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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 53 KB, 725x469, Why-Picky-Eaters-Stay-Thin-by-Martin-Brown-157366376-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6668312 No.6668312 [Reply] [Original]

>"Does that have gluten?!? No thanks, I'm gluten intolerant!

>> No.6668315 [DELETED] 

the area between her eyebrows is a fucking jizz bullseye

>> No.6668317 [DELETED] 

I'm nigger intolerant

>> No.6668319

>I'm gluten intolerant!

Yep, only within the last 5 years or so have they had cheap blood tests that showed gluten intolerance.

Before you had to go to an allergist specialist.

Its why there is an influx of gluten intolerance people.
And yes, they are separate from the gluten free fad.

Nice thread OP.

>> No.6668322

Sorry Mrs Autist, I should have added
>"Fuck I love bread!!!!!"

>> No.6668326 [DELETED] 


What if


Not everyone with a gluten allergy died of they had a slice of wonder bread


With the plethora of gluten free foods now available they realized what being free of low level chronic inflammation felt like


Why do people get upset about asking if gluten is in something


With modern manufacturing

Gluten is added to all sorts of products you wouldn't think "flour" on

>> No.6668332
File: 19 KB, 356x429, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not gluten intolerant so therefor it doesn't exist

>> No.6668335

The best part is when they still go out and party and get wasted and do shit that really affects their health and then bitch about gluten.

>> No.6668336
File: 40 KB, 500x375, rye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know about your gluten intolerance, so i prepared this rye bread for you.

no wheat in there at all.

>> No.6668339

No, it's when people buy into a fad that affects an insanely low percentage of the population just because they think it's a bad thing from buying into media hysteria. Yes, that is insanely common. Maybe one day you'll learn to question things you're being told.

>> No.6668342


are you like, literally fucking retarded?

>> No.6668344


When you get a little older than 13 or so you'll realize that being counterculture doesn't automatically make you "smart" or "informed" when all your doing is literally just making the opposite decision you see the people around you making

>> No.6668347

I think thats what he was going for, by repeating my post in a dumb fashion.
Not a great way to b8 imo.

>> No.6668350


Nice argument kitten, thank you for revealing that you can't actually refute aging I said. By skipping straight to an insult you admit that you aren't smart enough to actually challenge me on even an eighth graders level

Me: 1

You: 0

Maybe step up to the plate a little harder next time, I'll just knock you down again

>> No.6668351

What if


Posted like a faggot

All the time

Would we


Start to hate you


>> No.6668353

Since 75% of the general public is as smart as a box of rocks, making the opposite decision you see the people around you making is always a wise bet.

>> No.6668358

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.6668359


Huh, funny, you complain about posting like a faggot and yet you posted liked one too?

>> No.6668361


>I'm making more money than 75% of the population because that's how smart I am

>> No.6668365


Well done my friend! Go right ahead, turn up your linkin park earbuds and walk straight into traffic against the "DONT WALK" signal, you're such a bright fucking star, leader of our generation

>> No.6668369

>fad that affects an insanely low percentage of the population

We have no clue how widespread it affects people, there hasnt been testing for it.

>> No.6668370

>I bought into the gluten-free fad and I'm trying to make myself feel better by justifying it

>> No.6668374
File: 295 KB, 900x1200, GlutenBitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess, you are vegan too?

>> No.6668375

The more people that buy into the "fad", the more likely food manufacturers will cater to demand and produce healthier products. Or at least label their products for people who need to look for specific ingredients.
Win, win.

>> No.6668376

I've been hearing wonderful things about the grapefruit diet on Oprah. Care to join me?

>> No.6668377

Everyone around me is wearing clothes and eating food, this must be the wrong thing to do!

>> No.6668381

I didn't buy into anything, and I can eat gluten. But there are other things that I can't eat so I can relate.

How does someone else's food intolerance effect you or your quality of life?

>> No.6668385

70 percent of the USA is not Obese.
Time to quit exercising!

>> No.6668390


>75% of the population are straight. Watch me suck this dick!

>> No.6668393

>tfw there is a gluten free diet scapegoat that makes the new influx of gluten intolerance sufferers get shit on

Its like people shitting all over vegetarians in the 90s, except that there is no moral code against gluten and it actually physically makes you feel sick.

Its sad, its not the beef industry pushing this anger this time, its just ignorance from the public.

>> No.6668395

Are you retarded? I'm saying there are tons of people who can eat gluten without any issues (and have been since it became a thing) that started following the recent fad because it boomed in popularity. That's literally it. I don't give a fuck what you or other people eat, I'm making conversation on a topic. It's no different than people who got caught up in the whole instant food bullshit back then.

>> No.6668397


>No thanks, I'm gluten intolerant

most people would just say celiacs. And that shit is no joke.

>> No.6668402

Yeah there has. Thousands of years of eating wheat

>> No.6668403


Are -you- retarded?

It's like you're trying to say "oh, if lactose only makes you have to shit a little instead of doubling you over in pain then you're a fucking poser for avoiding cheese"

>> No.6668405

Special snowflake status: rising

>> No.6668413

People used to die at 12 years old from pneumonia too. Having gastric problems from intolerance wasnt high on the totem pole back then.

Deflecting is not an argument.

>> No.6668416

inb4 monsanto's fault

>> No.6668418

I'm not even going to bother with you.

>> No.6668421

Actually the opposite may be true, I have relatives who are gluten intolerant, who can't eat most gluten-free food at restaurants because its prepared for fad-dieters and not people with a medical condition.

>> No.6668425


>backpedaling little bitches get fucking told and run away crying

I'm here all day, if you want to try and have a real conversation like an adult i'm ready

>> No.6668427

>shit a little instead of doubling over in pain
>eat gluten without any issues
Jesus you're dumb.

>> No.6668429

I wouldnt either
Confirmation bias on something so meaningless to your life is probably hard to muster up.

I would find it hard to keep being mad at someone elses health issues, regardless of there is a fad scapegoat or not.

>> No.6668431

>having a real conversation with a fad following moonbat
I'd sooner chew tinfoil, weirdo.

>> No.6668435

>I don't give a fuck what you or other people eat
>but i started a thread about it anyway

That doesn't make sense. Gluten free food is gluten free food. What am I missing?
If a chef gives you food that contains gluten after you specifically asked for no gluten then you sue the chef for all he's worth after punching that fucker's lights out.

>> No.6668437

When did /ck/ become almost full on tumblr tier mode?

>> No.6668441


As has been mentioned, time and time again, in this thread and others, the "consequences" of gluten consumption are long term health effects.

Of course, to the average obese NEET using hot pockets and mountain dew as "gamer fuel" the distinction is meaningless for them as anything that doesn't cause immediate "owies" can "safely" be ignored

>> No.6668442

People still die at the age of twelve from pneumonia.

>> No.6668444

>but I started a thread about it anyway
I didn't make this thread, you fucking idiot.

>> No.6668448

So what's your issue?

>> No.6668452

I have no issue, I'm commenting on the thread. What the hell else would I be posting for? Nobody gives a shit, it's a site about discussion for entertainment purposes.

>> No.6668455

so entertain me. dance for me, my little puppet.

>> No.6668464

Gluten intolerant here
It does cause immediate symptoms.
Most people dont realize it because youve lived with it for so long. Only after you have abstained for a while do you realize how big of an effect it truly has.

>> No.6668465

Wow /ck/ you're so contrarian let me suck your dick

>> No.6668466

I don't have a problem with non-celiacs being gluten free if it makes them feel good. If it works for them there's no point in screaming about peer-reviewed articles. There's no evidence of people being allergic to cured meat but I'm sure if a bunch of people stopped eating it for whatever reason a few of them would feel good.

What I do have a problem with and it's as irrrational as non-celiacs avoiding gluten, is things like cheese and oil which would never have gluten being advertised as gluten-free. That's like advertising sugar as fat-free or coke as 0% trans-fat.

>> No.6668471

Contrarian for not buying into a bullshit trend? Huh. I guess you're right. Nevermind

>> No.6668472
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For every gluten you don't eat, Imma eat three.

>> No.6668473

Can I speak to you for a moment about some wonderful Amway products?

>> No.6668475

>Why picky eaters stay thin.jpg

Ah yes, that diet of tendies will keep them skinny

>> No.6668479

>gluten-free marketers trying to subtly sell their products

>> No.6668483

Gluten free food preped for people who aren't gluten free can still contain gluten without ausing health issues.

>> No.6668492

>friend is "gluten intolerant"
>doesn't eat flour or anything for years
>hates not being able to have pizza or hamburgers or anything
>even throws a birthday party where there's pizza for everyone except him who eats some home baked crap his mother made
>goes to a doctor for an unrelated reason
>turns out he's not gluten intolerant

>> No.6668493

This is the same exact person who buys "organic" food.
A fool and his money...

>> No.6668499


>i'm smart for eating nothing but hungry helpers with sick, inoculated beef and pesticide soaked produce
>what do you mean cancer im only 40

>> No.6668502


>people reading responsible is a bullshit trend

Enjoy your Mickey D's while you can love, they're having a lot of trouble thanks to health fanatics like my friends and myself :^)

>> No.6668507

>2 year old dies of leukemia
>ha ha, stupid kid ate factory farmed food!

>> No.6668510

This is why you get testing
And this is why its a godsend that they actually test and diagnose intolerances so easily now.
I had been taking prilosec everyday for about 6 years for GERD, yet no doctor could tell me why and just said "eat better".
It wasnt until my doctor out of the blue during a checkup ordered the blood tests and diagnosed me.

Cut it out and the symptoms just go away.

I literally thought the "full feeling" after a big meal meant burning in the chest and ears, serious indigestion, blurry eyes etc etc.

>> No.6668512

I've made over seven figures on selling overpriced organic food to rubes like you. Party on, m8.

>> No.6668518

I don't understand why you'd actively avoid gluten and make your life so much harder than it has to be with such a fucking annoying dietary restriction if you're not coeliac. It's not entirely bad though, it does create more products for people that genuinely need them and alone aren't a big enough market share for companies to cater towards.

People that avoid gluten for no legit reason though are almost as bad as "health fanatics" that have major gaping flaws in their diet and don't even have a healthy diet despite harping on about it constantly and riding the moral high horse. Yep those 3 lettuce leaves you call a salad drowned in half a bottle of salad dressing is definitely better for you than the guy across from you eating a burger...

>> No.6668526


>yfw it was lead in factory baby formula instead of organic


Cute story bro

>> No.6668535

The fadders are awful, and even as an intolerant I hate them too.

Gluten free is not inherently healthy, you have to work to make it healthy. And most gluten free badged shit is awful for you.

The fatties that make sausage bacon eggs and hashbrowns every morning for breakfast just leave out the toast or pancakes and think they are being healthy.

I just dont like this blanket hatred of anyone who doesnt eat gluten. You have to tell people, its not like its fun not being able to eat pizza and most take out chinese food anymore.

>> No.6668545


>yfw lead doesn't cause leukemia and you know nothing about health and medicine
>yfw everything is made in a factory
>yfw everything gets cancer if it's old enough, even dinosaurs

>> No.6668546

>mfw: gluten intolerance turns out to be an MSG allergy.
Suck it up weebs.

>> No.6668561

To be fair the fad has made it easier to get gluten free items. Some of them are ridiculously over priced, but I'd imagine once in a while it's nice to have pasta or pizza again.

I've been vegan for almost a decade now, and it's cool to be able to go into any store and pick up a variety of nut and grain milks(even aldi has soy and almond milk). Fake cheese, tofu, tvp, nutritional yeast, meat substitutes,etc I can find at the stores I used to shop at before I went vegan. I can think the hipsters for that. They're not things I eat regularly, but every so often I get to have comfort food without having to go to something like a while foods and pay the ridiculous prices they have. I also only have to drive 3 minutes to buy groceries instead of an hour, and no yuppies.

>> No.6668565

>>mfw: gluten intolerance turns out to be an MSG allergy.

Its only going to get more and more prevalent as years go on.
Nobody denies that celiacs exists.

What sort of mental gymnastics would you need to pretend that the non life threatening celiacs (called a sensitivity or intolerance instead of "disease") exists?

And like I said earlier, its very easy to diagnose with blood tests now.

>> No.6668576

>The fatties that make sausage bacon eggs and hashbrowns every morning for breakfast

As long as you go out and do some physical activity with your day, there's nothing wrong with that. Okay the hashbrowns can fuck off, but the rest is okay.

>> No.6668585

Well thats the thing.
The could even enjoy their toast too if they would exercise a bit.
Gluten isnt making them fat, and it isnt making them feel like shit. The whole idea behind the diet is stupid, just like every other fad diet.

>> No.6668588

One of the issues with a lot of the obese older middle class is that they start out working labor intensive jobs while eating like that. They stay in the proper weight range until they get older and move into management positions. They maintain the same eating habits but reviewing paper work and attending meetings won't help burn off a 2000 calorie breakfast like moving cinder blocks or plywood all day will.

>> No.6668644


>moving goalposts this hard
>ignoring low quality processed food literally killing hundreds of babies and thousands of pets every year
>bring up "things are made in factories" as a useless sidetrack when that's not the point
>the point is sourcing quality ingredients and quality control
>useless tidbit about dinosaurs getting cancer
>ignoring my statements and medical proof about carcinogens hastening the onset of cancer and disease

I'll give you a moment to cool down, your cheeks have to be pretty red after getting told this hard

>> No.6668662
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>> No.6668802

> know a grill who is gluten intolerant

> reasonable level of mutual attraction

> can't bring myself to pursue it further because she's gluten intolerant
Kek at my life tbh lads

>> No.6668806

Steer clear, she likely has other mental disorders.

>> No.6668824


>> No.6669030


>> No.6669041

That is seriously the place to be right now. I was just talking to an organic supplier for grocery chains and he said they're raking in so much damn money on all these yuppie fucks

>> No.6669051

Intolerance doesn't affect an insanely low percentage of the population. It affects a lot of people. Many develop it during their lives, so it's more common in older people.

Allergy affects an insanely low percentage of the population. That's different. People with lactose intolerance just feel a little unpleasant after drinking a glass of milk, but people with a severe enough dairy allergy could die from consuming a few drops.

I'm not affected at all, so I'm gonna go have some grilled cheese right now.

>> No.6669055

wow nice one man! winning an argument about gluten on an anonymous imageboard, I bet mommy is so proud :^)

>> No.6669058
File: 188 KB, 650x650, 1364930754456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the dude you're replying to, but your damage control is off the charts.

>> No.6669061

And people still eat gluten!
Now do you get it?

>> No.6669069

>work at restaurant
>40 yr old soccer moms on the regular
>"can I get that gluten free"
>sure, but we use gluten all over our kitchen so If you have celiac I cannot guarantee it will be completely free of gluten
>"what's celiac?"
10% up charge, every time

>> No.6669071

Reminder that spit is gluten free.

>> No.6669113

>waiting on an obese family of three
>we will all have the steak and baked potato
>does potato have any gluten in it?
>we're gluten intolerant you see

>> No.6669129

I save that for gypsies

>> No.6669138 [DELETED] 

>gluten intolerant
>literal cuckold
pick 2

>> No.6669206

Yeah. A lot more people will die of pneumonia than gluten poisoning.

>> No.6669443

Thank you.

I don't mind making something gluten free as a special order but I sometimes do go out and ask if the customer knows what gluten is. If they don't know I refuse them service on the spot.

>> No.6669578

Usually the recipe is gluten free, but the kitchen it's prepared in still uses normal flours, so cookware and surfaces are gluten contaminated.
Fad dieters won't notice, but people with actual conditions still can't eat it safely

Source: diagnosed celiac disease

>> No.6669587

Yes. This is why packages often have "may contain traces of" allergen declarations. The product itself doesn't include it as an ingredient, but the factory didn't care enough to do a deep clean after it used peanuts a couple of days ago.

>> No.6669597

Peanut and other allergies like shellfish are different. Luckily for me,most celiac is not sensitive enough to pick up on the traces of allergens in most "may contain wheat" foods

But real allergies you need your epi pen all the time

>> No.6669622

>there are people on /ck/ who actually believe they're gluten intolerant

>> No.6669657

If I take your pen will you die?

>> No.6669667

Celiac is an autoimmune disease not an allergy, so an epi pen won't help

>> No.6670026



Still waiting on a well structured, thought out counter argument friends :)

>> No.6670037

I posted in the other thread about gluten. When I had chronic diarrhea and mucous sloughing from my intestines for a week or two I went to a GI to get an endoscopy. I had minor inflammation of my upper intestine.

He got me a blood test and I tested positive for gluten antibodies. However, they were below the threshold of "intolerance" or worse: Crohn's disease- which was the disease my GI was worried I had.

Luckily it turns out I am probably only mildly allergy to gluten so even though it gives me bad gas, if I keep my intake low it is manageable. Fucking gluteny things are delicious.

I can also see how some people may be actually gluten intolerant. I'm east asian and we don't eat much bread or gluten containing foods. We might not have developed the genes for it much like alcohol or lactose.

However fucking california bitches are giving gluten sensitives a bad name.

>> No.6670054


How fucking retarded are you

>> No.6670058

>Crohn's disease
As someone with Crohn's, how common knowledge is this disease? Seems to be mentioned more and more on 4chan, but IRL I rarely mention that I have it because I just assume most people won't know what it is or at least will have a really off understanding of it.

>> No.6670071

I don't know. I didn't know about all these intestinal diseases until I got repeat bad diarrhea. This week long spree wasn't my first. It had happened 2-3 times before and I only went to the doctor after I realized it was chronic.

I also meant to say coeliac's disease, not crohn's. The endoscopy and biopsy rule crohn's out. If I can find the files I have a few pictures of my duodenum in full color.

>> No.6670072

also crohn's is terrifying. stay strong, friend.

>> No.6670167


Were you actually so frightened and embarrassed that you waited 14 hours to post, hoping I would be gone?

>> No.6670191

kek. go to bed.

>> No.6670418

>Does that have any meat or animal product?!? No thanks, I'm a faggot!

>> No.6670426

>tfw your own hand keeps trying to force feed you burgers

>> No.6670446

>be in denial about my gluten intolerance despite being diagnosed
>eat a normal glorious gluten containing cookie after months of not eating gluten
>it's all in the mind! i'm over it now! fuck you doctors!
>first 15 minutes are fine, feel pretty good
>suddenly doubled over in pain, that horrid bloating feeling, feel like I'm about to vomit
>lasts nearly an hour, I can do nothing but fetal position it out

I'm almost definitely going to do it again at some point, but with a giant pizza or something, the pain was not worth a single cookie

>> No.6670455

>>"Does that have gluten?!? No thanks, I'm gluten intolerant!
What's your point OP ?

>> No.6670457

Probably MSG, not gluten imo.

>> No.6670504

Enjoy not being able to afford literal better tasting food I guess lol

Fucking poor autists.

>> No.6670521


>> No.6670529

My roommate abroad had a serious gluten allergy. So bad that she and her back-home housemates couldn't wash their dishes in the same half of the sink.

Obviously I don't have a problem with that. I do have a problem with my sister buying gluten free pretzels "because they taste better" even though they're actually disgusting.

>> No.6670558
File: 66 KB, 454x478, evilChicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cook a chicken dish for dinner
>wash up using four times the amount of detergent than I normally use
tfw salmonella intolerant.

>> No.6670582
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>read by James Kirk

>> No.6670629

In my experience, lots of people know the name, but most don't have any idea what it is or its symptoms

>> No.6670657

>mom and brother have celiac disease (aka, eat gluten, shit your pants for hours and degrade your intestine walls)

On one hand they are fucking thrilled to have so many options now, but on the other people don't take them seriously and post shit like OP.

>> No.6670667

It would be very painful

>> No.6670671

What? If I want organic I'll grow my own

>> No.6670889

diagnosed with a blood test as gluten intolerant sadly
>MSG being in cookies
remind me never to eat at yours

>> No.6671733

I know the name because I always get asked if I have it when I donate blood. It's on the standard list of diseases they screen for.

>> No.6671789

>I had been taking prilosec everyday for about 6 years for GERD, yet no doctor could tell me why and just said "eat better".
This is where I am

Even if it was gluten intolerance I wouldn't stop tbh

>> No.6671936

Do mods not ban for posting like this?

>> No.6671938

You're a big guy

>> No.6671975
File: 103 KB, 489x489, Global Corporate Elite34523542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> help me Ironman, I'm _____ intolerant!

ITT: people being suckered by the health insurance, medical and pharmaceutical industries into fucking up their bodies by avoiding perfectly normal foods, so that Wall Street can profit of their resulting illnesses.

>> No.6671985

Gluten intolerance is an actual medical condition, OP.
It can really fuck you up if you have it.

You would know that if you weren't such an enlightened atheist libertarian edgelord.

>> No.6672002

fuk u nigga i cant eat dairy

>> No.6672009


Do you know how rare celiac disease is? Having it must be hell due to all these fucking make believe trendwhores.

>> No.6672018


there are actually non-celiacs who are intolerant of gluten, you know.

not that I'm saying every dickwad who buys gluten-free bread is legitimately intolerant of gluten. but it's inaccurate to suggest that only celiacs can't eat the stuff.

>> No.6672019
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> being this Asian

>> No.6672166

Does gluten make you drunk? Holy shit!!

>> No.6672187
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>> No.6672208

Gluten allergy =/= Celiac disease =/= gluten intolerance

But all exist. The problem is the fad dieters

>> No.6672655


>> No.6672674
File: 1.03 MB, 1536x2048, 20140812_115732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work at a pizza place
>"Do you have gluten free pizza?"
>"yeah we do!"
>spend extra care not to mix the crust with anything that's been touched by dough
>New spatula, new cutter, new board
>Fresh sauce
>"Oh I'm not actually intolerant but I heard it's bad for you!"

>> No.6672711

Nice meme-rebuttal, madfag.

>> No.6672718

well maybe you shouldnt put mugs under your armpit, you dirty whore.

>> No.6672728

Take the good with the bad and keep doing what your doing, anon. It's really good to know that at least some chefs take the extra care to ensure that dietary requirements are met.
On behalf of everyone who has a food sensitivity issue I thank you sincerely.

>> No.6672796

I wish that my picky eating choices could be backed up by a medical condition....

>> No.6673022


you wouldn't want that because instead of getting grumpy and pissy when someone doesn't care to change your order, you die instead

>> No.6673044
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For you

>> No.6673056

Every time I eat a lot of bread I do feel like shit. I get headaches and constipation. :( Do you think it's worth going to the doctor over or should I just suck it up and try to quit bread?

>> No.6673063

how has that trend been allowed to continue? unless someone is one of the very small minority of people who have celiac disease they're not gluten intolerant.

>> No.6673075

I'm sorry, I meant it in a different way.
I wish my picky eating choices were backed up by someone else's medical condition....

>> No.6673206


Unfortunately, being called a retard for starting a shitty ignorant thread isn't actually against the rules

However im sure if you email the mods with the thread and post number and write a very long letter about how badly your feelings were hurt when you were told like an ignorant little child about very real dietary disorders the mods might take pity on you

>> No.6673273


Crohnsposter here

it seems like more people know about it these days because it is getting more and more common. when we finally figure out what's actually causing it, we're probably all gonna facepalm. I bet it's something stupid.

anyway, fist-bump and solidarity, anon. I had a flare-up just a few days ago. ate some berries. everything went to pieces. Crohns is constant horror and terror.

>> No.6673292

Food industry is making a shit ton of money, by selling over-priced gluten-free product to people who are self-diagnosed gluten intolerant. The trend won't stop, it's basically free money to them.

>> No.6673297
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I have to follow instructions to a t because I know there are a few certain celiacs in town. I grew up with some of them.

While this whole trend is stupid, I have to make sure I don't ruin someone's night/week just because I was too lazy to switch out equipment.

>> No.6673307

Other crohnsposter here.

Yes, whenever I tell anyone, I always get "oh, my [relative] has that".

Curious what the MAP test trials will bring to light when they start.

>> No.6673312

I think it's stupid to jump on diet trends but my mom thought she might be gluten intolerant for at least a year because of a pain issue when I was younger and it was a huge hassle finding gluten free food that wasn't super weird. So I think it's annoying but there are a lot bigger issues in the US, and at least there are options out there now. Maybe some of those foods will go away when the trend dies down, but it was a pretty lacking area so maybe it's good it got filled out a little.

I do agree it's pretty bad that people won't just eat a balanced normal diet and exercise to be healthy and instead want to tell everyone about how they should totally go gluten free!!! instead of focusing their energies elsewhere but maybe people need dumb time wasters like that..

I am having an issue with swiss miss hot chocolate recently and I think it might actually be one of the artificial sweeteners but it's impossible to find people talking calmly about it and not just !cancer!aspartame!arlamrs!lzuflah~!r and yeah I wish food discussion wasn't flooded with so much shit but a good example is this board.. everyone eats so everyone feels like they have an opinion worth sharing which can lead to a lot of shitposting.

>> No.6673814


>> No.6673862

gluten intolerance != celiac disease

No, there aren't. There are retards who nocebo themselves into believing gluten intolerance is a thing.
tl;dr They studied a bunch of people who claimed to be gluten intolerant without celiac disease. Half were given gluten pills, the other half were given placebos. Only 3% that were given gluten pills actually felt symptoms. But also, about 3% who were given placebos felt symptoms. Further, consider this. 1% of Americans have celiac disease. 14% are self-proclaimed "gluten intolerant". Since this test was only on people who believed they were gluten intolerant, that means it's only at most 3% of 14% of Americans, which is only like 0.0042% of all Americans.

>> No.6674073

rye still has gluten

>> No.6674085

Every time I have something with gluten I break out. Come at me