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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6644166 No.6644166 [Reply] [Original]

what are you drinking today ck. I'm on some 190 proof everclear nothing better ten shots so far.. yes... I'm an alvoholic

>> No.6644173

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son

>> No.6644183

>measuring your liquor consumption in "shots"

you are not an alcoholic anon

>> No.6644228

idk MSN I'm still drinking but I just estimated but I'm not actually taking shouts

>> No.6644230

I am fat I'm two fifty I hate it but I've lost seven pounds in the last two weeks I'm trying

>> No.6644240

>tfw you're sitting on the couch, hungry, but too lazy and drunk to get up and make food

I honestly wonder what level of distress my body is under due to my drinking habits. I doubt my liver is "shot", but is certainly unhealthy relative to other people of my age and weight.

>> No.6644250


you aren't gonna lose weight drinking like that. Alcohol is 9 calories / gram. and that is pure alcohol. How many grams does that bottle weigh?

put some limits on yourself,
start making your word mean something,
let other people know you are cutting down,
tell them to call you out on your bad behavior if you start slipping.


>> No.6644272

well then measure it in terms of bottles

>> No.6644273

I was drinking a decent amount for a long while, but about 2 months ago my urge to drink just shut off. No life changing event happened to me, I just stopped wantin to get drunk. The last 6 pack I bought lasted me almost 2 weeks.
Has this happened to anyone else? Not claiming I was an alcohol. Max I was at was a handle every 2/3 days

>> No.6644276

Nothing yet, I have a job.

>> No.6644283

>implying everyone has saturday and Sundays off

>> No.6644287

I call bs. No one can drink 10 shots of that stuff without going blind. More proof OP

>> No.6644401

Tolerance is a hell of a thing mate. You have no idea what your really capable of.

>> No.6644402

OR works days.

>> No.6644411
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a six pack of narragansett throwbacks. it taste different from normal mass produced lage. I taste more creamy and carbonated.

>> No.6644423

haha wow like such an alcoholic lol i drink like sooo much because my life is hard XD ive got suuuuch a problem :P

>> No.6644457

>going blind
That comes from methanol, which is not present in commercial liquor.

>> No.6644460

I find it hilarious that it wasn't considered a craft beer because they cut it with corn, then they insisted the corn is for "sweetness," so they are now called a craft... it's cheap piss, but I still drink it.

>> No.6644485

shitty cheap whisky

good for writing

>> No.6644890
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pic related, straight from the bottle

>> No.6645567
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>> No.6645577

my nigga. love the caramel. It's my go-to flask filler

>> No.6646275

Alcohol is not used in the body like a fucking furnace you retard, while the simple measurement of calories by total combustion is largely accurate, alcohol is one instance where it is totally inaccurate; at most it is only 3 kcal a gram for the first few shots and then your body actually metabolizes it LESS efficiently the more it is consumed. One liter of everclear is going to be only around 2000 actual kcal and you would die 4 times over if you drank it in one night. The only reason most alcoholic drinks causes weight gain is because most is sugary bullshit. Also, the body tries to use alcohol before stored fats while it is in its system so if you stay drunk all the time you will burn way less fat than usual.

>> No.6646386
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ctrl f strega, no results. disgusting.

>> No.6646389

I'm just sitting here, enjoying a cherry NOS.

>> No.6646405

tfw it's banned in my province and I can't make Romulan Ale ;_;

>1 part blue curacao
>1 part everclear
>1 part 151
>2 parts lemonade

>> No.6646504

it's also good with ginger beer and lime juice

>> No.6646523


Not to brag but I did drink a whole bottle of everclear in 1 1/2 nights but I also did about 300 dollarydoos worth of cocaine. The next few days though I wished I was dead.

>> No.6646582

So is this a pathetic, disgusting, horrible blogshit cesspool full of pathetic hsuks of people and morons trying to act alcoholic to fit in known as al/ck/ or is this thread actually about the type of alcohol we are currently drinking and enjoying? Seems like then former.

>> No.6646589
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an ice cold mickey's

>> No.6646592
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>tfw no longer abusing benzos (among other things) and everclear together

It's a long, tough road, but the first step is to give your booze to a friend because you don't have the willpower to throw it away on your own.

>> No.6646595

Why aren't you drinking it in 40 version, anon? Additionally, why isn't it a King Cobra, the GOAT malt liquor that's better tasting and cheaper than Mickey's, though Mickey's remains a close second?

>> No.6646599

it's like you've never heard of the drunken master tbh

>> No.6646600

>tfw keep an ativan on me at all times because bipolar, and if miss multiple doses of medication due to drinking too much and forgetting a gradual but intensifying relapse happens
>ativan stabilizes the mood swing super effectively, but since is scheduled is rare to come by so i ration quite intensely

Benzos were never meant to be abused. Why do such? I always found percocet to be GOAT scripts

>> No.6646609

is it worth it to trade an alcohol addiction for a pharma addiction? srs question from the US and A

>> No.6646620
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I've always preferred the 24oz cans idk why. I buy accordingly , I drink atleast 5 tallboys a night. And I also drink plenty of the cobra. I actually alternate them they're my favorites. Good taste my nigga.

>> No.6646627

I think you're confused, I was abusing them together. I drink 1-3 beers/shots maybe twice a week now, and the klonopin is down from 3 a day to 1 a day, and sometimes I go several days without taking. Unfortunately I still get panic attacks, so I do need it sometimes.

I tried Ativan and didn't like it. Mixing with alcohol almost ALWAYS led to a blackout, but with klonopin it's not nearly as guaranteed. I just recently started taking Lamictal and Buspirone too. Definitely do not want to go back to Everclear.

>> No.6646637
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My nig. I wish I had a cobra right now to join, you're keeping it solid wherever you are. I'll take a nicotine lozenge in your mamry bro.

Like I said, I don't abuse ativan, I rely upon it as an emergency savior. IMO stop using benzos as a high because they might save you from a panic attack at some point.

>> No.6646657

Klonopin is the only thing with a good high, but now I just save them for panic attacks or when I know I'm expecting to have anxiety over something (like going to a doctor's office full of people waiting). Ativan just wasn't as effective at dealing with the anxiety, but it does activate sooner.

>> No.6646672
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Does anyone else have a hard time getting "drunk" from wine? I've had an entire bottle of pic related tonight, with very little food, and while I feel pretty toasted and comfy, I'm not anything approaching as drunk as I would be from beer or liquor

>> No.6646677

Even though percentages and shit I'm a proponent of the idea that different liquors get you different amounts of drunk regardless of percentage

I've felt differences every time I've been drunk on different stuff since I was 16 but didn't realize it until later

Only thing I don't believe about it is tequila, all the fat bitches will be like "omg it fux me up more than anything lol" but it doesn't have much different in it than gin or vodka

>> No.6646712
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props mah nigga

>> No.6646719
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>mfw 2:48 a.m., alone

visiting /x/ is not a positive solo activity at night

going to drink more gin

>> No.6646723
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Get up on this, negro.

>> No.6646734

I'm gay for old adverts like this. It's clearly true that modern black people only drink Colt because it was marketed towards them back in the day, despite having inferior flavor to other malt liquor beverages in the market