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6600968 No.6600968 [Reply] [Original]

I dunno about you guys, but it's hot as shit where I live. What are your favorite summer cocktails? Preferably unique recipes that most people haven't heard of

>> No.6600980

Don't know about you, but I tried a Singapore Sling once while I was in Singapore. I'm not a cocktail person, but having one of those almost made the tropical heat and humidity bearable.

>> No.6600985

>summer cocktails
tequila sunrise all day erry day

>> No.6601054
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gin and tonic

>> No.6601069

I'm dying to try a mix of white rum, coconut water and pineapple juice maybe with a few slices of lime (would lime work with pineapple?). Maybe make ice cubes or crushed ice out of the coconut water?

I got some pineapple juice to mix with jagermeister (apparently that's a good cocktail) but I ended up getting hammered on chili schnapps and drinking the entire 70cl bottle of jagermeister straight. But today I cracked open the pineapple juice for something sweet to drink and it was really refreshing.

>> No.6601072
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>> No.6601122

Gin and tonics for myself, whatever looks interesting and tasty on the menu if I'm out.

One that sticks in my mind was something with mint and lychees and vodka but I don't remember the details.

>> No.6601129

I don't know where to find good tonic, it's always loaded with sugar.

>> No.6601133

Gin, lemon juice, honey, crushed sage. Shake together. Shit's pretty yummy.

>> No.6601151

Better than it having a sugar subsitute though.

The only tonic water I could find on Tesco's website that didn't have aspartame was Tesco Finest brand. It was about twice the normal price and didn't taste any better than I remember schweppes tasting.

It was worth it though. Chilled vodka and tonic with a slice of lemon or lime is perfect in hot weather.

>> No.6601172

Crown and sweet tea

>> No.6601200

>Better than it having a sugar subsitute though.

por que?

>> No.6601209

The correct answer is in your image. There's nothing better than a mint julep on a hot day.

Gin and tonics are dumb. Even if you mix the gin and tonic water 1:1, they basically taste like tonic water. Such a waste of gin. Sometimes I have iced tonic water and sip gin on the side, because the flavours do complement one another, but that's no cocktail.

>> No.6601299

Aspartame (and possibly Stevia) are (apparently) much worse than sugar, even dangerous. I've read some real horror stories about people getting brain tumors, autism, cancer and more. Aspartame is apparently some kind of industrial waste that, if they couldn't sell it as a sweetener, they'd have to spend a ton of money to dispose of safely. The only reason it was ever approved is because Monsanto has their claws deep in the FDA.

Now I can't be bothered to dig out the articles and studies that I read on this but I was convinced by those reports to the point where I'm just not going to risk it. I don't want to derail the thread so I'll just say eat/drink that stuff at your own risk.

>> No.6601304

Stevia can be grown in your backyard. Similar to mint. Dont talk out of your ass.

>> No.6601306

Tequila Bloody Mary
Beat the heat with the heat.

>> No.6601332

So can nightshade.

>> No.6601357

>can be grown in your backyard
>The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not approved stevia leaves or "crude stevia extracts" for use as food additives. Studies on stevia in those forms raise concerns about the control of blood sugar and effects on the reproductive, cardiovascular, and renal systems, the FDA warns.

>> No.6601488

singapore sling is the bomb yo, i hope you got it at raffles

>> No.6601541

Blue Motorcycle.

Same as a long island, but use blue curacao instead of triple sec and sprite instead of coke.

Fair warning, these motherfuckers will sneak up on you.

>> No.6601542
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A Campari Spritz with a nice wedge of orange

>> No.6601563

Aspartame isn't an industrial waste; Aspartame was also approved by the FDA for general consumption four years before Monsanto bought out G.D. Searle, the original manufacturer.

>> No.6601566

Schweppes bitter lemon
Tanqueray London dry

Highball glass.

>> No.6601587

Yeah no. Aspartame is one of the most researched sweeteners out there. It's pretty much harmless.
It's the creatine of the food world.

>> No.6601602

Clear sambucca with ice water.

>> No.6601612

2 shots Peach vodka
1 shot Grand marnier
1/4 lime, squeezed.
A lot Club soda

Called a Florida Georgia lime. I make mine pretty watered down so I can gulp it down like a mad cunt.

>> No.6601643

> I've read some real horror stories about people getting brain tumors, autism, cancer and more
Clearly caused by aspartame.
There's not the slightest chance any of the listed ailments were caused by something else.
I've also read some real horror stories about skinwalkers.

>Aspartame is apparently some kind of industrial waste
What industrial process produces aspartame as a waste product?
Even then, industrial waste is just a few steps from useful byproduct.
Consider yeast as an example. Once your beer's good, you're left with a nasty beer/yeast sludge.
Can't just dump the sludge into a river, but you can wash and filter the yeast, then sell it.

Other household items that could be considered industrial waste include chalk (calcium sulfate from fossil power plants), acetone (cumene proces), glycerine (soap making), drain cleaner (sodium hydroxide from electrolysis of brine), pectin (juicing of fruit), and so on.
You've been blinded by buzzwords. Start considering what the words mean, instead of repeating them like a potato.

>> No.6601648
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Tom Collins and pic related

>> No.6601700

aperol spritz?

>> No.6601717

Ford Cocktail

these are real summer coktails everything else is sugary bullshit for girls / americunts

>> No.6601813

>insults Americans while drinking one of our cocktails
You're not allowed to drink ford cocktails anymore.
I've been wanting to try a mint julip. Usually I just stick to whiskey sours though.

>> No.6602292


The problem is that there is an extremely powerful and unscupulous corporation with a massive financial interest in promoting aspartame. The chances that the studies you guys read were biased are far greater than the chances that the studies reporting aspartame as very dangerous were biased.

There is no motive for anyone to expose aspartame as dangerous, whereas the monsanto researchers (and the FDA) were likely pressured to approve the additive. There's vast sums of money involved and monsanto have a track record of lies and corruption.

How do you know tyhe studies/articles you read (saying aspartame is harmless) were honest whereas the studies I read (saying it's dangerous) were wrong? There seems to be two clear opposing sides and one has a profit motive whereas the other side is pure science.

You must be able to understand my concerns then, because some of the reported symptoms are pretty dire so why take the chance?

>> No.6602298

Looks like my tablet fucked up that link:


>> No.6602313

I will never open a yahoo answer link if that's you're source of information. Seriously fuck off with your Alex Jones shit

>> No.6602321


>> No.6602326

The top answer is a copy pasted report on aspartame that cites sources. Keep your head in the sand and keep drinking what monsanto tells you to though.

>alex jones shit
Yeah I was waiting for the accusations of tinfoil tto start flying. I must be CRAZY if I trust dozens of respected doctors and independent researchers with no motive to lie instead of good old monsanto who only stand to gain massive amounts of money from pushing that stuff with "science" and shills.

>> No.6602334


literally the best summery cocktail

>> No.6602336

Yeah which the most recent source is 1994. You are an idiot

>> No.6602342

A drink I call Black Death.

Highball glass filled with ice and equal parts vodka and soy sauce.

Because of the sodium in the soy sauce interacting with the body's chemistry the effect of the alcohol is tripled.

You will get FUCKED UP on these.

>> No.6602386

You're saying aspartame suddenly stopped being poisonous in 1995? And I'm the idiot? The science is still valid you dummy, data and experimental results don't have a shelf life like food does. 1994 is still the modern age, it's not like they were conducting those experiments in colonial times.

So research since then has "disproven" the results of the previous studies, well that's hardly a surprise when so much money is at stake and Donald Rumsfeld is waving his dick around.

But anyway, to avoid derailing the thread we'll have to agree to disagree. I'm not going to tell people what to eat (that's the FDA's job), I just think people should be aware that multiple independent studies showed aspartame to cause all kinds of serious neurological damage, and that the research opposing these findings has a good chance of being falsified for profit.

>> No.6602401

Co/ck/s, how do I appreciate bitters? I like the initial flavours, but then it's like drinking bitter asshole for the rest of the drink. Like with Campari, I think it's great for half a drink, and then I just can't finish it cause it's just nasty.

>> No.6602403

That just sounds fucking disgusting

>> No.6602423

Do you have any idea how much knowledge we have gained in the past 21 years? Look at the fucking device you're using. A lot of scientific studies have become fucking irrelevant with the passing of time. Show me one current and legitimate source that still supports anything from that yahoo answer link you posted

>> No.6602467

>I dunno about you guys, but it's hot as shit where I live. What are your favorite summer cocktails? Preferably unique recipes that most people haven't heard of
Hemingway: pink grapefruit, dark rum, lime, simple syrup or cane syrup if not using dark rum, ice. Blend. Egg white if you like foam. Add grenadine if you need more oompf, or a very cherries.

Banana daquiri is same as above, ripe bananas, dark rum, lime juice, sweeten as needed, ice and blend. Adding a hint of whatever else tropical you have around is fine too. Sometimes I get lazy and it's limeade concentrate, ice and rum.

I like a Squirt+tequila cocktail, bloody mary made with tequila (bloody maria) with a whirl of jalapeno and lots of ice, or a dark n stormy, as well. Easy to get ginger beer from jamaica where I live, it's everywhere.

>> No.6602489

power move

>> No.6602497

Do you have any idea how much shilling has advanced in the past 21 years? A company the size of Monsanto, Pfizer or Eli Lilly has the power to pull funding from virtually any laboratory that might harm their profits by pulling strings, calling in favours or with threats of lawsuits, until the only research that might oppose them is conducted by two guys in a basement working for free. Call me paranoid but it's common knowledge now, that big food and big pharma are in bed with the federal govt. and are firmly in control of the market.

I'm not going to look for a "current and legitimate source," not because I don't think they're out there but because, like I said in my last post, I don't want to derail this nice thread.

If you really want to continue this discussion, make a thread about it and post a link to it here (although I have stuff to do soon so it might be a slow one). Otherwise, let's agree to disagree and go back to discussing Summer Cocktails. No hard feelings.

>> No.6602507

That Hemingway Daquiri sounds great, and Hemingway is my surname so I can enjoy an unwarranted ego boost as I drink it! Gonna get the ingredients for that on monday.

General noob question now though, will an immersion blender blend ice? I assume it will but that's the only blender I have and I haven't used it once yet.

>> No.6602514

my faves:

Chopin (potato) & tonic w/lemon twist
Campari & soda w/orange wheel

>> No.6602540


rye with ice and bitters
winter you dont need the ice cuz its cold

>> No.6602581

>will an immersion blender blend ice?

The cheap homeowner ones are nowhere close to powerful enough.

The commercial ones can. But it also makes a tremendous mess with chunks of ice flying all over the kitchen.

>> No.6602589

you know right m8. a spritz with anything else than campari is not spritz. but i'm traditional, i keep going with the olive instead of the orange

>> No.6602602

>order Campari & soda
>get a Campari & Coca-Cola

I hate America

>> No.6602603

McAllan 18 or 15 on the rocks or neat
12 or 15 with soda.
St Germain with champagne or sparkling wine

>> No.6602613

Grapefruit radler with gin.

>> No.6602624

Where did you order this? Every bar I've ever been to knew soda didn't mean coke

>> No.6602629

Not him, but I've had that issue before. Someone ruined a 18 year scotch with coca cola. Sent it back told them to go fuck themselves

>> No.6602630

French 75

>> No.6602633


>> No.6602635

Cold brew some green tea, add bourbon, simple syrup and ice. I recommend it.

>> No.6602639

Soda Water
Lime Juice

>> No.6602650

Aspartame is literally two different amino groups and a methyl ester. What part of that is "industrial waste." Stop being a paranoid idiot.

>> No.6602671

Thanks. Well I don't want to lose an eye to flying ice so I guess I'll just crush it. Better add a bunch of freezer bags to my shopping list then.

Any tips on crushing ice? I figure I'll pop it in the freezer bag, put it on my kitchen counter and smash it with something hard and heavy like my marble chessboard. Is that realistic or is there a better way?

>> No.6602679

That's pretty nasty.

A friend of mine got an expensive 8 year old scotch and started drinking it with coca cola. I told him it should really only be mixed with water but he wouldn't listen. He gave me some which I enjoyed neat but I then had to bite my tongue as I watched him mix this whole 50cl bottle with coke like it was cheap rum.

I know what not to buy him for his birthday.

>> No.6602680

A skillet would probably be easier to hold while you're bashing the ice, no?

>> No.6602684


You can smash it in a bag, sure. Just make sure it's a tough bag as the smashing process will put holes in the bag.

>>marble chessboard
That sounds stupid. Use something less brittle than marble, unless you don't care about breaking your chessboard.

>>a better way
Yeah, a blender. Go get one.

>> No.6602691

Any cocktails I can make with cheese? I have so much leftover cheese.

>> No.6602697

What kind of cheese?

>> No.6602707

I have a lot of goat cheese, feta, and shredded mexican cheese mix (cheddar and jack cheese with spices)

>> No.6602717

Just get some wine and drink it while you eat the cheese, unless you want to make some kind of unholy gin and feta concoction
>post pics if you do though

>> No.6602803

Love me some Margaritas. I make them 2:1:1, shaken with ice, poured over more ice, half the rim salted. Fugg, now I know what I'm drinking this weekend.

Anybody have reccomendations for a good Margarita tequila in the $20-30? My go-to is Familia Camarena since it's the cheapest 100% de agave on the shelf, but I want to branch out.

>> No.6602963


Cheese is too hard to liquify. Just eat it by itself.

>> No.6602975

Green Gimble
Like a jack and coke, but with gin and Mt Dew.

>> No.6602989
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just blend up watermelon
and pour it over ice
add vodka maybe
so good!

>> No.6602991

we used to mix sake and soy sauce and call it a black samurai
and yes it was fucking disgusting.

>> No.6603012

drinking whiskey+ice+mellow yellow right now

p good mang

>> No.6603093
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Good bottle stores in Australia stock a small range of tonic water. Of what I've tried Fever Tree is probably my favourite (and one of the least sweet).

>> No.6603138

>General noob question now though, will an immersion blender blend ice? I assume it will but that's the only blender I have and I haven't used it once yet.
Might just get a towel and some ice, fold over the ice, and smash it up with a cast iron or rolling pin. Enjoy the sorta crushed ice. Tedious but works. Might be able to get a silver bullet or something else going. There's nothing wrong with it's being less frozen slushy and more "on the rocks" however.

>> No.6603156

Pisco sour: pisco, citrus juice (varies by recipe; pisco itself is from Peru/Chile, so whatever grows there would be most "authentic") simple syrup. Proportions vary in the recipes I saw. Shake everything vigorously with an egg white and ice cubes, then strain. Garnish with a spritz of Angostura bitters on top (seen fresh nutmeg too).

>> No.6603162

I make my g&t with Junipero gin, fever tree tonic, and fee orange bitters. Rinse home freezer ice to defunk. Great success!

>> No.6603166

Love Fever Tree. They also have a bitter lemon soda that's great for cocktails

>> No.6603172

Aperol spritzer
Aperol and soda water, garnish with whatever citrus you gots. Top with something fizzy like prosecco for extra fanciness.
You can sub Campari for the Aperol, too.

>> No.6603183

For a stupid beach bar drink, I love frozen piña coladas with Myer's dark rum.

>> No.6603237

>really want to make dark and stormys

But I have no idea where to get ginger beer, I've checked nearly all of the local stores and they have nothing. Is it a chain store dealio like ABC or is it in select places?

>> No.6603506

Sorry brah, but there is no good 8 year old scotch. 12 is minimum. You can mix stuff like red label, green label and gold with cola. Anything above 15 years is not mixable.

>> No.6603509

Where do you live?

Have you tried asking for ginger ale because it's the same thing but some places have different names for it.

If all else fails you can find it online but it's a bit unnecessary, unless you live in a warzone or a 3rd world hole I can't imagine that soft drink being too far away.

>> No.6603541

Fair enough, I don't know shit about scotch. 8 years sounds impressive to a grasshopper like me (and it was pretty expensive). I guess different people have different standards.

I tried Talisker once and holy shit that was smooth and smoky and gorgeous, the 8yo stuff was nowhere near, but it still seemed like a waste to me. If you're mixing with coke why not just use a cheap blend or some cheap vodka?

Even for low-tier commercial blends like Grants I'll use soda water and maybe a slice of lime (as I'm doing right now hehehe).

But holy shit. That first ever sip of Talisker... My tastebuds rarely make me laugh with joy but that was one of the times.

>> No.6603553

Rum pineapple and coconut water is really good. It's good with lime also, and you can even add papaya juice. I recently made that exact shit. Twas good. Even used flavored ice. What I realized is to only use coconut water ice if you also use coconut water liquid. Actually, fuck it, it's pointless to use flavored ice in cocktails. It doesn't melt fast enough to impart any flavor really. But, yeah, it is /paradiseasfuck/ tasting

>> No.6603606

Yeah, after thinking about it the coconut water ice seemed a bit pointless if you're drinking as fast as I do.

Looking forward to trying it, I love the tropical taste of all those ingredients. Got them all on my shopping list now.

Here's Harry Nilsson's take on the situation:

>> No.6603621

The perfect martini is the only cocktail you need.

>> No.6603644

If it was a blend, the age statement is restricted to the youngest whisky in the mix. That doesn't mean there aren't older whiskies amongst it, or that the end product isn't above being dumped in cola.

12 year is a false baseline, too. Talisker, Ardberg, and Laphroaig all produce good 10 year scotches that I find superior to (for instance) Glenfiddich's 12.

>> No.6603648

Nice recipe you posted there, 007.

I'm just messing but seriously, how would I make that?

>> No.6603653

>But I have no idea where to get ginger beer, I've checked nearly all of the local stores and they have nothing. Is it a chain store dealio like ABC or is it in select places?
They sell it at my Total Wine. If you have ABC probalby have some state run selections. Too bad. Craft ginger ales can be pretty nice, so many try a virgils or something from Whole Foods. Vernors is different, as well. But, what I buy comes out of jamaica or the bahamas. It's called ginger beer (think root beer), and it's got a darker color, and rather than the "Dry" of a schweppes or canada dry, it's sweet, but also hot as shit like fresh ginger or crystallized ginger. It's got burn. It's addictive and delicious. I'm going to suggest you whirl up some crystallized ginger or use it as a swizzler if you have to use dry ginger ale.

>> No.6603656

What do you have against cream of coconut? Geesh. Take this all the way!

>> No.6603663

I am
And I think it was a single malt that my friend was mixing with coke, that's why I was secretly offended and depressed by it.

It was delicious neat, that's my main gripe. But if my friend preferred it mixed, well, it was his booze.

>> No.6603669

Pretty sure bond has vodka martinis or something.
According to Winston Churchill I think, the perfect martini is
>one part gin
>wave it in the general direction of Italy

According to Wikipedia, it's equal parts sweet and dry vermouth in your martini.

>> No.6603674

Stirred, not shaken, whatever ratio of gin to vermouth you find best, poured into a pre-chilled glass, and, naturally, an olive.

Most people don't realise this, but one drop of orange bitters really helps bring the flavour out, too. Bitters is like the salt of cocktails.

>> No.6603698

There's no way I'm drinking gin neat again.

>> No.6603703

>churchill was drinking gin straight
>still won ww2

>> No.6603707

FFS just buy an ice pick, like five bucks on amazon

>> No.6603892
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jack roses are delicious for summertime. made my own grenadine with 1:1 pomegranate juice and sugar + a splash of orange blossom water, so much better than that rose's garbage

>> No.6603902

I heard the Churchill believed the key was to briefly glance at the vermouth from the other side of the room.

Not a big fan of the vermouth myself.

>> No.6603910

It's silly to call chilled gin garnished with olive a martini, though. I wouldn't even call that a cocktail.

>> No.6603925

Back when the berry sprite was around, I made a concoction of it, 99 Blackberries, and some raspberry pucker. It was tasty, but a little too sweet.

>> No.6604514

because people are crazy?
because people are dumb?
because people can't into dosage?

>your body produces more formaldehyde on its own
>there's more in fruits such as pears, apples, etc.
>it's needed for enzymes

>financial interest argument
and the sugar industry has a financial interest in sugar being used
and the sucralose industry has a financial interest in sucralose being used
It's a bullshit argument in a fucking capitalistic society

can't have anything to do with aspartame just being an easier and cheaper ingredient to work with than sugar.
It's being switched out for sucralose anyhow.

>> No.6604774

>ginger ale is the same thing
no its fucking not
ginger beer is significantly stronger flavored.
you should never sub ginger ale in for ginger beer.

>> No.6605066
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>mixing 18 yo scotch with anything
>being this pleb

>> No.6605069

mojitos at night
mimosas in the morning

>> No.6605088

>tom collins
>ramos gin fizz
>classic sidecar

>> No.6605095
File: 7 KB, 190x265, louis_great.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>referring to single malt whiskey as scotch
>being this pleb

>> No.6605105

What's a good non-alcoholic, very fruity drink for the summer? Something that tastes like a regular cocktail without being one?

[spoilers]Fuck my weak-liver and health issues[/spoilers]

>> No.6605110

Apple juice.
Orange juice.

>> No.6605120

This and Tanqueray makes the best Gin and Tonic. Dont forget lots of ice a dash of lemon juice.

>> No.6605125

>I was just quoting you
>you are still the idiot here

>> No.6605135


I was always told the 'perfect' martini by the book is: put ice in tin, add dry vermouth, shake vermouth, strain, add vodka (or gin bleh), shake to 60% dilution, strain in to a cocktail glass. I always garnish mine with a lemon twist but I think that part is preference. However, the perfect martini is however YOU like yours as a matter of opinion.

As far as the best summer cocktail, I would say anything with coconut water or tequila. Coconut water keeps you hydrated so that is probably the better option.
>3 parts coconut water, 2 parts ron zacapa, 1 part gran marnier or another orange liqueur, dash bitters dash swweet vermouth. It might change your life, so be careful.

>> No.6605146


Most cocktails traditionally require cracked ice not crushed. Just buy an icepick like >>6603707

>> No.6605208


muh nugguh

>> No.6605282
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I highly recommend a snakebite.

>> No.6605449

Glenfiddich 12 is on the level of red label. I would rather drink rubbing alcohol then glen. I talk only about single malts. I don't drink blends aside from black label. Which i mix with ice or club soda

>> No.6605472

pina colada

>> No.6605477

gin and tonics all the way

>> No.6605520


Mix lemonade and non alcoholic beer to make a shandy. They're all I drink during the summer tbh

>> No.6605529

dark side of the moon is better (blue moon and guinness)

>> No.6605541

Summer beer is what you drink in the summer if you're not planning on doing anything for the whole day.

>> No.6605544

I used to drink this by the gallon as a kid. Made me feel like a grown up.

>> No.6605645
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WELP, I tried. And they were pretty fucking good, but I think I was supposed to put more ice in.

>> No.6605648
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>> No.6605649

You want them pretty cold.
I also add some lime

>> No.6605654
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Op I make a lot of cocktails during the summer. I make flavored syrup out of fruit juice and sugar and go from there.

-blackberry cinnamon syrup (good with bourbon and gin)
-strawberry basil syrup (vodka)
-pineapple jalapeño syrup (tiquila)
-cranberry citrus vanilla (rum)
-raspberry chipotle syrup (vodka)

The recipe is super easy.

1 c juice
1 c sugar
1 teaspoon lemon or lime juice

Bring juice and lemon/ lime to a boil
Add sugar, storing to mix
Simmer 10 minutes

Then if you want, you can it in a boiling bath. That's what I do so I have several different syrups all year long.

Mix the syrup with the alcohol of your choice, place it in a glass with ice, top with soda water.
You can also make virgin drinks/ homemade soda with just syrup and soda water.

Pic is canned blackberry cinnamon syrup.

>> No.6605770

Bulldog gin
Soho lychee liquor (half shot, or just a capful...it's a strong flavor)

Garnish with lychees or longans.

>> No.6605884

That's a newfangled James Bond martini. Proper martinis are stirred, and are made with gin (or vodka bleh).

You don't want to be dissolving ice shards into it. You just want the ice to chill it. There's also something about the vermouth being "bruised" by shaking, but I've never seen that.

>> No.6607133


Sparkling lemonade with mint. Peach iced tea with mint.


Ginger ale is not the same as ginger beer. It's literally ginger beer for plebians who are too pussy for real ginger taste. The confusion is that some countries call 'beer' 'ale'.

>> No.6608113

Caipirinhas all day, every day.

>> No.6608124

that's a pina colada without ice

>> No.6608182

Horse's Neck.

Do it, faggot. It's the patrician drink of summertime climes.

>> No.6608723

just a general booze question, what can I mix with peppermint schapps that isnt hot coco or coffee?

>> No.6608728

Talking about summer cocktails without including pina coladas


This whole thread

Absolutely disgusting

>> No.6609090

You can make a Stinger with it. Technically it's supposed to be creme de menthe but six to one half a dozen to the other...mix peppermint liqueur of some kind with brandy or cognac (or, whatever, sometimes I mix vodka with it), serve straight up or on the rocks.

>> No.6609095

ctrl-f moscow mule, nothing...what. Ginger beer + vodka.

Here's one I like: muddle cucumbers, add aperol & white rum. Stir. Salt the rim. Add a slice of lime. Very refreshing.

>> No.6609108

Mix a little with blackberry brandy and shoot.

>> No.6609183

When it's hot I'm a sucker for a plain old no frills daiquiri.