and not exercising. "Poor diet" generally means fast food, butter, cheese and ice cream; nobody's chugging soybean oil from the bottle. Not so much with smokers in previous decades, where smoking was ubiquitous.

So the question "Is dairy/red meat/whatever ubiquitous food bad for you?" is a much more difficult beast to tackle. Let alone "If I eat less dairy, do my long-term health prospects improve? If I eat more do they decline?" Most health studies don't try to answer any of them, they're just probing where they can, re-digesting old data and fishing for answers. Securing regular funding is a bitch and researchers are obligated to find answers for the sake of their careers, even if they're to questions no one's asked.

>> No.6692237

They shouldn't eat high-mercury fish like tuna and swordfish. And everyone should probably think twice about if they should trust farm-raised fish from China. But most wild fish are not high in heavy metal and other toxins, and most countries have respectable fish farms.

>> No.6692319

what is quark?

I like to take plain greek yogurt and mix in freshly ground flax seeds and unsweetened cocoa powder. Dleicious.

>> No.6692498

It's some eastern yurop soft cheese. Tastes delicious and has godly macros.
Quite a bit thicker than Greek Yogurt, it's quite similar to cream cheese in texture

>> No.6692569


>If someone wants to say a vegan diet is the answer from these studies and empirically rule out other equally possible explanations, they need to publish their findings and not just preach them

Many videos on the site cite studies that compare people eating vegan to people not eating vegan. When vegans seem to consistently do so well healthwise compared to nonvegans,


why wouldn't you atleast conclude for the time being that a vegan diet seems to be most effective? Worse than a guy claiming something is the best with insufficient evidence is a guy refusing to accept something may be the best even in the face of all the evidence. The American Dietetic Association, having reviewed the evidence at least as far as 2009, released a statement sayng that vegetarian and vegan diets may provide health benefits over diets that include meat.


Either they're picking the same cherries, or that's just what the science shows. The US government in their latest guidelines now specifically recommends a vegetarian diet as one of their models of healthy eating, and their review of the evidence concluded that an organic vegan diet is potentially the most healthful and environmentally sustainable.


Kaiser Permanente, the largest healthcare company in the US, also now recommends a vegan diet to all of their patients, saying that it's the best way to eat healthy


So now that we can see that it's not this one man's crazy fringe belief that avoiding meat and dairy is a good idea, can we take the information more seriously?

>> No.6692729

>Topping for the protein
>butter/sour cream/bacon bits/ranch dressing on the starch
>heavy fat-based dressing on the salad.
>snacking on potato chips an hour later

Thats why